diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/98_Modbus.pm b/fhem/FHEM/98_Modbus.pm
index 8b734de5d..0b348d939 100755
--- a/fhem/FHEM/98_Modbus.pm
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/98_Modbus.pm
@@ -105,15 +105,24 @@
# 2017-04-21 optimize call to _send in GetUpdate, new attribute nonPrioritizedSet
# remove unused variables for devInfo / parseInfo in ParseObj
# 2017-05-08 better warning handler restore (see $oldSig)
+# 2017-07-15 new attribute sortUpdate to sort the requests by their object address
+# new attribute brokenFC5 for misbehaving devices that don't understand the normal ff00 to set a coil to 1
+# set this attr e.g. to 0100 if the device wants 0100 instead of ff00
+# 2017-07-18 started implementing data types (3.6.0)
+# 2017-07-25 set saveAsModule
+# 2017-08-17 nicer logging of timeouts
# ToDo / Ideas :
+# get reading key (type / adr)
+# filterEcho (wie in private post im Forum vorgeschlagen)
+# set saveAsModule to save attr definitions as module
+# define data types VT_R4 -> revregs, len2, unpack f> ...
# async output for scan? table? with revregs etc.?
# get object-interpretations h123 -> Alle Variationen mit revregs und bswap und unpacks ...
# nonblocking disable attr für xp
-# attr with a lits of set commands / requests to launch when polling (Helios support)
+# attr with a lits of set commands / requests to launch when polling (Helios support)
# passive listening to other modbus traffic (state machine, parse requests of others in special queue
@@ -148,6 +157,7 @@ sub Modbus_ParseFrames($);
sub Modbus_HandleSendQueue($;$);
sub Modbus_TimeoutSend($);
sub Modbus_CRC($);
+sub ModbusLD_ObjInfo($$$;$$);
# functions to be used from logical modules
sub ModbusLD_ExpandParseInfo($);
@@ -161,7 +171,7 @@ sub ModbusLD_GetUpdate($);
sub ModbusLD_GetIOHash($);
sub ModbusLD_Send($$$;$$$);
-my $Modbus_Version = '3.5.25 - 8.5.2017';
+my $Modbus_Version = '3.7.0 - 20.8.2017';
my $Modbus_PhysAttrs =
"queueDelay " .
"busDelay " .
@@ -181,6 +191,7 @@ my $Modbus_LogAttrs =
"alignTime " .
"enableControlSet:0,1 " .
"nonPrioritizedSet:0,1 " .
+ "sortUpdate:0,1 " .
"scanDelay ";
my $Modbus_CommonAttrs =
@@ -402,6 +413,19 @@ sub ModbusLD_ObjInfo($$$;$$) {
return $parseInfo->{$key}{$oName}
if (defined($parseInfo->{$key}) && defined($parseInfo->{$key}{$oName}));
+ # check for type entry / attr ...
