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95_Dashboard.pm: contrib 3.17.2

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@25941 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
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nasseeder1 2022-04-10 08:02:02 +00:00
parent e7138f6a06
commit 984c6ce1d5

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@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# $Id: 95_Dashboard.pm 20323 2019-10-06 20:12:38Z DS_Starter $
# $Id: 95_Dashboard.pm 21180 2020-02-11 21:04:55Z DS_Starter $
# 95_Dashboard.pm
# written and released by Sascha Hermann 2013
# maintained 2019 by Heiko Maaz
# maintained 2019-2022 by Heiko Maaz
# e-mail: Heiko dot Maaz at t-online dot de
# This script is part of fhem.
@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ use vars qw($FW_ss); # is smallscreen, needed by 97_GROUP/95_VIEW
# Versions History intern
our %Dashboard_vNotesIntern = (
"3.17.2" => "10.04.2022 fix perl warnings, Forum: #127216 ",
"3.17.1" => "10.02.2020 fix perl warning, Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,16503.msg1023004.html#msg1023004 ",
"3.17.0" => "06.10.2019 Path handling of backgroundimage changed ",
"3.16.0" => "04.10.2019 new attribute dashboard_hideGroupHeader, commandref revised ",
@ -182,13 +183,16 @@ sub Dashboard_Set($@) {
if ( $cmd eq "lock" ) {
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "lockstate", "lock", 0);
} elsif ( $cmd eq "unlock" ) {
elsif ( $cmd eq "unlock" ) {
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "lockstate", "unlock", 0);
} elsif ( $cmd eq "activateTab" ) {
elsif ( $cmd eq "activateTab" ) {
Dashboard_activateTab ($name,$args[0]);
} else {
else {
return $setlist;
@ -220,30 +224,35 @@ sub Dashboard_Get($@) {
my @iconFolders = split(":", AttrVal($FW_wname, "iconPath", "$FW_sp:default:fhemSVG:openautomation"));
my $iconDirs = "";
foreach my $idir (@iconFolders) {$iconDirs .= "$attr{global}{modpath}/www/images/".$idir.",";}
for my $idir (@iconFolders) {$iconDirs .= "$attr{global}{modpath}/www/images/".$idir.",";}
$res .= " \"icondirs\": \"$iconDirs\", \"dashboard_tabcount\": " . Dashboard_GetTabCount($hash, 0). ", \"dashboard_homeTab\": " . Dashboard_GetActiveTab($name);
$res .= ($i != $x) ? ",\n" : "\n";
foreach my $attr (sort keys %$attrdata) {
for my $attr (sort keys %$attrdata) {
@splitattr = split("@", $attrdata->{$attr});
if (@splitattr == 2) {
$res .= " \"".Dashboard_Escape($attr)."\": \"".$splitattr[0]."\",\n";
$res .= " \"".Dashboard_Escape($attr)."color\": \"".$splitattr[1]."\"";
} elsif ($attr ne "dashboard_homeTab") {
elsif ($attr ne "dashboard_homeTab") {
$res .= " \"".Dashboard_Escape($attr)."\": \"".$attrdata->{$attr}."\"";
} else {
else {
$res .= ($i != $x) ? ",\n" : "\n";
$res .= " }\n";
$res .= "}\n";
return $res;
} elsif ($arg eq "groupWidget") {
elsif ($arg eq "groupWidget") {
#### Comming Soon ######
# For dynamic load of GroupWidgets from JavaScript
#my $dbgroup = "";
@ -255,18 +264,18 @@ sub Dashboard_Get($@) {
#$res .= Dashboard_BuildGroupWidgets(1,1,1212,trim($dbgroup),"t1c1,".trim($dbgroup).",true,0,0:");
#return $res;
