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36_WMBUS: support for type C and Kamstrup Multical

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@16905 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
kaihs 2018-06-24 19:58:13 +00:00
parent d975ab3b10
commit 94bc055ac6
3 changed files with 448 additions and 56 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- feature: 36_WMBUS: support for WMBUS type C and Kamstrup Multical 21
ATTENTION: decryption has changed, please install
the perl modules Crypt::Mode::CBC and
Crypt::Mode::CTR if you want to decrypt messages.
(sudo cpan -i Crypt::Mode::CBC Crypt::Mode::CTR)
- change: 93_DbLog: commandref hint for special character usage in passwords
- change: 74_AMADtasker: AMAD Taskerproject change to new battery states
- feature: 49_SSCamSTRM: new attr hideDisplayName regarding to Forum #88667

View File

@ -54,6 +54,10 @@ WMBUS_HandleEncoding($$)
my $msglen = sprintf("%1x", hex(substr($msg,4,1)) - 1);
$msg = "b" . $msglen . substr($msg,5);
} else {
if (substr($msg,1,1) eq "Y") {
$msg = "b" . substr($msg,2);
$msg .= WMBUS_RSSIAsRaw($rssi);
return ($msg, $rssi, $encoding);
@ -456,8 +460,8 @@ WMBUS_Attr(@)
It uses the 868 MHz band for radio transmissions.
Therefore you need a device which can receive Wireless M-Bus messages, e.g. a <a href="#CUL">CUL</a> with culfw >= 1.59 or an AMBER Wireless AMB8465M.
WMBus uses two different radio protocols, T-Mode and S-Mode. The receiver must be configured to use the same protocol as the sender.
In case of a CUL this can be done by setting <a href="#rfmode">rfmode</a> to WMBus_T or WMBus_S respectively.
WMBus uses three different radio protocols, T-Mode, S-Mode and C-Mode. The receiver must be configured to use the same protocol as the sender.
In case of a CUL this can be done by setting <a href="#rfmode">rfmode</a> to WMBus_T, WMBus_S or WMBus_C respectively.
WMBus devices send data periodically depending on their configuration. It can take days between individual messages or they might be sent
every minute.
@ -466,11 +470,11 @@ WMBUS_Attr(@)
will fail and no relevant data will be available.
This module requires the perl modules Crypt::CBC, Digest::CRC and Crypt::OpenSSL::AES (AES only if encrypted messages should be processed).<br>
This module requires the perl modules Digest::CRC, Crypt::Mode::CBC and Crypt::Mode::CTR (Crypt modules only if encrypted messages should be processed).<br>
On a debian based system these can be installed with<br>
sudo apt-get install libcrypt-cbc-perl libdigest-crc-perl libssl-dev<br>
sudo cpan -i Crypt::OpenSSL::AES
sudo apt-get install libdigest-crc-perl<br>
sudo cpan -i Crypt::Mode::CBC Crypt::Mode:CTR
<a name="WMBUSdefine"></a>
@ -563,8 +567,8 @@ WMBUS_Attr(@)
Es verwendet das 868 MHz Band f&uuml;r Radio&uuml;bertragungen.
Daher wird ein Ger&auml;t ben&ouml;tigt das die Wireless M-Bus Nachrichten empfangen kann, z. B. ein <a href="#CUL">CUL</a> mit culfw >= 1.59 oder ein AMBER Wireless AMB8465-M.
WMBus verwendet zwei unterschiedliche Radioprotokolle, T-Mode und S-Mode. Der Empf&auml;nger muss daher so konfiguriert werden, dass er das selbe Protokoll
verwendet wie der Sender. Im Falle eines CUL kann das erreicht werden, in dem das Attribut <a href="#rfmode">rfmode</a> auf WMBus_T bzw. WMBus_S gesetzt wird.
