mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-03 16:56:54 +00:00

76_Solarforcast: contrib 1.0.6

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@28067 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
nasseeder1 2023-10-19 11:44:49 +00:00
parent a2f7ee250b
commit a3256560bf

View File

@ -144,7 +144,9 @@ BEGIN {
# Versions History intern
my %vNotesIntern = (
"1.0.5" => "11.10.2023 new sub _aiGetTpanResult for estimate AI results stepwise, allow key 'noshow' values 0,1,2,3 ",
"1.0.6" => "19.10.2023 new attr ctrlGenPVdeviation ",
"1.0.5" => "11.10.2023 new sub _aiGetSpread for estimate AI results stepwise, allow key 'noshow' values 0,1,2,3 ".
"calculate conForecastTillNextSunrise accurate to the minute ",
"1.0.4" => "10.10.2023 fix: print always Log in _calcCaQ* subroutines even if calaculated factors are equal ".
"new consumer attr key 'noshow' ",
"1.0.3" => "08.10.2023 change graphic header PV/CO detail, new attr graphicHeaderOwnspec, internal code changes ".
@ -682,6 +684,8 @@ my %hqtxt = (
DE => qq{Verbrauch} },
tday => { EN => qq{today},
DE => qq{heute} },
ctnsly => { EN => qq{continuously},
DE => qq{fortlaufend} },
yday => { EN => qq{yesterday},
DE => qq{gestern} },
after => { EN => qq{after},
@ -1011,6 +1015,7 @@ sub Initialize {
"ctrlAutoRefreshFW:$fwd ".
"ctrlConsRecommendReadings:multiple-strict,$allcs ".
"ctrlDebug:multiple-strict,$dm ".
"ctrlGenPVdeviation:daily,continuously ".
"ctrlInterval ".
"ctrlLanguage:DE,EN ".
"ctrlNextDayForecastReadings:multiple-strict,$hod ".
@ -3998,6 +4003,7 @@ sub Attr {
my $name = shift;
my $aName = shift;
my $aVal = shift;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my ($do,$val);
@ -4020,11 +4026,17 @@ sub Attr {
delete $hash->{AUTOREFRESH};
if($aName eq "ctrlNextDayForecastReadings") {
if($aName eq 'ctrlNextDayForecastReadings') {
deleteReadingspec ($hash, "Tomorrow_Hour.*");
if ($cmd eq "set") {
if($aName eq 'ctrlGenPVdeviation' && $aVal eq 'daily') {
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
deleteReadingspec ($hash, 'Today_PVdeviation');
delete $data{$type}{$name}{circular}{99}{tdayDvtn};
if ($cmd eq 'set') {
if ($aName eq 'ctrlInterval') {
unless ($aVal =~ /^[0-9]+$/x) {
return qq{The value for $aName is not valid. Use only figures 0-9 !};
@ -4073,7 +4085,7 @@ sub Attr {
aVal => $aVal
$aName = "consumer" if($aName =~ /consumer?(\d+)$/xs);
$aName = 'consumer' if($aName =~ /consumer?(\d+)$/xs);
if($hattr{$aName} && defined &{$hattr{$aName}{fn}}) {
my $ret = q{};
@ -5718,8 +5730,7 @@ sub _transferInverterValues {
debugLog ($paref, "collectData", "collect Inverter data - device: $indev =>");
debugLog ($paref, "collectData", "pv: $pv W, etotal: $etotal Wh");
my $nhour = $chour+1;
my $nhour = $chour + 1;
my $histetot = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, sprintf("%02d",$nhour), "etotal", 0); # etotal zu Beginn einer Stunde
my $ethishour;
@ -6160,8 +6171,8 @@ sub _createSummaries {
for my $th (1..24) {
$todaySumFc->{PV} += ReadingsNum($name, "Today_Hour".sprintf("%02d",$th)."_PVforecast", 0);
$todaySumRe->{PV} += ReadingsNum($name, "Today_Hour".sprintf("%02d",$th)."_PVreal", 0);
$todaySumFc->{PV} += ReadingsNum ($name, "Today_Hour".sprintf("%02d",$th)."_PVforecast", 0);
$todaySumRe->{PV} += ReadingsNum ($name, "Today_Hour".sprintf("%02d",$th)."_PVreal", 0);
push @{$data{$type}{$name}{current}{h4fcslidereg}}, int $next4HoursSum->{PV}; # Schieberegister 4h Summe Forecast
@ -6207,7 +6218,7 @@ sub _createSummaries {
