mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 05:16:45 +00:00
57_CALVIEW.pm: -new function age calculation
-new reading for description of terms git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@12900 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,10 +20,12 @@ sub CALVIEW_Initialize($)
$hash->{SetFn} = "CALVIEW_Set";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "CALVIEW_Notify";
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:0,1 " .
"do_not_notify:1,0 " .
"do_not_notify:1,0 " .
"isbirthday:1,0 " .
"maxreadings " .
"modes:next ".
"oldStyledReadings:1,0 " .
"yobfield:_location,_description " .
sub CALVIEW_Define($$){
@ -102,77 +104,89 @@ sub CALVIEW_GetUpdate($){
#replace the "\," with ","
if(length($item->[1]) > 0){ $item->[1] =~ s/\\,/,/g; }
if( defined($item->[4]) && length($item->[4]) > 0){ $item->[4] =~ s/\\,/,/g; }
if( defined($item->[5]) && length($item->[5]) > 0){ $item->[5] =~ s/\\,/,/g; }
push @termineNew,{
bdate => $tempstart[0],
btime => $tempstart[1],
summary => $item->[1],
source => $item->[3],
location => $item->[4],
description => $item->[5],
edate => $tempend[0],
etime => $tempend[1],
btimestamp => $bts[0],
mode => $item->[5]}; }
mode => $item->[6]};
my $todaycounter = 1;
my $tomorrowcounter = 1;
#my $runningcounter = 1;
my $readingstyle = AttrVal($name,"oldStyledReadings",0);
my $isbday = AttrVal($name,"isbirthday",0);
my $yobfield = AttrVal($name,"yobfield","_description");
# sort the array by btimestamp
my @sdata = map $_->[0],
sort { $a->[1][0] <=> $b->[1][0] }
map [$_, [$_->{btimestamp}]], @termineNew;
map [$_, [$_->{btimestamp}]], @termineNew;
if($readingstyle == 0){
for my $termin (@sdata){ #termin als reading term_[3steliger counter]
if($readingstyle == 0){
my $age = 0;
my @termyear;
for my $termin (@sdata){
#alter berechnen wenn attribut gesetzt ist. alter wird aus "jahr des termins" - "geburtsjahr aus location oder description" errechnet
if($isbday == 1 ){
@termyear = split(/\./,$termin->{bdate});
if($yobfield eq "_location" && length($termin->{location}) > 0 && $termin->{location}=~ /^\d+$/ ) { $age = $termyear[2] - ($termin->{location});}
elsif($yobfield eq "_description" && length($termin->{description}) > 0 && $termin->{description}=~ /^\d+$/) { $age = $termyear[2] - ($termin->{description});}
else {$age = "no calculation passible"}
#standard reading t_[3steliger counter] anlegen
if($isbday == 1 ){ readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "t_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_age", $age);}
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "t_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_bdate", $termin->{bdate});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "t_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_btime", $termin->{btime});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "t_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_summary", $termin->{summary});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "t_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_source", $termin->{source});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "t_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_location", $termin->{location});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "t_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_description", $termin->{description});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "t_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_edate", $termin->{edate});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "t_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_etime", $termin->{etime});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "t_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_mode", $termin->{mode});
last if ($counter++ == $max);
for my $termin (@sdata){ #check ob temin heute
#if ($date eq $termin->{bdate} && $termin->{mode} ne "modeStart"){
#wenn termin heute today readings anlegen
if ($date eq $termin->{bdate} ){
if($isbday == 1 ){ readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_age", $age);}
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $todaycounter)."_bdate", "heute");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $todaycounter)."_btime", $termin->{btime});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $todaycounter)."_summary", $termin->{summary});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $todaycounter)."_source", $termin->{source});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $todaycounter)."_location", $termin->{location});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $todaycounter)."_description", $termin->{description});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $todaycounter)."_edate", $termin->{edate});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $todaycounter)."_etime", $termin->{etime});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $todaycounter)."_mode", $termin->{mode});
$todaycounter ++;}
#elsif ($date eq $termin->{bdate} && $termin->{mode} eq "modeStart"){
# readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "started_".sprintf ('%03d', $runningcounter)."_bdate", "heute");
# readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "started_".sprintf ('%03d', $runningcounter)."_btime", $termin->{btime});
# readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "started_".sprintf ('%03d', $runningcounter)."_summary", $termin->{summary});
# readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "started_".sprintf ('%03d', $runningcounter)."_source", $termin->{source});
# readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "started_".sprintf ('%03d', $runningcounter)."_location", $termin->{location});
# readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "started_".sprintf ('%03d', $runningcounter)."_edate", $termin->{edate});
# readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "started_".sprintf ('%03d', $runningcounter)."_etime", $termin->{etime});
# readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "started_".sprintf ('%03d', $runningcounter)."_mode", $termin->{mode});
# $runningcounter ++;}
#check ob termin morgen
