mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 03:06:37 +00:00
76_SolarForecast: contrib 0.82.2
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@27943 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -140,7 +140,8 @@ BEGIN {
# Versions History intern
my %vNotesIntern = (
"0.82.1" => "08.09.2023 rebuild implementation of DWD AI support ",
"0.82.2" => "10.09.2023 activate implementation of DWD AI support ",
"0.82.1" => "08.09.2023 rebuild implementation of DWD AI support, some error fixing (FHEM restarts between 0 and 1) ",
"0.82.0" => "02.09.2023 first implementation of DWD AI support, new ctrlDebug aiProcess aiData, reset aiData ",
"0.81.1" => "30.08.2023 show forecast qualities when pressing quality icon in forecast grafic, store rad1h (model DWD) in ".
"pvhistory, removed: affectCloudfactorDamping, affectRainfactorDamping ",
@ -434,11 +435,6 @@ my $prdef = 0.85;
my $tempcoeffdef = -0.45; # default Temperaturkoeffizient Pmpp (%/°C) lt. Datenblatt Solarzelle
my $tempmodinc = 25; # default Temperaturerhöhung an Solarzellen gegenüber Umgebungstemperatur bei wolkenlosem Himmel
my $tempbasedef = 25; # Temperatur Module bei Nominalleistung
my $cldampdef = 0; # Gewichtung (%) des Korrekturfaktors bzgl. effektiver Bewölkung, siehe: https://www.energie-experten.org/erneuerbare-energien/photovoltaik/planung/sonnenstunden
my $cloud_base = 0; # Fußpunktverschiebung bzgl. effektiver Bewölkung
my $rdampdef = 0; # Gewichtung (%) des Korrekturfaktors bzgl. Niederschlag (R101)
my $rain_base = 0; # Fußpunktverschiebung bzgl. effektiver Bewölkung
my $maxconsumer = 16; # maximale Anzahl der möglichen Consumer (Attribut)
my $epiecMaxCycles = 10; # Anzahl Einschaltzyklen (Consumer) für verbraucherspezifische Energiestück Ermittlung
@ -655,6 +651,8 @@ my %hqtxt = (
DE => qq{Perl Modul Test2::Suite ist nicht vorhanden} },
aiwook => { EN => qq{AI support works properly, but does not provide a value for the current hour},
DE => qq{KI Unterstützung arbeitet einwandfrei, liefert jedoch keinen Wert für die aktuelle Stunde} },
aiwhit => { EN => qq{the PV forecast value for the current hour is provided by the AI support},
DE => qq{der PV Vorhersagewert für die aktuelle Stunde wird von der KI Unterstützung geliefert} },
nxtscc => { EN => qq{next SolCast call},
DE => qq{nächste SolCast Abfrage} },
fulfd => { EN => qq{fulfilled},
@ -2378,7 +2376,7 @@ sub Get {
my $airst = CurrentVal ($hash, 'aitrawstate', '');
if ($airst eq 'ok') {
$getlist .= "valDecTree:aiRawData ";
$getlist .= "valDecTree:aiRawData,aiRuleStrings ";
return if(IsDisabled($name));
@ -3856,10 +3854,44 @@ sub _getaiDecTree { ## no critic "not used"
if($arg eq 'aiRawData') {
$ret = listDataPool ($hash, 'aiRawData');
if($arg eq 'aiRuleStrings') {
$ret = __getaiRuleStrings ($hash);
return $ret;
# Gibt eine Liste von Zeichenketten zurück, die den AI
# Entscheidungsbaum in Form von Regeln beschreiben
sub __getaiRuleStrings { ## no critic "not used"
my $hash = shift;
return 'no AI decition possible' if(!isPrepared4AI ($hash));
my $dtree = AiDetreeVal ($hash, 'aitrained', undef);
if (!$dtree) {
return 'AI trained object is missed';
my $rs = 'no rules delivered';
my @rsl;
eval { @rsl = $dtree->rule_statements()
or do { return $@;
if (@rsl) {
$rs = join "\n", @rsl;
return $rs;
sub Attr {
my $cmd = shift;
@ -4963,8 +4995,8 @@ sub __createAdditionalEvents {
my $daref = $paref->{daref};
for my $idx (sort keys %{$data{$type}{$name}{nexthours}}) {
my $nhts = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, "starttime", undef);
my $nhfc = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, "pvforecast", undef);
my $nhts = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'starttime', undef);
