mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-03 04:36:36 +00:00

00_MYSENSORS: enhance support for multiple GW-nodes

- change internal timer usage to comply to fhem standards
- add support for attrTemplate

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@19108 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
Beta-User 2019-04-04 04:08:41 +00:00
parent f1b7a331de
commit b068007bf3
5 changed files with 147 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- feature: 10_MYSENSORS_DEVICE: add attrTemplate support
- change: 00_MYSENSORS: enhance support for node functions
when using multiple GW's
- feature: 93_DbRep: new aggregation type year
- bugfix 73_AMADCommBridge: fix little bug
- bugfix: 70_BRAVIA: fix channel presets, fix use of ReadingsAge

View File

@ -56,15 +56,18 @@ sub MYSENSORS_Initialize($) {
$hash->{AttrFn} = "MYSENSORS::Attr";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "MYSENSORS::Notify";
$hash->{AttrList} =
"autocreate:1 ".
"requestAck:1 ".
"first-sensorid ".
"last-sensorid ".
"stateFormat ".
my @attrList = qw(
$hash->{AttrList} = $hash->{AttrList} = join(" ", @attrList)
package MYSENSORS;
use Exporter ('import');
@ -330,7 +333,10 @@ sub onPresentationMsg($$) {
unless ($client) {
if ($hash->{'inclusion-mode'}) {
$clientname = "MYSENSOR_$msg->{radioId}";
$clientname = "$hash->{NAME}_DEVICE_0"if defined $main::defs{$clientname};
CommandDefine(undef,"$clientname MYSENSORS_DEVICE $msg->{radioId}");
CommandAttr(undef,"$clientname IODev $hash->{NAME}");
CommandAttr(undef,"$clientname room MYSENSORS_DEVICE");
$client = $main::defs{$clientname};
return unless ($client);
} else {
@ -385,8 +391,9 @@ sub onInternalMsg($$) {
$type == I_HEARTBEAT_RESPONSE and do {
RemoveInternalTimer($hash,"MYSENSORS::Start"); ## Reset reconnect because timeout was not reached
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "heartbeat", "last", 0);
RemoveInternalTimer($hash,"MYSENSORS::Start"); ## Reset reconnect because timeout was not reached
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "heartbeat", "alive", 0);
if (my $client = matchClient($hash,$msg)){ MYSENSORS::DEVICE::onInternalMessage($client,$msg) };
$type == I_VERSION and do {
$hash->{version} = $msg->{payload};

View File

@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ sub MYSENSORS_DEVICE_Initialize($) {
use warnings 'qw';
$hash->{AttrList} = join(" ", @attrList)." ".$readingFnAttributes;
@ -250,7 +251,7 @@ sub Set($@) {
$hash->{sets}->{fwType} = join(",", MYSENSORS::getFirmwareTypes($hash->{IODev}));
my $list = join(" ", map {$hash->{sets}->{$_} ne "" ? "$_:$hash->{sets}->{$_}" : $_} sort keys %{$hash->{sets}});
$hash->{sets}->{fwType} = "";
return grep (/(^on$)|(^off$)/,keys %{$hash->{sets}}) == 2 ? SetExtensions($hash, $list, $name, $command, @values) : "Unknown argument $command, choose one of $list";
return SetExtensions($hash, $list, $name, $command, @values);
@ -1163,24 +1164,39 @@ sub sendRetainedMessages($) {
<a name="MYSENSORS_DEVICEset"></a>
<li>Helps to easily configure your devices. Just get a list of all available attrTremplates by issuing
<p><code>set &lt;name&gt; attrTemplate ?</code></p>
Have a look at the descriptions and choose a suitable one. Then use the drop-down list and click "set" or issue a.<br>
<p><code>set &lt;name&gt; attrTemplate A_02a_atmospheric_pressure</code></p>
<p><code>set &lt;name&gt; clear</code><br/>clears MySensors EEPROM area and reboot (i.e. "factory" reset) - requires MY_SPECIAL_DEBUG</p>
<p><code>set &lt;name&gt; flash</code><br/>
Checks whether a newer firmware version is available. If a newer firmware version is
available the flash procedure is started. The sensor node must support FOTA for
<p><code>set &lt;name&gt; fwType &lt;value&gt;</code><br/>
assigns a firmware type to this node (must be a numeric value in the range 0 .. 65536).
Should be contained in the <a href="#MYSENSORSattrOTA_firmwareConfig">FOTA configuration
<p><code>set &lt;name&gt; time</code><br/>sets time for nodes (that support it)</p>
<p><code>set &lt;name&gt; reboot</code><br/>reboots a node (requires a bootloader that supports it).<br/>Attention: Nodes that run the standard arduino-bootloader will enter a bootloop!<br/>Dis- and reconnect the nodes power to restart in this case.</p>

