mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-03 16:56:54 +00:00

49_SSCam: optimize _oPrunliveview

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@22767 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
nasseeder1 2020-09-13 19:32:38 +00:00
parent 4c56b63774
commit bd871624e2

View File

@ -164,6 +164,8 @@ BEGIN {
# Versions History intern
my %vNotesIntern = (
"9.7.17" => "13.09.2020 optimize _oPrunliveview ",
"9.7.16" => "12.09.2020 function _oPrunliveview to execute livestream (no snap / HLS) in new camOp variant ",
"9.7.15" => "12.09.2020 changed audiolink handling to new execution variant in camOp ",
"9.7.14" => "10.09.2020 bugfix in reactivation HLS streaming ",
"9.7.13" => "10.09.2020 optimize liveview handling ",
@ -3746,6 +3748,16 @@ sub __runLiveview {
} else {
delete $hash->{HELPER}{AUDIOLINK};
if($hash->{HELPER}{API}{VIDEOSTMS}{VER}) { # API "SYNO.SurveillanceStation.VideoStream" vorhanden ? (removed ab API v2.8)
$hash->{HELPER}{CALL}{PART} = qq{api=_NAME_&version=_VER_&method=Stream&cameraId=_CID_&format=mjpeg&_sid=_SID_};
} else {
my $lrecid = ReadingsVal("$name", "CamLastRecId", 0);
$hash->{HELPER}{CALL}{VKEY} = "STM";
$hash->{HELPER}{CALL}{PART} = qq{api=_NAME_&version=_VER_&method=EventStream&eventId=$lrecid&timestamp=1&_sid=_SID_};
@ -5849,74 +5861,23 @@ return camOp($hash);
# Ausführung Operation
sub camOp {
my $hash = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $apicam = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{CAM}{NAME}; # SYNO.SurveillanceStation.Camera
my $apicampath = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{CAM}{PATH};
my $apicamver = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{CAM}{VER};
my $apiextrec = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{EXTREC}{NAME}; # SYNO.SurveillanceStation.ExternalRecording
my $apiextrecpath = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{EXTREC}{PATH};
my $apiextrecver = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{EXTREC}{VER};
my $apiextevt = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{EXTEVT}{NAME}; # SYNO.SurveillanceStation.ExternalEvent
my $apiextevtpath = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{EXTEVT}{PATH};
my $apiextevtver = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{EXTEVT}{VER};
my $apitakesnap = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{SNAPSHOT}{NAME}; # SYNO.SurveillanceStation.SnapShot
my $apitakesnappath = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{SNAPSHOT}{PATH};
my $apitakesnapver = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{SNAPSHOT}{VER};
my $apiptz = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{PTZ}{NAME}; # SYNO.SurveillanceStation.PTZ
my $apiptzpath = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{PTZ}{PATH};
my $apiptzver = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{PTZ}{VER};
my $apipreset = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{PRESET}{NAME}; # SYNO.SurveillanceStation.PTZ.Preset
my $apipresetpath = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{PRESET}{PATH};
my $apipresetver = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{PRESET}{VER};
my $apisvsinfo = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{SVSINFO}{NAME}; # SYNO.SurveillanceStation.Info
my $apisvsinfopath = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{SVSINFO}{PATH};
my $apisvsinfover = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{SVSINFO}{VER};
my $apicamevent = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{CAMEVENT}{NAME}; # SYNO.SurveillanceStation.Camera.Event
my $apicameventpath = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{CAMEVENT}{PATH};
my $apicameventver = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{CAMEVENT}{VER};
my $apievent = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{EVENT}{NAME}; # SYNO.SurveillanceStation.Event
my $apieventpath = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{EVENT}{PATH};
my $apieventver = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{EVENT}{VER};
my $apivideostm = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{VIDEOSTM}{NAME}; # SYNO.SurveillanceStation.VideoStreaming
