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synced 2025-03-03 16:56:54 +00:00
added new command 'notice'. update supports the new command.
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@2599 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -58,6 +58,9 @@
- feature: a lot of new features and known 1-wire slaves to OWServer /
- feature: a lot of new features and known 1-wire slaves to OWServer /
OWDevice added (M. Fischer)
OWDevice added (M. Fischer)
- feature: set-extensions (additional set commands) for FS20, EnOcean, ZWave
- feature: set-extensions (additional set commands) for FS20, EnOcean, ZWave
- feature: added new command 'notice'. (M. Fischer)
- change: update supports the display and confirmation of system messages
via the new notice command (M. Fischer)
- 2012-10-28 (5.3)
- 2012-10-28 (5.3)
- feature: added functions trim, ltrim, rtrim, UntoggleDirect,
- feature: added functions trim, ltrim, rtrim, UntoggleDirect,
@ -83,26 +83,6 @@ CommandUpdate($$)
$branch = "SVN" if ($BRANCH eq "DEVELOPMENT");
$branch = "SVN" if ($BRANCH eq "DEVELOPMENT");
$srcdir = $UPDATE{path}."/".lc($branch);
$srcdir = $UPDATE{path}."/".lc($branch);
# check arguments for fheminfo advice
if (defined($args[1]) && uc($args[1]) eq "VIEWADVICE") {
$ret = optInFhemInfo();
Log 1,"update Action required: please run 'update viewAdvice'";
return $ret;
# check for fheminfo settings
my $sendStatistics = AttrVal("global","sendStatistics",undef);
if(!defined($sendStatistics) ||
( defined($sendStatistics) &&
lc($sendStatistics) ne "onupdate" &&
lc($sendStatistics) ne "manually" &&
lc($sendStatistics) ne "never" )
) {
$ret = optInFhemInfo();
Log 1,"update Action required: please run 'update viewAdvice'";
return $ret;
# check arguments
# check arguments
if (defined($args[1]) && $args[1] eq "?" ||
if (defined($args[1]) && $args[1] eq "?" ||
(int(@args) > 3 && uc($args[1]) eq "HOUSEKEEPING") ||
(int(@args) > 3 && uc($args[1]) eq "HOUSEKEEPING") ||
@ -143,7 +123,15 @@ CommandUpdate($$)
$ret = update_DoHousekeeping($update);
$ret = update_DoHousekeeping($update);
$ret = "nothing to do..." if (!$ret);
$ret = "nothing to do..." if (!$ret);
} else {
} else {
$ret = update_DoUpdate($srcdir,$BRANCH,$update,$force,$cl);
my $unconfirmed;
my $notice;
($notice,$unconfirmed) = update_CheckNotice("before");
$ret .= $notice if(defined($notice));
return $ret if($unconfirmed);
$ret .= update_DoUpdate($srcdir,$BRANCH,$update,$force,$cl);
($notice,$unconfirmed) = update_CheckNotice("after");
$ret .= $notice if(defined($notice));
my $sendStatistics = AttrVal("global","sendStatistics",undef);
if(lc($sendStatistics) eq "onupdate") {
if(lc($sendStatistics) eq "onupdate") {
$ret .= "\n\n";
$ret .= "\n\n";
$ret .= AnalyzeCommandChain(undef, "fheminfo send");
$ret .= AnalyzeCommandChain(undef, "fheminfo send");
@ -153,6 +141,100 @@ CommandUpdate($$)
return $ret;
return $ret;
my ($position) = shift;
my $modpath = (-d "updatefhem.dir" ? "updatefhem.dir":$attr{global}{modpath});
my $moddir = "$modpath/FHEM";
my $noticeDir = "$moddir/FhemUtils";
my $ret;
my @published = split(",",AnalyzeCommandChain(undef, "notice get update 6"));
my @unconfirmed = split(",",AnalyzeCommandChain(undef, "notice get update 7"));
my @confirmed = split(",",AnalyzeCommandChain(undef, "notice get update 8"));
# remove confirmed from published
my %c;
@c{@confirmed} = undef;
@published = grep {not exists $c{$_}} @published;
my @merged = (@published,@unconfirmed);
my %unique = ();
foreach my $notice (@merged) {
$unique{$notice} ++;
my @noticeList = keys %unique;
if(@noticeList) {
foreach my $notice (sort @noticeList) {
my $sendStatistics;