WMBus verwendet drei unterschiedliche Radioprotokolle, T-Mode, S-Mode und C-Mode. Der Empf&auml;nger muss daher so konfiguriert werden, dass er das selbe Protokoll
verwendet wie der Sender. Im Falle eines CUL kann das erreicht werden, in dem das Attribut <a href="#rfmode">rfmode</a> auf WMBus_T, WMBus_S bzw. WMBus_C gesetzt wird.
WMBus Ger&auml;te senden Daten periodisch abh&auml;ngig von ihrer Konfiguration. Es k&ouml;nnen u. U. Tage zwischen einzelnen Nachrichten vergehen oder sie k&ouml;nnen im
Minutentakt gesendet werden.
@ -573,11 +577,11 @@ WMBUS_Attr(@)
Andernfalls wird die Entschl&uuml;sselung fehlschlagen und es k&ouml;nnen keine relevanten Daten ausgelesen werden.
Dieses Modul ben&ouml;tigt die perl Module Crypt::CBC, Digest::CRC and Crypt::OpenSSL::AES (AES wird nur ben&ouml;tigt wenn verschl&uuml;sselte Nachrichten verarbeitet werden sollen).<br>
Dieses Modul ben&ouml;tigt die perl Module Digest::CRC, Crypt::Mode::CBC und Crypt::ModeL::CTR (die Crypt Module werden nur ben&ouml;tigt wenn verschl&uuml;sselte Nachrichten verarbeitet werden sollen).<br>
Bei einem Debian basierten System k&ouml;nnen diese so installiert werden<br>
sudo apt-get install libcrypt-cbc-perl libdigest-crc-perl libssl-dev<br>
sudo cpan -i Crypt::OpenSSL::AES
sudo apt-get install libdigest-crc-perl<br>
sudo cpan -i Crypt::Mode::CBC Crypt::Mode::CTR
<a name="WMBUSdefine"></a>

View File

@ -5,12 +5,11 @@ package WMBus;
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(say);
use Crypt::CBC; # libcrypt-cbc-perl
use Digest::CRC; # libdigest-crc-perl
# there seems to be no debian package for Crypt::OpenSSL::AES, so use
# sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
# sudo cpan -i Crypt::OpenSSL::AES
eval "use Crypt::Mode::CBC"; # cpan -i Crypt::Mode::CBC
my $hasCBC = ($@)?0:1;
eval "use Crypt::Mode::CTR"; # cpan -i Crypt::Mode::CTR
my $hasCTR = ($@)?0:1;
require Exporter;
my @ISA = qw(Exporter);
@ -44,6 +43,11 @@ use constant {
CI_ERROR => 0x70, # Error from device, only specified for wired M-Bus but used by Easymeter WMBUS module
CI_TL_4 => 0x8a, # Transport layer from device, 4 Bytes
CI_TL_12 => 0x8b, # Transport layer from device, 12 Bytes
CI_ELL_2 => 0x8c, # Extended Link Layer, 2 Bytes
CI_ELL_6 => 0x8e, # Extended Link Layer, 6 Bytes
CI_ELL_8 => 0x8d, # Extended Link Layer, 8 Bytes (see https://www.telit.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Telit_Wireless_M-bus_2013_Part4_User_Guide_r14.pdf, 2.3.4)
CI_ELL_16 => 0x8f, # Extended Link Layer, 16 Bytes (see https://www.telit.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Telit_Wireless_M-bus_2013_Part4_User_Guide_r14.pdf, 2.3.4)
CI_AFL => 0x90, # Authentification and Fragmentation Layer, variable size
