mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 16:56:54 +00:00
HMCCU: Updated 4.4 Beta in contrib
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@23537 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
- bugfix: 88_HMCCU.pm: Fixed some bugs. New command set readingFilter
- bugfix: 88_HMCCU.pm: Fixed device detection bugs
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# $Id: 88_HMCCU.pm 18745 2019-02-26 17:33:23Z zap $
# Version 4.4.057
# Version 4.4.058
# Module for communication between FHEM and Homematic CCU2/3.
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ my %HMCCU_CUST_CHN_DEFAULTS;
# HMCCU version
my $HMCCU_VERSION = '4.4.057';
my $HMCCU_VERSION = '4.4.058';
# Timeout for CCU requests (seconds)
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ sub HMCCU_ExecuteSetClearCommand ($@);
sub HMCCU_ExecuteSetDatapointCommand ($@);
sub HMCCU_ExecuteSetParameterCommand ($@);
sub HMCCU_DisplayGetParameterResult ($$$);
sub HMCCU_DisplayWeekProgram ($$$);
sub HMCCU_DisplayWeekProgram ($$$;$$);
sub HMCCU_ExistsDeviceModel ($$$;$);
sub HMCCU_FindParamDef ($$$);
sub HMCCU_FormatDeviceInfo ($);
@ -304,6 +304,7 @@ sub HMCCU_GetDatapoint ($@);
sub HMCCU_GetDatapointAttr ($$$$$);
sub HMCCU_GetDatapointList ($;$$);
sub HMCCU_GetSCDatapoints ($);
sub HMCCU_SetSCDatapoints ($$;$);
sub HMCCU_GetStateValues ($;$$);
sub HMCCU_GetValidDatapoints ($$$$;$);
sub HMCCU_IsValidDatapoint ($$$$$);
@ -676,9 +677,7 @@ sub HMCCU_AggregationRules ($$)
# Parse aggregation rule
foreach my $spec (split(',', $r)) {
if ($spec =~ /^(name|filter|read|if|else|prefix|coll|html):(.+)$/) {
$opt{$1} = $2;
if ($spec =~ /^(name|filter|read|if|else|prefix|coll|html):(.+)$/) { $opt{$1} = $2; }
# Check if mandatory parameters are specified
@ -1021,23 +1020,35 @@ sub HMCCU_Notify ($$)
# Process events
foreach my $event (@{$events}) {
if ($devname eq 'global') {
# Global event
if ($event eq 'INITIALIZED') {
# FHEM initialized. Schedule post initialization tasks
my $delay = $hash->{ccustate} eq 'active' && $hash->{hmccu}{ccu}{delayed} == 0 ?
$HMCCU_INIT_INTERVAL0 : $hash->{hmccu}{ccu}{delay}+$HMCCU_CCU_RPC_OFFSET;
HMCCU_Log ($hash, 0, "Scheduling post FHEM initialization tasks in $delay seconds");
InternalTimer (gettimeofday()+$delay, "HMCCU_PostInit", $hash, 0);
elsif ($event =~ /^(ATTR|DELETEATTR)/) {
my $refreshAttrList = "ccucalculate|ccuflags|ccureadingfilter|ccureadingformat|".
elsif ($event =~ /^(ATTR|DELETEATTR)/ && $init_done) {
# Attribute of client device set or deleted
my $refreshAttrList = 'ccucalculate|ccuflags|ccureadingfilter|ccureadingformat|'.
