mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-04 05:16:45 +00:00

93_DbLog: Support of utf8mb4 collation, minor fixes

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@27243 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
nasseeder1 2023-02-17 22:14:08 +00:00
parent de901959c8
commit 91cab10ff8
2 changed files with 109 additions and 32 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- feature: 93_DbLog: Support of utf8mb4 collation, minor fixes
- feature: 49_SSCam: Telegram send attributes: new key option => silent,
peer can be fetched from r:<reading>
- feature: 72_FRITZBOX: Anzeigen aus luaInfo verschönert

View File

@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ no if $] >= 5.017011, warnings => 'experimental::smartmatch';
# Version History intern by DS_Starter:
my %DbLog_vNotesIntern = (
"5.8.1" => "13.02.2023 change field type of DbLogInclude, DbLogExclude to textField-long, configCheck evaluate collation ".
"_DbLog_SBP_connectDB: UTF8 -> evaluate DB character/collation set and use it for ".
"setting names connection collation ",
"5.8.0" => "30.01.2023 new Get menu for a selection of getters, fix creation of new subprocess during shutdown sequence ",
"5.7.0" => "25.01.2023 send Log3() data back ro parent process, improve _DbLog_dbReadings function ",
"5.6.2" => "22.01.2023 check Syntax of DbLogValueFn attribute with Log output, Forum:#131777 ",
@ -201,8 +204,8 @@ sub DbLog_Initialize {
"verbose4Devs ".
$hash->{FW_detailFn} = "DbLog_fhemwebFn";
@ -1339,8 +1342,8 @@ sub DbLog_Log {
$DoIt = 1 if($DbLogSelectionMode =~ m/Exclude/ );
if($DbLogExclude && $DbLogSelectionMode =~ m/Exclude/) { # Bsp: "(temperature|humidity):300,battery:3600:force"
my @v1 = split(/,/, $DbLogExclude);
my @v1 = DbLog_attrLong2Array ($DbLogExclude, ',');
for (my $i = 0; $i < int(@v1); $i++) {
my @v2 = split /:/, $v1[$i];
$DoIt = 0 if(!$v2[1] && $reading =~ m,^$v2[0]$,); # Reading matcht auf Regexp, kein MinIntervall angegeben
@ -1363,8 +1366,8 @@ sub DbLog_Log {
# Im Endeffekt genau die gleiche Pruefung, wie fuer DBLogExclude, lediglich mit umgegkehrtem Ergebnis.
if($DoIt == 0) {
if($DbLogInclude && ($DbLogSelectionMode =~ m/Include/)) {
my @v1 = split /,/, $DbLogInclude;
my @v1 = DbLog_attrLong2Array ($DbLogInclude, ',');
for (my $i = 0; $i < int(@v1); $i++) {
my @v2 = split /:/, $v1[$i];
$DoIt = 1 if($reading =~ m,^$v2[0]$,); # Reading matcht auf Regexp
@ -1851,20 +1854,24 @@ sub _DbLog_checkDefMinInt {
my $force;
my $DoIt = 1;
my $defminint = AttrVal($name, "defaultMinInterval", undef);
my $defminint = AttrVal ($name, "defaultMinInterval", undef);
return $DoIt if(!$defminint); # Attribut "defaultMinInterval" nicht im DbLog gesetzt -> kein ToDo
my $DbLogExclude = AttrVal ($dev_name, "DbLogExclude", undef);
$DbLogExclude = join ",", DbLog_attrLong2Array ($DbLogExclude, ',');
my $DbLogInclude = AttrVal ($dev_name, "DbLogInclude", undef);
$DbLogInclude = join ",", DbLog_attrLong2Array ($DbLogInclude, ',');
$defminint =~ s/[\s\n]/,/g;
my @adef = split(/,/, $defminint);
my @adef = split /,/, $defminint;
my $inex = ($DbLogExclude ? $DbLogExclude."," : "").($DbLogInclude ? $DbLogInclude : "");
if($inex) { # Quelldevice hat DbLogExclude und/oder DbLogInclude gesetzt
my @ie = split(/,/, $inex);
my @ie = split /,/, $inex;
for (my $k = 0; $k < int(@ie); $k++) { # Bsp. für das auszuwertende Element
my @rif = split(/:/, $ie[$k]); # "(temperature|humidity):300:force"
my @rif = split /:/, $ie[$k]; # "(temperature|humidity):300:force"
