mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-04 11:26:55 +00:00

26_tahoma.pm:2016-11-29 V 0208 HttpUtils used instead of LWP::UserAgent, BLOCKING=0 set as default, umlaut can be used in Tahoma names

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@12684 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
mike3436 2016-11-29 18:41:05 +00:00
parent 086bddaa2a
commit 9a639c0d35

View File

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
# 2016-04-24 V 0205 commands taken from setup
# 2016-06-16 V 0206 updateDevices called for devices created before setup has been read
# 2016-11-15 V 0207 BLOCKING=0 can be used, all calls asynchron, attribut levelInvert inverts RollerShutter position
# 2016-11-29 V 0208 HttpUtils used instead of LWP::UserAgent, BLOCKING=0 set as default, umlaut can be used in Tahoma names
package main;
@ -41,17 +42,16 @@ use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Encode qw(encode_utf8 decode_utf8);
use Encode qw(decode_utf8);
use JSON;
#use Data::Dumper;
use Time::HiRes qw(time);
use LWP::UserAgent;
use LWP::ConnCache;
use HTTP::Cookies;
use HttpUtils;
sub tahoma_parseGetSetupPlaces($$);
sub tahoma_UserAgent_NonblockingGet($);
sub tahoma_encode_utf8($);
my $hash_;
@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ sub tahoma_Initialize($)
"disable:1 ".
"interval ".
"logfile ".
"proxy ".
"url ".
"placeClasses ".
"levelInvert ".
@ -88,7 +87,7 @@ sub tahoma_Define($$)
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my $ModuleVersion = "0207";
my $ModuleVersion = "0208";
my $subtype;
my $name = $a[0];
@ -150,7 +149,7 @@ sub tahoma_Define($$)
$hash->{username} = $username;
$hash->{password} = $password;
$hash->{BLOCKING} = 1;
$hash->{BLOCKING} = 0;
$hash->{INTERVAL} = 2;
$hash->{VERSION} = $ModuleVersion;
@ -212,9 +211,10 @@ sub tahoma_login($)
$hash->{startup_done} = undef;
$hash->{url} = "https://www.tahomalink.com/enduser-mobile-web/externalAPI/json/";
$hash->{url} = $attr{$name}{url} if (defined $attr{$name}{url});
$hash->{userAgent} = "TaHoma/3640 CFNetwork/711.1.16 Darwin/14.0.0";
$hash->{userAgent} = "TaHoma/7845 CFNetwork/758.3.15 Darwin/15.4.0";
$hash->{userAgent} = $attr{$name}{userAgent} if (defined $attr{$name}{userAgent});
$hash->{timeout} = 10;
$hash->{HTTPCookies} = undef;
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: login start";
@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ sub tahoma_updateDevices($)
$def->{inLabel} = $device->{label};
$def->{inOID} = $device->{oid};
$def->{inClass} = 'RollerShutter';
$def->{inClass} = $attr{$hash->{NAME}}{placeClasses} if (defined $attr{$hash->{NAME}}{placeClasses});
$def->{inClass} = $attr{$def->{NAME}}{placeClasses} if (defined $attr{$def->{NAME}}{placeClasses});
elsif( defined($device) && ($subtype eq 'SCENE') ) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: I/O device is label=".$device->{label};
@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ sub tahoma_getStates($)
noshutdown => 1,
hash => $hash,
page => 'getStates',
data => decode_utf8($data),
data => tahoma_encode_utf8($data),
callback => \&tahoma_dispatch,
nonblocking => 1,
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ sub tahoma_applyRequest($$$)
noshutdown => 1,
hash => $hash->{IODev},
page => 'apply',
data => decode_utf8($data),
data => tahoma_encode_utf8($data),
callback => \&tahoma_dispatch,
nonblocking => 1,
@ -712,52 +712,29 @@ sub tahoma_scheduleActionGroup($$)
sub tahoma_dispatch($$$$)
sub tahoma_dispatch($$$)
my ($param, $err, $data, $dataLenTotal) = @_;
my ($param, $err, $data) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if (!$hash->{logged_in})
if( $err ) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: tahoma_dispatch http request failed: $err";
$hash->{request_active} = 0;
$hash->{logged_in} = 0;
$hash->{lastData} = '';
} elsif( $data ) {