+ if ($oName ne "type") {
+ my $dType = ModbusLD_ObjInfo($hash, $key, 'type', 'noDefaultDevAttrForType', '***NoTypeInfo***');
+ if ($dType ne '***NoTypeInfo***') {
+ #Log3 $name, 5, "$name: ObjInfo for $key and $oName found type $dType";
+ my $typeSpec = ModbusLD_DevInfo($hash, "type-$dType", $oName, '***NoTypeInfo***');
+ if ($typeSpec ne '***NoTypeInfo***') {
+ #Log3 $name, 5, "$name: $dType specifies $typeSpec for $oName";
+ return $typeSpec;
+ }
+ }
+ }
# default for object type in deviceInfo / in attributes for device / type
if ($defName) {
my $type = substr($key, 0, 1);
@@ -532,8 +556,9 @@ sub Modbus_ParseObj($$$;$$) {
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: ScanIds got reply from Id $1 - set internal MODBUSID to $1";
} elsif ($op eq 'scanobj') { # scan Modbus objects
if (!$reading) {
- $reading = "scan-$key";
- CommandAttr(undef, "$name obj-${key}-reading $reading");
+ my $fKey = $type . sprintf ("%06d", $startAdr);
+ $reading = "scan-$fKey";
+ CommandAttr(undef, "$name obj-${fKey}-reading $reading");
if ($type =~ "[hi]") {
my $l = length($rest) / 2;
@@ -879,13 +904,19 @@ sub Modbus_ParseFrames($)
} elsif ($fCode == 3 || $fCode == 4) { # read holding/input registers, pdu: bytes, registers
($headerLen, $values) = unpack ('Ca*', $data);
if (ModbusLD_DevInfo($logHash, "h", "brokenFC3", 0)) {
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$name: ParseFrames uses fix for broken fcode 3";
($parseAdr, $values) = unpack ('na*', $data);
$headerLen = 4;
$actualLen = length ($values);
} elsif ($fCode == 5) { # write single coil, pdu: adr, coil (FF00)
($parseAdr, $values) = unpack ('nH4', $data);
- $values = ($values eq "ff00" ? 1 : 0);
+ if (ModbusLD_DevInfo($logHash, "c", "brokenFC5", 0)) {
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$name: ParseFrames uses fix for broken fcode 5";
+ $values = ($values eq "0000" ? 0 : 1);
+ } else {
+ $values = ($values eq "ff00" ? 1 : 0);
+ }
$quantity = 1;
# length of $data should be 4
} elsif ($fCode == 6) { # write single (holding) register, pdu: adr, register
@@ -904,7 +935,7 @@ sub Modbus_ParseFrames($)
my $hexdata = unpack ("H2", $data);
my $hexFCode = unpack ("H*", pack("C", $fCode));
my $errCode = $Modbus_errCodes{$hexdata};
- Log3 $name, 5, "$name: ParseFrames got error code $hexFCode / $hexdata" .
+ Log3 $name, 4, "$name: ParseFrames got error code $hexFCode / $hexdata" .
($errCode ? ", $errCode" : "");
return "device replied with exception code $hexFCode / $hexdata" . ($errCode ? ", $errCode" : "");
} else {
@@ -1129,8 +1160,8 @@ sub Modbus_TimeoutSend($)
my $logLvl = AttrVal($name, "timeoutLogLevel", 3);
Log3 $name, $logLvl, "$name: timeout waiting for fc $ioHash->{REQUEST}{FCODE} " .
"from id $ioHash->{REQUEST}{MODBUSID}, " .
- "($ioHash->{REQUEST}{TYPE}$ioHash->{REQUEST}{ADR} / $ioHash->{REQUEST}{READING}), " .
"Request was $ioHash->{REQUESTHEX}" .
+ " ($ioHash->{REQUEST}{TYPE}$ioHash->{REQUEST}{ADR} / $ioHash->{REQUEST}{READING}, len $ioHash->{REQUEST}{LEN})" .
($ioHash->{helper}{buffer} ? ", Buffer contains " . unpack ("H*", $ioHash->{helper}{buffer}) : "");
Modbus_Statistics($ioHash, "Timeouts", 1);
@@ -1277,7 +1308,12 @@ sub Modbus_HandleSendQueue($;$)
} elsif ($fCode == 3 || $fCode == 4) { # read holding/input registers, pdu: StartAdr, Len (=number of regs)
$data = pack ('nn', $adr, $len);
} elsif ($fCode == 5) { # write single coil, pdu: StartAdr, Value (1-bit as FF00)
- $data = pack ('nH4', $adr, (unpack ('n',$v1) ? "FF00" : "0000"));
+ if (ModbusLD_DevInfo($logHash, "c", "brokenFC5", 0)) {
+ my $oneCode = lc ModbusLD_DevInfo($logHash, "c", "brokenFC5");
+ $data = pack ('nH4', $adr, (unpack ('n',$v1) ? $oneCode : "0000"));
+ } else {
+ $data = pack ('nH4', $adr, (unpack ('n',$v1) ? "FF00" : "0000"));
+ }
} elsif ($fCode == 6) { # write single register, pdu: StartAdr, Value
$data = pack ('n', $adr) . $v1;
} elsif ($fCode == 15) { # write multiple coils, pdu: StartAdr, NumOfCoils, ByteCount, Values
@@ -1391,6 +1427,7 @@ sub ModbusLD_Initialize($ )
"obj-[cdih][0-9]+-expr " .
