diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/10_CUL_HM.pm b/fhem/FHEM/10_CUL_HM.pm
index 364ee4d42..3cb02116e 100755
--- a/fhem/FHEM/10_CUL_HM.pm
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/10_CUL_HM.pm
@@ -586,12 +586,13 @@ CUL_HM_Parse($$)
my $msg;
my @days = ("Sat", "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri");
if($o1 == 1) { ### bitfield containing multiple values...
+ # MUST be IDENTICAL to the set commands assotiated
my %mode = (0 => "manual",1 => "auto",2 => "central",3 => "party");
- push @event,'displayMode:temperature '.(($v1 & 1)?" and humidity":" only");
- push @event,'displayTemp:' .(($v1 & 2)?"setpoint" :"actual");
- push @event,'displayTempUnit:' .(($v1 & 4)?"fahrenheit" :"celsius");
- push @event,'controlMode:' .($mode{(($v1 & 0x18)>>3)});
- push @event,'decalcDay:' .$days[($v1 & 0xE0)>>5];
+ push @event,'displayMode:temp-'.(($v1 & 1)?"hum" :"only");
+ push @event,'displayTemp:' .(($v1 & 2)?"setpoint" :"actual");
+ push @event,'displayTempUnit:' .(($v1 & 4)?"fahrenheit":"celsius");
+ push @event,'controlMode:' .($mode{(($v1 & 0x18)>>3)});
+ push @event,'decalcDay:' .$days[($v1 & 0xE0)>>5];
my $chnHash = $modules{CUL_HM}{defptr}{$src.$chn};
my $dTemp;
@@ -4318,8 +4319,8 @@ CUL_HM_setAttrIfCh($$$$)
but it is supported with a HMLAN. Due to the issues above I do not
recommend using Homematic encryption at all.
@@ -4370,11 +4371,9 @@ CUL_HM_setAttrIfCh($$$$)
described in devicepair is necessary to get a reading. Also note that
a proper diaplay will only be possible if define per channel (button)
was done - see define.
read pair information of the device. See also pair
getRegRaw [List0|List1|List2|List3|List4|List5|List6]
@@ -4478,7 +4477,6 @@ CUL_HM_setAttrIfCh($$$$)
set myblind regBulk 01 0B:10
set myblind regBulk 01 0C:00
myblind will set the max drive time up for a blind actor to 25,6sec
regSet <regName> <value> <peerChannel>
For some major register a readable version is implemented supporting
@@ -4494,21 +4492,21 @@ CUL_HM_setAttrIfCh($$$$)
Condensed register description will be printed
Factory reset the device. You need to pair it again to use it with
sign [on|off]
Activate or deactivate signing (also called AES encryption, see the note above). Warning: if the device is attached via
a CUL, you won't be able to switch it (or deactivate signing) from
fhem before you reset the device directly.
Update device status. For multichannel devices it should be issued on
an per channel base
"Unpair" the device, i.e. make it available to pair with other master
devices. See pair for description.
@@ -4524,7 +4522,8 @@ CUL_HM_setAttrIfCh($$$$)
set vRemote_Btn4 press
set vRemote_Btn5 press long
- see also press
+ see also press
@@ -4541,10 +4540,12 @@ CUL_HM_setAttrIfCh($$$$)
on link level.
on-till <time> - set the switch on for the given end time.
set <name> on-till 20:32:10
- Currently a max of 24h is supported with endtime.
+ Currently a max of 24h is supported with endtime.
toggle - toggle the switch.
dimmer, blindActuator
- 0 - 100 [on-time] [ramp-time]
@@ -4561,7 +4562,8 @@ CUL_HM_setAttrIfCh($$$$)
- on-till <time> - Dimmer only!
- stop - stop motion or dim ramp
remotes, pushButton
This class of devices does not react on requests unless they are put
to learn mode. FHEM obeys this behavior by stacking all requests until
@@ -4622,17 +4624,21 @@ CUL_HM_setAttrIfCh($$$$)
This gives the user the option to redo the pairing on the remote
channel while the settings in the actor will not be removed.