CI_RESP_SML_4 => 0x7e, # Response from device, 4 Bytes, application layer SML encoded
CI_RESP_SML_12 => 0x7f, # Response from device, 12 Bytes, application layer SML encoded
@ -88,8 +92,14 @@ use constant {
# TYPE C transmission uses two different frame types
# see http://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource/technical/document/application_note/3f/fb/35/5a/25/4e/41/ba/DM00233038.pdf/files/DM00233038.pdf/jcr:content/translations/en.DM00233038.pdf
sub valueCalcNumeric($$) {
@ -796,6 +806,18 @@ my %VIFInfo_ESY = (
# For Kamstrup (manufacturer specific)
my %VIFInfo_KAM = (
typeMask => 0b00000000,
expMask => 0b00000000,
type => 0b00000000,
bias => 0,
unit => '',
# see 4.2.3, page 24
my %validDeviceTypes = (
0x00 => 'Other',
@ -917,6 +939,7 @@ sub checkCRC($$) {
return $ctx->digest;
sub removeCRC($$)
my $self = shift;
@ -995,6 +1018,7 @@ sub _initialize {
my $self = shift;
$self->{crc_size} = CRC_SIZE;
$self->{frame_type} = FRAME_TYPE_A; # default
sub setCRCsize {
@ -1144,6 +1168,9 @@ sub decodeValueInformationBlock($$$) {
# Easymeter
$vif = unpack('C', substr($vib,$offset++,1));
$vifInfoRef = \%VIFInfo_ESY;
} elsif ($self->{manufacturer} eq 'KAM') {
$vif = unpack('C', substr($vib,$offset++,1));
$vifInfoRef = \%VIFInfo_KAM;
} else {
# manufacturer specific data, can't be interpreted
@ -1421,21 +1448,183 @@ sub decrypt($) {
for (1..8) {
$initVector .= pack('C',$self->{access_no});
my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new(
-key => $self->{aeskey},
-cipher => "Crypt::OpenSSL::AES",
-header => "none",
-iv => $initVector,
-literal_key => "true",
-keysize => 16,
my $cipher = Crypt::Mode::CBC->new('AES', 1);
return $cipher->decrypt($encrypted, $self->{aeskey}, $initVector);
return $cipher->decrypt($encrypted);
sub decrypt_mode7($) {
my $self = shift;
my $encrypted = shift;
# see 9.2.4, page 59
my $initVector = '';
for (1..16) {
$initVector .= pack('C',0x00);
my $cipher = Crypt::Mode::CBC->new('AES', 1);
return $cipher->decrypt($encrypted, $self->{aeskey}, $initVector);
# Generate MAC of data
# Parameter 1: private key as byte string, 16bytes
# Parameter 2: data fro which mac should be calculated in hexadecimal format, len variable
# Parameter 3: length of MAC to be generated in bytes
# Returns: MAC in hexadecimal format
# This function currently supports data with lentgh of less then 16bytes,
# MAC for longer data is untested but specified
# copied from 10_EnOcean.pm
sub generateMAC($$$$) {
my $self = shift;
my $private_key = $_[0];
my $data = $_[1];
my $cmac_len = $_[2];
#print "Calculating MAC for data $data\n";
# Pack data to 16byte byte string, padd with 10..0 binary
my $data_expanded = pack('H32', $data.'80');
#print "Exp. data ".unpack('H32', $data_expanded)."\n";