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "today_".sprintf ('%03d', $todaycounter)."_mode", $termin->{mode});
$todaycounter ++;
#wenn termin morgen tomorrow readings anlegen
elsif ($datenext eq $termin->{bdate}){
if($isbday == 1 ){readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $counter)."_age", $age);}
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $tomorrowcounter)."_bdate", "morgen");
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $tomorrowcounter)."_btime", $termin->{btime});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $tomorrowcounter)."_summary", $termin->{summary});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $tomorrowcounter)."_source", $termin->{source});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $tomorrowcounter)."_location", $termin->{location});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $tomorrowcounter)."_description", $termin->{description});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $tomorrowcounter)."_edate", $termin->{edate});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $tomorrowcounter)."_etime", $termin->{etime});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $tomorrowcounter)."_mode", $termin->{mode});
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tomorrow_".sprintf ('%03d', $tomorrowcounter)."_mode", $termin->{mode});
last if ($counter++ == $max);
for my $termin (@sdata){
#check ob temin heute
#readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", "t: ".($counter-1)." td: ".($todaycounter-1)." tm: ".($tomorrowcounter-1)." ts: ".($runningcounter-1));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", "t: ".($counter-1)." td: ".($todaycounter-1)." tm: ".($tomorrowcounter-1));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "c-term", $counter-1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "c-tomorrow", $tomorrowcounter-1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "c-today", $todaycounter-1);
#readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "c-started", $runningcounter-1);
my $lastreadingname = "";
@ -199,28 +213,25 @@ sub getsummery($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my @terminliste ;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
# my $calendername = $hash->{KALENDER};
my @calendernamen = split( ",", $hash->{KALENDER});
my $modi = $attr{$name}{modes};
my @modes = split(/,/,$modi);
foreach my $calendername (@calendernamen){
#foreach my $mode (@modes){
my $all = CallFn($calendername, "GetFn", $defs{$calendername},(" ","uid", "next"));
my @termine=split(/\n/,$all);
foreach my $uid (@termine){
#my @uid=split(/\s+/,$termin);
#für jedes event die einzelnen infos holen
my $tmpstarts = CallFn($calendername, "GetFn", $defs{$calendername},(" ","start", $uid));
my @starts = split(/\n/,$tmpstarts);
#my $tmptexts = CallFn($calendername, "GetFn", $defs{$calendername},(" ","text", $uid[0]));
#my @texts = split(/\n/,$tmptexts);
my $tmpends = CallFn($calendername, "GetFn", $defs{$calendername},(" ","end", $uid));
my @ends = split(/\n/,$tmpends);
my $tmpsummarys = CallFn($calendername, "GetFn", $defs{$calendername},(" ","summary", $uid));
my @summarys = split(/\n/,$tmpsummarys);
my $tmplocations = CallFn($calendername, "GetFn", $defs{$calendername},(" ","location", $uid));
my @locations = split(/\n/,$tmplocations);
my @locations = split(/\n/,$tmplocations);
my $tmpdescriptions = CallFn($calendername, "GetFn", $defs{$calendername},(" ","description", $uid));
my @description = split(/\n/,$tmpdescriptions);
for(my $i = 1; $i <= (scalar(@starts)); $i++) {
my $internali = $i-1;
@ -228,10 +239,10 @@ sub getsummery($)
my $termintext = $summarys[$internali];
my $terminend = $ends[$internali];
my $terminort = $locations[$internali];
push(@terminliste, [$terminstart, $termintext, $terminend, $calendername, $terminort, "next"]);
my $termindescription = $description[$internali];
push(@terminliste, [$terminstart, $termintext, $terminend, $calendername, $terminort, $termindescription, "next"]);
return @terminliste;
@ -267,9 +278,10 @@ sub CALVIEW_Notify($$)
<ul>This module creates a device with deadlines based on calendar-devices of the 57_Calendar.pm module. You need to install the perl-modul Date::Parse!</ul>
<ul>Actually the module supports only the "get <> next" function of the CALENDAR-Modul.</ul>
<ul><code>define <Name> CALVIEW <calendarname(s) separate with ','> <0 next; 1 next 2 for next ; 3 for next ; next > <updateintervall in sec (default 43200)></code></ul>
<ul><code>define <Name> CALVIEW <calendarname(s) separate with ','> <next> <updateintervall in sec (default 43200)></code></ul>
<ul><code>define myView CALVIEW Googlecalendar next</code></ul>
<ul><code>define myView CALVIEW Googlecalendar,holiday next 900</code></ul>
<ul>- setting the update interval is not needed normally because every calendar update triggers a caview update</ul>
<a name="CALVIEW set"></a>
<ul><code>set <Name> update</code></ul>
@ -280,6 +292,10 @@ sub CALVIEW_Notify($$)
0 / not set - internal notify function enabled (default) <br>
1 - disable the internal notify-function of CALVIEW wich is triggered when one of the given CALENDAR devices has updated
0 / not set - no age calculation (default) <br>
1 - age calculation active. The module calculates the age with year given in description or location (see att yobfield).
