mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 09:16:53 +00:00
76_SolarForecast: contrib 1.0.10
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@28114 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -144,6 +144,8 @@ BEGIN {
# Versions History intern
my %vNotesIntern = (
"1.0.10" => "31.10.2023 fix warnings, edit comref ",
"1.0.9" => "29.10.2023 _aiGetSpread: set spread from 50 to 20 ",
"1.0.8" => "22.10.2023 codechange: add central readings store array, new function storeReading, writeCacheToFile ".
"solcastapi in sub __delObsoleteAPIData, save freespace if flowGraphicShowConsumer=0 is set ".
"pay attention to attr graphicEnergyUnit in __createOwnSpec ",
@ -3588,7 +3590,7 @@ sub __VictronVRM_ApiRequestForecast {
my $idsite = $paref->{idsite};
my $tstart = time;
my $tend = time + 259200; # 172800 = 2 Tage
my $tend = time + 259200; # 172800 = 2 Tage
my $url = "https://vrmapi.victronenergy.com/v2/installations/$idsite/stats?type=forecast&interval=hours&start=$tstart&end=$tend";
@ -3694,7 +3696,7 @@ sub __VictronVRM_ApiResponseForecast {
my $k = 0;
while ($jdata->{'records'}{'solar_yield_forecast'}[$k]) {
next if(ref $jdata->{'records'}{'solar_yield_forecast'}[$k] ne "ARRAY"); # Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php?msg=1288637
my $starttmstr = $jdata->{'records'}{'solar_yield_forecast'}[$k][0]; # Millisekunden geliefert
my $val = $jdata->{'records'}{'solar_yield_forecast'}[$k][1];
$starttmstr = (timestampToTimestring ($starttmstr, $lang))[3];
@ -3715,7 +3717,7 @@ sub __VictronVRM_ApiResponseForecast {
$k = 0;
while ($jdata->{'records'}{'vrm_consumption_fc'}[$k]) {
next if(ref $jdata->{'records'}{'vrm_consumption_fc'}[$k] ne "ARRAY"); # Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php?msg=1288637
my $starttmstr = $jdata->{'records'}{'vrm_consumption_fc'}[$k][0]; # Millisekunden geliefert
my $val = $jdata->{'records'}{'vrm_consumption_fc'}[$k][1];
$starttmstr = (timestampToTimestring ($starttmstr, $lang))[3];
@ -4008,7 +4010,7 @@ sub Attr {
my $name = shift;
my $aName = shift;
my $aVal = shift;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my ($do,$val);
@ -4034,7 +4036,7 @@ sub Attr {
if($aName eq 'ctrlNextDayForecastReadings') {
deleteReadingspec ($hash, "Tomorrow_Hour.*");
if($aName eq 'ctrlGenPVdeviation' && $aVal eq 'daily') {
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
deleteReadingspec ($hash, 'Today_PVdeviation');
@ -4752,9 +4754,9 @@ sub centralTask {
saveEnergyConsumption ($centpars); # Energie Hausverbrauch speichern
genStatisticReadings ($centpars); # optionale Statistikreadings erstellen
userExit ($centpars); # User spezifische Funktionen ausführen
userExit ($centpars); # User spezifische Funktionen ausführen
setTimeTracking ($hash, $cst, 'runTimeCentralTask'); # Zyklus-Laufzeit ermitteln
createReadingsFromArray ($hash, $evt); # Readings erzeugen
if ($evt) {
@ -5013,7 +5015,7 @@ sub _specialActivities {
$pvfc = ReadingsNum ($name, "Today_Hour24_PVforecast", 0);
storeReading ('LastHourPVforecast', "$pvfc Wh", $ts);
$pvrl = ReadingsNum ($name, "Today_Hour24_PVreal", 0);
storeReading ('LastHourPVreal', "$pvrl Wh", $ts);
@ -5142,7 +5144,7 @@ sub __delObsoleteAPIData {
delete $data{$type}{$name}{solcastapi}{$idx}{$scd} if ($ds && $ds < $refts);