"obj-[cdih][0-9]+-ignoreExpr " .
"obj-[cdih][0-9]+-format " .
+ "obj-[ih][0-9]+-type " .
"obj-[cdih][0-9]+-showGet " .
"obj-[cdih][0-9]+-poll " .
"obj-[cdih][0-9]+-polldelay ";
@@ -1415,6 +1452,17 @@ sub ModbusLD_Initialize($ )
"dev-([cdih]-)*defShowGet " .
"dev-([cdih]-)*defPoll " .
"dev-h-brokenFC3 " .
+ "dev-c-brokenFC5 " .
+ "dev-type-[A-Za-z0-9_]+-unpack " .
+ "dev-type-[A-Za-z0-9_]+-len " .
+ "dev-type-[A-Za-z0-9_]+-encode " .
+ "dev-type-[A-Za-z0-9_]+-decode " .
+ "dev-type-[A-Za-z0-9_]+-revRegs " .
+ "dev-type-[A-Za-z0-9_]+-bswapRegs " .
+ "dev-type-[A-Za-z0-9_]+-format " .
+ "dev-type-[A-Za-z0-9_]+-expr " .
+ "dev-type-[A-Za-z0-9_]+-map " .
"dev-timing-timeout " .
"dev-timing-sendDelay " .
@@ -1818,6 +1866,21 @@ sub ModbusLD_Get($@)
+sub Modbus_compObjAttrs ($$) {
+ my ($a, $b) = @_;
+ my $aType = substr($a, 4, 1);
+ my $aStart = substr($a, 5);
+ my $bType = substr($b, 4, 1);
+ my $bStart = substr($b, 5);
+ my $result = ($aType cmp $bType);
+ if ($result) {
+ return $result;
+ }
+ $result = $aStart <=> $bStart;
+ return $result;
# SET command - handle predifined control sets
@@ -1922,7 +1985,90 @@ sub ModbusLD_ControlSet($$$)
RemoveInternalTimer ("scan:$name");
InternalTimer($now+$scanDelay, "ModbusLD_ScanObjects", "scan:$name", 0);
return "0";
+ } elsif ($setName eq 'saveAsModule') {
+ my $fName = $setVal;
+ my $out;
+ my $last = "x";
+ if (!open($out, ">", "/tmp/98_ModbusGen$fName.pm")) {
+ Log3 $name, 3, "$name: Cannot create output file $hash->{OUTPUT}";
+ return;
+ };
+ print $out "
+# \$Id: 98_ModbusGen${fName}.pm \$
+# von ModbusAttr generiertes Modul
+package main;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ print $out "sub ModbusGen${fName}_Initialize(\$);\n";
+ print $out "my %ModbusGen${fName}parseInfo = (\n";
+ foreach my $a (sort keys %{$attr{$name}}) {
+ if ($a =~ /^obj-([^\-]+)-(.*)$/) {
+ if ($1 ne $last) {
+ if ($last ne "x") {
+ # Abschluss des letzten Eintrags
+ printf $out "%26s", "},\n";
+ }
+ # Neuer Key
+ printf $out "%2s", " ";
+ printf $out "%16s%s", "\"$1\"", " => { ";
+ $last = $1;
+ } else {
+ printf $out "%25s", " ";
+ }
+ printf $out "%15s%s", "\'".$2."\'", " => \'$attr{$name}{$a}\',\n";
+ }
+ }
+ printf $out "%28s", "}\n";
+ print $out ");\n\n";
