mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-10 03:06:37 +00:00

contrib/55_GDS.2015: updated

added forecast retrieval (by jensb)
added weblink generator (by jensb)

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@9408 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
betateilchen 2015-10-09 00:26:32 +00:00
parent 0b97c25be0
commit b14ef567c7

View File

@ -6,9 +6,10 @@
# An FHEM Perl module to retrieve data from "Deutscher Wetterdienst"
# Copyright: betateilchen ®
# some patches provided by jensb@FHEM_Forum
# - forecasts as readings or text
# - weather weblinks
# some patches provided by jensb
# forecasts provided by jensb
# weblinks provided by jensb
# This file is part of fhem.
@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ my ($bulaList, $cmapList, %rmapList, $fmapList, %bula2bulaShort, %bulaShort2dwd,
# Main routines
# Main routines
@ -145,9 +146,9 @@ sub GDS_Set($@) {
given($command) {
CommandDeleteReading(undef, "$name a_.*");
CommandDeleteReading(undef, "$name c_.*") if(defined($parameter) && $parameter eq "all");
CommandDeleteReading(undef, "$name f_.*") if(defined($parameter) && $parameter eq "all");
CommandDeleteReading(undef, "$name g_.*") if(defined($parameter) && $parameter eq "all");
CommandDeleteReading(undef, "$name c_.*") if(defined($parameter) && $parameter eq "all");
CommandDeleteReading(undef, "$name fc.?_.*") if(defined($parameter) && $parameter eq "all");
CommandDeleteReading(undef, "$name g_.*") if(defined($parameter) && $parameter eq "all");
@ -164,9 +165,9 @@ sub GDS_Set($@) {
($aList, undef) = buildCAPList($hash);
# eval {
# $fList = getListForecastStationsDropdown($hash);
# };
eval {
$fList = getListForecastStationsDropdown($hash);
@ -187,11 +188,14 @@ sub GDS_Set($@) {
# when("forecasts"){
# retrieveForecasts($hash, "f", @a);
# $attr{$name}{gdsSetForecast} = ReadingsVal($name,'f_stationName',undef);
# break;
# }
retrieveForecasts($hash, "fc", @a);
my $station = ReadingsVal($name, 'fc_stationName', undef);
if (defined($station)) {
$attr{$name}{gdsSetForecast} = $station;
default { return $usage; };
@ -291,6 +295,9 @@ sub GDS_Get($@) {
} else {
$result = "Keine Warnmeldung für die gesuchte Region vorhanden.";
my $_gdsAll = AttrVal($name,"gdsAll", 0);
my $_gdsDebug = AttrVal($name,"gdsDebug", 0);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,'_lastAlertCheck','see timestamp ->',1) if($_gdsAll || $_gdsDebug);
@ -312,9 +319,9 @@ sub GDS_Get($@) {
# eval {
# $fList = getListForecastStationsDropdown($hash);
# };
eval {
$fList = getListForecastStationsDropdown($hash);
@ -402,21 +409,53 @@ sub GDS_GetUpdate($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my (@a, $next);
my $interval = $hash->{helper}{INTERVAL};
my $forcastsStationName = ReadingsVal($name, "fc_stationName", undef);
if(IsDisabled($name)) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', 'disabled', 0);
Log3 ($name, 2, "GDS $name is disabled, data update cancelled.");
} else {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', 'active', 0);
push @a, undef;
push @a, undef;
push @a, ReadingsVal($name, "c_stationName", "");
retrieveConditions($hash, "c", @a);
if(IsDisabled($name)) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', 'disabled', 0);
Log3 ($name, 2, "GDS $name is disabled, data update cancelled.");
} else {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', 'active', 0);
$next = gettimeofday()+$hash->{helper}{INTERVAL};
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "c_nextUpdate", localtime($next), 1);
InternalTimer($next, "GDS_GetUpdate", $hash, 1);
# schedule only one ftp fetch per update call to avoid blocking FHEM for extended periods
if (!defined($hash->{helper}{UPDATE_CYCLE}) || !defined($forcastsStationName)) {
