diff --git a/fhem/CHANGED b/fhem/CHANGED
index 435acc7cc..ee96e3304 100644
--- a/fhem/CHANGED
+++ b/fhem/CHANGED
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
+ - change: 22_HOMEMODE: adapt new help anchors
- change: 77_UWZ: support for https connection
- feature: 73_NUKIBridge 74_NUKIDevice: new modul structure and rewrite code,
add support for new smartlock 3.0 and 3.0 pro,
diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/22_HOMEMODE.pm b/fhem/FHEM/22_HOMEMODE.pm
index 2467aa9f1..6d9defb6d 100644
--- a/fhem/FHEM/22_HOMEMODE.pm
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/22_HOMEMODE.pm
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use HttpUtils;
use vars qw{%attr %defs %modules $FW_CSRF};
-my $HOMEMODE_version = "1.5.4";
+my $HOMEMODE_version = "1.5.5";
my $HOMEMODE_Daytimes = "05:00|morning 10:00|day 14:00|afternoon 18:00|evening 23:00|night";
my $HOMEMODE_Seasons = "03.01|spring 06.01|summer 09.01|autumn 12.01|winter";
my $HOMEMODE_UserModes = "gotosleep,awoken,asleep";
@@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@ sub HOMEMODE_Details($$$)
=item summary_DE Zuhause Gerät mit ROOMMATE/GUEST/PET Integration
=begin html
HOMEMODE is designed to represent the overall home state(s) in one device.
@@ -3657,123 +3657,123 @@ sub HOMEMODE_Details($$$)
A german Wiki page is also available at https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/Modul_HOMEMODE. There you can find lots of example code.
define [optional]
define <name> HOMEMODE
set <required> [optional]
- anyoneElseAtHome <on/off>
+ anyoneElseAtHome <on/off>
turn this on if anyone else is alone at home who is not a registered resident
e.g. an animal or unregistered guest
if turned on the alarm mode will be set to armhome instead of armaway while leaving, if turned on after leaving the alarm mode will change from armaway to armhome, e.g. to disable motion sensors alerts
placeholder %AEAH% is available in all HomeCMD attributes
- deviceDisable <DEVICE>
+ deviceDisable <DEVICE>
disable HOMEMODE integration for given device
placeholder %DISABLED% is available in all HomeCMD attributes
placeholders %DEVICE% and %ALIAS% are available in HomeCMDdeviceDisable attribute
- deviceEnable <DEVICE>
+ deviceEnable <DEVICE>
enable HOMEMODE integration for given device
placeholder %DISABLED% is available in all HomeCMD attributes
placeholders %DEVICE% and %ALIAS% are available in HomeCMDdeviceEnable attribute
- dnd <on/off>
+ dnd <on/off>
turn "do not disturb" mode on or off
e.g. to disable notification or alarms or, or, or...
placeholder %DND% is available in all HomeCMD attributes
- dnd-for-minutes <MINUTES>
+ dnd-for-minutes <MINUTES>
turn "do not disturb" mode on for given minutes
will return to the current (daytime) mode
- location <arrival/home/bed/underway/wayhome>
+ location <arrival/home/bed/underway/wayhome>
switch to given location manually
placeholder %LOCATION% is available in all HomeCMD attributes
- mode <morning/day/afternoon/evening/night/gotosleep/asleep/absent/gone/home>
+ mode <morning/day/afternoon/evening/night/gotosleep/asleep/absent/gone/home>
switch to given mode manually
placeholder %MODE% is available in all HomeCMD attributes
- modeAlarm <armaway/armhome/armnight/confirm/disarm>
+ modeAlarm <armaway/armhome/armnight/confirm/disarm>
switch to given alarm mode manually
placeholder %MODEALARM% is available in all HomeCMD attributes
- modeAlarm-for-minutes <armaway/armhome/armnight/disarm> <MINUTES>
+ modeAlarm-for-minutes <armaway/armhome/armnight/disarm> <MINUTES>
switch to given alarm mode for given minutes
will return to the previous alarm mode
- panic <on/off>
+ panic <on/off>
turn panic mode on or off
placeholder %PANIC% is available in all HomeCMD attributes
- updateHomebridgeMapping
+ updateHomebridgeMapping
will update the attribute homebridgeMapping of the HOMEMODE device depending on the available informations
- updateInternalForce
+ updateInternalsForce
will force update all internals of the HOMEMODE device
use this if you just reload this module after an update or if you made changes on any HOMEMODE monitored device, e.g. after adding residents/guest or after adding new sensors with the same devspec as before
get <required> [optional]
- contactsOpen <all/doorsinside/doorsoutside/doorsmain/outside/windows>
+ contactsOpen <all/doorsinside/doorsoutside/doorsmain/outside/windows>
get a list of all/doorsinside/doorsoutside/doorsmain/outside/windows open contacts
placeholders %OPEN% (open contacts outside) and %OPENCT% (open contacts outside count) are available in all HomeCMD attributes
- devicesDisabled
+ devicesDisabled
get new line separated list of currently disabled devices
placeholder %DISABLED% is available in all HomeCMD attributes
- mode
+ mode
get current mode
placeholder %MODE% is available in all HomeCMD attributes
- modeAlarm
+ modeAlarm
get current modeAlarm
placeholder %MODEALARM% is available in all HomeCMD attributes
- publicIP
+ publicIP
get the public IP address
placeholder %IP% is available in all HomeCMD attributes
- sensorsTampered
+ sensorsTampered
get a list of all tampered sensors
placeholder %TAMPERED% is available in all HomeCMD attributes
