mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-03 16:56:54 +00:00

57_Calendar: new parameter "limit" (forum #87566)

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@16741 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
borisneubert 2018-05-15 19:16:44 +00:00
parent 30aad3c9d1
commit 94ed663654
2 changed files with 68 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- feature: 57_Calendar: new parameter "limit" (forum #87566)
- bugfix: 55_DWD_OpenData: updateAlertsCache causing "not a HASH reference"
error on some platforms (forum #83097)
- change: 98_dewpoint: Don't manipulate STATE of target device if has

View File

@ -1921,6 +1921,7 @@ sub Calendar_Get($@) {
my $timeFormat= AttrVal($name, "defaultTimeFormat",'%d.%m.%Y %H:%M');
my @filters= ();
my $next= undef;
my $count= undef;
my ($paramerror, $arrayref)= Calendar_simpleParseWords(join(" ", @a));
return "$name: Parameter parse error: $paramerror" if(defined($paramerror));
@ -1986,6 +1987,29 @@ sub Calendar_Get($@) {
return "$name: Illegal series specification: $seriesspec";
### limit
} elsif($p =~ /^limit:(.+)$/) {
my ($limiterror, $limitarrayref)= Calendar_simpleParseWords($1, ",");
return "$name: Limit parse error: $limiterror" if(defined($limiterror));
my @limits= @{$limitarrayref};
for my $limit (@limits) {
if($limit =~ /count=([1-9]+\d*)/) {
$count= $1;
} elsif($limit =~ /from=([+-]?)(.+)/ ) {
my $sign= $1 eq "-" ? -1 : 1;
my ($error, $from)= Calendar_GetSecondsFromTimeSpec($2);
return "$name: $error" if($error);
push @filters, { ref => \&filter_endafter, param => $t+$sign*$from };
} elsif($limit =~ /to=([+-]?)(.+)/ ) {
my $sign= $1 eq "-" ? -1 : 1;
my ($error, $to)= Calendar_GetSecondsFromTimeSpec($2);
return "$name: $error" if($error);
push @filters, { ref => \&filter_startbefore, param => $t+$sign*$to };
} else {
return "$name: Illegal limit specification: $limit";
} else {
return "$name: Illegal parameter: $p";
@ -2006,9 +2030,10 @@ sub Calendar_Get($@) {
} @events;
my $n= 0;
foreach my $event (@events) {
push @texts, $event->formatted($format, $timeFormat);
last if(defined($count) && (++$n>= $count));
return "" if($#texts<0);
return join("\n", @texts);
@ -2020,6 +2045,7 @@ sub Calendar_Get($@) {
if($cmd ~~ @cmds2) {
return "argument is missing" if($#a < 2);
Log3 $hash, 2, "get $name $cmd is deprecated and will be removed soon. Use get $name events instead.";
my $filter= $a[2];
@ -2297,11 +2323,21 @@ sub filter_start($) {
return $event->getMode() eq "start" ? 1 : 0;
sub filter_startbefore($$) {
my ($event, $param)= @_;
return $event->start() < $param ? 1 : 0;
sub filter_end($) {
my ($event)= @_;
return $event->getMode() eq "end" ? 1 : 0;
sub filter_endafter($$) {
my ($event, $param)= @_;
return $event->end() > $param ? 1 : 0;
sub filter_notend($) {
my ($event)= @_;
#Debug "filter_notend: event " . $event->{summary} . ", mode= " . $event->getMode();
@ -3153,12 +3189,12 @@ sub CalendarEventsAsHtml($;$) {
Same as <code>set &lt;name&gt; update</code><br><br></li>
<li><code>get &lt;name&gt; events [format:&lt;formatSpec&gt;] [timeFormat:&lt;timeFormatSpec&gt;] [filter:&lt;filterSpecs&gt;] [series:next[=&lt;max&gt;]]</code><br><br>
<li><code>get &lt;name&gt; events [format:&lt;formatSpec&gt;] [timeFormat:&lt;timeFormatSpec&gt;] [filter:&lt;filterSpecs&gt;] [series:next[=&lt;max&gt;]] [limit:&lt;limitSpecs&gt;]</code><br><br>
The swiss army knife for displaying calendar events.
Returns, line by line, information on the calendar events in the calendar &lt;name&gt;
according to formatting and filtering rules.
You can give none, one or several of the <code>format</code>,
<code>timeFormat</code>, <code>filter</code> and <code>series</code>
<code>timeFormat</code>, <code>filter</code>, <code>series</code> and <code>limit</code>
parameters and it makes even sense to give the <code>filter</code>
parameter several times.
@ -3275,10 +3311,36 @@ sub CalendarEventsAsHtml($;$) {
recurring events. <code>series:next</code> limits the display to the
next calendar event out of all calendar events in the series that have
not yet ended. <code>series:next=&lt;max&gt;</code> shows at most the
<code>&lt;max&gt;</code> next calendar events in the series.<br><br>
<code>&lt;max&gt;</code> next calendar events in the series. This applies
per series. To limit the total amount of events displayed see the <code>limit</code>
parameter below.<br><br>
The <u><code>limit</code></u> parameter limits the number of events displayed.
<code>&lt;limitSpecs&gt;</code> is a comma-separated list of <code>&lt;limitSpec&gt;</code>
<tr><th align="left"><code>&lt;limitSpec&gt;</code></th><th align="left">description</th></tr>
<tr><td><code>count=&lt;n&gt;</code></td><td>shows at most <code>&lt;n&gt;</code> events, <code>&lt;n&gt;</code> is a positive integer</td></tr>
<tr><td><code>from=[+|-]&lt;timespec&gt;</code></td><td>shows only events that end after
a timespan &lt;timespec&gt; from now; use a minus sign for events in the
past; &lt;timespec&gt; is described below in the Attributes section</td></tr>
<tr><td><code>to=[+|-]&lt;timespec&gt;</code></td><td>shows only events that start before
a timespan &lt;timespec&gt; from now; use a minus sign for events in the
past; &lt;timespec&gt; is described below in the Attributes section</td></tr>
<code>get MyCalendar limit:count=10</code><br>
<code>get MyCalendar limit:from=-2d</code><br>
<code>get MyCalendar limit:count=10,from=0,to=+10d</code><br>
<li><code>get &lt;name&gt; &lt;format&gt; &lt;filter&gt; [&lt;max&gt;]</code><br>
This command is deprecated. Use <code>get &lt;name&gt; events ...</code>
instead. Please inform the author of the module if you think that there
@ -3336,6 +3398,7 @@ sub CalendarEventsAsHtml($;$) {
<li><code>get &lt;name&gt; find &lt;regexp&gt;</code><br>
Returns, line by line, the UIDs of all calendar events whose summary matches the regular expression