mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-03 16:56:54 +00:00

First version for SVG / HOWTO

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@206 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
rudolfkoenig 2008-07-11 07:35:12 +00:00
parent 7f8cdebb56
commit ba9270deee
13 changed files with 919 additions and 322 deletions

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ use IO::Socket;
# Config
my $__ME;
use vars qw($__ME);
my $FHEMWEBdir;
my $FHEMWEB_tmpfile = "/tmp/file.$$";
my $FHEMWEB_reldoc;
@ -27,15 +27,16 @@ sub FHEMWEB_digestCgi($);
sub FHEMWEB_doDetail($);
sub FHEMWEB_fileList($);
sub FHEMWEB_makeTable($$$$$$$$);
sub FHEMWEB_parseXmlList();
sub FHEMWEB_parseXmlList($);
sub FHEMWEB_showRoom();
sub FHEMWEB_showArchive($);
sub FHEMWEB_showLog($);
sub FHEMWEB_showLogWrapper($);
sub FHEMWEB_popup($$$);
sub FHEMWEB_select($$$);
sub FHEMWEB_textfield($$);
sub FHEMWEB_submit($$);
sub FHEMWEB_roomOverview();
sub FHEMWEB_style($$);
sub FHEMWEB_roomOverview($);
sub FHEMWEB_fatal($);
sub pF($@);
sub pO(@);
@ -45,24 +46,28 @@ sub FHEMWEB_calcWeblink($$);
# As we are _not_ multithreaded, it is safe to use global variables.
my %__icons;
my $__iconsread;
my %__rooms;
my %__devs;
my %__types;
my $__room;
my $__detail;
my $__title;
my $__cmdret;
my $__scrolledweblinkcount;
my %__wlpos;
my $__RET;
my $__RETTYPE;
my $__SF;
my %__icons; # List of icons
my $__iconsread; # Timestamp of last icondir check
my %__rooms; # hash of all rooms
my %__devs; # hash of all devices ant their attributes
my %__types; # device types, for sorting
my $__room; # currently selected room
my $__detail; # durrently selected device for detail view
my $__title; # Page title
my $__cmdret; # Returned data by the fhem call
my $__scrolledweblinkcount; # Number of scrolled weblinks
my %__wlpos; # WebLink scroll position
my $__RET; # Returned data (html)
my $__RETTYPE; # image/png or the like
my $__SF; # Short for submit form
my $__ti; # Tabindex for all input fields
my @__zoom;
my %__zoom;
my $__plotmode;
my @__zoom; # "day","week","month","year"
my %__zoom; # the same as @__zoom
my $__plotmode; # Current plotmode
my $__plotsize; # Size for a plot
my $__data; # Filecontent from browser when editing a file
my $__svgloaded; # Do not load the SVG twice
my $__lastxmllist; # last time xmllist was parsed
@ -75,7 +80,7 @@ FHEMWEB_Initialize($)
$hash->{DefFn} = "FHEMWEB_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "FHEMWEB_Undef";
$hash->{AttrList}= "loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6 webdir webname plotmode:gnuplot,gnuplot-scroll,SVG";
$hash->{AttrList}= "loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6 webname plotmode:gnuplot,gnuplot-scroll,SVG plotsize";
@ -158,8 +163,7 @@ FHEMWEB_Read($)
my $name = $hash->{SNAME};
my $ll = GetLogLevel($name,4);
$FHEMWEBdir = ($attr{$name} && $attr{$name}{webdir}) ?
$attr{$name}{webdir} : "$attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM";
$FHEMWEBdir = "$attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM";
$__ME = "/" . (($attr{$name} && $attr{$name}{webname}) ?
$attr{$name}{webname} : "fhem");
$FHEMWEB_reldoc = "$__ME/commandref.html";
@ -186,16 +190,18 @@ FHEMWEB_Read($)
$hash->{BUF} = "";
Log($ll, "HTTP $hash->{NAME} GET $arg");
$__plotmode = $attr{$name}{plotmode} ? $attr{$name}{plotmode} : "gnuplot";
$__plotmode = $attr{$name}{plotmode} ? $attr{$name}{plotmode} : "SVG";
$__plotsize = $attr{$name}{plotsize} ? $attr{$name}{plotsize} : "800,200";
my $cacheable = FHEMWEB_AnswerCall($arg);
my $c = $hash->{CD};
my $l = length($__RET);
# my $exp = localtime(time()+300) . " GMT";
# "Expires: $exp\r\n",
my $e = ($cacheable? ("Expires: ".localtime(time()+900)." GMT\r\n") : "");
#Log 0, "$arg / RL: $l";
print $c "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n",
"Content-Length: $l\r\n",
"Content-Type: $__RETTYPE\r\n\r\n",
@ -206,50 +212,55 @@ FHEMWEB_AnswerCall($)
my ($arg) = @_;
%__rooms = ();
%__devs = ();
%__wlpos = ();
%__types = ();
$__room = "";
$__detail = "";
$__title = "";
$__cmdret = "";
$__RET = "";
$__RETTYPE = "text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1";
$__ti = 1;
# Lets go:
if($arg =~ m/^$FHEMWEB_reldoc/) {
open(FH, "$FHEMWEBdir/commandref.html") || return;
if($arg =~ m,^${__ME}/(.*html)$, || $arg =~ m,^${__ME}/(.*svg)$,) {
my $f = $1;
open(FH, "$FHEMWEBdir/$f") || return;
pO join("", <FH>);
} elsif($arg =~ m,^$__ME/style.css,) {
open(FH, "$FHEMWEBdir/style.css") || return;
$__RETTYPE = "text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" if($f =~ m/\.*html$/);
return 1;
} elsif($arg =~ m,^$__ME/(.*).css,) {
