mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-09 20:57:11 +00:00

34_ESPEasy: improved deepsleep support

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@18034 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
dev0 2018-12-23 10:56:08 +00:00
parent bc55258866
commit 94af0948a3
2 changed files with 245 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- feature: 34_ESPEasy: improved deepsleep support
- feature: 73_AutoShuttersControl: add maxBrightness for morning open
- feature: 73_AutoShuttersControl: support for shading, fix bugs
- feature: 37_harmony: use websockets if xmpp is not available

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ use HttpUtils;
use Color;
use SetExtensions;
my $module_version = "2.01"; # Version of this module
my $module_version = "2.1"; # Version of this module
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# modul version and required ESP Easy firmware / JSON lib version
@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ my $d_displayTextEncode = 1; # urlEncode Text for Displays
my $d_displayTextWidth = 0; # display width, 0 => disable formating
my $d_bridgePort = 8383; # bridge port if none specified
my $d_disableLogin = 0; # Disable login if HTTP Code 302
my $d_maxCmdDuration = 3; # max cmd exec time, subtracted from awake time
my $d_sleepReading = 'sleepState'; # Reading used for Indication of deep sleep
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# defaults for user defined cmds
@ -158,12 +160,14 @@ my %ee_attr = (
device => {
adjustValue => { widget => "" },
deepsleep => { widget => "0,1" },
disableRiskyCmds => { widget => "" },
displayTextEncode => { widget => "1,0" },
displayTextWidth => { widget => "" },
IODev => { widget => "" },
Interval => { widget => "" },
mapLightCmds => { widget => "lights,nfx" },
maxCmdDuration => { widget => "slider,0,0.25,15,1" },
parseCmdResponse => { widget => "" },
pollGPIOs => { widget => "" },
presenceCheck => { widget => "1,0" },
@ -263,6 +267,7 @@ sub ESPEasy_initDevSets($)
sendto => { args => 2, url => $d_urlSys, widget => "", usage => "<unit nr> <command>" },
sendtohttp => { args => 3, url => $d_urlSys, widget => "", usage => "<ip> <port> <url>" },
sendtoudp => { args => 3, url => $d_urlSys, widget => "", usage => "<ip> <port> <url>" },
nosleep => { args => 0, url => $d_urlSys, widget => "", usage => "<awake time>" },
taskvalueset => { args => 3, url => $d_urlSys, widget => "", usage => "<task/device nr> <value nr> <value/formula>" },
taskvaluesetandrun => {args=> 3, url => $d_urlSys, widget => "", usage => "<task/device nr> <value nr> <value/formula>" },
taskrun => { args => 1, url => $d_urlSys, widget => "", usage => "<task/device nr>" },
@ -568,6 +573,7 @@ sub ESPEasy_Define($$) # only called when defined, not on reload.
use constant HAS_AF_INET6 => defined eval { Socket::AF_INET6() };
Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: WARNING: Your system seems to have no IPv6 support." if !HAS_AF_INET6;
$hash->{MODEL} = 'Bridge v'.$module_version;
#--- DEVICE -------------------------------------------------
@ -710,7 +716,7 @@ sub ESPEasy_Get_queuesize(@)
sub ESPEasy_Get_queuecontent(@)
my ($hash, $name, $cmd, @args) = @_;
my $host = $args[0];
my $host = defined $args[0] ? $args[0] : "";
my $ret; my $i = 0; my $j = 0;
my $mseclog = AttrVal("global","mseclog",0);
@ -745,7 +751,7 @@ sub ESPEasy_Set($$@)
my ($type, $subtype) = ($hash->{TYPE}, $hash->{SUBTYPE});
# case insensitive
$cmd = lc($cmd) if $cmd;
$cmd = lc($cmd) if $cmd && $cmd !~ m/^(attrTemplate)$/;
# get current cmd list if cmd is __unknown__
my $clist = ESPEasy_isCmdAvailable($hash,$cmd);
@ -900,11 +906,9 @@ sub ESPEasy_Set($$@)
Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: set $name $cmd ".join(" ",@params). " (mappings done)"
if $cmd !~ m/^(\?|user|pass|help)$/;
Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: IOWrite ( \$defs{$name}, \$defs{$name}, $cmd, (\"".join("\",\"",@params)."\") )";
Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: Device seems to be in sleep mode, sending command nevertheless."
if (defined $hash->{SLEEP} && $hash->{SLEEP} ne "0");
# send cmd with required args to IO Device
my $parseCmd = ESPEasy_isParseCmd($hash,$cmd); # should response be parsed and dispatched
my $parseCmd = ESPEasy_isParseCmd($hash,$cmd); # should response be parsed and dispatched?
