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synced 2025-03-03 16:56:54 +00:00
99_sonos2mqttUtils:bugfixes and subroutines for userReadings
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@23883 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ if ($NAME eq $bridge){
if($cmd eq 'Favorites') {return "$devicetopic/".ReadingsVal((devspec2array('a:model=sonos2mqtt_speaker'))[0],'uuid','').q(/control {"command": "adv-command","input": {"cmd": "GetFavorites","reply": "Favorites"}})}
if($cmd eq 'setplayFav') {sonos2mqtt_mod_list('a:model=sonos2mqtt_speaker','setList','playFav:'.ReadingsVal($NAME,'favlist','').' {sonos2mqtt($NAME,$EVENT)}')}
if($cmd eq 'setjoinGroup') {sonos2mqtt_mod_list('a:model=sonos2mqtt_speaker','setList','joinGroup:'.ReadingsVal($NAME,'grouplist','').' {sonos2mqtt($NAME,$EVENT)}')}
return undef
return ''
# from here cmds for speaker
if($cmd eq 'sayText') { ($cmd,$text) = split(' ', $EVENT,2)}
@ -49,6 +49,12 @@ my $topic = "$devicetopic/$uuid/control";
my $payload = $EVENT;
if (@arr == 1){$payload = "leer"} else {$payload =~ s/$cmd //}
# if Radio next Station
my $Input = ReadingsVal($NAME,'Input','');
if($cmd eq 'next' and $Input eq 'Radio') {
fhem("set $NAME playFav {(Each('$bridge',ReadingsVal('$bridge','favlist','')))}");
return ''
my @easycmd = ('stop','play','pause','toggle','volumeUp','volumeDown','next','previous');
if (grep { $_ eq $cmd } @easycmd) {return lc( qq($topic { "command": "$cmd" }) )}
@ -101,8 +107,8 @@ if($cmd eq 'sleep') {
if($cmd eq 'test') {Log 1, "Das Device $NAME hat ausgeloest, die uuid ist >$uuid< der Befehl war >$cmd< der Teil danach sah so aus: $payload"}
if($cmd eq 'x_raw_payload') {return qq($topic $payload)}
# if return for other reasons, the response had to be undef
return undef;
# if return for other reasons, the response had to be '' 0 or undef
return '';
####### devStateIcon
sub sonos2mqtt_devStateIcon
@ -138,7 +144,7 @@ if ($isMaster and $mystate eq 'PLAYING') {$line2 = $Input =~ /LineIn|TV/ ? $Inpu
elsif ($inGroup and !$isMaster or $inCouple) {$line2 .= $inCouple ? "Stereopaar":"Steuerung: $master"}
my $style = 'display:inline-block;margin-right:5px;border:1px solid lightgray;height:4.00em;width:4.00em;background-size:contain;background-image:';
my $style2 ='background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: contain; background-position: center center';
return "<div><table>
<td><div style='$style url($cover);$style2'></div></td>
@ -155,11 +161,13 @@ my @devlist = devspec2array($devspec);
my ($first,$sec)=split(':',$item,2);
for (@devlist) {
my @arr = grep {$_ !~ $first} split("\n",AttrVal($_,$attr,''));
my @arr = grep {$_ !~ /\Q$first\E/} split("\n",AttrVal($_,$attr,'')); # grep searches exactly for the string between \Q...\E
push @arr,$item;
my $val = join "\n",sort @arr;
$val =~ s/;/;;/g;
fhem("attr $_ $attr $val")}
fhem("attr $_ $attr $val")
return ''
#### Setup some additional features in speaker and bridge
@ -167,6 +175,15 @@ sub sonos2mqtt_setup
my $devspec = shift @_ // 'a:model=sonos2mqtt_speaker';
my $bridge = (devspec2array('a:model=sonos2mqtt_bridge'))[0];
if ($devspec eq 'a:model=sonos2mqtt_bridge'){
sonos2mqtt_mod_list($devspec,'setList','notifyall:textField'.q( {sonos2mqtt($NAME,$EVENT)}));
