mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 03:06:37 +00:00
72_FRITZBOX.pm: apiCheck / Modeldaten
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@27847 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ use warnings;
use Blocking;
use HttpUtils;
my $ModulVersion = "07.50.17i";
my $ModulVersion = "07.50.18";
my $missingModul = "";
my $FRITZBOX_TR064pwd;
my $FRITZBOX_TR064user;
@ -322,16 +322,6 @@ sub FRITZBOX_Define($$)
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 1 , "FRITZBOX_Readout_Start", $hash->{helper}{TimerReadout}, 0);
# Inform about missing PERL modules
if ( $missingModul ) {
my $msg = "Modul functionality limited because of missing perl modules: " . $missingModul;
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 2, "INFO: " . $msg;
$hash->{PERL} = $msg;
} else {
my $msg = "User Messages regarding the Module";
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 4, "INFO: " . $msg;
return undef;
} #end FRITZBOX_Define
@ -1638,6 +1628,8 @@ sub FRITZBOX_API_Check_Run($)
my $fritzShell = 0;
my @roReadings;
my $response;
my $content = "";
my $fwVersion = "0.0.0.error";
my $startTime = time();
my $apiError = "";
my $tr064 = 0;
@ -1670,16 +1662,20 @@ sub FRITZBOX_API_Check_Run($)
else {
my $agent = LWP::UserAgent->new( env_proxy => 1, keep_alive => 1, protocols_allowed => ['http'], timeout => 10);
# Check if query.lua exists
# Check if query.lua exists
$response = $agent->get( "http://".$host."/query.lua" );
if ($response->is_success) {
FRITZBOX_Readout_Add_Reading $hash, \@roReadings, "->LUAQUERY", 1;
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 5-$myVerbose, "DEBUG: API luaQuery found (" . $response->code . ").";
elsif ($response->code eq "500" || $response->code eq "403") {
elsif ($response->code eq "403") {
FRITZBOX_Readout_Add_Reading $hash, \@roReadings, "->LUAQUERY", 1;
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 4-$myVerbose, "INFO: API luaQuery call responded with: " . $response->status_line;
elsif ($response->code eq "500") {
FRITZBOX_Readout_Add_Reading $hash, \@roReadings, "->LUAQUERY", 0;
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 4-$myVerbose, "ERROR: API luaQuery call responded with: " . $response->status_line;
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 4-$myVerbose, "INFO: API luaQuery call responded with: " . $response->status_line;
else {
FRITZBOX_Readout_Add_Reading $hash, \@roReadings, "->LUAQUERY", 0;
@ -1696,7 +1692,11 @@ sub FRITZBOX_API_Check_Run($)
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 5-$myVerbose, "DEBUG: API luaData found (" . $response->code . ").";
# xhr 1 lang de page netSet xhrId all
elsif ($response->code eq "500" || $response->code eq "403") {
elsif ($response->code eq "403") {
FRITZBOX_Readout_Add_Reading $hash, \@roReadings, "->LUADATA", 1;
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 4-$myVerbose, "INFO: API luaData call responded with: " . $response->status_line;
elsif ($response->code eq "500") {
FRITZBOX_Readout_Add_Reading $hash, \@roReadings, "->LUADATA", 0;
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 4-$myVerbose, "INFO: API luaData call responded with: " . $response->status_line;
@ -1711,6 +1711,7 @@ sub FRITZBOX_API_Check_Run($)
$response = $agent->get( "http://".$host.":49000/tr64desc.xml" );
if ($response->is_success) { #determine TR064-Port
$content = $response->content;
FRITZBOX_Readout_Add_Reading $hash, \@roReadings, "->TR064", 1;
$tr064 = 1;
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 5-$myVerbose, "DEBUG: API TR-064 found.";
@ -1724,16 +1725,111 @@ sub FRITZBOX_API_Check_Run($)
else {
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 4-$myVerbose, "INFO: TR-064-SecurePort does not exist";
else {
FRITZBOX_Readout_Add_Reading $hash, \@roReadings, "->TR064", 0;
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 4-$myVerbose, "INFO: API TR-064 does not exist: ".$response->status_line;
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 4-$myVerbose, "INFO: API TR-064 not available: " . $response->status_line if $response->code != 500;
# $apiError .= " TR064:" . $response->code;
$apiError .= " TR064:" . $response->code;
# Ermitteln Box Model, FritzOS Verion, OEM aus TR064 Informationen
if ($response->is_success && $content =~ /<friendlyName>/) {
