diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/10_CUL_HM.pm b/fhem/FHEM/10_CUL_HM.pm index 66acacdc8..29b5e5ba1 100755 --- a/fhem/FHEM/10_CUL_HM.pm +++ b/fhem/FHEM/10_CUL_HM.pm @@ -3910,6 +3910,7 @@ sub CUL_HM_Set($@) {#+++++++++++++++++ set command+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ } elsif($cmd eq "displayWM" ) { ############################################### # textNo color icon + # "HM-Dis-WM5501" =>{ displayWM =>"[long|short|help] [ ] ...[ ] "}, my %color=(white=>0,red=>1,orange=>2,yellow=>3,green=>4,blue=>5); my %icon=( off =>0, on=>1, open=>2, closed=>3, error=>4, ok=>5 ,info=>6, newMsg=>7, serviceMsg=>8 @@ -3924,25 +3925,103 @@ sub CUL_HM_Set($@) {#+++++++++++++++++ set command+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ); - my $msg = "800102"; my $param = (scalar(@a)-2); - return "$a[2] not valid - choose short or long" if($a[2] !~ m/(short|long)/); - return "not enough parameter - always use txtNo, color and icon in a set" - if(($param-1) %3); - my @txtMsg; - for (my $cnt=3;$cnt<$param;$cnt+=3){ - return "color wrong ".$a[$cnt+1]." use:".join(",",sort keys %color) if (!defined $color{$a[$cnt+1]}); - return "icon wrong " .$a[$cnt+2]." use:".join(",",sort keys %icon) if (!defined $icon {$a[$cnt+2]}); - return "text wrong " .$a[$cnt+0]." use:".join(",",sort keys %btn) if (!defined $btn {$a[$cnt+0]}); - $msg .= sprintf("12%02X11%02X",$btn{$a[$cnt+0]}+0x80,$color{$a[$cnt+1]}+0x80); - $msg .= sprintf("13%02X",$icon{$a[$cnt+2]}+0x80) if ($icon{$a[$cnt+2]} != 99 ); - $msg .= ($cnt<$param-1)?"0A":"0A03"; - push @txtMsg,$msg; - $msg = "8001"; + if ($a[2] eq "help"){ + my $ret = "text :"; + foreach (sort keys %btn){ + my (undef,$ch,undef,$ln) = unpack('A3A2A1A1',$_); + $ch = sprintf("%02X",$ch); + $ret .= "\n $_ ->" + .ReadingsVal( InternalVal($devName,"channel_$ch","no") + ,"text$ln","unkown"); + } + $ret .= "\n off nc(no change)" + ."\ncolor:".join(",",sort keys %color) + ."\n nc(no change)" + ."\nicon :".join(",",sort keys %icon) + ; + return $ret; } + + return "$a[2] not valid - choose short or long" if($a[2] !~ m/(short|long)/); my $type = $a[2] eq "short"?"s":"l"; - delete $hash->{helper}{disp}{$type} if ($hash->{helper}{disp}); - $hash->{helper}{disp}{$type} = \@txtMsg; + + if($a[3] =~ m/^line(.)$/){ + my $lnNr = $1; + return "line number wrong - use 1..6" if($lnNr !~ m/[1-6]/); + return "please add a text " if(!$a[4]); + my $lnRd = "disp_$a[2]_l$lnNr";# reading assotiated with this entry + $hash->{helper}{dispi}{$type}{"l$_"}{d}=1 foreach (1,2,3,4,5,6); + my $dh = $hash->{helper}{dispi}{$type}{"l$lnNr"}; + if ($a[4] eq "off"){ #no display in this line + delete $dh->{txt}; + } + else{ # new text + return "text wrong $a[4] use:".join(",",sort keys %btn) if (!defined $btn{$a[4]}); + $dh->{txt}=$a[4]; + } + + if($a[5]){ # set new color + if($a[5] eq "off"){ # set new color + delete $dh->{col}; + } + elsif($a[5] ne "nc"){ # set new color + return "color wrong $a[5] use:".join(",",sort keys %color) if (!defined $color{$a[5]}); + $dh->{col}=$a[5]; + } + } + + if($a[6]){ # new icon + if($a[6] eq "noIcon"){ # new icon + delete $dh->{icn}; + } + elsif($a[6] ne "nc"){ # new icon + return "icon wrong $a[6] use:".join(",",sort keys %icon) if (!defined $icon {$a[6]}); + $dh->{icn}=$a[6]; + } + } + } + else{ + return "not enough parameter - always use txtNo, color and icon in a set" + if(($param-1) %3); + for (my $cnt=3;$cnt<$param;$cnt+=3){ + my $lnNr = int($cnt/3); + $hash->{helper}{dispi}{$type}{"l$lnNr"}{d}=1;#define this hash + my $dh = $hash->{helper}{dispi}{$type}{"l$lnNr"}; + return "color wrong ".$a[$cnt+1]." use:".join(",",sort keys %color) if (!defined $color{$a[$cnt+1]}); + return "icon wrong " .$a[$cnt+2]." use:".join(",",sort keys %icon) if (!defined $icon {$a[$cnt+2]}); + return "text wrong " .$a[$cnt+0]." use:".join(",",sort keys %btn) if (!defined $btn {$a[$cnt+0]}); + $dh->{txt} = $a[$cnt+0]; + $dh->{col} = $a[$cnt+1]; + $dh->{icn} = $a[$cnt+2]; + delete $dh->{icn} if ($a[$cnt+2] ne "noIcon"); + } + } + foreach my $t (keys %{$hash->{helper}{dispi}}){ # prepare the messages + my $ts = $t eq "s"?"short":"long"; + my @txtMsg; + my $msg = "800102"; + foreach my $l (sort keys %{$hash->{helper}{dispi}{$t}}){ + my $dh = $hash->{helper}{dispi}{$t}{"$l"}; + my (undef,$ch,undef,$ln) = unpack('A3A2A1A1',$dh->{txt}); + $ch = sprintf("%02X",$ch); + + readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"disp_${ts}_$l", + "$dh->{txt} $dh->{col} $dh->{icn} ->" + .ReadingsVal(InternalVal($devName,"channel_$ch","no") + ,"text$ln","unkown") + ,0); + $msg .