open(FH, "$FHEMWEBdir/$1.css") || return;
pO join("", <FH>);
$__RETTYPE = "text/css";
return 1;
} elsif($arg =~ m,^$__ME/icons/(.*)$,) {
open(FH, "$FHEMWEBdir/$1") || return;
pO join("", <FH>);
$__RETTYPE = "image/gif";
$__RETTYPE = "image/*";
return 1;
} elsif($arg !~ m/^$__ME(.*)/) {
Log(5, "Unknown document $arg requested");
return 0;
my $cmd = FHEMWEB_digestCgi($1);
$__cmdret = fC($cmd) if($cmd &&
my $docmd = 0;
$docmd = 1 if($cmd &&
$cmd !~ /^showlog/ &&
$cmd !~ /^toweblink/ &&
$cmd !~ /^showarchive/ &&
$cmd !~ /^style / &&
$cmd !~ /^edit/);
return FHEMWEB_showLog($cmd) if($cmd =~ m/^showlog /);
$__cmdret = fC($cmd) if($docmd);
if($cmd =~ m/^showlog /) {
return 0;
if($cmd =~ m/^toweblink (.*)$/) {
my @aa = split(":", $1);
@ -262,13 +273,13 @@ FHEMWEB_AnswerCall($)
$__cmdret = fC("define wl_$max weblink fileplot $aa[0]:$aa[1]:$aa[2]");
if(!$__cmdret) {
$__detail = "wl_$max";
pO "<html><head><title>$__title</title>";
pO "<link href=\"$__ME/style.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\"/>";
pO "</head><body name=\"$__title\">\n";
pO "<html>\n<head>\n<title>$__title</title>\n";
pO "<link href=\"$__ME/style.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\"/>\n";
pO "</head>\n<body name=\"$__title\">\n";
if($__cmdret) {
$__detail = "";
@ -280,12 +291,14 @@ FHEMWEB_AnswerCall($)
pO "</div>\n";
FHEMWEB_style($cmd,undef) if($cmd =~ m/^style /);
FHEMWEB_doDetail($__detail) if($__detail);
FHEMWEB_showRoom() if($__room && !$__detail);
FHEMWEB_showLogWrapper($cmd) if($cmd =~ /^showlogwrapper/);
FHEMWEB_showArchive($cmd) if($cmd =~ m/^showarchive/);
pO "</body></html>";
return 0;
@ -303,7 +316,9 @@ FHEMWEB_digestCgi($)
$pv =~ s/\+/ /g;
$pv =~ s/%(..)/chr(hex($1))/ge;
my ($p,$v) = split("=",$pv, 2);
$v =~ s/[\r]\n/\\\n/g; # Multiline: escape the NL for fhem
# Multiline: escape the NL for fhem
$v =~ s/[\r]\n/\\\n/g if($v && $p && $p ne "data");
#Log(0, "P: $p, V: $v");
if($p eq "detail") { $__detail = $v; }
@ -314,7 +329,7 @@ FHEMWEB_digestCgi($)
if($p =~ m/^dev\.(.*)$/) { $dev{$1} = $v; }
if($p =~ m/^cmd\.(.*)$/) { $cmd = $v; $c= $1; }
if($p eq "wlpos") { %__wlpos = split(/[=;]/, $v); }
if($p eq "data") { $__data = $v; }
$cmd.=" $dev{$c}" if($dev{$c});
@ -326,9 +341,22 @@ FHEMWEB_digestCgi($)
# Get the data and parse it. We are parsing XML in a non-scientific way :-)
my $docmd = shift;
my $name;
if(!$docmd && $__lastxmllist && (time() - $__lastxmllist) < 2) {
$__room = $__devs{$__detail}{ATTR}{room}{VAL} if($__detail);
$__lastxmllist = time();
%__rooms = ();
%__devs = ();
%__types = ();
$__title = "";
foreach my $l (split("\n", fC("xmllist"))) {
####### Device
@ -343,7 +371,7 @@ FHEMWEB_parseXmlList()
####### INT, ATTR & STATE
if($l =~ m,^\t\t\t<(.*) key="(.*)" value="([^"]*)"(.*)/>,) {
my ($t, $n, $v, $m) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
$v =~ s/&lt;br&gt;/<br>/g;
$v =~ s,&lt;br&gt;,<br/>,g;
$__devs{$name}{$t}{$n}{VAL} = $v;
if($m) {
$m =~ m/measured="(.*)"/;
@ -411,12 +439,13 @@ FHEMWEB_makeTable($$$$$$$$)
pO "</tr>\n";
if($clist) {
pO "<tr>\n";
my @al = map { s/[:;].*//;$_ } split(" ", $clist);
pO "<td>" . FHEMWEB_popup("arg.$ccmd$d",\@al,undef) . "</td>";
pO "<td>" . FHEMWEB_select("arg.$ccmd$d",\@al,undef) . "</td>";
pO "<td>" . FHEMWEB_textfield("val.$ccmd$d", 6) . "</td>";
pO "<td>" . FHEMWEB_submit("cmd.$ccmd$d", $ccmd) . "</td>";
pO FHEMWEB_hidden("dev.$ccmd$d", $d);
pO "</td></tr><tr><td>\n";
pO "</tr>\n";
my $row = 1;
@ -436,13 +465,13 @@ FHEMWEB_makeTable($$$$$$$$)
pO "<td>$hash->{$v}{TIM}</td>" if($hash->{$v}{TIM});
pO "<td><a href=\"$__ME?cmd.$d=$cmd $d $v&detail=$d\">$cmd</a></td>"
pO "<td><a href=\"$__ME?cmd.$d=$cmd $d $v&amp;detail=$d\">$cmd</a></td>"
pO "</tr>\n";
pO " </table>\n";
pO "<br>\n";
pO "<br/>\n";
@ -531,13 +560,14 @@ FHEMWEB_doDetail($)
# Room overview
my ($cmd) = @_;
pO $__SF;
pO "<div id=\"hdr\">\n";
pO "<table><tr><td>";
pO "<a href=\"$FHEMWEB_reldoc\">Cmd</a>: ";
pO "<a href=\"$FHEMWEB_reldoc\">Fhem cmd</a>: ";
pO FHEMWEB_textfield("cmd", 30);
$__scrolledweblinkcount = 0;
if($__room) {
@ -558,7 +588,7 @@ FHEMWEB_roomOverview()
pO "</div>\n";
pO "<div id=\"left\">\n";
pO " <table><tr><td>\n"; # Need for "right" compatibility
pO " <table><tr><td>\n";
pO " <table class=\"room\" summary=\"Room list\">\n";
$__room = "" if(!$__room);
foreach my $r (sort keys %__rooms) {
@ -567,12 +597,18 @@ FHEMWEB_roomOverview()
pO "<td><a href=\"$__ME?room=$r\">$r</a>";
pO "</td></tr>\n";
pF " <tr%s>", "all" eq $__room ? " class=\"sel\"" : "";
pO "<td><a href=\"$__ME?room=all\">All together</a></td>";
pO " </tr>\n";
pO "<td><a href=\"$__ME?room=all\">All together</a></td></tr>";
pO " </table>\n";
pO " </td></tr>\n";