# Constants according to specification
my $const_zero = pack('H32','00');
my $const_rb = pack('H32', '00000000000000000000000000000087');
# Encrypt zero data with private key to get L
my $cipher = Crypt::Rijndael->new($private_key);
my $l = $cipher->encrypt($const_zero);
#print "L ".unpack('H32', $l)."\n";
#print "L ".unpack('B128', $l)."\n";
# Expand L to 128bit string
my $l_bit = unpack('B128', $l);
# K1 and K2 stored as 128bit string
my $k1_bit;
my $k2_bit;
# K1 and K2 as binary
my $k1;
my $k2;
# Store L << 1 in K1
$l_bit =~ /^.(.{127})/;
$k1_bit = $1.'0';
$k1 = pack('B128', $k1_bit);
# If MSB of L == 1, K1 = K1 XOR const_Rb
if($l_bit =~ m/^1/) {
#print "MSB of L is set\n";
$k1 = $k1 ^ $const_rb;
$k1_bit = unpack('B128', $k1);
} else {
#print "MSB of L is unset\n";
# Store K1 << 1 in K2
$k1_bit =~ /^.(.{127})/;
$k2_bit = $1.'0';
$k2 = pack('B128', $k2_bit);
# If MSB of K1 == 1, K2 = K2 XOR const_Rb
if($k1_bit =~ m/^1/) {
#print "MSB of K1 is set\n";
$k2 = $k2 ^ $const_rb;
} else {
#print "MSB of K1 is unset\n";
# XOR data with K2
$data_expanded ^= $k2;
# Encrypt data
my $cmac = $cipher->encrypt($data_expanded);
#print "CMAC ".unpack('H32', $cmac)."\n";
# Extract specified len of MAC
my $cmac_pattern = '^(.{'.($cmac_len * 2).'})';
unpack('H32', $cmac) =~ /$cmac_pattern/;
# Return MAC in hexadecimal format
return uc($1);
sub decodeAFL($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $afl = shift;
my $offset = 0;
$self->{afl}{fcl} = unpack('v', $afl);
$offset += 2;
$self->{afl}{fcl_mf} = ($self->{afl}{fcl} & 0b0100000000000000) != 0;
$self->{afl}{fcl_mclp} = ($self->{afl}{fcl} & 0b0010000000000000) != 0;
$self->{afl}{fcl_mlp} = ($self->{afl}{fcl} & 0b0001000000000000) != 0;
$self->{afl}{fcl_mcrp} = ($self->{afl}{fcl} & 0b0000100000000000) != 0;
$self->{afl}{fcl_macp} = ($self->{afl}{fcl} & 0b0000010000000000) != 0;
$self->{afl}{fcl_kip} = ($self->{afl}{fcl} & 0b0000001000000000) != 0;
$self->{afl}{fcl_fid} = $self->{afl}{fcl} & 0b0000000011111111;
if ($self->{afl}{fcl_mclp}) {
# AFL Message Control Field (AFL.MCL)
$self->{afl}{mcl} = unpack('C', substr($afl, $offset, 1));
$offset += 1;
$self->{afl}{mcl_mlmp} = ($self->{afl}{mcl} & 0b01000000) != 0;
$self->{afl}{mcl_mcmp} = ($self->{afl}{mcl} & 0b00100000) != 0;
$self->{afl}{mcl_kimp} = ($self->{afl}{mcl} & 0b00010000) != 0;
$self->{afl}{mcl_at} = ($self->{afl}{mcl} & 0b00001111);
if ($self->{afl}{fcl_mcrp}) {
# AFL Message Counter Field (AFL.MCR)
$self->{afl}{mcr} = unpack('V', substr($afl, $offset));
#printf "AFL MC %08x\n", $self->{afl}{mcr};
$offset += 4;
if ($self->{afl}{fcl_mlp}) {
# AFL Message Length Field (AFL.ML)
$self->{afl}{ml} = unpack('v', substr($afl, $offset));
$offset += 2;
