mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 16:56:54 +00:00
98_WOL.pm: Removed dependency on Twilight Module, German commandref, ...
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@18573 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
# $Id$
# erweitert um die Funktion nas_control Dietmar Ortmann $
# Maintenance since 2019 KernSani - Thanks Dietmar for all you did for FHEM, RIP
# This file is part of fhem.
# Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
@ -16,6 +18,16 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with fhem. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Changelog:
# 2019-02-10, v1.03: Fixed check for invalid broadcast address
# 2019-02-07, v1.02: First quick revision of commandref
# Added German commandref
# Removed textboxes for set commands
# 2019-02-07, v1.01: Removed dependency on Twilight Module
package main;
@ -25,338 +37,343 @@ use IO::Socket;
use Blocking;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
my $version = "1.03";
sub WOL_Initialize($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
if(!$modules{Twilight}{LOADED} && -f "$attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/59_Twilight.pm") {
my $ret = CommandReload(undef, "59_Twilight");
Log3 undef, 1, $ret if($ret);
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{SetFn} = "WOL_Set";
$hash->{DefFn} = "WOL_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "WOL_Undef";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "WOL_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList} = "interval shutdownCmd sysCmd sysInterface useUdpBroadcast ".
$hash->{SetFn} = "WOL_Set";
$hash->{DefFn} = "WOL_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "WOL_Undef";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "WOL_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList} = "interval shutdownCmd sysCmd sysInterface useUdpBroadcast " . $readingFnAttributes;
sub WOL_Set($@) {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "no set value specified" if(int(@a) < 2);
return "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of on off refresh" if($a[1] eq "?");
my $name = shift @a;
my $v = join(" ", @a);
my ( $hash, @a ) = @_;
return "no set value specified" if ( int(@a) < 2 );
return "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of on:noArg off:noArg refresh:noArg" if ( $a[1] eq "?" );
Log3 $hash, 3, "[$name] set $name $v";
if ($v eq "on") {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "active", $v, 1);
Log3 $hash, 3, "[$name] waking $name with MAC $hash->{MAC} IP $hash->{IP} ";
WOL_GetUpdate( { 'HASH' => $hash } );
} elsif ($v eq "off") {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "active", $v, 1);
my $cmd = AttrVal($name, "shutdownCmd", "");
if ($cmd eq "") {
Log3 $hash, 3, "[$name] no shutdown command given (see shutdownCmd attribute)!";
$cmd = SemicolonEscape($cmd);
Log3 $hash, 3, "[$name] shutdownCmd: $cmd executed";
my $ret = AnalyzeCommandChain(undef, $cmd);
Log3 ($hash, 3, "[$name]" . $ret) if($ret);
} elsif ($v eq "refresh") {
WOL_UpdateReadings( { 'HASH' => $hash } );
my $name = shift @a;
my $v = join( " ", @a );
return undef;
Log3 $hash, 3, "[$name] set $name $v";
if ( $v eq "on" ) {
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "active", $v, 1 );
Log3 $hash, 3, "[$name] waking $name with MAC $hash->{MAC} IP $hash->{IP} ";
elsif ( $v eq "off" ) {
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "active", $v, 1 );
my $cmd = AttrVal( $name, "shutdownCmd", "" );
if ( $cmd eq "" ) {
Log3 $hash, 3, "[$name] no shutdown command given (see shutdownCmd attribute)!";
$cmd = SemicolonEscape($cmd);
Log3 $hash, 3, "[$name] shutdownCmd: $cmd executed";
my $ret = AnalyzeCommandChain( undef, $cmd );
Log3( $hash, 3, "[$name]" . $ret ) if ($ret);
elsif ( $v eq "refresh" ) {
return undef;
sub WOL_Define($$) {
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my ( $hash, $def ) = @_;
my @a = split( "[ \t][ \t]*", $def );
my $u = "wrong syntax: define <name> WOL <MAC_ADRESS> <IP> <mode> <repeat> ";