my $cmdAttrList = 'statechannel|statedatapoint|controlchannel|controldatapoint';
my ($aCmd, $aDev, $aAtt, $aVal) = split (/\s+/, $event);
if (defined($aAtt)) {
my $clHash = $defs{$aDev};
if (defined($clHash->{TYPE}) &&
($clHash->{TYPE} eq 'HMCCUCHN' || $clHash->{TYPE} eq 'HMCCUDEV') &&
$aAtt =~ /^($refreshAttrList)$/) {
HMCCU_RefreshReadings ($clHash);
if (defined($clHash->{TYPE}) && ($clHash->{TYPE} eq 'HMCCUCHN' || $clHash->{TYPE} eq 'HMCCUDEV')) {
if ($aAtt =~ /^($cmdAttrList)$/) {
my ($sc, $sd, $cc, $cd, $sdCnt, $cdCnt) = HMCCU_GetSCDatapoints ($hash);
if ($cdCnt < 2) {
HMCCU_UpdateRoleCommands ($hash, $clHash, $cc);
HMCCU_UpdateAdditionalCommands ($hash, $clHash, $cc, $cd);
if ($aAtt =~ /^($refreshAttrList)$/) {
HMCCU_RefreshReadings ($clHash);
@ -1721,9 +1732,9 @@ sub HMCCU_Get ($@)
# Process command line parameters
my $devSpec = shift @$a // return HMCCU_SetError ($hash, $usage);
my $devPrefix = $h->{p} // ''; # Prefix of FHEM device name
my $devSuffix = $h->{s} // ''; # Suffix of FHEM device name
my $devFormat = $h->{f} // '%n'; # Format string for FHEM device name
my $devPrefix = $h->{p} // ''; # Prefix of FHEM device name
my $devSuffix = $h->{s} // ''; # Suffix of FHEM device name
my $devFormat = $h->{f} // '%n'; # Format string for FHEM device name
my ($devDefaults, $saveDef) = (1, 0);
foreach my $defOpt (@$a) {
if (lc($defOpt) eq 'nodefaults') { $devDefaults = 0; }
@ -1776,16 +1787,20 @@ sub HMCCU_Get ($@)
my $ret = CommandDefine (undef, $cmd);
if ($ret) {
HMCCU_Log ($hash, 2, "Define command failed $cmd. $ret");
push @defFailed, "$devName=$ccuName";
push @defFailed, "definition of $devName = $ccuName: $ret";
else {
push @defSuccess, "$devName=$ccuName";
push @defSuccess, "defined $devName = $ccuName";
# Set device attributes
$ah{statedatapoint} = @{$detect->{stateRoles}}[$detect->{defSCh}]
if ($defMod eq 'HMCCUDEV' && $detect->{defSCh} >= 0);
$ah{controldatapoint} = @{$detect->{controlRoles}}[$detect->{defCCh}]
if ($defMod eq 'HMCCUDEV' && $detect->{defCCh} >= 0);
if ($defMod eq 'HMCCUDEV' && $detect->{defSCh} >= 0) {
my $dh = @{$detect->{stateRoles}}[$detect->{defSCh}];
$ah{statedatapoint} = $dh->{channel}.'.'.$dh->{datapoint};
if ($defMod eq 'HMCCUDEV' && $detect->{defCCh} >= 0) {
my $dh = @{$detect->{controlRoles}}[$detect->{defCCh}];
$ah{controldatapoint} = $dh->{channel}.'.'.$dh->{datapoint};
foreach my $da (keys %ah) {
$ret = CommandAttr (undef, "$devName $da ".$ah{$da});
if ($ret) {
@ -1805,8 +1820,8 @@ sub HMCCU_Get ($@)
CommandSave (undef, undef) if (scalar(@defSuccess) > 0 && $saveDef);
$result = "Results of create command:";
$result .= "\nNew devices successfuly defined: ".join(',', @defSuccess) if (scalar(@defSuccess) > 0);
$result .= "\nFailed to define devices: ".join(',', @defFailed) if (scalar(@defFailed) > 0);
$result .= "\nNew devices successfuly defined: ".join('', map { " $_\n" } @defSuccess) if (scalar(@defSuccess) > 0);