writeCacheToFile ($hash, "solcastapi", $scpicache.$name); # Cache File SolCast API Werte schreiben
my @as = split ",", ReadingsVal($name, 'inverterStrings', '');
@ -5380,7 +5382,7 @@ sub _transferAPIRadiationValues {
delete $paref->{histname};
storeReading ('.lastupdateForecastValues', $t); # Statusreading letzter update
@ -6168,7 +6170,7 @@ sub _createSummaries {
$todaySumFc->{PV} += ReadingsNum ($name, "Today_Hour".sprintf("%02d",$th)."_PVforecast", 0);
$todaySumRe->{PV} += ReadingsNum ($name, "Today_Hour".sprintf("%02d",$th)."_PVreal", 0);
my $pvre = int $todaySumRe->{PV};
push @{$data{$type}{$name}{current}{h4fcslidereg}}, int $next4HoursSum->{PV}; # Schieberegister 4h Summe Forecast
@ -6208,7 +6210,7 @@ sub _createSummaries {
storeReading ('Current_AutarkyRate', $autarkyrate. ' %');
storeReading ('Today_PVreal', $pvre. ' Wh') if($pvre > ReadingsNum ($name, 'Today_PVreal', 0));
storeReading ('Tomorrow_ConsumptionForecast', $tconsum. ' Wh') if(defined $tconsum);
storeReading ('NextHours_Sum01_PVforecast', (int $next1HoursSum->{PV}). ' Wh');
storeReading ('NextHours_Sum02_PVforecast', (int $next2HoursSum->{PV}). ' Wh');
storeReading ('NextHours_Sum03_PVforecast', (int $next3HoursSum->{PV}). ' Wh');
@ -6402,9 +6404,9 @@ sub _manageConsumerData {
my ($iilt,$rlt) = isInLocktime ($paref); # Sperrzeit Status ermitteln
my $constate = "name='$alias' state='$costate' planningstate='$pstate'";
$constate .= " remainLockTime='$rlt'" if($rlt);
storeReading ("consumer${c}", $constate); # Consumer Infos
storeReading ("consumer${c}_planned_start", $starttime) if($starttime); # Consumer Start geplant
storeReading ("consumer${c}", $constate); # Consumer Infos
storeReading ("consumer${c}_planned_start", $starttime) if($starttime); # Consumer Start geplant
storeReading ("consumer${c}_planned_stop", $stoptime) if($stoptime); # Consumer Stop geplant
@ -7745,15 +7747,15 @@ sub _calcTodayPVdeviation {
my $pvfc = ReadingsNum ($name, 'Today_PVforecast', 0);
my $pvre = ReadingsNum ($name, 'Today_PVreal', 0);
return if(!$pvre);
my $dp;
if (AttrVal($name, 'ctrlGenPVdeviation', 'daily') eq 'daily') {
my $sstime = timestringToTimestamp ($date.' '.ReadingsVal ($name, "Today_SunSet", '22:00').':00');
return if($t < $sstime);
my $diff = $pvfc - $pvre;
$dp = sprintf "%.2f" , (100 * $diff / $pvre);
@ -7762,7 +7764,7 @@ sub _calcTodayPVdeviation {
my $dayfc = $pvre + $rodfc; # laufende Tagesprognose aus PVreal + Prognose Resttag
$dp = sprintf "%.2f", (100 * ($pvfc - $dayfc) / $dayfc);
$data{$type}{$name}{circular}{99}{tdayDvtn} = $dp;
storeReading ('Today_PVdeviation', $dp.' %');
@ -8009,14 +8011,14 @@ sub genStatisticReadings {
$dono = $don;
my $sttmp = timestringToTimestamp ($sttm) // return;
$sttmp += 3600; # Beginnzeitstempel auf volle Stunde ergänzen
$sttmp += 3600; # Beginnzeitstempel auf volle Stunde ergänzen
my $mhrs = $hrs * 60; # berücksichtigte volle Minuten
my $mtsr = ($sttmp - $t) / 60; # Minuten bis nächsten Sonnenaufgang (gerundet)
$confc = $confc / $mhrs * $mtsr;
storeReading ('statistic_'.$kpi, ($confc ? (sprintf "%.0f", $confc).$hcsr{$kpi}{unit} : '-'));
@ -8085,7 +8087,7 @@ sub collectAllRegConsumers {
if(exists $hc->{asynchron}) {
$asynchron = $hc->{asynchron};
my $noshow;
if(exists $hc->{noshow}) { # Consumer ausblenden in Grafik
$noshow = $hc->{noshow};
@ -8596,7 +8598,7 @@ sub _graphicHeader {