return $u if(int(@a) < 4);
my $name = shift @a;
my $type = shift @a;
my $mac = shift @a;
my $ip = shift @a;
my $mode = shift @a;
my $repeat = shift @a;
my $u = "wrong syntax: define <name> WOL <MAC_ADRESS> <IP> <mode> <repeat> ";
return $u if ( int(@a) < 4 );
my $name = shift @a;
my $type = shift @a;
my $mac = shift @a;
my $ip = shift @a;
my $mode = shift @a;
my $repeat = shift @a;
$repeat = "000" if (!defined $repeat);
$mode = "BOTH" if (!defined $mode);
$repeat = "000" if ( !defined $repeat );
$mode = "BOTH" if ( !defined $mode );
return "invalid MAC<$mac> - use HH:HH:HH:HH:HH"
if(!($mac =~ m/^([0-9a-f]{2}([:-]|$)){6}$/i ));
return "invalid MAC<$mac> - use HH:HH:HH:HH:HH"
if ( !( $mac =~ m/^([0-9a-f]{2}([:-]|$)){6}$/i ) );
return "invalid IP<$ip> - use ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd"
if(!($ip =~ m/^([0-9]{1,3}([.-]|$)){4}$/i ));
return "invalid IP<$ip> - use ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd"
if ( !( $ip =~ m/^([0-9]{1,3}([.-]|$)){4}$/i ) );
return "invalid mode<$mode> - use EW|UDP|BOTH"
if(!($mode =~ m/^(BOTH|EW|UDP)$/));
return "invalid mode<$mode> - use EW|UDP|BOTH"
if ( !( $mode =~ m/^(BOTH|EW|UDP)$/ ) );
return "invalid repeat<$repeat> - use 999"
if(!($repeat =~ m/^[0-9]{1,3}$/i));
return "invalid repeat<$repeat> - use 999"
if ( !( $repeat =~ m/^[0-9]{1,3}$/i ) );
$hash->{NAME} = $name;
$hash->{MAC} = $mac;
$hash->{IP} = $ip;
$hash->{REPEAT} = $repeat;
$hash->{MODE} = $mode;
delete $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID};
$hash->{NAME} = $name;
$hash->{MAC} = $mac;
$hash->{IP} = $ip;
$hash->{REPEAT} = $repeat;
$hash->{MODE} = $mode;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "packet_via_EW", "none",0);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "packet_via_UDP", "none",0);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "none",0);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "active", "off", 0);
$hash->{VERSION} = $version;
WOL_SetNextTimer($hash, 10);
return undef;
delete $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID};
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "packet_via_EW", "none", 0 );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "packet_via_UDP", "none", 0 );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "state", "none", 0 );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "active", "off", 0 );
WOL_SetNextTimer( $hash, 10 );
return undef;
sub WOL_Undef($$) {
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
my ( $hash, $arg ) = @_;
myRemoveInternalTimer("ping", $hash);
myRemoveInternalTimer("wake", $hash);
BlockingKill($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}) if(defined($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}));
return undef;
BlockingKill( $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} ) if ( defined( $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} ) );
return undef;
sub WOL_UpdateReadings($) {
my ($myHash) = @_;
my $hash = myGetHashIndirekt($myHash, (caller(0))[3]);
return if (!defined($hash));
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $timeout = 4;
my $arg = $hash->{NAME}."|".$hash->{IP};
my $blockingFn = "WOL_Ping";
my $finishFn = "WOL_PingDone";
my $abortFn = "WOL_PingAbort";
if (!(exists($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}))) {
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} =
BlockingCall($blockingFn, $arg, $finishFn, $timeout, $abortFn, $hash);
} else {
Log3 $hash, 3, "[$name] Blocking Call running no new started";
my ($hash) = @_;
return if ( !defined($hash) );
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $timeout = 4;
my $arg = $hash->{NAME} . "|" . $hash->{IP};
my $blockingFn = "WOL_Ping";
my $finishFn = "WOL_PingDone";
my $abortFn = "WOL_PingAbort";
if ( !( exists( $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} ) ) ) {
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} =
BlockingCall( $blockingFn, $arg, $finishFn, $timeout, $abortFn, $hash );
else {
Log3 $hash, 3, "[$name] Blocking Call running no new started";
sub WOL_Ping($){
my ($string) = @_;