pO " <tr><td>\n";
pO " <table class=\"room\" summary=\"Help/Configuration\">\n";
pO " <tr><td><a href=\"$__ME/HOWTO.html\">Howto</a></td></tr>\n";
pO " <tr><td><a href=\"$__ME/commandref.html\">Details</a></td></tr>\n";
my $sel = ($cmd =~ m/^style/) ? " class=\"sel\"" : "";
pO " <tr$sel><td><a href=\"$__ME?cmd=style list\">Misc. files</a></td></tr>\n";
pO " </table>\n";
pO " </td></tr>\n";
pO " </table>\n";
pO "</div>\n";
pO "</form>\n";
@ -580,7 +616,7 @@ FHEMWEB_roomOverview()
# Read in the icons
return if($__iconsread && (time() - $__iconsread) < 5);
@ -623,7 +659,7 @@ FHEMWEB_showRoom()
next if(!$havedev);
my $rf = ($__room ? "&room=$__room" : "");
my $rf = ($__room ? "&amp;room=$__room" : "");
@ -682,6 +718,7 @@ FHEMWEB_showRoom()
$iname = $__icons{"$d"} if($__icons{"$d"});
$iname = $__icons{"$d.$iv"} if($__icons{"$d.$iv"});
$v = "" if(!defined($v));
pO "<td><a href=\"$__ME?detail=$d\">$d</a></td>";
if($iname) {
@ -698,6 +735,7 @@ FHEMWEB_showRoom()
} elsif($type eq "FHT") {
$v = $__devs{$d}{STATE}{"measured-temp"}{VAL};
$v = "" if(!defined($v));
$v =~ s/ .*//;
pO "<td><a href=\"$__ME?detail=$d\">$d</a></td>";
@ -709,7 +747,7 @@ FHEMWEB_showRoom()
pO FHEMWEB_hidden("arg.$d", "desired-temp");
pO FHEMWEB_hidden("dev.$d", $d);
pO "<td>" .
FHEMWEB_popup("val.$d",\@tv,$v) .
FHEMWEB_select("val.$d",\@tv,$v) .
FHEMWEB_submit("cmd.$d", "set") . "</td>";
} elsif($type eq "FileLog") {
@ -723,8 +761,10 @@ FHEMWEB_showRoom()
my %h = ("VAL" => "text");
$l = \%h;
my @fl = FHEMWEB_fileList($__devs{$d}{INT}{logfile}{VAL});
foreach my $f (FHEMWEB_fileList($__devs{$d}{INT}{logfile}{VAL})) {
foreach my $f (@fl) {
pF " </tr>";
pF " <tr class=\"%s\"><td>$f</td>", $row?"odd":"even";
$row = ($row+1)%2;
foreach my $ln (split(",", $l->{VAL})) {
@ -732,7 +772,6 @@ FHEMWEB_showRoom()
$name = $lt if(!$name);
pO "<td><a href=\"$__ME?cmd=showlogwrapper $d $lt $f\">$name</a></td>";
pO "</tr>";
} elsif($type eq "weblink") {
@ -752,17 +791,25 @@ FHEMWEB_showRoom()
pO "<table><tr><td>";
my $wl = "";
$__wlpos{$va[0]} = $__wlpos{$d} if($__wlpos{$d});
$wl = "&wlpos=" . join(";", map { "$_=$__wlpos{$_}" }
my $wl = "&amp;wlpos=" . join(";", map { "$_=$__wlpos{$_}" }
grep { /(zoom|all|$va[0])/ } keys %__wlpos);
pO "<img src=\"$__ME?cmd=showlog $d $va[0] $va[1] $va[2]$wl\"/>";
my $arg="$__ME?cmd=showlog $d $va[0] $va[1] $va[2]$wl";
if($__plotmode eq "SVG") {
my ($w, $h) = split(",", $__plotsize);
pO "<embed src=\"$arg\" type=\"image/svg+xml\"" .
"width=\"$w\" height=\"$h\" name=\"$d\"/>\n";
} else {
pO "<img src=\"$arg\"/>\n";
pO "</td><td>";
FHEMWEB_zoomLink("$d=-1", "Prev.png", "prev", 1);
FHEMWEB_zoomLink("$d=1", "Next.png", "next", 1);
pO "<a href=\"$__ME?detail=$d\">$d</a></td>";
pO "<a href=\"$__ME?detail=$d\">$d</a>";
pO "</td></tr></table>";
@ -774,7 +821,7 @@ FHEMWEB_showRoom()
pO " </tr>\n";
pO " </table>\n";
pO " <br>\n"; # Empty line
pO " <br/>\n"; # Empty line
pO " </td></tr>\n</table>\n";
pO "</div>\n";
@ -782,6 +829,7 @@ FHEMWEB_showRoom()
# return a sorted list of actual files for a given FileLog type string
@ -827,10 +875,19 @@ FHEMWEB_showLogWrapper($)
} else {
pO "<div id=\"right\">\n";
pO "<table><tr></td>\n";
pO "<table><tr></td>\n";
pO "<td><img src=\"$__ME?cmd=showlog undef $d $type $file\"/>";
pO "<a href=\"$__ME?cmd=toweblink $d:$type:$file\"><br>Convert to weblink</a></td>";
pO "<table><tr><td>\n";
pO "<table><tr><td>\n";
pO "<td>";
my $arg = "$__ME?cmd=showlog undef $d $type $file";
if($__plotmode eq "SVG") {
my ($w, $h) = split(",", $__plotsize);
pO "<embed src=\"$arg\" type=\"image/svg+xml\"" .
"width=\"$w\" height=\"$h\" name=\"$d\"/>\n";
} else {
pO "<img src=\"$arg\"/>\n";
pO "<a href=\"$__ME?cmd=toweblink $d:$type:$file\"><br/>Convert to weblink</a></td>";
pO "</td></tr></table>\n";
pO "</td></tr></table>\n";
pO "</div>\n";
@ -838,6 +895,7 @@ FHEMWEB_showLogWrapper($)
# Generate an image from the log via gnuplot
@ -846,8 +904,9 @@ FHEMWEB_showLog($)
my $gplot_pgm = "$FHEMWEBdir/$type.gplot";
return FHEMWEB_fatal("Cannot read $gplot_pgm") if(!-r $gplot_pgm);
if($__plotmode =~ m/gnuplot/) {
if($__plotmode eq "gnuplot" || !$__devs{$d}{from}) {
# Looking for the logfile....
@ -857,10 +916,12 @@ FHEMWEB_showLog($)
$path = $__devs{$d}{ATTR}{archivedir}{VAL} . "/$file" if(!-f $path);
return FHEMWEB_fatal("Cannot read $path") if(!-r $path);
open(FH, $gplot_pgm) || FHEMWEB_fatal("$gplot_pgm: $!");
open(FH, $gplot_pgm) || return FHEMWEB_fatal("$gplot_pgm: $!");
my $gplot_script = join("", <FH>);
$gplot_script =~ s/<OUT>/$FHEMWEB_tmpfile/g;
$gplot_script =~ s/<SIZE>/$__plotsize/g;
$gplot_script =~ s/<IN>/$path/g;
$gplot_script =~ s/<TL>/$file/g;