my $nhfc = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'pvfc', undef);
next if(!defined $nhts || !defined $nhfc);
my ($dt, $h) = $nhts =~ /([\w-]+)\s(\d{2})/xs;
@ -5185,33 +5217,45 @@ sub _transferAPIRadiationValues {
my $est = __calcPVestimates ($params);
$data{$type}{$name}{nexthours}{$time_str}{pvforecast} = $est;
$data{$type}{$name}{nexthours}{$time_str}{starttime} = $wantdt;
$data{$type}{$name}{nexthours}{$time_str}{hourofday} = $hod;
$data{$type}{$name}{nexthours}{$time_str}{today} = $fd == 0 ? 1 : 0;
$data{$type}{$name}{nexthours}{$time_str}{rad1h} = $rad;
$data{$type}{$name}{nexthours}{$time_str}{pvapifc} = $est; # durch API gelieferte PV Forecast
$data{$type}{$name}{nexthours}{$time_str}{starttime} = $wantdt;
$data{$type}{$name}{nexthours}{$time_str}{hourofday} = $hod;
$data{$type}{$name}{nexthours}{$time_str}{today} = $fd == 0 ? 1 : 0;
$data{$type}{$name}{nexthours}{$time_str}{rad1h} = $rad;
my ($err, $pvaifc) = aiGetResult ($params); # KI Entscheidungen abfragen
my $pvfc;
if (!$err) {
$data{$type}{$name}{nexthours}{$time_str}{pvaifc} = $pvaifc;
$data{$type}{$name}{current}{aigetresult} = 'ok';
$data{$type}{$name}{nexthours}{$time_str}{pvaifc} = $pvaifc; # durch AI gelieferte PV Forecast
$data{$type}{$name}{nexthours}{$time_str}{pvfc} = $pvaifc;
$data{$type}{$name}{nexthours}{$time_str}{aihit} = 1;
$pvfc = $pvaifc;
else {
$data{$type}{$name}{current}{aigetresult} = $err;
if($num < 23 && $fh < 24) { # Ringspeicher PV forecast Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,117864.msg1133350.html#msg1133350
$data{$type}{$name}{circular}{sprintf "%02d",$fh1}{pvfc} = $est;
delete $data{$type}{$name}{nexthours}{$time_str}{pvaifc};
$data{$type}{$name}{nexthours}{$time_str}{pvfc} = $est;
$data{$type}{$name}{nexthours}{$time_str}{aihit} = 0;
$pvfc = $est;
if($fd == 0 && int $est > 0) { # Vorhersagedaten des aktuellen Tages zum manuellen Vergleich in Reading speichern
push @$daref, "Today_Hour".sprintf ("%02d",$fh1)."_PVforecast<>$est Wh";
if ($num < 23 && $fh < 24) { # Ringspeicher PV forecast Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,117864.msg1133350.html#msg1133350
$data{$type}{$name}{circular}{sprintf "%02d",$fh1}{pvapifc} = NexthoursVal ($hash, $time_str, 'pvapifc', undef);
$data{$type}{$name}{circular}{sprintf "%02d",$fh1}{pvfc} = $pvfc;
$data{$type}{$name}{circular}{sprintf "%02d",$fh1}{pvaifc} = NexthoursVal ($hash, $time_str, 'pvaifc', undef);
$data{$type}{$name}{circular}{sprintf "%02d",$fh1}{aihit} = NexthoursVal ($hash, $time_str, 'aihit', 0);
if($fd == 0 && int $pvfc > 0) { # Vorhersagedaten des aktuellen Tages zum manuellen Vergleich in Reading speichern
push @$daref, "Today_Hour".sprintf ("%02d",$fh1)."_PVforecast<>$pvfc Wh";
if($fd == 0 && $fh1) {
$paref->{nhour} = sprintf "%02d", $fh1;
$paref->{calcpv} = $est;
$paref->{calcpv} = $pvfc;
$paref->{histname} = 'pvfc';
setPVhistory ($paref);
@ -5954,8 +5998,8 @@ sub _createSummaries {
my $tdConFcTillSunset = 0;
my $remainminutes = 60 - $minute; # verbleibende Minuten der aktuellen Stunde
my $restofhourpvfc = (NexthoursVal($hash, "NextHour00", "pvforecast", 0)) / 60 * $remainminutes;
my $restofhourconfc = (NexthoursVal($hash, "NextHour00", "confc", 0)) / 60 * $remainminutes;
my $restofhourpvfc = (NexthoursVal($hash, "NextHour00", 'pvfc', 0)) / 60 * $remainminutes;
my $restofhourconfc = (NexthoursVal($hash, "NextHour00", 'confc', 0)) / 60 * $remainminutes;
$next1HoursSum->{PV} = $restofhourpvfc;
$next2HoursSum->{PV} = $restofhourpvfc;
@ -5970,10 +6014,10 @@ sub _createSummaries {
$restOfDaySum->{Consumption} = $restofhourconfc;
for my $h (1..47) {
my $pvfc = NexthoursVal ($hash, "NextHour".sprintf("%02d",$h), 'pvforecast', 0);
my $confc = NexthoursVal ($hash, "NextHour".sprintf("%02d",$h), 'confc', 0);