+ print $out "my %ModbusGen${fName}deviceInfo = (\n";
+ $last = "x";
+ foreach my $a (sort keys %{$attr{$name}}) {
+ if ($a =~ /^dev-((type-)?[^\-]+)-(.*)$/) {
+ if ($1 ne $last) {
+ if ($last ne "x") {
+ printf $out "%26s", "},\n";
+ }
+ printf $out "%2s", " ";
+ printf $out "%16s%s", "\"$1\"", " => { ";
+ $last = $1;
+ } else {
+ printf $out "%25s", " ";
+ }
+ printf $out "%15s%s", "\'".$3."\'", " => \'$attr{$name}{$a}\',\n";
+ }
+ }
+ printf $out "%28s", "}\n";
+ print $out ");\n\n";
+ print $out "
+sub ModbusGen${fName}_Initialize(\$)
+ my (\$modHash) = \@_;
+ require \"\$attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/98_Modbus.pm\";
+ \$modHash->{parseInfo} = \\%ModbusGen${fName}parseInfo; # defines registers, inputs, coils etc. for this Modbus Defive
+ \$modHash->{deviceInfo} = \\%ModbusGen${fName}deviceInfo; # defines properties of the device like defaults and supported function codes
+ ModbusLD_Initialize(\$modHash); # Generic function of the Modbus module does the rest
+ \$modHash->{AttrList} = \$modHash->{AttrList} . \" \" . # Standard Attributes like IODEv etc
+ \$modHash->{ObjAttrList} . \" \" . # Attributes to add or overwrite parseInfo definitions
+ \$modHash->{DevAttrList} . \" \" . # Attributes to add or overwrite devInfo definitions
+ \"poll-.* \" . # overwrite poll with poll-ReadingName
+ \"polldelay-.* \"; # overwrite polldelay with polldelay-ReadingName
+ return "0";
return undef; # no control set identified - continue with other sets
@@ -1950,7 +2096,7 @@ sub ModbusLD_ScanObjects($) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: ScanObjects waits until queue gets smaller";
- if ($hash->{scanOAdr}) {
+ if ($hash->{scanOAdr} || $hash->{scanOAdr} eq "0") {
if ($hash->{scanOAdr} < $hash->{scanOEnd}) {
} else {
@@ -2041,13 +2187,21 @@ sub ModbusLD_ScanFormat($$)
", s>=" . unpack("s>", $val) .
", S=" . unpack("S", $val) .
", S>=" . unpack("S>", $val);
- if ($len > 2) {
+ if ($len > 2) {
$ret .= ", i=" . unpack("s", $val) .
", i>=" . unpack("s>", $val) .
", I=" . unpack("S", $val) .
", I>=" . unpack("S>", $val);
$ret .= ", f=" . unpack("f", $val) .
", f>=" . unpack("f>", $val);
+ #my $r1 = substr($h, 0, 4);
+ #my $r2 = substr($h, 4, 4);
+ #my $rev = pack ("H*", $r2 . $r1);
+ #$ret .= ", revf=" . unpack("f", $rev) .