@ -875,13 +936,13 @@ FHEMWEB_showLog($)
print FH $gplot_script;
} else { # gnuplot-scroll
} elsif($__plotmode eq "gnuplot-scroll") {
# Read in the template gnuplot file. Digest the #FileLog lines. Replace
# the plot directive with our own, as we offer a file for each line
my (@filelog, @data, $plot);
open(FH, $gplot_pgm) || FHEMWEB_fatal("$gplot_pgm: $!");
open(FH, $gplot_pgm) || return FHEMWEB_fatal("$gplot_pgm: $!");
while(my $l = <FH>) {
if($l =~ m/^#FileLog (.*)$/) {
push(@filelog, $1);
@ -895,6 +956,7 @@ FHEMWEB_showLog($)
my $gplot_script = join("", @data);
$gplot_script =~ s/<OUT>/$FHEMWEB_tmpfile/g;
$gplot_script =~ s/<SIZE>/$__plotsize/g;
$gplot_script =~ s/<TL>/$file/g;
my ($f,$t)=($__devs{$d}{from}, $__devs{$d}{to});
@ -904,7 +966,7 @@ FHEMWEB_showLog($)
my $i = 0;
$plot =~ s/\".*?using 1:[^ ]+ /"\"$path[$i++]\" using 1:2 "/gse;
my $xrange = "set xrange [\"$f\":\"$t\"]\n";
foreach my $p (@path) {
foreach my $p (@path) { # If the file is empty, write a 0 line
next if(!-z $p);
open(FH, ">$p");
print FH "$f 0\n";
@ -918,15 +980,41 @@ FHEMWEB_showLog($)
$__RETTYPE = "image/png";
open(FH, "$FHEMWEB_tmpfile.png"); # read in the result and send it
pO join("", <FH>);
} elsif($__plotmode eq "SVG") {
my (@filelog, @data, $plot);
open(FH, $gplot_pgm) || return FHEMWEB_fatal("$gplot_pgm: $!");
while(my $l = <FH>) {
if($l =~ m/^#FileLog (.*)$/) {
push(@filelog, $1);
} elsif($l =~ "^plot" || $plot) {
$plot .= $l;
} else {
push(@data, $l);
my ($f,$t)=($__devs{$d}{from}, $__devs{$d}{to});
$f = 0 if(!$f); # From the beginning of time...
$t = 9 if(!$t); # till the end
my $ret = fC("get $d $file - $f $t " . join(" ", @filelog));
SVG_render($file, $__plotsize, $f, $t, \@data, \$ret, $plot);
$__RETTYPE = "image/svg+xml";
@ -944,8 +1032,9 @@ FHEMWEB_hidden($$)
# Generate a select field with option list
my ($n, $va, $def) = @_;
my $s = "<select name=\"$n\" tabindex=\"$__ti\">";
@ -972,6 +1061,8 @@ FHEMWEB_textfield($$)
return $s;
# Multiline (for some types of widgets) editor with submit
@ -980,7 +1071,8 @@ FHEMWEB_makeEdit($$$$)
pO "<td>";
pO "<div id=\"edit\" style=\"display:none\"><form>";
my $eval = $val;
$eval =~ s/<br>/\n/g;
$eval =~ s,<br/>,\n,g;
if($type eq "at" || $type eq "notify") {
pO "<textarea name=\"val.${cmd}$name\" cols=\"60\" rows=\"10\" ".
@ -989,7 +1081,7 @@ FHEMWEB_makeEdit($$$$)
"tabindex=\"$__ti\" value=\"$eval\"/>";
pO "<br>" . FHEMWEB_submit("cmd.${cmd}$name", "$cmd $name");
pO "<br/>" . FHEMWEB_submit("cmd.${cmd}$name", "$cmd $name");
pO "</form></div>";
$eval = "<pre>$eval</pre>" if($eval =~ m/\n/);
pO "<div id=\"disp\">$eval</div>";
@ -1007,6 +1099,7 @@ FHEMWEB_submit($$)
# Generate the zoom and scroll images with links if appropriate
@ -1020,7 +1113,7 @@ FHEMWEB_zoomLink($$$$)
my $val = $__wlpos{$d};
$cmd = "room=$__room&wlpos=";
$cmd = "room=$__room&amp;wlpos=";
if($d eq "zoom") {
$val = "day" if(!$val);
@ -1046,7 +1139,7 @@ FHEMWEB_zoomLink($$$$)
pO "<a href=\"$__ME?$cmd\">";
pO "<img style=\"border-color:transparent\" alt=\"$alt\" ".
pO "<br>" if($br);
pO "<br/>" if($br);
@ -1131,6 +1224,62 @@ FHEMWEB_calcWeblink($$)
# List/Edit/Save css and gnuplot files
my ($cmd, $msg) = @_;
my @a = split(" ", $cmd);
if($a[1] eq "list") {
my @fl = FHEMWEB_fileList("$FHEMWEBdir/.*.css");
push(@fl, "<br>");
push(@fl, FHEMWEB_fileList("$FHEMWEBdir/.*.gplot"));
push(@fl, "<br>");
push(@fl, FHEMWEB_fileList("$FHEMWEBdir/.*html"));
pO "<div id=\"right\">\n";
pO " <table><tr><td>\n";
pO " $msg<br/><br/>\n" if($msg);
pO " <table class=\"at\">\n";
my $row = 0;
foreach my $file (@fl) {
pO "<tr class=\"" . ($row?"odd":"even") . "\">";
pO "<td><a href=\"$__ME?cmd=style edit $file\">$file</a></td></tr>";
$row = ($row+1)%2;
pO " </table>\n";
pO " </td></tr></table>\n";
pO "</div>\n";
} elsif($a[1] eq "edit") {
open(FH, "$FHEMWEBdir/$a[2]") || return FHEMWEB_fatal("$a[2]: $!");
my $data = join("", <FH>);
pO "<div id=\"right\">\n";
pO " <form>";
pO FHEMWEB_submit("save", "Save $a[2]") . "<br/><br/>";
pO FHEMWEB_hidden("cmd", "style save $a[2]");
pO "<textarea name=\"data\" cols=\"80\" rows=\"30\">" .
pO "</form>";
pO "</div>\n";
} elsif($a[1] eq "save") {
open(FH, ">$FHEMWEBdir/$a[2]") || return FHEMWEB_fatal("$a[2]: $!");
print FH $__data;
FHEMWEB_style("style list", "Saved file $a[2]");
# print formatted
@ -1139,6 +1288,7 @@ pF($@)
# print output
@ -1146,12 +1296,14 @@ pO(@)
# fhem command
my ($cmd) = @_;
#Log 0, "Calling $cmd";
my $oll = $attr{global}{verbose};
$attr{global}{verbose} = 0;
$attr{global}{verbose} = 0 if($cmd ne "save");
my $ret = AnalyzeCommand(undef, $cmd);
if($cmd !~ m/attr.*global.*verbose/) {
$attr{global}{verbose} = $oll;

