mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 16:46:35 +00:00
PRESENCE collectord: use new log function, optimized aggregation algorithm, implemented now command, changed thread signalling to command queues
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@4339 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ my $server;
my $client;
my $buf;
sub Log($$);
my $opt_d;
@ -60,6 +61,9 @@ my $opt_c;
my %config;
my %queues;
my $thread_counter = 0;
my %state;
my %handle;
@ -70,6 +74,9 @@ my $uuid;
"d" => \$opt_d, "daemon" => \$opt_d,
@ -82,13 +89,8 @@ GetOptions(
open(STDOUT, ">>$opt_l") or die ("could not open logfile: $opt_l");
print timestamp()."=================================================\n" if($opt_v);
Log 0, "=================================================" if($opt_l);
@ -126,6 +128,13 @@ if($opt_h)
if(-e "$opt_P")
print STDERR timestamp()." another process already running (PID file found at $opt_P)\n";
print STDERR timestamp()." aborted...\n";
exit 1;
if(not $opt_c)
@ -145,14 +154,7 @@ if(not -e "$opt_c" or not -r "$opt_c")
print timestamp()."started with PID $$\n" if($opt_v);
if(-e "$opt_P")
print STDERR timestamp()."another process already running (PID file found at $opt_P)\n";
print STDERR timestamp()."aborted...\n";
exit 1;
Log 0, "started with PID $$";
@ -178,7 +180,7 @@ KeepAlive => 1,
Blocking => 0
) or die "error while creating socket: $!\n";
print timestamp()."created socket on ".$server->sockhost()." with port ".$server->sockport()."\n" if($opt_v);
Log 1, "created socket on ".$server->sockhost()." with port ".$server->sockport();
my $listener = IO::Select->new();
@ -218,7 +220,7 @@ my $log_queue = Thread::Queue->new();
my $logline;
print timestamp()."finished initialization. entering main loop\n" if($opt_v >= 2);
Log 2, "finished initialization. entering main loop";
@ -229,7 +231,7 @@ while(1)
my %handle_to_socket = reverse %socket_to_handle;
print timestamp()."cleaning up status values (UUID: $uuid)\n" if($opt_v >= 2);
Log 2, "cleaning up status values (UUID: $uuid)";
delete $state{$uuid};
@ -240,7 +242,7 @@ while(1)
($uuid,$room,$value,$name) = split(";", $status_queue->dequeue);
print timestamp()."processing state message for device ".(defined($name)?$name." ":"")."in room $room (UUID: $uuid)\n" if($opt_v >=2);
Log 2, "processing state message for device ".(defined($name)?$name." ":"")."in room $room (UUID: $uuid)";
if(not $value =~ /^(absence|present)$/)
@ -259,28 +261,17 @@ while(1)
if(not defined($state{$uuid}{lastresult}{value}) or (($state{$uuid}{lastresult}{value} eq "present;$result" and ($state{$uuid}{lastresult}{timestamp} + $handle{$uuid}{timeout}) < time()) or $state{$uuid}{lastresult}{value} ne "present;$result"))
if(not defined($state{$uuid}{lastresult}{value}) or (($state{$uuid}{lastresult}{value} eq "$result" and ($state{$uuid}{lastresult}{timestamp} + $handle{$uuid}{timeout}) < time()) or $state{$uuid}{lastresult}{value} ne "$result"))
$state{$uuid}{lastresult}{value} = "present;$result";
$state{$uuid}{lastresult}{value} = "$result";
$state{$uuid}{lastresult}{timestamp} = time();
if(not defined($state{$uuid}{lastresult}{value}) or (($state{$uuid}{lastresult}{value} eq "absence" and ($state{$uuid}{lastresult}{timestamp} + $handle{$uuid}{timeout}) < time()) or $state{$uuid}{lastresult}{value} ne "absence"))
$state{$uuid}{lastresult}{value} = "absence";
$state{$uuid}{lastresult}{timestamp} = time();
#print Dumper(%state);
@ -291,7 +282,7 @@ while(1)
$logline = $log_queue->dequeue;
print timestamp().$logline if($opt_v >= 2);
Log 2, $logline;
$logline = undef;
@ -309,7 +300,7 @@ while(1)
$new_client = $server->accept();
print timestamp()."new connection from ".$new_client->peerhost().":".$new_client->peerport()."\n" if($opt_v);
Log 1, "new connection from ".$new_client->peerhost().":".$new_client->peerport();
else # else is must be a client, so read the message and process it
@ -327,7 +318,7 @@ while(1)
# send the acknowledgment back to the sender
$client->send("command accepted\n");
print timestamp()."received new command from ".$client->peerhost().":".$client->peerport()." - $buf\n" if($opt_v >= 2);
Log 2, "received new command from ".$client->peerhost().":".$client->peerport()." - $buf";
# Split the message into bluetooth address and the timeout value
# (timeout is ignored within the collectord, as it is given by configuration)
@ -345,46 +336,53 @@ while(1)