$result .= "\nFailed to define devices: ".join('', map { " $_\n" } @defFailed) if (scalar(@defFailed) > 0);
$result .= "\nFailed to assign attributes: ".join(',', @defAttrFailed) if (scalar(@defAttrFailed) > 0);
$result .= "\nNot detected CCU devices: ".join(',', @notDetected) if (scalar(@notDetected) > 0);
$result .= "\nHMCCUCHN devices already defined for: ".join(',', @devDefined) if (scalar(@devDefined) > 0);
@ -3325,32 +3340,32 @@ sub HMCCU_UpdateDeviceRoles ($$;$$)
$address //= $clHash->{ccuaddr};
return if (!defined($address));
my $devDesc = HMCCU_GetDeviceDesc ($ioHash, $address, $iface);
if (!defined($devDesc)) {
HMCCU_Log ($clHash, 2, "Can't get device description for $address");
my $dd = HMCCU_GetDeviceDesc ($ioHash, $address, $iface);
if (!defined($dd)) {
HMCCU_Log ($clHash, 2, "Can't get device description for $address ".stacktraceAsString(undef));
if ($clType eq 'HMCCUCHN' && defined($devDesc->{TYPE})) {
# $clHash->{ccurole} = $devDesc->{TYPE};
$clHash->{hmccu}{role} = $devDesc->{INDEX}.':'.$devDesc->{TYPE};
my $parentDevDesc = HMCCU_GetDeviceDesc ($ioHash, $devDesc->{PARENT}, $iface);
if (defined($parentDevDesc)) {
$clHash->{ccutype} = $parentDevDesc->{TYPE} // '?';
$clHash->{ccusubtype} = $parentDevDesc->{SUBTYPE} // $clHash->{ccutype};
if ($clType eq 'HMCCUCHN' && defined($dd->{TYPE})) {
# $clHash->{ccurole} = $dd->{TYPE};
$clHash->{hmccu}{role} = $dd->{INDEX}.':'.$dd->{TYPE};
my $pdd = HMCCU_GetDeviceDesc ($ioHash, $dd->{PARENT}, $iface);
if (defined($pdd)) {
$clHash->{ccutype} = defined($pdd->{TYPE}) && $pdd->{TYPE} ne '' ? $pdd->{TYPE} : '?';
$clHash->{ccusubtype} = defined($pdd->{SUBTYPE}) && $pdd->{SUBTYPE} ne '' ? $pdd->{SUBTYPE} : $clHash->{ccutype};
elsif ($clType eq 'HMCCUDEV' && defined($devDesc->{CHILDREN})) {
elsif ($clType eq 'HMCCUDEV' && defined($dd->{CHILDREN})) {
my @roles = ();
foreach my $c (split(',', $devDesc->{CHILDREN})) {
my $childDevDesc = HMCCU_GetDeviceDesc ($ioHash, $c, $iface);
if (defined($childDevDesc) && defined($childDevDesc->{TYPE})) {
push @roles, $childDevDesc->{INDEX}.':'.$childDevDesc->{TYPE};
foreach my $c (split(',', $dd->{CHILDREN})) {
my $cdd = HMCCU_GetDeviceDesc ($ioHash, $c, $iface);
if (defined($cdd) && defined($cdd->{TYPE}) && $cdd->{TYPE} ne '') {
push @roles, $cdd->{INDEX}.':'.$cdd->{TYPE};
$clHash->{hmccu}{role} = join(',', @roles) if (scalar(@roles) > 0);
$clHash->{ccutype} = $devDesc->{TYPE} // '?';
$clHash->{ccusubtype} = $devDesc->{SUBTYPE} // $clHash->{ccutype};
$clHash->{ccutype} = defined($dd->{TYPE}) && $dd->{TYPE} ne '' ? $dd->{TYPE} : '?';
$clHash->{ccusubtype} = defined($dd->{SUBTYPE}) && $dd->{SUBTYPE} ne '' ? $dd->{SUBTYPE} : $clHash->{ccutype};
@ -3525,6 +3540,7 @@ sub HMCCU_GetDeviceConfig ($)
foreach my $d (@devList) {
my $clHash = $defs{$d};
HMCCU_SetSCAttributes ($ioHash, $clHash);
HMCCU_UpdateDevice ($ioHash, $clHash);
HMCCU_UpdateDeviceRoles ($ioHash, $clHash);
@ -5534,7 +5550,7 @@ sub HMCCU_GetCCUDeviceParam ($$)