- Example:
+ Example:
set myRemote devicepair 2 mySwActChn single set # pair second button to an actuator channel
set myRmtBtn devicepair 0 mySwActChn single set #myRmtBtn is a button of the remote. '0' is not processed here
set myRemote devicepair 2 mySwActChn dual set #pair button 3 and 4
set myRemote devicepair 3 mySwActChn dual unset #remove pairing for button 5 and 6
set myRemote devicepair 3 mySwActChn dual unset aktor #remove pairing for button 5 and 6 in actor only
set myRemote devicepair 3 mySwActChn dual set remote #pair button 5 and 6 on remote only. Link settings il mySwActChn will be maintained
- devicepair see remote
@@ -4666,11 +4672,14 @@ CUL_HM_setAttrIfCh($$$$)
this set command first (or a number of them), and then choose from
the teach-in menu of the 4Dis the "Central" to transmit the data.
set 4Dis text 1 on On Lamp
set 4Dis text 1 off Kitchen Off
Climate-Control (HM-CC-TC)
@@ -4698,7 +4707,8 @@ CUL_HM_setAttrIfCh($$$$)
displayTempUnit [celsius|fahrenheit]
controlMode [manual|auto|central|party]
decalcDay <day>
OutputUnit (HM-OU-LED16)
- led [off|red|green|yellow]
@@ -4710,7 +4720,8 @@ CUL_HM_setAttrIfCh($$$$)
<brightness> [0-15] of backlight.
<duration> [0-127] in sec. 0 is permanent 'on'.
OutputUnit (HM-OU-CFM-PL)
- led <color>[,<color>..]
@@ -4721,7 +4732,8 @@ CUL_HM_setAttrIfCh($$$$)
- playTone <MP3No>[,<MP3No>..]
Play a series of tones. List is to be entered separated by ','. White
spaces must not be used in the list.
- alarm <count>
@@ -4761,7 +4773,8 @@ CUL_HM_setAttrIfCh($$$$)
set FB1 display 12345 comma Watt 2 fast scene,phone,bell,clock
The Keymatic uses the AES signed communication. Therefore the control
of the Keymatic is only together with the HM-LAN adapter possible. But
@@ -4771,9 +4784,9 @@ CUL_HM_setAttrIfCh($$$$)
- lock
The lock bolt moves to the locking position
- unlock [sec]
- The lock bolt moves to the unlocking position.
[sec]: Sets the
- delay in seconds after the lock automatically locked again.
0 -
- 65535 seconds
+ The lock bolt moves to the unlocking position.
+ [sec]: Sets the delay in seconds after the lock automatically locked again.
+ 0 - 65535 seconds
open [sec]
Unlocked the door so that the door can be opened.
[sec]: Sets the delay in seconds after the lock automatically locked
@@ -4790,7 +4803,8 @@ CUL_HM_setAttrIfCh($$$$)
set keymatic unlock 60
winMatic provides 2 channels, one for the window control and a second
@@ -4823,8 +4837,10 @@ CUL_HM_setAttrIfCh($$$$)
@@ -4941,7 +4957,6 @@ CUL_HM_setAttrIfCh($$$$)
usage on devices which support wakeup-mode is usefull. But consider that execution is delayed
until the device "wakes up".
@@ -4949,36 +4964,87 @@ CUL_HM_setAttrIfCh($$$$)
Generated events:
- KS550/HM-WDS100-C6-O:
- T: $t H: $h W: $w R: $r IR: $ir WD: $wd WDR: $wdr S: $s B: $b
- - HM-CC-TC:
- T: $t H: $h
+ T: $t H: $h W: $w R: $r IR: $ir WD: $wd WDR: $wdr S: $s B: $b
temperature $t
humidity $h
- actuator $vp%
- desired-temp $t
- desired-temp-ack $t
- tempList$wd hh:mm $t hh:mm $t ...
- ValveErrorPosition $dname $vep%
- ValveOffset $dname $of%
- windowopentemp-$tchan $t (sensor:$tdev)
+ windSpeed $w
+ windDirection $wd
+ windDirRange $wdr
+ rain $r
+ isRaining $ir
+ sunshine $s
+ brightness $b
+ unknown $p
+ - HM-CC-TC:
+ T: $t H: $h
+ measured-temp $t
+ humidity $h
+ actuator $vp %
+ desired-temp $dTemp
+ desired-temp-manu $dTemp
+ windowopen-temp-%d %.1f (sensor:%s)
+ tempList$wd hh:mm $t hh:mm $t ...
