mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-03 16:56:54 +00:00

contrib/InfoPanel: updated

added: handling for bgimages
added: commandref

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@7891 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
betateilchen 2015-02-06 11:50:35 +00:00
parent 7fa953736d
commit bb561ce51c

View File

@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ sub btIP_itemTrash;
sub btIP_color;
sub btIP_xy;
sub btIP_changeColor;
sub btIP_FileRead;
sub btIP_ReturnSVG($);
sub btIP_evalLayout($$@);
@ -83,21 +84,15 @@ sub InfoPanel_Initialize($) {
$hash->{DefFn} = "btIP_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "btIP_Undef";
#$hash->{AttrFn} = "btIP_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:0,1 autoreload:1,0 bg bgcolor refresh size title tmin";
$hash->{AttrList} = "autoreread:1,0 bgcenter:1,0 bgcolor bgdir refresh size title tmin";
$hash->{SetFn} = "btIP_Set";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "btIP_Notify";
return undef;
sub btIP_Define($$) {
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t]+", $def);
return "Usage: define <name> InfoPanel filename" if(int(@a) != 3);
my $name= $a[0];
my $filename= $a[2];
@ -106,9 +101,11 @@ sub btIP_Define($$) {
$hash->{fhem}{div} = '';
$hash->{LAYOUTFILE} = $filename;
$hash->{STATE} = 'defined';
# $hash->{STATE} = 'defined';
return undef;
@ -278,21 +275,8 @@ sub btIP_itemImg {
my ($counter,$data,$info,$width,$height,$mimetype,$output);
if($srctype eq 'file') {
Log3(undef,4,"InfoPanel: looking for img $arg");
Log3(undef,4,"InfoPanel: reading from configDB");
($data,$counter) = _cfgDB_Fileexport($arg,1);
if(!$counter) {
Log3(undef,4,"InfoPanel: reading from filesystem");
my $length = -s "$arg";
open(GRAFIK, "<", $arg) or die("File not found $!");
$counter = read(GRAFIK, $data, $length);
($counter,$data) = btIP_FileRead($arg);
return unless $counter;
} elsif ($srctype eq "url" || $srctype eq "urlq") {
if($srctype eq "url") {
$data= GetFileFromURL($arg,3,undef,1);
@ -302,7 +286,7 @@ sub btIP_itemImg {
} elsif ($srctype eq 'data') {
$data = $arg;
} else {
Log3(undef,2,"InfoPanel: unknown sourcetype for image tag");
Log3(undef,4,"InfoPanel: unknown sourcetype $srctype for image tag");
return "";
@ -563,22 +547,45 @@ sub btIP_xy {
sub btIP_changeColor {
my($file,$oldcolor,$newcolor) = @_;
my ($data,$readBytes);
my $length = -s "$file";
open(GRAFIK, "<", $file) or die("File not found $!");
$readBytes = read(GRAFIK, $data, $length);
Log3(undef,4,"InfoPanel: read file $file for changeColor");
my ($counter,$data) = btIP_FileRead($file);
return unless $counter;
if($newcolor =~ /[[:xdigit:]]{6}/) {
Log3(undef,4,"Infopanel: changing color from $oldcolor to $newcolor");
Log3(undef,4,"InfoPanel: changing color from $oldcolor to $newcolor");
$data =~ s/fill="#$oldcolor"/fill="#$newcolor"/g;
$data =~ s/fill:#$oldcolor/fill:#$newcolor/g;
} else {
Log3(undef,4,"Infopanel: invalid rgb value for changeColor!");
Log3(undef,4,"InfoPanel: invalid rgb value for changeColor!");
return $data;
sub btIP_FileRead {
my ($file) = @_;
my ($data,$counter);
Log3(undef,4,"InfoPanel: looking for img $file");
Log3(undef,4,"InfoPanel: reading from configDB");
($data,$counter) = _cfgDB_Fileexport($file,1);
Log3(undef,4,"InfoPanel: file not found in database") unless $counter;
if(!$counter) {
Log3(undef,4,"InfoPanel: reading from filesystem");
my $length = -s "$file";
open(GRAFIK, "<", $file) or die("File not found $!");
$counter = read(GRAFIK, $data, $length);
Log3(undef,4,"InfoPanel: file not found in filesystem") unless $counter;
return "" unless $counter;
Log3(undef,4,"InfoPanel: file found.");
return ($counter,$data);
# create SVG content
@ -599,7 +606,7 @@ sub btIP_returnSVG($) {
my ($width,$height)= split(/x/, AttrVal($name,"size","800x600"));