= sprintf("12%02X",$btn{$dh->{txt} }+0x80)if ($dh->{txt}); + $msg .= sprintf("11%02X",$color{$dh->{col}}+0x80)if ($dh->{col}); + $msg .= sprintf("13%02X",$icon{$dh->{icn} }+0x80)if ($dh->{icn}); + $msg .= "0A";# end of line indicator + push @txtMsg,$msg; + $msg = "8001"; + } + $txtMsg[scalar(@txtMsg)-1] .= "03" if(scalar(@txtMsg));# add end of message indicator + delete $hash->{helper}{disp}{$t} if ($hash->{helper}{disp}); + $hash->{helper}{disp}{$t} = \@txtMsg; + } } elsif($cmd =~ m/^(controlMode|controlManu|controlParty)$/) { ################ @@ -8174,13 +8253,24 @@ sub CUL_HM_tempListTmpl(@) { ##################################################
  • HM-Dis-WM55
    • displayWM <text1> <color1> <icon1> ... <text6> <color6> <icon6> -
    • displayWM help + displayWM [long|short] <text1> <color1> <icon1> ... <text6> <color6> <icon6> + displayWM [long|short] <lineX> <text> <color> <icon> +
      up to 6 lines can be addressed.
      - textNo is the text to be dispalyed in line No. The text is asotiated with the text defined for the buttons. - txt<BtnNo>_<lineNo> references the button 1 to 10 and their lines 1 or 2
      - color is one white,red, orange,yellow,green,blue
      - icon is one off,on,open,closed,error,ok,noIcon
      + lineX line number that shall be changed. If this is set the 3 parameter of a line can be adapted.
      + textNo is the text to be dispalyed in line No. The text is assotiated with the text defined for the buttons. + txt<BtnNo>_<lineNo> references channel 1 to 10 and their lines 1 or 2
      + color is one white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue
      + icon is one off, on, open, closed, error, ok, noIcon
      + Example: +
        + set disp01 displayWM short txt02_2 green noIcon txt10_1 red error txt05_2 yellow closed txt02_2 orange open
        + set disp01 displayWM long line3 txt02_2 green noIcon
        + set disp01 displayWM long line2 nc yellow noIcon
        + set disp01 displayWM long line6 txt02_2
        + set disp01 displayWM long line1 nc nc closed

  • @@ -9436,14 +9526,26 @@ sub CUL_HM_tempListTmpl(@) { ##################################################
  • HM-Dis-WM55
    • displayWM <text1> <color1> <icon1> ... <text6> <color6> <icon6> -
      - bis zu 6 Zeilen können addresiert werden.
      - textNo ist der anzuzeigende Text. Der Inhalt des Texts wird in den Buttonds definiert. - txt<BtnNo>_<lineNo> referenziert den Button und dessn jeweiligen Zeile
      - color kann sein white,red, orange,yellow,green,blue
      - icon kann sein off,on,open,closed,error,ok,noIcon
    • +
    • displayWM help + displayWM [long|short] <text1> <color1> <icon1> ... <text6> <color6> <icon6> + displayWM [long|short] <lineX> <text> <color> <icon> +
      + es können bis zu 6 Zeilen programmiert werden.
      + lineX legt die zu ändernde Zeilennummer fest. Es können die 3 Parameter der Zeile geändert werden.
      + textNo ist der anzuzeigende Text. Der Inhalt des Texts wird in den Buttonds definiert. + txt<BtnNo>_<lineNo> referenziert den Button und dessn jeweiligen Zeile
      + color kann sein white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue
      + icon kann sein off, on, open, closed, error, ok, noIcon
      + + Example: +
        + set disp01 displayWM short txt02_2 green noIcon txt10_1 red error txt05_2 yellow closed txt02_2 orange open
        + set disp01 displayWM long line3 txt02_2 green noIcon
        + set disp01 displayWM long line2 nc yellow noIcon
        + set disp01 displayWM long line6 txt02_2
        + set disp01 displayWM long line1 nc nc closed

  • diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/HMConfig.pm b/fhem/FHEM/HMConfig.pm index 742b2594a..28d15ecac 100644 --- a/fhem/FHEM/HMConfig.pm +++ b/fhem/FHEM/HMConfig.pm @@ -1573,7 +1573,7 @@ $culHmModelSets{"HM-Dis-WM55"} = $culHmModelSets{"HM-PB-4DIS-WM"}; ,statusRequest =>""}, "HM-CC-RT-DN06" =>{ press =>"[long|short] [] [] [] ..." }, - "HM-Dis-WM5501" =>{ displayWM =>"[long|short] [ ] ...[ ] "}, + "HM-Dis-WM5501" =>{ displayWM =>"[long|short|help] [ ] ...[ ] "}, "CCU-FHEM00" =>{ update =>"", hmPairForSec =>"", hmPairSerial =>"",