mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 16:56:54 +00:00
00_SIGNALduino.pm: Updated to Version 3.3.1
Updated SD_ProtocolData.pm, removed signalduino_protocols.hash git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@20746 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,27 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- feature: 00_SIGNALduino.pm:
new Internal hasCC1101 added
allows flash nano328 and nanoCC1101 with new bootloader optiboot
allows flash radino with DEF /dev/serial/by-id/
new internal which provides error messages from flash
during flash operation
add special reset for radinoCC1101
added specify arduino hardware type (ESP8266,ESP8266cc1101)
Optimze logging if eventlogging is 0 or unset
add support to flash microcontroller on Windows platform
New protocol TCM 218943, replaced u6 was in development
add definition for Medion OR28V RF Vista Remote Control
- change: 00_SIGNALduino.pm:
attribute ESP1_M is deleted
!! Please define new if hardware defined with old typ !!
remove unneeded get commands from webif for dummys
remove cc1101 get commands if no cc1101 connected
logoutput adjusted to standard -> $name: "sub", "Text"
- bugfix: 00_SIGNALduino.pm:
fix some logging issues with disabled eventlogging
get availableFirmware - fix browser refresh
fixed serval Perlwarning and rare bug that caused fhem to crash
- feature: 77_SMAEM: support of SMA Homemanager 2.0 >= 2.03.4.R, new attribute
- bugfix: 88_Timer: fix PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
##### notice #### or #### info ############################################################################################################
# !!! Between the keys and values no tabs not equal to a width of 8 or please use spaces !!!
# !!! Please use first unused id for new protocols !!!
# ID´s are currently unused: 20 | 54 | 68 | 78
# ID´s are currently unused: 20 | 54 | 78
# ID´s need to be revised (preamble u): 5|6|19|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|31|36|40|42|52|56|59|63
# Please provide at least three messages for each new MU/MC/MS protocol and a URL of issue in GitHub or discussion in FHEM Forum
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '1.06';
our $VERSION = '1.10';
our %protocols = (
"0" => ## various weather sensors (500 | 9100)
# ABS700 | Id:79 T: 3.3 Bat:low MS;P1=-7949;P2=492;P3=-1978;P4=-3970;D=21232423232424242423232323232324242423232323232424;CP=2;SP=1;R=245;O;
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
length_max => '34', # Don't know maximal lenth of a valid message
paddingbits => '8', # pad up to 8 bits, default is 4
"3" => ## itv1 - remote with IC PT2262 example: ELRO | REWE | Intertek Modell 1946518 | WOFI Lamp
"3" => ## itv1 - remote with IC PT2262 example: ELRO | REWE | Intertek Modell 1946518 | WOFI Lamp // PIR JCHENG with Wireless Coding EV1527
## (real CP=300 | repeatpause=9300)
# REWE Model: 0175926R -> on | v1 MS;P1=-905;P2=896;P3=-317;P4=303;P5=-9299;D=45412341414123412341414123412341234141412341414123;CP=4;SP=5;R=91;A;#;
## (real CP=330 | repeatpause=10100)
@ -224,9 +224,16 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
# door/window switch from CHN (PT2262 compatible) from amazon & ebay | itswitch_CHN model
# open MS;P1=-478;P2=1360;P3=468;P4=-1366;P5=-14045;D=35212134212134343421212134213434343434343421342134;CP=3;SP=5;R=30;O;m2;4;
# close MS;P1=-474;P2=1373;P3=455;P4=-1367;P5=-14044;D=35212134212134343421212134213434343434343421212134;CP=3;SP=5;R=37;O;m2;
# (only autocreate -> J2 Data setting D0 open | D1 closed | D2 closed | D3 open)
# on MS;P1=-12541;P2=1227;P3=-405;P4=407;P5=-1209;D=41232323232345452323454523452323234545234545232345;CP=4;SP=1;R=35;O;m2;E;
## benon (Semexo OHG) | remote BH-P with 5 Channels, switch B2112 | Amazon
## (real CP=160) chip HS2260C-R4 | length 24
# on MS;P0=160;P4=-542;P5=515;P6=-174;P7=-5406;D=07040404560404045604560456045604560404565604045656;CP=0;SP=7;R=24;O;m2;
# off MS;P1=-538;P2=163;P3=518;P4=-175;P5=-5396;D=25212121342121213421342134213421342121343434342121;CP=2;SP=5;R=31;O;m2;4;
name => 'chip xx2262',
comment => 'remote for ELRO|Kangtai|Intertek|REWE|WOFI',
name => 'chip xx2260 / xx2262',
comment => 'remote for benon|ELRO|Kangtai|Intertek|REWE|WOFI / PIR JCHENG',
id => '3',
knownFreqs => '433.92',
one => [3,-1],
@ -307,24 +314,26 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
length_min => '24', # ?
length_max => '24', # ?