defines the number of max term as readings
@ -287,8 +303,12 @@ sub CALVIEW_Notify($$)
here the CALENDAR modes can be selected , to be displayed in the view
1 readings look like "2015.06.21-00:00" with value "Start of Summer" <br>
0 the default style of readings
0 the default style of readings <br>
1 readings look like "2015.06.21-00:00" with value "Start of Summer"
_description - (default) year of birth will be read from term description <br>
_location - year of birth will be read from term location
=end html
@ -299,9 +319,10 @@ sub CALVIEW_Notify($$)
<ul>Dieses Modul erstellt ein Device welches als Readings Termine eines oder mehrere Kalender(s), basierend auf dem 57_Calendar.pm Modul, besitzt. Ihr müsst das Perl-Modul Date::Parse installieren!</ul>
<ul>Aktuell wird nur die "get <> next" Funktion vom CALENDAR untertstützt.</ul>
<ul><code>define <Name> CALVIEW <Kalendername(n) getrennt durch ','> <0 next; 1 next 2 for next ; 3 for next ; next > <updateintervall in sek (default 43200)></code></ul>
<ul><code>define myView CALVIEW Googlekalender 1</code></ul>
<ul><code>define myView CALVIEW Googlekalender,holiday 1 900</code></ul>
<ul><code>define <Name> CALVIEW <Kalendername(n) getrennt durch ','> <next> <updateintervall in sek (default 43200)></code></ul>
<ul><code>define myView CALVIEW Googlekalender next</code></ul>
<ul><code>define myView CALVIEW Googlekalender,holiday next 900</code></ul>
<ul>- die Einstellung des Aktualisierungsintervalls wird normalerweise nicht benötigt, da jede Kalenderaktualisierung ein Caview-Update auslöst</ul>
<a name="CALVIEW set"></a>
<ul>update readings:</ul>
@ -312,15 +333,23 @@ sub CALVIEW_Notify($$)
0 / nicht gesetzt - aktiviert die interne Notify-Funktion (Standard) <br>
1 - deaktiviert die interne Notify-Funktion welche ausgelöst wird wenn sich einer der Kalender aktualisiert hat
0 / nicht gesetzt - keine Altersberechnung (Standard) <br>
1 - aktiviert die Altersberechnung im Modul. Das Alter wird aus der in der Terminbeschreibung (description) angegebenen Jahreszahl (Geburtsjahr) berechnet.
bestimmt die Anzahl der Termine als Readings
hier können die CALENDAR modi gewählt werden, welche in der View angezeigt werden sollen
1 aktiviert die Termindarstellung im "alten" Format "2015.06.21-00:00" mit Wert "Start of Summer" <br>
0 aktivert die Standarddarstellung bdate, btime, usw
0 die Standarddarstellung für Readings <br>
1 aktiviert die Termindarstellung im "alten" Format "2015.06.21-00:00" mit Wert "Start of Summer"
_description - (der Standard) Geburtsjahr wird aus der Terminbechreibung gelesen <br>
_location - Geburtsjahr wird aus dem Terminort gelesen
=end html_DE
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