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 5-$myVerbose, "DEBUG: TR064 returned: $content";
# Check if m3u can be created and the URL tested
FRITZBOX_Readout_Add_Reading ($hash, \@roReadings, "box_model", $1) if $content =~ /<modelName>(.*)<\/modelName>/;
FRITZBOX_Readout_Add_Reading ($hash, \@roReadings, "box_oem", $1) if $content =~ /<modelNumber>(.*)<\/modelNumber>/;
FRITZBOX_Readout_Add_Reading ($hash, \@roReadings, "box_fwVersion", $1) if $content =~ /<Display>(.*)<\/Display>/ ;
$fwVersion = $1 if $content =~ /<Display>(.*)<\/Display>/ ;
if ( $fwVersion =~ /error/ && $response->code != 500) {
my $boxCRD = FRITZBOX_readPassword($hash);
# Ansonsten rmitteln Box Model, FritzOS Verion, OEM aus jason_boxinfo
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 5, "DEBUG: Read 'jason_boxinfo' from " . $host;
$agent = LWP::UserAgent->new( env_proxy => 1, keep_alive => 1, protocols_allowed => ['http'], timeout => 10);
my $url = "http://" . $host . "/jason_boxinfo.xml";
$response = $agent->get( $url );
unless ($response->is_success) {
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 5, "DEBUG: retry with password 'jason_boxinfo' from " . $host;
my $agentPW = LWP::UserAgent->new( env_proxy => 1, keep_alive => 1, protocols_allowed => ['http'], timeout => 10);
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => "http://" . $host . "/jason_boxinfo.xml");
$req->authorization_basic( "$boxUser", "$boxCRD" );
$response = $agentPW->request( $req );
$content = $response->content;
$apiError .= " boxModelJason:" . $response->code;
if ($response->is_success && $content =~ /<j:Name>/) {
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 5-$myVerbose, "DEBUG: jason_boxinfo returned: $content";
FRITZBOX_Readout_Add_Reading ($hash, \@roReadings, "box_model", $1) if $content =~ /<j:Name>(.*)<\/j:Name>/;
FRITZBOX_Readout_Add_Reading ($hash, \@roReadings, "box_oem", $1) if $content =~ /<j:OEM>(.*)<\/j:OEM>/;
FRITZBOX_Readout_Add_Reading ($hash, \@roReadings, "box_fwVersion", $1) if $content =~ /<j:Version>(.*)<\/j:Version>/ ;
$fwVersion = $1 if $content =~ /<j:Version>(.*)<\/j:Version>/ ;
} else {
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 4-$myVerbose, "ERROR: jason_boxinfo returned: $response->is_success with $content";
# Ansonsten rmitteln Box Model, FritzOS Verion, OEM aus cgi-bin/system_status
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 5, "DEBUG: retry with password 'cgi-bin/system_status' from " . $host;
$agent = LWP::UserAgent->new( env_proxy => 1, keep_alive => 1, protocols_allowed => ['http'], timeout => 10);
$url = "http://".$host."/cgi-bin/system_status";
$response = $agent->get( $url );
unless ($response->is_success) {
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 5, "DEBUG: read 'cgi-bin/system_status' from " . $host;
my $agentPW = LWP::UserAgent->new( env_proxy => 1, keep_alive => 1, protocols_allowed => ['http'], timeout => 10);
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => "http://" . $host . "/cgi-bin/system_status");
$req->authorization_basic( "$boxUser", "$boxCRD" );
$response = $agentPW->request( $req );
$apiError .= " boxModelSystem:" . $response->code;
$content = $response->content;
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 5-$myVerbose, "DEBUG: system_status returned: $content";
if ($response->is_success) {
$content = $1 if $content =~ /<body>(.*)<\/body>/;
my @result = split /-/, $content;
# http://www.tipps-tricks-kniffe.de/fritzbox-wie-lange-ist-die-box-schon-gelaufen/
# FRITZ!Box 7590 (UI)-B-132811-010030-XXXXXX-XXXXXX-787902-1540750-101716-1und1
# 0 FritzBox-Modell
# 1 Annex/Erweiterte Kennzeichnung
# 2 Gesamtlaufzeit der Box in Stunden, Tage, Monate
# 3 Gesamtlaufzeit der Box in Jahre, Anzahl der Neustarts
# 4+5 Hashcode
# 6 Status
# 7 Firmwareversion
# 8 Sub-Version/Unterversion der Firmware
# 9 Branding, z.B. 1und1 (Provider 1&1) oder avm (direkt von AVM)
FRITZBOX_Readout_Add_Reading $hash, \@roReadings, "box_model", $result[0];
my $FBOS = $result[7];
$FBOS = substr($FBOS,0,3) . "." . substr($FBOS,3,2) . "." . substr($FBOS,5,2);
FRITZBOX_Readout_Add_Reading $hash, \@roReadings, "box_fwVersion", $FBOS;
FRITZBOX_Readout_Add_Reading $hash, \@roReadings, "box_oem", $result[9];
$fwVersion = $result[7];
} else {
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 4-$myVerbose, "ERROR: " . $response->status_line;
