mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-03 16:56:54 +00:00

76_SolarForecast.pm: contrib 0.68.2

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@26417 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
nasseeder1 2022-09-18 06:07:33 +00:00
parent aecf151b7f
commit c10a2318c8

View File

@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ BEGIN {
# Versions History intern
my %vNotesIntern = (
"0.68.2 "=> "18.09.2022 fix function _setpvCorrectionFactorAuto ",
"0.68.1 "=> "17.09.2022 new readings Today_MaxPVforecast, Today_MaxPVforecastTime ",
"0.68.0 "=> "15.09.2022 integrate SolCast API, change attribute Wh/kWh to Wh_kWh, rename Reading nextPolltime to ".
"nextCycletime, rework plant config check, minor (bug)fixes ",
@ -568,7 +569,9 @@ my $calcmaxd = 30;
my @dweattrmust = qw(TTT Neff R101 ww SunUp SunRise SunSet); # Werte die im Attr forecastProperties des Weather-DWD_Opendata Devices mindestens gesetzt sein müssen
my @draattrmust = qw(Rad1h); # Werte die im Attr forecastProperties des Radiation-DWD_Opendata Devices mindestens gesetzt sein müssen
my $whistrepeat = 900; # Wiederholungsintervall Cache File Daten schreiben
my $scapirepeat = 3600; # Abrufintervall SolCast API
my $apirepetdef = 3600; # default Abrufintervall SolCast API
my $apimaxreqs = 50; # max. täglich mögliche Requests SolCast API
my $prdef = 0.85; # default Performance Ratio (PR)
my $tempcoeffdef = -0.45; # default Temperaturkoeffizient Pmpp (%/°C) lt. Datenblatt Solarzelle
@ -1441,6 +1444,12 @@ sub _setpvCorrectionFactorAuto { ## no critic "not used"
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "pvCorrectionFactor_Auto", $prop, 1);
if($prop eq "off") {
for my $n (1..24) {
$n = sprintf "%02d", $n;
my $rv = ReadingsVal ($name, "pvCorrectionFactor_${n}", "");
deleteReadingspec ($hash, "pvCorrectionFactor_${n}.*") if($rv !~ /manual/xs);
deleteReadingspec ($hash, "pvCorrectionFactor_.*_autocalc");
@ -1745,9 +1754,9 @@ sub _getRoofTopData {
my $lrt = SolCastAPIVal ($hash, '?All', '?All', 'lastretrieval_timestamp', 0);
if ($lrt && $t < $lrt + $scapirepeat) {
my $rt = $lrt + $scapirepeat - $t;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'nextSolCastCall', $hqtxt{after}{$lang}.' '.(timestampToTimestring ($lrt + $scapirepeat))[0], 1);
if ($lrt && $t < $lrt + $apirepetdef) {
my $rt = $lrt + $apirepetdef - $t;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'nextSolCastCall', $hqtxt{after}{$lang}.' '.(timestampToTimestring ($lrt + $apirepetdef))[0], 1);
return qq{The waiting time to the next SolCast API call has not expired yet. The remaining waiting time is $rt seconds};
@ -1938,10 +1947,10 @@ sub __solCast_ApiResponse {
my $t = time;
___setLastAPIcalltime ($hash, $t);
___setLastAPIcallKeyData ($hash, $t);
my $lrt = SolCastAPIVal ($hash, '?All', '?All', 'lastretrieval_timestamp', $t);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'nextSolCastCall', 'after '.(timestampToTimestring ($lrt + $scapirepeat))[0], 1);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'nextSolCastCall', 'after '.(timestampToTimestring ($lrt + $apirepetdef))[0], 1);
my $param = {
hash => $hash,
@ -1996,10 +2005,10 @@ return ($err, $starttmstr);
# Zeitstempel letzter Abruf SolCast API setzen
# Kennzahlen des letzten Abruf SolCast API setzen
# $t - Unix Timestamp
sub ___setLastAPIcalltime {
sub ___setLastAPIcallKeyData {
my $hash = shift;
my $t = shift // time;
@ -2009,7 +2018,11 @@ sub ___setLastAPIcalltime {
$data{$type}{$name}{solcastapi}{'?All'}{'?All'}{lastretrieval_time} = (timestampToTimestring ($t))[3]; # letzte Abrufzeit
$data{$type}{$name}{solcastapi}{'?All'}{'?All'}{lastretrieval_timestamp} = $t; # letzter Abrufzeitstempel
$data{$type}{$name}{current}{todaySolCastAPIcalls} += 1;
$data{$type}{$name}{solcastapi}{'?All'}{'?All'}{todaySolCastAPIcalls} += 1;
my $asc = CurrentVal ($hash, 'allstringscount', 1); # Anzahl der Strings
my $madr = $apimaxreqs / $asc; # max. tägliche Anzahl API Abrufe
my $darr = $apimaxreqs - SolCastAPIVal ($hash, '?All', '?All', 'todaySolCastAPIcalls', 0); # verbleibende SolCast API Calls am aktuellen Tag
@ -2686,6 +2699,7 @@ sub createStringConfig { ## no critic "not used"
delete $data{$type}{$name}{strings}; # Stringhash zurücksetzen
my @istrings = split ",", ReadingsVal ($name, "inverterStrings", undef); # Stringbezeichner
$data{$type}{$name}{current}{allstringscount} = scalar @istrings; # Anzahl der Anlagenstrings
if(!@istrings) {
return qq{Define all used strings with command "set $name inverterStrings" first.};
@ -2876,7 +2890,7 @@ sub _specialActivities {
delete $hash->{HELPER}{INITCONTOTAL};
delete $hash->{HELPER}{INITFEEDTOTAL};
delete $data{$type}{$name}{current}{todaySolCastAPIcalls};
delete $data{$type}{$name}{solcastapi}{'?All'}{'?All'}{todaySolCastAPIcalls};
delete $data{$type}{$name}{current}{todayMaxEstValue};
delete $data{$type}{$name}{current}{todayMaxEstTimestamp};
@ -3524,8 +3538,7 @@ sub _calcMaxEstimateToday {
my $stt = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'starttime', '');
next if(!$stt);
$maxest = $pvfc;
$data{$type}{$name}{current}{todayMaxEstValue} = $maxest;
$data{$type}{$name}{current}{todayMaxEstValue} = $pvfc;
$data{$type}{$name}{current}{todayMaxEstTimestamp} = timestringToTimestamp ($stt);
@ -9026,6 +9039,7 @@ return $def;
# tomorrowconsumption - Verbrauch des kommenden Tages
# invertercapacity - Bemessungsleistung der Wechselrichters (max. W)
# allstringspeak - Peakleistung aller Strings nach temperaturabhängiger Korrektur
# allstringscount - aktuelle Anzahl der Anlagenstrings
# todayMaxEstTimestamp - Zeitstempel des erwarteten maximalen PV Ertrages am aktuellen Tag
# todayMaxEstValue - Wert (Wh) des erwarteten maximalen PV Ertrages am aktuellen Tag
# tomorrowconsumption - erwarteter Gesamtverbrauch am morgigen Tag