my ($name, $ip) = split("\\|", $string);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $ping = "ping -c 1 -w 2 $ip";
Log3 $hash, 4, "[$name] executing: $ping";
my $res = qx ($ping);
$res = "" if (!defined($res));
Log3 $hash, 4, "[$name] result executing ping: $res";
my $erreichbar = !($res =~ m/100%/);
my $return = "$name|$erreichbar";
return $return;
sub WOL_Ping($) {
my ($string) = @_;
my ( $name, $ip ) = split( "\\|", $string );
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $ping = "ping -c 1 -w 2 $ip";
Log3 $hash, 4, "[$name] executing: $ping";
my $res = qx ($ping);
$res = "" if ( !defined($res) );
Log3 $hash, 4, "[$name] result executing ping: $res";
my $erreichbar = !( $res =~ m/100%/ );
my $return = "$name|$erreichbar";
return $return;
sub WOL_PingDone($){
my ($string) = @_;
my ($name, $erreichbar) = split("\\|", $string);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
sub WOL_PingDone($) {
my ($string) = @_;
my ( $name, $erreichbar ) = split( "\\|", $string );
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if ($erreichbar) {
Log3 $hash, 4, "[$name] ping succesful - state = on";
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "isRunning", "true");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "state", "on");
} else {
Log3 $hash, 4, "[$name] ping not succesful - state = off";
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "isRunning", "false");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "state", "off");
readingsEndUpdate($hash, defined($hash->{LOCAL} ? 0 : 1));
if ($erreichbar) {
Log3 $hash, 4, "[$name] ping succesful - state = on";
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "isRunning", "true" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "state", "on" );
else {
Log3 $hash, 4, "[$name] ping not succesful - state = off";
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "isRunning", "false" );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "state", "off" );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, defined( $hash->{LOCAL} ? 0 : 1 ) );
delete( $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} );
sub WOL_PingAbort($){
my ($hash) = @_;
sub WOL_PingAbort($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
delete( $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} );
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 3, "BlockingCall for ".$hash->{NAME}." was aborted";
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 3, "BlockingCall for " . $hash->{NAME} . " was aborted";
sub WOL_GetUpdate($) {
my ($myHash) = @_;
my $hash = myGetHashIndirekt($myHash, (caller(0))[3]);
return if (!defined($hash));
my ($hash) = @_;
my $active = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "active", "nF");
if ($active eq "on") {
if ($hash->{REPEAT} > 0) {
myRemoveInternalTimer("wake", $hash);
myInternalTimer ("wake", gettimeofday()+$hash->{REPEAT}, "WOL_GetUpdate", $hash, 0);
return if ( !defined($hash) );
my $active = ReadingsVal( $hash->{NAME}, "active", "nF" );
if ( $active eq "on" ) {
if ( $hash->{REPEAT} > 0 ) {
RemoveInternalTimer( $hash, "WOL_GetUpdate" );
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + $hash->{REPEAT}, "WOL_GetUpdate", $hash );
sub WOL_wake($){
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $mac = $hash->{MAC};
my $host = $hash->{IP};
$host = '' if (!defined $host);
$host = AttrVal($name, "useUdpBroadcast",$host);
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
Log3 $hash, 4, "[$name] keeping $name with MAC $mac IP $host busy";
sub WOL_wake($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $mac = $hash->{MAC};
my $host = $hash->{IP};
if ($hash->{MODE} eq "BOTH" || $hash->{MODE} eq "EW" ) {
WOL_by_ew ($hash, $mac);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "packet_via_EW", $mac);
if ($hash->{MODE} eq "BOTH" || $hash->{MODE} eq "UDP" ) {
WOL_by_udp ($hash, $mac, $host);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "packet_via_UDP", $host);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, defined($hash->{LOCAL} ? 0 : 1));
