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73_ElectricityCalculator: Bugfix: CounterDevice Selection Issue

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@23735 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
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Sailor 2021-02-13 17:39:06 +00:00
parent e3beac353f
commit 99b42197ad

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@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
# the counter device.
# Written and best viewed with Notepad++ v.6.8.6; Language Markup: Perl
# Author : Matthias Deeke
# e-mail : matthias.deeke(AT)deeke(PUNKT)eu
# Fhem Forum : https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,57106.msg485195.html
@ -32,12 +33,19 @@
# Example 1:
# define myElectricityCalculator ElectricityCalculator myElectricityCounter:CounterA.*
# List of open Problems / Issues:
# - set command to create Plots automatically
@ -46,6 +54,8 @@ use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::Local;
use FHEM::Meta;
my %ElectricityCalculator_gets;
my %EolectricityCalculator_sets;
###START###### Initialize module ##############################################################################START####
sub ElectricityCalculator_Initialize($)
@ -75,6 +85,9 @@ sub ElectricityCalculator_Initialize($)
"Currency:€,£,$ " .
"DecimalPlace:3,4,5,6,7 " .
return FHEM::Meta::InitMod( __FILE__, $hash );
####END####### Initialize module ###############################################################################END#####
@ -104,19 +117,22 @@ sub ElectricityCalculator_Define($$$)
$hash->{REGEXP} = $RegEx;
### Convert SiPrefixPowerFactor
if(defined($attr{$hash}{SiPrefixPower})) {
if ($attr{$hash}{SiPrefixPower} eq "W" ) {$hash->{system}{SiPrefixPowerFactor} = 1 ;}
elsif ($attr{$hash}{SiPrefixPower} eq "kW") {$hash->{system}{SiPrefixPowerFactor} = 1000 ;}
elsif ($attr{$hash}{SiPrefixPower} eq "MW") {$hash->{system}{SiPrefixPowerFactor} = 1000000 ;}
elsif ($attr{$hash}{SiPrefixPower} eq "GW") {$hash->{system}{SiPrefixPowerFactor} = 1000000000 ;}
else {$hash->{system}{SiPrefixPowerFactor} = 1 ;}
else {
$hash->{system}{SiPrefixPowerFactor} = 1;
### Convert Decimal Places
if(defined($attr{$hash}{DecimalPlace})) {
$hash->{system}{DecimalPlace} = "%." . $attr{$hash}{DecimalPlace} . "f";
@ -157,6 +173,10 @@ sub ElectricityCalculator_Undefine($$)
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
### Stop internal timer
### Write log information
Log3 $name, 3, $name. " ElectricityCalculator- The Electricity calculator has been undefined. Values corresponding to electricity meter will no longer calculated";
return undef;
@ -172,7 +192,8 @@ sub ElectricityCalculator_Attr(@)
my $hash = $defs{$name};
### Check whether "disable" attribute has been provided
if ($a[2] eq "disable") {
if ($a[2] eq "disable")
if ($a[3] eq 0)
$hash->{STATE} = "active";
@ -184,7 +205,8 @@ sub ElectricityCalculator_Attr(@)
### Check whether "SiPrefixPower" attribute has been provided
elsif ($a[2] eq "SiPrefixPower") {
elsif ($a[2] eq "SiPrefixPower")
if ($a[3] eq "W" ) {$hash->{system}{SiPrefixPowerFactor} = 1 ;}
elsif ($a[3] eq "kW") {$hash->{system}{SiPrefixPowerFactor} = 1000 ;}
elsif ($a[3] eq "MW") {$hash->{system}{SiPrefixPowerFactor} = 1000000 ;}
@ -193,11 +215,14 @@ sub ElectricityCalculator_Attr(@)
### Convert Decimal Places
elsif ($a[2] eq "DecimalPlace") {
if (($a[3] >= 3) && ($a[3] <= 8)) {
elsif ($a[2] eq "DecimalPlace")
if (($a[3] >= 3) && ($a[3] <= 8))
$hash->{system}{DecimalPlace} = "%." . $a[3] . "f";
else {
$hash->{system}{DecimalPlace} = "%.3f";
@ -307,7 +332,6 @@ sub ElectricityCalculator_Get($@)
return "Unknown argument $reading, choose one of " . join(" ", @cList) if $reading eq '?';
if ( $reading ne "?")