- weather <long/short>
+ weather <long/short>
get weather information in given format
please specify the outputs in attributes HomeTextWeatherLong and HomeTextWeatherShort
placeholders %WEATHER% and %WEATHERLONG% are available in all HomeCMD attributes
- weatherForecast [DAY]
+ weatherForecast [DAY]
get weather forecast for given day
if DAY is omitted the forecast for tomorrow (2) will be returned
please specify the outputs in attributes HomeTextWeatherForecastToday, HomeTextWeatherForecastTomorrow and HomeTextWeatherForecastInSpecDays
@@ -3781,25 +3781,30 @@ sub HOMEMODE_Details($$$)
- HomeAdvancedDetails
+ HomeAdvancedDetails
show more details depending on the monitored devices
value detail will only show advanced details in detail view, value both will show advanced details also in room view, room will show advanced details only in room view
values: none, detail, both, room
default: none
- HomeAdvancedUserAttr
+ HomeAdvancedUserAttr
more HomeCMD userattr will be provided
additional attributes for each resident and each calendar event
values: 0 or 1
default: 0
- HomeAutoAlarmModes
+ HomeAtTmpRoom
+ add this room to temporary at(s) (generated by HOMEMODE)
+ default:
+ -
+ HomeAutoAlarmModes
set modeAlarm automatically depending on mode
if mode is set to "home", modeAlarm will be set to "disarm"
if mode is set to "absent", modeAlarm will be set to "armaway"
@@ -3809,426 +3814,441 @@ sub HOMEMODE_Details($$$)
default: 1
- HomeAutoArrival
+ HomeAutoArrival
set resident's location to arrival (on arrival) and after given minutes to home
values from 0 to 5999.9 in minutes, value 0 disables automatically set arrival
default: 0
- HomeAutoAsleep
+ HomeAutoAsleep
set user from gotosleep to asleep after given minutes
values from 0 to 5999.9 in minutes, value 0 disables automatically set asleep
default: 0
- HomeAutoAwoken
+ HomeAutoAwoken
force set resident from asleep to awoken, even if changing from alseep to home
after given minutes awoken will change to home
values from 0 to 5999.9 in minutes, value 0 disables automatically set awoken after asleep
default: 0
- HomeAutoDaytime
+ HomeAutoDaytime
daytime depending home mode
values 0 or 1, value 0 disables automatically set daytime
default: 1
- HomeAutoPresence
+ HomeAutoPresence
automatically change the state of residents between home and absent depending on their associated presence device
values 0 or 1, value 0 disables auto presence
default: 0
- HomeAutoPresenceSuppressState
+ HomeAutoPresenceSuppressState
suppress state(s) for HomeAutoPresence (p.e. gotosleep|asleep)
if set this/these state(s) of a resident will not affect the residents to change to absent by its presence device
p.e. for misteriously disappearing presence devices in the middle of the night
- HomeCMDalarmSmoke
+ HomeCMDalarmSmoke
cmds to execute on any smoke alarm state
- HomeCMDalarmSmoke-<on/off>
+ HomeCMDalarmSmoke-<on/off>
cmds to execute on smoke alarm state on/off
- HomeCMDalarmTampered
+ HomeCMDalarmTampered
cmds to execute on any tamper alarm state
- HomeCMDalarmTampered-<on/off>
+ HomeCMDalarmTampered-<on/off>
cmds to execute on tamper alarm state on/off
- HomeCMDalarmTriggered
+ HomeCMDalarmTriggered
cmds to execute on any alarm state
- HomeCMDalarmTriggered-<on/off>
+ HomeCMDalarmTriggered-<on/off>
cmds to execute on alarm state on/off
- HomeCMDanyoneElseAtHome
+ HomeCMDanyoneElseAtHome
cmds to execute on any anyoneElseAtHome state
- HomeCMDanyoneElseAtHome-<on/off>
+ HomeCMDanyoneElseAtHome-<on/off>
cmds to execute on anyoneElseAtHome state on/off
- HomeCMDcontact
+ HomeCMDcontact
cmds to execute if any contact has been triggered (open/tilted/closed)
- HomeCMDbattery
+ HomeCMDbattery
cmds to execute on any battery change of a battery sensor
- HomeCMDbatteryLow
+ HomeCMDbatteryLow
cmds to execute if any battery sensor has low battery
- HomeCMDbatteryNormal
+ HomeCMDbatteryNormal
cmds to execute if any battery sensor returns to normal battery
- HomeCMDcontactClosed
+ HomeCMDcontactClosed
cmds to execute if any contact has been closed
- HomeCMDcontactOpen
+ HomeCMDcontactOpen
cmds to execute if any contact has been opened
- HomeCMDcontactDoormain
+ HomeCMDcontactDoormain
cmds to execute if any contact of type doormain has been triggered (open/tilted/closed)
- HomeCMDcontactDoormainClosed
+ HomeCMDcontactDoormainClosed
cmds to execute if any contact of type doormain has been closed
- HomeCMDcontactDoormainOpen
+ HomeCMDcontactDoormainOpen
cmds to execute if any contact of type doormain has been opened
- HomeCMDcontactOpenWarning1
+ HomeCMDcontactOpenWarning1
cmds to execute on first contact open warning
- HomeCMDcontactOpenWarning2
+ HomeCMDcontactOpenWarning2
cmds to execute on second (and more) contact open warning
- HomeCMDcontactOpenWarningLast
+ HomeCMDcontactOpenWarningLast
cmds to execute on last contact open warning
- HomeCMDdaytime
+ HomeCMDdaytime
cmds to execute on any daytime change
- HomeCMDdaytime-<%DAYTIME%>
+ HomeCMDdaytime-<%DAYTIME%>
cmds to execute on specific day time change
- HomeCMDdnd
+ HomeCMDdeviceDisable
+ cmds to execute on set HOMEMODE deviceDisable
+ -
+ HomeCMDdeviceEnable
+ cmds to execute on set HOMEMODE deviceEnable
+ -