my $hdrDetail = $paref->{hdrDetail}; # ermöglicht den Inhalt zu begrenzen, um bspw. passgenau in ftui einzubetten
my $ftui = $paref->{ftui};
my $lang = $paref->{lang};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $kw = $paref->{kw};
my $dstyle = $paref->{dstyle}; # TD-Style
@ -8671,8 +8673,8 @@ sub _graphicHeader {
my $chktitle = $htitles{plchk}{$lang};
## Update-Icon
my $upicon = __createUpdateIcon ($paref);
my $upicon = __createUpdateIcon ($paref);
## Sonnenauf- und untergang
@ -8818,11 +8820,11 @@ sub _graphicHeader {
$tdayDvtn =~ s/\,0//;
$ydayDvtn =~ s/\./,/;
$ydayDvtn =~ s/,0//;
my $genpvdva = $paref->{genpvdva};
my $dvtntxt = $hqtxt{dvtn}{$lang}.' ';
my $tdaytxt = ($genpvdva eq 'daily' ? $hqtxt{tday}{$lang} : $hqtxt{ctnsly}{$lang}).': '."<b>".$tdayDvtn."</b>";
my $tdaytxt = ($genpvdva eq 'daily' ? $hqtxt{tday}{$lang} : $hqtxt{ctnsly}{$lang}).': '."<b>".$tdayDvtn."</b>";
my $ydaytxt = $hqtxt{yday}{$lang}.': '."<b>".$ydayDvtn."</b>";
my $text_tdayDvtn = $tdayDvtn =~ /^-[1-9]/? $hqtxt{pmtp}{$lang} :
@ -8895,7 +8897,7 @@ sub _graphicHeader {
$header .= qq{<td colspan="9" align="left" $dstyle><hr></td>};
$header .= qq{</tr>};
# Header User Spezifikation
my $ownv = __createOwnSpec ($paref);
@ -8911,23 +8913,23 @@ return $header;
sub __createUpdateIcon {
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $lang = $paref->{lang};
my $ftui = $paref->{ftui};
my $upstate = ReadingsVal ($name, 'state', '');
my $naup = ReadingsVal ($name, 'nextCycletime', '');
my $cmdupdate = qq{"FW_cmd('$FW_ME$FW_subdir?XHR=1&cmd=set $name clientAction - 0 get $name data')"}; # Update Button generieren
if ($ftui eq 'ftui') {
$cmdupdate = qq{"ftui.setFhemStatus('set $name clientAction - 0 get $name data')"};
my ($img, $upicon);
if ($upstate =~ /updated|successfully|switched/ix) {
$img = FW_makeImage('10px-kreis-gruen.png', $htitles{upd}{$lang}.' '.$htitles{natc}{$lang}.' '.$naup.'');
$upicon = "<a onClick=$cmdupdate>$img</a>";
@ -8953,11 +8955,11 @@ return $upicon;
sub __createAutokorrIcon {
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $lang = $paref->{lang};
my $aciimg;
my $acitit = q{};
my $acu = isAutoCorrUsed ($name);
@ -8984,20 +8986,20 @@ return $acicon;
# erstelle Qualitäts-Icon
sub __createQuaIcon {
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $lang = $paref->{lang};
my $ftui = $paref->{ftui};
my $pvfc00 = NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour00', 'pvfc', undef);
my $pvcorrf00 = NexthoursVal ($hash, "NextHour00", "pvcorrf", "-/-");
my ($pcf,$pcq) = split "/", $pvcorrf00;
my $pvcanz = qq{factor: $pcf / quality: $pcq};
my $cmdfcqal = qq{"FW_cmd('$FW_ME$FW_subdir?XHR=1&cmd=get $name forecastQualities imgget', function(data){FW_okDialog(data)})"};
if ($ftui eq 'ftui') {
@ -9027,7 +9029,7 @@ return $pcqicon;
sub __createAIicon {
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $lang = $paref->{lang};
@ -9055,83 +9057,85 @@ return $aiicon;
# erstelle Übersicht eigener Readings
sub __createOwnSpec {
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $dstyle = $paref->{dstyle}; # TD-Style
my $hdrDetail = $paref->{hdrDetail};
my $vinr = 4; # Spezifikationen in einer Zeile
my $vinr = 4; # Spezifikationen in einer Zeile
my $spec = AttrVal ($name, 'graphicHeaderOwnspec', '');
my $uatr = AttrVal ($name, 'graphicEnergyUnit', 'Wh');
