diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/98_DOIF.pm b/fhem/FHEM/98_DOIF.pm
index d1b963e9b..a0cf6fe31 100644
--- a/fhem/FHEM/98_DOIF.pm
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/98_DOIF.pm
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ sub DOIF_delAll($)
delete ($hash->{perlblock});
delete ($hash->{var});
delete ($hash->{accu});
+ delete ($hash->{collect});
delete ($hash->{Regex});
delete ($hash->{defs});
@@ -1277,6 +1278,12 @@ sub ReadingValDoIf
return (($a[-1]-$a[0])/$a[0]);
+ } elsif ($regExp =~ /^(col)(\d*)/) {
+ my $hours=$2;
+ $hours=24 if (!defined ($hours) or !$hours);
+ $hash->{collect}{"$name $reading"}{$hours}{value}=$r;
+ $hash->{collect}{"$name $reading"}{$hours}{time}=time_str2num(ReadingsTimestamp($name, $reading, "1970-01-01 01:00:00"));
+ return (\%{$hash->{collect}{"$name $reading"}{$hours}});
} elsif ($regExp =~ /^d(\d)?/) {
my $round=$1;
$r = ($r =~ /(-?\d+(\.\d+)?)/ ? $1 : 0);
@@ -1304,17 +1311,96 @@ sub accu_setValue
my ($hash,$name,$reading)=@_;
if (defined $hash->{accu}{"$name $reading"}) {
- my @a=@{$hash->{accu}{"$name $reading"}{value}};
+ my $a=$hash->{accu}{"$name $reading"}{value};
my $dim=$hash->{accu}{"$name $reading"}{dim};
- shift (@a) if (@a >= $dim);
+ shift (@{$a}) if (@{$a} >= $dim);
my $r=ReadingsVal($name,$reading,0);
$r = ($r =~ /(-?\d+(\.\d+)?)/ ? $1 : 0);
- push (@a,$r);
- @{$hash->{accu}{"$name $reading"}{value}}=@a;
+ push (@{$a},$r);
+sub collect_setValue
+ my ($hash,$name,$reading,$hours)=@_;
+ my $dim=60;
+ my $min_per_slot=$hours;
+ my $diff_slots=1;
+ my $maxVal;
+ my $maxValTime;
+ my $minVal;
+ my $minValTime;
+ my $va=$hash->{collect}{"$name $reading"}{$hours}{values};
+ my $ta=$hash->{collect}{"$name $reading"}{$hours}{times};
+ my $r=ReadingsVal($name,$reading,0);
+ $r = ($r =~ /(-?\d+(\.\d+)?)/ ? $1 : 0);
+ my ($seconds, $microseconds) = gettimeofday();
+ my $slot_nr=int ($seconds/(60*$min_per_slot));
+ if (defined $hash->{collect}{"$name $reading"}{$hours}{last_slot}) {
+ $diff_slots=$slot_nr-$hash->{collect}{"$name $reading"}{$hours}{last_slot};
+ if ($diff_slots > 0) {
+ if ($diff_slots >= $dim) {
+ my $lastval;
+# my $lasttime;
+ for (my $i=@{$va}-1;$i>=0;$i--) {
+ if (defined (${$va}[$i])) {
+ $lastval=${$va}[$i];
+# $lasttime=${$ta}[$i];
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ @{$va}=();
+ @{$ta}=();
+ if (defined $lastval) {
+ ${$va}[0]=$lastval;
+# ${$ta}[0]=$lasttime;
+ }
+ } else {
+ my @rv=splice (@{$va},0,$diff_slots);
+ my @rt=splice (@{$ta},0,$diff_slots);
+ if (!defined (${$va}[0])) {
+ for (my $i=@rv-1;$i>=0;$i--) {
+ if (defined ($rv[$i])) {
+ ${$va}[0]=$rv[$i];
+ last;
+ # ${$ta}[0]=$rt[$i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($diff_slots > 0) {
+ $hash->{collect}{"$name $reading"}{$hours}{last_slot}=$slot_nr;
+ }
+ ${$va}[$dim-1]=$r;
+ $hash->{collect}{"$name $reading"}{$hours}{value}=$r;