### Write current value
@ -345,7 +369,10 @@ sub ElectricityCalculator_Set($@)
#Log3 $ElectricityCalcName, 5, $ElectricityCalcName. "_Set - reading : " . $reading;
#Log3 $ElectricityCalcName, 5, $ElectricityCalcName. "_Set - value : " . $value;
### For Test purpose only
#push(@cList, "Test");
### Create set-List
if(defined($hash->{READINGS})) {
push(@cList, "SyncCounter");
push(@cList, keys(%{$hash->{READINGS}}));
@ -397,6 +424,11 @@ sub ElectricityCalculator_Set($@)
### Create ReturnMessage
$ReturnMessage = $ElectricityCalcName . " - Successfully synchromized Counter and Calculator with : " . $value . " kWh";
### For Test purpose only
# elsif ($reading eq "Test")
# {
# ElectricityCalculator_MidnightTimer($hash);
# }
elsif ($reading ne "?")
### Create Log entries for debugging
@ -423,12 +455,13 @@ sub ElectricityCalculator_MidnightTimer($)
my ($ElectricityCountName, $ElectricityCountReadingRegEx) = split(":", $RegEx, 2);
my $ElectricityCountDev = $defs{$ElectricityCountName};
$ElectricityCountReadingRegEx =~ s/[\.\*]+$//;
my $ElectricityCountReadingRegExNeg = $ElectricityCountReadingRegEx . "_";
my @ElectricityCountReadingNameListComplete = keys(%{$ElectricityCountDev->{READINGS}});
my @ElectricityCountReadingNameListFiltered;
foreach my $ElectricityCountReadingName (@ElectricityCountReadingNameListComplete) {
if ($ElectricityCountReadingName =~ m[$ElectricityCountReadingRegEx]) {
if (($ElectricityCountReadingName =~ m[$ElectricityCountReadingRegEx]) && ($ElectricityCountReadingName !~ m[$ElectricityCountReadingRegExNeg])) {
push(@ElectricityCountReadingNameListFiltered, $ElectricityCountReadingName);
@ -450,12 +483,35 @@ sub ElectricityCalculator_MidnightTimer($)
Log3 $ElectricityCalcName, 5, $ElectricityCalcName. " : ElectricityCalculator_MidnightTimer - Looping through every Counter defined by RegEx";
foreach my $ElectricityCountReadingName (@ElectricityCountReadingNameListFiltered) {
### Create Readings
my $ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDeviceName;
my $ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix;
my $ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDevice;
# ### Restore Destination of readings
my $ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix = $ElectricityCountName . "_" . $ElectricityCountReadingName;
my $ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDeviceName = ReadingsVal($ElectricityCalcName, ".ReadingDestinationDeviceName" , "error");
my $ElectricityCounterReadingValue = ReadingsVal($ElectricityCountName, $ElectricityCountReadingName , "error");
my $LastUpdateTimestampUnix = ReadingsVal($ElectricityCalcName, "." . $ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix . "_LastUpdateTimestampUnix", 0 );
if ($attr{$ElectricityCalcName}{ReadingDestination} eq "CalculatorDevice")
$ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDeviceName = $ElectricityCalcName;
$ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix = ($ElectricityCountName . "_" . $ElectricityCountReadingName);
$ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDevice = $ElectricityCalcDev;
elsif ($attr{$ElectricityCalcName}{ReadingDestination} eq "CounterDevice")
$ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix = $ElectricityCountReadingName;
$ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDevice = $ElectricityCountDev;
$ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDeviceName = $ElectricityCountName;
### Create Log entries for debugging
Log3 $ElectricityCalcName, 3, $ElectricityCalcName. " : ElectricityCalculator_MidnightTimer - Attribut ReadingDestination has not been set up correctly. Skipping event.";
### Skipping event
my $ElectricityCounterReadingValue = ReadingsVal($ElectricityCountName, $ElectricityCountReadingName , "error");
my $LastUpdateTimestampUnix = ReadingsVal($ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDeviceName, "." . $ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix . "_LastUpdateTimestampUnix", 0 );
### Calculate time difference since last update
my $DeltaTimeSinceLastUpdate = time() - $LastUpdateTimestampUnix ;
@ -472,12 +528,6 @@ sub ElectricityCalculator_MidnightTimer($)
### If the Readings for midnight settings have been provided
if (($ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix ne "error") && ($ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDeviceName ne "error") && ($LastUpdateTimestampUnix > 0)){