+ HomeCMDdnd
cmds to execute on any dnd state
- HomeCMDdnd-<on/off>
+ HomeCMDdnd-<on/off>
cmds to execute on dnd state on/off
- HomeCMDevent
+ HomeCMDevent
cmds to execute on each calendar event
- HomeCMDevent-<%CALENDAR%>-each
+ HomeCMDevent-<%CALENDAR%>-each
cmds to execute on each event of the calendar
- HomeCMDevent-<%CALENDAR%>-<%EVENT%>-begin
+ HomeCMDevent-<%CALENDAR%>-<%EVENT%>-begin
cmds to execute on start of a specific calendar event
- HomeCMDevent-<%CALENDAR%>-<%EVENT%>-end
+ HomeCMDevent-<%CALENDAR%>-<%EVENT%>-end
cmds to execute on end of a specific calendar event
cmds to execute on any defined device
cmds to execute on fhem start
- HomeCMDfhemSAVE
+ HomeCMDfhemSAVE
cmds to execute on fhem save
cmds to execute on fhem update
- HomeCMDicewarning
+ HomeCMDicewarning
cmds to execute on any ice warning state
- HomeCMDicewarning-<on/off>
+ HomeCMDicewarning-<on/off>
cmds to execute on ice warning state on/off
- HomeCMDlocation
+ HomeCMDlocation
cmds to execute on any location change of the HOMEMODE device
- HomeCMDlocation-<%LOCATION%>
+ HomeCMDlocation-<%LOCATION%>
cmds to execute on specific location change of the HOMEMODE device
- HomeCMDlocation-resident
+ HomeCMDlocation-resident
cmds to execute on any location change of any RESIDENT/GUEST/PET device
- HomeCMDlocation-<%LOCATIONR%>-resident
+ HomeCMDlocation-<%LOCATIONR%>-resident
cmds to execute on specific location change of any RESIDENT/GUEST/PET device
- HomeCMDlocation-<%LOCATIONR%>-<%RESIDENT%>
+ HomeCMDlocation-<%LOCATIONR%>-<%RESIDENT%>
cmds to execute on specific location change of a specific RESIDENT/GUEST/PET device
- HomeCMDmode
+ HomeCMDmode
cmds to execute on any mode change of the HOMEMODE device
- HomeCMDmode-absent-belated
+ HomeCMDmode-absent-belated
cmds to execute belated to absent
belated time can be adjusted with attribute "HomeModeAbsentBelatedTime"
- HomeCMDmode-<%MODE%>
+ HomeCMDmode-<%MODE%>
cmds to execute on specific mode change of the HOMEMODE device
- HomeCMDmode-<%MODE%>-resident
+ HomeCMDmode-<%MODE%>-resident
cmds to execute on specific mode change of the HOMEMODE device triggered by any resident
- HomeCMDmode-<%MODE%>-<%RESIDENT%>
+ HomeCMDmode-<%MODE%>-<%RESIDENT%>
cmds to execute on specific mode change of the HOMEMODE device triggered by a specific resident
- HomeCMDmodeAlarm
+ HomeCMDmodeAlarm
cmds to execute on any alarm mode change
- HomeCMDmodeAlarm-<armaway/armhome/armnight/confirm/disarm>
+ HomeCMDmodeAlarm-<armaway/armhome/armnight/confirm/disarm>
cmds to execute on specific alarm mode change
- HomeCMDmotion
+ HomeCMDmotion
cmds to execute on any recognized motion of any motion sensor
- HomeCMDmotion-<on/off>
+ HomeCMDmotion-<on/off>
cmds to execute if any recognized motion of any motion sensor ends/starts
- HomeCMDpanic
+ HomeCMDpanic
cmds to execute on any panic state
- HomeCMDpanic-<on/off>
+ HomeCMDpanic-<on/off>
cmds to execute on if panic is turned on/off
- HomeCMDpresence-<absent/present>
+ HomeCMDpresence-<absent/present>
cmds to execute on specific presence change of the HOMEMODE device
- HomeCMDpresence-<absent/present>-device
+ HomeCMDpresence-<absent/present>-device
cmds to execute on specific presence change of any presence device
- HomeCMDpresence-<absent/present>-resident
+ HomeCMDpresence-<absent/present>-resident
cmds to execute on specific presence change of a specific resident
- HomeCMDpresence-<absent/present>-<%RESIDENT%>
+ HomeCMDpresence-<absent/present>-<%RESIDENT%>
cmds to execute on specific presence change of a specific resident
- HomeCMDpresence-<absent/present>-<%RESIDENT%>-<%DEVICE%>
+ HomeCMDpresence-<absent/present>-<%RESIDENT%>-<%DEVICE%>
cmds to execute on specific presence change of a specific resident's presence device
only available if more than one presence device is available for a resident
- HomeCMDseason
+ HomeCMDpublic-ip-change
+ cmds to execute on any detected public IP change
+ -
+ HomeCMDseason
cmds to execute on any season change
- HomeCMDseason-<%SEASON%>
+ HomeCMDseason-<%SEASON%>
cmds to execute on specific season change
- HomeCMDuwz-warn
+ HomeCMDtwilight
+ cmds to execute on any twilight event
+ -
+ HomeCMDtwilight-<EVENT>
+ cmds to execute on a specific twilight event
+ -
+ HomeCMDuwz-warn
cmds to execute on any UWZ warning state
- HomeCMDuwz-warn-<begin/end>
+ HomeCMDuwz-warn-<begin/end>
cmds to execute on UWZ warning state begin/end
- HomeDaytimes
+ HomeDaytimes
space separated list of time|text pairs for possible daytimes starting with the first event of the day (lowest time)
default: 05:00|morning 10:00|day 14:00|afternoon 18:00|evening 23:00|night
- HomeEventsHolidayDevices
+ HomeEventsHolidayDevices
devspec of Calendar/holiday calendars
- HomeEventsCalendarDevices
+ HomeEventsCalendarDevices
devspec of Calendar/holiday calendars
- HomeIcewarningOnOffTemps
+ HomeIcewarningOnOffTemps
2 space separated temperatures for ice warning on and off
default: 2 3
- HomeLanguage
+ HomeLanguage
overwrite language from gloabl device
default: EN (language setting from global device)
- HomeModeAbsentBelatedTime
+ HomeModeAbsentBelatedTime
time in minutes after changing to absent to execute "HomeCMDmode-absent-belated"