+ #", revf>=" . unpack("f>", $rev);
return $ret;
@@ -2302,6 +2456,20 @@ sub ModbusLD_ReadAnswer($;$)
+sub Modbus_compObjKeys ($$) {
+ my ($a, $b) = @_;
+ my $aType = substr($a, 0, 1);
+ my $aStart = substr($a, 1);
+ my $bType = substr($b, 0, 1);
+ my $bStart = substr($b, 1);
+ my $result = ($aType cmp $bType);
+ if ($result) {
+ return $result;
+ }
+ $result = $aStart <=> $bStart;
+ return $result;
# called via internal timer from
# logical device module with
@@ -2347,6 +2515,7 @@ sub ModbusLD_GetUpdate($) {
push @ObjList, keys (%{$parseInfo});
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: GetUpdate full object list: " . join (" ", sort @ObjList);
+ # create readList by checking delays and poll settings for ObjList
foreach my $objCombi (sort @ObjList) {
#my $type = substr($objCombi, 0, 1);
#my $adr = substr($objCombi, 1);
@@ -2380,8 +2549,8 @@ sub ModbusLD_GetUpdate($) {
my $maxLen;
$adr = 0; $type = ""; $span = 0; $nextSpan = 0;
- # combine objects in Readlist by increasing the length of a first obejct and removing the second
- foreach $nextObj (sort keys %readList) {
+ # combine objects in Readlist by increasing the length of a first object and removing the second
+ foreach $nextObj (sort Modbus_compObjKeys keys %readList) {
$nextType = substr($nextObj, 0, 1);
$nextAdr = substr($nextObj, 1);
$nextReading = ModbusLD_ObjInfo($hash, $nextObj, "reading");
@@ -2406,14 +2575,20 @@ sub ModbusLD_GetUpdate($) {
$maxLen = ModbusLD_DevInfo($hash, $type, "combine", 1);
# Log3 $name, 5, "$name: GetUpdate: combine for $type is $maxLen";
- Modbus_Profiler($ioHash, "Idle");
- while (my ($objCombi, $span) = each %readList) {
- # helios:
- # val force len
- #ModbusLD_Send($hash, h100, "write", $adr, 0, $span);
- #ModbusLD_Send($hash, h100, "read", 0, 0, 20);
- ModbusLD_Send($hash, $objCombi, "read", 0, 0, $span);
+ if (AttrVal($name, "sortUpdate", 0)) {
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$name: sort objList before sending requests";
+ foreach my $objCombi (sort Modbus_compObjKeys keys %readList) {
+ my $span = $readList{$objCombi};
+ ModbusLD_Send($hash, $objCombi, "read", 0, 0, $span);
+ }
+ } else {
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$name: don't sort objList before sending requests";
+ while (my ($objCombi, $span) = each %readList) {
+ ModbusLD_Send($hash, $objCombi, "read", 0, 0, $span);
+ }
+ Modbus_Profiler($ioHash, "Idle");
@@ -2494,7 +2669,7 @@ sub Modbus_SwpRegs($$$) {
-# called from logical device fuctions
+# called from logical device functions
# with log dev hash
sub ModbusLD_Send($$$;$$$){
my ($hash, $objCombi, $op, $v1, $force, $reqLen) = @_;
diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/98_ModbusAttr.pm b/fhem/FHEM/98_ModbusAttr.pm
index 07facc80e..f691b81f1 100755
--- a/fhem/FHEM/98_ModbusAttr.pm
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/98_ModbusAttr.pm
@@ -35,15 +35,16 @@
# 2016-12-18 documentation added
# 2016-12-24 documentation added
# 2017-01-02 allowShortResponses documented
-# 2017-01-25 documentation for ignoreExpr
-# 2017-03-12 fixed documentation for logical attrs that were wrongly defined as physical ones
+# 2017-01-25 documentation for ignoreExpr
+# 2017-03-12 fixed documentation for logical attrs that were wrongly defined as physical ones
+# 2017-07-15 added documentation for new attributes
+# 2017-07-25 documentation for data type attributes
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
@@ -146,16 +147,16 @@ ModbusAttr_Initialize($)
Attributes to define data objects start with obj- followed by a code that identifies the type and address
of the data object.
Modbus devices offer the following types of data objects:
scanId-5-Response-h770 hex=0064, string=.d, s=25600, s>=100, S=25600, S>=100
saveAsModule <name>
+ attr WP dev-type-VT_R4-format %.1f + attr WP dev-type-VT_R4-len 2 + attr WP dev-type-VT_R4-revRegs 1 + attr WP dev-type-VT_R4-unpack f> + + attr WP obj-h1234-reading Temp_Ist + attr WP obj-h1234-type VT_R4 ++