$boxCRD = undef;
# Check if m3u can be created and the URL tested
if ( AttrVal( $name, "m3uFileActive", 0) ) {
my $globalModPath = AttrVal( "global", "modpath", "." );
my $m3uFileLocal = AttrVal( $name, "m3uFileLocal", $globalModPath."/www/images/" . $name . ".m3u" );
@ -1794,62 +1890,9 @@ sub FRITZBOX_API_Check_Run($)
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 2, "ERROR: Cannot create save file '$m3uFileLocal' because $!\n";
# Box model per jason
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 5, "DEBUG: Read 'jason_boxinfo'";
my $url = "http://" . $host . "/jason_boxinfo.xml";
$response = $agent->get( $url );
my $content = $response->content;
my $fwVersion = "0.0.0.error";
$apiError .= " boxModelJason:" . $response->code;
if ($content =~ /<j:Name>/) {
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 5-$myVerbose, "DEBUG: jason_boxinfo returned: $content";
FRITZBOX_Readout_Add_Reading ($hash, \@roReadings, "box_model", $1) if $content =~ /<j:Name>(.*)<\/j:Name>/;
FRITZBOX_Readout_Add_Reading ($hash, \@roReadings, "box_oem", $1) if $content =~ /<j:OEM>(.*)<\/j:OEM>/;
FRITZBOX_Readout_Add_Reading ($hash, \@roReadings, "box_fwVersion", $1) if $content =~ /<j:Version>(.*)<\/j:Version>/ ;
$fwVersion = $1 if $content =~ /<j:Version>(.*)<\/j:Version>/ ;
} else {
# Ansonsten Box-Model per system_status einlesen
# Muss nochmal neu gesetzt werden, sonst gibt es einen Fehler (keine Ahnung warum)
$agent = LWP::UserAgent->new( env_proxy => 1, keep_alive => 1, protocols_allowed => ['http'], timeout => 10);
$url = "http://".$host."/cgi-bin/system_status";
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 5-$myVerbose, "DEBUG: Read 'system_status'";
$response = $agent->get( $url );
$content = $response->content;
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 5-$myVerbose, "DEBUG: system_status returned: $content";
if ($response->is_success) {
$content=$1 if $content =~ /<body>(.*)<\/body>/;
my @result = split /-/, $content;
# http://www.tipps-tricks-kniffe.de/fritzbox-wie-lange-ist-die-box-schon-gelaufen/
# FRITZ!Box 7590 (UI)-B-132811-010030-XXXXXX-XXXXXX-787902-1540750-101716-1und1
# 0 FritzBox-Modell
# 1 Annex/Erweiterte Kennzeichnung
# 2 Gesamtlaufzeit der Box in Stunden, Tage, Monate
# 3 Gesamtlaufzeit der Box in Jahre, Anzahl der Neustarts
# 4+5 Hashcode
# 6 Status
# 7 Firmwareversion
# 8 Sub-Version/Unterversion der Firmware
# 9 Branding, z.B. 1und1 (Provider 1&1) oder avm (direkt von AVM)
FRITZBOX_Readout_Add_Reading $hash, \@roReadings, "box_model", $result[0];
FRITZBOX_Readout_Add_Reading $hash, \@roReadings, "box_fwVersion", $result[7];
FRITZBOX_Readout_Add_Reading $hash, \@roReadings, "box_oem", $result[9];
$fwVersion = $result[7];
} else {
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 4-$myVerbose, "ERROR: " . $response->status_line;
$apiError .= " boxModelSystem:" . $response->code;
if ($apiError =~ /500|403/) {
if ($apiError =~ /500/) {
FRITZBOX_Readout_Add_Reading $hash, \@roReadings, "->APICHECKED", -1;
FRITZBOX_Readout_Add_Reading $hash, \@roReadings, "->APICHECK_RET_CODES", $apiError;
} else {
@ -2817,7 +2860,7 @@ sub FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web($)
# informations depending on TR064 or data.lua
if ( (($FW1 ==6 && $FW2 >= 80) || ($FW1 >= 7 && $FW2) >= 21) && $hash->{LUADATA} == 1) {
if ( (($FW1 ==6 && $FW2 >= 80) || ($FW1 >= 7 && $FW2 >= 21)) && $hash->{LUADATA} == 1) {
# getting Mesh Role
@ -3163,7 +3206,7 @@ sub FRITZBOX_Readout_Run_Web($)
# DOCSIS Informationen FB Cable
if (($avmModel =~ "Box") && (lc($avmModel) =~ "6[4,5,6][3,6,9][0,1]") && ($FW1 >= 7) && ($FW2 >= 21)) { # FB Cable
if ( ($avmModel =~ "Box") && ( lc($avmModel) =~ "6[4,5,6][3,6,9][0,1]") && ($FW1 >= 7) && ($FW2 >= 21) ) { # FB Cable
# if (1==1) {
my $returnStr;
@ -7119,7 +7162,7 @@ sub FRITZBOX_readPassword($)
$sub =~ s/FRITZBOX_// if ( defined $sub );
$sub ||= 'no-subroutine-specified';
if ($sub !~ /Web_OpenCon|TR064_Cmd/) {
if ($sub !~ /Web_OpenCon|TR064_Cmd|API_Check_Run/) {
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 2, "EMERGENCY: unauthorized call for reading password from: [$sub]";
$hash->{EMERGENCY} = "Unauthorized call for reading password from: [$sub]";
return undef;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user