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10_EnOcean: Remote Management: add functions

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@11644 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
klaus-schauer 2016-06-11 06:46:22 +00:00
parent 5fe71cfcd1
commit 9bf05414cf

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@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
# $Id$
# 2016-06-06
package main;
@ -364,9 +363,10 @@ my %EnO_eepConfig = (
my %EnO_extendedRemoteFunctionCode = (
0x201 => "remoteLearn",
0x220 => "-",
0x221 => "-",
0x222 => "-",
0x220 => "remoteLinkTableInfo",
0x221 => "remoteLinkTableOut",
0x222 => "remoteLinkTableOutRange",
0x223 => "remoteTeachInReq",
0x224 => "-",
0x230 => "-",
0x231 => "-"
@ -1030,7 +1030,7 @@ sub EnOcean_Get($@)
my $timeNow = TimeNow();
if (AttrVal($name, "remoteManagement", "off") eq "manager") {
# Remote Management
$cmdList = "remoteFunctions:noArg remoteID:noArg remotePing:noArg remoteStatus:noArg ";
$cmdList = "remoteFunctions:noArg remoteID:noArg remoteLinkTableInfo:noArg remoteLinkTableOut:noArg remoteLinkTableOutRange remotePing:noArg remoteStatus:noArg ";
# control set actions
# $updateState = -1: no get commands available e. g. sensors
@ -1110,6 +1110,64 @@ sub EnOcean_Get($@)
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 2.5, 'EnOcean_cdmClearRemoteWait', \%functionHash, 0);
Log3 $name, 3, "EnOcean get $name $cmd";
} elsif ($cmd eq "remoteLinkTableInfo") {
return "Attribute remoteID is missing, please define it." if (!defined $remoteID);
$cmdID = 0x220;
$manufID = 0x7FF;
$packetType = 7;
$rorg = "C5";
$data = sprintf "0220%04X", $manufID;
$destinationID = $remoteID;
$status = '0F';
$hash->{IODev}{helper}{remoteAnswerWait}{0x820}{hash} = $hash;
my %functionHash = (hash => $hash, param => 0x820);
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 2.5, 'EnOcean_cdmClearRemoteWait', \%functionHash, 0);
Log3 $name, 3, "EnOcean get $name $cmd";
} elsif ($cmd eq "remoteLinkTableOut") {
return "Attribute remoteID is missing, please define it." if (!defined $remoteID);
$cmdID = 0x221;
$manufID = 0x7FF;
$packetType = 7;
$rorg = "C5";
$data = sprintf "0221%04X", $manufID;
$destinationID = $remoteID;
$status = '0F';
$hash->{IODev}{helper}{remoteAnswerWait}{0x821}{hash} = $hash;
my %functionHash = (hash => $hash, param => 0x821);
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 2.5, 'EnOcean_cdmClearRemoteWait', \%functionHash, 0);
Log3 $name, 3, "EnOcean get $name $cmd";
} elsif ($cmd eq "remoteLinkTableOutRange") {
return "Attribute remoteID is missing, please define it." if (!defined $remoteID);
$cmdID = 0x222;
$manufID = 0x7FF;
$packetType = 7;
$rorg = "C5";
my $startRef;
my $endRef;
if (defined($a[1]) && defined($a[2]) && $a[1] =~ m/^[\dA-Fa-f]{4}$/ && $a[2] =~ m/^[\dA-Fa-f]{4}$/) {
$startRef = uc(shift(@a));
$endRef = uc(shift(@a));
($startRef, $endRef) = ($endRef, $startRef) if (hex($startRef) > hex($endRef));
return "Table Range too large" if (hex($endRef) - hex($startRef) > 62);
} else {
return "Wrong parameter or startRef/endRef not defined.";
$data = sprintf "0222%04X%4s%4s", $manufID, $startRef, $endRef;
$destinationID = $remoteID;
$status = '0F';
$hash->{IODev}{helper}{remoteAnswerWait}{0x822}{hash} = $hash;
my %functionHash = (hash => $hash, param => 0x822);
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 2.5, 'EnOcean_cdmClearRemoteWait', \%functionHash, 0);
Log3 $name, 3, "EnOcean get $name $cmd";
} elsif ($st eq "switch.05") {
# Dual Channel Switch Actuator
# (A5-11-05)
@ -1172,14 +1230,16 @@ sub EnOcean_Get($@)
} elsif ($cmd eq "measurement") {
$cmdID = 6;
my $query = shift(@a);
Log3 $name, 3, "EnOcean get $name $cmd $channel $query";