if mode changes back (to home e.g.) in this time frame "HomeCMDmode-absent-belated" will not be executed
- HomeModeAlarmArmDelay
+ HomeModeAlarmArmDelay
time in seconds for delaying modeAlarm arm... commands
must be a single number (valid for all modeAlarm arm... commands) or 3 space separated numbers for each modeAlarm arm... command individually (order: armaway armnight armhome)
values from 0 to 99999
default: 0
- HomeAtTmpRoom
- add this room to temporary at(s) (generated from HOMEMODE)
- default:
- -
- HomePresenceDeviceAbsentCount-<ROOMMATE/GUEST/PET>
+ HomePresenceDeviceAbsentCount-<ROOMMATE/GUEST/PET>
number of resident associated presence device to turn resident to absent
default: maximum number of available presence device for each resident
- HomePresenceDevicePresentCount-<ROOMMATE/GUEST/PET>
+ HomePresenceDevicePresentCount-<ROOMMATE/GUEST/PET>
number of resident associated presence device to turn resident to home
default: 1
- HomePresenceDeviceType
+ HomePresenceDeviceType
comma separated list of presence device types
default: PRESENCE
- HomePublicIpCheckInterval
+ HomePublicIpCheckInterval
numbers from 1-99999 for interval in minutes for public IP check
default: 0 (disabled)
- HomeResidentCmdDelay
+ HomeResidentCmdDelay
time in seconds to delay the execution of specific residents commands after the change of the residents master device
normally the resident events occur before the HOMEMODE events, to restore this behavior set this value to 0
default: 1 (second)
- HomeSeasons
+ HomeSeasons
space separated list of date|text pairs for possible seasons starting with the first season of the year (lowest date)
default: 01.01|spring 06.01|summer 09.01|autumn 12.01|winter
- HomeSensorAirpressure
+ HomeSensorAirpressure
main outside airpressure sensor
- HomeSensorWindspeed
+ HomeSensorWindspeed
main outside wind speed sensor
- HomeSensorsBattery
+ HomeSensorsBattery
devspec of battery sensors with a battery reading
all sensors with a percentage battery value or a ok/low/nok battery value are applicable
- HomeSensorsBatteryLowPercentage
+ HomeSensorsBatteryLowPercentage
percentage to recognize a sensors battery as low (only percentage based sensors)
default: 50
- HomeSensorsBatteryReading
+ HomeSensorsBatteryReading
a single word for the battery reading
this is only here available as global setting for all devices
default: battery
- HomeSensorsContact
+ HomeSensorsContact
devspec of contact sensors
each applied contact sensor will get the following attributes, attributes will be removed after removing the contact sensors from the HOMEMODE device.
- HomeContactType
+ HomeContactType
specify each contacts sensor's type, choose one of: doorinside, dooroutside, doormain, window
while applying contact sensors to the HOMEMODE device, the value of this attribute will be guessed by device name or device alias
- HomeModeAlarmActive
+ HomeModeAlarmActive
specify the alarm mode(s) by regex in which the contact sensor should trigger open/tilted as alerts
while applying contact sensors to the HOMEMODE device, the value of this attribute will be set to armaway by default
choose one or a combination of: armaway|armhome|armnight
default: armaway
- HomeOpenDontTriggerModes
+ HomeOpenDontTriggerModes
specify the HOMEMODE mode(s)/state(s) by regex in which the contact sensor should not trigger open warnings
choose one or a combination of all available modes of the HOMEMODE device
if you don't want open warnings while sleeping a good choice would be: gotosleep|asleep
- HomeOpenDontTriggerModesResidents
+ HomeOpenDontTriggerModesResidents
comma separated list of residents whose state should be the reference for HomeOpenDontTriggerModes instead of the mode of the HOMEMODE device
if one of the listed residents is in the state given by attribute HomeOpenDontTriggerModes, open warnings will not be triggered for this contact sensor
- HomeOpenMaxTrigger
+ HomeOpenMaxTrigger
maximum number how often open warning should be triggered
default: 0
- HomeReadings
+ HomeReadings
2 space separated readings for contact sensors open state and tamper alert
this is the device setting which will override the global setting from attribute HomeSensorsContactReadings from the HOMEMODE device
default: state sabotageError
- HomeValues
+ HomeValues
regex of open, tilted and tamper values for contact sensors
this is the device setting which will override the global setting from attribute HomeSensorsContactValues from the HOMEMODE device
default: open|tilted|on
- HomeOpenTimes
+ HomeOpenTimes
space separated list of minutes after open warning should be triggered
first value is for first warning, second value is for second warning, ...
if less values are available than the number given by HomeOpenMaxTrigger, the very last available list entry will be used
@@ -4236,7 +4256,7 @@ sub HOMEMODE_Details($$$)
default: 10
- HomeOpenTimeDividers
+ HomeOpenTimeDividers
space separated list of trigger time dividers for contact sensor open warnings depending on the season of the HOMEMODE device.
dividers in same order and same number as seasons in attribute HomeSeasons
dividers are not used for contact sensors of type doormain and doorinside!