"6" => ## Eurochron Protocol
# u6#B1002A022 MS;P1=-7982;P2=262;P3=-1949;P4=-948;D=21232423232424242324242424242424242424232424232323242424242424232424242324;CP=2;SP=1;R=249;O;m2;
# u6#B1002A022 MS;P0=254;P1=-7990;P2=-1935;P3=-950;D=01020302020303030203030303030303030303020302030203030303030303020303030203;CP=0;SP=1;R=248;O;m2;
"6" => ## TCM 218943, Eurochron
# https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/692 @ Ralf9 2019-11-15
# T:22.9, H:24 MS;P0=-970;P1=254;P3=-1983;P4=-8045;D=14101310131010101310101010101010101010101313101010101010101313131010131013;CP=1;SP=4;
# T:22.7, H:23, tx MS;P0=-2054;P1=236;P2=-1032;P3=-7760;D=13121012101212121012121210121212121212121012101010121212121010101212121010;CP=1;SP=3;
name => 'weather',
comment => 'unknown sensor is under development',
name => 'TCM 218943',
comment => 'Weatherstation TCM 218943, Eurochron',
id => '6',
knownFreqs => '',
one => [1,-10],
zero => [1,-5],
sync => [1,-36], # This special device has no sync
clockabs => 220, # -1 = auto
format => 'twostate', # tristate can't be migrated from bin into hex!
preamble => 'u6#', # Append to converted message
#clientmodule => '',
#modulematch => '^u......',
length_min => '24',
#length_max => '36', # missing
knownFreqs => '434.92',
one => [1,-5],
zero => [1,-10],
sync => [1,-32],
clockabs => 248,
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 's', # prepend to converted message
postamble => '00', # append to converted message
clientmodule => 'CUL_TCM97001',
length_min => '36', # sync, postamble und paddingbits werden nicht mitgezaehlt
length_max => '36', # sync, postamble und paddingbits werden nicht mitgezaehlt
paddingbits => '8', # pad up to 8 bits, default is 4
"7" => ## weather sensors like EAS800z
# Ch:1 T: 19.8 H: 11 Bat:low MS;P1=-3882;P2=504;P3=-957;P4=-1949;D=21232424232323242423232323232323232424232323242423242424242323232324232424;CP=2;SP=1;R=249;m=2;
@ -374,13 +383,13 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
zero => [3,-2],
one => [1,-2],
clockabs => 480, # -1 = auto undef=noclock
#reconstructBit => '1',
format => 'pwm', # tristate can't be migrated from bin into hex!
preamble => 'P9#', # prepend to converted message
clientmodule => 'SD_WS09',
#modulematch => '^u9#.....',
length_min => '60',
length_max => '120',
reconstructBit => '1',
"10" => ## Oregon Scientific 2
@ -877,11 +886,14 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
# P32#154FFF | ring MU;P0=-6676;P1=578;P2=-278;P4=-680;P5=176;P6=-184;D=541654165412545412121212121212121212121250545454125412541254125454121212121212121212121212;CP=1;R=0;
# P32#154FFF | ring MU;P0=146;P1=245;P3=571;P4=-708;P5=-284;P7=-6689;D=14351435143514143535353535353535353535350704040435043504350435040435353535353535353535353507040404350435043504350404353535353535353535353535070404043504350435043504043535353535353535353535350704040435043504350435040435353535353535353535353507040404350435;CP=3;R=0;O;
# P32#154FFF | ring MU;P0=-6680;P1=162;P2=-298;P4=253;P5=-699;P6=555;D=45624562456245456262626262626262626262621015151562156215621562151562626262626262626262626210151515621562156215621515626262626262626262626262;CP=6;R=0;
## VLOXO Wireless Türklingel
# https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/655 @schwatter
# P32#7ED403 | ring MU;P0=130;P1=-666;P2=533;P3=-273;P5=-6200;CP=0;R=15;D=01232301230123010101010101010123230501232323232323012323012301230101010101010101232305012323232323230123230123012301010101010101012323050123232323232301232301230123010101010101010123230501232323232323012323012301230101010101010101232305012323232323230123;O;
name => 'FreeTec PE-6946',
comment => 'wireless doorbell',
name => 'wireless doorbell',
comment => 'FreeTec PE-6946 / VLOXO',
id => '32',
knownFreqs => '',
knownFreqs => '433.92',
one => [4,-2],
zero => [1,-5],
start => [1,-45], # neuerdings MU Erknnung
@ -1257,13 +1269,15 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
length_min => '14', # ???