my $apivideostmpath = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{VIDEOSTM}{PATH};
my $apivideostmver = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{VIDEOSTM}{VER};
my $apiaudiostm = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{AUDIOSTM}{NAME}; # SYNO.SurveillanceStation.AudioStream
my $apiaudiostmpath = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{AUDIOSTM}{PATH};
my $apiaudiostmver = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{AUDIOSTM}{VER};
my $apistm = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{STM}{NAME}; # SYNO.SurveillanceStation.Stream
my $apistmpath = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{STM}{PATH};
my $apistmver = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{STM}{VER};
my $apihm = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{HMODE}{NAME}; # SYNO.SurveillanceStation.HomeMode
my $apihmpath = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{HMODE}{PATH};
my $apihmver = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{HMODE}{VER};
my $apilog = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{LOG}{NAME}; # SYNO.SurveillanceStation.Log
my $apilogpath = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{LOG}{PATH};
my $apilogver = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{LOG}{VER};
my $apivideostms = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{VIDEOSTMS}{NAME}; # SYNO.SurveillanceStation.VideoStream
my $apivideostmspath = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{VIDEOSTMS}{PATH};
my $apivideostmsver = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{VIDEOSTMS}{VER};
my $apirec = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{REC}{NAME}; # SYNO.SurveillanceStation.Recording
my $apirecpath = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{REC}{PATH};
my $apirecver = $hash->{HELPER}{API}{REC}{VER};
my $sid = $hash->{HELPER}{SID};
my $OpMode = $hash->{OPMODE};
my $camid = $hash->{CAMID};
my $proto = $hash->{PROTOCOL};
my $serveraddr = $hash->{SERVERADDR};
my $serverport = $hash->{SERVERPORT};
my ($exturl,$winname,$attr,$room);
my $url;
my $hash = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $OpMode = $hash->{OPMODE};
my $proto = $hash->{PROTOCOL};
my $serveraddr = $hash->{SERVERADDR};
my $serverport = $hash->{SERVERPORT};
my ($url,$part,$vkey);
Log3($name, 4, "$name - --- Start $OpMode ---");
my $httptimeout = AttrVal($name, "httptimeout", $todef);
if($hash->{HELPER}{CALL}) { # neue camOp Ausführungsvariante
my $vkey = delete $hash->{HELPER}{CALL}{VKEY}; # API Key Video Parts
my $head = delete $hash->{HELPER}{CALL}{HEAD}; # vom Standard abweichende Serveradresse / Port
my $part = delete $hash->{HELPER}{CALL}{PART}; # URL-Teilstring ohne Startsequenz (Server, Port, ...)
if($hash->{HELPER}{CALL}) { # neue camOp Videosteuerung Ausführungsvariante
$vkey = delete $hash->{HELPER}{CALL}{VKEY}; # API Key Video Parts
my $head = delete $hash->{HELPER}{CALL}{HEAD}; # vom Standard abweichende Serveradresse / Port (z.B. bei external)
$part = delete $hash->{HELPER}{CALL}{PART}; # URL-Teilstring ohne Startsequenz (Server, Port, ...)
my $to = delete $hash->{HELPER}{CALL}{TO} // 0; # evtl. zuätzlicher Timeout Add-On
delete $hash->{HELPER}{CALL};
@ -5935,9 +5896,9 @@ sub camOp {
if($hash->{HELPER}{ACALL}) { # neue camOp Audio Ausführungsvariante
my $akey = delete $hash->{HELPER}{CALL}{AKEY}; # API Key Audio Parts
my $apart = delete $hash->{HELPER}{CALL}{APART}; # URL-Teilstring Audio
if($hash->{HELPER}{ACALL}) { # neue camOp Audiosteuerung Ausführungsvariante
my $akey = delete $hash->{HELPER}{ACALL}{AKEY}; # API Key Audio Parts
my $apart = delete $hash->{HELPER}{ACALL}{APART}; # URL-Teilstring Audio
delete $hash->{HELPER}{ACALL};
$apart =~ s/_ANAME_/$hash->{HELPER}{API}{$akey}{NAME}/x;
@ -5949,53 +5910,8 @@ sub camOp {
if ($OpMode eq "runliveview" && $hash->{HELPER}{RUNVIEW} !~ m/snap|^live_.*hls$/x) {
$exturl = AttrVal($name, "livestreamprefix", "$proto://$serveraddr:$serverport");
$exturl = ($exturl eq "DEF") ? "$proto://$serveraddr:$serverport" : $exturl;
if ($hash->{HELPER}{RUNVIEW} =~ m/live/x) {
if($apivideostmsver) { # API "SYNO.SurveillanceStation.VideoStream" vorhanden ? (removed ab API v2.8)