IOWrite($hash, $hash, $parseCmd, $cmd, @params);
return undef;
@ -1077,6 +1081,10 @@ sub ESPEasy_Read($) {
# if ESP is awaked then yield dequeuing
my $s = defined $json->{data}{ESP}{sleep} ? $json->{data}{ESP}{sleep} : undef;
ESPEasy_httpReqDequeue_onAwake($bhash, $peer, $s, $espName, $ident);
# push sensor value in @values
foreach my $vKey (keys %{$json->{data}{SENSOR}}) {
if(ref $json->{data}{SENSOR}{$vKey} eq ref {}
@ -1138,7 +1146,11 @@ sub ESPEasy_Write($$$@) #called from logical's IOWrite (end of SetFn)
return undef;
my $retry = 0;
= defined $dhash->{MAX_CMD_DURATION}
? $dhash->{MAX_CMD_DURATION}
: $d_maxCmdDuration;
# a hash is more easy to handle in the following subs...
my $cmdHash = {
@ -1153,6 +1165,7 @@ sub ESPEasy_Write($$$@) #called from logical's IOWrite (end of SetFn)
ts => ESPEasy_timeStamp(),
authRetry => 0,
admpwd => $dhash->{sec}{admpwd},
sleep => defined $dhash->{ESP_SLEEP} ? $dhash->{ESP_SLEEP} : undef,
ESPEasy_httpReq($hash, $cmdHash);
@ -1246,6 +1259,18 @@ sub ESPEasy_Notify($$)
elsif ($3 eq "deepsleep") {
my $ds = defined $1 || (defined $4 && $4 == 0) ? 0 : 1;
$hash->{ESP_SLEEP} = $ds;
InternalTimer(0, sub() {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $d_sleepReading, ($ds eq "1" ? "sleeping" : "awaked"), 1)}, $name)
elsif ($3 eq "maxCmdDuration") {
$hash->{MAX_CMD_DURATION} = defined $1 ? $d_maxCmdDuration : $4;
else {
#Log 5, "$type $name: Attribute $3 not handeled by NotifyFn ";
@ -1255,7 +1280,17 @@ sub ESPEasy_Notify($$)
ESPEasy_TcpServer_Open($hash) if $hash->{SUBTYPE} eq "bridge";
if ($hash->{SUBTYPE} eq "bridge") {
else {
$hash->{MAX_CMD_DURATION} = AttrVal($name, "maxCmdDuration", $d_maxCmdDuration);
my $ds = AttrVal($name, "deepsleep", undef);
if (defined $ds) {
$hash->{ESP_SLEEP} = $ds;
InternalTimer(0, sub(){readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $d_sleepReading, ($ds eq "1" ? "sleeping" : "awaked"), 1)}, $name);
else { #should never be reached
@ -1344,7 +1379,7 @@ sub ESPEasy_Attr(@)
$ret = "0,1,2" if ($cmd eq "set" && not $aVal =~ m/^(0|1|2)$/)
elsif ($aName =~ m/^(autosave|autocreate|authentication|disable|deepSleep)$/
elsif ($aName =~ m/^(autosave|autocreate|authentication|disable|deepsleep)$/
|| $aName =~ m/^(presenceCheck|displayTextEncode|resendFailedCmd)$/) {
$ret = "0,1" if ($cmd eq "set" && not $aVal =~ m/^(0|1)$/)}
@ -1424,6 +1459,11 @@ sub ESPEasy_Attr(@)
: ($hash->{INTERVAL} = $aVal)
elsif ($aName eq "maxCmdDuration") {
$ret = "decimal or floating point"
if ($cmd eq "set" && $aVal !~ m/^\d+(\.\d)*$/);
elsif ($aName eq "userSetCmds") {
$ret = ESPEasy_Attr_userSetCmds($hash, $cmd, $aName, $aVal);
$ret = "a perl hash. See command reference for details.\n\n"
@ -1436,7 +1476,7 @@ sub ESPEasy_Attr(@)
." ct => { args => 1, url => \"/myUrl\", widget => \"colorpicker,CT,2000,100,4500\", usage => \"<colortemp>\" }\n"
." }\n"
if $ret;
if defined $ret;
if (!$init_done) {
@ -1490,7 +1530,7 @@ sub ESPEasy_Attr_userSetCmds(@) {
# Delete Attribute, afterwards notifyFn will build new cmdhash in $data{ESPEasy}{$name}{sets}...
else {
# do nothing
return undef;