$hash->{helper}{UPDATE_CYCLE} = 0;
} else {
$hash->{helper}{UPDATE_CYCLE} = ++$hash->{helper}{UPDATE_CYCLE}%11;
# perform one ftp fetch
if ($hash->{helper}{UPDATE_CYCLE} == 0) {
push @a, undef;
push @a, undef;
push @a, ReadingsVal($name, "c_stationName", "");
retrieveConditions($hash, "c", @a);
} else {
push @a, undef;
push @a, undef;
push @a, $forcastsStationName;
push @a, $hash->{helper}{UPDATE_CYCLE};
retrieveForecasts($hash, "fc", @a);
# vary interval for staggered fetching and waiting
if (defined($forcastsStationName)) {
if ($hash->{helper}{UPDATE_CYCLE} < 10) {
$interval = 1; # use short interval to get next forecast
} else {
$interval -= 16; # cut back approximate staggered retrieval time from interval
# schedule next update
$next = gettimeofday() + $interval;
if ($interval > 1) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "c_nextUpdate", localtime($next), 1);
InternalTimer($next, "GDS_GetUpdate", $hash, 1);
return 1;
@ -561,7 +600,7 @@ sub getListStationsText($){
sub getListCapStations($$){
my ($hash, $command) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my (%capHash, $file, $csv, @columns, $err, $key, $cList);
my (%capHash, $file, $csv, @columns, $err, $key, $cList, $found);
$file = $tempDir.'capstations.csv';
$csv = Text::CSV->new( { binary => 1 } );
@ -570,27 +609,37 @@ sub getListCapStations($$){
# prüfen, ob CSV schon vorhanden,
# falls nicht: vom Server holen
if (!-e $tempDir."caplist.csv"){
retrieveFile($hash, $command);
# CSV öffnen und parsen
open (CSV, "<", $file) or die $!;
while (<CSV>) {
next if ($. == 1);
if ($csv->parse($_)) {
@columns = $csv->fields();
$capHash{latin1ToUtf8($columns[4])} = $columns[0];
} else {
$err = $csv->error_input;
print "Failed to parse line: $err";
(undef, $found) = retrieveFile($hash, $command);
$cList = "Error: Unable to retrieve capstation list!";
Log3($name, 2, "GDS $name: $cList");
close CSV;
# Ausgabe sortieren und zusammenstellen
foreach $key (sort keys %capHash) {
$cList .= $capHash{$key}."\t".$key."\n";
if (!defined($cList)) {
# CSV öffnen und parsen
if (open (CSV, "<", $file)) {
while (<CSV>) {
next if ($. == 1);
if ($csv->parse($_)) {
@columns = $csv->fields();
$capHash{latin1ToUtf8($columns[4])} = $columns[0];
} else {
$err = $csv->error_input;
print "Failed to parse line: $err";
close CSV;
} else {
Log3($name, 4, "GDS $name: Error: unable to open capstations file: $!!");
# Ausgabe sortieren und zusammenstellen
foreach $key (sort keys %capHash) {
$cList .= $capHash{$key}."\t".$key."\n";
return $cList;
@ -612,7 +661,7 @@ sub buildCAPList($){
%capCityHash = ();
%capCellHash = ();
$alertsXml = undef;
$aList = "please_use_rereadcfg_first";
$aList = "please_use_rereadcfg_first";
my $xml = new XML::Simple;
my $area = 0;
@ -622,11 +671,7 @@ sub buildCAPList($){
my $destinationDirectory = $tempDir.$name."_alerts.dir";
# make XML array and analyze data
my ($err,$cF,$countInfo) = mergeCapFile($hash);
if (defined($err) && $err) {
Log3($name,1,"GDS: merge error: $err - aborting...");
my ($countInfo,$cF) = mergeCapFile($hash);
eval {
$alertsXml = $xml->XMLin($cF, KeyAttr => {}, ForceArray => [ 'info', 'eventCode', 'area', 'geocode' ]);
@ -1092,24 +1137,6 @@ sub _rgbd2h($) {
return $output;
sub createIndexFile($){
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $text = "<html><head></head><body>".
"<a href=\"./".$name."/".$name."_conditionsmap.jpg\" target=\"blank\">Aktuelle Wetterkarte: Wetterlage</a><br/>".
"<a href=\"./".$name."/".$name."_forecastsmap.jpg\" target=\"blank\">Aktuelle Wetterkarte: Vorhersage</a><br/>".
"<a href=\"./".$name."/".$name."_warningsmap.jpg\" target=\"blank\">Aktuelle Wetterkarte: Warnungen</a><br/>".
"<a href=\"./".$name."/".$name."_radarmap.jpg\" target=\"blank\">Aktuelle Radarkarte</a><br/>".