fhem/webfrontend/pgm2/98_SVG.pm Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
sub SVG_render($$$$$$$);
sub time_to_sec($);
sub fmtTime($$);
my ($__lt, $__ltstr);
my ($hash) = @_;
my ($file, $wh, $from, $to, $confp, $dp, $plot) = @_;
my ($ow,$oh) = split(",", $wh); # Original width
my $th = 16; # "Font" height
my ($x, $y) = (3*$th, 1.5*$th); # Rect offset
my ($w, $h) = ($ow-2*$x, $oh-2*$y); # Rect size
my %conf; # gnuplot file settings
# Convert the configuration to a "readable" form -> array to hash
map { chomp; my @a=split(" ",$_, 3);
if($a[0] && $a[0] eq "set") { $conf{$a[1]} = $a[2]; } } @{$confp};
# Html Header
pO "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso8859-1\"?>\n";
pO "<?xml-stylesheet href=\"$__ME/svg_style.css\" type=\"text/css\"?>\n";
pO "<!DOCTYPE svg>\n";
pO "<svg version=\"1.1\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\">\n";
# Rectangle
pO "<rect x=\"$x\" y=\"$y\" width =\"$w\" height =\"$h\"
stroke-width=\"1px\" class=\"border\"/>\n";
my ($off1,$off2) = ($ow/2, 3*$y/4);
pO "<text x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\"
class=\"title\" text-anchor=\"middle\">$file</text>\n";
my $t = ($conf{ylabel} ? $conf{ylabel} : "");
$t =~ s/"//g;
($off1,$off2) = (3*$th/4, $oh/2);
pO "<text x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" text-anchor=\"middle\"
class=\"ylabel\" transform=\"rotate(270,$off1,$off2)\">$t</text>\n";
$t = ($conf{y2label} ? $conf{y2label} : "");
$t =~ s/"//g;
($off1,$off2) = ($ow-$th/4, $oh/2);
pO "<text x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" text-anchor=\"middle\"
class=\"y2label\" transform=\"rotate(270,$off1,$off2)\">$t</text>\n";
# Digest axes/title/type from $plot (gnuplot) and draw the line-titles
my (@axes,@ltitle,@type);
my $i;
$i = 0; $plot =~ s/ axes (\w+)/$axes[$i++]=$1/gse;
$i = 0; $plot =~ s/ title '([^']*)'/$ltitle[$i++]=$1/gse;
$i = 0; $plot =~ s/ with (\w+)/$type[$i++]=$1/gse;
for my $i (0..int(@type)-1) { # axes is optional
$axes[$i] = "x1y2" if(!$axes[$i]);
($off1,$off2) = ($ow-$x-$th, $y+$th);
for my $i (0..int(@ltitle)-1) {
pO "<text x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" text-anchor=\"end\" ".
$off2 += $th;
# Loop over the input, digest dates, calculate min/max values
my ($fromsec, $tosec);
$fromsec = time_to_sec($from) if($from ne "0"); # 0 is special
$tosec = time_to_sec($to) if($to ne "9"); # 9 is special
my $tmul;
$tmul = $w/($tosec-$fromsec) if($tosec && $fromsec);
my ($min, $max, $idx) = (99999999, -99999999, 0);
my (%hmin, %hmax, @hdx, @hdy);
my ($dxp, $dyp) = (\(), \());
my ($d, $v);
foreach my $l (split("\n", $$dp)) {
if($l =~ m/^#/) {
my $a = $axes[$idx];
$hmin{$a} = $min if(!defined($hmin{$a}) || $hmin{$a} > $min);
$hmax{$a} = $max if(!defined($hmax{$a}) || $hmax{$a} < $max);
($min, $max) = (99999999, -99999999);
$hdx[$idx] = $dxp; $hdy[$idx] = $dyp;
($dxp, $dyp) = (\(), \());
} else {
($d, $v) = split(" ", $l);
push @{$dxp}, ($tmul ? int((time_to_sec($d)-$fromsec)*$tmul) : $d);
push @{$dyp}, $v;
$min = $v if($min > $v);
$max = $v if($max < $v);
$dxp = $hdx[0];
if(int(@{$dxp}) < 2 && !$tosec) { # not enough data and no range...
pO "</svg>\n";
if(!$tmul) { # recompute the x data if no range sepcified
$fromsec = time_to_sec($dxp->[0]) if(!$fromsec);
$tosec = time_to_sec($dxp->[int(@{$dxp})-1]) if(!$tosec);
$tmul = $w/($tosec-$fromsec);
for my $i (0..@hdx-1) {
$dxp = $hdx[$i];
for my $i (0..@{$dxp}-1) {
$dxp->[$i] = int((time_to_sec($dxp->[$i])-$fromsec)*$tmul);
# Compute & draw vertical tics, grid and labels
my $ddur = ($tosec-$fromsec)/86400;
my ($first_tag, $tag, $step, $tstep, $aligntext, $aligntics);
if($ddur <= 1) {
$first_tag=". 2 1"; $tag=": 3 4"; $step = 4*3600; $tstep = 3600;
} elsif ($ddur <= 7) {
$first_tag=". 6"; $tag=". 2 1"; $step = 24*3600; $tstep = 6*3600;
} elsif ($ddur <= 31) {
$first_tag=". 6"; $tag=". 2 1"; $step = 7*24*3600; $tstep = 24*3600;
$aligntext = 1;
} else {
$first_tag=". 6"; $tag=". 1"; $step = 28*24*3600; $tstep = 28*24*3600;
$aligntext = 2; $aligntics = 2;
# First the tics
$off2 = $y+4;
my ($off3, $off4) = ($y+$h-4, $y+$h);
my $initoffset = $tstep;
$initoffset = int(($tstep/2)/86400)*86400 if($aligntics);
for(my $i = $fromsec+$initoffset; $i < $tosec; $i += $tstep) {
$i = time_align($i,$aligntics);
$off1 = int($x+($i-$fromsec)*$tmul);
pO "<polyline points=\"$off1,$y $off1,$off2\"/>\n";
pO "<polyline points=\"$off1,$off3 $off1,$off4\"/>\n";
# then the text and the grid
$off1 = $x;
$off2 = $y+$h+$th;
$t = fmtTime($first_tag, $fromsec);
pO "<text x=\"0\" y=\"$off2\" class=\"ylabel\">$t</text>";
$initoffset = $step;
$initoffset = int(($step/2)/86400)*86400 if($aligntext);
for(my $i = $fromsec+$initoffset; $i < $tosec; $i += $step) {
$i = time_align($i,$aligntext);
$off1 = int($x+($i-$fromsec)*$tmul);
pO "<polyline points=\"$off1,$y $off1,$off4\" class=\"hgrid\"/>\n";
$t = fmtTime($tag, $i);
pO "<text x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" class=\"ylabel\"
# Left and right axis tics / text / grid
$hmin{x1y1}=$hmin{x1y2}, $hmax{x1y1}=$hmax{x1y2} if(!defined($hmin{x1y1}));
$hmin{x1y2}=$hmin{x1y1}, $hmax{x1y2}=$hmax{x1y1} if(!defined($hmin{x1y2}));
for my $axis ("x1y1", "x1y2") {
# Round values, compute a nice step
my $dh = $hmax{$axis} - $hmin{$axis};
my ($step, $mi, $ma);
my @limit = (1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200,500,1000,2000,5000,10000);
for my $li (0..int(@limit)-1) {
my $l = $limit[$li];
next if($dh > $l);
$ma = doround($hmax{$axis}, $l/10, 1);
$mi = doround($hmin{$axis}, $l/10, 0);
if(($ma-$mi)/($l/10) >= 7) { # If more then 7 steps, then choose next
$l = $limit[$li+1];
$ma = doround($hmax{$axis}, $l/10, 1);
$mi = doround($hmin{$axis}, $l/10, 0);