my $condition = AnalyzeCommandChain(undef, "notice condition $notice");
if($condition) {
my @conditions = split(/\|/,$condition);
foreach my $pair (@conditions) {
my ($key,$val,$con) = split(":",$pair);
if(lc($key) eq "sendstatistics") {
# skip this message if attrib sendStatistics is already defined
$sendStatistics = AttrVal("global","sendStatistics",undef);
next if(defined($sendStatistics) && $sendStatistics ne "");
my $cmdret = AnalyzeCommandChain(undef, "notice position $notice");
if( defined($cmdret) && lc($cmdret) eq lc($position) ||
( defined($cmdret) && grep (m/^$notice$/,@unconfirmed) && lc($cmdret) eq "after") ||
(!defined($cmdret) && grep (m/^$notice$/,@unconfirmed) && $position eq "before") ||
(!defined($cmdret) && !grep (m/^$notice$/,@unconfirmed) && $position eq "after") ) {
$ret .= "==> Message-ID: $notice\n";
my $noticeDE = AnalyzeCommandChain(undef, "notice view $notice noheader de");
my $noticeEN = AnalyzeCommandChain(undef, "notice view $notice noheader en");
if($noticeDE && $noticeEN) {
$ret .= "(English Translation: Please see below.)\n\n";
$ret .= $noticeDE;
$ret .= "~~~~~~~~~~\n";
$ret .= $noticeEN;
} elsif($noticeDE) {
$ret .= $noticeDE;
} elsif($noticeEN) {
$ret .= $noticeEN;
} else {
$ret .= "==> Message file is corrupt. Please report this!\n"
if(@unconfirmed) {
$ret .= "==> Action required:\n\n";
if($position eq "before") {
$ret .= " There is at least one unconfirmed message. Before updating FHEM\n";
$ret .= " these messages have to be confirmed first:\n";
} else {
$ret .= " There is at least one unconfirmed message. You have to confirm\n";
$ret .= " these messages before you can update FHEM again.\n";
foreach my $notice (@unconfirmed) {
$ret .= " ID: $notice\n";
Log 1,"update Action required: please run 'notice view $notice'";
$ret .= "\n";
$ret .= " To view a message (again), please enter 'notice view <ID>'.\n";
$ret .= " To confirm a message, please enter 'notice confirm <ID> [value]'.\n";
$ret .= " '[value]' is an optional argument. Please refer to the message,\n";
$ret .= " whether the disclosure of '[value]' is necessary.\n\n";
$ret .= " For further information please consult the manual for the command\n";
$ret .= " 'notice' in the documentation of FHEM (commandref.html).";
if($position eq "before") {
$ret .= "\n\n";
$ret .= " The update is canceled for now.";
} else {
$ret = undef;
return ($ret,(@unconfirmed) ? 1 : 0);
@ -905,153 +987,6 @@ update_MakeDirectory($)
return $ret;
return $ret;
my $str;
my $str_DE=<<EndOfInfo;
(English Translation: Please see below.)
Das FHEM-Projekt moechte Dich um Deine Unterstuetzung bitten!
Im Rahmen der Aktualisierung kann FHEM Informationen ueber diese Installation
an einen zentralen Server uebertragen. Diese Daten beinhalten Angaben ueber
die installierte FHEM-Version, das Betriebssystem und Rechner-Architektur,
die aktuelle Perl-Version, sowie eine Liste der zur Laufzeit definierten
Module (inkl. der Anzahl der Definitionen je Modultyp). Weiterhin werden die
definierten Modelltypen ermittelt.
Die am FHEM-Projekt beteiligten Entwickler erhalten wertvolle Informationen zu
der Umgebung, in der FHEM installiert ist, und eine Einschaetzung, wie haeufig
die jeweiligen Module eingesetzt werden. Dies kann Auswirkungen auf die
Weiterentwicklung aber auch auf die zeitnahe Bereitstellung von Erweiterungen
und Korrekturen haben.
Es werden keine personenbezogenen Daten uebertragen und / oder gespeichert.
Die Daten werden nicht an Dritte weitergegeben und nicht fuer kommerzielle
Zwecke verwendet. Sie dienen einzig als Hilfestellung zur Entwicklung und
zur Einschaetzung der Verbreitung von FHEM.