open (DATEI, ">".$tempDir.$name.".html") or die $!;
print DATEI $text;
close (DATEI);
sub fillMappingTables($){
$tempDir = "/tmp/";
@ -1389,18 +1416,582 @@ sub mergeCapFile($) {
push (@alertsArray,"</alert>");
# write the big XML file
my $cF = $destinationDirectory."/gds_alerts";
unlink $cF if -e $cF;
my $err = FileWrite({ FileName=>$cF,ForceType=>"file" },@alertsArray);
return ($err,$cF,$countInfo);
# write the big XML file if needed
if(AttrVal($name,"gdsDebug", 0)) {
my $cF = $destinationDirectory."/gds_alerts";
unlink $cF if -e $cF;
FileWrite({ FileName=>$cF,ForceType=>"file" },@alertsArray);
my $xmlContent = join('',@alertsArray);
return ($countInfo,$xmlContent);
# forecast retrieval
# provided by jensb
sub retrieveForecasts($$@){
# parameter: hash, prefix, region/station, forecast index (0 .. 10)
my ($hash, $prefix, @a) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $user = $hash->{helper}{USER};
my $pass = $hash->{helper}{PASS};
# extract region and station name
if (!defined($a[2])) {
my $i = index($a[2], '/');
if ($i <= 0 ) {
my $area = utf8ToLatin1(substr($a[2], 0, $i));
my $station = utf8ToLatin1(substr($a[2], $i+1));
$station =~ s/_/ /g; # replace underscore in station name by space
my $searchLen = length($station);
my ($dataFile, $found, $line, %fread, $k, $v);
# define fetch scope (all forecasts or single forecast)
my $fc = 0;
my $fcStep = 1;
if (defined($a[3]) && $a[3] > 0) {
# single forecast
$fc = $a[3] - 1;
$fcStep = 10;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime();
%fread = ();
# fetch up to 10 forecasts for today and the next 3 days
do {
my $day;
my $early;
if ($fc < 4) {
$day = 0;
$early = 0;
} else {
$day = int(($fc - 2)/2);
$early = $fc%2 == 0;
my $areaAndTime = $area;
if ($day == 1) {
$areaAndTime .= "_morgen";
} elsif ($day == 2) {
$areaAndTime .= "_uebermorgen";
} elsif ($day == 3) {
$areaAndTime .= "_Tag4";
my $timeLabel = undef;
my $tempLabel = '_tAvgAir';
my $copyDay = undef;
my $copyTimeLabel = undef;
if ($day == 0) {
if ($fc == 0) {
$areaAndTime .= "_frueh"; # .. 6 h
$timeLabel = '06';
$tempLabel ='_tMinAir';
$copyDay = 1;
$copyTimeLabel = '12';
} elsif ($fc == 1) {
$areaAndTime .= "_mittag"; # .. 12 h
$timeLabel = '12';
$tempLabel .= $timeLabel;
} elsif ($fc == 2) {
$areaAndTime .= "_spaet"; # .. 18 h
$timeLabel = '18';
$tempLabel ='_tMaxAir';
$copyDay = 1;
$copyTimeLabel = '24';
} elsif ($fc == 3) {
$areaAndTime .= "_nacht"; # .. 24 h
$timeLabel = '24';
$tempLabel .= $timeLabel;
} else {
if ($early) {
$areaAndTime .= "_frueh"; # .. 12 h
$timeLabel = '12';
$tempLabel ='_tMinAir';
if ($day < 3) {
$copyDay = $day + 1;
$copyTimeLabel = '12';
} else {
$areaAndTime .= "_spaet"; # .. 24 h
$timeLabel .= '24';
$tempLabel ='_tMaxAir';
if ($day < 3) {
$copyDay = $day + 1;
$copyTimeLabel = '24';
# define forecast date (based on "now" + day)
my $fcEpoch = time() + $day*24*60*60;
if ($fc == 3) {
# night continues at next day
$fcEpoch += 24*60*60;
my ($fcSec,$fcMin,$fcHour,$fcMday,$fcMon,$fcYear,$fcWday,$fcYday,$fcIsdst) = localtime($fcEpoch);
my $fcWeekday = $weekdays[$fcWday];
my $fcDate = sprintf("%02d.%02d.%04d", $fcMday, 1+$fcMon, 1900+$fcYear);
my $fcDateFound = 0;
# FTP retrieve
my $noDataFound = 1;
Log3($name, 4, "GDS $name: Retrieving forecasts data for day $day: $areaAndTime");
($dataFile, $found) = retrieveFile($hash, "forecasts", $areaAndTime, undef);
if (open WXDATA, $tempDir.$name."_forecasts") {
while (!eof(WXDATA) && chomp($line = <WXDATA>)) {
if (index($line, $fcDate) > 0) {
# forecast date found
$fcDateFound = 1;
if (index(substr(lc($line),0,$searchLen), substr(lc($station),0,$searchLen)) != -1) {
# station found
close WXDATA;
# parse file
if ($fcDateFound && length($line) > 0) {
if (index(substr(lc($line),0,$searchLen), substr(lc($station),0,$searchLen)) != -1) {
# station found but there is no header line and column width varies:
$line =~ s/---/ ---/g; # column distance may drop to zero between station name and invalid temp "---" -> prepend 3 spaces
$line =~ s/ /;/g; # now min. column distance is 3 spaces -> convert to semicolon
$line =~ s/;+/;/g; # replace multiple consecutive semicolons by one semicolon
my @b = split(';', $line); # split columns by semicolon
