mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 16:56:54 +00:00
76_SMAPortal: contrib 2.10.1
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@22142 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -751,7 +751,7 @@ sub GetSetData { ## no cri
my ($string) = @_;
my ($name,$getp,$setp) = split("\\|",$string);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $login_state = 0;
my $errstate = 0;
my $useragent = AttrVal($name, "userAgent", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2; Trident/6.0)");
my $cookieLocation = AttrVal($name, "cookieLocation", "./log/".$name."_cookie.txt");
my $v5d = AttrVal($name, "verbose5Data", "none");
@ -764,7 +764,6 @@ sub GetSetData { ## no cri
my ($st,$lc) = ("","");
my ($livedata,$livedata_content) = ("","");
my ($weatherdata,$weatherdata_content) = ("","");
my ($forecastdata,$forecastdata_content) = ("","");
my ($consumerlivedata,$consumerlivedata_content) = ("","");
my ($d,$op,$paref);
my @da = ();
@ -806,12 +805,12 @@ sub GetSetData { ## no cri
### Login
$paref = [ $name, $ua, $state, $login_state ];
($state, $login_state) = _checkLogin ($paref);
$paref = [ $name, $ua, $state, $errstate ];
($state, $errstate) = _checkLogin ($paref);
if(!$login_state) {
if($errstate) {
$st = encode_base64 ( $state,"");
return "$name|0|0|$login_state|$getp|$setp|$st";
return "$name|0|0|$errstate|$getp|$setp|$st";
### Verbraucher schalten
@ -862,12 +861,12 @@ sub GetSetData { ## no cri
tag => "liveData"
$paref = [ $hash,$login_state,$state,$livedata ];
($reread,$retry,$login_state,$state) = analyzeData($paref);
$paref = [ $hash,$errstate,$state,$livedata ];
($reread,$retry,$errstate,$state) = analyzeData($paref);
if(!$login_state) {
if($errstate) {
$st = encode_base64 ( $state,"");
return "$name|0|0|$login_state|$getp|$setp|$st";
return "$name|0|0|$errstate|$getp|$setp|$st";
goto &GetSetData if($reread);
@ -882,7 +881,7 @@ sub GetSetData { ## no cri
sleep $sleepexc; # Threshold exceed -> Retry mit Cookie löschen
$exceed = 1;
BlockingInformParent("FHEM::SMAPortal::setFromBlocking", [$name, "NULL", "NULL", "NULL", "NULL", $hash->{HELPER}{RETRIES}], 1);
return "$name|$exceed|$newcycle|$login_state|$getp|$setp";
return "$name|$exceed|$newcycle|$errstate|$getp|$setp";
sleep $sleepretry;
@ -895,7 +894,7 @@ sub GetSetData { ## no cri
if($retry && $ac < $maxcycles) { # neuer Zyklus (nicht wenn Verbraucher schalten)
Log3 ($name, 3, qq{$name - Maximum retries reached, delete cookie and start new cycle ...});
$newcycle = 1;
return "$name|$exceed|$newcycle|$login_state|$getp|$setp";
return "$name|$exceed|$newcycle|$errstate|$getp|$setp";
@ -908,12 +907,12 @@ sub GetSetData { ## no cri
tag => "weatherData"
$paref = [ $hash,$login_state,$state,$weatherdata ];
($reread,$retry,$login_state,$state) = analyzeData($paref);
$paref = [ $hash,$errstate,$state,$weatherdata ];
($reread,$retry,$errstate,$state) = analyzeData($paref);
if(!$login_state) {
if($errstate) {
$st = encode_base64 ( $state,"");
return "$name|0|0|$login_state|$getp|$setp|$st";
return "$name|0|0|$errstate|$getp|$setp|$st";
@ -947,18 +946,25 @@ sub GetSetData { ## no cri
### Forecast Daten abrufen
if($dl > 1) {
($forecastdata,$forecastdata_content) = _getData ({ name => $name,
ua => $ua,
call => 'https://www.sunnyportal.com/HoMan/Forecast/LoadRecommendationData',
tag => "forecastData"
my ($forecastdata,$forecastdata_content) = _getData ({ name => $name,
ua => $ua,
call => 'https://www.sunnyportal.com/HoMan/Forecast/LoadRecommendationData',
tag => "forecastData"
$paref = [ $hash,$login_state,$state,$forecastdata ];
($reread,$retry,$login_state,$state) = analyzeData($paref);
$paref = [ $hash,$errstate,$state,$forecastdata ];
($reread,$retry,$errstate,$state) = analyzeData($paref);
if(!$login_state) {
$st = encode_base64 ( $state,"");
return "$name|0|0|$login_state|$getp|$setp|$st";
if($errstate) {