# hash = hash of client or IO device
# devtype = Homematic device type
# chn = Channel number, -1=all channels
# oper = Valid operation: 1=Read, 2=Write, 4=Event
# oper = Valid operation, combination of 1=Read, 2=Write, 4=Event
# dplistref = Reference for array with datapoints (optional)
# Return number of datapoints.
@ -5660,6 +5676,7 @@ sub HMCCU_IsValidDatapoint ($$$$$)
return 1 if (HMCCU_IsFlag ($ioHash->{NAME}, "dptnocheck") || !exists($ioHash->{hmccu}{dp}));
my $chnno;
if (defined($chn) && $chn ne '') {
if ($chn =~ /^[0-9]{1,2}$/) {
$chnno = $chn;
@ -5674,12 +5691,14 @@ sub HMCCU_IsValidDatapoint ($$$$$)
return 0;
elsif ($dpt =~ /^([0-9]{1,2})\.(.+)$/) {
if ($dpt =~ /^([0-9]{1,2})\.(.+)$/) {
$chnno = $1;
$dpt = $2;
else {
HMCCU_Trace ($hash, 2, "channel number missing in datapoint $dpt");
if (!defined($chnno) || $chnno eq '') {
HMCCU_Trace ($hash, 2, "channel number missing for datapoint $dpt");
return 0;
@ -6362,6 +6381,7 @@ sub HMCCU_UpdateRoleCommands ($$;$)
my @cmdGetList = ();
return if (!defined($clHash->{hmccu}{role}) || $clHash->{hmccu}{role} eq '');
# Delete existing role commands
delete $clHash->{hmccu}{roleCmds} if (exists($clHash->{hmccu}{roleCmds}));
foreach my $chnRole (split(',', $clHash->{hmccu}{role})) {
@ -6558,6 +6578,7 @@ sub HMCCU_ExecuteRoleCommand ($@)
foreach my $cmdNo (sort keys %{$clHash->{hmccu}{roleCmds}{$mode}{$command}{subcmd}}) {
my $cmd = $clHash->{hmccu}{roleCmds}{$mode}{$command}{subcmd}{$cmdNo};
my $value;
my @par = ();
if ($cmd->{ps} ne 'INTERNAL' && !HMCCU_IsValidParameter ($clHash, $chnAddr, $cmd->{ps}, $cmd->{dpt})) {
HMCCU_Trace ($clHash, 2, "Invalid parameter $cmd->{ps}.$cmd->{dpt} for command $command");
@ -6604,6 +6625,7 @@ sub HMCCU_ExecuteRoleCommand ($@)
$clHash, "Missing parameter $cmd->{parname}. Usage: $mode $name $usage");
$value = $cmd->{look}{$vl} // return HMCCU_SetError (
$clHash, "Illegal value $vl. Use one of ". join(',', keys %{$cmd->{look}}));
push @par, $vl;
$value = HMCCU_Min ($value, HMCCU_ScaleValue ($clHash, $channel, $cmd->{dpt}, $cmd->{max}, 0))
@ -6622,8 +6644,10 @@ sub HMCCU_ExecuteRoleCommand ($@)
else {
$cfval{$cmd->{dpt}} = $value;
push @par, $value if (defined($value));
$cmdFnc{$cmdNo}{fnc} = $cmd->{fnc};
$cmdFnc{$cmdNo}{par} = $value;
$cmdFnc{$cmdNo}{par} = \@par;
my $ndpval = scalar(keys %dpval);
@ -6669,7 +6693,7 @@ sub HMCCU_ExecuteRoleCommand ($@)
if ($cmdFnc{$cmdNo}{fnc} ne '') {
# :(
no strict "refs";
$disp .= &{$cmdFnc{$cmdNo}{fnc}}($ioHash, $clHash, $resp, $cmdFnc{$cmdNo}{par});
$disp .= &{$cmdFnc{$cmdNo}{fnc}}($ioHash, $clHash, $resp, @{$cmdFnc{$cmdNo}{par}});
use strict "refs";
@ -7011,21 +7035,25 @@ sub HMCCU_DisplayGetParameterResult ($$$)
# Get week program(s) as html table
sub HMCCU_DisplayWeekProgram ($$$)
sub HMCCU_DisplayWeekProgram ($$$;$$)
my ($ioHash, $clHash, $resp, $program) = @_;
my ($ioHash, $clHash, $resp, $programName, $program) = @_;
$programName //= 'all';
$program //= 'all';
