mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 09:16:53 +00:00
59_Weather: add limit forecast, selection between daily and hourly forecast
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@18386 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- feature: 59_Weather: add limit forecast, selection between daily and hourly
- feature: 49_SSCam: V8.6.1, new attribute snapReadingRotate, time format in
readings and galleries depends from global language
attribute, minor bug fixes
@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
package main;
use strict;
@ -34,33 +33,138 @@ use vars qw($FW_ss);
# use Data::Dumper; # for Debug only
my %pressure_trend_txt_en = ( 0 => "steady", 1 => "rising", 2 => "falling" );
my %pressure_trend_txt_de = ( 0 => "gleichbleibend", 1 => "steigend", 2 => "fallend" );
my %pressure_trend_txt_de =
( 0 => "gleichbleibend", 1 => "steigend", 2 => "fallend" );
my %pressure_trend_txt_nl = ( 0 => "stabiel", 1 => "stijgend", 2 => "dalend" );
my %pressure_trend_txt_fr = ( 0 => "stable", 1 => "croissant", 2 => "décroissant" );
my %pressure_trend_txt_fr =
( 0 => "stable", 1 => "croissant", 2 => "décroissant" );
my %pressure_trend_txt_pl = ( 0 => "stabilne", 1 => "rośnie", 2 => "spada" );
my %pressure_trend_txt_it = ( 0 => "stabile", 1 => "in aumento", 2 => "in diminuzione" );
my %pressure_trend_txt_it =
( 0 => "stabile", 1 => "in aumento", 2 => "in diminuzione" );
my %pressure_trend_sym = ( 0 => "=", 1 => "+", 2 => "-" );
my @directions_txt_en = ('N', 'NNE', 'NE', 'ENE', 'E', 'ESE', 'SE', 'SSE', 'S', 'SSW', 'SW', 'WSW', 'W', 'WNW', 'NW', 'NNW');
my @directions_txt_de = ('N', 'NNO', 'NO', 'ONO', 'O', 'OSO', 'SO', 'SSO', 'S', 'SSW', 'SW', 'WSW', 'W', 'WNW', 'NW', 'NNW');
my @directions_txt_nl = ('N', 'NNO', 'NO', 'ONO', 'O', 'OZO', 'ZO', 'ZZO', 'Z', 'ZZW', 'ZW', 'WZW', 'W', 'WNW', 'NW', 'NNW');
my @directions_txt_fr = ('N', 'NNE', 'NE', 'ENE', 'E', 'ESE', 'SE', 'SSE', 'S', 'SSO', 'SO', 'OSO', 'O', 'ONO', 'NO', 'NNO');
my @directions_txt_pl = ('N', 'NNE', 'NE', 'ENE', 'E', 'ESE', 'SE', 'SSE', 'S', 'SSW', 'SW', 'WSW', 'W', 'WNW', 'NW', 'NNW');
my @directions_txt_it = ('N', 'NNE', 'NE', 'ENE', 'E', 'ESE', 'SE', 'SSE', 'S', 'SSO', 'SO', 'OSO', 'O', 'ONO', 'NO', 'NNO');
my @directions_txt_en = (
'N', 'NNE', 'NE', 'ENE', 'E', 'ESE', 'SE', 'SSE',
'S', 'SSW', 'SW', 'WSW', 'W', 'WNW', 'NW', 'NNW'
my @directions_txt_de = (
'N', 'NNO', 'NO', 'ONO', 'O', 'OSO', 'SO', 'SSO',
'S', 'SSW', 'SW', 'WSW', 'W', 'WNW', 'NW', 'NNW'
my @directions_txt_nl = (
'N', 'NNO', 'NO', 'ONO', 'O', 'OZO', 'ZO', 'ZZO',
'Z', 'ZZW', 'ZW', 'WZW', 'W', 'WNW', 'NW', 'NNW'
my @directions_txt_fr = (
'N', 'NNE', 'NE', 'ENE', 'E', 'ESE', 'SE', 'SSE',
'S', 'SSO', 'SO', 'OSO', 'O', 'ONO', 'NO', 'NNO'
my @directions_txt_pl = (
'N', 'NNE', 'NE', 'ENE', 'E', 'ESE', 'SE', 'SSE',
'S', 'SSW', 'SW', 'WSW', 'W', 'WNW', 'NW', 'NNW'
my @directions_txt_it = (
'N', 'NNE', 'NE', 'ENE', 'E', 'ESE', 'SE', 'SSE',
'S', 'SSO', 'SO', 'OSO', 'O', 'ONO', 'NO', 'NNO'
my %wdays_txt_en = ('Mon' => 'Mon', 'Tue' => 'Tue', 'Wed'=> 'Wed', 'Thu' => 'Thu', 'Fri' => 'Fri', 'Sat' => 'Sat', 'Sun' => 'Sun');
my %wdays_txt_de = ('Mon' => 'Mo', 'Tue' => 'Di', 'Wed'=> 'Mi', 'Thu' => 'Do', 'Fri' => 'Fr', 'Sat' => 'Sa', 'Sun' => 'So');
my %wdays_txt_nl = ('Mon' => 'Maa', 'Tue' => 'Din', 'Wed'=> 'Woe', 'Thu' => 'Don', 'Fri' => 'Vri', 'Sat' => 'Zat', 'Sun' => 'Zon');
my %wdays_txt_fr= ('Mon' => 'Lun', 'Tue' => 'Mar', 'Wed'=> 'Mer', 'Thu' => 'Jeu', 'Fri' => 'Ven', 'Sat' => 'Sam', 'Sun' => 'Dim');
my %wdays_txt_pl = ('Mon' => 'Pon', 'Tue' => 'Wt', 'Wed'=> 'Śr', 'Thu' => 'Czw', 'Fri' => 'Pt', 'Sat' => 'Sob', 'Sun' => 'Nie');