my $temp = $handle{$uuid}{threads};
foreach $room (keys %$temp)
print timestamp()."killing thread ".$handle{$uuid}{threads}{$room}->tid()." for room $room for client ".$client->peerhost()."\n" if($opt_v >= 2);
Log 2, "sending thread ".$handle{$uuid}{threads}{$room}->tid()." new address $address for room $room";
$state{$uuid}{rooms}{$room} = ""
# when all threads are signaled, delete all relationship entry for this client
$handle{$uuid}{timeout} = $timeout;
$state{$uuid}{lastresult}{timestamp} = 0;
# create a new uuid if not exist for socket
if(not defined($socket_to_handle{$client}))
$socket_to_handle{$client} = generateUUID();
print timestamp()."generating new UUID for client ".$client->peerhost()." - ".$socket_to_handle{$client}."\n" if($opt_v >= 2);
# create a new uuid if not exist for socket
if(not defined($socket_to_handle{$client}))
$socket_to_handle{$client} = generateUUID();
Log 2, "generating new UUID for client ".$client->peerhost()." - ".$socket_to_handle{$client};
$uuid = $socket_to_handle{$client};
$uuid = $socket_to_handle{$client};
$handle{$uuid}{address} = $address;
$handle{$uuid}{client} = $client;
$handle{$uuid}{timeout} = $timeout;
$handle{$uuid}{address} = $address;
$handle{$uuid}{client} = $client;
$handle{$uuid}{timeout} = $timeout;
$state{$uuid}{lastresult}{value} = "absence";
$state{$uuid}{lastresult}{timestamp} = 0;
$state{$uuid}{lastresult}{value} = "absence";
$state{$uuid}{lastresult}{timestamp} = 0;
# create a new reqester thread for each configured room to perform the query
while (($room, $value) = each %config)
my $new_thread = threads->new(\&doQuery, ($value, $room, $address, $uuid));
print timestamp()."created thread ".$new_thread->tid()." for processing device $address in room $room for peer ".$client->peerhost()." (UUID: $uuid)\n" if($opt_v);
sleep 1;
# create a new reqester thread for each configured room to perform the query
while (($room, $value) = each %config)
$queues{$thread_counter} = Thread::Queue->new();
my $new_thread = threads->new(\&doQuery, ($value, $room, $address, $uuid));
Log 1, "created thread ".$new_thread->tid()." for processing device $address in room $room for peer ".$client->peerhost()." (UUID: $uuid)";
# detach from the thread, so the thread starts processing independantly
# save the socket/room relationship to know which thread belongs to which client request (for stop command)
$handle{$uuid}{threads}{$room} = $new_thread;
$state{$uuid}{rooms}{$room} = "";
elsif(lc($buf) =~ /^\s*now\s*$/) # if a now command is received, all threads need to be signaled to send a now command to the presenced server
print timestamp()."received now command from client ".$client->peerhost()."\n" if($opt_v >= 2);
Log 2, "received now command from client ".$client->peerhost();
# just to be sure if the client has really a running request
@ -394,10 +392,12 @@ while(1)
my $temp = $handle{$uuid}{threads};
foreach $room (keys %$temp)
print timestamp()."signalling thread ".$handle{$uuid}{threads}{$room}->tid()." to send \"now\"-request for room $room for client ".$client->peerhost()."\n" if($opt_v >= 2);
Log 2, "signalling thread ".$handle{$uuid}{threads}{$room}->tid()." to send \"now\"-request for room $room for client ".$client->peerhost();
$state{$uuid}{rooms}{$room} = "";
$state{$uuid}{lastresult}{timestamp} = 0;
$client->send("command accepted\n");
@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ while(1)
elsif(lc($buf) =~ /^\s*stop\s*$/) # if a stop command is received, the running request threads must be stopped
print timestamp()."received stop command from client ".$client->peerhost()."\n" if($opt_v);
Log 1, "received stop command from client ".$client->peerhost();
# just to be sure if the client has really a running request
@ -419,8 +419,8 @@ while(1)
my $temp = $handle{$uuid}{threads};
foreach $room (keys %$temp)
print timestamp()."killing thread ".$handle{$uuid}{threads}{$room}->tid()." for room $room for client ".$client->peerhost()."\n" if($opt_v >= 2);
Log 2, "killing thread ".$handle{$uuid}{threads}{$room}->tid()." for room $room for client ".$client->peerhost();
@ -441,14 +441,14 @@ while(1)
{ # if the message does not match a regular command or a stop signal, just tell the client and make a entry for logging.