#For dynamic loading of tabs
} elsif ($arg eq "tab" && $arg2 =~ /^\d+$/) {
elsif ($arg eq "tab" && $arg2 =~ /^\d+$/) {
return Dashboard_BuildDashboardTab($arg2, $hash->{NAME});
} elsif ($arg eq "icon") {
elsif ($arg eq "icon") {
shift @a;
shift @a;
return "Please provide only one icon whose path and full name is to show." if(!@a || $a[1]);
my $icon = join (' ', @a);
return FW_iconPath($icon);
} else {
else {
return "Unknown argument $arg choose one of config:noArg icon";
@ -304,11 +313,14 @@ sub Dashboard_Attr($$$) {
if ($aName =~ m/dashboard_(.*)backgroundimage/) {
my $ct = "";
if (!$1) {
$ct = "MAIN";
} else {
else {
$ct = $1;
delete $hash->{HELPER}{BIMG}{$ct};
if($cmd eq "set") {
Dashboard_searchImage($name, "$FW_dir/images", $aVal,$ct);
@ -363,7 +375,7 @@ return $ret;
# Common Start
sub Dashboard_CGI($) {
my ($htmlarg) = @_;
my $htmlarg = shift;
$htmlarg =~ s/^\///; # eliminate leading /
my @params = split(/\//,$htmlarg); # split URL by /
@ -378,12 +390,14 @@ sub Dashboard_CGI($) {
if ($showfullsize) {
if ($FW_RET =~ m/<body[^>]*class="([^"]+)"[^>]*>/) {
$FW_RET =~ s/class="$1"/class="$1 dashboard_fullsize"/;
} else {
else {
$FW_RET =~ s/<body/<body class="dashboard_fullsize"/;
$ret .= Dashboard_SummaryFN($FW_wname,$name,$FW_room,undef);
} else {
else {
$ret .= 'Dashboard "'.$name.'" not found';
@ -400,7 +414,7 @@ return 0;
# Dashboard als HTML-Ausgabe
sub DashboardAsHtml($) {
my ($d) = @_;
my $d = shift;
@ -419,6 +433,7 @@ sub Dashboard_SummaryFN ($$$$) {
my $id = $defs{$d}{NR};
######################### Read Dashboard Attributes and set Default-Values ####################################
my $showtabs = AttrVal($name, "dashboard_showtabs", "tabs-and-buttonbar-at-the-top");
my $lockstate = ReadingsVal($name, "lockstate", "unlock");
my $showhelper = ($lockstate eq "unlock") ? 1 : 0;
my $disable = AttrVal($name, "disable", 0);
@ -427,7 +442,6 @@ sub Dashboard_SummaryFN ($$$$) {
my $colheight = AttrVal($name, "dashboard_rowcenterheight", 400);
my $rowtopheight = AttrVal($name, "dashboard_rowtopheight", 250);
my $rowbottomheight = AttrVal($name, "dashboard_rowbottomheight", 250);
my $showtabs = AttrVal($name, "dashboard_showtabs", "tabs-and-buttonbar-at-the-top");
my $showtogglebuttons = AttrVal($name, "dashboard_showtogglebuttons", 1);
my $showfullsize = AttrVal($name, "dashboard_showfullsize", 0);
my $flexible = AttrVal($name, "dashboard_flexible", 0);
@ -469,7 +483,8 @@ sub Dashboard_SummaryFN ($$$$) {
for (my $i=0;$i<@tabsortings;$i++){
if (($tabsortings[$i-1] !~ /[0-9]+/ || $tabsortings[$i-1] !~ /:/ || $tabsortings[$i-1] !~ /,/ ) && ($tabsortings[$i-1] ne "," && $tabsortings[$i-1] ne "")) {
Log3 ($name, 3, "Dashboard $name - Value of attribut dashboard_tab".$i."sorting is wrong. Saved sorting can not be set. Fix Value or delete the Attribute. [".$tabsortings[$i-1]."]");
} else {
else {
Log3 ($name, 5, "Dashboard $name - Sorting OK or Empty: dashboard_tab".$i."sorting");
@ -546,8 +561,8 @@ sub Dashboard_SummaryFN ($$$$) {
$ret .= "</div>";
$ret .= "</td></tr>\n";
$ret .= "</table>\n";
} else {
else {
$ret .= "<table>";
$ret .= "<tr><td><div class=\"devType\">".$hash->{TYPE}."</div></td></tr>";