$b[0] =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # trim station name
$b[1] =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # trim temperature
$b[2] =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # trim weather
if (scalar(@b) > 3) {
$b[3] =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # trim wind gust
} else {
$b[3] = ' ';
$fread{$prefix."_stationName"} = $area.'/'.$b[0];
$fread{$prefix.$day.$tempLabel} = $b[1];
$fread{$prefix.$day."_weather".$timeLabel} = $b[2];
$fread{$prefix.$day."_windGust".$timeLabel} = $b[3];
if ($fc != 3) {
$fread{$prefix.$day."_weekday"} = $fcWeekday;
$noDataFound = 0;
} else {
# station not found, abort
$fread{$prefix."_stationName"} = "unknown: $station in $area";
if ($noDataFound) {
# forecast period already passed or no data available
$fread{$prefix.$day.$tempLabel} = "---";
$fread{$prefix.$day."_weather".$timeLabel} = "---";
$fread{$prefix.$day."_windGust".$timeLabel} = "---";
if ($fc != 3) {
$fread{$prefix.$day."_weekday"} = $fcWeekday;
# day change preset by rotation
my $ltime = ReadingsTimestamp($name, $prefix.$day."_weather".$timeLabel, undef);
my ($lsec,$lmin,$lhour,$lmday,$lmon,$lyear,$lwday,$lyday,$lisdst);
if (defined($ltime)) {
($lsec,$lmin,$lhour,$lmday,$lmon,$lyear,$lwday,$lyday,$lisdst) = localtime(time_str2num($ltime));
if (!defined($ltime) || $mday != $lmday) {
# day has changed, rotate old forecast forward by one day because new forecast is not immediately available
my $temp = $fread{$prefix.$day.$tempLabel};
if (defined($temp) && substr($temp, 0, 1) eq '-') {
if (defined($copyTimeLabel)) {
$fread{$prefix.$day.$tempLabel} = utf8ToLatin1(ReadingsVal($name, $prefix.$copyDay.$tempLabel, '---'));
} else {
# today noon/night and 3rd day is undefined
$fread{$prefix.$day.$tempLabel} = ' ';
my $weather = $fread{$prefix.$day."_weather".$timeLabel};
if (defined($weather) && substr($weather, 0, 1) eq '-') {
if (defined($copyTimeLabel)) {
$fread{$prefix.$day."_weather".$timeLabel} = utf8ToLatin1(ReadingsVal($name, $prefix.$copyDay."_weather".$copyTimeLabel, '---'));
} else {
# today noon/night and 3rd day is undefined
$fread{$prefix.$day."_weather".$timeLabel} = ' ';
my $windGust = $fread{$prefix.$day."_windGust".$timeLabel};
if (defined($windGust) && substr($windGust, 0, 1) eq '-') {
if (defined($copyTimeLabel)) {
$fread{$prefix.$day."_windGust".$timeLabel} = utf8ToLatin1(ReadingsVal($name, $prefix.$copyDay."_windGust".$copyTimeLabel, '---'));
} else {
# today noon/night and 3rd day is undefined
$fread{$prefix.$day."_windGust".$timeLabel} = ' ';
$fc += $fcStep;
} while ($fc < 10);
while (($k, $v) = each %fread) {
# skip update if no valid data is available
if (defined($v) && substr($v, 0, 1) ne '-') {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $k, latin1ToUtf8($v));
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
sub getListForecastStationsDropdown($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my @a;
my @regions = keys(%rmapList);
foreach (@regions) {
my $areaAndTime = $_.'_morgen_spaet';
my ($dataFile, $found) = retrieveFile($hash, "forecasts", $areaAndTime, undef);
if (open WXDATA, $tempDir.$name."_forecasts") {
my $lineCount = 0;
while (chomp(my $line = <WXDATA>)) {
# skip header lines
if ($lineCount > 2) {
if (length($line) == 0 || substr($line, 0, 3) eq ' ') {
# empty line, done
} else {
# line with station name found
$line = latin1ToUtf8($line);
$line =~ s/---/ ---/g; # column distance may drop to zero between station name and invalid temp "---" -> prepend 3 spaces
$line =~ s/ /;/g; # now min. column distance is 3 spaces -> convert to semicolon
$line =~ s/;+/;/g; # replace multiple consecutive semicolons by one semicolon
my @b = split(';', $line); # split columns by semicolon
push @a, $_.'/'.$b[0]; # concat region name and station name (1st column)
close WXDATA;
if (!@a) {
Log3($name, 4, "GDS $name: Error: unable to open forecast file!");
@a = sort(@a);
my $liste = join(",", @a);
$liste =~ s/\s+,/,/g; # replace multiple spaces followed by comma with comma
$liste =~ s/\s/_/g; # replace spaces in stationName with underscore for list in frontend
return $liste;
# create weblinks
# provided by jensb
# weather description to icon name mapping
my %GDSDayWeatherIconMap = (