my $istdy = NexthoursVal ($hash, "NextHour".sprintf("%02d",$h), 'today', 0);
my $don = NexthoursVal ($hash, "NextHour".sprintf("%02d",$h), 'DoN', 0);
my $pvfc = NexthoursVal ($hash, "NextHour".sprintf("%02d",$h), 'pvfc', 0);
my $confc = NexthoursVal ($hash, "NextHour".sprintf("%02d",$h), 'confc', 0);
my $istdy = NexthoursVal ($hash, "NextHour".sprintf("%02d",$h), 'today', 0);
my $don = NexthoursVal ($hash, "NextHour".sprintf("%02d",$h), 'DoN', 0);
$pvfc = 0 if($pvfc < 0); # PV Prognose darf nicht negativ sein
$confc = 0 if($confc < 0); # Verbrauchsprognose darf nicht negativ sein
@ -6509,8 +6553,8 @@ sub __planSwitchTimes {
## max. Überschuß ermitteln
for my $idx (sort keys %{$nh}) {
my $pvfc = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, "pvforecast", 0 );
my $confcex = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, "confcEx", 0 ); # prognostizierter Verbrauch ohne registrierte Consumer
my $pvfc = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'pvfc', 0);
my $confcex = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'confcEx', 0); # prognostizierter Verbrauch ohne registrierte Consumer
my $spexp = $pvfc - ($cicfip ? $confcex : 0); # prognostizierter Energieüberschuß (kann negativ sein)
@ -7573,7 +7617,7 @@ sub _calcReadingsTomorrowPVFc {
next if($hods !~ /$h/xs); # diese Stunde des Tages soll nicht erzeugt werden
my $st = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'starttime', 'XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX'); # Starttime
my $pvfc = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'pvforecast', 0);
my $pvfc = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'pvfc', 0);
push @$daref, "Tomorrow_Hour".$h."_PVforecast<>".$pvfc." Wh";
@ -8285,7 +8329,7 @@ sub _checkSetupNotComplete {
my ($coset, $lat, $lon) = locCoordinates(); # Koordinaten im global device
my $rip = 1 if(exists $data{$type}{$name}{solcastapi}{'?IdPair'}); # es existiert mindestens ein Paar RoofTop-ID / API-Key
my $pv0 = NexthoursVal ($hash, "NextHour00", "pvforecast", undef); # der erste PV ForeCast Wert
my $pv0 = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour00', 'pvfc', undef); # der erste PV ForeCast Wert
my $link = qq{<a href="$FW_ME$FW_subdir?detail=$name">$name</a>};
my $height = AttrNum ($name, 'graphicBeamHeight', 200);
@ -8394,7 +8438,7 @@ sub _graphicHeader {
my ($pcf,$pcq) = split "/", $pvcorrf00;
my $pvcanz = qq{factor: $pcf / quality: $pcq};
my $pvfc00 = NexthoursVal($hash, "NextHour00", "pvforecast", undef);
my $pvfc00 = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour00', 'pvfc', undef);
my $acu = isAutoCorrUsed ($name);
if ($kw eq 'kWh') {
@ -8620,20 +8664,20 @@ sub _graphicHeader {
## KI Status
my $aiist = CurrentVal ($hash, 'aiinitstate', 'ok');
my $aitst = CurrentVal ($hash, 'aitrainstate', 'ok');
my $aiast = CurrentVal ($hash, 'aiaddistate', 'ok');
my $aicanuse = CurrentVal ($hash, 'aicanuse', '');
my $aitst = CurrentVal ($hash, 'aitrainstate', 'ok');
my $aihit = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour00', 'aihit', 0);
my $aitit = $aidtabs ? $hqtxt{aimstt}{$lang} :
$t2sabs ? $hqtxt{aimmts}{$lang} :
$aiist ne 'ok' ? $hqtxt{ainuse}{$lang} :
my $aitit = $aidtabs ? $hqtxt{aimstt}{$lang} :
$t2sabs ? $hqtxt{aimmts}{$lang} :
$aicanuse ne 'ok' ? $hqtxt{ainuse}{$lang} :
my $aiimg = $aidtabs ? FW_makeImage ('--', $aitit) :
$t2sabs ? FW_makeImage ('--', $aitit) :
$aiist ne 'ok' ? FW_makeImage ('-', $aitit) :
$aitst ne 'ok' ? FW_makeImage ('10px-kreis-rot.png', $aitst) :
$aiast ne 'ok' ? FW_makeImage ('10px-kreis-rot.png', $aiast) :
my $aiimg = $aidtabs ? FW_makeImage ('--', $aitit) :
$t2sabs ? FW_makeImage ('--', $aitit) :
$aicanuse ne 'ok' ? FW_makeImage ('-', $aitit) :
