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synced 2025-03-03 04:36:36 +00:00
48_BlinkCamera: Support for BlinkMini - en/disable + thumbnail
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@21966 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- feature: 48_BlinkCamera: Support for BlinkMini - en/disable + thumbnail
- change: 93_DbRep: improve 'restore' setlist, revised comRef
- feature: 82_LGTV_WebOS: add DuplexIPTV App support
- feature: 00_RSS: new img type SVG (forum #111271)
@ -43,10 +43,14 @@
# use DevIo according to commit hook
# fix videodelete according to msg1053993
# fix videodelete filename (change path to _)
# new attribute homeScreenV3 set to 1 to use new v3 api
# support blink cameras on homescreen - with new homeScreenV3
# added documentation for homeScreenV3 and BLinkMini - readonly mode
# added - for host name instaed of . after rest
# new camtype dependant camEnable / camDisable
# ...Cam...active state corrected (was always disabled)
# getThumbnail also for Blink Mini
@ -56,6 +60,13 @@
# unique id generator
# change headers: user-agent (Blink/8280 CFNetwork/1125.2 Darwin/19.4.0)/ app-build (IOS_8280)
# post on login with all information? --> https://rest-prod.immedia-semi.com/api/v4/account/login
# FIX: getThumbnail url failing sometimes
# FIX: imgOriginalFile not fully working
# might need to check for transaction id on command post
@ -117,6 +128,7 @@ sub BlinkCamera_CheckSetGet( $$$ );
sub BlinkCamera_ReplacePattern( $$;$ );
sub BlinkCamera_ParseStartAlerts($;$$$);
sub BlinkCamera_AnalyzeAlertPage( $$$ );
sub BlinkCamera_GetCamType( $$ );
# Globals
@ -134,6 +146,8 @@ my $BlinkCamera_loginjson = "{ \"password\" : \"q_password_q\", \"client_specifi
my $BlinkCamera_configCamAlertjson = "{ \"camera\" : \"q_id_q\", \"id\" : \"q_id_q\", \"network\" : \"q_network_q\", \"motion_alert\" : \"q_alert_q\" }";
my $BlinkCamera_configOwljson = "{ \"enabled\" : q_value_q }";
my $BlinkCamera_deleteVideojson = "{ \"video_list\" : [ q_id_q ] }";
my $BlinkCamera_cameraThumbnailjson = "{ \"id\" : \"q_id_q\", \"network\" : \"q_network_q\" }";
@ -601,11 +615,12 @@ my $uid_key = join "", map { unpack "H*", chr(rand(256)) } 1..8;
if ($cmd eq "login") {
$dynhost =~ s/##region##/prod/;
$dynhost =~ s/##sep##/-/;
# $dynhost =~ s/##sep##/-/;
} else {
$dynhost =~ s/##region##/$region/;
$dynhost =~ s/##sep##/./;
# $dynhost =~ s/##sep##/./;
$dynhost =~ s/##sep##/-/;
$hash->{URL} = "https://".$dynhost;
$hash->{HU_DO_PARAMS}->{header} = $BlinkCamera_header.