push @$daref, "RestOfDayPVforecast<>". (int $restOfDaySum->{PV}). " Wh";
push @$daref, "Tomorrow_PVforecast<>". (int $tomorrowSum->{PV}). " Wh";
push @$daref, "Today_PVforecast<>". (int $todaySumFc->{PV}). " Wh";
push @$daref, "Today_PVreal<>". (int $todaySumRe->{PV}). " Wh" if(int $todaySumRe->{PV} > ReadingsNum($name, 'Today_PVreal', 0));
push @$daref, "Today_PVreal<>". (int $todaySumRe->{PV}). " Wh" if(int $todaySumRe->{PV} > ReadingsNum ($name, 'Today_PVreal', 0));
push @$daref, "Tomorrow_ConsumptionForecast<>". $tconsum. " Wh" if(defined $tconsum);
push @$daref, "NextHours_Sum04_ConsumptionForecast<>". (int $next4HoursSum->{Consumption})." Wh";
@ -7729,7 +7740,7 @@ return;
# Kerrektur von Today_PVreal +
# Korrektur von Today_PVreal +
# berechnet die prozentuale Abweichung von Today_PVforecast
# und Today_PVreal
@ -7743,30 +7754,39 @@ sub _calcTodayPVdeviation {
my $day = $paref->{day};
my $daref = $paref->{daref};
my $sstime = timestringToTimestamp ($date.' '.ReadingsVal($name, "Today_SunSet", '22:00').':00');
return if($t < $sstime);
my $pvfc = ReadingsNum ($name, 'Today_PVforecast', 0);
my $pvre = ReadingsNum ($name, 'Today_PVreal', 0);
my $hsr = (split ":", ReadingsVal ($name, 'Today_SunRise', '03:00'))[0]; # die Stunde des Sonnenaufgangs
my $ehsr = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $hsr, 'etotal', 0); # gespeichertes etotal vor Sonnenaufgang
#my $hsr = (split ":", ReadingsVal ($name, 'Today_SunRise', '03:00'))[0]; # die Stunde des Sonnenaufgangs
#my $ehsr = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $hsr, 'etotal', 0); # gespeichertes etotal vor Sonnenaufgang
if ($ehsr) {
my $esset = CurrentVal ($hash, 'etotal', 0); # Erzeugung total (Wh) nach Sonnenuntergang
$pvre = $esset - $ehsr;
#if ($ehsr) {
# my $esset = CurrentVal ($hash, 'etotal', 0); # Erzeugung total (Wh) nach Sonnenuntergang
# $pvre = $esset - $ehsr;
# $pvre = 0 if($pvre <= 0);
return if(!$pvre);
my $dp;
if (AttrVal($name, 'ctrlGenPVdeviation', 'daily') eq 'daily') {
my $sstime = timestringToTimestamp ($date.' '.ReadingsVal ($name, "Today_SunSet", '22:00').':00');
return if($t < $sstime);
my $diff = $pvfc - $pvre;
$dp = sprintf "%.2f" , (100 * $diff / $pvre);
else {
my $rodfc = ReadingsNum ($name, 'RestOfDayPVforecast', 0);
my $dayfc = $pvre + $rodfc; # laufende Tagesprognose aus PVreal + Prognose Resttag
$dp = sprintf "%.2f", (100 * ($pvfc - $dayfc) / $dayfc);
if($pvre) {
my $dp = sprintf "%.2f" , (100 * $diff / $pvre);
$data{$type}{$name}{circular}{99}{tdayDvtn} = $dp;
push @$daref, "Today_PVdeviation<>". $dp. " %";
push @$daref, "Today_PVreal<>". $pvre." Wh";
push @$daref, "Today_PVdeviation<>". $dp.' %';
push @$daref, "Today_PVreal<>". (sprintf "%.0f", $pvre).' Wh';
@ -7847,7 +7867,7 @@ sub genStatisticReadings {
my $t = $paref->{t}; # aktueller UNIX Timestamp
my @srd = sort keys (%hcsr);
my @csr = split ',', AttrVal($name, 'ctrlStatisticReadings', '');
my @csr = split ',', AttrVal ($name, 'ctrlStatisticReadings', '');
for my $item (@srd) {
next if($item ~~ @csr);
@ -7994,12 +8014,16 @@ sub genStatisticReadings {
my $type = $paref->{type};
my $confc = 0;
my $dono = 1;
my $hrs = 0;
my $sttm = '';
for my $idx (sort keys %{$data{$type}{$name}{nexthours}}) {
my $don = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'DoN', 2); # Wechsel von 0 -> 1 relevant
last if($don == 2);
$confc += &{$hcsr{$kpi}{fn}} ($hash, $idx, $hcsr{$kpi}{par}, $def);
$sttm = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'starttime', '');