$aitst ne 'ok' ? FW_makeImage ('10px-kreis-rot.png', $aitst) :
$aihit ? FW_makeImage ('10px-kreis-gruen.png', $hqtxt{aiwhit}{$lang}) :
FW_makeImage ('10px-kreis-gelb.png', $hqtxt{aiwook}{$lang});
my $aiicon = qq{<a title="$aitit">$aiimg</a>};
@ -9056,20 +9100,20 @@ sub _beamGraphicFirstHour {
$hfcg->{0}{time_str} = sprintf('%02d', $hfcg->{0}{time});
$val1 = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, "pvfc", 0);
$val2 = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, "pvrl", 0);
$val3 = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, "gcons", 0);
$val4 = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, "confc", 0);
$val1 = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'pvfc', 0);
$val2 = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'pvrl', 0);
$val3 = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'gcons', 0);
$val4 = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'confc', 0);
# $hfcg->{0}{weather} = CircularVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, "weatherid", 999);
$hfcg->{0}{weather} = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'weatherid', 999);
$hfcg->{0}{wcc} = HistoryVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{day_str}, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'wcc', '-');
else {
$val1 = CircularVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, "pvfc", 0);
$val2 = CircularVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, "pvrl", 0);
$val3 = CircularVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, "gcons", 0);
$val4 = CircularVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, "confc", 0);
$val1 = CircularVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'pvfc', 0);
$val2 = CircularVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'pvrl', 0);
$val3 = CircularVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'gcons', 0);
$val4 = CircularVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, 'confc', 0);
$hfcg->{0}{weather} = CircularVal ($hash, $hfcg->{0}{time_str}, "weatherid", 999);
#$val4 = (ReadingsVal($name,"ThisHour_IsConsumptionRecommended",'no') eq 'yes' ) ? $icon : 999;
@ -9127,10 +9171,10 @@ sub _beamGraphicRemainingHours {
# Sonderfall Mitternacht
$ds = strftime "%d", localtime($hfcg->{0}{mktime} - (3600 * (abs($offset-$i+1)))) if ($hfcg->{$i}{time} == 24); # V0.49.4
$val1 = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, "pvfc", 0);
$val2 = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, "pvrl", 0);
$val3 = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, "gcons", 0);
$val4 = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, "confc", 0);
$val1 = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'pvfc', 0);
$val2 = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'pvrl', 0);
$val3 = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'gcons', 0);
$val4 = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'confc', 0);
$hfcg->{$i}{weather} = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'weatherid', 999);
$hfcg->{$i}{wcc} = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}, 'wcc', '-');
@ -9144,9 +9188,9 @@ sub _beamGraphicRemainingHours {
if (defined($nh)) {
$val1 = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour'.$nh, "pvforecast", 0);
$val4 = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour'.$nh, "confc", 0);
$hfcg->{$i}{weather} = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour'.$nh, "weatherid", 999);
$val1 = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour'.$nh, 'pvfc', 0);
$val4 = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour'.$nh, 'confc', 0);
$hfcg->{$i}{weather} = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour'.$nh, 'weatherid', 999);