@ -644,23 +659,38 @@ my $uid_key = join "", map { unpack "H*", chr(rand(256)) } 1..8;
$hash->{HU_DO_PARAMS}->{header} .= "\r\n"."TOKEN_AUTH: ".$hash->{AuthToken}."\r\n"."Content-Type: application/json";
$hash->{HU_DO_PARAMS}->{data} = $BlinkCamera_configCamAlertjson;
my $net = BlinkCamera_GetNetwork( $hash );
if ( defined( $net ) ) {
$hash->{HU_DO_PARAMS}->{url} = $hash->{URL}."/network/".$net."/camera/".$par1."/update";
} else {
my $ctype = "invalid";
if ( ! defined( $net ) ) {
$ret = "BlinkCamera_DoCmd $name: no network identifier found for $cmd - set attribute";
} else {
$ctype = BlinkCamera_GetCamType( $hash, $par1 );
if ( ! $ret ) {
my $alert = ($cmd eq "camEnable")?"true":"false";
$hash->{HU_DO_PARAMS}->{data} =~ s/q_id_q/$par1/g;
$hash->{HU_DO_PARAMS}->{data} =~ s/q_network_q/$net/g;
$hash->{HU_DO_PARAMS}->{data} =~ s/q_alert_q/$alert/g;
Log3 $name, 4, "BlinkCamera_DoCmd $name: data :".$hash->{HU_DO_PARAMS}->{data}.":";
if ( $ctype eq "camera" ) {
$hash->{HU_DO_PARAMS}->{url} = $hash->{URL}."/network/".$net."/camera/".$par1."/update";
$hash->{HU_DO_PARAMS}->{data} = $BlinkCamera_configCamAlertjson;
$hash->{HU_DO_PARAMS}->{data} =~ s/q_id_q/$par1/g;
$hash->{HU_DO_PARAMS}->{data} =~ s/q_network_q/$net/g;
$hash->{HU_DO_PARAMS}->{data} =~ s/q_alert_q/$alert/g;
Log3 $name, 4, "BlinkCamera_DoCmd $name: cam type: ".$ctype.": - data :".$hash->{HU_DO_PARAMS}->{data}.":";
} elsif ( $ctype eq "owl" ) {
$hash->{HU_DO_PARAMS}->{url} = $hash->{URL}."/api/v1/accounts/".$hash->{account}."/networks/".$net."/owls/".$par1."/config";
$hash->{HU_DO_PARAMS}->{data} = $BlinkCamera_configOwljson;
$hash->{HU_DO_PARAMS}->{data} =~ s/q_value_q/$alert/g;
Log3 $name, 4, "BlinkCamera_DoCmd $name: cam type: ".$ctype.": - data :".$hash->{HU_DO_PARAMS}->{data}.":";
} else {
$ret = "BlinkCamera_DoCmd $name: camera type (".$ctype."( unknown !!";
@ -766,14 +796,27 @@ my $uid_key = join "", map { unpack "H*", chr(rand(256)) } 1..8;
$hash->{HU_DO_PARAMS}->{header} .= "\r\n"."TOKEN_AUTH: ".$hash->{AuthToken};
$hash->{HU_DO_PARAMS}->{method} = "POST";
$hash->{HU_DO_PARAMS}->{data} = "";
my $net = BlinkCamera_GetNetwork( $hash );
if ( defined( $net ) ) {
$hash->{HU_DO_PARAMS}->{url} = $hash->{URL}."/network/".$net."/camera/".$par1."/thumbnail";
my $ctype = BlinkCamera_GetCamType( $hash, $par1 );
if ( $ctype eq "camera" ) {
$hash->{HU_DO_PARAMS}->{url} = $hash->{URL}."/network/".$net."/camera/".$par1."/thumbnail";
$hash->{HU_DO_PARAMS}->{data} = $BlinkCamera_cameraThumbnailjson;
$hash->{HU_DO_PARAMS}->{data} =~ s/q_network_q/$net/g;
$hash->{HU_DO_PARAMS}->{data} =~ s/q_id_q/$par1/g;
# $hash->{HU_DO_PARAMS}->{data} = $BlinkCamera_cameraThumbnailjson;
# $hash->{HU_DO_PARAMS}->{data} =~ s/q_network_q/$net/g;
# $hash->{HU_DO_PARAMS}->{data} =~ s/q_id_q/$par1/g;
Log3 $name, 4, "BlinkCamera_DoCmd $name: $cmd cam type: ".$ctype.": ";
} elsif ( $ctype eq "owl" ) {
# https://rest-prde.immedia-semi.com/api/v1/accounts/<accid>/networks/<netid>/owls/<camid>/thumbnail
$hash->{HU_DO_PARAMS}->{url} = $hash->{URL}."/api/v1/accounts/".$hash->{account}."/networks/".$net."/owls/".$par1."/thumbnail";
Log3 $name, 4, "BlinkCamera_DoCmd $name: $cmd cam type: ".$ctype.": ";
} else {
$ret = "BlinkCamera_DoCmd $name: $cmd camera type (".$ctype."( unknown !!";
} else {
$ret = "BlinkCamera_DoCmd $name: no network identifier found for $cmd - set attribute";
@ -1252,18 +1295,6 @@ sub BlinkCamera_ParseHomescreen($$$)
# sync module information
my $syncList = $result->{sync_modules};