if ($self->{afl}{fcl_macp}) {
# The length of the MAC field depends on the selected option AFL.MCL.AT indicated by the
# AFL.MCL field.
my $mac_len = 0;
if ($self->{afl}{mcl_at} == 4) {
$mac_len = 4;
$self->{afl}{mac} = unpack('N', substr($afl, $offset, $mac_len));
} elsif ($self->{afl}{mcl_at} == 5) {
$mac_len = 8;
$self->{afl}{mac} = (unpack('N', substr($afl, $offset, 4))) << 32 | ((unpack('N', substr($afl, $offset+4, 4))));
} elsif ($self->{afl}{mcl_at} == 6) {
$mac_len = 12;
} elsif ($self->{afl}{mcl_at} == 7) {
$mac_len = 16;
#printf "AFL MAC %16x\n", $self->{afl}{mac};
$offset += $mac_len;
if ($self->{afl}{fcl_kip}) {
# AFL Key Information-Field (AFL.KI)
$self->{afl}{ki} = unpack('v', $afl);
$self->{afl}{ki_key_version} = ($self->{afl}{ki} & 0b1111111100000000) >> 8;
$self->{afl}{ki_kdf_selection} = ($self->{afl}{ki} & 0b0000000001110000) >> 4;
$self->{afl}{ki_key_id} = ($self->{afl}{ki} & 0b0000000000001111);
$offset += 2;
return $offset;
sub decodeApplicationLayer($) {
my $self = shift;
my $applicationlayer = $self->removeCRC(substr($self->{msg},TL_BLOCK_SIZE + $self->{crc_size}));
my $applicationlayer = $self->{applicationlayer};
my $payload;
#print unpack("H*", $applicationlayer) . "\n";
@ -1447,6 +1636,102 @@ sub decodeApplicationLayer($) {
my $offset = 1;
if ($self->{cifield} == CI_ELL_2) {
# Extended Link Layer
($self->{ell}{cc}, $self->{ell}{access_no}) = unpack('CC', substr($applicationlayer,$offset));
$offset += 2;
} elsif ($self->{cifield} == CI_ELL_6) {
# Extended Link Layer
($self->{ell}{cc}, $self->{ell}{access_no}) = unpack('CC', substr($applicationlayer,$offset));
$offset += 6;
} elsif ($self->{cifield} == CI_ELL_8) {
# Extended Link Layer, payload CRC is part of (encrypted) payload
($self->{ell}{cc}, $self->{ell}{access_no}, $self->{ell}{session_number}) = unpack('CCV', substr($applicationlayer, $offset));
$offset += 6;
} elsif ($self->{cifield} == CI_ELL_16) {
# Extended Link Layer
($self->{ell}{cc}, $self->{ell}{access_no}, $self->{ell}{m2}, $self->{ell}{a2}, $self->{ell}{session_number}) = unpack('CCvC6V', substr($applicationlayer,$offset));
$offset += 14;
if (exists($self->{ell})) {
$self->{ell}{session_number_enc} = $self->{ell}{session_number} >> 29;
$self->{ell}{session_number_time} = ($self->{ell}{session_number} & 0b0001111111111111111111111111111) >> 4;
$self->{ell}{session_number_session} = $self->{ell}{session_number} & 0b1111;
$self->{isEncrypted} = $self->{ell}{session_number_enc} != 0;
$self->{decrypted} = 0;
if ($self->{isEncrypted}) {
if ($self->{aeskey}) {
if ($hasCTR) {
# M-field, A-field, CC, SN, 00, 0000
my $initVector = pack("v", $self->{mfield}) . $self->{afield} . pack("CV", $self->{ell}{cc}, $self->{ell}{session_number}) . pack("H*", "000000");
my $m = Crypt::Mode::CTR->new('AES', 1);
my $ciphertext = substr($applicationlayer,$offset); # payload CRC must also be decrypted
#printf("##ciphertext: %s\n", unpack("H*", $ciphertext));
$payload = $m->decrypt($ciphertext, $self->{aeskey}, $initVector);
#printf("##plaintext %s\n", unpack("H*", $payload));
} else {
$self->{errormsg} = 'Crypt::Mode::CTR is not installed, please install it (sudo cpan -i Crypt::Mode::CTR)';
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_CIPHER_NOT_INSTALLED;
return 0;
} else {
$self->{errormsg} = 'encrypted message and no aeskey provided';
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_NO_AESKEY;
return 0;
$self->{ell}{crc} = unpack('v', $payload);
$offset += 2;
# PayloadCRC is a cyclic redundancy check covering the remainder of the frame (excluding the CRC fields)
# payload CRC is also encrypted
if ($self->{ell}{crc} != $self->checkCRC(substr($payload, 2, $self->{lfield}-20))) {
