diff --git a/fhem/CHANGED b/fhem/CHANGED
index 0d5dcf326..1e83543a7 100644
--- a/fhem/CHANGED
+++ b/fhem/CHANGED
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
+ - feature: 49_SSCam: In detailview are buttons provided to open the camera
+ native setup screen or Synology Surveillance Station and
+ the Synology Surveillance Station online help
- bugfix: 73_DoorBird: bugfix for timing between History-Image + event
- feature: 73_GardenaSmartBridge: add dynamic baseURL
- bugfix: 73_AutoShuttersControl: add new english commandref, fix many bugs
diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/49_SSCam.pm b/fhem/FHEM/49_SSCam.pm
index baeff9148..8e66902e6 100644
--- a/fhem/FHEM/49_SSCam.pm
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/49_SSCam.pm
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ eval "use FHEM::Meta;1" or my $modMetaAbsent = 1;
# Versions History intern
our %SSCam_vNotesIntern = (
+ "8.14.0" => "01.06.2019 Link to Cam/SVS-Setup Screen and online help in Detailview ",
"8.13.6" => "26.05.2019 enhanced log entries of snapinfos with debugactivetoken ",
"8.13.5" => "23.05.2019 StmKey quoted depending on attr noQuotesForSID (Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,45671.msg938236.html#msg938236), ".
"autoplay muted of hls-StreamDev",
@@ -149,6 +150,7 @@ our %SSCam_vNotesIntern = (
# Versions History extern
our %SSCam_vNotesExtern = (
+ "8.14.0" => "01.06.2019 In detailview are buttons provided to open the camera native setup screen or Synology Surveillance Station and the Synology Surveillance Station online help. ",
"8.12.0" => "25.03.2019 Delay FHEM shutdown as long as sessions are not terminated, but not longer than global attribute \"maxShutdownDelay\". ",
"8.11.0" => "25.02.2019 compatibility set to SVS version 8.2.3, Popup possible for streaming devices of type \"generic\", ".
"support for \"genericStrmHtmlTag\" in streaming devices ",
@@ -326,6 +328,9 @@ our %SSCam_ttips_en = (
tth264run => "Playback of last H.264 recording of camera "§NAME§".
It only starts if the recording is type H.264",
ttlmjpegrun => "Playback of last MJPEG recording of camera "§NAME§".
It only starts if the recording is type MJPEG",
ttlsnaprun => "Playback of last snapshot of camera "§NAME§".",
+ confcam => "The configuration menu of camera "§NAME§" will be opened in a new Browser page",
+ confsvs => "The configuration page of Synology Surveillance Station will be opened in a new Browser page",
+ helpsvs => "The online help page of Synology Surveillance Station will be opened in a new Browser page",
our %SSCam_ttips_de = (
@@ -341,6 +346,9 @@ our %SSCam_ttips_de = (
tth264run => "Wiedergabe der letzten H.264 Aufnahme von Kamera "§NAME§".
Die Wiedergabe startet nur wenn die Aufnahme vom Typ H.264 ist.",
ttlmjpegrun => "Wiedergabe der letzten MJPEG Aufnahme von Kamera "§NAME§".
Die Wiedergabe startet nur wenn die Aufnahme vom Typ MJPEG ist.",
ttlsnaprun => "Wiedergabe des letzten Schnappschusses von Kamera "§NAME§".",
+ confcam => "Das Konfigurationsmenü von Kamera "§NAME§" wird in einer neuen Browserseite geöffnet",
+ confsvs => "Die Konfigurationsseite der Synology Surveillance Station wird in einer neuen Browserseite geöffnet",
+ helpsvs => "Die Onlinehilfe der Synology Surveillance Station wird in einer neuen Browserseite geöffnet",
# Standardvariablen und Forward-Deklaration
@@ -1882,15 +1890,93 @@ return $ret;
sub SSCam_FWdetailFn ($$$$) {
my ($FW_wname, $d, $room, $pageHash) = @_; # pageHash is set for summaryFn.