'bedeckt' => 'overcast',
'bewölkt' => 'mostlycloudy',
'Dunst oder flacher Nebel' => 'haze',
'gefrierender Nebel' => 'icy',
'gering bewölkt' => 'partlycloudy',
'Gewitter' => 'thunderstorm',
'Glatteisbildung' => 'icy',
'Graupelschauer' => 'snow',
'Hagelschauer' => 'snow',
'heiter' => 'partlycloudy',
'in Wolken' => 'mostlycloudy',
'kein signifikantes Wetter' => 'na',
'kräftiger Graupelschauer' => 'heavysnow',
'kräftiger Hagelschauer' => 'heavysnow',
'kräftiger Regen' => 'heavyrain',
'kräftiger Regenschauer' => 'scatteredshowers',
'kräftiger Schneefall' => 'heavysnow',
'kräftiger Schneeregen' => 'rainsnow',
'kräftiger Schneeregenschauer' => 'rainsnow',
'kräftiger Schneeschauer' => 'heavysnow',
'leicht bewölkt' => 'partlycloudy',
'leichter Regen' => 'mist',
'leichter Schneefall' => 'snow',
'leichter Schneeregen' => 'rainsnow',
'Nebel' => 'fog',
'Regen' => 'rain',
'Regenschauer' => 'scatteredshowers',
'Sandsturm' => 'dust',
'Schneefall' => 'snow',
'Schneefegen' => 'snow',
'Schneeregen' => 'rainsnow',
'Schneeregenschauer' => 'rainsnow',
'Schneeschauer' => 'snow',
'schweres Gewitter' => 'thunderstorm',
'stark bewölkt' => 'mostlycloudy',
'starkes Gewitter' => 'thunderstorm',
'wolkenlos' => 'sunny',
'---' => 'mostlycloudy',
my %GDSNightWeatherIconMap = (
'bedeckt' => 'overcast',
'bewölkt' => 'mostlycloudy_night',
'Dunst oder flacher Nebel' => 'haze_night',
'gefrierender Nebel' => 'icy',
'gering bewölkt' => 'partlycloudy_night',
'Gewitter' => 'thunderstorm',
'Glatteisbildung' => 'icy',
'Graupelschauer' => 'snow',
'Hagelschauer' => 'snow',
'heiter' => 'partlycloudy_night',
'in Wolken' => 'mostlycloudy_night',
'kein signifikantes Wetter' => 'na',
'kräftiger Graupelschauer' => 'heavysnow',
'kräftiger Hagelschauer' => 'heavysnow',
'kräftiger Regen' => 'heavyrain',
'kräftiger Regenschauer' => 'scatteredshowers_night',
'kräftiger Schneefall' => 'heavysnow',
'kräftiger Schneeregen' => 'rainsnow',
'kräftiger Schneeregenschauer' => 'rainsnow',
'kräftiger Schneeschauer' => 'heavysnow',
'leicht bewölkt' => 'partlycloudy_night',
'leichter Regen' => 'mist',
'leichter Schneefall' => 'snow',
'leichter Schneeregen' => 'rainsnow',
'Nebel' => 'fog',
'Regen' => 'rain',
'Regenschauer' => 'scatteredshowers_night',
'Sandsturm' => 'dust',
'Schneefall' => 'snow',
'Schneefegen' => 'snow',
'Schneeregen' => 'rainsnow',
'Schneeregenschauer' => 'rainsnow',
'Schneeschauer' => 'snow',
'schweres Gewitter' => 'thunderstorm',
'stark bewölkt' => 'mostlycloudy_night',
'starkes Gewitter' => 'thunderstorm',
'wolkenlos' => 'sunny_night',
'---' => 'mostlycloudy_night',
# icon parameters
use constant ICONHIGHT => 120;
use constant ICONWIDTH => 175;
use constant ICONSCALE => 0.5;
sub GDSIsDay($$) {
# check if it is day at given time
# @param: time
# @param: altitude, see documentation of module SUNRISE_EL
my ($time, $altitude) = @_;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($time);
my $t = ($hour*60 + $min) + $sec;
my (undef, $srHour, $srMin, $srSec, undef) = GetTimeSpec(sunrise_abs_dat($time, $altitude));
my $sunrise = ($srHour*60 + $srMin) + $srSec;
my (undef, $ssHour, $ssMin, $ssSec, undef) = GetTimeSpec(sunset_abs_dat($time, $altitude));
my $sunset = ($ssHour*60 + $ssMin) + $ssSec;
return $t >= $sunrise && $t <= $sunset;
sub GDSIconIMGTag($;$) {
# get FHEM weather icon
# @param: weather description
# @param: time of weather description or 1 for night, optional, defaults to daytime icons
my $width = int(ICONSCALE*ICONWIDTH);
my ($weather, $time) = @_;
my $icon;
if (!defined($time) || (defined($time) && $time > 1 && GDSIsDay($time, "REAL"))) {
$icon = $GDSDayWeatherIconMap{$weather};
} else {
$icon = $GDSNightWeatherIconMap{$weather};
if (defined($icon)) {
my $url= FW_IconURL("weather/$icon");
my $style= " width=$width";
return "<img src=\"$url\"$style alt=\"$icon\">";
} else {
return "";
sub GDSAsHtmlV($;$) {
# create forecast in a vertical HTML table
# @param: device name
# @param: number of icons, optional, default 8
my ($d,$items) = @_;
$d = "<none>" if(!$d);
$items = $items? $items - 1 : 7;
return "$d is not a GDS instance<br>"
if(!$defs{$d} || $defs{$d}{TYPE} ne "GDS");
my $width = int(ICONSCALE*ICONWIDTH);
my $ret = sprintf('<table class="weather"><tr><th width=%d></th><th></th></tr>', $width);