@@ -4247,33 +4267,33 @@ sub HOMEMODE_Details($$$)
- HomeSensorsContactReadings
+ HomeSensorsContactReadings
2 space separated readings for contact sensors open state and tamper alert
this is the global setting, you can also set these readings in each contact sensor individually in attribute HomeReadings once they are added to the HOMEMODE device
default: state sabotageError
- HomeSensorsContactValues
+ HomeSensorsContactValues
regex of open, tilted and tamper values for contact sensors
this is the global setting, you can also set these values in each contact sensor individually in attribute HomeValues once they are added to the HOMEMODE device
default: open|tilted|on
- HomeSensorsContactOpenTimeDividers
+ HomeSensorsContactOpenTimeDividers
space separated list of trigger time dividers for contact sensor open warnings depending on the season of the HOMEMODE device.
dividers in same order and same number as seasons in attribute HomeSeasons
dividers are not used for contact sensors of type doormain and doorinside!
- this is the global setting, you can also set these dividers in each contact sensor individually in attribute HomeOpenTimesDividers once they are added to the HOMEMODE device
+ this is the global setting, you can also set these dividers in each contact sensor individually in attribute HomeOpenTimeDividers once they are added to the HOMEMODE device
values from 0.001 to 99.999
- HomeSensorsContactOpenTimeMin
+ HomeSensorsContactOpenTimeMin
minimal open time for contact sensors open wanings
- HomeSensorsContactOpenTimes
+ HomeSensorsContactOpenTimes
space separated list of minutes after open warning should be triggered
first value is for first warning, second value is for second warning, ...
if less values are available than the number given by HomeOpenMaxTrigger, the very last available list entry will be used
@@ -4281,52 +4301,52 @@ sub HOMEMODE_Details($$$)
default: 10
- HomeSensorHumidityOutside
+ HomeSensorHumidityOutside
main outside humidity sensor
if HomeSensorTemperatureOutside also has a humidity reading, you don't need to add the same sensor here
- HomeSensorTemperatureOutside
+ HomeSensorTemperatureOutside
main outside temperature sensor
if this sensor also has a humidity reading, you don't need to add the same sensor to HomeSensorHumidityOutside
- HomeSensorsLuminance
+ HomeSensorsLuminance
devspec of sensors with luminance measurement capabilities
these devices will be used for total luminance calculations
please set the corresponding reading for luminance in attribute HomeSensorsLuminanceReading (if different to luminance) before applying snesors here
- HomeSensorsLuminanceReading
+ HomeSensorsLuminanceReading
a single word for the luminance reading
this is only here available as global setting for all devices
default: luminance
- HomeSensorsMotion
+ HomeSensorsMotion
devspec of motion sensors
each applied motion sensor will get the following attributes, attributes will be removed after removing the motion sensors from the HOMEMODE device.
- HomeModeAlarmActive
+ HomeModeAlarmActive
specify the alarm mode(s) by regex in which the motion sensor should trigger motions as alerts
while applying motion sensors to the HOMEMODE device, the value of this attribute will be set to armaway by default
choose one or a combination of: armaway|armhome|armnight
default: armaway (if sensor is of type inside)
- HomeSensorLocation
+ HomeSensorLocation
specify each motion sensor's location, choose one of: inside, outside
default: inside
- HomeReadings
+ HomeReadings
2 space separated readings for motion sensors open/closed state and tamper alert
this is the device setting which will override the global setting from attribute HomeSensorsMotionReadings from the HOMEMODE device
default: state sabotageError
- HomeValues
+ HomeValues
regex of open and tamper values for motion sensors
this is the device setting which will override the global setting from attribute HomeSensorsMotionValues from the HOMEMODE device
default: open|on
@@ -4334,912 +4354,906 @@ sub HOMEMODE_Details($$$)
- HomeSensorsMotionReadings
+ HomeSensorsMotionReadings
2 space separated readings for motion sensors open/closed state and tamper alert
this is the global setting, you can also set these readings in each motion sensor individually in attribute HomeReadings once they are added to the HOMEMODE device
default: state sabotageError
- HomeSensorsMotionValues
+ HomeSensorsMotionValues
regex of open and tamper values for motion sensors
this is the global setting, you can also set these values in each contact sensor individually in attribute HomeValues once they are added to the HOMEMODE device
default: open|on
- HomeSensorsPowerEnergy
+ HomeSensorsPowerEnergy
devspec of sensors with power and energy readings
these devices will be used for total calculations
- HomeSensorsPowerEnergyReadings
+ HomeSensorsPowerEnergyReadings
2 space separated readings for power/energy sensors power and energy readings
default: power energy
- HomeSensorsSmoke
devspec of smoke sensors
- HomeSensorsSmokeReading
reading for smoke sensors on/off state
default: state
- HomeSensorsSmokeValue
regex of on values for smoke sensors
default: on
- HomeSpecialLocations
+ HomeSpecialLocations
comma separated list of additional locations
- HomeSpecialModes
+ HomeSpecialModes
comma separated list of additional modes
- HomeTextAndAreIs
+ HomeTextAndAreIs
pipe separated list of your local translations for "and", "are" and "is"
default: and|are|is
- HomeTextClosedOpen
+ HomeTextClosedOpen
pipe separated list of your local translation for "closed" and "open"
default: closed|open
- HomeTextRisingConstantFalling
+ HomeTextRisingConstantFalling
pipe separated list of your local translation for "rising", "constant" and "falling"
default: rising|constant|falling
- HomeTextNosmokeSmoke
+ HomeTextNosmokeSmoke
pipe separated list of your local translation for "no smoke" and "smoke"
default: so smoke|smoke
- HomeTextTodayTomorrowAfterTomorrow
+ HomeTextTodayTomorrowAfterTomorrow
pipe separated list of your local translations for "today", "tomorrow" and "day after tomorrow"
this is used by weather forecast
default: today|tomorrow|day after tomorrow
- HomeTextWeatherForecastInSpecDays
+ HomeTextWeatherForecastInSpecDays
your text for weather forecast in specific days
placeholders can be used!