my %wdays_txt_it = ('Mon' => 'Lun', 'Tue' => 'Mar', 'Wed'=> 'Mer', 'Thu' => 'Gio', 'Fri' => 'Ven', 'Sat' => 'Sab', 'Sun' => 'Dom');
my %wdays_txt_en = (
'Mon' => 'Mon',
'Tue' => 'Tue',
'Wed' => 'Wed',
'Thu' => 'Thu',
'Fri' => 'Fri',
'Sat' => 'Sat',
'Sun' => 'Sun'
my %wdays_txt_de = (
'Mon' => 'Mo',
'Tue' => 'Di',
'Wed' => 'Mi',
'Thu' => 'Do',
'Fri' => 'Fr',
'Sat' => 'Sa',
'Sun' => 'So'
my %wdays_txt_nl = (
'Mon' => 'Maa',
'Tue' => 'Din',
'Wed' => 'Woe',
'Thu' => 'Don',
'Fri' => 'Vri',
'Sat' => 'Zat',
'Sun' => 'Zon'
my %wdays_txt_fr = (
'Mon' => 'Lun',
'Tue' => 'Mar',
'Wed' => 'Mer',
'Thu' => 'Jeu',
'Fri' => 'Ven',
'Sat' => 'Sam',
'Sun' => 'Dim'
my %wdays_txt_pl = (
'Mon' => 'Pon',
'Tue' => 'Wt',
'Wed' => 'Śr',
'Thu' => 'Czw',
'Fri' => 'Pt',
'Sat' => 'Sob',
'Sun' => 'Nie'
my %wdays_txt_it = (
'Mon' => 'Lun',
'Tue' => 'Mar',
'Wed' => 'Mer',
'Thu' => 'Gio',
'Fri' => 'Ven',
'Sat' => 'Sab',
'Sun' => 'Dom'
my %status_items_txt_en = ( 0 => "Wind", 1 => "Humidity", 2 => "Temperature", 3 => "Right Now", 4 => "Weather forecast for " );
my %status_items_txt_de = ( 0 => "Wind", 1 => "Feuchtigkeit", 2 => "Temperatur", 3 => "Jetzt Sofort", 4 => "Wettervorhersage für " );
my %status_items_txt_nl = ( 0 => "Wind", 1 => "Vochtigheid", 2 => "Temperatuur", 3 => "Direct", 4 => "Weersvoorspelling voor " );
my %status_items_txt_fr = ( 0 => "Vent", 1 => "Humidité", 2 => "Température", 3 => "Maintenant", 4 => "Prévisions météo pour " );
my %status_items_txt_pl = ( 0 => "Wiatr", 1 => "Wilgotność", 2 => "Temperatura", 3 => "Teraz", 4 => "Prognoza pogody w " );
my %status_items_txt_it = ( 0 => "Vento", 1 => "Umidità", 2 => "Temperatura", 3 => "Adesso", 4 => "Previsioni del tempo per " );
my %status_items_txt_en = (
0 => "Wind",
1 => "Humidity",
2 => "Temperature",
3 => "Right Now",
4 => "Weather forecast for "
my %status_items_txt_de = (
0 => "Wind",
1 => "Feuchtigkeit",
2 => "Temperatur",
3 => "Jetzt Sofort",
4 => "Wettervorhersage für "
my %status_items_txt_nl = (
0 => "Wind",
1 => "Vochtigheid",
2 => "Temperatuur",
3 => "Direct",
4 => "Weersvoorspelling voor "
my %status_items_txt_fr = (
0 => "Vent",
1 => "Humidité",
2 => "Température",
3 => "Maintenant",
4 => "Prévisions météo pour "
my %status_items_txt_pl = (
0 => "Wiatr",
1 => "Wilgotność",
2 => "Temperatura",
3 => "Teraz",
4 => "Prognoza pogody w "
my %status_items_txt_it = (
0 => "Vento",
1 => "Umidità",
2 => "Temperatura",
3 => "Adesso",
4 => "Previsioni del tempo per "
my %wdays_txt_i18n;
my @directions_txt_i18n;
@ -68,14 +172,31 @@ my %pressure_trend_txt_i18n;
my %status_items_txt_i18n;
my @iconlist = (
'storm', 'storm', 'storm', 'thunderstorm', 'thunderstorm', 'rainsnow',
'sleet', 'snow', 'drizzle', 'drizzle', 'icy' ,'chance_of_rain',
'chance_of_rain', 'snowflurries', 'chance_of_snow', 'heavysnow', 'snow', 'sleet',
'sleet', 'dust', 'fog', 'haze', 'smoke', 'flurries',
'windy', 'icy', 'cloudy', 'mostlycloudy_night', 'mostlycloudy', 'partly_cloudy_night',
'partly_cloudy', 'sunny', 'sunny', 'mostly_clear_night', 'mostly_sunny', 'heavyrain',
'sunny', 'scatteredthunderstorms', 'scatteredthunderstorms', 'scatteredthunderstorms', 'scatteredshowers', 'heavysnow',
'chance_of_snow', 'heavysnow', 'partly_cloudy', 'heavyrain', 'chance_of_snow', 'scatteredshowers');
'storm', 'storm',
'storm', 'thunderstorm',
'thunderstorm', 'rainsnow',
'sleet', 'snow',
'drizzle', 'drizzle',
'icy', 'chance_of_rain',
'chance_of_rain', 'snowflurries',
'chance_of_snow', 'heavysnow',
'snow', 'sleet',
'sleet', 'dust',
'fog', 'haze',
'smoke', 'flurries',
'windy', 'icy',
'cloudy', 'mostlycloudy_night',