$ret .= sprintf('<tr><td class="weatherIcon" width=%d>%s</td><td class="weatherValue"><span class="weatherDay">Aktuell: </span><span class="weatherCondition">%s</span><br><span class="weatherValue">%s°C</span><br><span class="weatherWind">Wind %s km/h %s</span></td></tr>',
GDSIconIMGTag(ReadingsVal($d, "c_weather", "?"), time_str2num(ReadingsTimestamp($d, "c_weather", TimeNow()))),
ReadingsVal($d, "c_weather", "?"),
ReadingsVal($d, "c_temperature", "?"),
ReadingsVal($d, "c_windSpeed", "?"), ReadingsVal($d, "c_windDir", "?"));
# get time of last forecast
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time_str2num(ReadingsTimestamp($d, "fc3_weather24", TimeNow())));
for(my $i=0; $i<$items; $i++) {
my $day = int(($i + 1)/2);
my $timeLabel = $i == 0? ($hour < 17? '18' : '24') : ($i - 1)%2 == 0? '12' : '24';
my $weekday = $i == 0? ($hour < 17? 'Spät' : 'Nachts') : ($i - 1)%2 == 0? ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_weekday", "?").' früh' : ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_weekday", "?").' spät';
if (($i - 1)%2 == 0) {
$ret .= sprintf('<tr><td class="weatherIcon" width=%d>%s</td><td class="weatherValue"><span class="weatherDay">%s: </span><span class="weatherCondition">%s</span><br><span class="weatherMin">min %s°C</span><br><span class="weatherWind">%s</span></span></td></tr>',
GDSIconIMGTag(ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_weather".$timeLabel, "?")),
ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_weather".$timeLabel, "?"),
ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_tMinAir", "?"),
ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_windGust".$timeLabel, ""));
} else {
if ($i == 0 && $hour >= 17) {
$ret .= sprintf('<tr><td class="weatherIcon" width=%d>%s</td><td class="weatherValue"><span class="weatherDay">%s: </span><span class="weatherCondition">%s</span><br><span class="weatherValue">%s°C</span><br><span class="weatherWind">%s</span></td></tr>',
GDSIconIMGTag(ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_weather".$timeLabel, "?"), 1),
ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_weather".$timeLabel, "?"),
ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_tAvgAir".$timeLabel, "?"),
ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_windGust".$timeLabel, ""));
} else {
$ret .= sprintf('<tr><td class="weatherIcon" width=%d>%s</td><td class="weatherValue"><span class="weatherDay">%s: </span><span class="weatherCondition">%s</span><br><span class="weatherMax">max %s°C</span><br><span class="weatherWind">%s</span></td></tr>',
GDSIconIMGTag(ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_weather".$timeLabel, "?")),
ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_weather".$timeLabel, "?"),
ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_tMaxAir", "?"),
ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_windGust".$timeLabel, ""));
$ret .= "</table>";
return $ret;
sub GDSAsHtmlH($;$) {
# create forecast in a horizontal HTML table
# @param: device name
# @param: number of icons, optional, default 8
my ($d, $items) = @_;
$d = "<none>" if(!$d);
$items = $items? $items - 1 : 7;
return "$d is not a GDS instance<br>"
if(!$defs{$d} || $defs{$d}{TYPE} ne "GDS");
my $width = 110;
my $ret = '<table class="weather">';
# get time of last forecast
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time_str2num(ReadingsTimestamp($d, "fc3_weather24", TimeNow())));
# weekday / time
$ret .= sprintf('<tr><td align="center" class="weatherDay">Aktuell</td>');
for(my $i=0; $i<$items; $i++) {
my $day = int(($i + 1)/2);
my $timeLabel = $i == 0? ($hour < 17? '18' : '24') : ($i - 1)%2 == 0? '12' : '24';
my $weekday = $i == 0? ($hour < 17? 'Spät' : 'Nachts') : ($i - 1)%2 == 0? ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_weekday", "?").' früh' : ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_weekday", "?").' spät';
$ret .= sprintf('<td align="center" class="weatherDay">%s</td>', $weekday);
$ret .= '</tr>';
# condition icon
$ret .= sprintf('<tr><td align="center" class="weatherIcon" width=%d>%s</td>', $width, GDSIconIMGTag(ReadingsVal($d, "c_weather", "?"), time_str2num(ReadingsTimestamp($d, "c_weather", TimeNow()))));