my $bgcolor = AttrVal($name,'bgcolor','000000');
my $output = "";
our $svg = "";
eval {
@ -613,7 +620,7 @@ sub btIP_returnSVG($) {
# set the background
# check if background directory is set
my $reason= "?"; # remember reason for undefined image
my $bgdir= AttrVal($name,"bg","undef");
my $bgdir= AttrVal($name,"bgdir","undef");
my $bgnr; # item number
if(defined($defs{$name}{fhem}) && defined($defs{$name}{fhem}{bgnr})) {
@ -632,63 +639,39 @@ sub btIP_returnSVG($) {
$defs{$name}{fhem}{t}= $t1;
# detect pictures
# if(opendir(BGDIR, $bgdir)){
# my @bgfiles= grep {$_ !~ /^\./} readdir(BGDIR);
# #foreach my $f (@bgfiles) {
# # Debug sprintf("File \"%s\"\n", $f);
# #}
# closedir(BGDIR);
# # get item number
# if($#bgfiles>=0) {
# if($bgnr > $#bgfiles) { $bgnr= 0; }
# $defs{$name}{fhem}{bgnr}= $bgnr;
# my $bgfile= $bgdir . "/" . $bgfiles[$bgnr];
# my $filetype =(split(/\./,$bgfile))[-1];
# my $bg;
# $bg= newFromGif GD::Image($bgfile) if $filetype =~ m/^gif$/i;
# $bg= newFromJpeg GD::Image($bgfile) if $filetype =~ m/^jpe?g$/i;
# $bg= newFromPng GD::Image($bgfile) if $filetype =~ m/^png$/i;
# if(defined($bg)) {
# my ($bgwidth,$bgheight)= $bg->getBounds();
# if($bgwidth != $width or $bgheight != $height) {
# # we need to resize
# my ($w,$h);
# my ($u,$v)= ($bgwidth/$width, $bgheight/$height);
# if($u>$v) {
# $w= $width;
# $h= $bgheight/$u;
# } else {
# $h= $height;
# $w= $bgwidth/$v;
# }
# $svg->copyResized($bg,($width-$w)/2,($height-$h)/2,0,0,$w,$h,$bgwidth,$bgheight);
# } else {
# # size is as required
# # kill the predefined image and take the original
# undef $svg;
# $svg= $bg;
# }
# } else {
# undef $svg;
# $reason= "Something was wrong with background image \"$bgfile\".";
# }
# }
# } # end opendir()
if(opendir(BGDIR, $bgdir)){
my @bgfiles= grep {$_ !~ /^\./} readdir(BGDIR);
if($#bgfiles>=0) {
if($bgnr > $#bgfiles) { $bgnr= 0; }
$defs{$name}{fhem}{bgnr}= $bgnr;
my $bgfile = $bgdir . "/" . $bgfiles[$bgnr];
my $info = image_info($bgfile);
my $bgwidth = $info->{width};
my $bgheight = $info->{height};
my ($u,$v) = ($bgwidth/$width, $bgheight/$height);
my $scale = ($u>$v) ? 1/$u : 1/$v;
my ($bgx,$bgy) = (0,0);
$bgx = ($width - $bgwidth/$u)/2 if AttrVal($name,'bgcenter',1);
$bgy = ($height - $bgheight/$u)/2 if AttrVal($name,'bgcenter',1);
$output = btIP_itemImg('-',$bgx,$bgy,$scale,'file',$bgfile,undef);
} # end opendir()
} # end defined()
$svg .= "\" >\n\n";
$svg .= "\" >\n";
$svg .= "$output\n";
$svg = btIP_evalLayout($svg, $name, $defs{$name}{fhem}{layout});
$defs{$name}{STATE} = localtime();
# $defs{$name}{STATE} = localtime();
}; #warn $@ if $@;
if($@) {
my $msg= $@;
chomp $msg;
Log3 $name, 2, $msg;
Log3($name, 2, $msg);
$svg .= "Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.\n</svg>\n";
@ -980,7 +963,7 @@ sub btIP_evalLayout($$@) {
$params{ihalign}= $d unless($cmd eq "thalign");
$params{thalign}= $d unless($cmd eq "ihalign");
} else {
Log3 $name, 2, "InfoPanel: $name Illegal horizontal alignment $d";
Log3($name, 2, "InfoPanel: $name Illegal horizontal alignment $d");
} elsif($cmd ~~ @cmd_valign) {
my $d = AnalyzePerlCommand(undef, $def);
@ -988,10 +971,10 @@ sub btIP_evalLayout($$@) {
$params{ivalign}= $d unless($cmd eq "tvalign");
$params{tvalign}= $d unless($cmd eq "ivalign");
} else {
Log3 $name, 2, "InfoPanel: $name: Illegal vertical alignment $d";
Log3($name, 2, "InfoPanel: $name: Illegal vertical alignment $d");
} else {
Log3 $name, 2, "InfoPanel $name: Illegal command $cmd in layout definition.";
Log3($name, 2, "InfoPanel $name: Illegal command $cmd in layout definition.");
} # default
} # given
@ -1031,6 +1014,9 @@ sub btIP_CGI{
if(!defined($defs{$name})) {
return("text/plain; charset=utf-8", "Unknown InfoPanel device: $name");
if($ext eq "png") {
return btIP_returnPNG($name);