my $show = $hdrDetail =~ /all|own/xs ? 1 : 0;
return if(!$spec || !$show);
my @fields = split (/\s+/sx, $spec);
my @fields = split (/\s+/sx, $spec);
my (@cats, @vals);
for my $f (@fields) {
if ($f =~ /^\#(.*)/xs) {
push @cats, $1;
push @vals, $f;
my $ownv;
my $ownv;
my $rows = ceil (scalar(@vals) / $vinr);
my $col = 0;
for (my $i = 1 ; $i <= $rows; $i++) {
my ($h, $v, $u);
my ($h, $v, $u);
for (my $k = 0 ; $k < $vinr; $k++) {
($h->{$k}{label}, $h->{$k}{rdg}) = split ":", $vals[$col] if($vals[$col]);
if (!$h->{$k}{label}) {
undef $h->{$k}{label};
($v->{$k}, $u->{$k}) = split /\s+/, ReadingsVal ($name, $h->{$k}{rdg}, '');
($v->{0}, $u->{0}) = split /\s+/, ReadingsVal ($name, $h->{0}{rdg}, '');
($v->{1}, $u->{1}) = split /\s+/, ReadingsVal ($name, $h->{1}{rdg}, '');
($v->{2}, $u->{2}) = split /\s+/, ReadingsVal ($name, $h->{2}{rdg}, '');
($v->{3}, $u->{3}) = split /\s+/, ReadingsVal ($name, $h->{3}{rdg}, '');
if ($uatr eq 'kWh') {
if ($uatr eq 'kWh') {
for (my $r = 0 ; $r < $vinr; $r++) {
next if(!$u->{$r});
if ($u->{$r} =~ /^Wh/xs) {
if ($u->{$r} =~ /^Wh/xs) {
$v->{$r} = sprintf "%.1f",($v->{$r} / 1000);
$u->{$r} = 'kWh';
if ($uatr eq 'Wh') {
for (my $r = 0 ; $r < $vinr; $r++) {
next if(!$u->{$r});
if ($u->{$r} =~ /^kWh/xs) {
if ($u->{$r} =~ /^kWh/xs) {
$v->{$r} = sprintf "%.0f",($v->{$r} * 1000);
$u->{$r} = 'Wh';
$ownv .= "<tr>";
$ownv .= "<td $dstyle>".($cats[$i-1] ? '<b>'.$cats[$i-1].'</b>' : '')."</td>";
$ownv .= "<td $dstyle><b>".$h->{0}{label}.":</b></td> <td align=right $dstyle>".$v->{0}." ".$u->{0}."</td>" if($h->{0}{label});
$ownv .= "<td $dstyle><b>".$h->{1}{label}.":</b></td> <td align=right $dstyle>".$v->{1}." ".$u->{1}."</td>" if($h->{1}{label});
$ownv .= "<td $dstyle><b>".$h->{2}{label}.":</b></td> <td align=right $dstyle>".$v->{2}." ".$u->{2}."</td>" if($h->{2}{label});
$ownv .= "<td $dstyle><b>".$h->{3}{label}.":</b></td> <td align=right $dstyle>".$v->{3}." ".$u->{3}."</td>" if($h->{3}{label});
$ownv .= "<td $dstyle><b>".$h->{0}{label}.":</b></td> <td align=right $dstyle>".$v->{0}." ".$u->{0}."</td>" if(defined $h->{0}{label});
$ownv .= "<td $dstyle><b>".$h->{1}{label}.":</b></td> <td align=right $dstyle>".$v->{1}." ".$u->{1}."</td>" if(defined $h->{1}{label});
$ownv .= "<td $dstyle><b>".$h->{2}{label}.":</b></td> <td align=right $dstyle>".$v->{2}." ".$u->{2}."</td>" if(defined $h->{2}{label});
$ownv .= "<td $dstyle><b>".$h->{3}{label}.":</b></td> <td align=right $dstyle>".$v->{3}." ".$u->{3}."</td>" if(defined $h->{3}{label});
$ownv .= "</tr>";
$ownv .= qq{<tr>};
$ownv .= qq{<td colspan="9" align="left" $dstyle><hr></td>};
$ownv .= qq{</tr>};
@ -9246,7 +9250,7 @@ sub _graphicConsumerLegend {
$ctable .= qq{<td> </td>};
my $cnum = @consumers;
if ($cnum > 1) {
$ctable .= qq{<td style='text-align:left' $dstyle> $hqtxt{cnsm}{$lang} </td>};
$ctable .= qq{<td> </td>};
@ -9274,7 +9278,7 @@ sub _graphicConsumerLegend {
for my $c (@consumers) {
next if(isConsumerNoshow ($hash, $c) =~ /^[12]$/xs); # Consumer ausblenden
my $caicon = $paref->{caicon}; # Consumer AdviceIcon
my ($cname, $dswname) = getCDnames ($hash, $c); # Consumer und Switch Device Name
my $calias = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, 'alias', $cname); # Alias des Consumerdevices
@ -10055,10 +10059,10 @@ sub _flowGraphic {