for(my $i=0; $i<$items; $i++) {
my $day = int(($i + 1)/2);
my $timeLabel = $i == 0? ($hour < 17? '18' : '24') : ($i - 1)%2 == 0? '12' : '24';
$ret .= sprintf('<td align="center" class="weatherIcon" width=%d>%s</td>', $width, GDSIconIMGTag(ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_weather".$timeLabel, "?"), $i==0 && $hour >= 17? 1 : undef));
$ret .= '</tr>';
# condition text
$ret .= sprintf('<tr><td align="center" class="weatherCondition">%s</td>', ReadingsVal($d, "c_weather", "?"));
for(my $i=0; $i<$items; $i++) {
my $day = int(($i + 1)/2);
my $timeLabel = $i == 0? ($hour < 17? '18' : '24') : ($i - 1)%2 == 0? '12' : '24';
$ret .= sprintf('<td align="center" class="weatherCondition">%s</td>', ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_weather".$timeLabel, "?"));
$ret .= '</tr>';
# temperature / min temperature
$ret .= sprintf('<tr><td align="center" class="weatherValue">%s°C</td>', ReadingsVal($d, "c_temperature", "?"));
for(my $i=0; $i<$items; $i++) {
my $day = int(($i + 1)/2);
my $timeLabel = $i == 0? ($hour < 17? '18' : '24') : ($i - 1)%2 == 0? '12' : '24';
if (($i - 1)%2 == 0) {
$ret .= sprintf('<td align="center" class="weatherMin">min %s°C</td>', ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_tMinAir", "?"));
} else {
if ($i == 0 && $hour >= 17) {
$ret .= sprintf('<td align="center" class="weatherValue">%s°C</td>', ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_tAvgAir".$timeLabel, "?"));
} else {
$ret .= sprintf('<td align="center" class="weatherMax">max %s°C</td>', ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_tMaxAir", "?"));
$ret .= '</tr>';
# wind
$ret .= sprintf('<tr><td align="center" class="weatherWind">%s km/h %s</td>', ReadingsVal($d, "c_windSpeed", "?"), ReadingsVal($d, "c_windDir", "?"));
for(my $i=0; $i<$items; $i++) {
my $day = int(($i + 1)/2);
my $timeLabel = $i == 0? ($hour < 17? '18' : '24') : ($i - 1)%2 == 0? '12' : '24';
$ret .= sprintf('<td align="center" class="weatherWind">%s</td>', ReadingsVal($d, "fc".$day."_windGust".$timeLabel, ""));
$ret .= "</tr></table>";
return $ret;
sub GDSAsHtmlD($;$) {
# create forecast in a horizontal or vertical HTML table depending on the display orientation
# @param: device name
# @param: number of icons, optional, default 8
my ($d,$i) = @_;
if($FW_ss) {
} else {
# Documentation
# Documentation
@ -1476,10 +2067,15 @@ sub mergeCapFile($) {
# 2015-10-08 changed added mergeCapFile()
# code cleanup in buildCAPList()
# use system call "unzip" instead of Archive::Zip
# added NotifyFn for rereadcfg after INITIALIZED|REREADCFG
# added NotifyFn for rereadcfg after INITIALIZED
# improved startup data retrieval
# improved attribute handling
# 2015-10-09 changed removed createIndexFile(), no longer needed since 2015-01-30
# added forecast retrieval
# added weblink generator
# done a lot of code cleanup
# Further informations
@ -1513,22 +2109,6 @@ sub mergeCapFile($) {
# --- : Wert nicht vorhanden
# sub
# _calctz($@)
# {
# my ($nt,@lt) = @_;
# my $off = $lt[2]*3600+$lt[1]*60+$lt[0];
# $off = 12*3600-$off;
# $nt += $off; # This is noon, localtime
# my @gt = gmtime($nt);
# return (12-$gt[2]);
# }
=begin html
@ -1552,11 +2132,20 @@ sub mergeCapFile($) {
<code>define &lt;name&gt; GDS &lt;username&gt; &lt;password&gt;</code>
This module provides connection to <a href="http://www.dwd.de/grundversorgung">GDS service</a> generated by <a href="http://www.dwd.de">DWD</a><br/>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; GDS &lt;username&gt; &lt;password&gt;</code><br>
This module provides connection to <a href="http://www.dwd.de/grundversorgung">GDS service</a> generated by <a href="http://www.dwd.de">DWD</a><br>
It also provides three additional functions <code>GDSAsHtmlV</code>, <code>GDSAsHtmlH</code> and <code>GDSAsHtmlD</code>.
The first function returns the HTML code for a vertically arranged weather forecast.
The second function returns the HTML code for a horizontally arranged weather forecast.
The third function dynamically picks the orientation depending on whether a smallscreen style is set (vertical layout) or not (horizontal layout).
The attributes gdsSetCond and gdsSetForecast must be configured for the functions to work.
