mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 04:36:36 +00:00
CUL_HM:attr logIDs for vccu, some minor bugs
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@22696 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ my $culHmRegChan =\%HMConfig::culHmRegChan;
my $culHmGlobalGets =\%HMConfig::culHmGlobalGets;
my $culHmVrtGets =\%HMConfig::culHmVrtGets;
my $culHmSubTypeGets =\%HMConfig::culHmSubTypeGets;
my $culHmModelGets =\%HMConfig::culHmModelGets;
my $culHmGlobalGetsDev =\%HMConfig::culHmGlobalGetsDev;
@ -184,6 +185,8 @@ sub CUL_HM_Initialize($) {
."modelForce:".join(",", sort @modellist)." "
.".mId "
$hash->{Attr}{devVrt} =
"logIDs:multiple,none,sys,all,broadcast ";
$hash->{Attr}{devPhy} = # -- physical device only attributes
"serialNr firmware .stc .devInfo "
."actStatus "
@ -211,6 +214,7 @@ sub CUL_HM_Initialize($) {
$hash->{AttrList} = $hash->{Attr}{glb}
@ -301,6 +305,8 @@ sub CUL_HM_updateConfig($){##########################
$hash->{helper}{role}{vrt} = 1;
$hash->{helper}{role}{dev} = 1;
delete $hash->{helper}{mId};
CUL_HM_ID2PeerList($name,"",1); # update peerList out of peerIDs
@ -312,6 +318,7 @@ sub CUL_HM_updateConfig($){##########################
my $dHash = CUL_HM_getDeviceHash($hash);
$dHash->{helper}{role}{prs} = 1 if($hash->{helper}{regLst} && $hash->{helper}{regLst} =~ m/3p/);
delete $hash->{helper}{mId};
foreach my $rName ("D-firmware","D-serialNr",".D-devInfo",".D-stc"){
# move certain attributes to readings for future handling
@ -324,7 +331,8 @@ sub CUL_HM_updateConfig($){##########################
if ($md =~ /(HM-CC-TC|ROTO_ZEL-STG-RM-FWT)/){
$hash->{helper}{role}{chn} = 1 if (length($id) == 6); #tc special
delete $hash->{helper}{mId};
elsif ($md =~ m/^HM-CC-RT-DN/){
$hash->{helper}{shRegR}{"07"} = "00" if ($chn eq "04");# shadowReg List 7 read from CH 0
$hash->{helper}{shRegW}{"07"} = "04" if ($chn eq "00");# shadowReg List 7 write to CH 4
@ -348,6 +356,7 @@ sub CUL_HM_updateConfig($){##########################
elsif ($md =~ m/^(CCU-FHEM)/){
$hash->{helper}{role}{vrt} = 1;
delete $hash->{helper}{mId};
CUL_HM_UpdtCentral($name); # first update, then keys
@ -410,6 +419,7 @@ sub CUL_HM_updateConfig($){##########################
elsif ($st eq "virtual" ) {#setup virtuals
$hash->{helper}{role}{vrt} = 1;
delete $hash->{helper}{mId};
if ( $hash->{helper}{fkt}
&& $hash->{helper}{fkt} =~ m/^(vdCtrl|virtThSens)$/){
my $vId = substr($id."01",0,8);
@ -568,6 +578,7 @@ sub CUL_HM_Define($$) {##############################
$devHash->{"channel_$chn"} = $name; #reference in device as well
$attr{$name}{model} = AttrVal($devName, "model", undef);
$hash->{helper}{role}{chn} = 1;
delete $hash->{helper}{mId};
if($chn eq "01"){
$attr{$name}{peerIDs} = AttrVal($devName, "peerIDs", "peerUnread");
$hash->{READINGS}{peerList}{VAL} = ReadingsVal($devName,"peerList","peerUnread");
@ -582,6 +593,7 @@ sub CUL_HM_Define($$) {##############################
else{# define a device
$hash->{helper}{role}{dev} = 1;
delete $hash->{helper}{mId};
$hash->{helper}{role}{chn} = 1;# take role of chn 01 until it is defined
$hash->{helper}{q}{qReqConf} = ""; # queue autoConfig requests
$hash->{helper}{q}{qReqStat} = ""; # queue statusRequest for this device