my $batin_style = $batin ? 'flowg active_in active_bat_in' : 'flowg inactive_out';
my $csc_style = $csc && $cpv ? 'flowg active_out' : 'flowg inactive_out';
my $cgfi_style = $cgfi ? 'flowg active_out' : 'flowg inactive_out';
my $vbox_default = !$flowgcons ? '5 -25 800 480' :
$flowgconTime ? '5 -25 800 700' :
'5 -25 800 680';
my $vbox_default = !$flowgcons ? '5 -25 800 480' :
$flowgconTime ? '5 -25 800 700' :
'5 -25 800 680';
my $ret = << "END0";
@ -10115,12 +10119,12 @@ END0
if ($flowgcons) {
my $type = $paref->{type};
for my $c (sort{$a<=>$b} keys %{$data{$type}{$name}{consumers}}) { # definierte Verbraucher ermitteln
next if(isConsumerNoshow ($hash, $c) =~ /^[13]$/xs); # ausgeblendete Consumer nicht berücksichtigen
push @consumers, $c;
push @consumers, $c;
$consumercount = scalar @consumers;
if ($consumercount % 2) {
@ -10540,18 +10544,18 @@ sub calcValueImproves {
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - INFO - The correction factors are now calculated and stored proactively independent of the autocorrection usage");
$paref->{acu} = $acu;
for my $h (1..23) {
next if(!$chour || $h > $chour);
$paref->{h} = $h;
_calcCaQcomplex ($paref); # Korrekturberechnung mit Bewölkung duchführen/speichern
_calcCaQsimple ($paref); # einfache Korrekturberechnung duchführen/speichern
_addHourAiRawdata ($paref); # AI Instanz hinzufügen
delete $paref->{h};
delete $paref->{acu};
@ -10576,15 +10580,15 @@ sub _calcCaQcomplex {
# Log3 ($name, 1, "$name DEBUG> Complex Corrf -> factor Hour: ".sprintf("%02d",$h)." already calculated");
debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrection', "start calculation complex correction factor for hour: $h");
my $pvre = CircularVal ($hash, sprintf("%02d",$h), 'pvrl', 0);
my $pvfc = CircularVal ($hash, sprintf("%02d",$h), 'pvapifc', 0);
if (!$pvre || !$pvfc) {
storeReading ('.pvCorrectionFactor_'.sprintf("%02d",$h).'_cloudcover', 'done');
$paref->{hour} = $h;
@ -10651,7 +10655,7 @@ sub _calcCaQsimple {
my $date = $paref->{date};
my $acu = $paref->{acu};
my $h = $paref->{h};
my $maxvar = AttrVal($name, 'affectMaxDayVariance', $defmaxvar); # max. Korrekturvarianz
my $sr = ReadingsVal ($name, ".pvCorrectionFactor_".sprintf("%02d",$h)."_apipercentil", "");
@ -10659,15 +10663,15 @@ sub _calcCaQsimple {
# debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrection', "Simple Corrf factor Hour: ".sprintf("%02d",$h)." already calculated");
debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrection', "start calculation simple correction factor for hour: $h");
my $pvre = CircularVal ($hash, sprintf("%02d",$h), 'pvrl', 0);
my $pvfc = CircularVal ($hash, sprintf("%02d",$h), 'pvapifc', 0);
if (!$pvre || !$pvfc) {
storeReading ('.pvCorrectionFactor_'.sprintf("%02d",$h).'_apipercentil', 'done');
$paref->{hour} = $h;
@ -10696,7 +10700,7 @@ sub _calcCaQsimple {
$pvre = sprintf "%.0f", $pvre;
$pvfc = sprintf "%.0f", $pvfc;
my $qual = __calcFcQuality ($pvfc, $pvre); # Qualität der Vorhersage für die vergangene Stunde
debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrection', "Simple Corrf -> determined values - average forecast: $pvfc, average real: $pvre, old corrf: $oldfac, new corrf: $factor, days: $dnum");
@ -10730,7 +10734,7 @@ sub _addHourAiRawdata {
my $sr = ReadingsVal ($name, ".signaldone_".$rho, "");