#printf("crc %x, calculated %x\n", $self->{ell}{crc}, $self->checkCRC(substr($payload, 2, $self->{lfield}-20)));
$self->{errormsg} = "Payload CRC check failed on ELL" . ($self->{isEncrypted} ? ", wrong AES key?" : "");
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_CRC_FAILED;
return 0;
} else {
$self->{decrypted} = 1;
$applicationlayer = $payload;
$offset = 2; # skip PayloadCRC
if ($offset > 1) {
$applicationlayer = substr($applicationlayer,$offset);
$self->{cifield} = unpack('C', $applicationlayer);
$offset = 1;
if ($self->{cifield} == CI_AFL) {
# Authentification and Fragmentation Layer
$self->{afl}{afll} = unpack('C', substr($applicationlayer, $offset));
#printf "AFL AFLL %02x\n", $self->{afl}{afll};
$offset += 1;
$offset += $self->{afl}{afll};
if ($self->{afl}{fcl_mf}) {
$self->{errormsg} = "fragmented messages are not yet supported";
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_FRAGMENT_UNSUPPORTED;
return 0;
if ($offset > 1) {
$applicationlayer = substr($applicationlayer,$offset);
$self->{cifield} = unpack('C', $applicationlayer);
$offset = 1;
# initialize some fields
$self->{cw_1} = 0;
$self->{cw_2} = 0;
$self->{status} = 0;
$self->{statusstring} = "";
$self->{access_no} = 0;
if ($self->{cifield} == CI_RESP_4 || $self->{cifield} == CI_RESP_SML_4) {
# Short header
#print "short header\n";
@ -1463,10 +1748,49 @@ sub decodeApplicationLayer($) {
$offset += 12;
} elsif ($self->{cifield} == CI_RESP_0) {
# no header
$self->{cw} = 0;
#print "No header\n";
} elsif ($self->{cifield} == 0x79 && $self->{manufacturer} eq 'KAM') {
#print "Kamstrup compact frame header\n";
$self->{format_signature} = unpack("v", substr($applicationlayer,$offset, 2));
$offset += 2;
$self->{full_frame_payload_crc} = unpack("v", substr($applicationlayer, $offset, 2));
$offset += 2;
if ($self->{format_signature} == $self->checkCRC(pack("H*", "02FF20" . "0413" . "4413"))) {
# Info, Volume, Target Volume
# convert into full frame
$applicationlayer = pack("H*", "02FF20") . substr($applicationlayer, 5, 2) # Info
. pack("H*", "0413") . substr($applicationlayer,7,4) # volume
. pack("H*", "4413") . substr($applicationlayer,11,4); # target volume
$offset = 0;
} elsif ($self->{format_signature} == $self->checkCRC(pack("H*", "02FF20" . "0413" . "523B"))) {
# Info, Volume, Max flow
# convert into full frame
$applicationlayer = pack("H*", "02FF20") . substr($applicationlayer, 5, 2) # Info
. pack("H*", "0413") . substr($applicationlayer,7,4) # volume
. pack("H*", "523B") . substr($applicationlayer,11,2); # max flow
$offset = 0;
} elsif ($self->{format_signature} == $self->checkCRC(pack("H*", "02FF20" . "0413" . "4413" . "615B" . "6167"))) {
# Info, Volume, Max flow, flow temp, external temp
# convert into full frame
$applicationlayer = pack("H*", "02FF20") . substr($applicationlayer, 5, 2) # Info
. pack("H*", "0413") . substr($applicationlayer,7,4) # volume
. pack("H*", "4413") . substr($applicationlayer,11,4) # target volume
. pack("H*", "615B") . substr($applicationlayer,15,1) # flow temp
. pack("H*", "6167") . substr($applicationlayer,16,1); # external temp
$offset = 0;
} else {
$self->{errormsg} = 'Unknown Kamstrup compact frame format';
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_UNKNOWN_COMPACT_FORMAT;
return 0;
if ($self->{full_frame_payload_crc} != $self->checkCRC($applicationlayer)) {
$self->{errormsg} = 'Kamstrup compact frame format payload CRC error';
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_CRC_FAILED;
return 0;
} else {
# unsupported
$self->{cw} = 0;
$self->{errormsg} = 'Unsupported CI Field ' . sprintf("%x", $self->{cifield}) . ", remaining payload is " . unpack("H*", substr($applicationlayer,$offset));