$hfcg->{$i}{wcc} = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour'.$nh, 'cloudcover', '-');
#$val4 = (ReadingsVal($name,"NextHour".$ii."_IsConsumptionRecommended",'no') eq 'yes') ? $icon : undef;
@ -10393,8 +10437,8 @@ sub __Pv_Fc_Complex_Dnum_Hist {
$histwcc = calcRange ($histwcc); # V 0.50.1
if($range == $histwcc) {
$pvrl += HistoryVal ($hash, $dayfa, $hour, "pvrl", 0);
$pvfc += HistoryVal ($hash, $dayfa, $hour, "pvfc", 0);
$pvrl += HistoryVal ($hash, $dayfa, $hour, 'pvrl', 0);
$pvfc += HistoryVal ($hash, $dayfa, $hour, 'pvfc', 0);
debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrection', "Complex Corrf -> historical Day/hour $dayfa/$hour included - cloudiness range: $range");
@ -10464,8 +10508,8 @@ sub __Pv_Fc_Simple_Dnum_Hist {
for my $dayfa (@efa) {
$pvrl += HistoryVal ($hash, $dayfa, $hour, "pvrl", 0);
$pvfc += HistoryVal ($hash, $dayfa, $hour, "pvfc", 0);
$pvrl += HistoryVal ($hash, $dayfa, $hour, 'pvrl', 0);
$pvfc += HistoryVal ($hash, $dayfa, $hour, 'pvfc', 0);
debugLog ($paref, "pvCorrection", "Simple Corrf -> historical Day/hour $dayfa/$hour included -> PVreal: $pvrl, PVforecast: $pvfc");
@ -10571,7 +10615,7 @@ sub aiAddInstance { ## no critic "not used"
my $type = $paref->{type};
my $taa = $paref->{taa}; # do train after add
return if(!isDWDUsed ($hash));
return if(!isPrepared4AI ($hash));
my $err;
my $dtree = AiDetreeVal ($hash, 'object', undef);
@ -10632,7 +10676,7 @@ sub aiTrain { ## no critic "not used"
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $type = $paref->{type};
return if(!isDWDUsed ($hash));
return if(!isPrepared4AI ($hash));
my $err;
my $dtree = AiDetreeVal ($hash, 'object', undef);
@ -10663,8 +10707,6 @@ sub aiTrain { ## no critic "not used"
# AI Ergebnis für ermitteln
@ -10676,7 +10718,7 @@ sub aiGetResult { ## no critic "not used"
my $hod = $paref->{hod};
my $nhidx = $paref->{nhidx};
return 'no AI decition possible' if(!isDWDUsed ($hash) || !$hod || !$nhidx);
return 'no AI decition possible' if(!isPrepared4AI ($hash) || !$hod || !$nhidx);
my $dtree = AiDetreeVal ($hash, 'aitrained', undef);
@ -10727,15 +10769,12 @@ sub aiInit { ## no critic "not used"
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $type = $paref->{type};
return if(!isDWDUsed ($hash));
my $err;
if ($aidtabs || $t2sabs) {
$err = qq(The Perl module AI::DecisionTree is missing. Please install it with e.g. "sudo apt-get install libai-decisiontree-perl" for AI support) if($aidtabs);
$err = qq(The Perl module Test2::Suite is missing. Please install it with e.g. "sudo apt-get install libtest2-suite-perl") if($t2sabs);
if (!isPrepared4AI ($hash)) {
my $err = CurrentVal ($hash, 'aicanuse', '');
debugLog ($paref, 'aiProcess', $err);
$data{$type}{$name}{current}{aiinitstate} = $err;
return $err;
@ -10747,7 +10786,7 @@ sub aiInit { ## no critic "not used"
Log3 ($name, 3, "$name - AI::DecisionTree new initialized");
return $err;
@ -10777,6 +10816,8 @@ sub aiAddRawData { ## no critic "not used"
delete $data{$type}{$name}{current}{aitrawstate};
my ($err, $dosave);
for my $pvd (sort keys %{$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}}) {
next if(!$pvd);
if ($ood) {
@ -10809,11 +10850,15 @@ sub aiAddRawData { ## no critic "not used"
$data{$type}{$name}{aidectree}{airaw}{$ridx}{hod} = $hod;
$data{$type}{$name}{aidectree}{airaw}{$ridx}{pvrl} = $pvrl;
$dosave = 1;
debugLog ($paref, 'aiProcess', qq{AI Raw data added - idx: $ridx, day: $pvd, hod: $hod, rad1h: $rad1h, pvrl: $pvrl, wcc: $cbin, wrp: $rbin, temp: $tbin});
my $err = writeCacheToFile ($hash, 'airaw', $airaw.$name);
if ($dosave) {
$err = writeCacheToFile ($hash, 'airaw', $airaw.$name);
if (!$err) {
$data{$type}{$name}{current}{aitrawstate} = 'ok';
@ -10913,14 +10958,14 @@ sub setPVhistory {