return if($sr eq "done");
debugLog ($paref, 'aiProcess', "start add AI raw data for hour: $h");
$paref->{ood} = 1;
@ -11246,8 +11250,8 @@ sub aiGetResult { ## no critic "not used"
if ($@) {
if ($@) {
Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - aiGetResult ERROR: $@");
return $@;
@ -11256,22 +11260,22 @@ sub aiGetResult { ## no critic "not used"
debugLog ($paref, 'aiData', qq{accurate result AI: pvaifc: $pvaifc (hod: $hod, rad1h: $rad1h, wcc: $wcc, wrp: $rbin, temp: $tbin)});
return ('', $pvaifc);
my $msg = 'no decition delivered';
my $msg = 'no decition delivered';
($msg, $pvaifc) = _aiGetSpread ( { hash => $hash,
name => $name,
type => $type,
rad1h => $rad1h,
rad1h => $rad1h,
temp => $tbin,
wcc => $cbin,
wrp => $rbin,
hod => $hod,
dtree => $dtree,
debug => $paref->{debug}
if (defined $pvaifc) {
return ('', $pvaifc);
@ -11280,7 +11284,7 @@ return $msg;
# AI Ergebnis aus einer positiven und negativen
# AI Ergebnis aus einer positiven und negativen
# rad1h-Abweichung schätzen
sub _aiGetSpread {
@ -11292,17 +11296,17 @@ sub _aiGetSpread {
my $hod = $paref->{hod};
my $dtree = $paref->{dtree};
my $dtn = 50; # positive und negative rad1h Abweichung testen mit Schrittweite "$step"
my $dtn = 20; # positive und negative rad1h Abweichung testen mit Schrittweite "$step"
my $step = 10;
my ($pos, $neg, $p, $n);
debugLog ($paref, 'aiData', qq{no accurate result AI found with initial value "$rad1h"});
debugLog ($paref, 'aiData', qq{test AI estimation with variance "$dtn", positive/negative step "$step"});
for ($p = $rad1h; $p <= $rad1h + $dtn; $p += $step) {
$p = sprintf "%.2f", $p;
$p = sprintf "%.2f", $p;
eval { $pos = $dtree->get_result (attributes => { rad1h => $p,
temp => $temp,
wcc => $wcc,
@ -11311,21 +11315,21 @@ sub _aiGetSpread {
if ($@) {
return $@;
if ($pos) {
debugLog ($paref, 'aiData', qq{AI estimation with test value "$p": $pos});
for ($n = $rad1h; $n >= $rad1h - $dtn; $n -= $step) {
last if($n <= 0);
$n = sprintf "%.2f", $n;
$n = sprintf "%.2f", $n;
eval { $neg = $dtree->get_result (attributes => { rad1h => $n,
temp => $temp,
wcc => $wcc,
@ -11338,13 +11342,13 @@ sub _aiGetSpread {
if ($@) {
return $@;
if ($neg) {
debugLog ($paref, 'aiData', qq{AI estimation with test value "$n": $neg});
my $pvaifc = $pos && $neg ? sprintf "%.0f", (($pos + $neg) / 2) : undef;
if (defined $pvaifc) {
@ -12730,15 +12734,15 @@ return $tstring;
# Speichern Readings, Wert, Zeit in zentralen Readings Store
sub storeReading {
my $rdg = shift;
my $val = shift;
my $ts1 = shift;
my $cmps = $rdg.'<>'.$val;
$cmps .= '<>'.$ts1 if(defined $ts1);
push @da, $cmps;
@ -12761,7 +12765,7 @@ sub createReadingsFromArray {
for my $elem (@da) {
my ($rn,$rval,$ts) = split "<>", $elem, 3;
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, $rn, $rval, undef, $ts);
@ -13094,29 +13098,29 @@ return 0;
# 1 - ausblenden
# 2 - nur in Consumerlegende ausblenden
# 3 - nur in Flowgrafik ausblenden
sub isConsumerNoshow {
my $hash = shift;
my $c = shift;
my $noshow = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, 'noshow', 0); # Schalter "Ausblenden"
if (!isNumeric ($noshow)) { # Key "noshow" enthält Signalreading
my $rdg = $noshow;
my ($dev, $dswname) = getCDnames ($hash, $c); # Consumer und Switch Device Name
if ($noshow =~ /:/xs) {
($dev, $rdg) = split ":", $noshow;