$hrs++; # Anzahl berücksichtigte Stunden
if ($dono == 0 && $don == 1) {
@ -8008,7 +8032,14 @@ sub genStatisticReadings {
$dono = $don;
push @$daref, 'statistic_'.$kpi.'<>'. ($confc ? $confc.$hcsr{$kpi}{unit} : '-');
my $sttmp = timestringToTimestamp ($sttm) // return;
$sttmp += 3600; # Beginnzeitstempel auf volle Stunde ergänzen
my $mhrs = $hrs * 60; # berücksichtigte volle Minuten
my $mtsr = ($sttmp - $t) / 60; # Minuten bis nächsten Sonnenaufgang (gerundet)
$confc = $confc / $mhrs * $mtsr;
push @$daref, 'statistic_'.$kpi.'<>'. ($confc ? (sprintf "%.0f", $confc).$hcsr{$kpi}{unit} : '-');
@ -8328,6 +8359,7 @@ sub entryGraphic {
flowgconsTime => AttrVal ($name, 'flowGraphicShowConsumerRemainTime', 1), # Verbraucher Restlaufeit in der Energieflußgrafik anzeigen
flowgconsDist => AttrVal ($name, 'flowGraphicConsumerDistance', $fgCDdef), # Abstand Verbrauchericons zueinander
css => AttrVal ($name, 'flowGraphicCss', $cssdef), # flowGraphicCss Styles
genpvdva => AttrVal ($name, 'ctrlGenPVdeviation', 'daily'), # Methode der Abweichungsberechnung
lang => AttrVal ($name, 'ctrlLanguage', AttrVal ('global', 'language', $deflang)),
debug => getDebug ($hash), # Debug Module
@ -8603,14 +8635,14 @@ sub _graphicHeader {
my $pvCu = ReadingsNum ($name, "Current_PV", 0);
if ($kw eq 'kWh') {
$co4h = sprintf("%.1f" , $co4h/1000)."&nbsp;kWh";
$coRe = sprintf("%.1f" , $coRe/1000)."&nbsp;kWh";
$coTo = sprintf("%.1f" , $coTo/1000)."&nbsp;kWh";
$coCu = sprintf("%.1f" , $coCu/1000)."&nbsp;kW";
$pv4h = sprintf("%.1f" , $pv4h/1000)."&nbsp;kWh";
$pvRe = sprintf("%.1f" , $pvRe/1000)."&nbsp;kWh";
$pvTo = sprintf("%.1f" , $pvTo/1000)."&nbsp;kWh";
$pvCu = sprintf("%.1f" , $pvCu/1000)."&nbsp;kW";
$co4h = sprintf ("%.1f", $co4h/1000)."&nbsp;kWh";
$coRe = sprintf ("%.1f", $coRe/1000)."&nbsp;kWh";
$coTo = sprintf ("%.1f", $coTo/1000)."&nbsp;kWh";
$coCu = sprintf ("%.1f", $coCu/1000)."&nbsp;kW";
$pv4h = sprintf ("%.1f", $pv4h/1000)."&nbsp;kWh";
$pvRe = sprintf ("%.1f", $pvRe/1000)."&nbsp;kWh";
$pvTo = sprintf ("%.1f", $pvTo/1000)."&nbsp;kWh";
$pvCu = sprintf ("%.1f", $pvCu/1000)."&nbsp;kW";
else {
$co4h .= "&nbsp;Wh";
@ -8809,8 +8841,10 @@ sub _graphicHeader {
$ydayDvtn =~ s/\./,/;
$ydayDvtn =~ s/,0//;
my $genpvdva = $paref->{genpvdva};
my $dvtntxt = $hqtxt{dvtn}{$lang}.'&nbsp;';
my $tdaytxt = $hqtxt{tday}{$lang}.':&nbsp;'."<b>".$tdayDvtn."</b>";
my $tdaytxt = ($genpvdva eq 'daily' ? $hqtxt{tday}{$lang} : $hqtxt{ctnsly}{$lang}).':&nbsp;'."<b>".$tdayDvtn."</b>";
my $ydaytxt = $hqtxt{yday}{$lang}.':&nbsp;'."<b>".$ydayDvtn."</b>";
my $text_tdayDvtn = $tdayDvtn =~ /^-[1-9]/? $hqtxt{pmtp}{$lang} :
@ -11207,7 +11241,7 @@ sub aiGetResult { ## no critic "not used"
my $msg = 'no decition delivered';
($msg, $pvaifc) = _aiGetTpanResult ( { hash => $hash,
($msg, $pvaifc) = _aiGetSpread ( { hash => $hash,
name => $name,
type => $type,
rad1h => $rad1h,
@ -11231,7 +11265,7 @@ return $msg;
# AI Ergebnis aus einer positiven und negativen
# rad1h-Abweichung schätzen
sub _aiGetTpanResult {
sub _aiGetSpread {
my $paref = shift;
my $rad1h = $paref->{rad1h};
my $temp = $paref->{temp};
@ -15539,7 +15573,7 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<colgroup> <col width="15%"> <col width="85%"> </colgroup>
<colgroup> <col width="23%"> <col width="77%"> </colgroup>
<tr><td> <b>aiProcess</b> </td><td>Process flow of AI support </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>aiData</b> </td><td>AI data </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>apiCall</b> </td><td>Retrieval API interface without data output </td></tr>
