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synced 2025-03-10 09:16:53 +00:00
37_echodevice.pm: add new amazon device
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@26735 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,6 +2,12 @@
# 2022.11.22 v0.2.20
# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A4ZXE0RM7LQ7A Echo Dot Gen5
# 2022.11.21 v0.2.19
# - BUG: Auswertung FHEM Verzeichnis Attribut "fhem_home" eingeführt Standardwert = "/opt/fhem"
# 2022.11.21 v0.2.18
# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A2DS1Q2TPDJ48U Echo Dot Gen5 with Clock
# Unterstützung AQCGW9PSYWRF Polk React Soundbar
@ -492,7 +498,7 @@ use lib ('./FHEM/lib', './lib');
use MP3::Info;
use MIME::Base64;
my $ModulVersion = "0.2.18";
my $ModulVersion = "0.2.19";
my $AWSPythonVersion = "0.0.3";
my $NPMLoginTyp = "unbekannt";
my $QueueNumber = 0;
@ -535,6 +541,7 @@ sub echodevice_Initialize($) {
"npm_refresh_intervall ".
"npm_bin ".
"npm_bin_node ".
"fhem_home ".
@ -802,6 +809,7 @@ sub echodevice_Get($@) {
$return .= "<tr><td>RUNLOGIN </td><td>Helper</td><td>" . $hash->{helper}{RUNLOGIN} . "</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>RUNNING_REQUEST </td><td>Helper</td><td>" . $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_REQUEST} . "</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>LOGINERROR </td><td>Helper</td><td>" . $hash->{helper}{".LOGINERROR"} . "</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td>FHEM_HOME </td><td>Attribut</td><td>" . AttrVal($name,"fhem_home","/opt/fhem") . "</td></tr>";
$return .= "<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr></tbody></table>";
$return .= "</html>";
@ -4369,6 +4377,7 @@ sub echodevice_getModel($){
elsif($ModelNumber eq "AIPK7MM90V7TB" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Show") {return "Echo Show Gen3";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A4ZP7ZC4PI6TO" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Show 5") {return "Echo Show 5";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A1XWJRHALS1REP" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Show 5") {return "Echo Show 5 Gen2";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A4ZXE0RM7LQ7A" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Show 5") {return "Echo Show 5 Gen5";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A1Z88NGR2BK6A2" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Show 8") {return "Echo Show 8";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A15996VY63BQ2D" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Show 8") {return "Echo Show 8 Gen2";}
elsif($ModelNumber eq "A1EIANJ7PNB0Q7" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Show 15") {return "Echo Show 15 Gen1";}
@ -4677,6 +4686,13 @@ sub echodevice_NPMInstall($){
my $InstallResult = '<html><p><strong>Installationsergebnis</strong></p><br>';
my $npm_bin = AttrVal($name,"npm_bin","/usr/bin/npm");
my $npm_fhem_home = AttrVal($name,"fhem_home","/opt/fhem");
if (!(-d $npm_fhem_home)) {
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh] npm_fhem_home $npm_fhem_home existiert nicht!! Bitte das Attribut fhem_home entsprechend einrichten " ;
# Prüfen ob npm installiert ist
if (!(-e $npm_bin)) {
$InstallResult .= '<p>Das Bin <strong>' . $npm_bin . '</strong> wurde nicht gefunden. Bitte zuerst das Linux Paket NPM installieren. Folgenden Befehl koennt Ihr hier verwenden:</p>';
@ -4690,24 +4706,24 @@ sub echodevice_NPMInstall($){
# Verzeichnis anlegen
mkdir("cache", 0777) unless(-d "cache" );
mkdir("cache/alexa-cookie", 0777) unless(-d "cache/alexa-cookie" );
mkdir("cache/alexa-cookie/node_modules", 0777) unless(-d "cache/alexa-cookie/node_modules" );
mkdir($npm_fhem_home . "/cache", 0777) unless(-d "cache" );
mkdir($npm_fhem_home . "/cache/alexa-cookie", 0777) unless(-d $npm_fhem_home . "/cache/alexa-cookie" );
mkdir($npm_fhem_home . "/cache/alexa-cookie/node_modules", 0777) unless(-d $npm_fhem_home . "/cache/alexa-cookie/node_modules" );
# Prüfen ob schon eine Installation vorhanden ist ggf. Modul löschen
if (-e "cache/alexa-cookie/node_modules/alexa-cookie2/alexa-cookie.js") {
if (-e $npm_fhem_home . "/cache/alexa-cookie/node_modules/alexa-cookie2/alexa-cookie.js") {
$InstallResult .= "Vorhandene Installation wird aktualisiert<br>";
unlink "cache/alexa-cookie/node_modules/alexa-cookie2/alexa-cookie.js";
else {$InstallResult .= "Installation wird angestartet<br>";}
open CMD,'-|','sudo ' . $npm_bin . ' install --prefix ./cache/alexa-cookie alexa-cookie2' or die $@;
open CMD,'-|','sudo ' . $npm_bin . ' install --prefix ' . $npm_fhem_home . '/cache/alexa-cookie alexa-cookie2' or die $@;
my $line;
while (defined($line=<CMD>)) {$InstallResult .= $line. "<br>";}
close CMD;
# Prüfen ob das alexa-cookie Modul vorhanden ist
if (-e "cache/alexa-cookie/node_modules/alexa-cookie2/alexa-cookie.js") {$InstallResult .= '<p><strong><font color="green">Installation erfolgreich durchgefuehrt</font></strong></p>';}
if (-e $npm_fhem_home . "/cache/alexa-cookie/node_modules/alexa-cookie2/alexa-cookie.js") {$InstallResult .= '<p><strong><font color="green">Installation erfolgreich durchgefuehrt</font></strong></p>';}
else {$InstallResult .= '<p><strong><font color="red">!!Installation fehlgeschlagen!!</font></strong></p>';}
# Zurückbutton
@ -4724,6 +4740,8 @@ sub echodevice_NPMLoginNew($){
my $number = $hash->{NR};
my $InstallResult = '<html><p><strong>Login Ergebnis</strong></p><br>';
my $npm_bin_node = AttrVal($name,"npm_bin_node","/usr/bin/node");
my $npm_fhem_home = AttrVal($name,"fhem_home","/opt/fhem");
$NPMLoginTyp = "NPM Login New " . localtime();
# Prüfen ob node installiert ist
@ -4880,14 +4898,14 @@ sub echodevice_NPMLoginNew($){