'mostlycloudy', 'partly_cloudy_night',
'partly_cloudy', 'sunny',
'sunny', 'mostly_clear_night',
'mostly_sunny', 'heavyrain',
'sunny', 'scatteredthunderstorms',
'scatteredthunderstorms', 'scatteredthunderstorms',
'scatteredshowers', 'heavysnow',
'chance_of_snow', 'heavysnow',
'partly_cloudy', 'heavyrain',
'chance_of_snow', 'scatteredshowers'
sub Weather_LanguageInitialize($) {
@ -86,27 +207,32 @@ sub Weather_LanguageInitialize($) {
@directions_txt_i18n = @directions_txt_de;
%pressure_trend_txt_i18n = %pressure_trend_txt_de;
%status_items_txt_i18n = %status_items_txt_de;
} elsif($lang eq "nl") {
elsif ( $lang eq "nl" ) {
%wdays_txt_i18n = %wdays_txt_nl;
@directions_txt_i18n = @directions_txt_nl;
%pressure_trend_txt_i18n = %pressure_trend_txt_nl;
%status_items_txt_i18n = %status_items_txt_nl;
} elsif($lang eq "fr") {
elsif ( $lang eq "fr" ) {
%wdays_txt_i18n = %wdays_txt_fr;
@directions_txt_i18n = @directions_txt_fr;
%pressure_trend_txt_i18n = %pressure_trend_txt_fr;
%status_items_txt_i18n = %status_items_txt_fr;
} elsif($lang eq "pl") {
elsif ( $lang eq "pl" ) {
%wdays_txt_i18n = %wdays_txt_pl;
@directions_txt_i18n = @directions_txt_pl;
%pressure_trend_txt_i18n = %pressure_trend_txt_pl;
%status_items_txt_i18n = %status_items_txt_pl;
} elsif($lang eq "it") {
elsif ( $lang eq "it" ) {
%wdays_txt_i18n = %wdays_txt_it;
@directions_txt_i18n = @directions_txt_it;
%pressure_trend_txt_i18n = %pressure_trend_txt_it;
%status_items_txt_i18n = %status_items_txt_it;
} else {
else {
%wdays_txt_i18n = %wdays_txt_en;
@directions_txt_i18n = @directions_txt_en;
%pressure_trend_txt_i18n = %pressure_trend_txt_en;
@ -121,12 +247,12 @@ sub Weather_DebugCodes($) {
Debug "Weather Code List, see http://developer.yahoo.com/weather/#codes";
for ( my $c = 0 ; $c <= 47 ; $c++ ) {
Debug sprintf("%2d %30s %30s", $c, $iconlist[$c], $YahooCodes_i18n[$c]);
sprintf( "%2d %30s %30s", $c, $iconlist[$c], $YahooCodes_i18n[$c] );
sub Weather_Initialize($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
@ -137,6 +263,8 @@ sub Weather_Initialize($) {
$hash->{SetFn} = 'Weather_Set';
$hash->{AttrList} =
'disable:0,1 '
. 'forecast:hourly,daily,every,off '
. 'forecastLimit '
. $readingFnAttributes;
$hash->{NotifyFn} = 'Weather_Notify';
@ -151,7 +279,6 @@ sub degrees_to_direction($@) {
return $directions_txt_i18n[$mod];
sub Weather_ReturnWithError($$) {
my ( $hash, $responseRef ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
@ -160,9 +287,14 @@ sub Weather_ReturnWithError($$) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'lastError', $responseRef->{status} );
foreach my $r ( keys %{$responseRef} ) {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $r, $responseRef->{$r}) if ( ref($responseRef->{$r}) ne 'HASH' );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, $r, $responseRef->{$r} )
if ( ref( $responseRef->{$r} ) ne 'HASH' );
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'state', 'API Maintainer: ' . $responseRef->{apiMaintainer} . ' ErrorMsg: ' . $responseRef->{status});
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'state',
'API Maintainer: '
. $responseRef->{apiMaintainer}
. ' ErrorMsg: '
. $responseRef->{status} );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
my $next = 60; # $next= $hash->{INTERVAL};
@ -190,101 +322,177 @@ sub Weather_WriteReadings($$) {
# delete some unused readings
delete($hash->{READINGS}->{temp_f}) if(defined($hash->{READINGS}->{temp_f}));
delete($hash->{READINGS}->{unit_distance}) if(defined($hash->{READINGS}->{unit_distance}));
delete($hash->{READINGS}->{unit_speed}) if(defined($hash->{READINGS}->{unit_speed}));