+ ${$ta}[$dim-1]=$seconds;
+ $hash->{collect}{"$name $reading"}{$hours}{time}=$seconds;
+ for (my $i=0;$i<@{$va};$i++) {
+ my $value=${$va}[$i];
+ my $time=${$ta}[$i];
+ if (defined $value and defined $time) {
+ if (!defined $maxVal or $value > $maxVal) {
+ $maxVal=$value;
+ $maxValTime=$time;
+ }
+ if (!defined $minVal or $value < $minVal) {
+ $minVal=$value;
+ $minValTime=$time;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $hash->{collect}{"$name $reading"}{$hours}{max_value}=$maxVal;
+ $hash->{collect}{"$name $reading"}{$hours}{max_value_time}=$maxValTime;
+ $hash->{collect}{"$name $reading"}{$hours}{min_value}=$minVal;
+ $hash->{collect}{"$name $reading"}{$hours}{min_value_time}=$minValTime;
sub EvalAllDoIf($$)
@@ -1449,9 +1535,9 @@ sub ReplaceEventDoIf($)
return ($block,undef);
-sub ReplaceReadingDoIf($)
+sub ReplaceReadingDoIf
- my ($element) = @_;
+ my ($hash,$element) = @_;
my $beginning;
my $tailBlock;
my $err;
@@ -1500,16 +1586,24 @@ sub ReplaceReadingDoIf($)
return ($regExp,"no round brackets in regular expression") if ($regExp !~ /.*\(.*\)/);
} elsif ($format =~ /^((avg|med|diff|inc)(\d*))/) {
- AddRegexpTriggerDoIf($hs,"accu","","accu",$name,$reading);
+ AddRegexpTriggerDoIf($hash,"accu","","accu",$name,$reading);
$regExp =$1;
my $dim=$3;
$dim=2 if (!defined $dim or !$dim);
- if (defined $hs->{accu}{"$name $reading"}{dim}) {
- $hs->{accu}{"$name $reading"}{dim}=$hs->{accu}{"$name $reading"}{dim} < $dim ? $dim : $hs->{accu}{"$name $reading"}{dim};
+ if (defined $hash->{accu}{"$name $reading"}{dim}) {
+ $hash->{accu}{"$name $reading"}{dim}=$hash->{accu}{"$name $reading"}{dim} < $dim ? $dim : $hash->{accu}{"$name $reading"}{dim};
} else {
- $hs->{accu}{"$name $reading"}{dim}=$dim;
- @{$hs->{accu}{"$name $reading"}{value}}=();
+ $hash->{accu}{"$name $reading"}{dim}=$dim;
+ @{$hash->{accu}{"$name $reading"}{value}}=();
+ } elsif ($format =~ /^((col)(\d*))/) {
+ AddRegexpTriggerDoIf($hash,"collect","","collect",$name,$reading);
+ $regExp =$1;
+ my $hours=$3;
+ $hours=24 if (!defined $hours or !$hours);
+ @{$hash->{collect}{"$name $reading"}{$hours}{values}}=();
+ @{$hash->{collect}{"$name $reading"}{$hours}{times}}=();
+ $hash->{collect}{"$name $reading"}{$hours}{hours}=$hours;
} elsif ($format =~ /^(d[^:]*)(?::(.*))?/) {
$regExp =$1;
@@ -1543,7 +1637,7 @@ sub ReplaceReadingDoIf($)
sub ReplaceReadingEvalDoIf($$$)
my ($hash,$element,$eval) = @_;
- my ($block,$err,$device,$reading,$internal)=ReplaceReadingDoIf($element);
+ my ($block,$err,$device,$reading,$internal)=ReplaceReadingDoIf($hash,$element);
return ($block,$err) if ($err);
if ($eval) {
# return ("[".$element."]","") if(!$defs{$device});
@@ -2711,6 +2805,20 @@ DOIF_Notify($$)
accu_setValue($hash,$device,$readingregex) if (defined $readingregex);
+ if (defined $hash->{Regex}{"collect"}{"$dev->{NAME}"}) {