length_max => '18',
"47" => ## Maverick
"47" => ## Maverick ET-732, ET-733; TFA 14.1504
# https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/61
# Food: 23 BBQ: 22 MC;LL=-507;LH=490;SL=-258;SH=239;D=AA9995599599A959996699A969;C=248;L=104;
# https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/167
name => 'Maverick',
comment => 'BBQ / food thermometer',
id => '47',
knownFreqs => '',
knownFreqs => '433.92',
clockrange => [180,260],
format => 'manchester',
preamble => 'P47#', # prepend to converted message
@ -1387,6 +1401,27 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
method => \&main::SIGNALduino_OSPIR, # Call to process this message
polarity => 'invert',
"53" => ## Lidl AURIOL AHFL 433 B2 IAN 314695
# https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/663 @Kreidler1221 05.10.2019
# IAN 314695 Id:07 Ch:1 T:24.2 H:59 MS;P1=611;P2=-2075;P3=-4160;P4=-9134;D=14121212121213131312121212121212121313131312121312121313131213131212131212131213121213;CP=1;SP=4;R=0;O;m2;
# IAN 314695 Id:07 Ch:1 T:22.3 H:61 MS;P1=608;P2=-2074;P3=-4138;P4=-9138;D=14121212121213131312121212121212121313121313131313121313131312131212131212131313121212;CP=1;SP=4;R=0;O;m1;
# IAN 314695 Id:07 Ch:2 T:18.4 H:70 MS;P0=606;P1=-2075;P2=-4136;P3=-9066;D=03010101010102020201010102010101010201020202010101020101010202010101020101020201010202;CP=0;SP=3;R=0;O;m2;
name => 'AHFL 433 B2',
comment => 'Auriol weatherstation IAN 314695',
id => '53',
knownFreqs => '433.92',
one => [1,-7],
zero => [1,-3.5],
sync => [1,-15],
clockabs => 600,
format => 'twostate', # not used now
preamble => 'W53#',
clientmodule => 'SD_WS',
modulematch => '^W53#.*',
length_min => '42',
length_max => '44',
"55" => ## QUIGG GT-1000
name => 'QUIGG_GT-1000',
@ -1651,9 +1686,28 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
length_max => '34',
postDemodulation => \&main::SIGNALduino_postDemo_WS7053,
# "68" => can use
"68" => ## Medion OR28V RF Vista Remote Control (Made in china by X10)
# sendet zwei verschiedene Codes pro Taste
# Taste ok 739E0 MS;P1=-1746;P2=513;P3=-571;P4=-4612;P5=2801;D=24512321212123232121212323212121212323232323;CP=2;SP=4;R=58;#;#;
# Taste ok F31E0 MS;P1=-1712;P2=518;P3=-544;P4=-4586;P5=2807;D=24512121212123232121232323212121212323232323;CP=2;SP=4;R=58;m2;#;#;
# Taste Vol+ E00B0 MS;P1=-1620;P2=580;P3=-549;P4=-4561;P5=2812;D=24512121212323232323232323232123212123232323;CP=2;SP=4;R=69;O;m2;#;#;
# Taste Vol+ 608B0 MS;P1=-1645;P2=574;P3=-535;P4=-4556;P5=2811;D=24512321212323232323212323232123212123232323;CP=2;SP=4;R=57;m2;#;#;
name => 'OR28V',
comment => 'Medion OR28V RF Vista Remote Control',
id => '68',
knownFreqs => '433.92',
one => [1,-3],
zero => [1,-1],
sync => [1,-8,5,-3],
clockabs => 550,
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'P68#',
clientmodule => 'SD_UT',
modulematch => '^P68#.{5}',
length_min => '20',
length_max => '20',
"69" => ## Hoermann HSM2, HSM4, HS1-868-BS (868 MHz)
# https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/149
# HSM4 | button_1 MU;P0=-508;P1=1029;P2=503;P3=-1023;P4=12388;D=01010232323232310104010101010101010102323231010232310231023232323231023101023101010231010101010232323232310104010101010101010102323231010232310231023232323231023101023101010231010101010232323232310104010101010101010102323231010232310231023232323231023101;CP=2;R=37;O;
@ -2146,15 +2200,27 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