$step = $l/10;
# yrange handling
my $yr = ($axis eq "x1y1" ? "yrange" : "y2range");
if($conf{$yr} && $conf{$yr} =~ /\[(.*):(.*)\]/) {
$mi = $1 if($1 ne "");
$ma = $2 if($2 ne "");
$hmax{$axis} = $ma;
$hmin{$axis} = $mi;
# Draw the horizontal values and grid
my $hmul = $h/($ma-$mi);
$off1 = ($axis eq "x1y1" ? $x-$th*0.3 : $x+$w+$th*0.3);
$off3 = ($axis eq "x1y1" ? $x : $x+$w-5);
$off4 = $off3+5;
$yr = ($axis eq "x1y1" ? "ytics" : "y2tics");
my $tic = $conf{$yr};
if($tic && $tic !~ m/mirror/) { # Tics specified in the configfile
$tic =~ s/^\((.*)\)$/$1/; # Strip ()
foreach my $onetic (split(",", $tic)) {
$onetic =~ s/^ *(.*) *$/$1/;
my ($tlabel, $tvalue) = split(" ", $onetic);
$tlabel =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
$off2 = int($y+($ma-$tvalue)*$hmul);
pO "<polyline points=\"$off3,$off2 $off4,$off2\"/>\n";
$off2 += $th/4;
my $align = ($axis eq "x1y1" ? " text-anchor=\"end\"" : "");
pO "<text x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" class=\"ylabel\"$align>
} else { # Auto-tic
for(my $i = $mi; $i <= $ma; $i += $step) {
$off2 = int($y+($ma-$i)*$hmul);
pO "<polyline points=\"$off3,$off2 $off4,$off2\"/>\n";
if($axis eq "x1y2") {
my $o6 = $x+$w;
pO "<polyline points=\"$x,$off2 $o6,$off2\" class=\"vgrid\"/>\n";
$off2 += $th/4;
my $align = ($axis eq "x1y1" ? " text-anchor=\"end\"" : "");
pO "<text x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" class=\"ylabel\"$align>$i</text>";
# Second loop over the data: draw the measured points
for my $idx (0..int(@hdx)-1) {
my $a = $axes[$idx];
$min = $hmin{$a};
$hmax{$a} += 1 if($min == $hmax{$a}); # Else division by 0 in the next line
my $hmul = $h/($hmax{$a}-$min);
my $ret = "";
my ($dxp, $dyp) = ($hdx[$idx], $hdy[$idx]);
if($type[$idx] eq "points" ) {
foreach my $i (0..int(@{$dxp})-1) {
my ($x1, $y1) = ($x+$dxp->[$i], $y+$h-($dyp->[$i]-$min)*$hmul);
$ret = sprintf(" %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d",
$x1-3,$y1, $x1,$y1-3, $x1+3,$y1, $x1,$y1+3, $x1-3,$y1);
pO "<polyline points=\"$ret\" class=\"l$idx\"/>\n";
} elsif($type[$idx] eq "steps" ) {
if(@{$dxp} == 1) {
my $y1 = $y+$h-($dyp->[0]-$min)*$hmul;
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d",
$x,$y+$h, $x,$y1, $x+$w,$y1, $x+$w,$y+$h);
} else {
foreach my $i (1..int(@{$dxp})-1) {
my ($x1, $y1) = ($x+$dxp->[$i-1], $y+$h-($dyp->[$i-1]-$min)*$hmul);
my ($x2, $y2) = ($x+$dxp->[$i], $y+$h-($dyp->[$i] -$min)*$hmul);
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d", $x1,$y1, $x2,$y1, $x2,$y2);
pO "<polyline points=\"$ret\" class=\"l$idx\"/>\n";
} elsif($type[$idx] eq "histeps" ) {
if(@{$dxp} == 1) {
my $y1 = $y+$h-($dyp->[0]-$min)*$hmul;
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d",
$x,$y+$h, $x,$y1, $x+$w,$y1, $x+$w,$y+$h);
} else {
foreach my $i (1..int(@{$dxp})-1) {
my ($x1, $y1) = ($x+$dxp->[$i-1], $y+$h-($dyp->[$i-1]-$min)*$hmul);
my ($x2, $y2) = ($x+$dxp->[$i], $y+$h-($dyp->[$i] -$min)*$hmul);
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d",
$x1,$y1, ($x1+$x2)/2,$y1, ($x1+$x2)/2,$y2, $x2,$y2);
pO "<polyline points=\"$ret\" class=\"l$idx\"/>\n";
} else { # lines and everything else
foreach my $i (0..int(@{$dxp})-1) {
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d", $x + $dxp->[$i],
$y + $h-($dyp->[$i]-$min)*$hmul);
pO "<polyline points=\"$ret\" class=\"l$idx\"/>\n";
pO "</svg>\n";
my ($str) = @_;
my ($y,$m,$d,$h,$mi,$s) = split("[-_:]", $str);
$s = 0 if(!$s);
$mi= 0 if(!$mi);
$h = 0 if(!$h);
$d = 1 if(!$d);
$m = 1 if(!$m);
if(!$__ltstr || $__ltstr ne "$y-$m-$d") { # 2.5x faster
$__lt = mktime(0,0,0,$d,$m-1,$y-1900,0,0,-1);
$__ltstr = "$y-$m-$d";
return $s+$mi*60+$h*3600+$__lt;
my ($sepfmt, $sec) = @_;
my @tarr = split("[ :]+", localtime($sec));
my ($sep, $fmt) = split(" ", $sepfmt, 2);
my $ret = "";
for my $f (split(" ", $fmt)) {
$ret .= $sep if($ret);
$ret .= $tarr[$f];
return $ret;
my ($v,$align) = @_;
return $v if(!$align);
if($align == 1) { # Look for the beginning of the week
for(;;) {
my @a = localtime($v);
return $v if($a[6] == 0);
$v += 86400;
if($align == 2) { # Look for the beginning of the month
for(;;) {
my @a = localtime($v);
return $v if($a[3] == 1);
$v += 86400;
my ($v, $step, $isup) = @_;
if($v >= 0) {
return (int($v/$step))*$step+($isup ? $step : 0);
} else {
return (int($v/$step))*$step+($isup ? 0 : -$step);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
<title>FHEMWEB Howto</title>
<body style="background-color: white;">
<h2>FHEMWEB Howto</h2>
<a href="#starting">Starting</a><br/>
<a name="starting"></a>
For a start create a minimal fhem config file fhem.cfg, like the
attr global logfile /tmp/fhem.log
attr global modpath /usr/local/lib
attr global port 7072 global
attr global statefile /tmp/fhem.state
define WEB FHEMWEB 8083 global</pre>
It is important that the modpath contains a directory called FHEM, where
all the necessary modules and other files are present, these modules should
<b>not</b> be found directly in modepath. Usually these are all the files
from the fhem package FHEM directory and webfrontend/pgm2 directory, and
some files from the contrib directory.<br/>
The logfile and the statefile should be changed from /tmp to a more stable directory, e.g. /var/log/FHEM or alike.<br/>
Now you can start fhem via:<pre>
perl fhem.pl fhem.cfg</pre>
The logfile should look like:
2008.06.15 16:17:03 2: FHEMWEB port 8083 opened
2008.06.15 16:17:03 0: Server started (version ...)
You can connect to the server either via telnet (type a return after you get
the connection):<br/><br/>
telnet localhost 7072<br/><br/>
or a little bit nicer via an internet browser:<br/><br/>
<a href="http://localhost:8083/fhem>http://localhost:8083/fhem</a><br/>