my @weekDay = ('Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday');
my $convRes = HMCCU_UpdateParamsetReadings ($ioHash, $clHash, $resp);
return "No data available for week program(s)" if (!exists($clHash->{hmccu}{tt}));
return "No data available for week program(s) $program"
if (!exists($clHash->{hmccu}{tt}) || ($program ne 'all' && !exists($clHash->{hmccu}{tt}{$program})));
my $s = '<html>';
foreach my $w (sort keys %{$clHash->{hmccu}{tt}}) {
next if (defined($program) && "$w" ne "$program" && "$program" ne 'all');
next if ("$w" ne "$program" && "$program" ne 'all');
my $p = $clHash->{hmccu}{tt}{$w};
$s .= '<p><b>Week Program '.$w.'</b></p><br/><table border="1">';
my $pn = $programName ne 'all' ? $programName : $w+1;
$s .= '<p><b>Week Program '.$pn.'</b></p><br/><table border="1">';
foreach my $d (sort keys %{$p->{ENDTIME}}) {
$s .= '<tr><td><b>'.$weekDay[$d].'</b></td>';
foreach my $h (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$p->{ENDTIME}{$d}}) {
@ -7096,6 +7124,52 @@ sub HMCCU_CheckParameter ($$;$$$)
return 0;
# Set or delete state and control datapoints
# Parameter d specifies the value to be set
sub HMCCU_SetSCDatapoints ($$;$)
my ($clHash, $d, $v) = @_;
my $ioHash = HMCCU_GetHash ($clHash);
# Flags: 1=statechannel, 2=statedatapoint, 4=controlchannel, 8=controldatapoint
my %flags = (
'state' => 3, 'control' => 12,
'statechannel' => 1, 'statedatapoint' => 2,
'controlchannel' => 4, 'controldatapoint' => 8
my $chn;
my $dpt;
my $f = $flags{$d} // return 0;
$d =~ s/^(state|control)(channel|datapoint)$/$1/;
if (defined($v)) {
if ($f & 10) {
($chn, $dpt) = $v =~ /^([0-9]{1,2})\.(.+)/ ? ($1, $2) : ($clHash->{hmccu}{$d}{chn}, $v);
elsif ($f & 5) {
return 0 if ($v !~ /^[0-9]{1,2}$/);
($chn, $dpt) = ($v, $clHash->{hmccu}{$d}{dpt});
return 0 if ($init_done && defined($chn) && $chn ne '' && defined($dpt) && $dpt ne '' &&
!HMCCU_IsValidDatapoint ($clHash, $clHash->{ccutype}, $chn, $dpt, $f & 3 ? 1 : 2));
else {
$chn = '' if ($f & 5);
$dpt = '' if ($f & 10);
$clHash->{hmccu}{$d}{chn} = $chn if (defined($chn));
$clHash->{hmccu}{$d}{dpt} = $dpt if (defined($dpt));
return 1;
# Get state and control channel and datapoint of a device.
# Priority depends on FHEM device type:
@ -7268,8 +7342,10 @@ sub HMCCU_DetectSCDev ($;$$$$)
if ($sc ne '' && $rc eq $sc) {
# If channel of current role matches state channel, use datapoint specified
# in $HMCCU_STATECONTROL as state datapoint
$sd = $HMCCU_STATECONTROL->{$role}{S};
$rsc = $sc;
$rsd = $HMCCU_STATECONTROL->{$role}{S};
$clHash->{ccurolestate} = $role;
$rsdCnt = 1;
else {
# If state channel is not defined or role channel doesn't match state channel,
@ -7284,40 +7360,53 @@ sub HMCCU_DetectSCDev ($;$$$$)
elsif ($HMCCU_STATECONTROL->{$role}{P} == $scp) {
# Priority of this role is equal to previous priority. We found more
# than 1 matching roles. Always use the last one
$rsc = $rc;
$rsd = $HMCCU_STATECONTROL->{$role}{S};