@ -631,6 +643,7 @@ sub CUL_HM_Undef($$) {###############################
my $devHash = $defs{$devName};
delete $devHash->{"channel_$chn"} if ($devName);
$devHash->{helper}{role}{chn} = 1 if($chn eq "01");# return chan 01 role
delete $hash->{helper}{mId};
else{# delete a device
CommandDelete(undef,$hash->{$_}) foreach (grep(/^channel_/,keys %{$hash}));
@ -1062,7 +1075,67 @@ sub CUL_HM_Attr(@) {#################################
return $retVal;
elsif($attrName eq "logIDs"){
my $retVal= "";
return "use $attrName only for vccu device"
if (!$hash->{helper}{role}{dev}
|| AttrVal($name,"model","CCU-FHEM") !~ "CCU-FHEM");
if ($cmd eq "set"){
my $newVal = "";
my @logIds = split (",",$attrVal);
if (grep /^none$/,@logIds){
$newVal = "none";
if (grep /^all$/,@logIds){
$newVal = "all";
$newVal = join(",",
map{if( defined $defs{$_}
&& $defs{$_}{TYPE} eq "CUL_HM"
&& $defs{$_}{DEF} =~ m/^......$/){
if (grep /^sys$/,@logIds){
$newVal = "sys"
.($newVal != "" ? ",$newVal" :"");
if (grep /^broadcast$/,@logIds){
$newVal = "broadcast"
.($newVal != "" ? ",$newVal" :"");
my @IOlst = map{(my $foo = $_) =~ s/^IO://; $foo;} grep/^IO:/,split(",",$attrVal);
if (scalar @IOlst){
foreach my $IOname (split(",",AttrVal($name,"IOList",""))){
CommandAttr(undef, "$IOname logIDs none")
if ( defined $defs{$IOname}
&& $modules{$defs{$IOname}{TYPE}}{AttrList} =~ m/logIDs/
&& grep !/$IOname/,@IOlst);
else{ # IOlist is full list
@IOlst = split(",",AttrVal($name,"IOList",""));
foreach my $IOname (@IOlst){
next if ( !defined $defs{$IOname});
next if ( $modules{$defs{$IOname}{TYPE}}{AttrList} !~ m/logIDs/);
CommandAttr(undef, "$IOname logIDs $newVal");
CUL_HM_queueUpdtCfg($name) if ($updtReq);
@ -1074,13 +1147,19 @@ sub CUL_HM_AttrCheck(@) {############################
return " $attrName illegal for virtual devices"
if ($modules{CUL_HM}{Attr}{devPhy} =~ m/$attrName\b/);
return " $attrName only for for virtual devices"
if ($modules{CUL_HM}{Attr}{devVrt} =~ m/$attrName\b/);
if (!$defs{$name}{helper}{role}{chn}){
return " $attrName only valid for channels"
if ($modules{CUL_HM}{Attr}{chn} =~ m/$attrName\b/);
if (!$defs{$name}{helper}{role}{dev}){
return " $attrName only valid for devices"
if (($modules{CUL_HM}{Attr}{dev}.$modules{CUL_HM}{Attr}{devPhy}) =~ m/$attrName\b/);
if ( $modules{CUL_HM}{Attr}{dev}
.$modules{CUL_HM}{Attr}{devVrt} =~ m/$attrName\b/);
return undef;
@ -4031,6 +4110,7 @@ sub CUL_HM_Get($@) {#+++++++++++++++++ get command+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if(!$roleV) {push @arr,"$_ $culHmGlobalGets->{$_}" foreach (keys %{$culHmGlobalGets} )};
if($roleV) {push @arr,"$_ $culHmVrtGets->{$_}" foreach (keys %{$culHmVrtGets} )};
if($roleD) {push @arr,"$_ $culHmGlobalGetsDev->{$_}" foreach (keys %{$culHmGlobalGetsDev})};
push @arr,"$_ $culHmSubTypeGets->{$st}{$_}" foreach (keys %{$culHmSubTypeGets->{$st}});
@ -4286,29 +4366,30 @@ sub CUL_HM_SetList($$) {#+++++++++++++++++ get command basic list+++++++++++++++
if( !$roleV &&($roleD || $roleC) ){push @arr1,map{"$_:".$culHmGlobalSets->{$_} }keys %{$culHmGlobalSets} ;
push @gets,map{"$_:".$culHmGlobalGets->{$_} }keys %{$culHmGlobalGets} };
if( !$roleV &&($roleD || $roleC) ){push @arr1,map{"$_:".$culHmGlobalSets->{$_} }keys %{$culHmGlobalSets} };