my $dataLen = length $data;
$dataLenTotal = 0 if (!defined($dataLenTotal));
if ($dataLen == $dataLenTotal) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: tahoma_dispatch page=$param->{page} dataLen=$dataLen dataLenTotal=$dataLenTotal";
$hash->{lastData} = '';
} else {
my $dataLenSum = $dataLen + length $hash->{lastData};
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: tahoma_dispatch page=$param->{page} dataLen=$dataLen dataLenSum=$dataLenSum dataLenTotal=$dataLenTotal";
$data = $hash->{lastData} . $data;
$hash->{lastData} = '';
if (!$dataLenTotal)
my $json = {};
eval { $json = JSON->new->utf8(0)->decode($data); };
if ($@) {
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: tahoma_dispatch json string is faulty, wait for concat ...";
$dataLenTotal = $dataLenSum+1;
else {
$dataLenTotal = $dataLenSum;
if ($dataLenSum < $dataLenTotal) {
$hash->{lastData} = $data;
$hash->{request_active} = 0;
$data =~ tr/\r\n//d;
$data =~ s/\h+/ /g;
$data =~ s/\\\//\//g;
Log3 $name, (length $data > 120)?4:5, "$name: tahoma_dispatch data=".encode_utf8($data);
Log3 $name, (length $data > 120)?4:5, "$name: tahoma_dispatch data=".decode_utf8($data);
# perl exception while parsing json string captured
my $json = {};
@ -796,8 +773,6 @@ sub tahoma_dispatch($$$$)
} elsif( $param->{page} eq 'scheduleActionGroup' ) {
@ -1081,7 +1056,9 @@ sub tahoma_parseEnduserAPISetupGateways($$)
my($hash, $json) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: tahoma_parseEnduserAPISetupGateways";
$hash->{inGateway} = $json->{result};
eval { $hash->{inGateway} = $json->{result}; };
eval { $hash->{inGateway} = $json->[0]{gatewayId}; };
sub tahoma_parseGetCurrentExecutions($$)
@ -1117,7 +1094,7 @@ sub tahoma_Get($$@)
$list = "";
} elsif( $hash->{SUBTYPE} eq "ACCOUNT" ) {
$list = "devices:noArg";
$list = "devices:noArg reset:noArg";
if( $cmd eq "devices" ) {
my $devices = tahoma_getDevices($hash,0);
@ -1131,6 +1108,11 @@ sub tahoma_Get($$@)
$ret = "no devices found" if( !$ret );
return $ret;
elsif( $cmd eq "reset" ) {
$hash->{logged_in} = undef;
return "connection closed";
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list";
@ -1223,104 +1205,62 @@ sub tahoma_UserAgent_NonblockingGet($)
my ($param) = @_;
my ($hash) = $param->{hash};
return if (!defined $hash);
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: tahoma_UserAgent_NonblockingGet page=$param->{page}";
#headers,343:29:4:Host,18:www.tahomalink.com,]34:16:Proxy-Connection,10:keep-alive,]36:15:Accept-Encoding,13:gzip, deflate,]53:12:Content-Type,33:application/x-www-form-urlencoded,]23:14:Content-Length,2:49,]27:15:Accept-Language,5:de-de,]15:6:Accept,3:*/*,]28:10:Connection,10:keep-alive,]62:10:User-Agent,44:TaHoma/7845 CFNetwork/758.3.15 Darwin/15.4.0,]]
$param->{header} = {'User-Agent' => $hash->{userAgent} }; #, 'Accept-Language' => "de-de", 'Accept-Encoding' => "gzip, deflate"};
$param->{header}{Cookie} = $hash->{HTTPCookies} if ($hash->{HTTPCookies});
$param->{compress} = 1;
$param->{keepalive} = 1;
$param->{url} = $hash->{url} . $param->{page};
$param->{url} .= $param->{subPage} if ($param->{subPage});
my $agent = $hash->{socket};
if (!defined $agent)
$agent = LWP::UserAgent->new(
cookie_jar => HTTP::Cookies->new(hide_cookie2 => 1),
requests_redirectable => [ 'GET', 'HEAD', 'POST' ]
$hash->{socket} = $agent;
my $proxy = $attr{$name}{proxy};
my $userAgent = $hash->{userAgent};
$agent->agent("$userAgent") if (defined $userAgent);
$agent->default_header('Accept-Language' => "de-de");
$agent->default_header('Accept-Encoding' => "gzip, deflate");
$agent->proxy(['http', 'https'], "$proxy") if (defined $proxy);
# keep alive
$proxy = '' if (!defined $proxy);
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: tahoma_UserAgent_NonblockingGet create userAgent $userAgent, proxy=$proxy";
my $response = "";