- HomeTextWeatherForecastToday
+ HomeTextWeatherForecastToday
your text for weather forecast today
placeholders can be used!
- HomeTextWeatherForecastTomorrow
+ HomeTextWeatherForecastTomorrow
your text for weather forecast tomorrow and the day after tomorrow
placeholders can be used!
- HomeTextWeatherNoForecast
+ HomeTextWeatherNoForecast
your text for no available weather forecast
default: No forecast available
- HomeTextWeatherLong
+ HomeTextWeatherLong
your text for long weather information
placeholders can be used!
- HomeTextWeatherShort
+ HomeTextWeatherShort
your text for short weather information
placeholders can be used!
- HomeTrendCalcAge
+ HomeTrendCalcAge
time in seconds for the max age of the previous measured value for calculating trends
default: 900
- HomeTriggerAnyoneElseAtHome
+ HomeTriggerAnyoneElseAtHome
your anyoneElseAtHome trigger device (device:reading:valueOn:valueOff)
- HomeTriggerPanic
+ HomeTriggerPanic
your panic alarm trigger device (device:reading:valueOn[:valueOff])
valueOff is optional
valueOn will toggle panic mode if valueOff is not given
- HomeUWZ
+ HomeTwilightDevice
+ your local Twilight device
+ default:
+ -
+ HomeUWZ
your local UWZ device
- HomeWeatherDevice
+ HomeWeatherDevice
your local Weather device
- -
- disable
- disable HOMEMODE device and stop executing CMDs
- values 0 or 1
- default: 0
- -
- disabledForIntervals
- disable the HOMEMODE device for intervals
- default:
- alarmSmoke
+ alarmSmoke
list of triggered smoke sensors
- alarmSmoke_ct
+ alarmSmoke_ct
count of triggered smoke sensors
- alarmSmoke_hr
+ alarmSmoke_hr
(human readable) list of triggered smoke sensors
- alarmState
+ alarmState
current state of alarm system (includes current alarms - for homebridgeMapping)
- alarmTriggered
+ alarmTriggered
list of triggered alarm sensors (contact/motion sensors)
- alarmTriggered_ct
+ alarmTriggered_ct
count of triggered alarm sensors (contact/motion sensors)
- alarmTriggered_hr
+ alarmTriggered_hr
(human readable) list of triggered alarm sensors (contact/motion sensors)
- anyoneElseAtHome
+ anyoneElseAtHome
anyoneElseAtHome on or off
- contactsDoorsInsideOpen
+ contactsDoorsInsideOpen
list of names of open contact sensors of type doorinside
- batteryLow
+ batteryLow
list of names of sensors with low battery
- batteryLow_ct
+ batteryLow_ct
count of sensors with low battery
- batteryLow_hr
+ batteryLow_hr
(human readable) list of sensors with low battery
- contactsDoorsInsideOpen_ct
+ contactsDoorsInsideOpen_ct
count of open contact sensors of type doorinside
- contactsDoorsInsideOpen_hr
+ contactsDoorsInsideOpen_hr
(human readable) list of open contact sensors of type doorinside
- contactsDoorsMainOpen
+ contactsDoorsMainOpen
list of names of open contact sensors of type doormain
- contactsDoorsMainOpen_ct
+ contactsDoorsMainOpen_ct
count of open contact sensors of type doormain
- contactsDoorsMainOpen_hr
+ contactsDoorsMainOpen_hr
(human readable) list of open contact sensors of type doormain
- contactsDoorsOutsideOpen
+ contactsDoorsOutsideOpen
list of names of open contact sensors of type dooroutside
- contactsDoorsOutsideOpen_ct
+ contactsDoorsOutsideOpen_ct
count of open contact sensors of type dooroutside
- contactsDoorsOutsideOpen_hr
+ contactsDoorsOutsideOpen_hr
(human readable) list of contact sensors of type dooroutside
- contactsOpen
+ contactsOpen
list of names of all open contact sensors
- contactsOpen_ct
+ contactsOpen_ct
count of all open contact sensors
- contactsOpen_hr
+ contactsOpen_hr
(human readable) list of all open contact sensors
- contactsOutsideOpen
+ contactsOutsideOpen
list of names of open contact sensors outside (sensor types: dooroutside,doormain,window)
- contactsOutsideOpen_ct
+ contactsOutsideOpen_ct
count of open contact sensors outside (sensor types: dooroutside,doormain,window)
- contactsOutsideOpen_hr
+ contactsOutsideOpen_hr
(human readable) list of open contact sensors outside (sensor types: dooroutside,doormain,window)
- contactsWindowsOpen
+ contactsWindowsOpen
list of names of open contact sensors of type window
- contactsWindowsOpen_ct
+ contactsWindowsOpen_ct
count of open contact sensors of type window
- contactsWindowsOpen_hr
+ contactsWindowsOpen_hr
(human readable) list of open contact sensors of type window
- daytime
+ daytime
current daytime (as configured in HomeDaytimes) - independent from the mode of the HOMEMODE device
- dnd
+ dnd
dnd (do not disturb) on or off
- devicesDisabled
+ devicesDisabled
comma separated list of disabled devices
- energy
+ energy
calculated total energy
- event-<%CALENDAR%>
+ event-<%CALENDAR%>
current event of the (holiday) CALENDAR device(s)
- humidty
+ humidty
current humidty of the Weather device or of your own sensor (if available)
- humidtyTrend
+ humidtyTrend
trend of the humidty over the last hour
possible values: constant, rising, falling
- icawarning
+ icawarning
ice warning
values: 0 if off and 1 if on
- lastAbsentByPresenceDevice
+ lastAbsentByPresenceDevice
last presence device which went absent
- lastAbsentByResident
+ lastAbsentByResident
last resident who went absent
- lastActivityByPresenceDevice
+ lastActivityByPresenceDevice
last active presence device
- lastActivityByResident
+ lastActivityByResident
last active resident
- lastAsleepByResident
+ lastAsleepByResident
last resident who went asleep
- lastAwokenByResident
+ lastAwokenByResident
last resident who went awoken
- lastBatteryNormal
+ lastBatteryNormal
last sensor with normal battery
- lastBatteryLow
+ lastBatteryLow
last sensor with low battery
- lastCMDerror
+ lastCMDerror
last occured error and command(chain) while executing command(chain)
- lastContact
+ lastContact
last contact sensor which triggered open
- lastContactClosed
+ lastContactClosed
last contact sensor which triggered closed
- lastGoneByResident
+ lastGoneByResident
last resident who went gone
- lastGotosleepByResident
+ lastGotosleepByResident
last resident who went gotosleep
- lastInfo
+ lastInfo
last shown item on infopanel (HomeAdvancedDetails)
- lastMotion