$client->send("command rejected\n");
print timestamp()."received invalid command >>$buf<< from client ".$client->peerhost()."\n" if($opt_v);
Log 1, "received invalid command >>$buf<< from client ".$client->peerhost();
else # if the message is not defined (EOF) the connection was closed. Now let's clean up
# make a log entry and remove the socket from the socket selector
print timestamp()."closed connection from ".$client->peerhost()."\n" if($opt_v);
Log 1, "closed connection from ".$client->peerhost();
@ -460,8 +460,8 @@ while(1)
my $temp = $handle{$uuid}{threads};
foreach $room (keys %$temp)
print timestamp()."killing thread ".$handle{$uuid}{threads}{$room}->tid()." for room $room for client ".$client->peerhost()."\n" if($opt_v >= 2);
Log 2, "killing thread ".$handle{$uuid}{threads}{$room}->tid()." for room $room for client ".$client->peerhost();
@ -481,10 +481,10 @@ while(1)
# in case we have received a process signal, remove the pid file and shutdown
print "\r".timestamp()."Caught $sig_received exiting\n" if($opt_v);
Log 1, "Caught $sig_received exiting";
print timestamp()."removed PID-File $opt_P\n" if($opt_v);
print timestamp()."server shutdown\n" if($opt_v);
Log 1, "removed PID-File $opt_P";
Log 1, "server shutdown";
@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ while(1)
print timestamp()."leaving main loop\n" if($opt_v >= 2);
Log 2, "leaving main loop";
@ -511,12 +511,12 @@ sub daemonize
if($pid < 0)
print "fork: $!\n";
print STDERR "cannot fork: $!\n";
exit 1;
print timestamp()."forked with PID $pid\n";
Log 0, "forked with PID $pid";
exit 0;
@ -530,12 +530,6 @@ sub daemonize
open (STDOUT, ">/dev/null");
open (STDERR, ">&STDOUT");
# in case the logging parameter is given, open the logfile
open(STDOUT, ">>$opt_l") or die ("could not open logfile: $opt_l");
@ -550,28 +544,16 @@ sub doQuery($$$)
my $socket;
my %values = %$do_config;
my $selector;
my $run = 1;
my @client_handle;
my $reconnect_count = 0;
my $client_socket = undef;
# if the thread gets a termination signal, the thread must be shutdown by itself
local $SIG{TERM} = sub {
$log_queue->enqueue("$room (Thread No. ".threads->tid()."): terminating thread ".threads->tid()." for $address\n");
$client->shutdown() if(defined($client));
$selector->remove($client_socket) if(defined($selector));
close($client_socket) if(defined($client_socket));
$client_socket = undef;
$log_queue->enqueue("$room (Thread No. ".threads->tid()."): exit thread ".threads->tid()."\n");
local $SIG{HUP} = sub {
$client_socket->send("now\n") if(defined($client_socket));
my $last_contact = gettimeofday();
my $cmd;
my $previous_state = "absence";
my $current_state = "absence";
@ -582,7 +564,7 @@ sub doQuery($$$)
KeepAlive => 1,
Blocking => 1
) or ( $log_queue->enqueue("$room (Thread No. ".threads->tid().") : could not create socket to ".$values{address}." - $! - \n"));
) or ( $log_queue->enqueue(threads->tid()."|$room : could not create socket to ".$values{address}." - $! -"));
$selector = IO::Select->new($client_socket);
@ -601,12 +583,12 @@ sub doQuery($$$)
# thread main loop
THREADLOOP: while($run)
if(defined($client_socket) and not $last_contact > (gettimeofday() - ($current_state eq "absence" ? $values{absence_timeout} : $values{presence_timeout}) - 60))
$log_queue->enqueue("$room (Thread No. ".threads->tid().") socket to ".$values{address}.":".$values{port}." did not report anything in expected time, resetting socket (last contact: ".strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($last_contact)).")\n");
$log_queue->enqueue(threads->tid()."|$room socket to ".$values{address}.":".$values{port}." did not report anything in expected time, resetting socket (last contact: ".strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($last_contact)).")");
shutdown($client_socket, 2);
@ -614,6 +596,43 @@ sub doQuery($$$)
$client_socket = undef;