$host = '' if ( !defined $host );
$host = AttrVal( $name, "useUdpBroadcast", $host );
Log3 $hash, 4, "[$name] keeping $name with MAC $mac IP $host busy";
if ( $hash->{MODE} eq "BOTH" || $hash->{MODE} eq "EW" ) {
WOL_by_ew( $hash, $mac );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "packet_via_EW", $mac );
if ( $hash->{MODE} eq "BOTH" || $hash->{MODE} eq "UDP" ) {
WOL_by_udp( $hash, $mac, $host );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "packet_via_UDP", $host );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, defined( $hash->{LOCAL} ? 0 : 1 ) );
# method to wake via lan, taken from Net::Wake package
sub WOL_by_udp {
my ($hash, $mac_addr, $host, $port) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my ( $hash, $mac_addr, $host, $port ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
# use the discard service if $port not passed in
if (!defined $port || $port !~ /^\d+$/ ) { $port = 9 }
# use the discard service if $port not passed in
if ( !defined $port || $port !~ /^\d+$/ ) { $port = 9 }
my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET(Proto=>'udp') or die "socket : $!";
if(!$sock) {
Log3 $hash, 1, "[$name] Can't create WOL socket";
return 1;
my $ip_addr = inet_aton($host);
my $sock_addr = sockaddr_in($port, $ip_addr);
$mac_addr =~ s/://g;
my $packet = pack('C6H*', 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, $mac_addr x 16);
my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET( Proto => 'udp' ) or die "socket : $!";
if ( !$sock ) {
Log3 $hash, 1, "[$name] Can't create WOL socket";
return 1;
setsockopt($sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, 1) or die "setsockopt : $!";
send($sock, $packet, 0, $sock_addr) or die "send : $!";
close ($sock);
my $ip_addr = inet_aton($host);
my $sock_addr = sockaddr_in( $port, $ip_addr );
$mac_addr =~ s/://g;
my $packet = pack( 'C6H*', 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, $mac_addr x 16 );
return 1;
setsockopt( $sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, 1 ) or die "setsockopt : $!";
send( $sock, $packet, 0, $sock_addr ) or die "send : $!";
return 1;
# method to wake via system command
sub WOL_by_ew($$) {
my ($hash, $mac) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my ( $hash, $mac ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
# Fritzbox Raspberry Raspberry aber root
my @commands = ("/usr/bin/ether-wake", "/usr/bin/wakeonlan", "/usr/sbin/etherwake" );
# Fritzbox Raspberry Raspberry aber root
my @commands = ( "/usr/bin/ether-wake", "/usr/bin/wakeonlan", "/usr/sbin/etherwake" );
my $standardEtherwake = "no WOL found - use '/usr/bin/ether-wake' or '/usr/bin/wakeonlan' or define Attribut sysCmd";
foreach my $tstCmd (@commands) {
if (-e $tstCmd) {
$standardEtherwake = $tstCmd;
my $standardEtherwake =
"no WOL found - use '/usr/bin/ether-wake' or '/usr/bin/wakeonlan' or define Attribut sysCmd";
foreach my $tstCmd (@commands) {
if ( -e $tstCmd ) {
$standardEtherwake = $tstCmd;
Log3 $hash, 4, "[$name] standard wol command: $standardEtherwake";
Log3 $hash, 4, "[$name] standard wol command: $standardEtherwake";
my $sysCmd = AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "sysCmd", "");
my $sysInterface = AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "sysInterface", "");
if ($sysCmd gt "") {
Log3 $hash, 4, "[$name] user wol command(sysCmd): '$sysCmd'";
} else {
$sysCmd = $standardEtherwake;
# wenn noch keine $mac dann $mac anhängen.
$sysCmd .= ' $mac' if ($sysCmd !~ m/\$mac/g);
# sysCmd splitten und den nur ersten Teil (-e teil[0])prüfen
my ($sysWake) = split (" ", $sysCmd);
if (-e $sysWake) {
$sysCmd =~ s/\$mac/$mac/;
$sysCmd =~ s/\$sysInterface/$sysInterface/;
Log3 $hash, 4, "[$name] executing $sysCmd";
qx ($sysCmd);
} else {
Log3 $hash, 1, "[$hash->{NAME}] system command '$sysWake' not found";
my $sysCmd = AttrVal( $hash->{NAME}, "sysCmd", "" );
my $sysInterface = AttrVal( $hash->{NAME}, "sysInterface", "" );
if ( $sysCmd gt "" ) {
Log3 $hash, 4, "[$name] user wol command(sysCmd): '$sysCmd'";
else {
$sysCmd = $standardEtherwake;