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_UNKNOWN_CIFIELD;
@ -1476,12 +1800,13 @@ sub decodeApplicationLayer($) {
my $payload;
$self->{encryptionMode} = $encryptionModes{$self->{cw_parts}{mode}};
if ($self->{cw_parts}{mode} == 0) {
# no encryption
$self->{isEncrypted} = 0;
$self->{decrypted} = 1;
if (!defined $self->{isEncrypted}) {
$self->{isEncrypted} = 0;
$self->{decrypted} = 1;
$payload = substr($applicationlayer, $offset);
} elsif ($self->{cw_parts}{mode} == 5) {
# data is encrypted with AES 128, dynamic init vector
@ -1490,15 +1815,21 @@ sub decodeApplicationLayer($) {
$self->{decrypted} = 0;
if ($self->{aeskey}) {
$payload = $self->decrypt(substr($applicationlayer,$offset));
if (unpack('n', $payload) == 0x2f2f) {
$self->{decrypted} = 1;
#printf("decrypted payload %s\n", unpack("H*", $payload));
if ($hasCBC) {
$payload = $self->decrypt(substr($applicationlayer,$offset));
if (unpack('n', $payload) == 0x2f2f) {
$self->{decrypted} = 1;
#printf("decrypted payload %s\n", unpack("H*", $payload));
} else {
# Decryption verification failed
$self->{errormsg} = 'Decryption failed, wrong key?';
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_DECRYPTION_FAILED;
#printf("%x\n", unpack('n', $payload));
return 0;
} else {
# Decryption verification failed
$self->{errormsg} = 'Decryption failed, wrong key?';
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_DECRYPTION_FAILED;
#printf("%x\n", unpack('n', $payload));
$self->{errormsg} = 'Crypt::Mode::CBC is not installed, please install it (sudo cpan -i Crypt::Mode::CBC)';
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_CIPHER_NOT_INSTALLED;
return 0;
} else {
@ -1533,33 +1864,73 @@ sub decodeLinkLayer($$)
my $linklayer = shift;
($self->{lfield}, $self->{cfield}, $self->{mfield}) = unpack('CCv', $linklayer);
$self->{afield} = substr($linklayer,4,6);
$self->{afield_id} = sprintf("%08d", $self->decodeBCD(8,substr($linklayer,4,4)));
($self->{afield_ver}, $self->{afield_type}) = unpack('CC', substr($linklayer,8,2));
#printf("lfield %d\n", $self->{lfield});
if ($self->{crc_size} > 0) {
$self->{crc0} = unpack('n', substr($linklayer,TL_BLOCK_SIZE, $self->{crc_size}));
if ($self->{frame_type} eq FRAME_TYPE_A) {
if ($self->{crc_size} > 0) {
$self->{crc0} = unpack('n', substr($linklayer,TL_BLOCK_SIZE, $self->{crc_size}));
#printf("crc0 %x calc %x\n", $self->{crc0}, $self->checkCRC(substr($linklayer,0,10)));
if ($self->{crc0} != $self->checkCRC(substr($linklayer,0,TL_BLOCK_SIZE))) {
$self->{errormsg} = "CRC check failed on link layer";
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_CRC_FAILED;
#print "CRC check failed on link layer\n";
return 0;
# header block is 10 bytes + 2 bytes CRC, each following block is 16 bytes + 2 bytes CRC, the last block may be smaller
$self->{datalen} = $self->{lfield} - (TL_BLOCK_SIZE - 1); # this is without CRCs and the lfield itself
$self->{datablocks} = int($self->{datalen} / LL_BLOCK_SIZE);
$self->{datablocks}++ if $self->{datalen} % LL_BLOCK_SIZE != 0;
$self->{msglen} = TL_BLOCK_SIZE + $self->{crc_size} + $self->{datalen} + $self->{datablocks} * $self->{crc_size};
#printf("calc len %d, actual %d\n", $self->{msglen}, length($self->{msg}));
$self->{applicationlayer} = $self->removeCRC(substr($self->{msg},TL_BLOCK_SIZE + $self->{crc_size}));
#printf("crc0 %x calc %x\n", $self->{crc0}, $self->checkCRC(substr($linklayer,0,10)));
if ($self->{crc0} != $self->checkCRC(substr($linklayer,0,TL_BLOCK_SIZE))) {
$self->{errormsg} = "CRC check failed on link layer";
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_CRC_FAILED;
#print "CRC check failed on link layer\n";
return 0;