# eval() above accepts single string expressions...
@ -1567,6 +1607,18 @@ sub ESPEasy_Delete($$)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_State($$$$)
my ($hash, $time, $reading, $val) = @_;
if($reading eq "state" && $val eq "inactive") {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "inactive", 1);
return undef;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_dispatch($$$@) #called by bridge -> send to logical devices
@ -1591,18 +1643,6 @@ sub ESPEasy_dispatch($$$@) #called by bridge -> send to logical devices
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_State($$$$)
my ($hash, $time, $reading, $val) = @_;
if($reading eq "state" && $val eq "inactive") {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "inactive", 1);
return undef;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_dispatchParse($$$) # called by logical device (defined by
{ # $hash->{ParseFn})
@ -1651,6 +1691,9 @@ sub ESPEasy_dispatchParse($$$) # called by logical device (defined by
Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: Received: $msg";
if (defined $hash && $hash->{TYPE} eq "ESPEasy" && $hash->{SUBTYPE} eq "device") {
my @logInternals;
foreach (@v) {
my ($cmd,$reading,$value,$vType) = split("\\|\\|",$_);
@ -1695,19 +1738,23 @@ sub ESPEasy_dispatchParse($$$) # called by logical device (defined by
$value = $orgVal;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $reading, $value, 1);
my $genEvent = $reading ne "sleepState"
? 1
: ( AttrVal($name, "deepsleep", 0) eq 1 ? 1 : 0 );
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $reading, $value, $genEvent);
my $adj = ($orgVal ne $value) ? " [adjusted]" : "";
Log3 $name, 4, "$type $name: $reading: $value".$adj
if defined $value && $reading !~ m/^\./; #no leading dot
# used for presence detection
$hash->{helper}{received}{$reading} = time();
$hash->{helper}{received}{$reading} = time() if $reading ne $d_sleepReading;
# recalc RGB reading if a PWM channel has changed
if (AttrVal($name,"rgbGPIOs",0) && $reading =~ m/\d$/i) {
my ($r,$g,$b) = ESPEasy_gpio2RGB($hash);
if (($r ne "" && uc ReadingsVal($name,"rgb","") ne uc $r.$g.$b) ) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "rgb", $r.$g.$b, 1);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "rgb", $r.$g.$b, 1);
@ -1716,10 +1763,7 @@ sub ESPEasy_dispatchParse($$$) # called by logical device (defined by
# --- Internals -----------------------------------------------
elsif ($cmd eq "i") {
# add human readable text to node_type_id
$value .= defined $ee_map{build}{$value}{type}
? ": " . $ee_map{build}{$value}{type}
: ": unknown node type id"
if $reading eq "node_type_id";
$value = defined $ee_map{build}{$value}{type} ? $ee_map{build}{$value}{type} : $value;# if $reading eq "node_type_id";
# no value given
$value = "<undefined>" if !defined $value || $value eq "";
@ -1738,7 +1782,7 @@ sub ESPEasy_dispatchParse($$$) # called by logical device (defined by
$hash->{"WARNING"} = $value;
# CommandTrigger(undef, "$name ....");
#readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $reading, $value, 1);
#readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $reading, $value, 1);
# --- Notice (just log) ---------------------------------------
@ -1760,9 +1804,33 @@ sub ESPEasy_dispatchParse($$$) # called by logical device (defined by
Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: Internals: ".join(" ",@logInternals)
if scalar @logInternals > 0;
ESPEasy_checkPresence($hash) if ReadingsVal($name,"presence","") ne "present";
if (defined $hash->{ESP_BUILD}) {
my $model = defined $hash->{ESP_NODE_TYPE_ID} ? $hash->{ESP_NODE_TYPE_ID} . " - Build " : "ESP Easy - Build ";
$model .= $hash->{ESP_BUILD};
$hash->{MODEL} = $model;
# readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "model", $model, 0);
# Remove sleepState Reading if device does not use deep sleep
CommandDeleteReading(undef, "$name $d_sleepReading")
if (ReadingsVal($name, $d_sleepReading, undef)
&& defined $hash->{ESP_SLEEP} && $hash->{ESP_SLEEP} eq "0"
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
# ESPEasy_checkPresence($hash) if ReadingsVal($name,"presence","") ne "present";
# ESPEasy_setState($hash);
# yield presenceCheck and setState
sub() {
ESPEasy_checkPresence($hash) if ReadingsVal($name,"presence","") ne "present";
else { #autocreate failed
@ -1821,6 +1889,7 @@ sub ESPEasy_httpReq(@)
my $url;
# queue http requests or continue if there are no queued cmds
# command will also be queued if ESP is in deepsleep mode
return undef if ESPEasy_httpReqQueue($hash, $cmdHash);
@ -2031,16 +2100,25 @@ sub ESPEasy_httpReqQueue(@)
$hash->{helper}{sessions}{$host} = 0 if !defined $hash->{helper}{sessions}{$host};