my $url = $hash->{url} . $param->{page};
$url .= $param->{subpage} if ((defined $param->{subpage}) && !(substr($url,0,4) eq 'file'));
$url .= '.json' if (substr($url,0,4) eq 'file');
my $nonblocking = !$hash->{BLOCKING} && $param->{nonblocking} && !(substr($url,0,4) eq 'file');
$agent->{timeout} = $param->{timeout} if (defined $param->{timeout});
$hash->{request_active} = 1;
$hash->{request_time} = time;
if ($param->{data} && !(substr($url,0,4) eq 'file'))
if ($param->{blocking})
my $data = $param->{data};
if (ref $data eq ref {}) {
if (!$nonblocking) {
$response = $agent->post( $url, $data );
} else {
$response = $agent->post( $url, $data, ':content_cb' => sub()
my ($content, $response, $protocol, $entry) = @_;
$param->{callback}($param, undef, $content, $response->header('Content-Length'));
} );
} else {
if (!$nonblocking) {
$response = $agent->post( $url, content => $data );
} else {
$response = $agent->post( $url, content => $data, ':content_cb' => sub()
my ($content, $response, $protocol, $entry) = @_;
#my $len = length $content;
#print "tahoma_UserAgent_NonblockingGet len=$len $content\n\n";
$param->{callback}($param, undef, $content, $response->header('Content-Length') );
} );
} else {
if (!$nonblocking) {
$response = $agent->get( $url );
} else {
$response = $agent->get( $url, ':content_cb' => sub()
my ($content, $response, $protocol, $entry) = @_;
#my $len1 = length $content;
#print "tahoma_UserAgent_NonblockingGet len=$len1 $content\n\n";
$param->{callback}($param, undef, $content, $response->header('Content-Length'));
} );
my($err,$data) = HttpUtils_BlockingGet($param);
$param->{callback}($param, $err, $data, length $data) if($param->{callback});
return if ($nonblocking);
my ($err,$data);
if ($response->is_success)
$err = "";
$data = $response->decoded_content();
} else {
$err = $response->message;
$data = "";
my($err,$data) = HttpUtils_NonblockingGet($param);
#print "tahoma_UserAgent_NonblockingGet BLOCKING\n\n";
$param->{callback}($param, $err, $data, length $data) if($param->{callback});
sub tahoma_encode_utf8($)
my ($text) = @_;
$text =~ s/Ä/Ae/g;
$text =~ s/Ö/Oe/g;
$text =~ s/Ü/Ue/g;
$text =~ s/ä/ae/g;
$text =~ s/ö/oe/g;
$text =~ s/ü/ue/g;
$text =~ s/ß/ss/g;
return $text;
sub tahoma_GetCookies($$)
my ($hash, $header) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: tahoma_GetCookies looking for Cookies in header";
foreach my $cookie ($header =~ m/set-cookie: ?(.*)/gi) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Set-Cookie: $cookie";
$cookie =~ /([^,; ]+)=([^,; ]+)[;, ]*(.*)/;
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Cookie: $1 Wert $2 Rest $3";
$hash->{HTTPCookieHash}{$1}{Value} = $2;
$hash->{HTTPCookieHash}{$1}{Options} = ($3 ? $3 : "");
$hash->{HTTPCookies} = join ("; ", map ($_ . "=".$hash->{HTTPCookieHash}{$_}{Value},
sort keys %{$hash->{HTTPCookieHash}}));
@ -1369,14 +1309,27 @@ sub tahoma_UserAgent_NonblockingGet($)
<b>local Attributes for ACCOUNT:</b>
Normally, the web commands will be send asynchron, and this can be forced to wait of the result by blocking=1<br>
<code>attr tahoma1 blocking 1</code><br>
<code>attr tahoma1 proxy IP:Port</code><br>
<b>local Attributes for DEVICE:</b>
If the closure value 0..100 should be 100..0, the level can be inverted:<br>
<code>attr tahoma_23234545 levelInvert 1</code><br>
<b>local Attributes for PLACE:</b>
The commands in a room will only affect the devices in the room with inClass=RollerShutter.<br>
This can be extend or changed by setting the placeClasses attribut:<br>
<code>attr tahoma_abc12345 placeClasses RollerShutter ExteriorScreen Window</code><br>
<code>define tahoma1 tahoma ACCOUNT abc@test.com myPassword</code><br>
<code>attr tahoma1 blocking 1</code><br>
<code>attr tahoma1 blocking 0</code><br>
<code>attr tahoma1 room tahoma</code><br>
<br>Automatic created device e.g.:<br>