if($reading =~ m,^$rif[0]$, && $rif[1]) { # aktuelles Reading matcht auf Regexp und minInterval ist angegeben
return $DoIt; # Reading wurde bereits geprüft -> kein Überschreiben durch $defminint
@ -1873,8 +1880,8 @@ sub _DbLog_checkDefMinInt {
for (my $l = 0; $l < int(@adef); $l++) {
my @adefelem = split("::", $adef[$l]); # Bsp. für ein defaulMInInterval Element:
my @dvs = devspec2array($adefelem[0]); # device::interval[::force]
my @adefelem = split "::", $adef[$l]; # Bsp. für ein defaulMInInterval Element:
my @dvs = devspec2array ($adefelem[0]); # device::interval[::force]
if(@dvs) {
for (@dvs) {
@ -2596,9 +2603,28 @@ sub _DbLog_SBP_connectDB {
if($utf8) {
if($model eq "MYSQL") {
$dbh->{mysql_enable_utf8} = 1;
($err, undef) = _DbLog_SBP_dbhDo ($name, $dbh, 'set names "UTF8"', $subprocess);
$dbh->{mysql_enable_utf8} = 1;
($err, my @se) = _DbLog_prepExecQueryOnly ($name, $dbh, "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'collation_database'");
return ($err, q{}) if($err);
my $dbcharset = @se ? $se[1] : 'noresult';
_DbLog_SBP_Log3Parent ( { name => $name,
level => 4,
msg => qq(Database Character set is >$dbcharset<),
oper => 'log3parent',
subprocess => $subprocess
if ($dbcharset !~ /noresult|ucs2|utf16|utf32/ixs) { # Impermissible Client Character Sets -> https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/charset-connection.html
my $collation = $dbcharset;
$dbcharset = (split '_', $collation, 2)[0];
($err, undef) = _DbLog_SBP_dbhDo ($name, $dbh, qq(set names "$dbcharset" collate "$collation"), $subprocess); # set names utf8 collate utf8_general_ci
return ($err, q{}) if($err);
if($model eq "SQLITE") {
@ -7073,7 +7099,7 @@ sub DbLog_configcheck {
"Rating: ".$nok."<br>";
$check .= "<br>";
### Connection und Encoding check
### Connection und Collation check
my $st = [gettimeofday]; # Startzeit
my $dbh = _DbLog_getNewDBHandle ($hash) || return "Can't connect to database.";
@ -7085,20 +7111,24 @@ sub DbLog_configcheck {
my ($chutf8mod,$chutf8dat);
if ($dbmodel =~ /MYSQL/) {
($err, @ce) = _DbLog_prepExecQueryOnly ($name, $dbh, "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_connection'");
($err, @ce) = _DbLog_prepExecQueryOnly ($name, $dbh, qq(SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'collation_connection')); # character_set_connection
$chutf8mod = @ce ? uc($ce[1]) : "no result";
($err, @se) = _DbLog_prepExecQueryOnly ($name, $dbh, "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_database'");
($err, @se) = _DbLog_prepExecQueryOnly ($name, $dbh, qq(SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'collation_database')); # character_set_database
$chutf8dat = @se ? uc($se[1]) : "no result";
if($chutf8mod eq $chutf8dat) {
if ($chutf8dat =~ /utf8mb4/xsi && $chutf8mod eq $chutf8dat) {
$rec = "settings o.k.";
elsif ($chutf8dat !~ /utf8mb4/xsi && $chutf8mod eq $chutf8dat) {
$rec = "The collation of the database should be changed to 'utf8mb4_bin' so that umlauts and all special characters can be stored. <br>";
$rec .= "You can easy do that with the DbRep command <b>set &lt;DbRep-Device&gt; migrateCollation utf8mb4_bin</b>. <br>";
else {
$rec = "Both encodings should be identical. You can adjust the usage of UTF8 connection by setting the UTF8 parameter in file '$hash->{CONFIGURATION}' to the right value. ";
if(uc($chutf8mod) ne "UTF8" && uc($chutf8dat) ne "UTF8") {
if ($chutf8mod !~ /utf8/xsi) {
$dbdhint = "";
else {
@ -7162,10 +7192,10 @@ sub DbLog_configcheck {
return $check;