+ lastMotion
last sensor which triggered motion
- lastMotionClosed
+ lastMotionClosed
last sensor which triggered motion end
- lastPresentByPresenceDevice
+ lastPresentByPresenceDevice
last presence device which came present
- lastPresentByResident
+ lastPresentByResident
last resident who came present
- light
+ light
current light reading value
- location
+ location
current location
- luminance
+ luminance
average luminance of all motion sensors (if available)
- luminanceTrend
+ luminanceTrend
trend of the luminance over the last hour
possible values: constant, rising, falling
- mode
+ mode
current mode
- modeAlarm
+ modeAlarm
current mode of alarm system
- motionsInside
+ motionsInside
list of names of open motion sensors of type inside
- motionsInside_ct
+ motionsInside_ct
count of open motion sensors of type inside
- motionsInside_hr
+ motionsInside_hr
(human readable) list of open motion sensors of type inside
- motionsOutside
+ motionsOutside
list of names of open motion sensors of type outside
- motionsOutside_ct
+ motionsOutside_ct
count of open motion sensors of type outside
- motionsOutside_hr
+ motionsOutside_hr
(human readable) list of open motion sensors of type outside
- motionsSensors
+ motionsSensors
list of all names of open motion sensors
- motionsSensors_ct
+ motionsSensors_ct
count of all open motion sensors
- motionsSensors_hr
+ motionsSensors_hr
(human readable) list of all open motion sensors
- power
+ power
calculated total power
- prevMode
+ prevMode
previous mode
- presence
+ presence
presence of any resident
- pressure
+ pressure
current air pressure of the Weather device
- prevActivityByResident
+ prevActivityByResident
previous active resident
- prevContact
+ prevContact
previous contact sensor which triggered open
- prevContactClosed
+ prevContactClosed
previous contact sensor which triggered closed
- prevLocation
+ prevLocation
previous location
- prevMode
+ prevMode
previous mode
- prevMotion
+ prevMotion
previous sensor which triggered motion
- prevMotionClosed
+ prevMotionClosed
previous sensor which triggered motion end
- prevModeAlarm
+ prevModeAlarm
previous alarm mode
- publicIP
+ publicIP
last checked public IP address
- season
+ season
current season as configured in HomeSeasons
- sensorsTampered
+ sensorsTampered
list of names of tampered sensors
- sensorsTampered_ct
+ sensorsTampered_ct
count of tampered sensors
- sensorsTampered_hr
+ sensorsTampered_hr
(human readable) list of tampered sensors
- state
+ state
current state
- temperature
+ temperature
current temperature of the Weather device or of your own sensor (if available)
- temperatureTrend
+ temperatureTrend
trend of the temperature over the last hour
possible values: constant, rising, falling
- twilight
+ twilight
current twilight reading value
- twilightEvent
+ twilightEvent
current twilight event
- uwz_warnCount
+ uwz_warnCount
current UWZ warn count
- wind
+ wind
current wind speed of the Weather device
These placeholders can be used in all HomeCMD attributes
mac address of the last triggered presence device
alias of the last triggered resident
value of the alarmTriggered reading of the HOMEMODE device
will return 0 if no alarm is triggered or a list of triggered sensors if alarm is triggered
value of the alarmTriggered_ct reading of the HOMEMODE device
value of the alarmTriggered_hr reading of the HOMEMODE device
will return 0 if no alarm is triggered or a (human readable) list of triggered sensors if alarm is triggered
can be used for sending msg e.g.
current alarm mode
- %AEAH%
+ %AEAH%
state of anyoneElseAtHome, will return 1 if on and 0 if off
will return a list of aliases of all registered residents/guests with location arrival
this can be used to welcome residents after main door open/close
e.g. Peter, Paul and Marry
audio device of the last triggered resident (attribute msgContactAudio)
if attribute msgContactAudio of the resident has no value the value is trying to be taken from device globalMsg (if available)
can be used to address resident specific msg(s) of type audio, e.g. night/morning wishes
- %BE%
+ %BE%
is or are of condition reading of monitored Weather device
can be used for weather (forecast) output
alias (or name if alias is not set) of the last battery sensor which reported low battery
list of aliases (or names if alias is not set) of all battery sensor which reported low battery currently
number of battery sensors which reported low battery currently
alias (or name if alias is not set) of the last battery sensor which reported normal battery
value of the condition reading of monitored Weather device
can be used for weather (forecast) output
value of the lastContact reading (last opened sensor)
name of the previously defined device
can be used to trigger actions based on the name of the defined device
only available within HomeCMDfhemDEFINED
value of the daytime reading of the HOMEMODE device
can be used to trigger day time specific actions
name of the last triggered presence device
can be used to trigger actions depending on the last present/absent presence device
name of the last triggered absent presence device
name of the last triggered present presence device
comma separated list of disabled devices
- %DND%
+ %DND%
state of dnd, will return 1 if on and 0 if off
value of the durTimerAbsence_cr reading of the last triggered resident
value of the lastDurAbsence_cr reading of the last triggered resident
value of the durTimerPresence_cr reading of the last triggered resident
value of the lastDurPresence_cr reading of the last triggered resident
value of the durTimerSleep_cr reading of the last triggered resident
value of the lastDurSleep_cr reading of the last triggered resident
will return the current event of the given calendar name, will return 0 if event is none
can be used to trigger actions on any event of the given calendar
will return 1 if given event of given calendar is current, will return 0 if event is not current
can be used to trigger actions during specific events only (Christmas?)