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{rad1h} = $rad1h;
if ($histname eq "pvfc") { # prognostizierter Energieertrag
if ($histname eq 'pvfc') { # prognostizierter Energieertrag
$val = $calcpv;
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{pvfc} = $calcpv;
my $pvfcsum = 0;
for my $k (keys %{$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}}) {
next if($k eq "99");
$pvfcsum += HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $k, "pvfc", 0);
$pvfcsum += HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $k, 'pvfc', 0);
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{99}{pvfc} = $pvfcsum;
@ -11072,14 +11117,14 @@ sub setPVhistory {
for my $k (keys %{$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$reorgday}}) {
next if($k eq "99");
$r1 += HistoryVal ($hash, $reorgday, $k, "batin", 0);
$r2 += HistoryVal ($hash, $reorgday, $k, "batout", 0);
$r3 += HistoryVal ($hash, $reorgday, $k, "pvrl", 0);
$r4 += HistoryVal ($hash, $reorgday, $k, "pvfc", 0);
$r5 += HistoryVal ($hash, $reorgday, $k, "confc", 0);
$r6 += HistoryVal ($hash, $reorgday, $k, "gcons", 0);
$r7 += HistoryVal ($hash, $reorgday, $k, "gfeedin", 0);
$r8 += HistoryVal ($hash, $reorgday, $k, "con", 0);
$r1 += HistoryVal ($hash, $reorgday, $k, 'batin', 0);
$r2 += HistoryVal ($hash, $reorgday, $k, 'batout', 0);
$r3 += HistoryVal ($hash, $reorgday, $k, 'pvrl', 0);
$r4 += HistoryVal ($hash, $reorgday, $k, 'pvfc', 0);
$r5 += HistoryVal ($hash, $reorgday, $k, 'confc', 0);
$r6 += HistoryVal ($hash, $reorgday, $k, 'gcons', 0);
$r7 += HistoryVal ($hash, $reorgday, $k, 'gfeedin', 0);
$r8 += HistoryVal ($hash, $reorgday, $k, 'con', 0);
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$reorgday}{99}{batin} = $r1;
@ -11119,9 +11164,9 @@ sub listDataPool {
my $day = shift;
my $ret;
for my $key (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$h->{$day}}) {
my $pvrl = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "pvrl", "-");
my $pvfc = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "pvfc", "-");
my $gcon = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "gcons", "-");
my $pvrl = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'pvrl', "-");
my $pvfc = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'pvfc', "-");
my $gcon = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'gcons', "-");
my $con = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "con", "-");
my $confc = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "confc", "-");
my $gfeedin = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "gfeedin", "-");
@ -11264,6 +11309,9 @@ sub listDataPool {
for my $idx (sort keys %{$h}) {
my $pvfc = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "pvfc", "-");
my $pvaifc = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "pvaifc", "-");
my $pvapifc = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "pvapifc", "-");
my $aihit = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "aihit", "-");
my $pvrl = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "pvrl", "-");
my $confc = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "confc", "-");
my $gcons = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "gcons", "-");
@ -11336,8 +11384,8 @@ sub listDataPool {
$sq .= "\n" if($sq);
if($idx != 99) {
$sq .= $idx." => pvfc: $pvfc, pvrl: $pvrl, batin: $batin, batout: $batout\n";
$sq .= " confc: $confc, gcon: $gcons, gfeedin: $gfeedin, wcc: $wccv, wrp: $wrprb\n";
$sq .= $idx." => pvapifc: $pvapifc, pvaifc: $pvaifc, pvfc: $pvfc, aihit: $aihit, pvrl: $pvrl\n";
$sq .= " batin: $batin, batout: $batout, confc: $confc, gcon: $gcons, gfeedin: $gfeedin, wcc: $wccv, wrp: $wrprb\n";
$sq .= " temp: $temp, wid: $wid, wtxt: $wtxt\n";