$SkriptContent .= "" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= "alexaCookie.generateAlexaCookie('LoginFHEM', 'xxxx', config, (err, result) => {" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= " console.log('RESULT: ' + err + ' / ' + JSON.stringify(result));" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= " fs.writeFileSync('./cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "result.json', JSON.stringify(result) , 'utf-8'); " . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= " fs.writeFileSync('" . $npm_fhem_home . "/cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "result.json', JSON.stringify(result) , 'utf-8'); " . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= " if (result && result.csrf) {" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= " alexaCookie.stopProxyServer();" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= " }" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= "});" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= "" . "\n";
my $filename = "cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "create-cookie.js";
my $filename = $npm_fhem_home . "/cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "create-cookie.js";
# Altes Skript löschen
if ((-e $filename)) {unlink $filename};
@ -4903,7 +4921,7 @@ sub echodevice_NPMLoginNew($){
$InstallResult .= '<br><form><input type="button" value="Zurück" onClick="history.go(-1);return true;"></form>';
$InstallResult .= "</html>";
$InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g;
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] create-cookie.js not found" ;
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] $filename not found" ;
return $InstallResult;
@ -4914,7 +4932,7 @@ sub echodevice_NPMLoginNew($){
# Skript ausführen
close CMD;
open CMD,'-|', $npm_bin_node . ' ./' . $filename or die $@;
open CMD,'-|', $npm_bin_node . ' ' . $filename or die $@;
my $line;
my $Loop = "1";
my $LoopCount = 0;
@ -4973,9 +4991,15 @@ sub echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh($){
my $InstallResult = '<html><p><strong>Login Ergebnis</strong></p><br>';
my $npm_bin_node = AttrVal($name,"npm_bin_node","/usr/bin/node");
my $npm_fhem_home = AttrVal($name,"fhem_home","/opt/fhem");
$NPMLoginTyp = "NPM Login Refresh " . localtime();
if (!(-d $npm_fhem_home)) {
Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh] npm_fhem_home $npm_fhem_home existiert nicht!! Bitte das Attribut fhem_home entsprechend einrichten " ;
# Prüfen ob npm installiert ist
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh] check $npm_bin_node" ;
if (!(-e $npm_bin_node)) {
@ -5025,11 +5049,11 @@ sub echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh($){
$SkriptContent .= "" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= "alexaCookie.refreshAlexaCookie(config, (err, result) => {" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= " console.log('RESULT: ' + err + ' / ' + JSON.stringify(result));" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= " fs.writeFileSync('./cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "result.json', JSON.stringify(result) , 'utf-8'); " . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= " fs.writeFileSync('" . $npm_fhem_home . "/cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "result.json', JSON.stringify(result) , 'utf-8'); " . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= "});" . "\n";
$SkriptContent .= "" . "\n";
my $filename = "cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "refresh-cookie.js";
my $filename = $npm_fhem_home . "/cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "refresh-cookie.js";
#$InstallResult .= '<form><input type="button" value="Zurück" onClick="history.go(-1);return true;"></form><br>';
# Altes Skript löschen
@ -5054,7 +5078,7 @@ sub echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh($){
# Skript ausführen
close CMD;
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh] start $npm_bin_node $filename";
open CMD,'-|',$npm_bin_node . ' ./' . $filename . ' &';
open CMD,'-|',$npm_bin_node . ' ' . $filename . ' &';
Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh] start InternalTimer echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie";
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 1 , "echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie" , $hash, 0);
@ -5067,16 +5091,18 @@ sub echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie($){
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $number = $hash->{NR};
my $filename = "cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "result.json";
my $npm_fhem_home = AttrVal($name,"fhem_home","/opt/fhem");
my $filename = $npm_fhem_home . "/cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "result.json";
my $CanDelete = 0;
my $ExistSkript = "false";
my $CookieResult;
if ($NPMLoginTyp =~ m/Refresh/) {
$ExistSkript = $number . "refresh-cookie.js = true" if (-e "cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "refresh-cookie.js");
$ExistSkript = $number . "refresh-cookie.js = true" if (-e $npm_fhem_home . "cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "refresh-cookie.js");
else {
$ExistSkript = $number . "create-cookie.js = true" if (-e "cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "create-cookie.js");
$ExistSkript = $number . "create-cookie.js = true" if (-e $npm_fhem_home . "cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "create-cookie.js");
if (-e $filename) {
@ -5099,8 +5125,8 @@ sub echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie($){
# result.json & Skripte löschen
if (-e $filename) {unlink $filename;}
if (-e "cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "create-cookie.js") {unlink "cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "create-cookie.js";}
if (-e "cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "refresh-cookie.js") {unlink "cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "refresh-cookie.js";}
if (-e $npm_fhem_home . "cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "create-cookie.js") {unlink $npm_fhem_home . "cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "create-cookie.js";}
if (-e $npm_fhem_home . "cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "refresh-cookie.js") {unlink $npm_fhem_home . "cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "refresh-cookie.js";}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user