+ displayMode temp-[hum|only]
+ displayTemp [setpoint|actual]
+ displayTempUnit [fahrenheit|celsius]
+ controlMode [manual|auto|central|party]
+ decalcDay [Sat|Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri]
+ tempValveMode [Auto|Closed|Open|unknown]
+ param-change offset=$o1, value=$v1
+ ValveErrorPosition_for_$dname $vep %
+ ValveOffset_for_$dname : $of %
+ ValveErrorPosition $vep %
+ ValveOffset $of %
+ time-request
- actuator $vp%
- motor [opening|closing|blocked|loose|adjusting range too small|ok]
- battery [low|ok]
- ValveErrorPosition $vep%
- ValveOffset $dname $of%
+ $vp %
+ battery:[critical|low|ok]
+ motorErr:[ok|blocked|loose|adjusting range too small|opening|closing|stop]
+ ValvePosition:$vp %
+ ValveErrorPosition:$vep %
+ ValveOffset:$of %
- KFM100:
- rawValue $v
- Sequence $s
- $cv $unit
- - switch/dimmer/blindActuator:
- deviceMsg [on|off|$val %]
- poweron [on|off|$val]
- - dimmer:
- dim: [up|down|stop]
+ $v
+ $cv,$unit
+ rawValue:$v
+ Sequence:$seq
+ content:$cv,$unit
motor: [opening|closing]
- - remote/pushButton
+ powerError [on|off]
+ sabotageError [on|off]
+ battery: [critical|low|ok]
+ battery: [low|ok]
+ - HM-OU-LED16
+ color $value # hex - for device only
+ $value # hex - for device only
+ color [off|red|green|orange] # for channel
+ [off|red|green|orange] # for channel
+ [on|off|$val]
+ - switch/dimmer/blindActuator:
+ $val
+ powerOn [on|off|$val]
+ [unknown|motor|dim] [up|down|stop]:$val
+ - dimmer:
+ overload [on|off]
+ overheat [on|off]
+ reduced [on|off]
+ dim: [up|down|stop]
+ - remote/pushButton/outputUnit
(to $dest) is added if the button is peered and does not send to broadcast
Release is provided for peered channels only
Btn$x onShort
@@ -4993,51 +5059,65 @@ CUL_HM_setAttrIfCh($$$$)
Btn$x offLong $counter (to $dest)
Btn$x onLongRelease $counter (to $dest)
Btn$x offLongRelease $counter (to $dest)
- battery: [low|ok]
+ - remote/pushButton
+ battery [low|ok]
- swi
Btn$x toggle
Btn$x toggle (to $dest)
battery: [low|ok]
- motionDetector
- motion
- cover closed
- cover open
+ motion on (to $dest)
+ motionCount $cnt _next:$nextTr"-"[0x0|0x1|0x2|0x3|15|30|60|120|240|0x9|0xa|0xb|0xc|0xd|0xe|0xf]
+ cover [closed|open]
+ battery [low|ok]
+ devState_raw.$d1 $d2
- smokeDetector
- state: [on|all-clear|alive]
+ [on|all-clear|alive] # for team leader
+ [off|smoke-forward|smoke-alarm] # for team members
+ SDteam [add|remove]_$dname
+ battery [low|ok]
smoke_detect on from $src
test:from $src
- battery: [low|ok]
- SDteam:[add|remove]_$name
- - threeStateSensor (all)
- sabotage
- alive
- - threeStateSensor (HM-SEC-WDS)
- contact wet
- contact damp
- contact dry
- - threeStateSensor (generic)
- contact closed
- contact open
- contact tilted
- - THSensor
- T: $t H: $h
- temperature $t
- humidity $h
- - WDC7000
+ - threeStateSensor
+ [open|tilted|closed]]
+ [wet|damp|dry] #HM-SEC-WDS only
+ cover [open|closed] #HM-SEC-WDS only
+ alive yes
+ battery [low|ok]
+ contact [open|tilted|closed]
+ contact [wet|damp|dry] #HM-SEC-WDS only
+ - THSensor and HM-WDC7000
T: $t H: $h AP: $ap
temperature $t
humidity $h
- airpress $ap
+ airpress $ap #HM-WDC7000 only
- winMatic
- motorError: [no|TurnError|TiltError]
- direction: [no|up|down|undefined]
- * Akku Channel
- charge: [trickleCharge|charge|dischange|unknown]
- airing: $air
- course: tilt
- course: close
+ [locked|$value]
+ motorError [no|TurnError|TiltError]
+ direction [no|up|down|undefined]
+ charge [trickleCharge|charge|dischange|unknown]
+ airing [inactiv|$air]
+ course [tilt|close]
+ airing [inactiv|$value]
+ contact tesed
+ - keyMatic
+ unknown:40
+ battery [low|ok]
+ uncertain [yes|no]
+ error [unknown|motor aborted|clutch failure|none']
+ lock [unlocked|locked]
+ [unlocked|locked|uncertain]