mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 11:16:36 +00:00
73_km200: Bugfix and new services
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@8237 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# $Id: 73_km200.pm 0043 2015-03-14 17:00:00Z Matthias_Deeke $
# $Id: 73_km200.pm 0044 2015-03-18 20:30:00Z Matthias_Deeke $
# 73_km200.pm
@ -159,6 +159,12 @@
# 0043 09.03.2015 Sailor km200_ParseHttpResponseDyn Read of "switchPrograms" implemented
# 0043 09.03.2015 Sailor km200_ParseHttpResponseStat Read of "switchPrograms" implemented
# 0043 14.03.2015 Sailor All My 41st birthday version.
# 0044 15.03.2015 Sailor km200_Define Added /system/appliance/type
# 0044 18.03.2015 Sailor km200_Define Added additional services below /dhwCircuits/dhw...
# 0044 15.03.2015 Sailor km200_Set First try-outs for switchProgram writings
# 0044 18.03.2015 Sailor km200_ParseHttpResponseInit fullResponde = ERROR - bug corrected
# 0044 18.03.2015 Sailor km200_ParseHttpResponseDyn fullResponde = ERROR - bug corrected
# 0044 18.03.2015 Sailor km200_ParseHttpResponseStat fullResponde = ERROR - bug corrected
@ -231,7 +237,7 @@ sub km200_Define($$)
my $url = $a[2];
my $km200_gateway_password = $a[3];
my $km200_private_password = $a[4];
my $ModuleVersion = "0043";
my $ModuleVersion = "0044";
$hash->{NAME} = $name;
$hash->{STATE} = "define";
@ -243,42 +249,60 @@ sub km200_Define($$)
@ -329,8 +353,10 @@ sub km200_Define($$)
@ -369,7 +395,9 @@ sub km200_Define($$)
@ -466,6 +494,7 @@ sub km200_Define($$)
@ -695,6 +724,9 @@ sub km200_Define($$)
@{$hash->{Secret}{KM200DONOTPOLL}} = ();
####END####### Writing values to global hash ################################################################END#####
###START###### Reset fullResponse error message ############################################################START####
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "fullResponse", "OK", 1);
####END####### Reset fullResponse error message #############################################################END#####
###START###### For Debugging purpose only ##################################################################START####
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200 - Define H : " .$hash;
@ -1318,9 +1350,10 @@ sub km200_GetSingleService($)
my $km200_gateway_host = $hash->{URL};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $PollingTimeout = $hash->{POLLINGTIMEOUT};
my $json = "";
my $err;
my $data;
my $json;
my $url ="http://" . $km200_gateway_host . $Service;
@ -1333,12 +1366,14 @@ sub km200_GetSingleService($)
($err, $data) = HttpUtils_BlockingGet($param);
### If error message has been reported
if($err ne "")
Log3 $name, 2, $name . " : ERROR: Service: ".$Service. ": No proper Communication with Gateway: " .$err;
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print("km200_GetSingleService ERROR: $err\n");}
return "ERROR";
### If NO error message has been reported
$hash->{temp}{decodedcontent} = $data;
@ -1357,7 +1392,12 @@ sub km200_GetSingleService($)
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print("Data not parseable on km200 for " . $param->{url} . "\n");}
if( exists $json -> {"value"})
### Check whether the type is a single value containing a string or float value
if(($json -> {type} eq "stringValue") || ($json -> {type} eq "floatValue"))
my $JsonId = $json->{id};
my $JsonType = $json->{type};
@ -1371,10 +1411,163 @@ sub km200_GetSingleService($)
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, $JsonId, $JsonValue, 1);
### Write reading for fhem
### Check whether the type is an switchProgram
elsif ($json -> {type} eq "switchProgram")
my $JsonId = $json->{id};
my $JsonType = $json->{type};
### Log entries for debugging purposes
Log3 $name, 4, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseDyn: value found for : " .$Service;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseDyn: id : " .$JsonId;
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseDyn: type : " .$JsonType;
### Set up variables
my $TempReturnVal = "";
my $TempReadingMo = "";