length_min => '72', # 72
length_max => '85', # 85
"88" => ## Roto Dachfensterrolladen | Aurel Fernbedienung "TX-nM-HCS" (HCS301 Chip) | three buttons -> up, stop, down
"88" => ## Roto Dachfensterrolladen | Aurel Fernbedienung "TX-nM-HCS" (HCS301 chip) | three buttons -> up, stop, down
# https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,91244.0.html @bruen985
# P88#AC3895D790EAFEF2C | button=0100 MS;P1=361;P2=-435;P4=-4018;P5=-829;P6=759;P7=-16210;D=141562156215156262626215151562626215626215621562151515621562151515156262156262626215151562156215621515151515151562151515156262156215171212121212121212121212;CP=1;SP=4;R=66;O;m0;
# P88#9451E57890EAFEF24 | button=0100 MS;P0=-16052;P1=363;P2=-437;P3=-4001;P4=-829;P5=755;D=131452521452145252521452145252521414141452521452145214141414525252145252145252525214141452145214521414141414141452141414145252145252101212121212121212121212;CP=1;SP=3;R=51;O;m1;
# Waeco_MA650_TX | too buttons
# KeeLoq is a registered trademark of Microchip Technology Inc.
## remote control Waeco MA650_TX (HCS300 chip) | two buttons
# P88#4A823F65482822040 | button=blue MS;P0=344;P3=-429;P4=-3926;P5=719;P6=-823;P7=-15343;D=045306535306530653065353535353065353530606060606065306065353065306530653530653535353530653065353535353065353530653535353535306535353570303030303030303030303;CP=0;SP=4;R=38;O;m2;0;0;
## remote control RADEMACHER RP-S1-HS-RF11 (HCS301 chip) fuer Garagentorantrieb RolloPort S1 with two buttons
# https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/612 @ D3ltorohd 20.07.2019
# Firmware: Signalduino V SIGNALduino cc1101 - compiled at Jan 10 2019 20:13:56
# P88#7EFDFFDDF9C284E4C | button=0010 MS;P1=735;P2=-375;P3=377;P4=-752;P6=-3748;D=3612343434343434123434343434341234343434343434343434341234343412343434343434121234343412121212341234121212123412123434341212341212343;CP=3;SP=6;R=42;e;m1;
# P88#C2C85435F9C284E18 | button=1000 MS;P1=385;P2=-375;P3=-3756;P4=-745;P5=766;P6=-15000;D=131414525252521452141452521452525252145214521452525252141452145214141414141452521414145252525214521452525252145252141414525252521414561212121212121212121212;CP=1;SP=3;R=54;O;s=36;m0;
## remote control SCS Sentinel - PR3-4207-002 (HCS300 chip) | four buttons
# https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/616
# P88#0A8423F39D6020044 | button=one MS;P0=844;P1=-4230;P2=420;P4=-860;P6=-17704;P7=-439;D=210707070724072407240707070724070707072407070724242424242407072424240707242424072407242407070707070707240707070707070707070724070707262727272727272727272727;CP=2;SP=1;R=18;O;s=36;m0;
# P88#00C7922B9D6020024 | button=two MS;P1=417;P3=847;P4=-442;P5=-858;P7=-4258;D=1734343434343434341515343434151515153434153434153434341534153415151534341515153415341515343434343434341534343434343434343434341534341;CP=1;SP=7;R=25;e;m1;
# P88#F82542039D6020014 | button=three MS;P0=-855;P1=852;P2=-433;P3=432;P5=-17236;P6=-4250;D=363030303030121212121230121230123012301212121230121212121212123030301212303030123012303012121212121212301212121212121212121212123012353232323232323232323232;CP=3;SP=6;R=29;O;s=36;m0;
# P88#DB06531F9D6020084 | button=four MS;P0=-17496;P1=435;P2=-438;P4=-4269;P5=-845;P6=850;D=141515621515621515626262626215156262156215626215156262621515151515156262151515621562151562626262626262156262626262626262621562626262101212121212121212121212;CP=1;SP=4;R=34;O;m1;