if($ext eq "info" || $ext eq "html") {
return btIP_returnHTML($name);
@ -1051,13 +1037,34 @@ sub btIP_splitRequest($) {
my $call= $request;
$call =~ s/^.*\/btip\/([^\/]*)$/$1/;
my $name= $call;
$name =~ s/^(.*)\.(svg|info|html)$/$1/;
$name =~ s/^(.*)\.(png|svg|info|html)$/$1/;
my $ext= $call;
$ext =~ s/^$name\.(.*)$/$1/;
return ($name,$ext);
# HTML Stuff
sub btIP_returnPNG($) {
my ($name) = @_;
my ($svgdata, $rsvg, $pngImg);
$svgdata = btIP_returnSVG($name);
eval {
require Image::LibRSVG;
$rsvg = new Image::LibRSVG();
$pngImg = $rsvg->getImageBitmap();
Log3($FW_wname,1,"InfoPanel: Cannot create png image") if($@ or !defined($pngImg) or ($pngImg eq ""));
return $pngImg if $pngImg;
return undef;
@ -1129,7 +1136,7 @@ sub btIP_Overview {
$name= $defs{$def}{NAME};
$url= btIP_getURL();
$html.= "$name<br>\n<ul>";
$html.= "<a href='$url/btip/$name.info' target='_blank'>HTML</a><br>\n";
$html.= "<a href='$url/btip/$name.html' target='_blank'>HTML</a><br>\n";
$html.= "</ul>\n<p>\n";
@ -1143,8 +1150,108 @@ sub btIP_getURL {
return $proto."://$FW_httpheader{Host}$FW_ME";
=begin html
<a name="InfoPanel"></a>
<ul><b>!!! This module is "under development" as of 2015-02-06 !!!</b><br/>
Please read <a href="http://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,32828.0.html" target="_blank">&gt;&gt;&gt; the development thread &lt;&lt;&lt;</a> in fhem forum for actual informations.</ul>
InfoPanel is an extension to <a href="#FHEMWEB">FHEMWEB</a>. You must install FHEMWEB to use InfoPanel.<br/>
<li>InfoPanel is an extension to <a href="#FHEMWEB">FHEMWEB</a>. You must install FHEMWEB to use InfoPanel.</li>
<li>Module uses following additional Perl modules:<br/><br/>
<ul><code>MIME::Base64 Image::Info</code></ul><br/><br/>
If not already installed in your environment, please install them using appropriate commands from your environment.<br/><br/>
Package installation in debian environments: <code>apt-get install libmime-base64-perl libimage-info-perl</code></li>
<a name="InfoPaneldefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; InfoPanel &lt;layoutFileName&gt;</code><br/>
<ul><code>define myInfoPanel InfoPanel ./FHEM/panel.layout</code><br/></ul>
<a name="InfoPanelset"></a>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; reread</code>
Rereads the <a href="#InfoPanellayout">layout definition</a> from the file.<br/><br/>
Layout will be reread automatically if edited via fhem's "Edit files" function.<br/>
Autoread can be disabled via <a href="#InfoPanelattr">attribute</a>.
<a name="InfoPanelget"></a>
<a name="InfoPanelattr"></a>
<li><b>autoreread</b> - disables automatic layout reread after edit if set to 1</li>
<li><b>refresh</b> - time (in seconds) after which the HTML page will be reloaded automatically</li>
<li><b>size</b> - The dimensions of the picture in the format
<li><b>title</b> - webpage title to be shown in Browser</li>
<li><b>bgcenter</b> - background images will not be centered if attribute set to 0. Default: show centered</li>
<li><b>bgcolor</b> - defines the background color, use html-hexcodes to specify color, eg 00FF00 for green background</li>
<li><b>bgdir</b> - directory containing background images</li>
<li><b>tmin</b> - background picture will be shown at least <code>tmin</code> seconds,
no matter how frequently the RSS feed consumer accesses the page.</li>
<a name="InfoPanelreadings"></a>
<b>Generated Readings/Events:</b><br/><br/>
<li>state - show time and date of last layout evaluation</li>
<b>Author's notes</b><br/>
<li>Have fun!</li><br/>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="InfoPanel"></a>
Sorry, keine deutsche Dokumentation vorhanden.<br/><br/>
Die englische Doku gibt es hier: <a href='http://fhem.de/commandref.html#InfoPanel'>GDS</a><br/>
=end html_DE