$check .= "<u><b>Result of encoding check</u></b><br><br>";
$check .= "Encoding used by Client (connection): $chutf8mod <br>" if($dbmodel !~ /SQLITE/);
$check .= "Encoding used by DB $dbname: $chutf8dat <br>";
$check .= $dbmodel =~ /SQLITE/ ? "Rating: ".$ok."<br>" :
$check .= "<u><b>Result of collation check</u></b><br><br>";
$check .= "Collation used by Client (connection): $chutf8mod <br>" if($dbmodel !~ /SQLITE/);
$check .= "Collation used by DB $dbname: $chutf8dat <br>";
$check .= $dbmodel =~ /SQLITE/ ? "Rating: ".$ok."<br>" :
$rec =~ /settings\so.k./xs ? "Rating: ".$ok."<br>" :
"Rating: ".$warn."<br>";
$check .= "<b>Recommendation:</b> $rec $dbdhint <br><br>";
@ -7452,7 +7482,7 @@ sub DbLog_configcheck {
if (!@six) {
$check .= "The index 'Search_Idx' is missing. <br>";
$rec = "You can create the index by executing statement <b>'CREATE INDEX Search_Idx ON `$history` (DEVICE, READING, TIMESTAMP) USING BTREE;'</b> <br>";
$rec = "You can create the index by the DbRep command <b>set &lt;DbRep-Device&gt; index recreate_search_Idx</b> <br>";
$rec .= "Depending on your database size this command may running a long time. <br>";
$rec .= "Please make sure the device '$name' is operating in asynchronous mode to avoid FHEM from blocking when creating the index. <br>";
$rec .= "<b>Note:</b> If you have just created another index which covers the same fields and order as suggested (e.g. a primary key) you don't need to create the 'Search_Idx' as well ! <br>";
@ -7473,6 +7503,7 @@ sub DbLog_configcheck {
$rec = "The index should contain the fields 'DEVICE', 'TIMESTAMP', 'READING'. ";
$rec .= "You can change the index by executing e.g. <br>";
$rec .= "<b>'ALTER TABLE `$history` DROP INDEX `Search_Idx`, ADD INDEX `Search_Idx` (`DEVICE`, `READING`, `TIMESTAMP`) USING BTREE;'</b> <br>";
$rec .= "The DbRep command <b>set &lt;DbRep-Device&gt; index recreate_search_Idx</b> is doing the same for you. <br>";
$rec .= "Depending on your database size this command may running a long time. <br>";
@ -7838,19 +7869,19 @@ sub DbLog_AddLog {
$found = 1 if($rd =~ m/^$rdspec$/); # Reading gefunden
if($DbLogExclude && !$nce) {
my @v1 = split(/,/, $DbLogExclude);
my @v1 = DbLog_attrLong2Array ($DbLogExclude, ',');
for (my $i = 0; $i < int(@v1); $i++) {
my @v2 = split(/:/, $v1[$i]); # MinInterval wegschneiden, Bsp: "(temperature|humidity):600,battery:3600"
my @v2 = split /:/, $v1[$i]; # MinInterval wegschneiden, Bsp: "(temperature|humidity):600,battery:3600"
if($rd =~ m,^$v2[0]$,) { # Reading matcht $DbLogExclude -> ausschließen vom addLog
$do = 0;
if($DbLogInclude) {
my @v3 = split(/,/, $DbLogInclude);
my @v3 = DbLog_attrLong2Array ($DbLogInclude, ',');
for (my $i = 0; $i < int(@v3); $i++) {
my @v4 = split(/:/, $v3[$i]);
my @v4 = split /:/, $v3[$i];
$do = 1 if($rd =~ m,^$v4[0]$,); # Reading matcht $DbLogInclude -> wieder in addLog einschließen
@ -8180,6 +8211,22 @@ sub DbLog_charfilter {
# Einen Attributinhalt vom Typ textField-long splitten und als
# Array zurückgeben
# Optional kann das Split-Zeichen, default ',', angegeben werden.
sub DbLog_attrLong2Array {
my $content = shift;
my $sptchar = shift // q{,};
return if(!$content);
my @v = map { my $p = $_; $p =~ s/\s//xg; $p; } split /$sptchar/xs, $content; ## no critic 'Map blocks'
return @v;
# benutzte DB-Feldlängen in Helper und Internals setzen
@ -8562,13 +8609,27 @@ return;
<b>Note:</b> <br>
In case of fresh installed MySQL/MariaDB system don't forget deleting the anonymous "Everyone"-User with an admin-tool if
existing !