### Create Log entries for debugging purpose
Log3 $ElectricityCalcName, 5, $ElectricityCalcName. " : ElectricityCalculator_MidnightTimer - Timestamp update : " . $LastUpdateTimestampUnix;
Log3 $ElectricityCalcName, 5, $ElectricityCalcName. " : ElectricityCalculator_MidnightTimer - Timestamp Delta : " . $DeltaTimeSinceLastUpdate;
Log3 $ElectricityCalcName, 5, $ElectricityCalcName. " : ElectricityCalculator_MidnightTimer - ReadingPrefix : " . $ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix;
Log3 $ElectricityCalcName, 5, $ElectricityCalcName. " : ElectricityCalculator_MidnightTimer - DeviceName : " . $ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDeviceName;
### If there was no update in the last 24h
if ( $DeltaTimeSinceLastUpdate >= 86400) {
### Create Log entries for debugging purpose
@ -635,6 +685,30 @@ sub ElectricityCalculator_Notify($$)
### Writing log entry
Log3 $ElectricityCalcName, 3, $ElectricityCalcName. " : ElectricityCalculator - The attribute ReadingDestination was missing and has been set to CalculatorDevice";
@ -703,6 +777,9 @@ sub ElectricityCalculator_Notify($$)
$ElectricityCountReadingValueCurrent = $1 * $attr{$ElectricityCalcName}{ElectricityKwhPerCounts} + $attr{$ElectricityCalcName}{ElectricityCounterOffset};
my $ElectricityCountReadingTimestampCurrent = ReadingsTimestamp($ElectricityCountName,$ElectricityCountReadingName,0);
### Create Log entries for debugging
Log3 $ElectricityCalcName, 5, $ElectricityCalcName. " : ElectricityCalculator Begin_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________";
### Create name and destination device for general reading prefix
my $ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix;
my $ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDevice;
@ -770,6 +847,21 @@ sub ElectricityCalculator_Notify($$)
### Write current electric Energy as previous Value for future use in the ElectricityCalc-Device
readingsSingleUpdate( $ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDevice, "." . $ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix. "_PrevRead", sprintf($ElectricityCalcDev->{system}{DecimalPlace}, ($ElectricityCountReadingValueCurrent)),1);
### Save current Electricity Consumption as first reading of day = first after midnight and reset min, max value, value counter and value sum
readingsSingleUpdate( $ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDevice, $ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix . "_CounterDay1st", sprintf($ElectricityCalcDev->{system}{DecimalPlace}, ($ElectricityCountReadingValueCurrent)),1);
readingsSingleUpdate( $ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDevice, $ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix . "_CounterDayLast", sprintf($ElectricityCalcDev->{system}{DecimalPlace}, ($ElectricityCountReadingValueCurrent)),1);
readingsSingleUpdate( $ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDevice, $ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix . "_CounterMonth1st", sprintf($ElectricityCalcDev->{system}{DecimalPlace}, ($ElectricityCountReadingValueCurrent)),1);
readingsSingleUpdate( $ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDevice, $ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix . "_CounterMonthLast", sprintf($ElectricityCalcDev->{system}{DecimalPlace}, ($ElectricityCountReadingValueCurrent)),1);
readingsSingleUpdate( $ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDevice, $ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix . "_CounterMeter1st", sprintf($ElectricityCalcDev->{system}{DecimalPlace}, ($ElectricityCountReadingValueCurrent)),1);
readingsSingleUpdate( $ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDevice, $ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix . "_CounterMeterLast", sprintf($ElectricityCalcDev->{system}{DecimalPlace}, ($ElectricityCountReadingValueCurrent)),1);
readingsSingleUpdate( $ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDevice, $ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix . "_CounterYear1st", sprintf($ElectricityCalcDev->{system}{DecimalPlace}, ($ElectricityCountReadingValueCurrent)),1);
readingsSingleUpdate( $ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDevice, $ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix . "_CounterYearLast", sprintf($ElectricityCalcDev->{system}{DecimalPlace}, ($ElectricityCountReadingValueCurrent)),1);