Eine weiterfuehrende Beschreibung ist der Dokumentation zu dem FHEM-Befehl
'fheminfo' sowie dem globalen Paramater 'sendStatsistics' zu entnehmen. Eine
Uebersicht der erhobenen Informationen kann jederzeit ueber den Aufruf von
'fheminfo' abgerufen werden.
Wenn Du das FHEM-Projekt unterstuetzen moechtest, solltest Du jetzt ueber das
globale Attribut 'sendStatsistics' die automatische Uebermittlung aktivieren:
attr global sendStatistics onUpdate
Im Anschluss solltest Du die aktuelle Konfiguration speichern, um diesen
Hinweis nicht erneut angezeigt zu bekommen. Der Updatevorgang kann dann wie
gewohnt fortgesetzt werden.
Moechtest Du keine automatische Uebermittlung der Daten waehrend der
Aktualisierung, solltest Du nun das globale Attribut 'sendStatistics' auf
'manually' setzen:
attr global sendStatistics manually
Die Uebermittlung der Daten muss manuell ueber den Befehl 'fheminfo send'
Moechtest Du niemals Daten ueber die vorhandene FHEM-Installation uebermitteln,
so muss das globale Attribut auf 'never' gesetzt werden:
attr global sendStatistics never
Ein Aufruf von 'fheminfo send' ist damit wirkungslos.
Die obigen Einstellungen koennen jederzeit geaendert werden. Eine Uebersicht
der bereits von anderen Installationen uebermittelten Informationen kann ueber
eingesehen werden.
Das FHEM-Team freut sich, wenn auch Du durch die automatische Uebermittlung
Deiner technischen Daten zum FHEM-Projekt beitraegst.
Dieser Hinweistext kann erneut durch den Aufruf von 'update viewAdvice'
angezeigt werden.
Vielen Dank fuer Deine Unterstuetzung!
my $str_EN=<<EndOfInfo;
The FHEM Project asks for your support!
During the update process FHEM is able to send statistical information
regarding your installation to a central server. This may include data like
your installed FHEM version, the operating system, Perl version, computer
achitecture and the list of modules used during the update. Also the list of
model types and number of definitions for each module may be collected.
The developers behind the FHEM project receive valuable information about the
environment in which FHEM is installed and get an overview how often those
modules are used. This may affect the further development of FHEM as well as
the timely provision of extensions and corrections.
No personal information will be transferred or stored during this process. The
data collected will neither be made available to a third party nor used for
commercial purposes. The only purpose is to support further development of
FHEM and to asses its distribution.
A more detailed explanation can be found in the documentation related to the
command 'fheminfo' and the global parameter 'sendStatistics'. An overview
about all information collected can be displayed at any time by using the
command 'fheminfo'.
If you would like to support the FHEM project, you may set the global attribut
'sendStatistics' to enable the automatic info transfer process.
attr global sendStatistics onUpdate
Thereafter you should save the current configuration to avoid this note beeing
displayed again. The update process can be continued like before.
In case you do not whish an automatic transmission of the data collected
during update, you should set the global attribute 'sendStatistics' to
attr global sendStatistics manually
Manual transfer of the data can then be performed by using the command
'fheminfo send'.
If you never want to send information about your FHEM installation by all
means, you need to set the global attribut 'sendStatistics' to 'never':
attr global sendStatistics never
Even the use of 'fheminfo send' will then not transfer any data.
All the settings mentioned above can be amended at any time. An overview of
data sent from other installations can be obtained at
The FHEM Project Team would be happy if you considered supporting the
development of FHEM by transferring your technical data to the project.
This info text can be displayed again by using the command
'update viewAdvice'.
Thanks a lot for your support!
$str = "$str_DE\n";
$str .= "-------------\n\n";
$str .= $str_EN;
return $str;
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
<a href="#JsonList">JsonList</a>
<a href="#JsonList">JsonList</a>
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<a href="#notice">notice</a>
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@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
<a href="#JsonList">JsonList</a>
<a href="#JsonList">JsonList</a>
<a href="#list">list</a>
<a href="#list">list</a>
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<a href="#modify">modify</a>
<a href="#notice">notice</a>
<a href="#quit">quit</a>
<a href="#quit">quit</a>
<a href="#reload">reload</a>
<a href="#reload">reload</a>
<a href="#rename">rename</a>
<a href="#rename">rename</a>
Reference in New Issue
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