$sq .= " corr: $pvcf\n";
$sq .= " quality: $cfq";
@ -11361,8 +11409,10 @@ sub listDataPool {
my $nhts = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'starttime', "-");
my $hod = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'hourofday', "-");
my $today = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'today', "-");
my $pvfc = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'pvforecast', "-");
my $pvfc = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'pvfc', "-");
my $pvapifc = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'pvapifc', "-"); # PV Forecast der API
my $pvaifc = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'pvaifc', "-"); # PV Forecast der KI
my $aihit = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'aihit', "-"); # KI ForeCast Treffer Status
my $wid = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'weatherid', "-");
my $neff = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'cloudcover', "-");
my $crange = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'cloudrange', "-");
@ -11375,8 +11425,8 @@ sub listDataPool {
my $don = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'DoN', "-");
$sq .= "\n" if($sq);
$sq .= $idx." => starttime: $nhts, hourofday: $hod, today: $today\n";
$sq .= " pvfc: $pvfc, pvaifc: $pvaifc, confc: $confc, confcEx: $confcex\n";
$sq .= " DoN: $don, wid: $wid, wcc: $neff, wrp: $r101, temp=$temp\n";
$sq .= " pvapifc: $pvapifc, pvaifc: $pvaifc, pvfc: $pvfc, aihit: $aihit, confc: $confc\n";
$sq .= " confcEx: $confcex, DoN: $don, wid: $wid, wcc: $neff, wrp: $r101, temp=$temp\n";
$sq .= " rad1h: $rad1h, crange: $crange, correff: $pvcorrf";
@ -11387,12 +11437,12 @@ sub listDataPool {
return qq{NextHours cache is empty.};
for my $idx (sort keys %{$h}) {
my $nhfc = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, "pvforecast", undef);
my $nhfc = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'pvfc', undef);
next if(!$nhfc);
my $nhts = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, "starttime", undef);
my $neff = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, "cloudcover", "-");
my $crange = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, "cloudrange", "-");
my $pvcorrf = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, "pvcorrf", "-/-");
my $nhts = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'starttime', undef);
my $neff = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'cloudcover', "-");
my $crange = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'cloudrange', "-");
my $pvcorrf = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'pvcorrf', "-/-");
my ($f,$q) = split "/", $pvcorrf;
$sq .= "\n" if($sq);
$sq .= "starttime: $nhts, wcc: $neff, crange: $crange, quality: $q, factor: $f";
@ -12245,6 +12295,38 @@ sub setTimeTracking {
# Voraussetzungen zur Nutzung der KI prüfen, Status setzen
# und Prüfungsergebnis (0/1) zurückgeben
sub isPrepared4AI {
my $hash = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
my $err;
if(!isDWDUsed ($hash)) {
$err = qq(With the used SolarForecast model it's not possible to use the AI support);
elsif ($aidtabs) {
$err = qq(The Perl module AI::DecisionTree is missing. Please install it with e.g. "sudo apt-get install libai-decisiontree-perl" for AI support);
elsif ($t2sabs) {
$err = qq(The Perl module Test2::Suite is missing. Please install it with e.g. "sudo apt-get install libtest2-suite-perl");
if ($err) {
$data{$type}{$name}{current}{aicanuse} = $err;
return 0;
$data{$type}{$name}{current}{aicanuse} = 'ok';
return 1;
# Funktion liefert 1 wenn Consumer physisch "eingeschaltet"
# ist, d.h. der Wert onreg des Readings rswstate wahr ist
@ -13161,7 +13243,9 @@ return ($pvcorrf, $quality);