$exturl .= "/webapi/$apivideostmspath?api=$apivideostms&version=$apivideostmsver&method=Stream&cameraId=$camid&format=mjpeg&_sid=$sid"; # externe URL
$url = "$proto://$serveraddr:$serverport/webapi/$apivideostmspath?api=$apivideostms&version=$apivideostmsver&method=Stream&cameraId=$camid&format=mjpeg&_sid=$sid"; # interne URL
} elsif ($hash->{HELPER}{STMKEYMJPEGHTTP}) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"LiveStreamUrl", $exturl, 1) if(AttrVal($name, "showStmInfoFull", undef));
} else { # Abspielen der letzten Aufnahme (EventId)
my $lrecid = ReadingsVal("$name", "CamLastRecId", 0);
if($lrecid) {
# externe URL in Reading setzen
$exturl .= "/webapi/$apistmpath?api=$apistm&version=$apistmver&method=EventStream&eventId=$lrecid&timestamp=1&_sid=$sid";
# interne URL
$url = "$proto://$serveraddr:$serverport/webapi/$apistmpath?api=$apistm&version=$apistmver&method=EventStream&eventId=$lrecid&timestamp=1&_sid=$sid";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"LiveStreamUrl", $exturl, 1) if(AttrVal($name, "showStmInfoFull", 0));
$hash->{HELPER}{LINK} = $url; # Liveview-Link in Hash speichern
Log3($name, 4, "$name - Set Streaming-URL: $url");
if ($hash->{HELPER}{OPENWINDOW}) { # livestream sofort in neuem Browsertab öffnen
$winname = $name."_view";
$attr = AttrVal($name, "htmlattr", "");
if ($hash->{HELPER}{VIEWOPENROOM}) { # öffnen streamwindow für die Instanz die "VIEWOPENROOM" oder Attr "room" aktuell geöffnet hat
$room = $hash->{HELPER}{VIEWOPENROOM};
map {FW_directNotify("FILTER=room=$room", "#FHEMWEB:$_", "window.open ('$url','$winname','$attr')", "")} devspec2array("TYPE=FHEMWEB"); ## no critic 'void context'
} else {
map {FW_directNotify("#FHEMWEB:$_", "window.open ('$url','$winname','$attr')", "")} devspec2array("TYPE=FHEMWEB"); ## no critic 'void context'
roomRefresh($hash,0,1,1); # kein Room-Refresh, SSCam-state-Event, SSCamSTRM-Event
_oPrunliveview ($hash, $part, $vkey);
Log3($name, 5, "$name - HTTP-Call will be done with httptimeout-Value: $httptimeout s");
@ -6014,6 +5930,66 @@ sub camOp {
# camOp runliveview
# wird bei runliveview aufgerufen wenn nicht Anzeige Snaps
# oder kein HLS-Stream aktiviert werden soll
sub _oPrunliveview {
my $hash = shift // return;
my $part = shift // return;
my $vkey = shift // return;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $proto = $hash->{PROTOCOL};
my $serveraddr = $hash->{SERVERADDR};
my $serverport = $hash->{SERVERPORT};
my $url;
my $exturl = AttrVal($name, "livestreamprefix", "$proto://$serveraddr:$serverport"); # externe URL
$exturl = ($exturl eq "DEF") ? "$proto://$serveraddr:$serverport" : $exturl;
if ($hash->{HELPER}{RUNVIEW} =~ m/live/x) {
if($part) { # API "SYNO.SurveillanceStation.VideoStream" vorhanden ? (removed ab API v2.8)
$exturl .= qq{/webapi/$hash->{HELPER}{API}{$vkey}{PATH}?}.$part;
$url = qq{$proto://$serveraddr:$serverport/webapi/$hash->{HELPER}{API}{$vkey}{PATH}?}.$part; # interne URL
} elsif ($hash->{HELPER}{STMKEYMJPEGHTTP}) {
} else { # Abspielen der letzten Aufnahme (EventId)
$exturl .= qq{/webapi/$hash->{HELPER}{API}{$vkey}{PATH}?}.$part;
$url = qq{$proto://$serveraddr:$serverport/webapi/$hash->{HELPER}{API}{$vkey}{PATH}?}.$part; # interne URL
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"LiveStreamUrl", $exturl, 1) if(AttrVal($name, "showStmInfoFull", 0));
$hash->{HELPER}{LINK} = $url; # Liveview-Link in Hash speichern
Log3($name, 4, "$name - Set Streaming-URL: $url");
if ($hash->{HELPER}{OPENWINDOW}) { # livestream sofort in neuem Browsertab öffnen
my $winname = $name."_view";
my $attr = AttrVal($name, "htmlattr", "");
if ($hash->{HELPER}{VIEWOPENROOM}) { # öffnen streamwindow für die Instanz die "VIEWOPENROOM" oder Attr "room" aktuell geöffnet hat
my $room = $hash->{HELPER}{VIEWOPENROOM};
map {FW_directNotify("FILTER=room=$room", "#FHEMWEB:$_", "window.open ('$url','$winname','$attr')", "")} devspec2array("TYPE=FHEMWEB"); ## no critic 'void context'
} else {
map {FW_directNotify("#FHEMWEB:$_", "window.open ('$url','$winname','$attr')", "")} devspec2array("TYPE=FHEMWEB"); ## no critic 'void context'
roomRefresh($hash,0,1,1); # kein Room-Refresh, SSCam-state-Event, SSCamSTRM-Event
# Check ob Kameraoperation erfolgreich wie in "OpMOde" definiert