mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-10 09:16:53 +00:00

implemented Tobias' icon subfolder solution, fp_arrange detail always (fp_arrange detail deprecated, fp_arrange 1 shows all detail), changed backimg-size to 99% to avoid scrollbars , adopted slider & new FHT representation

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@1520 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
ulimaass 2012-05-01 18:43:56 +00:00
parent ae7edbb9fe
commit a0d5aeb7dc

View File

@ -19,7 +19,9 @@
# 0011: Added Style4, code beautification, css review, minor $text2-fix (SVN 1342)
# 0012: Added startscreen-text when no floorplans defined, fixed startscreen-stylesheet, added div for bg-img, added arrangeByMouse (1368)
# 0013: implemented redirectCmd, fixed minor </td></tr>-error in html-output, fp_arrange for single web-devices, fp_arrange detail (Mar 23, 2012)
# 0014: deleted $data{FWEXT}{$fhem_url}{STYLESHEET} , added attr-values for FHEMWEB-detail-screen, adapted FHT-representation to FHT.pm updates
# 0014: deleted $data{FWEXT}{$fhem_url}{STYLESHEET} , added attr-values for FHEMWEB-detail-screen, adapted FHT-representation to FHT.pm updates (Apr 19, 2012)
# 0015: implemented Tobias' icon subfolder solution, fp_arrange detail always (fp_arrange detail deprecated, fp_arrange 1 shows all detail),
# changed backimg-size to 99% to avoid scrollbars , adopted slider & new FHT representation (May 1, 2012)
@ -28,15 +30,13 @@
# (c) 2012 Copyright: Ulrich Maass
# All rights reserved
# This script free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@ -63,12 +63,12 @@
# To make objects display, they will thereby get assigned
# attr <device> fp_<name> <top>,<left>,<style>,<text>
# displays device <device> on floorplan <name> at position top:<top>,left:<left> with style <style> and description <text>
# styles: 0: icon/state only, 1: name+icon, 2: name+icon+commands 3:Device-Readings(+name)
# styles: 0: icon/state only, 1: name+icon, 2: name+icon+commands 3:Device-Readings(+name) 3:S300TH
# Example: attr lamp fp_Groundfloor 100,100,1,TableLamp #displays lamp at position 100px,100px
# Repeat step 3 to add further devices. Delete attr fp_<name> when all devices are arranged on your screen. Enjoy.
# Check the colorful pdf-docu in http://fhem.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/fhem/trunk/fhem/contrib/95_FLOORPLAN/?sortby=file
# Check the colorful pdf-docu in http://fhem.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/fhem/trunk/fhem/docs/?sortby=file
@ -135,7 +135,6 @@ FLOORPLAN_Initialize($)
$data{FWEXT}{$fhem_url}{LINK} = $name;
$data{FWEXT}{$fhem_url}{NAME} = "Floorplans";
# $data{FWEXT}{$fhem_url}{EMBEDDED} = 1; # not using embedded-mode to save screen-space
# $data{FWEXT}{$fhem_url}{STYLESHEET} = "floorplanstyle.css";
# Global-Config for CSS
$modules{_internal_}{AttrList} .= " VIEW_CSS";
my $n = 0;
@ -212,6 +211,7 @@ FP_CGI(){
my $commands = FP_digestCgi($htmlpart[1]) if $htmlpart[1]; # analyze URL-commands
my $FP_ret = AnalyzeCommand(undef, $commands) if $commands; # Execute commands
Log 1, "regex-error. commands: $commands; FP_ret: $FP_ret" if($FP_ret && ($FP_ret =~ m/regex/ )); #test
#####redirect commands - to suppress repeated execution of commands upon browser refresh
my $me = $defs{$FW_cname}; # from FHEMWEB: Current connection name