if(( $roleV||!$st||$st eq "no")&& $roleD){push @arr1,map{"$_:".$culHmGlobalSetsVrtDev->{$_} }keys %{$culHmGlobalSetsVrtDev} };
if( !$roleV && $roleD){push @arr1,map{"$_:".${$culHmSubTypeDevSets->{$st}}{$_}}keys %{$culHmSubTypeDevSets->{$st}}};
if( !$roleV && $roleC){push @arr1,map{"$_:".$culHmGlobalSetsChn->{$_} }keys %{$culHmGlobalSetsChn} };
if( $culHmSubTypeSets->{$st} && $roleC){push @arr1,map{"$_:".${$culHmSubTypeSets->{$st}}{$_} }keys %{$culHmSubTypeSets->{$st}} };
if( $culHmModelSets->{$md}) {push @arr1,map{"$_:".${$culHmModelSets->{$md}}{$_} }keys %{$culHmModelSets->{$md}} ;
push @gets,map{"$_:".${$culHmModelGets->{$md}}{$_} }keys %{$culHmModelGets->{$md}} };
if( $culHmModelSets->{$md}) {push @arr1,map{"$_:".${$culHmModelSets->{$md}}{$_} }keys %{$culHmModelSets->{$md}} };
if( $culHmChanSets->{$md."00"} && $roleD){push @arr1,map{"$_:".${$culHmChanSets->{$md."00"}}{$_} }keys %{$culHmChanSets->{$md."00"}} };
if( $culHmChanSets->{$md."xx"} && $roleC){push @arr1,map{"$_:".${$culHmChanSets->{$md."xx"}}{$_} }keys %{$culHmChanSets->{$md."xx"}} };
if( $culHmChanSets->{$md.$chn} && $roleC){push @arr1,map{"$_:".${$culHmChanSets->{$md.$chn}}{$_} }keys %{$culHmChanSets->{$md.$chn}} };
if( $culHmFunctSets->{$fkt} && $roleC){push @arr1,map{"$_:".${$culHmFunctSets->{$fkt}}{$_} }keys %{$culHmFunctSets->{$fkt}} };
if(!$roleV) {push @gets,map{"$_:".$culHmGlobalGets->{$_} }keys %{$culHmGlobalGets} };
if($roleV) {push @gets,map{"$_:".$culHmVrtGets->{$_} }keys %{$culHmVrtGets} };
if($culHmSubTypeGets->{$st}) {push @gets,map{"$_:".${$culHmSubTypeGets->{$st}}{$_} }keys %{$culHmSubTypeGets->{$st}} };
if($culHmModelGets->{$md}) {push @gets,map{"$_:".${$culHmModelGets->{$md}}{$_} }keys %{$culHmModelGets->{$md}} };
if($roleD) {push @gets,map{"$_:".$culHmGlobalGetsDev->{$_} }keys %{$culHmGlobalGetsDev} };
$hash->{helper}{cmds}{lst}{peerOpt} = CUL_HM_getPeerOption($name);
push @arr1,"peerSmart:-peerOpt-" if ($hash->{helper}{cmds}{lst}{peerOpt});
my @cond = ();
push @cond,map{$lvlStr{md}{$md}{$_}} keys%{$lvlStr{md}{$md}} if (defined $lvlStr{md}{$md});
push @cond,map{$lvlStr{mdCh}{"$md$chn"}{$_}} keys%{$lvlStr{md}{"$md$chn"}} if (defined $lvlStr{mdCh}{"$md$chn"});
push @cond,map{$lvlStr{st}{$st}{$_}} keys%{$lvlStr{st}{$st}} if (defined $lvlStr{st}{$st});
push @cond,map{$lvlStr{md}{$md}{$_}} keys%{$lvlStr{md}{$md}} if (defined $lvlStr{md}{$md});
push @cond,map{$lvlStr{mdCh}{"$md$chn"}{$_}} keys%{$lvlStr{mdCh}{"$md$chn"}} if (defined $lvlStr{mdCh}{"$md$chn"});
push @cond,map{$lvlStr{st}{$st}{$_}} keys%{$lvlStr{st}{$st}} if (defined $lvlStr{st}{$st});
push @cond,"slider,0,1,255" if (!scalar @cond);
$hash->{helper}{cmds}{lst}{condition} = join(",",sort grep /./,@cond);
@ -4331,6 +4412,7 @@ sub CUL_HM_SetList($$) {#+++++++++++++++++ get command basic list+++++++++++++++
#---------------- gets ---------------
delete $hash->{helper}{cmds}{rtrvLst};
my ($cmdS,$val) = split(":",$_,2);
$hash->{helper}{cmds}{rtrvLst}{$cmdS} = (defined $val && $val ne "") ? $val : "noArg";
@ -9973,7 +10055,12 @@ sub CUL_HM_UpdtCentral($){
my $logOpt =
." ";
$modules{CUL_HM}{AttrList} =~ s/logIDs:.*? /$logOpt/;
sub CUL_HM_UpdtCentralState($){
Reference in New Issue
Block a user