+ my $device=$dev->{NAME};
+ foreach my $reading (keys %{$hash->{Regex}{"collect"}{$device}{"collect"}}) {
+ my $readingregex=CheckRegexpDoIf($hash,"collect",$dev->{NAME},"collect",$eventa,$eventas,$reading);
+ if (defined $readingregex) {
+ foreach my $hours (keys %{$hash->{collect}{"$device $readingregex"}}) {
+ collect_setValue($hash,$device,$readingregex,$hours);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
if (defined CheckRegexpDoIf($hash,"cond",$dev->{NAME},"",$eventa,$eventas)) {
$hash->{helper}{cur_cmd_nr}="Trigger $dev->{NAME}" if (AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"selftrigger","") ne "all");
@@ -4306,6 +4414,212 @@ sub format_value {
+sub get_color {
+ my ($value,$min,$max,$minColor,$maxColor,$func)=@_;
+ my $color;
+ if (!defined $value or $value eq "N/A") {
+ $value = $min;
+ }
+ if (ref($func) eq "CODE") {
+ $minColor=&{$func}($min);
+ $maxColor=&{$func}($max);
+ $color=&{$func}($value);
+ } elsif (ref($func) eq "ARRAY") {
+ $minColor=${$func}[1];
+ $maxColor=${$func}[-1];
+ for (my $i=0;$i<@{$func};$i+=2) {
+ if ($value <= ${$func}[$i]) {
+ $color=${$func}[$i+1];
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $minColor=120 if (!defined $minColor);
+ $maxColor=0 if (!defined $maxColor);
+ my $prop=0;
+ $prop=($value-$min)/($max-$min) if ($max-$min);
+ if ($minColor < $maxColor) {
+ $color=$prop*($maxColor-$minColor)+$minColor;
+ } else {
+ $color=(1-$prop)*($minColor-$maxColor)+$maxColor;
+ }
+ }
+ return($color,$minColor,$maxColor);
+sub card
+ my ($collect,$header,$icon,$min,$max,$minColor,$maxColor,$unit,$func,$decfont,$size,$model,$lightness) = @_;
+ ##my ($collect,$icon,$header,$min$maxColor,$unit,$decfont,$light,$size)=@_;
+ my $val=${$collect}{value};
+ my $a=@{$collect}{values};
+ my $maxVal = ${$collect}{max_value};
+ my $maxValTime = ${$collect}{max_value_time};
+ my $minVal = ${$collect}{min_value};
+ my $minValTime = ${$collect}{min_value_time};
+ my $hours = ${$collect}{hours};
+ my $time = ${$collect}{time};
+ my $bwidth=160;
+ my $bheight=88;
+ my $htrans=0;
+ my ($maxValColor)=get_color($maxVal,$min,$max,$minColor,$maxColor,$func);
+ my ($minValColor)=get_color($minVal,$min,$max,$minColor,$maxColor,$func);
+ my $out;
+ my $trans=0;
+ my ($ic,$iscale,$ix,$iy,$rotate);
+ my $minCol=$minColor;
+ my ($dec,$fontformat,$unitformat);
+ ($dec,$fontformat,$unitformat)=split (/,/,$decfont) if (defined $decfont);
+ $fontformat="" if (!defined $fontformat);
+ $unitformat="" if (!defined $unitformat);
+ my ($header_txt,$header_style);
+ ($header_txt,$header_style)=split (/,/,$header) if (defined $header);
+ $header_style="" if (!defined $header_style);
+ my ($format,$value);
+ my ($lr,$lir,$lmm,$lu,$ln,$li);
+ ($lr,$lir,$lmm,$lu,$ln,$li)=split (/,/,$lightness) if (defined $lightness);
+ $unit="" if (!defined $unit);
+ if (defined $header) {