Sample code and Scripts to prepare a MySQL/PostgreSQL/SQLite database you can find in
<a href="https://svn.fhem.de/trac/browser/trunk/fhem/contrib/dblog">SVN -&gt; contrib/dblog/db_create_&lt;DBType&gt;.sql</a>. <br>
(<b>Caution:</b> The local FHEM-Installation subdirectory ./contrib/dblog doesn't contain the freshest scripts !!)
(<b>Caution:</b> The local FHEM-Installation subdirectory ./contrib/dblog doesn't contain the freshest scripts!)
The default installation of the MySQL/MariaDB database provides for the use of the <b>utf8_bin</b> collation.
With this setting, characters up to 3 bytes long can be stored, which is generally sufficient.
However, if characters with a length of 4 bytes (e.g. emojis) are to be stored in the database, the <b>utf8mb4</b>
character set must be used. <br>
Accordingly, in this case the MySQL/MariaDB database would be created with the following statement: <br><br>
<code> CREATE DATABASE `fhem` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; </code>
In the configuration file (see below) utf8 support must be enabled with the key <b>utf8 => 1</b> if utf8 is to be
used. <br><br>
The database contains two tables: <code>current</code> and <code>history</code>. <br>
The latter contains all events whereas the former only contains the last event for any given reading and device.
@ -10440,14 +10501,28 @@ attr SMA_Energymeter DbLogValueFn
<b>Hinweis:</b> <br>
Im Falle eines frisch installierten MySQL/MariaDB Systems bitte nicht vergessen die anonymen "Jeder"-Nutzer mit einem
Admin-Tool (z.B. phpMyAdmin) zu löschen falls sie existieren !
Admin-Tool (z.B. phpMyAdmin) zu löschen falls sie existieren.
Beispielcode bzw. Scripts zum Erstellen einer MySQL/PostgreSQL/SQLite Datenbank ist im
<a href="https://svn.fhem.de/trac/browser/trunk/fhem/contrib/dblog">SVN -&gt; contrib/dblog/db_create_&lt;DBType&gt;.sql</a>
enthalten. <br>
(<b>Achtung:</b> Die lokale FHEM-Installation enthält im Unterverzeichnis ./contrib/dblog nicht die aktuellsten
Scripte !!) <br><br>
Scripte!) <br><br>
Die Standardinstallation der MySQL/MariaDB Datenbank sieht die Nutzung der Collation <b>utf8_bin</b> vor.
Mit dieser Einstellung können Zeichen bis 3 Byte Länge gespeichert werden was im Allgemeinen ausreichend ist.
Sollen jedoch Zeichen mit 4 Byte Länge (z.B. Emojis) in der Datenbank gespeichert werden, ist der Zeichensatz
<b>utf8mb4</b> zu verwenden. <br>
Dementsprechend wäre in diesem Fall die MySQL/MariaDB Datenbank mit folgendem Statement anzulegen: <br><br>
<code> CREATE DATABASE `fhem` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; </code>
In der Konfigurationsdatei (siehe unten) ist die utf8-Unterstützung mit dem Schlüssel <b>utf8 => 1</b> einzuschalten
sofern utf8 genutzt werden soll. <br><br>
Die Datenbank beinhaltet 2 Tabellen: <code>current</code> und <code>history</code>. <br>
Die Tabelle <code>current</code> enthält den letzten Stand pro Device und Reading. <br>
@ -10542,6 +10617,7 @@ attr SMA_Energymeter DbLogValueFn
Wird configDB genutzt, ist das Konfigurationsfile in die configDB hochzuladen ! <br><br>
<b>Hinweis zu Sonderzeichen:</b><br>