$noshow = ReadingsNum ($dev, $rdg, 0);
if ($noshow !~ /^[0123]$/xs) { # nue Ergebnisse 0..3 zulassen
$noshow = 0;
return $noshow;
return $noshow;
@ -13201,10 +13205,10 @@ sub isAddSwitchOffCond {
$info = qq{value "$condval" (hysteresis = $hyst) match the Regex "$swoffcondregex" \n}.
qq{-> Switch-off condition or interrupt in the "switch-off context", DO NOT switch on or DO NOT continue in the "switch-on context"\n}
return (1, $info, $err);
$condval //= 'undef';
$info = qq{device: "$dswoffcond", reading: "$rswoffcond" , value: "$condval" (hysteresis = $hyst) doesn't match Regex: "$swoffcondregex" \n}.
@ -15547,8 +15551,8 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<tr><td> </td><td><b>2</b> - the consumer is hidden in the consumer legend </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>3</b> - the consumer is hidden in the flow chart </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>[Device:]Reading</b> - Reading in the consumer or optionally an alternative device. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>If the reading has the value 0 or is not present, the consumer is displayed. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>The effect of the possible reading values 1, 2 and 3 is as described. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>If the reading has the value 0 or is not present, the consumer is displayed. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>The effect of the possible reading values 1, 2 and 3 is as described. </td></tr>
@ -15625,7 +15629,7 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-ctrlGenPVdeviation"></a>
<li><b>ctrlGenPVdeviation </b><br>
Specifies the method for calculating the deviation between predicted and real PV generation.
@ -15742,11 +15746,11 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-ctrlUserExitFn"></a>
<li><b>ctrlUserExitFn {<Code>} </b><br>
After each cycle (see the <a href="#SolarForecast-attr-ctrlInterval">ctrlInterval </a> attribute), the code given
After each cycle (see the <a href="#SolarForecast-attr-ctrlInterval">ctrlInterval </a> attribute), the code given
in this attribute is executed. The code is to be enclosed in curly brackets {...}. <br>
The code is passed the variables <b>$name</b> and <b>$hash</b>, which contain the name of the SolarForecast
The code is passed the variables <b>$name</b> and <b>$hash</b>, which contain the name of the SolarForecast
device and its hash. <br>
In the SolarForecast Device, readings can be created and modified using the <b>storeReading</b> function.
In the SolarForecast Device, readings can be created and modified using the <b>storeReading</b> function.
@ -15928,7 +15932,7 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-graphicEnergyUnit"></a>
<li><b>graphicEnergyUnit <Wh | kWh> </b><br>
Defines the unit for displaying the electrical power in the graph. The value is rounded to one
Defines the unit for displaying the electrical power in the graph. The kilowatt hour is rounded to one
decimal place. <br>
(default: Wh)
@ -15951,14 +15955,16 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-graphicHeaderOwnspec"></a>
<li><b>graphicHeaderOwnspec <Label>:<Reading> <Label>:<Reading> ... </b><br>
Display of any reading values of the device. <br>
The values to be displayed are separated by spaces.