@ -15559,6 +15593,20 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-ctrlGenPVdeviation"></a>
<li><b>ctrlGenPVdeviation </b><br>
Specifies the method for calculating the deviation between predicted and real PV generation.
The Reading <b>Today_PVdeviation</b> is created depending on this setting. <br><br>
<colgroup> <col width="15%"> <col width="85%"> </colgroup>
<tr><td> <b>daily</b> </td><td>Calculation and creation of Today_PVdeviation is done after sunset (default) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>continuously</b> </td><td>Calculation and creation of Today_PVdeviation is done continuously </td></tr>
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-ctrlInterval"></a>
<li><b>ctrlInterval &lt;Sekunden&gt; </b><br>
Time interval of data collection. <br>
@ -15626,7 +15674,7 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<colgroup> <col width="20%"> <col width="80%"> </colgroup>
<colgroup> <col width="25%"> <col width="75%"> </colgroup>
<tr><td> <b>allStringsFullfilled</b> </td><td>Fulfillment status of error-free generation of all strings </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>conForecastTillNextSunrise</b> </td><td>Consumption forecast from current hour to the coming sunrise </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>currentAPIinterval</b> </td><td>the current call interval of the SolCast API (only model SolCastAPI) in seconds </td></tr>
@ -17351,7 +17399,7 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<colgroup> <col width="15%"> <col width="85%"> </colgroup>
<colgroup> <col width="23%"> <col width="77%"> </colgroup>
<tr><td> <b>aiProcess</b> </td><td>Prozessablauf der KI Unterstützung </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>aiData</b> </td><td>KI Daten </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>apiCall</b> </td><td>Abruf API Schnittstelle ohne Datenausgabe </td></tr>
@ -17371,6 +17419,20 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-ctrlGenPVdeviation"></a>
<li><b>ctrlGenPVdeviation </b><br>
Legt die Methode zur Berechnung der Abweichung von prognostizierter und realer PV Erzeugung fest.
Das Reading <b>Today_PVdeviation</b> wird in Abhängigkeit dieser Einstellung erstellt. <br><br>
<colgroup> <col width="15%"> <col width="85%"> </colgroup>
<tr><td> <b>daily</b> </td><td>Berechnung und Erstellung von Today_PVdeviation erfolgt nach Sonnenuntergang (default) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>continuously</b> </td><td>Berechnung und Erstellung von Today_PVdeviation erfolgt fortlaufend </td></tr>
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-ctrlInterval"></a>
<li><b>ctrlInterval &lt;Sekunden&gt; </b><br>
Zeitintervall der Datensammlung. <br>
@ -17438,7 +17500,7 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<colgroup> <col width="20%"> <col width="80%"> </colgroup>
<colgroup> <col width="25%"> <col width="75%"> </colgroup>
<tr><td> <b>allStringsFullfilled</b> </td><td>Erfüllungsstatus der fehlerfreien Generierung aller Strings </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>conForecastTillNextSunrise</b> </td><td>Verbrauchsprognose von aktueller Stunde bis zum kommenden Sonnenaufgang </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>currentAPIinterval</b> </td><td>das aktuelle Abrufintervall der SolCast API (nur Model SolCastAPI) in Sekunden </td></tr>