# is queueing enabled?
if ($hash->{MAX_HTTP_SESSIONS}) {
# do queueing if max sessions are already in use
if ($hash->{helper}{sessions}{$host} >= $hash->{MAX_HTTP_SESSIONS} ) {
# queue if max sessions are already in use or if ESP is deepsleep mode
if ($hash->{helper}{sessions}{$host} >= $hash->{MAX_HTTP_SESSIONS}
# ESP already send data, so we know if and wheen it goes to sleep
|| ( defined $hash->{helper}{awaked} && defined $hash->{helper}{awaked}{$host} && $hash->{helper}{awaked}{$host} - gettimeofday() < $hash->{helper}{maxCmdDuration}{$host} )
# ESP did not send any data right now, but device has defined $hash->{ESP_SLEEP}
|| ( !(defined $hash->{helper}{awaked} && defined $hash->{helper}{awaked}{$host}) && defined $cmdHash->{sleep} && $cmdHash->{sleep} > 0 )
) {
# max queue size reached
if ($queueSize < $hash->{MAX_QUEUE_SIZE}) {
push(@{$hash->{helper}{queue}{$host}}, $cmdHash);
Log3 $name, 4, "$type $name: Queuing: $host $cmdHash->{ident} '$cmd $cmdArgs' ($queueSize)";
Log3 $name, 4, "$type $name: Queuing: $host $cmdHash->{ident} cmd:"
. "'$cmd $cmdArgs' queueSize:".($queueSize +1)." reason:"
. ($hash->{helper}{sessions}{$host} >= $hash->{MAX_HTTP_SESSIONS}
? "maxSessions"
: "deepsleep");
return 1;
else {
Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: set $cmd $cmdArgs (skipped due to queue size exceeded: $hash->{MAX_QUEUE_SIZE})";
Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: set $cmd $cmdArgs (skipped due to max queue size exceeded: $hash->{MAX_QUEUE_SIZE})";
return 1;
@ -2062,11 +2140,20 @@ sub ESPEasy_httpReqDequeue($$)
&& defined $hash->{helper}{queue}{$host}
&& scalar @{$hash->{helper}{queue}{$host}} ) {
my $cmdHash = shift @{ $hash->{helper}{queue}{$host} };
# ESP will be go into deep sleep soon. stop queueing.
if (defined $hash->{helper}{awaked} && defined $hash->{helper}{awaked}{$host}
&& ($hash->{helper}{awaked}{$host} - gettimeofday()) < $hash->{helper}{maxCmdDuration}{$host}
) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$type $name: $host is going into deep sleep in <= "
. $hash->{helper}{maxCmdDuration}{$host} . "s. De-queueing stopped. "
. scalar @{$hash->{helper}{queue}{$host}}. " outstanding commands left.";
return undef;
my $cmdHash = shift @{ $hash->{helper}{queue}{$host} };
Log3 $name, 4, "$type $name: Dequeuing: $host $cmdHash->{ident} "
. "'$cmdHash->{cmd} " . join(",",@{$cmdHash->{cmdArgs}})."'"
. " (".scalar @{$hash->{helper}{queue}{$host}}.")";
. " queuesize:".scalar @{$hash->{helper}{queue}{$host}};
# delete queue if empty
delete $hash->{helper}{queue}{$host} if defined $hash->{helper}{queue} && defined $hash->{helper}{queue}{$host} && scalar @{$hash->{helper}{queue}{$host}} == 0;
@ -2079,6 +2166,72 @@ sub ESPEasy_httpReqDequeue($$)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Mark a peer as being in deep sleep or in awaked state and de-queue.