@ -315,11 +315,9 @@ FP_htmlHeader($) {
if ($FP_name) {
my $prf = AttrVal($FP_name, "fp_stylesheetPrefix", "");
FW_pO ("<link href=\"$FW_ME/$prf"."floorplanstyle.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\"/>"); #use floorplanstyle.css for floorplans, evtl. with fp_stylesheetPrefix
# $data{FWEXT}{$fhem_url}{STYLESHEET} = "$prf"."floorplanstyle.css";
} else {
my $css = AttrVal($FW_wname, "stylesheetPrefix", "") . "floorplanstyle.css";
FW_pO "<link href=\"$FW_ME/$css\" rel=\"stylesheet\"/>"; #use floorplanstyle.css (incl. FW-stylesheetPrefix) for fp-start-screen
# $data{FWEXT}{$fhem_url}{STYLESHEET} = $css;
#set sripts
FW_pO "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"$FW_ME/svg.js\"></script>"
@ -368,7 +366,7 @@ FP_show(){
## body
FW_pO "<body id=\"$FP_name-body\">\n";
FW_pO "<div id=\"backimg\" style=\"width: 100%; height: 100%;\">";
FW_pO "<div id=\"backimg\" style=\"width: 99%; height: 99%;\">";
FW_pO "<img src=\"$FW_ME/fp_$FP_name.png\">"; # alternative: jpg - how?
FW_pO "</div>\n";
@ -431,29 +429,66 @@ FP_show(){
# Device-state per device
FW_pO "<tr class=\"devicestate fp_$FP_name\" id=\"$d\">"; # For css: class=devicestate, id=devicename
$txt =~ s/measured-temp: ([\.\d]*) \(Celsius\)/$1/;
$txt =~ s/measured-temp: ([\.\d]*) \(Celsius\)/$1/; # format FHT-temperature
### use device-specific icons according to userattr fp_image or fp_<floorplan>.image
my $fp_image = AttrVal("$d", "fp_image", undef); # floorplan-independent icon
my $fp_fpimage = AttrVal("$d","fp_$FP_name".".image", undef); # floorplan-dependent icon
if ($fp_image) {
my $state = ReadingsVal($d, "state", undef);
$fp_image =~ s/\{state\}/$state/; # replace {state} by actual device-status
$txt =~ s/\<img\ src\=\"(.*)\"/\<img\ src\=\"\/fhem\/icons\/$fp_image\"/; # replace icon-link in html
if ($fp_fpimage) {
my $state = ReadingsVal($d, "state", undef);
$fp_fpimage =~ s/\{state\}/$state/; # replace {state} by actual device-status
$txt =~ s/\<img\ src\=\"(.*)\"/\<img\ src\=\"\/fhem\/icons\/$fp_fpimage\"/; # replace icon-link in html
FW_pO "<td colspan=\"$cols\">$txt";
FW_pO "</td></tr>";
# Commands per device
if($style == 2 && $cols gt 0) {
FW_pO " <tr class=\"devicecommands\" id=\"$d\">"; # For css: class=devicecommands, id=devicename
foreach my $cmd (split(":", $cmdlist)) {
FW_pH "cmd.$d=set $d $cmd", ReplaceEventMap($d,$cmd,1), 1, "devicecommands";
FW_pO " </tr>";
} elsif($type eq "FileLog") {
# devices with desired-temp-reading, e.g. FHT
} elsif($style == 2 && $allSets =~ m/ desired-temp:([^ ]*)/) { # FHT-set
my @tv = split(",", $1);
FW_pO " <tr class=\"devicecommands\" id=\"$d\">";
$txt = ReadingsVal($d, "measured-temp", "");
$txt =~ s/ .*//;
$txt = sprintf("%2.1f", int(2*$txt)/2) if($txt =~ m/[0-9.-]/);
# my @tv = split(" ", getAllSets("$d desired-temp"));
$txt = int($txt*20)/$txt if($txt =~ m/^[0-9].$/);
FW_pO "<td>".
if($cmdlist && $style == 2) {
my @cList = split(":", $cmdlist);
my @rList = map { ReplaceEventMap($d,$_,1) } @cList;
my $firstIdx = 0;
# Special handling (slider, dropdown)
my $cmd = $cList[0];
if($allSets && $allSets =~ m/$cmd:([^ ]*)/) {
my $values = $1;
if($values =~ m/^slider,(.*),(.*),(.*)/) { ##### Slider
my ($min,$stp, $max) = ($1, $2, $3);
my $srf = "";
my $curr = ReadingsVal($d, $cmd, Value($d));
$cmd = "" if($cmd eq "state");
FW_pO "<td colspan='2'>".