sonos2mqtt_mod_list($devspec,'setList','announcementall:textField'.q( {sonos2mqtt($NAME,$EVENT)}));
sonos2mqtt_mod_list($devspec,'readingList',AttrVal($bridge,"devicetopic",'sonos').'/RINCON_([0-9A-Z]+)/Favorites:.* Favorites');
sonos2mqtt_mod_list($devspec,'readingList',AttrVal($bridge,"devicetopic",'sonos').'/RINCON_([0-9A-Z]+)/Reply:.* Reply');
return undef
fhem("attr $devspec".q( devStateIcon {sonos2mqtt($name,'devStateIcon')}));
for ('stop:noArg','play:noArg','pause:noArg','toggle:noArg','volume:slider,0,1,100','volumeUp:noArg','volumeDown:noArg',
@ -181,11 +198,12 @@ if (!ReadingsVal($bridge,'favlist',0)) {my $fav = fhem("get $bridge Favorites")}
for (devspec2array($devspec)) {
my $mn = ReadingsVal($_,'modelNumber','');
fhem("set $_ volume ".ReadingsVal($_,'volume','10')); # trick to initiate the userReadings
if (grep(/$mn/, @tv)) {sonos2mqtt_mod_list($_,'setList','input:Queue,TV'.q( {sonos2mqtt($NAME,$EVENT)}))}
if (grep(/$mn/, @line)) {sonos2mqtt_mod_list($_,'setList','input:Queue,Line_In'.q( {sonos2mqtt($NAME,$EVENT)}))}
if (grep {/$mn/} @tv) {sonos2mqtt_mod_list($_,'setList','input:Queue,TV'.q( {sonos2mqtt($NAME,$EVENT)}))}
if (grep {/$mn/} @line) {sonos2mqtt_mod_list($_,'setList','input:Queue,Line_In'.q( {sonos2mqtt($NAME,$EVENT)}))}
sonos2mqtt_mod_list($_,'setList','joinGroup:'.ReadingsVal($bridge,'grouplist','').q( {sonos2mqtt($NAME,$EVENT)}));
sonos2mqtt_mod_list($_,'setList','playFav:'.ReadingsVal($bridge,'favlist','').q( {sonos2mqtt($NAME,$EVENT)}));
return ''
#### code for notify for two different triggers: defined and IPAddress is responded
@ -211,15 +229,55 @@ if ($NAME eq 'global'){
fhem("attr $NAME icon $icon;sleep 4 WI;set WEB rereadicons");
return ''
# could be removed later only for temporary compatibitility
# setplayFav, setjoinGroup not working well from inside setList Bridge
# from commandline could used like {sonos2mqtt_bridge('SonosBridge','setplayFav')}
# joinGroup does'nt working with spaces in "Player Rooms"
sub sonos2mqtt_bridge
#### sub for userReadings
sub sonos2mqtt_ur
my $name = shift @_ // 'name';
my $reading = shift @_ // 'reading';
my @out;
if ($reading eq 'grouplist'){
for (devspec2array('a:model=sonos2mqtt_speaker')) {
if (ReadingsVal($_,'isMaster','')) {
push @out,ReadingsVal($_,'name','')
return join(',', sort @out)
if ($reading eq 'favlist'){
use JSON;
use HTML::Entities;
use Encode qw(encode decode);
my $enc = 'UTF8';
my $decoded = decode_json(ReadingsVal($name,'Favorites',''));
my @arr = @{$decoded->{'Result'}};
for (@arr) {
my $dec = encode($enc, decode_entities($_->{'Title'}));
$dec =~ s/\s/./g;
if ($_->{'TrackUri'} =~ /x-sonosapi-stream/) {push @out,$dec}
return join ',', sort @out
if ($reading eq 'Input') {
my $currentTrack_TrackUri = ReadingsVal($name,'currentTrack_TrackUri','');
return $currentTrack_TrackUri =~ 'x-rincon-stream'
? 'LineIn': $currentTrack_TrackUri =~ 'spdif'
? 'TV' : ReadingsVal($name,'enqueuedMetadata_UpnpClass','') eq 'object.item.audioItem.audioBroadcast'
? 'Radio' : 'Playlist'
=begin html
Some Subroutines for generic MQTT2 Sonos Devices based on sonos2mqtt.
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Enthaelt einige Subroutinen fuer generische MQTT2 Sonos Geraete auf Basis von sonos2mqtt.
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Reference in New Issue
Block a user