## KeeLoq is a registered trademark of Microchip Technology Inc.
name => 'Roto shutter | other',
comment => 'remote control Aurel TX-nM-HCS | Waeco_MA650_TX',
name => 'HCS300/HCS301',
comment => 'remote controls Aurel TX-nM-HCS, Rademacher RP-S1-HS-RF11, SCS Sentinel PR3-4207-002, Waeco MA650_TX',
id => '88',
knownFreqs => '433.92',
one => [1,-2], # PWM bit pulse width typ. 1.2 mS
@ -2162,12 +2228,11 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
preSync => [1,-1, 1,-1, 1,-1, 1,-1, 1,-1, 1,-1, 1,-1, 1,-1, 1,-1, 1,-1, 1,-1,], # 11 pulses preambel, 1 sync, 66 data, pause ... repeat
sync => [1,-10], # Header duration typ. 4 mS
pause => [-39], # Guard Time typ. 15.6 mS
clockabs => 400, # Basic pulse element typ. 0.4 mS (TABLE 8-4)
clockabs => 400, # Basic pulse element typ. 0.4 mS (Timings from table CODE WORD TRANSMISSION TIMING REQUIREMENTS in PDF)
reconstructBit => '1',
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'P88#', # prepend to converted message
preamble => 'P88#',
clientmodule => 'SD_Keeloq',
#modulematch => '',
length_min => '65',
length_max => '78',
@ -2204,7 +2269,7 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
# B AUS MS;P1=268;P3=793;P4=-337;P6=-871;P7=-10159;D=17163416161616343434341616341634341616161634341616341634161616343416;CP=1;SP=7;R=24;O;m2;
name => 'mumbi | MANAX',
comment => 'remote control mumbi RC-10, MANAX MX-RCS250 (only receive)',
comment => 'remote control mumbi RC-10, MANAX MX-RCS250',
id => '90',
knownFreqs => '433.92',
one => [3,-1],
@ -2346,23 +2411,28 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
length_min => '50',
length_max => '50',
"96" => # Funk-Gong | Taster Grothe Mistral SE 03.1 , Innenteil Grothe Mistral 200M(E)
"96" => # Funk-Gong | Taster Grothe Mistral SE 03.1 / 01.1, Innenteil Grothe Mistral 200M(E)
# https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,64251.msg940593.html?PHPSESSID=nufcvvjobdd8r7rgr0cq3qkrv0#msg940593 @coolheizer
# Button_1 MC;LL=-424;LH=438;SL=-215;SH=212;D=238823B1001F8;C=214;L=49;R=68;
# Button_2 MC;LL=-412;LH=458;SL=-187;SH=240;D=238129D9A78;C=216;L=41;R=241;
# SD_BELL_104762 Alarm MC;LL=-430;LH=418;SL=-216;SH=226;D=23C823B1401F8;C=214;L=49;R=53;
# SD_BELL_104762 ring MC;LL=-439;LH=419;SL=-221;SH=212;D=238823B1001F8;C=215;L=49;R=69;
# SD_BELL_104762 ring low bat MC;LL=-433;LH=424;SL=-214;SH=210;D=238823B100248;C=213;L=49;R=65;
# SD_BELL_0253B3 Alarm MC;LL=-407;LH=451;SL=-195;SH=239;D=23C129D9E78;C=215;L=41;R=241;
# SD_BELL_0253B3 ring MC;LL=-412;LH=458;SL=-187;SH=240;D=238129D9A78;C=216;L=41;R=241;
# SD_BELL_024DB5 Alarm MC;LL=-415;LH=454;SL=-200;SH=226;D=23C126DAE58;C=215;L=41;R=246;
# SD_BELL_024DB5 ring MC;LL=-409;LH=448;SL=-172;SH=262;D=238126DAA58;C=215;L=41;R=238;
name => 'Grothe Mistral',
comment => 'wireless gong',
name => 'Grothe Mistral SE',
comment => 'Wireless doorbell Grothe Mistral SE 01.1 or 03.1',
id => '96',
knownFreqs => '866.35',
clockrange => [210,220], # min , max
format => 'manchester', # tristate can't be migrated from bin into hex!
#clientmodule => '',
#modulematch => '^u96#',
preamble => 'u96#',
length_min => '41',
knownFreqs => '868.35',
clockrange => [170,260],
format => 'manchester',
clientmodule => 'SD_BELL',
modulematch => '^P96#',
preamble => 'P96#',
length_min => '40',
length_max => '49',
method => \&lib::SD_Protocols::MCRAW, # Call to process this message
method => \&main::SIGNALduino_GROTHE,
sub getProtocolList {
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Reference in New Issue
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