$ret .= "<tr><td><table id=\"TYPE_".$hash->{TYPE}."\" class=\"block wide\">";
@ -596,22 +611,25 @@ sub Dashboard_BuildDashboardTab ($$) {
# separate groups for every device they are containing
for my $devicegroup (@temptabdevicegroup) {
my @groupparts = split(':', $devicegroup);
if (@groupparts == 1) {
my @devices = map { $_ . '$$$' . $_ } devspec2array($groupparts[0]);
push(@tabdevicegroups, @devices);
} else {
else {
push(@tabdevicegroups, $devicegroup);
my $groups = Dashboard_GetGroupList();
$groups =~ s/#/ /g;
my @groups = split(',', $groups);
my @temptabgroup = split(",", $tabgroups);
my @groups = split ',', $groups;
my @temptabgroup = split ',', $tabgroups;
# resolve group names from regular expressions
for (my $i=0;$i<@temptabgroup;$i++) {
my @stabgroup = split(":", trim($temptabgroup[$i]));
my @stabgroup = split ":", trim($temptabgroup[$i]);
next if(!$stabgroup[0]);
my @index = grep { $groups[$_] eq $stabgroup[0] } (0 .. @groups-1);
if (@index == 0) {
@ -623,9 +641,11 @@ sub Dashboard_BuildDashboardTab ($$) {
for (my $j=0; $j<@index;$j++) {
my $groupname = @groups[$index[$j]];
$groupname .= '$$$'.'a:group='.$groupname;
if (@stabgroup > 1) {
$groupname .= '$$$'.$stabgroup[1];
@ -749,7 +769,7 @@ sub Dashboard_BuildGroupWidgets ($$$$$$) {
my %groups = ();
my @groupnames = ();
foreach (split(":", $groupsorting)) {
for (split(":", $groupsorting)) {
my @parts = split (',', $_);
$sorting{$parts[1]} = $_;
# add group names to a list to have the correct order afterwards in the foreach loop
@ -760,7 +780,7 @@ sub Dashboard_BuildGroupWidgets ($$$$$$) {
my @devicegroups = split('§§§', $devicegroups);
# sort the devices into a hash to be able to access them via group name
foreach my $singlegroup (@devicegroups) {
for my $singlegroup (@devicegroups) {
# make sure that splitting with colon is not destroying the devspec that might
# also contain a colon followed by a filter
my ($groupname, $groupdevices, $groupicon) = split(/\$\$\$/, $singlegroup);
@ -771,7 +791,7 @@ sub Dashboard_BuildGroupWidgets ($$$$$$) {
my $groupicon = '';
foreach my $groupname (@groupnames) {
for my $groupname (@groupnames) {
next if (!defined($groups{$groupname}));
my ($groupdevices, $groupicon) = @{$groups{$groupname}};
@ -793,10 +813,10 @@ sub Dashboard_BuildGroupList ($) {
my @dashboardgroups = split(",", $_[0]); #array for all groups to build an widget
my %group = ();
foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) {
foreach my $grp (split(",", AttrVal($d, "group", ""))) {
for my $d (sort keys %defs) {
for my $grp (split(",", AttrVal($d, "group", ""))) {
$grp = trim($grp);
foreach my $g (@dashboardgroups){
for my $g (@dashboardgroups){
my ($gtitle, $iconName) = split(":", trim($g));
my $titleMatch = "^" . quotemeta($gtitle) . "\$";
$group{$grp}{$d} = 1 if($grp =~ $titleMatch);
@ -812,9 +832,10 @@ return %group;
sub Dashboard_GetGroupList() {
my %allGroups = ();
foreach my $d (keys %defs ) {
for my $d (keys %defs ) {
next if(IsIgnored($d));
foreach my $g (split(",", AttrVal($d, "group", ""))) { $allGroups{$g}{$d} = 1; }