$st = encode_base64 ($state, "");
return "$name|0|0|$errstate|$getp|$setp|$st";
if ($forecastdata_content && $forecastdata_content !~ m/undefined/ix) {
$forecastdata_content = decode_json ($forecastdata_content);
extractPlantData ($hash,\@da,$forecastdata_content);
extractForecastData ($hash,\@da,$forecastdata_content);
extractConsumerData ($hash,\@da,$forecastdata_content);
@ -974,12 +980,12 @@ sub GetSetData { ## no cri
tag => "consumerLiveData"
$paref = [ $hash,$login_state,$state,$consumerlivedata ];
($reread,$retry,$login_state,$state) = analyzeData($paref);
$paref = [ $hash,$errstate,$state,$consumerlivedata ];
($reread,$retry,$errstate,$state) = analyzeData($paref);
if(!$login_state) {
if($errstate) {
$st = encode_base64 ( $state,"");
return "$name|0|0|$login_state|$getp|$setp|$st";
return "$name|0|0|$errstate|$getp|$setp|$st";
@ -1057,13 +1063,6 @@ sub GetSetData { ## no cri
if ($forecastdata_content && $forecastdata_content !~ m/undefined/ix) {
$forecastdata_content = decode_json ($forecastdata_content);
extractForecastData ($hash,\@da,$forecastdata_content);
extractPlantData ($hash,\@da,$forecastdata_content);
extractConsumerData ($hash,\@da,$forecastdata_content);
if ($consumerlivedata_content && $consumerlivedata_content !~ m/undefined/ix) {
$consumerlivedata_content = decode_json ($consumerlivedata_content);
extractConsumerLiveData ($hash,\@da,$consumerlivedata_content);
@ -1101,7 +1100,7 @@ sub GetSetData { ## no cri
$lc = encode_base64 ( $lc, "");
return "$name|$exceed|$newcycle|$login_state|$getp|$setp|$st|$lc";
return "$name|$exceed|$newcycle|$errstate|$getp|$setp|$st|$lc";
@ -1112,7 +1111,7 @@ sub _checkLogin {
my $name = $paref->[0];
my $ua = $paref->[1];
my $state = $paref->[2];
my $login_state = $paref->[3];
my $errstate = $paref->[3];
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $v5d = AttrVal($name, "verbose5Data", "none");
@ -1140,7 +1139,7 @@ sub _checkLogin {
if(!$success) {
Log3($name, 1, qq{$name - Credentials couldn't be retrieved successfully - make sure you've set it with "set $name credentials <username> <password>"});
$state = "Credentials couldn't be read";
$login_state = 0;
$errstate = 1;
} else {
my $usernameField = "ctl00\$ContentPlaceHolder1\$Logincontrol1\$txtUserName";
@ -1164,12 +1163,12 @@ sub _checkLogin {
handleCounter ($name, "dailyIssueCookieCounter"); # Cookie Ausstellungszähler setzen
BlockingInformParent("FHEM::SMAPortal::setFromBlocking", [$name, "NULL", "NULL", (gettimeofday())[0], "NULL", "NULL"], 0);
$login_state = 1;
$errstate = 0;
} else {
Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - ERROR - Login into SMA-Portal failed !");
$state = "login failed - check user and password";
$login_state = 0;
$errstate = 1;
@ -1181,15 +1180,15 @@ sub _checkLogin {
Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - Redirect return code: ".$retcode);
Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - Redirect Header Location: ".$location);
$login_state = 1;
$errstate = 0;
} else {
$login_state = 0;
$errstate = 1;
$state = $loginp->status_line;
Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - ERROR Login Page: ".$state);
return ($state, $login_state);
return ($state, $errstate);
@ -1231,11 +1230,11 @@ sub ParseData { ## no critic
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my @da = ();
my ($login_state,$newcycle,$getp,$setp,$state,$exceed,$lc);
my ($errstate,$newcycle,$getp,$setp,$state,$exceed,$lc);
$exceed = $a[1];
$newcycle = $a[2];
$login_state = $a[3];
$errstate = $a[3];
$getp = $a[4];
$setp = $a[5];
@ -1291,7 +1290,7 @@ sub ParseData { ## no critic
my $gc = ReadingsNum($name, "L1_GridConsumption", 0);
my $sum = $fi-$gc;
if($login_state && !$pv && !$fi && !$gc) {
if(!$errstate && !$pv && !$fi && !$gc) {
# keine Anlagendaten vorhanden
$state = "Data can't be retrieved from SMA-Portal. Reread at next scheduled cycle.";
Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - $state");
@ -1299,7 +1298,7 @@ sub ParseData { ## no critic
if($login_state) {
if(!$errstate) {
if($setp ne "none") {
my ($d,$op) = split(":",$setp);
$op = ($op eq "auto") ? "off (automatic)" : $op;
@ -1452,16 +1451,7 @@ sub extractForecastData { ## no critic 'complexity'
my $PV_sum = 0;
my $consum_sum = 0;
my $sum = 0;
my $plantOid = $forecast->{'ForecastTimeframes'}->{'PlantOid'};
$hash->{HELPER}{PLANTOID} = $plantOid; # wichtig für erweiterte Selektionen
if ($hash->{HELPER}{PLANTOID}) {
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Plant ID set to: ".$hash->{HELPER}{PLANTOID});
} else {
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Plant ID not set !");
my $sum = 0;
# Counter for forecast objects
my $obj_nr = 0;
@ -1652,6 +1642,14 @@ sub extractPlantData {
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - ##### extracting plant data #### ");
my $plantOid = $forecast->{'ForecastTimeframes'}->{'PlantOid'};
if ($plantOid) { # wichtig für erweiterte Selektionen
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Plant ID: ".$plantOid);
$hash->{HELPER}{PLANTOID} = $plantOid;
} else {
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Plant ID not set !");
my $ppp = $forecast->{'PlantPeakPower'};
if($ppp) {
$amount = $forecast->{'PlantPeakPower'}{'Amount'};
@ -2032,7 +2030,7 @@ return 1;
sub analyzeData { ## no critic 'complexity'
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->[0];
my $login_state = $paref->[1];
my $errstate = $paref->[1];
my $state = $paref->[2];
my $ad = $paref->[3];
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
@ -2070,24 +2068,24 @@ sub analyzeData { ## no
if($k =~ m/WarningMessages/x && $val =~ /Updating of the live data was interrupted/) { ## no critic 'regular expression' # Regular expression without "/x" flag nicht anwenden !!!
Log3 $name, 3, "$name - Updating of the live data was interrupted. $attstr";
$retry = 1;
return ($reread,$retry,$login_state,$state);
return ($reread,$retry,$errstate,$state);
if($k =~ m/WarningMessages/x && $val =~ /The current consumption could not be determined. The current purchased electricity is unknown/) { ## no critic 'regular expression' # Regular expression without "/x" flag nicht anwenden !!!
Log3 $name, 3, "$name - The current consumption could not be determined. The current purchased electricity is unknown. $attstr";
$retry = 1;
return ($reread,$retry,$login_state,$state);
return ($reread,$retry,$errstate,$state);
if($k =~ m/ErrorMessages/x && $val =~ /Communication with the Sunny Home Manager is currently not possible/) { ## no critic 'regular expression' # Regular expression without "/x" flag nicht anwenden !!!
# Energiedaten konnten nicht ermittelt werden, Daten neu lesen mit Zeitverzögerung
Log3 $name, 3, "$name - Communication with the Sunny Home Manager currently impossible. $attstr";
$retry = 1;
return ($reread,$retry,$login_state,$state);
return ($reread,$retry,$errstate,$state);
if($k =~ m/ErrorMessages/x && $val =~ /The current data cannot be retrieved from the PV system. Check the cabling and configuration of the following energy meters/) { ## no critic 'regular expression' # Regular expression without "/x" flag nicht anwenden !!!
# Energiedaten konnten nicht ermittelt werden, Daten neu lesen mit Zeitverzögerung
Log3 $name, 3, "$name - The current data cannot be retrieved from the PV system. $attstr";
$retry = 1;
return ($reread,$retry,$login_state,$state);
return ($reread,$retry,$errstate,$state);
@ -2103,10 +2101,10 @@ sub analyzeData { ## no
Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - No JSON Data received:\n ".$njdat) if($v5d eq "loginData");
$login_state = 0;
$errstate = 1;
return ($reread,$retry,$login_state,$state);
return ($reread,$retry,$errstate,$state);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user