# $nhr: nächste Stunde (NextHour00, NextHour01,...)
# $key: starttime - Startzeit der abgefragten nächsten Stunde
# hourofday - Stunde des Tages
# pvforecast - PV Vorhersage in Wh
# pvfc - PV Vorhersage in Wh
# pvaifc - erwartete PV Erzeugung der KI (Wh)
# aihit - Trefferstatus KI
# weatherid - DWD Wetter id
# cloudcover - DWD Wolkendichte
# cloudrange - berechnete Bewölkungsrange
@ -14270,7 +14354,7 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<colgroup> <col width="15%"> <col width="85%"> </colgroup>
<colgroup> <col width="10%"> <col width="90%"> </colgroup>
<tr><td> <b>confc</b> </td><td>erwarteter Energieverbrauch inklusive der Anteile registrierter Verbraucher </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>confcEx</b> </td><td>erwarteter Energieverbrauch ohne der Anteile registrierter Verbraucher </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>crange</b> </td><td>berechneter Bewölkungsbereich </td></tr>
@ -14279,8 +14363,10 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<tr><td> </td><td>Faktor/0..1 - Qualität der PV Prognose (1 = beste Qualität) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>DoN</b> </td><td>Sonnenauf- und untergangsstatus (0 - Nacht, 1 - Tag) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>hourofday</b> </td><td>laufende Stunde des Tages </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>pvfc</b> </td><td>erwartete PV Erzeugung (Wh) ohne KI Unterstützung </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>pvapifc</b> </td><td>erwartete PV Erzeugung (Wh) der verwendeten API </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>pvaifc</b> </td><td>erwartete PV Erzeugung der KI (Wh) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>pvfc</b> </td><td>verwendete PV Erzeugungsprognose (Wh) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>aihit</b> </td><td>Lieferstatus der KI für die PV Vorhersage (0-keine Lieferung, 1-Lieferung) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>today</b> </td><td>hat Wert '1' wenn Startdatum am aktuellen Tag </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>rad1h</b> </td><td>vorhergesagte Globalstrahlung </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>starttime</b> </td><td>Startzeit des Datensatzes </td></tr>
@ -14346,7 +14432,10 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<colgroup> <col width="20%"> <col width="80%"> </colgroup>
<tr><td> <b>pvfc</b> </td><td>PV Vorhersage für die nächsten 24h ab aktueller Stunde des Tages </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>pvapifc</b> </td><td>erwartete PV Erzeugung (Wh) der verwendeten API </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>pvaifc</b> </td><td>PV Vorhersage (Wh) der KI für die nächsten 24h ab aktueller Stunde des Tages </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>pvfc</b> </td><td>verwendete PV Prognose für die nächsten 24h ab aktueller Stunde des Tages </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>aihit</b> </td><td>Lieferstatus der KI für die PV Vorhersage (0-keine Lieferung, 1-Lieferung) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>pvrl</b> </td><td>reale PV Erzeugung der letzten 24h (Achtung: pvforecast und pvreal beziehen sich nicht auf den gleichen Zeitraum!) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>confc</b> </td><td>erwarteter Energieverbrauch (Wh) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>gcon</b> </td><td>realer Leistungsbezug aus dem Stromnetz </td></tr>
@ -14440,8 +14529,12 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<colgroup> <col width="15%"> <col width="95%"> </colgroup>
<tr><td> <b>aiRawData</b> </td><td>- Die aktuell für die KI gespeicherten PV-, Strahlungs- und Umweltdaten. </td></tr>
<colgroup> <col width="10%"> <col width="90%"> </colgroup>
<tr><td> <b>aiRawData</b> </td><td>- Die aktuell für die KI gespeicherten PV-, Strahlungs- und Umweltdaten. </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>aiRuleStrings</b> </td><td>- Gibt eine Liste zurück, die den Entscheidungsbaum der KI in Form von Regeln beschreiben. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> <b>Hinweis:</b> Die Reihenfolge der Regeln ist zwar nicht vorhersehbar, die </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> Reihenfolge der Kriterien innerhalb jeder Regel spiegelt jedoch die Reihenfolge </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> wider, in der die Kriterien bei der Entscheidungsfindung geprüft werden. </td></tr>
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