for my $g (split(",", AttrVal($d, "group", ""))) { $allGroups{$g}{$d} = 1; }
my $ret = join(",", sort map { $_ =~ s/ /#/g ;$_} keys %allGroups);
@ -855,7 +876,7 @@ sub Dashboard_BuildGroup ($$$$$$) {
# sort the devices in alphabetical order by sortby, alias, name
@devices = sort { lc(AttrVal($a,'sortby',AttrVal($a,'alias',$a))) cmp lc(AttrVal($b,'sortby',AttrVal($b,'alias',$b))) } @devices;
foreach my $d (@devices) {
for my $d (@devices) {
next if (!defined($defs{$d}));
@ -870,7 +891,8 @@ sub Dashboard_BuildGroup ($$$$$$) {
if (!$modules{$defs{$d}{TYPE}}{FW_atPageEnd}) { # Don't show Link for "atEnd"-devices
if(AttrVal($name, "dashboard_noLinks", 0)) {
$ret .= "<td>$icon$devName</td>"; # keine Links zur Detailansicht des Devices
} else {
else {
$ret .= FW_pH ("detail=$d", "$icon$devName", 1, "col1", 1); # FW_pH = add href (<link>, <Text>, <?>, <class>, <Wert zurückgeben>, <?>)
@ -887,13 +909,16 @@ sub Dashboard_BuildGroup ($$$$$$) {
no strict "refs";
my $devret = &{$modules{$defs{$d}{TYPE}}{FW_summaryFn}}($FW_wname, $d, $FW_room, \%extPage);
$ret .= "<td class=\"dashboard_dev_container\"";
if ($devret !~ /informId/i) {
$ret .= " informId=\"$d\"";
$ret .= ">$devret</td>";
use strict "refs";
} else {
else {
$ret .= "<td informId=\"$d\">$txt</td>";
@ -902,29 +927,34 @@ sub Dashboard_BuildGroup ($$$$$$) {
if((!$FW_ss || $smallscreenCommands) && $cmdlist) {
my @a = split("[: ]", AttrVal($d, "cmdIcon", ""));
my %cmdIcon = @a;
foreach my $cmd (split(":", $cmdlist)) {
for my $cmd (split(":", $cmdlist)) {
my $htmlTxt;
my @c = split(' ', $cmd);
if(int(@c) && $allSets && $allSets =~ m/\b$c[0]:([^ ]*)/) {
my $values = $1;
foreach my $fn (sort keys %{$data{webCmdFn}}) {
for my $fn (sort keys %{$data{webCmdFn}}) {
no strict "refs";
$htmlTxt = &{$data{webCmdFn}{$fn}}($FW_wname, $d, $FW_room, $cmd, $values);
use strict "refs";
last if(defined($htmlTxt));
if($htmlTxt) {
# add colspan to avoid squeezed table cells
$htmlTxt =~ s/<td>/<td colspan="10">/;
$ret .= $htmlTxt;
} else {
else {
my $nCmd = $cmdIcon{$cmd} ?
FW_makeImage($cmdIcon{$cmd},$cmd,"webCmd") : $cmd;
$ret .= FW_pH "cmd.$d=set $d $cmd$rf", $nCmd, 1, "col3", 1;
$ret .= "</tr>";
if(AttrVal($name, "dashboard_noLinks", 0)) {
$ret =~ s/(<a\s+href="\/fhem\?detail=$d">(.*)<\/a>)/$2/s; # keine Links zur Detailansicht des Devices
@ -965,7 +995,7 @@ return $maxcolid;
sub Dashboard_CheckDashboardEntry ($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $hash = shift;
my $now = time();
my $timeToExec = $now + 5;
@ -979,7 +1009,7 @@ return;
# replaces old disused attributes and their values | set minimal attributes
sub Dashboard_CheckDashboardAttributUssage($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $hash = shift;
my $d = $hash->{NAME};
my $dashboardversion = $hash->{HELPER}{VERSION};
my $detailnote = "";
@ -1050,7 +1080,7 @@ sub Dashboard_GetActiveTab ($;$) {
my $maxTab = Dashboard_GetTabCount($defs{$name}, 1);
my $activeTab = 1;
foreach my $key (%FW_httpheader) {
for my $key (%FW_httpheader) {
Log3 ($name, 5, "Dashboard $name - FW_httpheader $key: ".$FW_httpheader{$key}) if(defined $FW_httpheader{$key});
@ -1059,13 +1089,15 @@ sub Dashboard_GetActiveTab ($;$) {