delete($hash->{READINGS}->{unit_pressuree}) if(defined($hash->{READINGS}->{unit_pressuree}));
delete($hash->{READINGS}->{unit_temperature}) if(defined($hash->{READINGS}->{unit_temperature}));
delete( $hash->{READINGS}->{temp_f} )
if ( defined( $hash->{READINGS}->{temp_f} ) );
delete( $hash->{READINGS}->{unit_distance} )
if ( defined( $hash->{READINGS}->{unit_distance} ) );
delete( $hash->{READINGS}->{unit_speed} )
if ( defined( $hash->{READINGS}->{unit_speed} ) );
delete( $hash->{READINGS}->{unit_pressuree} )
if ( defined( $hash->{READINGS}->{unit_pressuree} ) );
delete( $hash->{READINGS}->{unit_temperature} )
if ( defined( $hash->{READINGS}->{unit_temperature} ) );
# housekeeping information
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'lastError', '' );
foreach my $r ( keys %{$dataRef} ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, $r, $dataRef->{$r} )
if ( ref($dataRef->{$r}) ne 'HASH' and ref($dataRef->{$r}) ne 'ARRAY' );
if ( ref( $dataRef->{$r} ) ne 'HASH'
and ref( $dataRef->{$r} ) ne 'ARRAY' );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, '.license', $dataRef->{license}->{text} );
### current
if ( defined($dataRef->{current}) and ref( $dataRef->{current} ) eq 'HASH' ) {
if ( defined( $dataRef->{current} )
and ref( $dataRef->{current} ) eq 'HASH' )
while ( my ( $r, $v ) = each %{ $dataRef->{current} } ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, $r, $v )
if ( ref($dataRef->{$r}) ne 'HASH' and ref($dataRef->{$r}) ne 'ARRAY' );
if ( ref( $dataRef->{$r} ) ne 'HASH'
and ref( $dataRef->{$r} ) ne 'ARRAY' );
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'icon', $iconlist[$dataRef->{current}->{code}]);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'icon',
$iconlist[ $dataRef->{current}->{code} ] );
if ( defined( $dataRef->{current}->{wind_direction} )
and $dataRef->{current}->{wind_direction}
and defined( $dataRef->{current}->{wind_speed} )
and $dataRef->{current}->{wind_speed}
and $dataRef->{current}->{wind_speed} )
my $wdir= degrees_to_direction($dataRef->{current}->{wind_direction}, @directions_txt_i18n);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'wind_condition', 'Wind: ' . $wdir . ' ' . $dataRef->{current}->{wind_speed} . ' km/h');
my $wdir =
degrees_to_direction( $dataRef->{current}->{wind_direction},
@directions_txt_i18n );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'wind_condition',
'Wind: '
. $wdir . ' '
. $dataRef->{current}->{wind_speed}
. ' km/h' );
### forecast
if ( ref( $dataRef->{forecast} ) eq 'HASH' ) {
if ( ref( $dataRef->{forecast} ) eq 'HASH'
and AttrVal( $name, 'forecast', 'every' ) ne 'off' )
## hourly
if ( defined($dataRef->{forecast}->{hourly})
if (
defined( $dataRef->{forecast}->{hourly} )
and ref( $dataRef->{forecast}->{hourly} ) eq 'ARRAY'
and scalar( @{ $dataRef->{forecast}->{hourly} } ) > 0 )
and scalar( @{ $dataRef->{forecast}->{hourly} } ) > 0
and ( AttrVal( $name, 'forecast', 'every' ) eq 'every'
or AttrVal( $name, 'forecast', 'hourly' ) eq 'hourly' )
my $i = 0;
my $limit = AttrVal( $name, 'forecastLimit', -1 );
foreach my $fc ( @{ $dataRef->{forecast}->{hourly} } ) {
my $f = "hfc" . $i . "_";
while ( my ( $r, $v ) = each %{$fc} ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, $f . $r, $v )
if ( ref($dataRef->{$r}) ne 'HASH' and ref($dataRef->{$r}) ne 'ARRAY' );
if ( ref( $dataRef->{$r} ) ne 'HASH'
and ref( $dataRef->{$r} ) ne 'ARRAY' );
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $f . 'icon', $iconlist[$dataRef->{forecast}->{hourly}[$i-1]{code}]);
$f . 'icon',
$iconlist[ $dataRef->{forecast}->{hourly}[ $i - 1 ]{code} ]