readingsSingleUpdate( $ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDevice, "." . $ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix . "_WFRDaySum", 0, 1);
readingsSingleUpdate( $ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDevice, "." . $ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix . "_WFRDayCount", 0, 1);
readingsSingleUpdate( $ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDevice, $ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix . "_WFRDayMin", 0, 1);
readingsSingleUpdate( $ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDevice, $ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix . "_WFRDayMax", 0, 1);
readingsSingleUpdate( $ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDevice, "." . $ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix . "_LastUpdateTimestampUnix", time(), 0);
### Create Log entries for debugging
Log3 $ElectricityCalcName, 5, $ElectricityCalcName. " : ElectricityCalculator - Previous value NOT found. Skipping Loop";
@ -781,6 +873,9 @@ sub ElectricityCalculator_Notify($$)
### Find out whether the reading for the daily start value has not been written yet
if(!defined(ReadingsVal($ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDeviceName, $ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix . "_CounterDay1st", undef)))
### Create Log entries for debugging
Log3 $ElectricityCalcName, 5, $ElectricityCalcName. " : ElectricityCalculator - _CounterDay1st value NOT found!";
### Save current electric Energy as first reading of day = first after midnight and reset min, max value, value counter and value sum
readingsSingleUpdate( $ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDevice, $ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix . "_CounterDay1st", $ElectricityCountReadingValueCurrent, 1);
readingsSingleUpdate( $ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDevice, $ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix . "_CounterDayLast", $ElectricityCountReadingValuePrevious, 1);
@ -868,7 +963,6 @@ sub ElectricityCalculator_Notify($$)
readingsSingleUpdate( $ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDevice, $ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix . "_PowerDayMin", (sprintf($ElectricityCalcDev->{system}{DecimalPlace}, ($ElectricityCalcPowerCurrent ))), 1);
readingsSingleUpdate( $ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDevice, $ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix . "_PowerDayMax", 0 , 1);
### Check whether the current value is the first one after change of month
if ($ElectricityCountReadingTimestampCurrentMday < $ElectricityCountReadingTimestampPreviousMday)
@ -934,7 +1028,7 @@ sub ElectricityCalculator_Notify($$)
Log3 $ElectricityCalcName, 5, $ElectricityCalcName. " : ElectricityCalculator - ElectricityCountReadingTimestampDelta : " . $ElectricityCountReadingTimestampDelta . " s";
### Continue with calculations only if time difference is larger than 1 seconds to avoid "Illegal division by zero" and erroneous due to small values for divisor
if ($ElectricityCountReadingTimestampDelta > 1)
if ($ElectricityCountReadingTimestampDelta > 0)
### Calculate DW (electric Energy difference) of previous and current value / [kWh]
my $ElectricityCountReadingValueDelta = sprintf($ElectricityCalcDev->{system}{DecimalPlace}, ($ElectricityCountReadingValueCurrent)) - sprintf($ElectricityCalcDev->{system}{DecimalPlace}, ($ElectricityCountReadingValuePrevious));
@ -943,7 +1037,7 @@ sub ElectricityCalculator_Notify($$)
### If the value has been changed since the last one
if ($ElectricityCountReadingValueDelta > 0) {
### Save current Timestamp as UNIX epoch into hash if the
readingsSingleUpdate($ElectricityCalcDev, "." . $ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix . "_LastUpdateTimestampUnix", $ElectricityCountReadingTimestampCurrentRelative, 0);
readingsSingleUpdate($ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDevice, "." . $ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix . "_LastUpdateTimestampUnix", $ElectricityCountReadingTimestampCurrentRelative, 0);
### Calculate Current Power P = DW/Dt[kWh/s] * 3600[s/h] * 1000 [1/k] / SiPrefixPowerFactor
@ -1084,7 +1178,7 @@ sub ElectricityCalculator_Notify($$)