# wenn noch keine $mac dann $mac anhängen.
$sysCmd .= ' $mac' if ( $sysCmd !~ m/\$mac/g );
# sysCmd splitten und den nur ersten Teil (-e teil[0])prüfen
my ($sysWake) = split( " ", $sysCmd );
if ( -e $sysWake ) {
$sysCmd =~ s/\$mac/$mac/;
$sysCmd =~ s/\$sysInterface/$sysInterface/;
Log3 $hash, 4, "[$name] executing $sysCmd";
qx ($sysCmd);
else {
Log3 $hash, 1, "[$hash->{NAME}] system command '$sysWake' not found";
sub WOL_SetNextTimer($;$) {
my ($hash, $int) = @_;
my ( $hash, $int ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
$int = AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "interval", 900) if not defined $int;
if ($int != 0) {
Log3 $hash, 5, "[$name] WOL_SetNextTimer to $int";
myRemoveInternalTimer("ping", $hash);
myInternalTimer ("ping", gettimeofday() + $int, "WOL_UpdateReadings", $hash, 0);
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
$int = AttrVal( $hash->{NAME}, "interval", 900 ) if not defined $int;
if ( $int != 0 ) {
Log3 $hash, 5, "[$name] WOL_SetNextTimer to $int";
RemoveInternalTimer( $hash, "WOL_UpdateReadings" );
InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + $int, "WOL_UpdateReadings", $hash );
sub WOL_Attr($$$) {
my ($cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrVal) = @_;
$attrVal = "" if(!defined $attrVal);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if ($attrName eq "useUdpBroadcast") {
if(!($attrVal =~ m/^([0-9]{1,3}([.-]|$)){4}$/i)) {
Log3 $hash, 3, "[$name] invalid Broadcastadress<$attrVal> - use ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd";
if ($attrName eq "interval") {
# when deleting the interval we trigger an update in one second
my $int = ($cmd eq "del") ? 1 : $attrVal;
if ($int != 0) {
# restart timer with new interval
WOL_SetNextTimer($hash, $int);
my ( $cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrVal ) = @_;
$attrVal = "" if ( !defined $attrVal );
return undef;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if ( $attrName eq "useUdpBroadcast" ) {
if ( !( $attrVal =~ m/^([0-9]{1,3}([.-]|$)){4}$/i ) ) {
return "[$name] invalid Broadcastadress<$attrVal> - use ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd";
if ( $attrName eq "interval" ) {
# when deleting the interval we trigger an update in one second
my $int = ( $cmd eq "del" ) ? 1 : $attrVal;
if ( $int != 0 ) {
# restart timer with new interval
WOL_SetNextTimer( $hash, $int );
return undef;
=item helper
=item summary turn on or wake up a computer by sending it a network message
=item summary_DE Einschalten oder Aufwecken eines Computers durch Netzwerknachricht
=begin html
<a name="WOL"></a>
@ -364,7 +381,7 @@ sub WOL_Attr($$$) {
Defines a WOL device via its MAC and IP address.<br><br>
when sending the <b>on</b> command to a WOL device it wakes up the dependent device by sending a magic packet. When running in repeat mode the magic paket ist sent every n seconds to the device.
when sending the <b>on</b> command to a WOL device it wakes up the dependent device by sending a magic packet. When running in repeat mode the magic packet ist sent every n seconds to the device.
So, for example a Buffalo NAS can be kept awake.
<a name="WOLdefine"></a>
@ -389,15 +406,14 @@ So, for example a Buffalo NAS can be kept awake.
<code>define computer1 WOL 72:11:AC:4D:37:13 switching only one time</code><br>
<code>define computer1 WOL 72:11:AC:4D:37:13 EW by ether-wake(linux command)</code><br>
<code>define computer1 WOL 72:11:AC:4D:37:13 BOTH by both methods</code><br>
<code>define computer1 WOL 72:11:AC:4D:37:13 UDP 200 in repeat mode<i><b>usr/bin/ether-wake</b></i> in repeatmode</code><br>
<code>define computer1 WOL 72:11:AC:4D:37:13 UDP 200 in repeat mode</code><br>
<b><font size="+1">Notes</font></b>:
Not every hardware is able to wake up other devices by default. Oftenly firewalls filter magic packets. Switch them first off.
You may need a packet sniffer to check some malfunktion.
With this module you get two methods to do the job: see the mode parameter.
Not every hardware is able to wake up other devices by default. Often firewalls filter magic packets and have to be configured accordingly.
You may need a packet sniffer to check some malfunction.
@ -437,11 +453,98 @@ So, for example a Buffalo NAS can be kept awake.
<li><code>attr <name> interval <seconds></code></a>
<br>defines the time between two checks by a <i>ping</i> if state of <name> is <i>on</i>. By using 0 as parameter for interval you can switch off checking the device.</li>
<li><code>attr <name> useUdpBroadcast <broardcastAdress></code>
<br>When using UDP then the magic packet can be send to one of the broardcastAdresses (x.x.x.255, x.x.255.255, x.255.255.255) instead of the target host address.