if(exists($queues{threads->tid()}) and $queues{threads->tid()}->pending)
$cmd = $queues{threads->tid()}->dequeue;
$log_queue->enqueue(threads->tid()."|received command: $cmd");
if($cmd eq "now")
$log_queue->enqueue(threads->tid()."|sending \"now\" command to ".$values{address}.":".$values{port});
$client_socket->send("now\n") if(defined($client_socket));
elsif($cmd eq "stop")
$log_queue->enqueue(threads->tid()."|$room terminating thread ".threads->tid()." for $address");
$client_socket->shutdown() if(defined($client_socket));
$selector->remove($client_socket) if(defined($selector));
close($client_socket) if(defined($client_socket));
$client_socket = undef;
delete($queues{threads->tid()}) if(exists($queues{threads->tid()}));
$run = 0;
elsif($cmd =~ /^new\|/)
($cmd, $do_address) = split("\\|", $cmd);
$log_queue->enqueue(threads->tid()."|sending new address $do_address to ".$values{address}.":".$values{port});
if($current_state eq "present")
$client_socket->send($do_address."|".$values{presence_timeout}."\n") if(defined($client_socket));
$client_socket->send($do_address."|".$values{absence_timeout}."\n") if(defined($client_socket));
if(not defined($client_socket))
@ -624,7 +643,7 @@ sub doQuery($$$)
# create a log message
$log_queue->enqueue("$room (Thread No. ".threads->tid().") socket to ".$values{address}.":".$values{port}." for device $do_address closed. Trying to reconnect...\n");
$log_queue->enqueue(threads->tid()."|$room socket to ".$values{address}.":".$values{port}." for device $do_address closed. Trying to reconnect...");
# now try to re-establish the connection
@ -640,7 +659,7 @@ sub doQuery($$$)
# give a success message
$log_queue->enqueue("$room (Thread No. ".threads->tid().") reconnected to ".$values{address}.":".$values{port}." after $reconnect_count tries for device $do_address (UUID: $do_uuid)\n");
$log_queue->enqueue(threads->tid()."|$room reconnected to ".$values{address}.":".$values{port}." after $reconnect_count tries for device $do_address (UUID: $do_uuid)");
# reset the reconnect counter
@ -684,11 +703,11 @@ sub doQuery($$$)
if($return =~ /command accepted/)
# log this to the thread log queue
$log_queue->enqueue("$room (Thread No. ".threads->tid().") accepted command for $do_address\n");
$log_queue->enqueue(threads->tid()."|$room accepted command for $do_address");
elsif($return =~ /command rejected/) # if the message is "command rejected" also log it to the log queue
$log_queue->enqueue("$room (Thread No. ".threads->tid().") REJECTED command for $do_address\n");
$log_queue->enqueue(threads->tid()."|$room REJECTED command for $do_address");
else # else its a status message
@ -699,7 +718,7 @@ sub doQuery($$$)
if(defined($previous_state) and $previous_state eq "present" and lc($return) =~ /^absence/)
# log the timout change to the log queue
$log_queue->enqueue("$room (Thread No. ".threads->tid().") changing to absence timeout (".$values{absence_timeout}.") for device $do_address\n");
$log_queue->enqueue(threads->tid()."|$room changing to absence timeout (".$values{absence_timeout}.") for device $do_address");
$current_state = "absence";
@ -708,7 +727,7 @@ sub doQuery($$$)
elsif(defined($previous_state) and $previous_state eq "absence" and lc($return) =~ /^present/)
$log_queue->enqueue("$room (Thread No. ".threads->tid().") changing to presence timeout (".$values{presence_timeout}.") for device $do_address\n");
$log_queue->enqueue(threads->tid()."|$room changing to presence timeout (".$values{presence_timeout}.") for device $do_address");
$current_state = "present";
@ -738,34 +757,13 @@ sub doQuery($$$)
# Sleep for one second to avoid 100% cpu usage
$log_queue->enqueue(threads->tid()."|exiting thread");
sub timestamp
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year, undef, undef, undef) = localtime(time);
$year += 1900;
$sec = ($sec < 10 ? "0".$sec : $sec);
$min = ($min < 10 ? "0".$min : $min);
$hour = ($hour < 10 ? "0".$hour : $hour);