# called within ReadFn.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# $hash->{helper}{awaked}{$host} > 0 : awaked, value is next sleep time
# $hash->{helper}{awaked}{$host} = 0 : sleeping
# $hash->{helper}{awaked}{$host} = -1 : sleep awaited
# $hash->{helper}{awaked}{$host} ! defined : no sleep mode used by peer
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_httpReqDequeue_onAwake($$$$$) {
my ($hash, $host, $sleep, $espName, $ident) = @_;
my ($name, $type) = ($hash->{NAME}, $hash->{TYPE});
if (defined $sleep && $sleep > 0) {
if ( ( !defined $hash->{helper}{awaked} || !defined $hash->{helper}{awaked}{$host} )
|| ( defined $hash->{helper}{awaked} && defined $hash->{helper}{awaked}{$host} && $hash->{helper}{awaked}{$host} == 0 ) ) {
$hash->{helper}{awaked}{$host} = gettimeofday() + $sleep;
# --- schedule dispatch "sleeping" ------------------------------------
InternalTimer( $hash->{helper}{awaked}{$host}, sub() {
$hash->{helper}{awaked}{$host} = 0;
my @value = ("r||$d_sleepReading||sleeping||0");
}, "$type.$name.$host.sleepStarted"
# --- schedule dispatch "sleep awaited" -------------------------------
my $mcd
= defined $hash->{helper}{maxCmdDuration}
&& defined $hash->{helper}{maxCmdDuration}{$host}
? $hash->{helper}{maxCmdDuration}{$host}
: $d_maxCmdDuration;
my $awaited = $hash->{helper}{awaked}{$host} - $mcd;
my @dpsa = ("r||$d_sleepReading||sleep awaited in ".$mcd."s: $hash->{helper}{awaked}{$host}||0");
InternalTimer( $awaited, sub() {
ESPEasy_dispatch($hash, $ident, $host, @dpsa);
$hash->{helper}{awaked}{$host} = -1;
}, "$type.$name.$host.sleepAwaited"
# --- dispatch "awaked" -----------------------------------------------
# eg. 2018.12.21 10:35:03.479 4: ESPEasy em1: sleepState: awaked for 25s (-5s): [2018-12-21 10:35:23]
my @dpa = ("r||$d_sleepReading||awaked for ".$sleep."s (-".$mcd."s): ".$awaited."||0");
ESPEasy_dispatch($hash, $ident, $host, @dpa);
# --- yield dequeuing -------------------------------------------------
InternalTimer( gettimeofday(), sub() {
ESPEasy_httpReqDequeue($hash, $host);
}, "$type.$name.$host.dequeue"
return 1;
} # if !defined...
} # if (defined $sleep
# Peer did not send $sleep or $sleep == 0
elsif (!$sleep) {
delete $hash->{helper}{awaked}{$host} if defined $hash->{helper}{awaked} && $hash->{helper}{awaked}{$host};
#Debug "End";
return 0;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_statusRequest($) #called by device
@ -2396,6 +2549,15 @@ sub ESPEasy_isParseCmd($$) #called by device
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_IsPeerAwaked($$) {
my ($hash, $host) = @_;
return undef if !defined defined $hash->{awaked}{$host};
return 0 if ($hash->{awaked}{$host} == 0);
return 1 if ($hash->{awaked}{$host} > 0);
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ESPEasy_sendHttpClose($$$) {
my ($hash,$code,$response) = @_;
@ -2541,7 +2703,7 @@ sub ESPEasy_setState($)
my $addTime = 3;
my @ret;
foreach my $reading (sort keys %{$hash->{helper}{received}}) {
next if $reading =~ m/^(\.ignored_.*|state|presence|_lastAction|_lastError|\w+_mode)$/;
next if $reading =~ m/^(\.ignored_.*|state|presence|_lastAction|_lastError|\w+_mode|$d_sleepReading)$/;
next if $interval && ReadingsAge($name,$reading,1) > $interval+$addTime;
push(@ret, substr($reading,0,AttrVal($name,"setState",3))
.": ".ReadingsVal($name,$reading,""));
@ -3212,10 +3374,14 @@ sub ESPEasy_dumpSingleLine($)
target="_new">R128</a> (self compiled) or an ESPEasy precompiled image
&gt;= <a href="http://www.letscontrolit.com/wiki/index.php/ESPEasy#Loading_firmware" target="_new">R140_RC3</a><br>
<li>perl module JSON<br>
Use "cpan install JSON" or operating system's package manager to install
Perl JSON Modul. Depending on your os the required package is named:
libjson-perl or perl-JSON.