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
set terminal png transparent size 800,200 crop
set terminal png transparent size <SIZE> crop
set output '<OUT>.png'
set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"
@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ set y2tics
set format y "%.1f"
set format y2 "%.1f"
#FileLog 0 4::
#FileLog 4::0:
plot "<IN>" using 1:4 notitle with lines

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# FileLog definition:
# define FileLog fhtlog1 fht1:.*(temp|actuator).* /var/log/fht1-%Y-%U.log
set terminal png transparent size 800,200 crop
set terminal png transparent size <SIZE> crop
set output '<OUT>.png'
set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"
@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ set grid xtics y2tics
set y2label "temperature (Celsius)"
set ylabel "Actuator (%)"
#FileLog 4:measured:
##FileLog 4:desired:
#FileLog 4:actuator.*%:int
#FileLog 4:measured:0:
##FileLog 4:desired:0:
#FileLog 4:actuator.*[0-9]+%:0:int
# "< awk '/desired/ {print $1, $4+0}' <IN>"\
# using 1:2 axes x1y2 title 'Desired temperature' with steps,\

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# FileLog definition:
# define FileLog fs20log fs20dev /var/log/fs20dev-%Y-%U.log
set terminal png transparent size 800,200 crop
set terminal png transparent size <SIZE> crop
set output '<OUT>.png'
set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ set y2range [-0.1:1.1]
set ylabel "Pumpe"
set y2label "Pumpe"
#FileLog 3::$fld[2]eq"on"?1:0
#FileLog 3::0:$fld[2]eq"on"?1:0
plot "< awk '{print $1, $3==\"on\"? 1 : 0; }' <IN>"\
using 1:2 notitle with steps