Each of these functions accepts an additional parameter to limit the number of icons to display (1...8).
If the attribute gdsSetForecast is not configured this parameter should be set to 1.<br>
Example: <code>define MyForecastWeblink weblink htmlCode { GDSAsHtml("MyWeather") }</code> where "MyWeather" is the name of your GDS device.
@ -1569,7 +2158,7 @@ sub mergeCapFile($) {
<li>alerts: Delete all a_* readings</li>
<li>all: Delete all a_*, c_* and g_* readings</li>
<li>all: Delete all a_*, c_*, g_* and fc_* readings</li>
@ -1578,6 +2167,11 @@ sub mergeCapFile($) {
<ul>Retrieve current conditions at selected station. Data will be updated periodically.</ul>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; forecasts &lt;region&gt;/&lt;stationName&gt;</code>
<ul>Retrieve forecasts for today and the following 3 days for selected station. Data will be updated periodically.</ul>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; help</code>
<ul>Show a help text with available commands</ul>
@ -1585,16 +2179,17 @@ sub mergeCapFile($) {
<code>set &lt;name&gt; rereadcfg</code>
<ul>Reread all required data from DWD Server manually: station list and CAP data</ul>
<ul>Reread all required data from DWD Server manually: station lists and CAP data</ul>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; update</code>
<ul>Update conditions readings at selected station and restart update-timer</ul>
<ul>Update conditions and forecasts readings at selected station and restart update-timer</ul>
<li>condition readings generated by SET use prefix "c_"</li>
<li>readings generated by SET will be updated automatically every 60 minutes</li>
<li>forecast readings generated by SET use prefix "fcd_" and a postfix of "hh" with d=relative day (0=today) and hh=last hour of forecast (exclusive)</li>
<li>readings generated by SET will be updated automatically every 20 minutes</li>
@ -1614,6 +2209,11 @@ sub mergeCapFile($) {
<ul>Retrieve current conditions at selected station</ul>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; forecasts &lt;region&gt;</code>
<ul>Retrieve forecasts for today and the following 3 days for selected region as text</ul>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; conditionsmap &lt;region&gt;</code>
<ul>Retrieve map (imagefile) showing current conditions at selected station</ul>
@ -1685,8 +2285,10 @@ sub mergeCapFile($) {
<li><b>gdsAll</b> - defines filter for "all data" from alert message</li>
<li><b>gdsDebug</b> - defines filter for debug informations</li>
<li><b>gdsSetCond</b> - defines conditions area to be used after system restart</li>
<li><b>gdsSetForecast</b> - defines forecasts region/station to be used after system restart</li>
<li><b>gdsLong</b> - show long text fields "description" and "instruction" from alert message in readings</li>
<li><b>gdsPolygon</b> - show polygon data from alert message in a reading</li>
<li><b>gdsShowMapFilesMenu</b> - if set to 0, the "GDS Files" menu in the left navigation bar will not be shown</li>
<li><b>gdsPassiveFtp</b> - set to 1 to use passive FTP transfer</li>
<li><b>gdsFwName</b> - define firewall hostname in format &lt;hostname&gt;:&lt;port&gt;</li>
@ -1703,7 +2305,23 @@ sub mergeCapFile($) {
that will be increased for every valid alert message in selected area<br/></li>
<li><b>a_count</b> - number of currently valid alert messages, can be used for own loop iterations on alert messages</li>
<li><b>a_valid</b> - returns 1 if at least one of decoded alert messages is valid</li>
<li><b>c_&lt;readingName&gt;</b> - weather data from SET weather conditions. Readings will be updated every 20 minutes</li>
<li><b>c_&lt;readingName&gt;</b> - weather data from SET weather conditions. Readings will be updated every 20 minutes.</li>
<li><b>fc?_&lt;readingName&gt;??</b> - weather data from SET weather forecasts, prefix by relative day and postfixed by last hour. Readings will be updated every 20 minutes.<br>
<li>0_weather06 and ?_weather12 (with ? greater 0) is the weather in the morning</li>
<li>0_weather12 is the weather at noon</li>
<li>0_weather18 and ?_weather24 (with ? greater 0) is the weather in the afternoon</li>
<li>0_weather24 is the weather at midnight</li>
<li>0_windGust06 and ?_windGust12 (with ? greater 0) is the wind in the morning</li>
<li>0_windGust12 is the wind at noon</li>
<li>0_windGust18 and ?_windGust24 (with ? greater 0) is the wind in the afternoon</li>
<li>0_windGust24 is the wind at midnight</li>
<li>?_tMinAir is minimum temperature in the morning</li>
<li>0_tAvgAir12 is the average temperature at noon</li>
<li>?_tMaxAir is the maximum temperature in the afternoon</li>
<li>0_tAvgAir24 is the average temperature at midnight</li>
<li><b>g_&lt;readingName&gt;</b> - weather data from GET weather conditions. Readings will NOT be updated automatically</li>