if ($query eq "energy") {
if (!defined $query) {
return "$cmd <channel> <query> wrong, choose 0...30|all|input energy|power.";
} elsif ($query eq "energy") {
$query = 0;
} elsif ($query eq "power") {
$query = 1;
} else {
return "$cmd <channel> <query> wrong, choose 0...30|all|input energy|power.";
Log3 $name, 3, "EnOcean get $name $cmd $channel $query";
$data = sprintf "%02X%02X", $cmdID, $query << 5 | $channel;
} elsif ($cmd eq "roomCtrlMode") {
@ -1194,8 +1254,9 @@ sub EnOcean_Get($@)
} elsif ($cmd eq "special" && $manufID eq "033") {
$rorg = "D1";
my $query = shift(@a);
Log3 $name, 3, "EnOcean get $name $cmd $channel $query";
if ($query eq "health") {
if (!defined $query) {
return "$cmd <channel> <query> wrong, choose health|load|voltage|serialNumber.";
} elsif ($query eq "health") {
$query = 7;
} elsif ($query eq "load") {
$query = 8;
@ -1206,6 +1267,7 @@ sub EnOcean_Get($@)
} else {
return "$cmd <channel> <query> wrong, choose health|load|voltage|serialNumber.";
Log3 $name, 3, "EnOcean get $name $cmd $channel $query";
$data = sprintf "0331%02X", $query;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "getParam", $query, 0);
@ -1385,10 +1447,12 @@ sub EnOcean_Set($@)
return "DestinationID $destinationID wrong, choose <8-digit-hex-code>.";
$destinationID = uc($destinationID);
my $IODev = $hash->{IODev}{NAME};
my $IOHash = $defs{$IODev};
my $manufID = uc(AttrVal($name, "manufID", ""));
my $model = AttrVal($name, "model", "");
my $packetType = 1;
$packetType = 0x0A if (ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}{NAME}, "mode", "00") eq "01");
$packetType = 0x0A if (ReadingsVal($IODev, "mode", "00") eq "01");
my $remoteID = AttrVal($name, "remoteID", undef);
my $remoteManufID = uc(AttrVal($name, "remoteManufID", AttrVal($name, "manufID", "")));
my $rorg;
@ -1404,7 +1468,7 @@ sub EnOcean_Set($@)
my $remoteManagement = AttrVal($name, "remoteManagement", "off");
if ($remoteManagement eq "manager") {
# Remote Management Manager
$cmdList = "remoteAction:noArg remoteLock:noArg remoteLearn:in,out remoteSetCode:noArg remoteUnlock:noArg ";
$cmdList = "remoteAction:noArg remoteLock:noArg remoteLearn:in,out remoteSetCode:noArg remoteTeachInReq remoteUnlock:noArg ";
} elsif ($remoteManagement eq "client" || $st eq "remote") {
# Remote Management Client
$cmdList .= "remoteLock:noArg remoteUnlock ";
@ -1536,9 +1600,30 @@ sub EnOcean_Set($@)
Log3 $name, 3, "EnOcean set $name $cmd";
$updateState = 0;
} elsif ($cmd eq "remoteTeachInReq") {
return "Attribute remoteID is missing, please define it." if (!defined $remoteID);
if (defined $a[1] && $a[1] =~ m/^[\dA-Fa-f]{4}$/) {
$cmdID = 0x223;
$manufID = 0x7FF;
$packetType = 7;
$rorg = "C5";
$destinationID = $remoteID;
$data = sprintf "%04X%04X%s", $cmdID, $manufID, $a[1];
Log3 $name, 3, "EnOcean set $name $cmd";
$updateState = 0;
if (!exists($hash->{IODev}{Teach})) {
# enable teach-in receiving for 3 sec
$hash->{IODev}{Teach} = 1;
my %functionHash = (hash => $IOHash, param => 'Teach');
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 3, 'EnOcean_cdmClearHashVal', \%functionHash, 0);
} else {
return "Usage: $cmd argument needed.";
return "Usage: $cmd argument needed or wrong.";
} elsif ($st eq "switch") {
@ -3744,7 +3829,7 @@ sub EnOcean_Set($@)
my $outputVal;
if ($cmd =~ m/^\d+$/) {
# interpretive numeric value as position
# interpretive numeric value as dimming
unshift(@a, 'dim');
$cmd = 'dim';
@ -4048,7 +4133,7 @@ sub EnOcean_Set($@)
return "Usage: $cmd $localCmd <value> wrong, choose disabled enabled.";
} else {
return "Usage: $cmd <localCmd> wrong, choose defaultState|localControl|" .
return "Usage: $cmd <localCmd> wrong, choose dayNight|defaultState|localControl|" .