if ( defined($dataRef->{forecast}->{hourly}[$i-1]{wind_direction})
if (
$dataRef->{forecast}->{hourly}[ $i - 1 ]{wind_direction}
and $dataRef->{forecast}->{hourly}[ $i - 1 ]{wind_direction}
and defined($dataRef->{forecast}->{hourly}[$i-1]{wind_speed})
and defined(
$dataRef->{forecast}->{hourly}[ $i - 1 ]{wind_speed}
and $dataRef->{forecast}->{hourly}[ $i - 1 ]{wind_speed}
my $wdir= degrees_to_direction($dataRef->{forecast}->{hourly}[$i-1]{wind_direction}, @directions_txt_i18n);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $f . 'wind_condition', 'Wind: ' . $wdir . ' ' . $dataRef->{forecast}->{hourly}[$i-1]{wind_speed} . ' km/h');
my $wdir = degrees_to_direction(
->{hourly}[ $i - 1 ]{wind_direction},
$f . 'wind_condition',
'Wind: '
. $wdir . ' '
. $dataRef->{forecast}->{hourly}[ $i - 1 ]{wind_speed}
. ' km/h'
last if ( $i == $limit and $limit > 0 );
## daily
if ( defined($dataRef->{forecast}->{daily}) and ref( $dataRef->{forecast}->{daily} ) eq 'ARRAY'
and scalar( @{ $dataRef->{forecast}->{daily} } ) > 0 )
if (
defined( $dataRef->{forecast}->{daily} )
and ref( $dataRef->{forecast}->{daily} ) eq 'ARRAY'
and scalar( @{ $dataRef->{forecast}->{daily} } ) > 0
and ( AttrVal( $name, 'forecast', 'every' ) eq 'every'
or AttrVal( $name, 'forecast', 'daily' ) eq 'daily' )
my $i = 0;
my $limit = AttrVal( $name, 'forecastLimit', -1 );
foreach my $fc ( @{ $dataRef->{forecast}->{daily} } ) {
my $f = "fc" . $i . "_";
while ( my ( $r, $v ) = each %{$fc} ) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, $f . $r, $v )
if ( ref($dataRef->{$r}) ne 'HASH' and ref($dataRef->{$r}) ne 'ARRAY' );
if ( ref( $dataRef->{$r} ) ne 'HASH'
and ref( $dataRef->{$r} ) ne 'ARRAY' );
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $f . 'icon', $iconlist[$dataRef->{forecast}->{daily}[$i-1]{code}]);
$f . 'icon',
$iconlist[ $dataRef->{forecast}->{daily}[ $i - 1 ]{code} ]
if ( defined($dataRef->{forecast}->{daily}[$i-1]{wind_direction})
if (
$dataRef->{forecast}->{daily}[ $i - 1 ]{wind_direction}
and $dataRef->{forecast}->{daily}[ $i - 1 ]{wind_direction}
and defined($dataRef->{forecast}->{daily}[$i-1]{wind_speed})
and defined(
$dataRef->{forecast}->{daily}[ $i - 1 ]{wind_speed}
and $dataRef->{forecast}->{daily}[ $i - 1 ]{wind_speed}
my $wdir= degrees_to_direction($dataRef->{forecast}->{daily}[$i-1]{wind_direction}, @directions_txt_i18n);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $f . 'wind_condition', 'Wind: ' . $wdir . ' ' . $dataRef->{forecast}->{daily}[$i-1]{wind_speed} . ' km/h');
my $wdir = degrees_to_direction(
$dataRef->{forecast}->{daily}[ $i - 1 ]{wind_direction},
$f . 'wind_condition',
'Wind: '
. $wdir . ' '
. $dataRef->{forecast}->{daily}[ $i - 1 ]{wind_speed}
. ' km/h'
last if ( $i == $limit and $limit > 0 );
my $val= 'T: ' . $dataRef->{current}->{temperature} . ' °C'
.' ' . substr($status_items_txt_i18n{1}, 0, 1) . ': ' . $dataRef->{current}->{humidity} . ' %'
.' ' . substr($status_items_txt_i18n{0}, 0, 1) . ': ' . $dataRef->{current}->{wind} . ' km/h'
.' P: ' . $dataRef->{current}->{pressure} . ' hPa';
my $val = 'T: '
. $dataRef->{current}->{temperature} . ' °C' . ' '
. substr( $status_items_txt_i18n{1}, 0, 1 ) . ': '
. $dataRef->{current}->{humidity} . ' %' . ' '
. substr( $status_items_txt_i18n{0}, 0, 1 ) . ': '
. $dataRef->{current}->{wind} . ' km/h' . ' P: '
. $dataRef->{current}->{pressure} . ' hPa';
Log3 $hash, 4, "$name: $val";
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'state', $val );
@ -302,13 +510,15 @@ sub Weather_GetUpdate($) {
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if ( $attr{$name} && $attr{$name}->{disable} ) {