} else {
# each block is at most 129 bytes long.
# first contains the header (TL_BLOCK), L field and trailing crc
# L field is included in crc calculation
# each following block contains only data and trailing crc
my $length = 129;
if ($self->{lfield} < $length) {
$length = $self->{lfield};
if ($self->{crc_size} > 0) {
$length -= $self->{crc_size};
$length++; # for L field
#print "length: $length\n";
$self->{crc0} = unpack('n', substr($self->{msg}, $length, $self->{crc_size}));
#printf "crc in msg %x crc calculated %x\n", $self->{crc0}, $self->checkCRC(substr($self->{msg}, 0, $length));
if ($self->{crc0} != $self->checkCRC(substr($self->{msg}, 0, $length))) {
$self->{errormsg} = "CRC check failed on block 1";
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_CRC_FAILED;
return 0;
$self->{datablocks} = int($self->{lfield} / 129);
$self->{datablocks}++ if $self->{lfield} % 129 != 0;
# header block is 10 bytes, following block
$self->{datalen} = $self->{lfield} - (TL_BLOCK_SIZE - 1) - ($self->{datablocks} * $self->{crc_size}) ; # this is with CRCs but without the lfield itself
$self->{msglen} = $self->{lfield};
if ($self->{datablocks} == 2) {
} else {
$self->{applicationlayer} = substr($self->{msg}, TL_BLOCK_SIZE, $length - TL_BLOCK_SIZE); # - $self->{crc_size});
# header block is 10 bytes + 2 bytes CRC, each following block is 16 bytes + 2 bytes CRC, the last block may be smaller
$self->{datalen} = $self->{lfield} - (TL_BLOCK_SIZE - 1); # this is without CRCs and the lfield itself
$self->{datablocks} = int($self->{datalen} / LL_BLOCK_SIZE);
$self->{datablocks}++ if $self->{datalen} % LL_BLOCK_SIZE != 0;
$self->{msglen} = TL_BLOCK_SIZE + $self->{crc_size} + $self->{datalen} + $self->{datablocks} * $self->{crc_size};
#printf("calc len %d, actual %d\n", $self->{msglen}, length($self->{msg}));
if (length($self->{msg}) > $self->{msglen}) {
$self->{remainingData} = substr($self->{msg},$self->{msglen});
} elsif (length($self->{msg}) < $self->{msglen}) {
@ -1567,6 +1938,8 @@ sub decodeLinkLayer($$)
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_MSG_TOO_SHORT;
return 0;
# according to the MBus spec only upper case letters are allowed.
# some devices send lower case letters none the less
# convert to upper case to make them spec conformant
@ -1575,6 +1948,11 @@ sub decodeLinkLayer($$)
return 1;
sub setFrameType($)
my $self = shift;
$self->{frame_type} = shift;
sub parse($$)
@ -1583,6 +1961,10 @@ sub parse($$)
$self->{errormsg} = '';
$self->{errorcode} = ERR_NO_ERROR;
if (substr($self->{msg}, 0, 4) == pack("H*", "543D543D")) {
$self->{msg} = substr($self->{msg},4);
if ($self->decodeLinkLayer(substr($self->{msg},0,12)) != 0) {
$self->{linkLayerOk} = 1;
return $self->decodeApplicationLayer();