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@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
# $Id: $
# Comments start with #. Empty lines are ignored.
# Syntax of one entry: name: line, one optional filter: line, zero or more par: lines, FHEM-Commands
# filter:INTERNAL=VALUE (optional)
# par: name of the parameter; comment; perl_code (optional)
# perl_code returns a value for the parameter, or undef.
# If undef, the user has to specify them (the comment is shown to the user)
# Example sketches from MySensors.org
# simple stateFormat versions
desc:Applies to standard DHT sketch without battery reading<br>NOTE: Untested first template version
attr DEVICE stateFormat T: temperature1 H: humidity
attr DEVICE model A_01a1_air_humidity_dht
desc:Applies to standard DHT sketch with battery reading<br>NOTE: Untested first template version
attr DEVICE stateFormat T: temperature1 H: humidity Bat: batteryLevel
attr DEVICE model A_01a2_air_humidity_Si7021
desc:Applies to standard Atmospheric Pressure sketch (BME280)NOTE: Untested first template version
attr DEVICE stateFormat T: temperature H: humidity1 P: pressure2 Forecast: forecast2
attr DEVICE model A_02a_atmospheric_pressure
desc:Applies to standard bed occupancy sketch (MPR121) <br>NOTE: Sketch is still in MySensors 1.x format and has to be changed for use with recent arduino libs.NOTE: Untested first template version
attr DEVICE stateFormat Left: motion Right: motion1
attr DEVICE model A_03a_bed_occupancy
#A_04a_Dimmer - LED
#A_05a_Display and Time
#A_10a_Gas Detection
#A_11a_Gesture Controller
#A_12a_GPS Sensor
#A_13a_Heatpump Control
#A_14a_IR Sender/Receiver
#A_15a_Irrigation Controller
#A_16a1_Light Level - BH1750
#A_16a2_Light Level - LM393
desc:Applies to standard motion sketch
attr DEVICE stateFormat Motion: motion1
attr DEVICE model A_17a_Motion
#A_18a_Orientation Actuator
#A_19a_Orientation Sensor
#A_20a_Parking Sensor
#A_21a_Pulse Power Meter
#A_22a_Pulse Water Meter
#A_23a_Rain Gauge
#A_24a_Relay Actuator
#A_26a_Scene Controller
#A_27a_Secret Knock
#A_29a_Smart Alarm Clock
#A_30a_Soil Moisture
#A_31a_Sonoff Relay
#A_32a_Starry Sky
desc:Applies to standard temperature sketch (DS18B20) NOTE: Untested first template version
attr DEVICE stateFormat T0: temperature T1: temperature1 T2: temperature2
attr DEVICE model A_33a_temperature
#A_35a_Whole House Fan
# Example sketches from MySensors.org
# Advanced stateFormat and devStateIcon versions
# Advanced sketches
#4 relay
desc:Device with 4 relays attached <br>NOTE: Clicking on icons will issue a corresponding toggle command
attr DEVICE devStateIcon {\
"<div><a href=\"/fhem?cmd.dummy=set ".$name." status1 toggle&XHR=1\">status1:"\
. FW_makeImage(lc ReadingsVal($name, "status1", "off"))\
. "</a> <a href=\"/fhem?cmd.dummy=set ".$name." status2 toggle&XHR=1\">status2:"\
. FW_makeImage(lc ReadingsVal($name, "status2", "off")) . "</a></div>"\
. "</a> <a href=\"/fhem?cmd.dummy=set ".$name." status3 toggle&XHR=1\">status3:"\
. FW_makeImage(lc ReadingsVal($name, "status3", "off")) . "</a></div>"\
. "</a> <a href=\"/fhem?cmd.dummy=set ".$name." status4 toggle&XHR=1\">status4:"\
. FW_makeImage(lc ReadingsVal($name, "status4", "off")) . "</a></div>"\
attr DEVICE stateFormat P1: status1 P2: status2 P3: status3 P4: status4 Status: state
attr DEVICE webCmd :
attr DEVICE model C_04_4ch_unified_icon

View File

@ -565,6 +565,7 @@ FHEM/lib/*deviceconfig.xml.gz krikan ZWave
FHEM/lib/*manufacturer_specific.xml krikan ZWave
FHEM/lib/AttrTemplate/httpmod.template Beta-User https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,97694.0.html
FHEM/lib/AttrTemplate/mqtt2.template Beta-User https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,94494.0.html
FHEM/lib/AttrTemplate/mysensors.template Beta-User Bastelecke/MySensors
FHEM/lib/Device/Firmata/* jensb Sonstige Systeme
FHEM/lib/Device/MySensors/* Hauswart/Beta-User Bastelecke/MySensors
FHEM/lib/MP3/* Reinerlein Multimedia