Log3 $hash, 5, "Weather $name: retrieval of weather data is disabled by attribute.";
Log3 $hash, 5,
"Weather $name: retrieval of weather data is disabled by attribute.";
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "pubDateComment", "disabled by attribute" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "validity", "stale" );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
Weather_RearmTimer( $hash, gettimeofday() + $hash->{INTERVAL} );
} else {
else {
# Weather_RetrieveData($name, 0);
@ -327,7 +537,8 @@ sub Weather_Get($@) {
if ( defined( $hash->{READINGS}->{$reading} ) ) {
$value = $hash->{READINGS}->{$reading}->{VAL};
} else {
else {
my $rt = '';
if ( defined( $hash->{READINGS} ) ) {
$rt = join( ":noArg ", sort keys %{ $hash->{READINGS} } );
@ -350,7 +561,8 @@ sub Weather_Set($@) {
return undef;
} else {
else {
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of update:noArg";
@ -386,7 +598,8 @@ sub Weather_Notify($$) {
#$delay= 3; # delay removed until further notice
Log3 $hash, 5, "Weather $name: FHEM initialization or rereadcfg triggered update, delay $delay seconds.";
Log3 $hash, 5,
"Weather $name: FHEM initialization or rereadcfg triggered update, delay $delay seconds.";
Weather_RearmTimer( $hash, gettimeofday() + $delay );
return undef;
@ -396,7 +609,8 @@ sub Weather_Notify($$) {
sub Weather_Define($$) {
my ( $hash, $def ) = @_;
my $usage= "syntax: define <name> Weather [API=<API>] [apikey=<apikey>] [location=<location>] [interval=<interval>] [lang=<lang>]";
my $usage =
"syntax: define <name> Weather [API=<API>] [apikey=<apikey>] [location=<location>] [interval=<interval>] [lang=<lang>]";
# defaults
my $API = "DarkSkyAPI,cachemaxage:600";
@ -411,7 +625,6 @@ sub Weather_Define($$) {
return $usage unless ( scalar @a == 2 );
my $name = $a[0];
my $location = $h{location} if exists $h{location};
my $apikey = $h{apikey} if exists $h{apikey};
my $lang = $h{lang} if exists $h{lang};
@ -421,16 +634,21 @@ sub Weather_Define($$) {
# evaluate API options
my ( $api, $apioptions ) = split( ',', $API, 2 );
$apioptions = "" unless ( defined($apioptions) );
eval {
require "$api.pm";
eval { require "$api.pm"; };
return "$name: cannot load API $api: $@" if ($@);
$hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = "global";
$hash->{fhem}->{interfaces} = "temperature;humidity;wind";
$hash->{LOCATION} = ( (defined($location) and $location) ? $location : AttrVal( 'global', 'latitude', 'error' ).','.AttrVal( 'global', 'longitude', 'error' ) );
$hash->{LOCATION} =
( ( defined($location) and $location )
? $location
: AttrVal( 'global', 'latitude', 'error' ) . ','
. AttrVal( 'global', 'longitude', 'error' ) );
$hash->{INTERVAL} = $interval;
$hash->{LANG} = ( (defined($lang) and $lang) ? $lang : lc(AttrVal('global','language','de')) );
$hash->{LANG} =
( ( defined($lang) and $lang )
? $lang
: lc( AttrVal( 'global', 'language', 'de' ) ) );
$hash->{API} = $api;
$hash->{MODEL} = $api;
$hash->{APIKEY} = $apikey;
@ -443,7 +661,15 @@ sub Weather_Define($$) {
Weather_LanguageInitialize( $hash->{LANG} );
my $apistring = $api . '::Weather';
$hash->{fhem}->{api} = $apistring->new( { devName => $hash->{NAME}, apikey => $hash->{APIKEY}, location => $hash->{LOCATION}, apioptions => $hash->{APIOPTIONS}, language => $hash->{LANG} } );
$hash->{fhem}->{api} = $apistring->new(
devName => $hash->{NAME},
apikey => $hash->{APIKEY},
location => $hash->{LOCATION},
apioptions => $hash->{APIOPTIONS},
language => $hash->{LANG}
Weather_GetUpdate($hash) if ($init_done);
@ -478,11 +704,11 @@ sub WeatherIconIMGTag($) {
sub WeatherAsHtmlV($;$) {