$day = ($day < 10 ? "0".$day : $day);
$mon = ($mon < 10 ? "0".$mon : $mon);
return "$year-$mon-$day $hour:$min:$sec - ";
sub readConfig
@ -779,11 +777,11 @@ my $value;
my $errorcount = 0;
print timestamp()."reading configuration file\n" if($opt_v);
Log 1, "reading configuration file";
%config = ();
open (INI, "$ini") or (print timestamp()."Can't open $ini: $!\n" and exit(1));
open (INI, "$ini") or (print STDERR timestamp()."Can't open $ini: $!\n" and exit(1));
while (<INI>) {
if (/^\s*?\[(\w+?)\]/) {
@ -806,14 +804,14 @@ my $errorcount = 0;
if(not exists($config{$room}{address}))
print timestamp()."room $room has no value for address configured\n";
Log 0, "room $room has no value for address configured";
if(not $config{$room}{address} =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+$/)
print timestamp()."no valid address for room $room found: ".$config{$room}{address}."\n";
Log 0, "no valid address for room $room found: ".$config{$room}{address};
@ -823,42 +821,42 @@ my $errorcount = 0;
if(not exists($config{$room}{port}))
print timestamp()."room >>$room<< has no value for >>port<< configured\n";
Log 0, "room >>$room<< has no value for >>port<< configured";
if(not $config{$room}{port} =~ /^\d+$/)
print timestamp()."value >>port<< for room >>$room<< is not a number: ".$config{$room}{port}."\n";
Log 0, "value >>port<< for room >>$room<< is not a number: ".$config{$room}{port};
if(not exists($config{$room}{absence_timeout}))
print timestamp()."room >>$room<< has no value for >>absence_timeout<< configured\n";
Log 0, "room >>$room<< has no value for >>absence_timeout<< configured";
if(not $config{$room}{absence_timeout} =~ /^\d+$/)
print timestamp()."value >>absence_timeout<< value for room >>$room<< is not a number: ".$config{$room}{absence_timeout}."\n";
Log 0, "value >>absence_timeout<< value for room >>$room<< is not a number: ".$config{$room}{absence_timeout};
if(not exists($config{$room}{presence_timeout}))
print timestamp()."room >>$room<< has no value for >>presence_timeout<< configured\n";
Log 0, "room >>$room<< has no value for >>presence_timeout<< configured";
if(not $config{$room}{presence_timeout} =~ /^\d+$/)
print timestamp()."value >>presence_timeout<< value for room >>$room<< is not a number: ".$config{$room}{presence_timeout}."\n";
Log 0, "value >>presence_timeout<< value for room >>$room<< is not a number: ".$config{$room}{presence_timeout};
@ -867,7 +865,7 @@ my $errorcount = 0;
if(not $param =~ /(address|port|absence_timeout|presence_timeout)/)
print timestamp()."invalid parameter $param in room $room\n";
Log 0, "invalid parameter $param in room $room";
@ -876,12 +874,12 @@ my $errorcount = 0;
print timestamp()."found $errorcount config errors. exiting....\n";
print STDERR timestamp()." found $errorcount config errors. exiting....\n";
exit 2;
print timestamp()."no config errors found\n";
Log 0, "no config errors found";
@ -900,24 +898,31 @@ my $value;
my $temp_name;
foreach $key (keys %$hash)
if($hash->{$key} ne "")
($value, $name) = split(";", $hash->{$key});
if($value eq "present")
push @rooms, $key;
$temp_name = $name;
return undef;
if(@rooms > 0)
return "$temp_name;".join(",",sort @rooms);
return "present;$temp_name;".join(",",sort @rooms);
return undef;
return "absence";
@ -935,3 +940,39 @@ sub generateUUID
return $uuid;
sub timestamp
return POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",localtime);
sub Log($$)
my ($loglevel, $message) = @_;
my $thread = 0;
if($message =~ /^\d+\|/)
($thread, $message) = split("\\|", $message);
if($loglevel <= $opt_v)
open(LOGFILE, ">>$opt_l") or die ("could not open logfile: $opt_l");
open (LOGFILE, ">&STDOUT") or die("cannot open STDOUT");
print LOGFILE ($opt_l?"":"\r").timestamp()." - ".($opt_v >= 2 ? ($thread > 0 ? "(Thread $thread)" : "(Main Thread)")." - ":"").$message."\n";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user