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "dayNight", $dayNight, 1);
@ -5409,8 +5494,6 @@ sub EnOcean_Set($@)
$attr{$name}{eep} = "B0-00-00";
# multicast teach-in
$destinationID = "FFFFFFFF";
my $IODev = $hash->{IODev}{NAME};
my $IOHash = $defs{$IODev};
my $productID = AttrVal($name, "productID", undef);
if (defined $productID) {
$productID = '0000000010' . EnOcean_convHexToBit($productID);
@ -5504,8 +5587,6 @@ sub EnOcean_Set($@)
$rorg = "B0";
$channelType = 0;
my $comMode = 0;
my $IODev = $hash->{IODev}{NAME};
my $IOHash = $defs{$IODev};
if (AttrVal($name, "comMode", "uniDir") eq "biDir") {
$comMode = 1;
$hash->{IODev}{helper}{gpRespWait}{AttrVal($name, "subDef", $hash->{DEF})}{teachInReq} = "out";
@ -10867,7 +10948,7 @@ sub EnOcean_Parse($$)
my $len = length($data);
while ($len > 0) {
$data =~ m/^.(...).(...)(.*)$/;
push @event, "3:remoteFunction$count:$1:$2:" . (exists($EnO_extendedRemoteFunctionCode{hex($1)}) ? $EnO_extendedRemoteFunctionCode{hex($1)} : '-');
push @event, "3:remoteFunction" . sprintf("%02d", $count) . ":$1:$2:" . (exists($EnO_extendedRemoteFunctionCode{hex($1)}) ? $EnO_extendedRemoteFunctionCode{hex($1)} : '-');
$count ++;
$data = $3;
$len -= 8;
@ -10885,6 +10966,47 @@ sub EnOcean_Parse($$)
Log3 $name, 2, "EnOcean $name RMCC query status answer received LastFunction: " . substr($data, 3, 3) .
" LastFunctionCode: " . substr($data, 6, 2);
} elsif ($funcNumber == 0x820 && $remoteManagement eq 'manager') {
# teach-in supported link tables response
delete $iohash->{helper}{remoteAnswerWait}{$funcNumber}{hash};
push @event, "3:remoteLastStatusReturnCode:$remoteLastStatusReturnCode";
my $linkTableSupport = hex(substr($data, 0, 2));
my $linkTableInMax = substr($data, 6, 4) && $linkTableSupport & 0x40 ? substr($data, 6, 4) : '0000';
my $linkTableOutMax = substr($data, 2, 4) && $linkTableSupport & 0x80 ? substr($data, 2, 2) : '0000';
push @event, "3:remoteLinkTableIn:" . ($linkTableSupport & 0x40 ? 'supported' : 'not_supported');
push @event, "3:remoteLinkTableOut:" . ($linkTableSupport & 0x80 ? 'supported' : 'not_supported');
push @event, "3:remoteLinkTableInMax:" . $linkTableInMax if ($linkTableSupport & 0x40);
push @event, "3:remoteLinkTableOutMax:" . $linkTableOutMax if ($linkTableSupport & 0x80);
Log3 $name, 2, "EnOcean $name RPC teach-in supported link tables response received Data: $data";
# request outbound table
#$hash->{IODev}{helper}{remoteAnswerWait}{0x821}{hash} = $hash;
#$hash->{IODev}{helper}{remoteLinkTableStartRef} = 0;
#my %functionHash = (hash => $hash, param => 0x821);
#InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 2.5, 'EnOcean_cdmClearRemoteWait', \%functionHash, 0);
#$sendData = '022107FF';
#EnOcean_SndRadio(undef, $hash, $packetType, $rorg, $sendData, '0' x 8, '0F', $senderID);
#Log3 $name, 2, "EnOcean $name RPC request teach-in outbound table";
} elsif (($funcNumber == 0x821 || $funcNumber == 0x822) && $remoteManagement eq 'manager') {
# teach-in outbound table response
CommandDeleteReading(undef, "$name remoteLinkTableDesc.*");
my $linkTableStartRef = exists($hash->{IODev}{helper}{remoteLinkTableStartRef}) ? $hash->{IODev}{helper}{remoteLinkTableStartRef} : 0;
delete $hash->{IODev}{helper}{remoteLinkTableStartRef};
$data =~ m/^(....)(.*)$/;
my $count = $linkTableStartRef;
my $countMax = $linkTableStartRef + hex($1);
while ($count <= $countMax) {
$data =~ m/^(........)(..)(..)(..)(..)(.*)$/;
push @event, "3:remoteLinkTableDesc" . sprintf("%04X", $count) . ":$1:$2-S3-S4:S5";
$count ++;
$data = $6;
$remoteLastStatusReturnCode = '00';
delete $iohash->{helper}{remoteAnswerWait}{$funcNumber}{hash};
push @event, "3:remoteLastStatusReturnCode:$remoteLastStatusReturnCode";
Log3 $name, 2, "EnOcean $name RPC teach-in outbound table answer received";
} else {
Log3 $name, 2, "EnOcean $name RMCC/RPC function number " . sprintf("%03X", $funcNumber) . " not supported.";
@ -15095,13 +15217,13 @@ EnOcean_Delete($$)
<li><a href="#EnOcean_remoteManufID">remoteManufID</a></li>
The content of events is described in the chapter <a href="#EnOcean_remoteEvents">Remote Management Events</a><br><br>.