my $hash = $defs{$d};
+ my $ret = "";
- return undef if(!AttrVal($d,"ptzPanel_use",1));
+ $hash->{".setup"} = SSCam_FWconfCam($d,$room);
+ if($hash->{".setup"} ne "") {
+ $ret .= $hash->{".setup"};
+ }
+ # return undef if(!AttrVal($d,"ptzPanel_use",1));
$hash->{".ptzhtml"} = SSCam_ptzpanel($d) if($hash->{".ptzhtml"} eq "");
- if($hash->{".ptzhtml"} ne "") {
- return $hash->{".ptzhtml"};
- } else {
- return undef;
+ if($hash->{".ptzhtml"} ne "" && AttrVal($d,"ptzPanel_use",1)) {
+ $ret .= $hash->{".ptzhtml"};
+ }
+return $ret;
+# Aufruf Konfigseite Kamera
+sub SSCam_FWconfCam($$) {
+ my ($name,$room) = @_;
+ my $hash = $defs{$name};
+ my $cip = ReadingsVal("$name","CamIP","");
+ my $svsip = $hash->{SERVERADDR};
+ my $svsport = $hash->{SERVERPORT};
+ my $svsprot = $hash->{PROTOCOL};
+ my $ttjs = "/fhem/pgm2/sscam_tooltip.js";
+ my $attr = AttrVal($name, "htmlattr", "");
+ my $alias = AttrVal($name, "alias", $name);
+ my $winname = $name."_view";
+ my $cicon = 'edit_settings.svg'; # Icon für Cam/SVS Setup-Screen
+ my $hicon = 'info_info.svg'; # Icon für SVS Hilfeseite
+ my $w = 150;
+ my ($ret,$cexpl,$hexpl) = ("","","");
+ my ($cs,$bs,$ch,$bh,);
+ if(SSCam_IsModelCam($hash)) { # Camera Device
+ return $ret if(!$cip);
+ if(AttrVal("global","language","EN") =~ /DE/) {
+ $cexpl = $SSCam_ttips_de{confcam}; $cexpl =~ s/§NAME§/$alias/g; $cexpl =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+ } else {
+ $cexpl = $SSCam_ttips_en{confcam}; $cexpl =~ s/§NAME§/$alias/g; $cexpl =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+ }
+ $cs = "window.open('http://$cip')";
+ } else { # SVS-Device
+ return $ret if(!$svsip);
+ if(AttrVal("global","language","EN") =~ /DE/) {
+ $cexpl = $SSCam_ttips_de{confsvs}; $cexpl =~ s/§NAME§/$alias/g; $cexpl =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+ } else {
+ $cexpl = $SSCam_ttips_en{confsvs}; $cexpl =~ s/§NAME§/$alias/g; $cexpl =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+ }
+ $cs = "window.open('$svsprot://$svsip:$svsport/cam')";
+ if(AttrVal("global","language","EN") =~ /DE/) {
+ $hexpl = $SSCam_ttips_de{"helpsvs"}; $hexpl =~ s/\s/ /g;
+ $ch = "window.open('https://www.synology.com/de-de/knowledgebase/Surveillance/help')";
+ } else {
+ $hexpl = $SSCam_ttips_en{"helpsvs"}; $hexpl =~ s/\s/ /g;
+ $ch = "window.open('https://www.synology.com/en-global/knowledgebase/Surveillance/help')";
+ }
+ $cicon = FW_makeImage($cicon); $hicon = FW_makeImage($hicon);
+ $bs = "Tip(`$cexpl`)";
+ $bh = "Tip(`$hexpl`)";
+ $ret .= "";
+ $ret .= "";
+ $ret .= "
"; + + $ret .= " $cicon "; + + $ret .= " | "; + + $ret .= " $hicon "; + + $ret .= " | "; + $ret .= ""; + $ret .= ''; + $ret .= "