# "id": 22192,
# "created_at": "2017-10-03T11:40:18+00:00",
# "updated_at": "2020-05-14T00:01:42+00:00",
# "onboarded": true,
# "status": "online",
# "name": "My Blink Sync Module",
# "serial": "271000866",
# "fw_version": "2.12.28",
# "last_hb": "2020-05-14T18:59:34+00:00",
# "wifi_strength": 5,
# "network_id": 1018,
# "enable_temp_alerts": true
# loop through msync modules and get the requested module information
$readUpdates->{networkSyncModule} = "";
@ -1300,33 +1331,11 @@ sub BlinkCamera_ParseHomescreen($$$)
# loop through cameras and get the requested camera information
if ( defined( $camList ) ) {
# {
# "id": 12214,
# "created_at": "2017-03-20T14:38:39+00:00",
# "updated_at": "2020-05-14T18:59:12+00:00",
# "name": "test",
# "serial": "161023557",
# "fw_version": "2.151",
# "type": "white",
# "enabled": true,
# "thumbnail": "/media/production/account/935/network/1018/camera/12214/clip_Q1BlC1P0_2020_03_26__19_17PM",
# "status": "done",
# "battery": "ok",
# "usage_rate": false,
# "network_id": 1018,
# "issues": [],
# "signals": {
# "lfr": 3,
# "wifi": 3,
# "temp": 76,
# "battery": 3
# }
# }
foreach my $device ( @$camList ) {
if ( $device->{network_id} eq $network ) {
my $active = "disabled";
$active = "armed" if ( $device->{enabled} eq "true" );
# $active = "armed" if ( $device->{enabled} eq "true" );
$active = "armed" if ( $device->{enabled} );
$readUpdates->{"networkCamera".$device->{id}} = $device->{name}.":".$active;
$readUpdates->{"networkCamera".$device->{id}."Name"} = $device->{name};
@ -1369,25 +1378,11 @@ sub BlinkCamera_ParseHomescreen($$$)
# loop through owls and get the requested camera information
if ( defined( $owlList ) ) {
# {
# "id": 2437,
# "created_at": "2020-05-14T18:34:28+00:00",
# "updated_at": "2020-05-14T18:36:07+00:00",
# "name": "G8T1-9400-0135-1GR0",
# "type": "owl",
# "onboarded": true,
# "serial": "G8T1940001351GR0",
# "fw_version": "9.62",
# "enabled": true,
# "thumbnail": null,
# "status": "online",
# "network_id": 1018
# }
foreach my $device ( @$owlList ) {
if ( $device->{network_id} eq $network ) {
my $active = "disabled";
$active = "armed" if ( $device->{enabled} eq "true" );
# $active = "armed" if ( $device->{enabled} eq "true" );
$active = "armed" if ( $device->{enabled} );
$readUpdates->{"networkCamera".$device->{id}} = $device->{name}.":".$active;
$readUpdates->{"networkCamera".$device->{id}."Name"} = $device->{name};
@ -2224,6 +2219,17 @@ sub BlinkCamera_GetNetwork( $ ) {
return $net;
# INTERNAL: Either read attribute, if not set use Reading networks first line
sub BlinkCamera_GetCamType( $$ ) {
my ( $hash, $camid ) = @_;
return ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME},"networkCamera".$camid."Type","INVALID");
# write binary file for (hest hash, filename and the data
@ -2558,6 +2564,12 @@ sub BlinkCamera_AnalyzeAlertResults( $$$ ) {
<li><code>imgTemplate <HTML template for reading></code><br>Give an HTML template for the image reading that shows the thumbnail of a camera. Default is a template which shows the image a link to the image and also the url as text. In the template the string #URL# will be replaced with the actual URL
<li><code>homeScreenV3 <1 or 0></code><br>If set to 1 the new version 3 of the blink API will be used. Unfortunately this includes different readings and settings <br>
NOTE: This is necessary to show at least the status of Blink Mini cameras - changes are not yet possible
<li><code>imgOriginalFile <1 or 0></code><br>If set to 1 it will keep the original filename of the thumbnail when storing ti. With setting this new thumbnails will not overwrite existing ones. <br>
NOTE: No cleanup of thumbnails is done, so over time more and more thumbnails will be stored in the proxydir.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user