"<div class='slider' id='slider.$d'>".
"<div class='handle'>$min</div></div>".
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">" .
"'$FW_ME?cmd=set $d $cmd %$srf')".
} else { ##### Dropdown
my @tv = split(",", $values);
if($cmd eq "desired-temp") {
$txt = ReadingsVal($d, "measured-temp", "");
$txt =~ s/ .*//; # Cut off Celsius
$txt = sprintf("%2.1f", int(2*$txt)/2) if($txt =~ m/[0-9.-]/);
$txt = int($txt*20)/$txt if($txt =~ m/^[0-9].$/); # ???
} else {
$txt = Value($d);
$txt =~ s/$cmd //;
FW_pO "<td>".
FP_input("dev.$d", $d, "hidden") .
FP_input("arg.$d", "desired-temp", "hidden") .
FW_select("val.$d", \@tv, ReadingsVal($d, "desired-temp", $txt),"devicecommands") .
@ -461,7 +496,18 @@ FP_show(){
# ReadingsVal($d, "desired-temp", $txt),"fht") .
FW_submit("cmd.$d", "set").
for(my $idx=$firstIdx; $idx < @cList; $idx++) {
FW_pH "cmd.$d=set $d $cList[$idx]",
} elsif($type eq "FileLog") {
# $row = FW_dumpFileLog($d, 1, $row);
FW_pO "</td>";
FW_pO "</table></form>";
FW_pO "</div>\n";
@ -487,8 +533,6 @@ FP_show(){
FW_pO "</div>";
# FP_menuArrange() if ($FP_arrange); #shows the arrange-menu
FW_pO "</body>\n";
@ -520,18 +564,16 @@ FP_menuArrange() {
my %desc=();
# collect data
$FP_arrange_default = "" if (!$FP_arrange_default);
my @fpl;
my @nfpl;
my @fpl; # devices assigned to floorplan
my @nfpl; # devices not assigned to floorplan
foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) { # loop all devices
my $type = $defs{$d}{TYPE};
# exclude these types from list of available devices
next if($type =~ m/^(WEB|CUL$|FHEM.*|FileLog|PachLog|PID|SUNRISE.*|FLOORPLAN|holiday|Global|notify|autocreate)/ );
my $disp = $d;
if ($FP_arrange eq "detail") {
$disp .= ' (' . AttrVal($d,"room","Unsorted").") $type";
my $alias = AttrVal($d, "alias", undef);
$disp .= ' (' . $alias . ')' if ($alias);
$disp .= ' (' . AttrVal($d,"room","Unsorted").") $type";
my $alias = AttrVal($d, "alias", undef);
$disp .= ' (' . $alias . ')' if ($alias);
$desc{$d} = $disp;
if (AttrVal("$d","fp_$FP_name", undef)) {
push(@fpl, $disp);
@ -557,7 +599,7 @@ FP_menuArrange() {
# select device to be arranged
if (!defined($FP_arrange_selected)) {
my $dv = $FP_arrange_default;
$dv = $desc{$dv} if ($dv && $FP_arrange eq "detail");
$dv = $desc{$dv} if ($dv);
FW_pO "<form method=\"get\" action=\"$FW_ME/floorplan/$FP_name\">"; #form2
FW_pO "<div class=\"menu-select\" id=\"fpmenu\">\n" .
FW_select("arr.dev", \@fpl, $dv, "menu-select") .