my ($d,$items) = @_;
sub WeatherAsHtmlV($;$$) {
my ( $d, $items, $f ) = @_;
$d = "<none>" if ( !$d );
$items = 9 if( !$items );
$items = 6 if ( !$items );
return "$d is not a Weather instance<br>"
if ( !$defs{$d} || $defs{$d}->{TYPE} ne "Weather" );
@ -490,21 +716,44 @@ sub WeatherAsHtmlV($;$) {
my $width = int( ICONSCALE * ICONWIDTH );
my $ret = '<table class="weather">';
$ret .= sprintf('<tr><td class="weatherIcon" width=%d>%s</td><td class="weatherValue">%s<br>%s°C %s%%<br>%s</td></tr>',
my $fc;
if (
and ( $f eq 'h'
or $f eq 'd' )
$fc = ( $f eq 'd' ? 'fc' : 'hfc' );
else {
$fc = (
defined( $h->{READINGS}->{fc1_day_of_week} )
and $h->{READINGS}->{fc1_day_of_week}
) ? 'fc' : 'hfc'
$ret .= sprintf(
'<tr><td class="weatherIcon" width=%d>%s</td><td class="weatherValue">%s<br>%s°C %s%%<br>%s</td></tr>',
WeatherIconIMGTag( ReadingsVal( $d, "icon", "" ) ),
ReadingsVal( $d, "condition", "" ),
ReadingsVal($d, "temp_c", ""), ReadingsVal($d, "humidity", ""),
ReadingsVal($d, "wind_condition", ""));
ReadingsVal( $d, "temp_c", "" ),
ReadingsVal( $d, "humidity", "" ),
ReadingsVal( $d, "wind_condition", "" )
my $fc = ( (defined($h->{READINGS}->{fc1_day_of_week}) and $h->{READINGS}->{fc1_day_of_week}) ? 'fc' : 'hfc' );
for ( my $i = 1 ; $i < $items ; $i++ ) {
$ret .= sprintf('<tr><td class="weatherIcon" width=%d>%s</td><td class="weatherValue"><span class="weatherDay">%s: %s</span><br><span class="weatherMin">min %s°C</span> <span class="weatherMax">max %s°C</span></td></tr>',
$ret .= sprintf(
'<tr><td class="weatherIcon" width=%d>%s</td><td class="weatherValue"><span class="weatherDay">%s: %s</span><br><span class="weatherMin">min %s°C</span> <span class="weatherMax">max %s°C</span></td></tr>',
WeatherIconIMGTag( ReadingsVal( $d, "${fc}${i}_icon", "" ) ),
ReadingsVal( $d, "${fc}${i}_day_of_week", "" ),
ReadingsVal( $d, "${fc}${i}_condition", "" ),
ReadingsVal($d, "${fc}${i}_low_c", ""), ReadingsVal($d, "${fc}${i}_high_c", ""));
ReadingsVal( $d, "${fc}${i}_low_c", " - " ),
ReadingsVal( $d, "${fc}${i}_high_c", " - " )
$ret .= "</table>";
@ -517,50 +766,79 @@ sub WeatherAsHtml($;$) {
WeatherAsHtmlV( $d, $i );
sub WeatherAsHtmlH($;$) {
my ($d,$items) = @_;
sub WeatherAsHtmlH($;$$) {
my ( $d, $items, $f ) = @_;
$d = "<none>" if ( !$d );
$items = 9 if( !$items );
$items = 6 if ( !$items );
return "$d is not a Weather instance<br>"
if ( !$defs{$d} || $defs{$d}->{TYPE} ne "Weather" );
my $h = $defs{$d};
my $width = int( ICONSCALE * ICONWIDTH );
my $format= '<td><table border=1><tr><td class="weatherIcon" width=%d>%s</td></tr><tr><td class="weatherValue">%s</td></tr><tr><td class="weatherValue">%s°C %s%%</td></tr><tr><td class="weatherValue">%s</td></tr></table></td>';
my $format =
'<td><table border=1><tr><td class="weatherIcon" width=%d>%s</td></tr><tr><td class="weatherValue">%s</td></tr><tr><td class="weatherValue">%s°C %s%%</td></tr><tr><td class="weatherValue">%s</td></tr></table></td>';
my $ret = '<table class="weather">';
my $fc = ( (defined($h->{READINGS}->{fc1_day_of_week}) and $h->{READINGS}->{fc1_day_of_week}) ? 'fc' : 'hfc' );
my $fc;
if (
and ( $f eq 'h'
or $f eq 'd' )
$fc = ( $f eq 'd' ? 'fc' : 'hfc' );
else {
$fc = (
defined( $h->{READINGS}->{fc1_day_of_week} )
and $h->{READINGS}->{fc1_day_of_week}
) ? 'fc' : 'hfc'
# icons
$ret .= sprintf('<tr><td class="weatherIcon" width=%d>%s</td>', $width, WeatherIconIMGTag(ReadingsVal($d, "icon", "")));
$ret .= sprintf( '<tr><td class="weatherIcon" width=%d>%s</td>',
$width, WeatherIconIMGTag( ReadingsVal( $d, "icon", "" ) ) );
for ( my $i = 1 ; $i < $items ; $i++ ) {