will return the weather forecast for tomorrow
can be used in msg or tts
will return the weather forecast for today
can be used in msg or tts
value of the humidity reading of the HOMEMODE device
can be used for weather info in HomeTextWeather attributes e.g.
value of the humidityTrend reading of the HOMEMODE device
possible values: constant, rising, falling
- %ICE%
+ %ICE%
will return 1 if ice warning is on, will return 0 if ice warning is off
can be used to send ice warning specific msg(s) in specific situations, e.g. to warn leaving residents
- %IP%
+ %IP%
value of reading publicIP
can be used to send msg(s) with (new) IP address
value of the light reading of the HOMEMODE device
value of the location reading of the HOMEMODE device
value of the location reading of the last triggered resident
average luminance of motion sensors (if available)
value of the luminanceTrend reading of the HOMEMODE device
possible values: constant, rising, falling
- %MODE%
+ %MODE%
current mode of the HOMEMODE device
current alarm mode
value of the lastMotion reading (last opened sensor)
- %NAME%
+ %NAME%
name of the HOMEMODE device itself (same as %SELF%)
- %OPEN%
+ %OPEN%
value of the contactsOutsideOpen reading of the HOMEMODE device
can be used to send msg(s) in specific situations, e.g. to warn leaving residents of open contact sensors
value of the contactsOutsideOpen_ct reading of the HOMEMODE device
can be used to send msg(s) in specific situations depending on the number of open contact sensors, maybe in combination with placeholder %OPEN%
value of the contactsOutsideOpen_hr reading of the HOMEMODE device
can be used to send msg(s)
state of panic, will return 1 if on and 0 if off
name of the last triggered resident
presence of the HOMEMODE device
will return 1 if present or 0 if absent
presence of last triggered resident
will return 1 if present or 0 if absent
value of the pressure reading of the HOMEMODE device
can be used for weather info in HomeTextWeather attributes e.g.
previous alarm mode of the HOMEMODE device
previous open contact sensor
previous mode of the HOMEMODE device
previous state of last triggered resident
previous open motion sensor
value of the season reading of the HOMEMODE device
- %SELF%
+ %SELF%
name of the HOMEMODE device itself (same as %NAME%)
all battery sensors from internal SENSORSBATTERY
all contact sensors from internal SENSORSCONTACT
all energy sensors from internal SENSORSENERGY
all motion sensors from internal SENSORSMOTION
all smoke sensors from internal SENSORSSMOKE
value of the alarmSmoke reading of the HOMEMODE device
will return 0 if no smoke alarm is triggered or a list of triggered sensors if smoke alarm is triggered
value of the alarmSmoke_ct reading of the HOMEMODE device
value of the alarmSmoke_hr reading of the HOMEMODE device
will return 0 if no smoke alarm is triggered or a (human readable) list of triggered sensors if smoke alarm is triggered
can be used for sending msg e.g.
value of the sensorsTampered reading of the HOMEMODE device
value of the sensorsTampered_ct reading of the HOMEMODE device
value of the sensorsTampered_hr reading of the HOMEMODE device
can be used for sending msg e.g.
value of the temperature reading of the HOMEMODE device
can be used for weather info in HomeTextWeather attributes e.g.
value of the temperatureTrend reading of the HOMEMODE device
possible values: constant, rising, falling
value of the twilight reading of the HOMEMODE device
current twilight event
- %TOBE%
+ %TOBE%
are or is of the weather condition
- useful for phrasing sentens
+ useful for phrasing sentences
- %UWZ%
+ %UWZ%
UWZ warnings count
all current UWZ warnings as long text
all current UWZ warnings as short text
value of "get <HOMEMODE> weather short"
can be used for for msg weather info e.g.
value of "get <HOMEMODE> weather long"
can be used for for msg weather info e.g.
- %WIND%
+ %WIND%
value of the wind reading of the HOMEMODE device
can be used for weather info in HomeTextWeather attributes e.g.
value of the apparentTemperature reading of the Weather device
can be used for weather info in HomeTextWeather attributes e.g.
@@ -5247,64 +5261,64 @@ sub HOMEMODE_Details($$$)
These placeholders can only be used within HomeTextWeatherForecast attributes
value of weather forecast condition
- %DAY%
+ %DAY%
day number of weather forecast
- %HIGH%
+ %HIGH%
value of maximum weather forecast temperature
- %LOW%
+ %LOW%
value of minimum weather forecast temperature
These placeholders can only be used within HomeCMDcontact, HomeCMDmotion and HomeCMDalarm attributes
alias of the last triggered contact/motion/smoke sensor
name of the last triggered contact/motion/smoke sensor
state of the last triggered contact/motion/smoke sensor
These placeholders can only be used within calendar event related HomeCMDevent attributes
name of the calendar
description of current event of the calendar (not applicable for holiday devices)
summary of current event of the calendar
summary of previous event of the calendar
These placeholders can only be used within HomeCMDdeviceDisable and HomeCMDdeviceEnable attributes
name of the disabled/enabled device
alias of the disabled/enabled device