### Write reserves at electricity supplier based on monthly advance payments within year of Electricity meter reading
readingsBulkUpdate($ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDevice, $ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix . "_FinanceReserve", sprintf($ElectricityCalcDev->{system}{DecimalPlace}, ($ElectricityCalcReserves)));
### Write current meter reading as sshown on the mechanical meter
### Write current meter reading as shown on the mechanical meter
readingsBulkUpdate($ElectricityCalcReadingDestinationDevice, $ElectricityCalcReadingPrefix . "_CounterCurrent", sprintf($ElectricityCalcDev->{system}{DecimalPlace}, ($ElectricityCountReadingValueCurrent)));
### Write months since last meter reading
@ -1155,7 +1249,12 @@ sub ElectricityCalculator_Notify($$)
<tr><td><a name="ElectricityCalculatorDefine"></a><b>Define</b></td></tr>
<tr><td><ul><code>define &lt;name&gt; ElectricityCalculator &lt;regex&gt;</code></ul></td></tr>
@ -1174,7 +1273,6 @@ sub ElectricityCalculator_Notify($$)
<tr><td><ul>The get - function just returns the individual value of the reading.<BR>The get - function works only for readings which have been stored in the CalculatorDevice.<BR>The Readings being stored in the Counter - Device need to be read individially with <code>get</code> - command.<BR></ul></td></tr>
<tr><td><a name="ElectricityCalculatorAttr"></a><b>Attributes</b></td></tr>
<tr><td><ul>If the below mentioned attributes have not been pre-defined completly beforehand, the program will create the ElectricityCalculator specific attributes with default values.<BR>In addition the global attributes e.g. <a href="#room">room</a> can be used.<BR></ul></td></tr>
@ -1192,6 +1290,7 @@ sub ElectricityCalculator_Notify($$)
<tr><td><ul><ul><a name="SiPrefixPower" ></a><li><b><u><code>SiPrefixPower </code></u></b> : One value of the pre-defined list: W (Watt), kW (Kilowatt), MW (Megawatt) or GW (Gigawatt).<BR>It defines which SI-prefix for the power value shall be used. The power value will be divided accordingly by multiples of 1000.<BR>The default value is W (Watt). <BR></li></ul></ul></td></tr>
<tr><td><ul><ul><a name="DecimalPlace" ></a><li><b><u><code>DecimalPlace </code></u></b> : One value of the pre-defined list 3 to 7.<BR>It defines to which accuracy in decimal places all results shall be calculated.<BR>The default value is 3 = 0.001. <BR></li></ul></ul></td></tr>
<tr><td><a name="ElectricityCalculatorReadings"></a><b>Readings</b></td></tr>
@ -1262,6 +1361,9 @@ sub ElectricityCalculator_Notify($$)
<tr><td><a name="ElectricityCalculatorDefine"></a><b>Define</b></td></tr>
@ -1276,7 +1378,6 @@ sub ElectricityCalculator_Notify($$)
<tr><td><ul>Die set - Funktion erlaubt individuelle Readings zu ver&auml;ndern um beispielsweise nach einem Stromausfall Werte zu korrigieren.<BR>Die set - Funktion funktioniert f&uumlr Readings welche im CalculatorDevice gespeichert wurden und zum update des Offsets zwischen den Z&aumlhlern.<BR>Die Readings welche im Counter - Device gespeichert wurden, m&uumlssen individuell mit <code>set</code> - Befehl gesetzt werden.<BR>Der Befehl "SyncCounter" errechnet und update den Offset. Hierbei einfach den Wert des mechanischen Z&aumlhlers eingeben.<BR></ul></td></tr>
<tr><td><a name="ElectricityCalculatorGet"></a><b>Get</b></td></tr>
<tr><td><ul>Die get - Funktion liefert nur den Wert des jeweiligen Readings zur&uuml;ck.<BR>Die get - Funktion funktioniert nur f&uumlr Readings welche im CalculatorDevice gespeichert wurden.<BR>Die Readings welche im Counter - Device gespeichert wurden, m&uumlssen individuell mit <code>get</code> - Befehl ausgelesen werden.<BR></ul></td></tr>
@ -1299,6 +1400,7 @@ sub ElectricityCalculator_Notify($$)
<tr><td><ul><ul><a name="WFRUnit" ></a><li><b><u><code>SiPrefixPower </code></u></b> : Ein Wert der vorgegebenen Auswahlliste: W (Watt), kW (Kilowatt), MW (Megawatt) or GW (Gigawatt).<BR>Es definiert welcher SI-Prefix verwendet werden soll und teilt die Leistung entsprechend durch ein Vielfaches von 1000.<BR>Der Standard-Wert ist W (Watt). <BR></li></ul></ul></td></tr>
<tr><td><ul><ul><a name="DecimalPlace" ></a><li><b><u><code>DecimalPlace </code></u></b> : Ein Wert der vorgegebenen Auswahlliste von 3 bis 7.<BR>Es definiert die Genauigkeit in Nachkommastellen mit welcher die Ergebnisse berechnet werden.Der Standard-Wert ist 3 = 0,001. <BR></li></ul></ul></td></tr>
<tr><td><a name="ElectricityCalculatorReadings"></a><b>Readings</b></td></tr>