+ $htrans = 28;
+ $bheight += 28;
+ }
+ my $height=$bheight;
+ $min=0 if (!defined $min);
+ $max=100 if (!defined $max);
+ $dec=1 if (!defined $dec);
+ ($format,$value,$val)=format_value($val,$min,$dec);
+ $value=$max if($value>$max);
+ $value=$min if ($value<$min);
+ $size=100 if (!defined $size);
+ my $currColor;
+ ($currColor,$minColor,$maxColor)=get_color($value,$min,$max,$minColor,$maxColor,$func);
+ if (defined ($icon)) {
+ ($ic,$iscale,$ix,$iy,$rotate)=split(",",$icon);
+ $rotate=0 if (!defined $rotate);
+ $iscale=1 if (!defined $iscale);
+ $ic="" if (!defined($ic));
+ }
+ my $svg_width=int($size/100*$bwidth);
+ my $svg_height=int($size/100*$bheight);
+ my ($m,$n)=m_n($min,0,$max,50);
+ my $xpos;
+ my $nullColor;
+ if ($min < 0 and $max > 0) {
+ $xpos=50-int($n*10)/10;
+ ($nullColor,$minColor,$maxColor)=get_color(0,$min,$max,$minColor,$maxColor,$func);
+ } elsif ($max <= 0) {
+ $xpos=0;
+ } else {
+ $xpos=50;
+ }
+ $ic="$ic\@".color($currColor,$ln) if (defined($icon) and $icon !~ /@/);
+ $out.= sprintf ('';
+return ($out);
sub bar
my ($val,$min,$max,$header,$minColor,$maxColor,$unit,$bwidth,$bheight,$size,$func,$decfont,$model,$lr,$ln,$icon) = @_;
@@ -4594,7 +4908,7 @@ sub temp_uring {
my ($value,$min,$max,$size,$type,$lightring,$lightnumber,$icon,$decfont) = @_;
$min=-20 if (!defined $min);
$max=60 if (!defined $max);
- $size=80 if (!defined $size);
+ $size=85 if (!defined $size);
$decfont=1 if (!defined $decfont);
@@ -4622,7 +4936,7 @@ sub icon_temp_mring{
sub hum_uring {
my ($value,$size,$type,$lightring,$lightnumber,$icon,$decfont) = @_;
- $size=80 if (!defined $size);
+ $size=85 if (!defined $size);
$decfont=0 if (!defined $decfont);
@@ -4769,14 +5083,7 @@ sub ring
- if (ref($func) eq "CODE") {
- $minColor=&{$func}($min);
- $maxColor=&{$func}($max);
- } else {
- $minColor=120 if (!defined $minColor);
- $maxColor=0 if (!defined $maxColor);
- }
$value=$max if ($value>$max);
$value=$min if ($value<$min);
$size=100 if (!defined $size);
@@ -4883,13 +5190,13 @@ sub ring
my ($valInt,$valDec)=split(/\./,sprintf($format,$val));
if (defined $valDec) {
$out.= sprintf('%s.%s',
- ($icflag ? 43.5:34),color($currColor,$ln),(defined ($icon) ? 14:20),$fontformat,$valInt,$valDec);
+ ($icflag ? 43.5:34),color($currColor,$ln),(defined ($icon) ? 14:18),$fontformat,$valInt,$valDec);
} else {
$out.= sprintf('%s',
- ($icflag ? 43.5:34),color($currColor,$ln),(defined ($icon) ? 14:20),$fontformat,$valInt);
+ ($icflag ? 43.5:34),color($currColor,$ln),(defined ($icon) ? 14:18),$fontformat,$valInt);
$out.= sprintf('%s',
- ($icflag ? 53:47),color($currColor,$lu),($icflag ? 9:12),$unitformat,$unit) if (defined $unit);
+ ($icflag ? 53:47),color($currColor,$lu),($icflag ? 9:10),$unitformat,$unit) if (defined $unit);
if (defined $minMax and $minMax) {
$out.= sprintf('%s',color($minCol,$lmm),($minMax eq "1" ? "":$minMax),$min);