$ret .= sprintf('<td class="weatherIcon" width=%d>%s</td>', $width, WeatherIconIMGTag(ReadingsVal($d, "${fc}${i}_icon", "")));
$ret .= sprintf( '<td class="weatherIcon" width=%d>%s</td>',
WeatherIconIMGTag( ReadingsVal( $d, "${fc}${i}_icon", "" ) ) );
$ret .= '</tr>';
# condition
$ret .= sprintf('<tr><td class="weatherDay">%s</td>', ReadingsVal($d, "condition", ""));
$ret .= sprintf( '<tr><td class="weatherDay">%s</td>',
ReadingsVal( $d, "condition", "" ) );
for ( my $i = 1 ; $i < $items ; $i++ ) {
$ret .= sprintf('<td class="weatherDay">%s: %s</td>', ReadingsVal($d, "${fc}${i}_day_of_week", ""),
ReadingsVal($d, "${fc}${i}_condition", ""));
$ret .= sprintf(
'<td class="weatherDay">%s: %s</td>',
ReadingsVal( $d, "${fc}${i}_day_of_week", "" ),
ReadingsVal( $d, "${fc}${i}_condition", "" )
$ret .= '</tr>';
# temp/hum | min
$ret .= sprintf('<tr><td class="weatherMin">%s°C %s%%</td>', ReadingsVal($d, "temp_c", ""), ReadingsVal($d, "humidity", ""));
$ret .= sprintf(
'<tr><td class="weatherMin">%s°C %s%%</td>',
ReadingsVal( $d, "temp_c", "" ),
ReadingsVal( $d, "humidity", "" )
for ( my $i = 1 ; $i < $items ; $i++ ) {
$ret .= sprintf('<td class="weatherMin">min %s°C</td>', ReadingsVal($d, "${fc}${i}_low_c", ""));
$ret .= sprintf( '<td class="weatherMin">min %s°C</td>',
ReadingsVal( $d, "${fc}${i}_low_c", " - " ) );
$ret .= '</tr>';
# wind | max
$ret .= sprintf('<tr><td class="weatherMax">%s</td>', ReadingsVal($d, "wind_condition", ""));
$ret .= sprintf( '<tr><td class="weatherMax">%s</td>',
ReadingsVal( $d, "wind_condition", "" ) );
for ( my $i = 1 ; $i < $items ; $i++ ) {
$ret .= sprintf('<td class="weatherMax">max %s°C</td>', ReadingsVal($d, "${fc}${i}_high_c", ""));
$ret .= sprintf( '<td class="weatherMax">max %s°C</td>',
ReadingsVal( $d, "${fc}${i}_high_c", " - " ) );
$ret .= "</tr></table>";
@ -572,14 +850,14 @@ sub WeatherAsHtmlD($;$) {
if ($FW_ss) {
WeatherAsHtmlV( $d, $i );
} else {
else {
WeatherAsHtmlH( $d, $i );
@ -632,7 +910,7 @@ sub WeatherAsHtmlD($;$) {
define Forecast Weather apikey=987498ghjgf864
define MyWeather Weather api=OpenWeatherMapAPI,cachemaxage:600 apikey=09878945fdskv876 location=52.4545,13.4545 interval=3600 lang=de
define MyWeather Weather API=OpenWeatherMapAPI,cachemaxage:600 apikey=09878945fdskv876 location=52.4545,13.4545 interval=3600 lang=de
@ -841,9 +1119,11 @@ sub WeatherAsHtmlD($;$) {
Darstellung des Wetterberichtes. Die letztgenannte Funktion wählt
automatisch eine Ausrichtung, die abhängig davon ist, ob ein
Smallcreen Style ausgewählt ist (vertikale Darstellung) oder
nicht (horizontale Darstellung). Alle vier Funnktionen akzeptieren
nicht (horizontale Darstellung). Alle vier Funktionen akzeptieren
einen zusätzlichen optionalen Paramter um die Anzahl der
darzustellenden Icons anzugeben.<br><br>
darzustellenden Icons anzugeben.<br>
Zusätzlich erlauben die Funktionen 2 und 3 noch einen dritten Parameter (d oder h) welcher die Forecast-Art (h-Hourly oder d-Daily) mit an gibt.<br>
Wird der dritte Parameter verwendet muss auch der zweite Parameter für die Anzahl der darzustellenden Icons gesetzt werden.<br><br>
define MyWeatherWeblink weblink htmlCode { WeatherAsHtmlH("MyWeather") }
@ -910,6 +1190,8 @@ sub WeatherAsHtmlD($;$) {
gemäß Plan doch es werden keine Daten vom
API angefordert.</li>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
<li>forecast - every/hourly/daily/off, Anzeige von forecast Daten. Alle, nur Stundenforecast, nur Tageforecast, keine.</li>
<li>forecastLimit - Anzahl der Forecast-Datensätze welche als Reading geschrieben werden sollen.</li>
Reference in New Issue
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