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WMBUS: use _ instead of : as readings separator, better support for EnergyCam

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@6810 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
kaihs 2014-10-25 14:54:42 +00:00
parent 9928b0fa0a
commit c2cd49def2
2 changed files with 41 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- change: WMBUS: use _ instead of : as readings separator, better support for EnergyCam
- feature: new module 23_KOSTALPIKO added (john)
- feature: new module 98_HourCounter added, 99_UtilsHourCounter.pm added to contrib (john)
- added: MYSENSORS: connect to serial or Ethernet MySensors Gateway

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@ -13,30 +13,6 @@ use SetExtensions;
use WMBus;
#my %defaultAttrs = (
# # manufacturer
# FFD => { # FastForward AG, EnergyCam
# # type
# 2 => [ # electricity
# # fhem commands to execute
# 'attr %D% userreading energy:1:value { ReadingsVal("%D%","1:value",0)/1000 . " kWh";; }',
# 'attr %D% stateformat {ReadingsVal("%D%","energy","") . " " . ReadingsTimestamp("%D%","energy","");;}',
# ],
# 3 => [ # gas
# # fhem commands to execute
# 'attr %D% userreading volume:1:value { ReadingsVal("%D%","1:value",0) . " " . ReadingsVal("%D%","1:unit","");; }',
# 'attr %D% stateformat {ReadingsVal("%D%","volume","") . " " . ReadingsTimestamp("%D%","volume","");;}',
# ],
# 7 => [ # water
# # fhem commands to execute
# 'attr %D% userreading volume:1:value { ReadingsVal("%D%","1:value",0) . " " . ReadingsVal("%D%","1:unit","");; }',
# 'attr %D% stateformat {ReadingsVal("%D%","volume","") . " " . ReadingsTimestamp("%D%","volume","");;}',
# ],
# }
sub WMBUS_Parse($$);
sub WMBUS_SetReadings($$$);
sub WMBUS_SetRSSI($$$);
@ -306,15 +282,18 @@ sub WMBUS_SetReadings($$$)
my $dataBlock;
for $dataBlock ( @$dataBlocks ) {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "$dataBlock->{number}:storage_no", $dataBlock->{storageNo});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "$dataBlock->{number}:type", $dataBlock->{type});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "$dataBlock->{number}:value", $dataBlock->{value});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "$dataBlock->{number}:unit", $dataBlock->{unit});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "$dataBlock->{number}_storage_no", $dataBlock->{storageNo});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "$dataBlock->{number}_type", $dataBlock->{type});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "$dataBlock->{number}_value", $dataBlock->{value});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "$dataBlock->{number}_unit", $dataBlock->{unit});
if ($dataBlock->{errormsg}) {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "$dataBlock->{number}:errormsg", $dataBlock->{errormsg});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "$dataBlock->{number}_errormsg", $dataBlock->{errormsg});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "battery", $mb->{status} & 4 ? "low" : "ok");
WMBUS_SetDeviceSpecificReadings($hash, $name, $mb);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "is_encrypted", $mb->{isEncrypted});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "decryption_ok", $mb->{decrypted});
@ -330,6 +309,27 @@ sub WMBUS_SetReadings($$$)
sub WMBUS_SetDeviceSpecificReadings($$$)
my ($hash, $name, $mb) = @_;
if ($mb->{manufacturer} eq 'FFD') {
# Fast Forward AG
if ($mb->{afield_ver} == 1) {
if ($mb->{afield_type} == 2) {
# electricity
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "energy", ReadingsVal($name, "1_value", 0) / 1000);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "unit", "kWh");
} elsif ($mb->{afield_type} == 3 || $mb->{afield_type} == 7) {
# gas/water
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "volume", ReadingsVal($name, "1_value", 0));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "unit", "m³");
@ -459,9 +459,9 @@ WMBUS_Attr(@)
The readings are generated in blocks starting with block 1. A meter can send several data blocks.
Each block has at least a type, a value and a unit, e.g. for an electricity meter it might look like<br>
<code>1:type VIF_ELECTRIC_ENERGY</code><br>
<code>1:unit Wh</code><br>
<code>1:value 2948787</code><br>
<code>1_type VIF_ELECTRIC_ENERGY</code><br>
<code>1_unit Wh</code><br>
<code>1_value 2948787</code><br>
There is also a fixed set of readings.
@ -469,7 +469,9 @@ WMBUS_Attr(@)
<li><code>is_encrypted</code> is 1 if the received message is encrypted.</li>
<li><code>decryption_ok</code> is 1 if a message has either been successfully decrypted or if it is unencrypted.</li>
<li><code>state</code> contains the state of the meter and may contain error message like battery low. Normally it contains 'no error'.</li>
<li><code>battery</code> contains ok or low.
For some well known devices specific readings like the energy consumption in kWh created.
@ -564,9 +566,9 @@ WMBUS_Attr(@)
Die Readings werden als Block dargestellt, beginnend mit Block 1. Ein Z&auml;hler kann mehrere Bl&ouml;cke senden.
Jeder Block enth&auml;lt zumindest einen Typ, einen Wert und eine Einheit. F&uuml;r einen Elektrizit&auml;tsz&auml;hler k&ouml;nnte das z. B. so aussehen<br>
<code>1:type VIF_ELECTRIC_ENERGY</code><br>
<code>1:unit Wh</code><br>
<code>1:value 2948787</code><br>
<code>1_type VIF_ELECTRIC_ENERGY</code><br>
<code>1_unit Wh</code><br>
<code>1_value 2948787</code><br>
Es gibt auch eine Anzahl von festen Readings.
@ -574,7 +576,9 @@ WMBUS_Attr(@)
<li><code>is_encrypted</code> ist 1 wenn die empfangene Nachricht verschl&uuml;sselt ist.</li>
<li><code>decryption_ok</code> ist 1 wenn die Nachricht entweder erfolgreich entschl&uuml;sselt wurde oder gar nicht verschl&uuml;sselt war.</li>
<li><code>state</code> enth&auml;lt den Status des Z&auml;hlers und kann Fehlermeldungen wie 'battery low' enthalten. Normalerweise ist der Wert 'no error'.</li>
<li><code>battery</code> enth&auml;lt ok oder low.
Für einige bekannte Gerätetypen werden zusätzliche Readings wie der Energieverbrauch in kWh erzeugt.