# my %cookie = map({ split('=', $_) } split(/; */, $FW_httpheader{Cookie}));
my %cookie; # 10.02.2020, Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,16503.msg1023004.html#msg1023004
foreach (split(/; */, $FW_httpheader{Cookie})) {
for (split(/; */, $FW_httpheader{Cookie})) {
my ($k,$v) = split('=', $_);
next if(!defined $v);
$cookie{$k} = $v;
Log3($name, 5, "Dashboard $name - Cookie Hash: ". Dumper %cookie);
if (defined($cookie{dashboard_activetab})) {
$activeTab = $cookie{dashboard_activetab};
$activeTab = ($activeTab <= $maxTab)?$activeTab:$maxTab;
@ -1080,7 +1112,8 @@ sub Dashboard_GetActiveTab ($;$) {
if($gtn) {
return ($tabno,$tabname);
} else {
else {
return $tabno;
@ -1093,6 +1126,7 @@ sub Dashboard_possibleTabs ($) {
my $f;
my $maxTab = Dashboard_GetTabCount($defs{$name}, 1);
for my $i (1..$maxTab) {
$f .= "," if($f);
$f .= $i;
@ -1116,16 +1150,21 @@ sub Dashboard_setVersionInfo($) {
if($modules{$type}{META}{x_prereqs_src} && !$hash->{HELPER}{MODMETAABSENT}) { # META-Daten sind vorhanden
$modules{$type}{META}{version} = "v".$v; # Version aus META.json überschreiben, Anzeige mit {Dumper $modules{SMAPortal}{META}}
if($modules{$type}{META}{x_version}) { # {x_version} ( nur gesetzt wenn $Id: 95_Dashboard.pm 20323 2019-10-06 20:12:38Z DS_Starter $ im Kopf komplett! vorhanden )
if($modules{$type}{META}{x_version}) { # {x_version} ( nur gesetzt wenn $Id: 95_Dashboard.pm 21180 2020-02-11 21:04:55Z DS_Starter $ im Kopf komplett! vorhanden )
$modules{$type}{META}{x_version} =~ s/1.1.1/$v/g;
} else {
else {
$modules{$type}{META}{x_version} = $v;
return $@ unless (FHEM::Meta::SetInternals($hash)); # FVERSION wird gesetzt ( nur gesetzt wenn $Id: 95_Dashboard.pm 20323 2019-10-06 20:12:38Z DS_Starter $ im Kopf komplett! vorhanden )
return $@ unless (FHEM::Meta::SetInternals($hash)); # FVERSION wird gesetzt ( nur gesetzt wenn $Id: 95_Dashboard.pm 21180 2020-02-11 21:04:55Z DS_Starter $ im Kopf komplett! vorhanden )
if(__PACKAGE__ eq "FHEM::$type" || __PACKAGE__ eq $type) { # es wird mit Packages gearbeitet -> Perl übliche Modulversion setzen
use version 0.77; our $VERSION = FHEM::Meta::Get( $hash, 'version' ); # mit {<Modul>->VERSION()} im FHEMWEB kann Modulversion abgefragt werden
} else {
else {
$hash->{VERSION} = $v; # herkömmliche Modulstruktur
@ -1144,7 +1183,9 @@ sub Dashboard_activateTab ($$) {
my $web = AttrVal($name, "dashboard_webRefresh", $hash->{HELPER}{FW});
my @wa = split(",", $web);
return if(!$web);
my @wa = split ',', $web;
{ map { FW_directNotify("#FHEMWEB:$_", 'dashboard_load_tab('."$tab".');$("#dashboardtabs").tabs("option", "active", '."$tab".')', "") } @wa }
@ -1212,13 +1253,16 @@ sub Dashboard_searchImage($$$$) {
opendir(DIR, $dir);
my(@files) = grep {!/^\.\.?$/ } readdir(DIR);
foreach (@files) {
for (@files) {
if (-d ($t = "$dir/$_")) { # -d returns true if the following string is a directory.
} else {
else {
next if ($_ ne $file);
$im = (split("images\/", $dir."/".$_))[1];
$hash->{HELPER}{BIMG}{$ct} = $im; # Ergebnisfile in Container speichern wenn gefunden
Log3 ($name, 5, "Dashboard $name - Background image file found in: $dir/$_");