The following extented functions are supported:
The following extended functions are supported:
<li>220:remoteLinkTableInfo (teach-in supported link tables query)</li>
<li>221:remoteLinkTableOut (teach-in outbound table request)</li>
<li>222:remoteLinkTableOutRange (teach-in outbound table range request)</li>
<li>223:remoteTeachInReq (teach-in request)</li>
@ -15347,9 +15469,11 @@ EnOcean_Delete($$)
locks the remote device or local client</li>
<li>remoteLearn in|out<br>
initiate remote learn-in or learn-out (extented function 201)</li>
initiate remote learn-in or learn-out (extended function 201)</li>
set the remote security code</li>
<li>remoteTeachInReq [0000...FFFF]<br>
request teach-in telegram according to the specified outbound reference index</li>
<li>remoteUnlock [1...1800]<br>
unlocks the remote device or local client</li>
@ -16117,7 +16241,7 @@ EnOcean_Delete($$)
<li>Electronic switches and dimmers with Energy Measurement and Local Control (D2-01-00 - D2-01-12)<br>
[Telefunken Funktionsstecker, PEHA Easyclick, AWAG Elektrotechnik AG Omnio UPS 230/xx,UPD 230/xx]<br>
[Telefunken Funktionsstecker, PEHA Easyclick, AWAG Elektrotechnik AG Omnio UPS 230/xx,UPD 230/xx, NodOn in-wall module, smart plug]<br>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; &lt;value&gt;</code>
@ -16520,9 +16644,15 @@ EnOcean_Delete($$)
where <code>value</code> is
get a list of the supported extented functions</li>
get a list of the supported extended functions</li>
get the remote device ID</li>
query supported link table info</li>
get outbound table with REF descriptions</li>
<li>remoteLinkTableOutRange [0000...FFFF] [0000...FFFF]<br>
get outbound table with REF descriptions between Start REF and End REF</li>
get a ping response from the remote device</li>
@ -16558,7 +16688,7 @@ EnOcean_Delete($$)
<li>Electronic switches and dimmers with Energy Measurement and Local Control (D2-01-00 - D2-01-12)<br>
[Telefunken Funktionsstecker, PEHA Easyclick, AWAG Elektrotechnik AG Omnio UPS 230/xx,UPD 230/xx]<br>
[Telefunken Funktionsstecker, PEHA Easyclick, AWAG Elektrotechnik AG Omnio UPS 230/xx,UPD 230/xx, NodOn in-wall module, smart plug]<br>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; &lt;value&gt;</code>
@ -17266,9 +17396,14 @@ EnOcean_Delete($$)
<li><a name="EnOcean_remoteEvents">Remote Management</a><br>
<li>remoteFunction&lt;1...n&gt;: &lt;remote function number&gt;|&lt;remote manufacturer ID&gt;|&lt;explanation&gt;</li>
<li>remoteFunction&lt;01...99&gt;: &lt;remote function number&gt;:&lt;remote manufacturer ID&gt;:&lt;explanation&gt;</li>
<li>remoteLastFunctionNumber: 001...FFF</li>
<li>remoteLastStatusReturnCode: 00...FF</li>
<li>remoteLinkTableIn: not_supported|supported</li>
<li>remoteLinkTableInMax: 0000...FFFF</li>
<li>remoteLinkTableOut: not_supported|supported</li>
<li>remoteLinkTableOutMax: 0000...FFFF</li>
<li>remoteRSSI: LP/dBm</li>
<li>teach: &lt;result of teach procedure&gt;</li>