ESPEasy Mega with option to set sleep awake time (Config -&gt; Sleep Mode
-&gt; Sleep awake time) is required to control ESP Easy nodes in deep
sleep. Receiving sensor values works with all other supported versions.<br>
<li>Perl module JSON. Use "cpan install JSON" or operating system's package
manager to install Perl JSON Modul. Depending on your os the required
package is named: libjson-perl or perl-JSON.
@ -3564,6 +3730,12 @@ sub ESPEasy_dumpSingleLine($)
feature works quite slow on your ESP Easy nodes.
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_attrTemplate">attrTemplate</a><br>
See global <a href="#attrTemplate">attrTemplate</a>. Attribute
<a href="#ESPEasy_device_attr_useSetExtensions">useSetExtensions</a>
must be activated or the command is unavailable.
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_set_clearreadings">clearReadings</a><br>
Delete all readings that are auto created by received sensor values
since last FHEM restart.<br>
@ -3865,7 +4037,7 @@ sub ESPEasy_dumpSingleLine($)
<tr><td>rainbow</td> <td>[speed +/- 0-50]</td></tr>
<tr><td>rgb</td> <td>&lt;rrggbb&gt; [fadetime] [delay +/-ms]</td></tr>
<tr><td>scan</td> <td>&lt;rrggbb&gt; [rrggbb background] [speed 0-50]</td></tr>
<tr><td>simpleclock</td> <td>[bigtickcolor] [smalltickcolor] [hourcolor] [minutecolor] [secondcolor]</td></tr>
<tr><td>simpleclock</td> <td>[bigtickcolor] [smalltickcolor] [hourcolor] [minutecolor] [secondcolor] [backgroundcolor]</td></tr>
<tr><td>sparkle</td> <td>&lt;rrggbb&gt; [rrggbb background] [speed 0-50]</td></tr>
<tr><td>speed</td> <td>&lt;value 0-50&gt;</td></tr>
<tr><td>stop</td> <td></td></tr>
@ -4225,6 +4397,20 @@ sub ESPEasy_dumpSingleLine($)
Default: 0
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_attr_deepsleep">deepsleep</a><br>
This attribut defines the default deep sleep state that is assumed if the
ESP has not sent its status to FHEM. Eg. directly after a FHEM restart.
If the ESP has sent its status, this value is ignored. Useful if you want
to be sure that a set command would be queued and sent when the ESP awakes
after a restart/rereadcfg of FHEM.<br>
Furthermore events for reading sleepState are generated if enabled.
ESPEasy Mega with option to set sleep awake time (Config -&gt; Sleep Mode
-&gt; Sleep awake time) is required to use this feature.
Possible values: 0,1<br>
Default: 0
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_attr_disableRiskyCmds">disableRiskyCmds</a><br>
Used to disable supposed dangerous set cmds: erase, reset, resetflashwritecounter<br>
Possible values: 0,1<br>
@ -4272,6 +4458,19 @@ sub ESPEasy_dumpSingleLine($)
eg. <code>attr &lt;esp&gt; mapLightCmds Lights</code>
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_attr_maxCmdDuration">maxCmdDuration</a><br>
Only used if an ESP Easy node works in deep sleep mode. This attribut defines
the amount of seconds your ESP node needs to work off a single command.
In other words: This value defines how much awake time must be left to
send a command to your ESP node before it goes into deep sleep mode.
Commands that are not send will be queued und worked off when the node
awakes again.<br>
ESPEasy Mega with option to set sleep awake time (Config -&gt; Sleep Mode
-&gt; Sleep awake time) is required to use this feature.<br>
Possible values: secs &gt;= 0, but < awake time<br>
Default: 3
<li><a name="ESPEasy_device_attr_presencecheck">presenceCheck</a><br>
Used to enable/disable presence check for ESPs<br>
Presence check determines the presence of a device by readings age. If any