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# FileLog definition:
# define FileLog ks300log ks300:.*H:.* /var/log/ks300-%Y-%U.log
set terminal png transparent size 800,200 crop
set terminal png transparent size <SIZE> crop
set output '<OUT>.png'
set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"
@ -13,16 +13,16 @@ set y2tics
set title '<TL>'
set grid
set y2label "Temperature (Celsius)"
set y2label "Temperature in C°"
set format y "%0.1f"
set ylabel "Rain (l/m2)"
set yrange [0:]
# Computing Rain/h and Rain/d values by accumulating the changes.
#FileLog 4:IR:
#FileLog 10:IR:delta-h
#FileLog 10:IR:delta-d
#FileLog 4:IR:0:
#FileLog 10:IR:0:delta-h
#FileLog 10:IR:0:delta-d
plot "<IN>" using 1:4 axes x1y2 title 'Temperature' with lines lw 2,\
"<grep -v avg_ <IN> | perl -ane '\

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# FileLog definition:
# define FileLog ks300log ks300:.*H:.* /var/log/ks300-%Y-%U.log
set terminal png transparent size 800,200 crop
set terminal png transparent size <SIZE> crop
set output '<OUT>.png'
set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ set grid
set ylabel "Wind (Km/h)"
set y2label "Humidity (%)"
#FileLog 8:IR:
#FileLog 6:IR:
#FileLog 8:IR:0:
#FileLog 6:IR:0:
plot "<IN>" using 1:8 axes x1y1 title 'Wind' with lines,\
"<IN>" using 1:6 axes x1y2 title 'Rel. Humidity (%)' with lines

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# FileLog definition:
# define FileLog ks300log ks300:.*H:.* /var/log/ks300-%Y-%U.log
set terminal png transparent size 800,200 crop
set terminal png transparent size <SIZE> crop
set output '<OUT>.png'
set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"
@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ set y2tics
set title '<TL>'
set grid
set ylabel "Temperature (Celsius)"
set ylabel "Temperature in C°"
set y2label "Rain (l/m2)"
#FileLog 5:avg_day:
#FileLog 11:avg_day:
#FileLog 5:avg_day:0:
#FileLog 11:avg_day:0:
plot "<grep avg_day <IN>" using 1:5 axes x1y1 title 'Temperature' with lines,\
"<grep avg_day <IN>" using 1:11 axes x1y2 title 'Rain' with histeps

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# define pirilog FileLog /var/log/piri-%Y-%m-%d.log piri.*
# The devices are called piri.sz, piri.flo, piri.flu, prir.wz1 and piri.wz2
set terminal png transparent size 800,200 crop
set terminal png transparent size <SIZE> crop
set output '<OUT>.png'
set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"
@ -14,12 +14,13 @@ set title '<TL>'
set ytics ("Sz" 0.8, "FlO" 0.6, "FlU" 0.4, "Wz1" 0.2, "Wz2" 0.0)
set y2tics ("Sz" 0.8, "FlO" 0.6, "FlU" 0.4, "Wz1" 0.2, "Wz2" 0.0)
set yrange [-0.1:0.9]
set y2range [-0.1:0.9]
#FileLog "0.8":sz:
#FileLog "0.6":flo:
#FileLog "0.4":flu:
#FileLog "0.2":wz1:
#FileLog "0.0":wz2:
#FileLog "0.8":sz:0.8:
#FileLog "0.6":flo:0.6:
#FileLog "0.4":flu:0.4:
#FileLog "0.2":wz1:0.2:
#FileLog "0.0":wz2:0.0:
"< awk '/sz/ {print $1, 0.8; }' <IN>" using 1:2 notitle with points,\

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# FileLog definition:
# define FileLog fs20log fs20dev /var/log/fs20dev-%Y-%U.log
set terminal png transparent size 800,200 crop
set terminal png transparent size <SIZE> crop
set output '<OUT>.png'
set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ set title '<TL>'
set grid
set yrange [-0.2:1.2]
#FileLog "1":::
#FileLog "1"::0:
plot "< awk '{print $1, $3==\"on\"? 1 : 0; }' <IN>"\
using 1:2 title 'On/Off' with impulses

View File

@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ table._internal_ tr.odd {

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
text { font-family:Times; font-size:12px; }
text.title { font-size:16px; }
rect.border { stroke:black; stroke-width:1px; fill:none; }
polyline { stroke:black; stroke-width:1px; fill:none; }
.vgrid { stroke-dasharray:2,6; stroke:gray; }
.hgrid { stroke-dasharray:2,6; stroke:gray; }
.l0 { stroke:red; } text.l0 { stroke:none; fill:red; }
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.l2 { stroke:blue; } text.l2 { stroke:none; fill:blue; }
.l3 { stroke:magenta; } text.l3 { stroke:none; fill:magenta; }
.l4 { stroke:cyan; } text.l4 { stroke:none; fill:cyan; }