my $TempReadingTu = "";
my $TempReadingWe = "";
my $TempReadingTh = "";
my $TempReadingFr = "";
my $TempReadingSa = "";
my $TempReadingSu = "";
foreach my $item (@{ $json->{switchPoints} })
### Create string for time and switchpoint in fixed format and write part of Reading String
my $temptime = sprintf ('%04d', ($item->{time}/0.6));
my $tempsetpoint = $item->{setpoint};
$tempsetpoint =~ s/^(.+)$/sprintf("%s%s", $1, ' 'x(8-length($1)))/e;
my $TempReading = $temptime . " " . $tempsetpoint;
### Create ValueString for this day
if ($item->{dayOfWeek} eq "Mo")
### If it is the first entry for this day
if ($TempReadingMo eq "")
### Write the first entry
$TempReadingMo = $TempReading;
### If it is NOT the first entry for this day
### Add the next entry
$TempReadingMo = $TempReadingMo . " " . $TempReading;
elsif ($item->{dayOfWeek} eq "Tu")
### If it is the first entry for this day
if ($TempReadingTu eq "")
### Write the first entry
$TempReadingTu = $TempReading;
### If it is NOT the first entry for this day
### Add the next entry
$TempReadingTu = $TempReadingTu . " " . $TempReading;
elsif ($item->{dayOfWeek} eq "We")
### If it is the first entry for this day
if ($TempReadingWe eq "")
### Write the first entry
$TempReadingWe = $TempReading;
### If it is NOT the first entry for this day
### Add the next entry
$TempReadingWe = $TempReadingWe . " " . $TempReading;
elsif ($item->{dayOfWeek} eq "Th")
### If it is the first entry for this day
if ($TempReadingTh eq "")
### Write the first entry
$TempReadingTh = $TempReading;
### If it is NOT the first entry for this day
### Add the next entry
$TempReadingTh = $TempReadingTh . " " . $TempReading;
elsif ($item->{dayOfWeek} eq "Fr")
### If it is the first entry for this day
if ($TempReadingFr eq "")
### Write the first entry
$TempReadingFr = $TempReading;
### If it is NOT the first entry for this day
### Add the next entry
$TempReadingFr = $TempReadingFr . " " . $TempReading;
elsif ($item->{dayOfWeek} eq "Sa")
### If it is the first entry for this day
if ($TempReadingSa eq "")
### Write the first entry
$TempReadingSa = $TempReading;
### If it is NOT the first entry for this day
### Add the next entry
$TempReadingSa = $TempReadingSa . " " . $TempReading;
elsif ($item->{dayOfWeek} eq "Su")
### If it is the first entry for this day
if ($TempReadingSu eq "")
### Write the first entry
$TempReadingSu = $TempReading;
### If it is NOT the first entry for this day
### Add the next entry
$TempReadingSu = $TempReadingSu . " " . $TempReading;
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print "dayOfWeek of unknow day: " . $item->{dayOfWeek};}
### Create new Service and write reading for fhem
$TempReturnVal = "1-Mo: " . $TempReadingMo . "\n";
$TempReturnVal = $TempReturnVal . "2-Tu: " . $TempReadingTu . "\n";
$TempReturnVal = $TempReturnVal . "3-We: " . $TempReadingWe . "\n";
$TempReturnVal = $TempReturnVal . "4-Th: " . $TempReadingTh . "\n";
$TempReturnVal = $TempReturnVal . "5-Fr: " . $TempReadingFr . "\n";
$TempReturnVal = $TempReturnVal . "6-Sa: " . $TempReadingSa . "\n";
$TempReturnVal = $TempReturnVal . "7-Su: " . $TempReadingSu . "\n";
$json -> {"value"} = $TempReturnVal;
### If the type is unknown
### Log entries for debugging purposes
Log3 $name, 4, $name. " : km200_GetSingleService - value not found for:" .$Service;
Log3 $name, 4, $name. " : km200_GetSingleService - type is unknown for: " .$Service;
### Log entries for debugging purposes
@ -1462,7 +1655,7 @@ sub km200_ParseHttpResponseInit($)
my @KM200_InitServices = @{$hash ->{Secret}{KM200ALLSERVICES}};
my $NumberInitServices = @KM200_InitServices;
my $Service = $KM200_InitServices[$ServiceCounterInit];
my $json;
my $json -> {type} = "";
### Log entries for debugging purposes
@ -1479,6 +1672,8 @@ sub km200_ParseHttpResponseInit($)
$hash->{temp}{decodedcontent} = $data;
my $decodedContent = km200_Decrypt($hash);
### Check whether the decoded content is not empty and therefore available
if ($decodedContent ne "")
@ -1806,6 +2001,7 @@ sub km200_ParseHttpResponseInit($)