<li><code>attr <name> useUdpBroadcast <broadcastAdress></code>
<br>When using UDP then the magic packet can be send to one of the broadcastAdresses (x.x.x.255, x.x.255.255, x.255.255.255) instead of the target host address.
Try using this, when you want to wake up a machine in your own subnet and the wakekup with the target adress is instable or doesn't work.</li>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="WOL"></a>
Definiert ein WOL Gerät über seine MAC und IP Addresse.<br><br>
Wenn der <b>on</b> Befehl an das WOL Gerät gesendet wird, wird das entsprechende Gerät durch das Senden eines "magic packet" aufgeweckt. Wenn WOL im repeat Modus läuft, wird das "magic packet" alle n Sekunden zum Gerät geschickt.
So kann z.B. ein Buffalo NAS "wach" gehalten werden.
<a name="WOLdefine"></a>
<code><b><font size="+1">define <name> WOL <MAC> <IP> [<mode> [<repeat>]]</font></b></code>
<dd>MAC-Adresse des Hosts</dd>
<dd>IP-Adresse des Hosts (oder broadcast Addresse des lokalen Netzwerks, wenn die IP des Hosts unbekannt ist)</dd>
<dt><b>mode <i>[EW|UDP]</i></b></dt>
<dd>EW: aufwecken durch <i>usr/bin/ether-wake</i> </dd>
<dd>UDP: aufwecken durch eine Implementierung wie <i>Net::Wake(CPAN)</i></dd>
<b><font size="+1">Beispiele</font></b>:
<code>define computer1 WOL 72:11:AC:4D:37:13 nur einmal schalten</code><br>
<code>define computer1 WOL 72:11:AC:4D:37:13 EW über ether-wake(Linux Befehl)</code><br>
<code>define computer1 WOL 72:11:AC:4D:37:13 BOTH über beide Methoden</code><br>
<code>define computer1 WOL 72:11:AC:4D:37:13 UDP 200 im repeat Modus</code><br>
<b><font size="+1">Anmerkungen</font></b>:
Nicht jede Hardware kann standardmäßig andere Geräte aufwecken. Firewalls filtern häufig magic packets und müssen entsprechend konfiguriert werden.
Möglicherweise ist ein Packet Sniffer notwendig um Fehlfunktionen zu überprüfen.
<a name="WOLset"></a>
<h4>Set </h4>
<code><b><font size="+1">set <name> <value></font></b></code>
wobei <code>value</code> einer der folgenden ist:<br>
<b>refresh</b> # überprüft (mittels ping) ob das Gerät gerade läuft
<b>on</b> # schickt ein magic packet an die definierte MAC-Adresse
<b>off</b> # beemdet das Senden von magic packets schickt das <b>shutdownCmd</b>(siehe Attribute)
<b><font size="+1">Beispiele</font></b>:
<code>set computer1 on</code><br>
<code>set computer1 off</code><br>
<code>set computer1 refresh</code><br>
<a name="WOLattr"></a>
<li><code>attr <name> sysCmd <string></code>
<br>Eigener Befehl, um ein entferntes Gerät aufzuwecken, z.B. <code>/usr/bin/ether-wake or /usr/bin/wakeonlan</code></li>
<li><code>attr <name> shutdownCmd <command></code>
<br>Eigener Befehl, um ein entferntes Gerät herunter zu fahren. Es können <command>, wie in at, notify oder Watchdog verwendet werden</li>
attr wol shutdownCmd set lamp on # fhem Befehl
attr wol shutdownCmd { Log 1, "Teatime" } # Perl Befehl
attr wol shutdownCmd "/bin/echo "Teatime" > /dev/console" # shell Befehl
<li><code>attr <name> interval <seconds></code></a>
<br>definiert die Zeit zwischen zwei Checks mittels <i>ping</i> Wenn der state von <name> <i>on</i> ist. Mit dem Wert 0 als interval wird die regelmäßige Überprüfung abgeschaltet.</li>
<li><code>attr <name> useUdpBroadcast <broadcastAdress></code>
<br>Bei der Nutzung von UDP kann das magic packet an eine det broadcastAdressen (x.x.x.255, x.x.255.255, x.255.255.255) geschickt werden, an Stelle des Ziel-Hosts address.
Diese Methode sollte verwendet werden, wenn ein Gerät im eigenen Subnetz aufgeweckt werden soll, aber der wakeup mit dem Zielhost nicht funktioniert oder nicht stabil ist.</li>
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