The values to be displayed are separated by spaces.
Four values (fields) are displayed per line. <br>
The input can be made in multiple lines. <br><br>
The input can be made in multiple lines. Values with the units "Wh" or "kWh" are converted according to the
setting of the attribute <a href="#SolarForecast-attr-graphicEnergyUnit">graphicEnergyUnit</a>.
Each value is to be defined by a label and the corresponding reading connected by ":". <br>
Spaces in the label are to be inserted by "&nbsp;", a line break by "<br>". <br>
An empty field in a line is created by ":". <br>
@ -17386,8 +17392,8 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<tr><td> </td><td><b>2</b> - der Verbraucher wird in der Verbraucherlegende ausgeblendet </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>3</b> - der Verbraucher wird in der Flußgrafik ausgeblendet </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>[Device:]Reading</b> - Reading im Verbraucher oder optional einem alternativen Device. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>Hat das Reading den Wert 0 oder ist nicht vorhanden, wird der Verbraucher eingeblendet. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>Die Wirkung der möglichen Readingwerte 1, 2 und 3 ist wie beschrieben. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>Hat das Reading den Wert 0 oder ist nicht vorhanden, wird der Verbraucher eingeblendet. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>Die Wirkung der möglichen Readingwerte 1, 2 und 3 ist wie beschrieben. </td></tr>
@ -17464,7 +17470,7 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-ctrlGenPVdeviation"></a>
<li><b>ctrlGenPVdeviation </b><br>
Legt die Methode zur Berechnung der Abweichung von prognostizierter und realer PV Erzeugung fest.
@ -17583,9 +17589,9 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<li><b>ctrlUserExitFn {<Code>} </b><br>
Nach jedem Zyklus (siehe Attribut <a href="#SolarForecast-attr-ctrlInterval ">ctrlInterval </a>) wird der in diesem
Attribut abgegebene Code ausgeführt. Der Code ist in geschweifte Klammern {...} einzuschließen. <br>
Dem Code werden die Variablen <b>$name</b> und <b>$hash</b> übergeben, die den Namen des SolarForecast Device und
Dem Code werden die Variablen <b>$name</b> und <b>$hash</b> übergeben, die den Namen des SolarForecast Device und
dessen Hash enthalten. <br>
Im SolarForecast Device können Readings über die Funktion <b>storeReading</b> erzeugt und geändert werden.
Im SolarForecast Device können Readings über die Funktion <b>storeReading</b> erzeugt und geändert werden.
@ -17767,7 +17773,7 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-graphicEnergyUnit"></a>
<li><b>graphicEnergyUnit <Wh | kWh> </b><br>
Definiert die Einheit zur Anzeige der elektrischen Leistung in der Grafik. Der Wert wird auf eine
Definiert die Einheit zur Anzeige der elektrischen Leistung in der Grafik. Die Kilowattstunde wird auf eine
Nachkommastelle gerundet. <br>
(default: Wh)
@ -17790,14 +17796,16 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-graphicHeaderOwnspec"></a>
<li><b>graphicHeaderOwnspec <Label>:<Reading> <Label>:<Reading> ... </b><br>
Anzeige beliebiger Readingswerte des Devices. <br>
Die anzuzeigenden Werte werden durch Leerzeichen getrennt.
Die anzuzeigenden Werte werden durch Leerzeichen getrennt.
Es werden vier Werte (Felder) pro Zeile dargestellt. <br>
Die Eingabe kann mehrzeilig erfolgen. <br><br>
Die Eingabe kann mehrzeilig erfolgen. Werte mit den Einheiten "Wh" bzw. "kWh" werden entsprechend der Einstellung
des Attributs <a href="#SolarForecast-attr-graphicEnergyUnit">graphicEnergyUnit</a> umgerechnet.
Jeder Wert ist jeweils durch ein Label und das dazugehörige Reading verbunden durch ":" zu definieren. <br>
Leerzeichen im Label sind durch "&nbsp;" einzufügen, ein Zeilenumbruch durch "<br>". <br>
Ein leeres Feld in einer Zeile wird durch ":" erzeugt. <br>
Reference in New Issue
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