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print(" - Value : " . $json->{value} . "\n");}
### Check whether the decoded content is empty and therefore NOT available
### Log entries for debugging purposes
@ -1819,7 +2015,8 @@ sub km200_ParseHttpResponseInit($)
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200_ParseHttpResponseInit : response : " .$data;
if ($ServiceCounterInit < ($NumberInitServices-1)) ### If the list of KM200ALLSERVICES has not been finished yet
### If the list of KM200ALLSERVICES has not been finished yet
if ($ServiceCounterInit < ($NumberInitServices-1))
$hash->{temp}{ServiceCounterInit} = $ServiceCounterInit;
@ -1827,7 +2024,8 @@ sub km200_ParseHttpResponseInit($)
@{$hash->{Secret}{KM200WRITEABLESERVICES}} = @KM200_WriteableServices;
else ### If the list of KM200ALLSERVICES is finished
### If the list of KM200ALLSERVICES is finished
$hash->{temp}{ServiceCounterInit} = 0;
@ -1888,9 +2086,24 @@ sub km200_ParseHttpResponseInit($)
####END####### Initiate the timer for continuous polling of static values from KM200 #######################END#####
### Reset fullResponse error message
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "fullResponse", "OK", 1);
### Console Message if enabled
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print("Sounding and importing of services is completed\n________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\n");}
### If the Initialisation process has been interuppted with an error message
if (ReadingsVal($name,"fullResponse",0) eq "ERROR")
### Reset fullResponse error message
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "fullResponse", "Restarted after ERROR", 1);
### Reset timer for init procedure and start over again until it works
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+5, "km200_GetInitService", $hash, 0);
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : km200 - Internal timer for Initialisation of services restarted after fullResponse - error.";
### Clear up temporary variables
$hash->{temp}{decodedcontent} = "";
@ -1955,7 +2168,7 @@ sub km200_ParseHttpResponseDyn($)
my @KM200_DynServices = @{$hash ->{Secret}{KM200DYNSERVICES}};
my $NumberDynServices = @KM200_DynServices;
my $Service = $KM200_DynServices[$ServiceCounterDyn];
my $json;
my $json -> {type} = "";
Log3 $name, 5, $name. " : Parsing response of dynamic service received for: " . $Service;
@ -2204,21 +2417,27 @@ sub km200_ParseHttpResponseDyn($)
$hash->{temp}{service} = "";
### Clear up temporary variables
### If list is not complete yet
if ($ServiceCounterDyn < ($NumberDynServices-1))
$hash->{temp}{ServiceCounterDyn} = $ServiceCounterDyn;
### If list is complete
$hash->{STATE} = "Initialized";
$hash->{STATE} = "Standby";
$hash->{temp}{ServiceCounterDyn} = 0;
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print ("Finished\n________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\n");}
###START###### Re-Start the timer #####################################START####
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVALDYNVAL}, "km200_GetDynService", $hash, 1);
####END####### Re-Start the timer ######################################END#####
### Update fullResponse Reading
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "fullResponse", "OK", 1);
$hash->{status}{FlagDynRequest} = false;
return undef;
@ -2356,7 +2575,7 @@ sub km200_ParseHttpResponseStat($)
$hash->{STATE} = "Initialized";
$hash->{STATE} = "Standby";
$hash->{temp}{ServiceCounterStat} = 0;
if ($hash->{CONSOLEMESSAGE} == true) {print ("Finished\n________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n\n");}
@ -2364,6 +2583,9 @@ sub km200_ParseHttpResponseStat($)
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVALSTATVAL}, "km200_GetStatService", $hash, 1);
####END####### Re-Start the timer ######################################END#####
### Update fullResponse Reading
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "fullResponse", "OK", 1);
$hash->{status}{FlagStatRequest} = false;
return undef;
Reference in New Issue
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