# than 1 matching roles. We use the first matching role/channel, but count
# the number of matching roles.
if ($rsc eq '') {
$rsc = $rc;
$rsd = $HMCCU_STATECONTROL->{$role}{S};
$clHash->{ccurolestate} = $role;
$clHash->{ccurolestate} = $role;
if ($cd eq '' && $HMCCU_STATECONTROL->{$role}{C} ne '') {
if ($cc ne '' && $rc eq $cc) {
$cd = $HMCCU_STATECONTROL->{$role}{C};
$rcc = $cc;
$rcd = $HMCCU_STATECONTROL->{$role}{C};
$clHash->{ccurolectrl} = $role;
$rcdCnt = 1;
else {
# If control channel is not defined or role channel doesn't match control channel,
# assign control channel and datapoint considering role priority
if ($HMCCU_STATECONTROL->{$role}{P} > $scp) {
# Priority of this role is higher than the previous priority
$scp = $HMCCU_STATECONTROL->{$role}{P};
$rcc = $rc;
$rcd = $HMCCU_STATECONTROL->{$role}{C};
$rcdCnt = 1;
$clHash->{ccurolectrl} = $role;
elsif ($HMCCU_STATECONTROL->{$role}{P} == $scp) {
$rcc = $rc;
$rcd = $HMCCU_STATECONTROL->{$role}{C};
elsif ($HMCCU_STATECONTROL->{$role}{P} == $scp) {
# Priority of this role is equal to previous priority. We found more
# than 1 matching roles. We use the first matching role/channel, but count
# the number of matching roles.
if ($rcc eq '') {
$rcc = $rc;
$rcd = $HMCCU_STATECONTROL->{$role}{C};
$clHash->{ccurolectrl} = $role;
$clHash->{ccurolectrl} = $role;
($sc, $sd) = ($rsc, $rsd) if ($rsdCnt == 1 && $sd eq '');
($cc, $cd) = ($rcc, $rcd) if ($rcdCnt == 1 && $cd eq '');
($sc, $sd) = ($rsc, $rsd) if ($rsdCnt > 0 && $sd eq '');
($cc, $cd) = ($rcc, $rcd) if ($rcdCnt > 0 && $cd eq '');
return ($sc, $sd, $cc, $cd, $rsdCnt, $rcdCnt);
@ -7362,7 +7451,7 @@ sub HMCCU_DetectDevice ($$;$)
my $devDesc = HMCCU_GetDeviceDesc ($ioHash, $address, $iface);
if (!defined($devDesc)) {
HMCCU_Log ($ioHash, 2, "Can't get device description for $address");
HMCCU_Log ($ioHash, 2, "Can't get device description for $address ".stacktraceAsString(undef));
return undef;
@ -7409,10 +7498,10 @@ sub HMCCU_DetectDevice ($$;$)
# If there are more than 1 stateRole but only one controlRole and only one of the stateRoles has
# the same channel number as the controlRole, ignore all other stateRoles
if ($stateRoleCnt > 1 && $ctrlRoleCnt == 1) {
my @newStateRoles = grep { $_->{channel} == $controlRoles[0]->{channel} } @stateRoles;
@stateRoles = @newStateRoles if (scalar(@newStateRoles) == 1);
# if ($stateRoleCnt > 1 && $ctrlRoleCnt == 1) {
# my @newStateRoles = grep { $_->{channel} == $controlRoles[0]->{channel} } @stateRoles;
# @stateRoles = @newStateRoles if (scalar(@newStateRoles) == 1);
# }
# Count unique state and control roles
my %uniqStateRoles;
@ -8409,8 +8498,9 @@ sub HMCCU_RPCRequest ($$$$;$$)
sub HMCCU_SetIfDef { $_[0] = $_[1] if defined($_[1]) }
sub HMCCU_SetIfEx { $_[0] = $_[1] if exists($_[1]) }
sub HMCCU_SetIfDef { $_[0] = $_[1] if (defined($_[1])) }
sub HMCCU_SetIfEx { $_[0] = $_[1] if (exists($_[1])) }
sub HMCCU_SetVal { $_[0] = defined $_[1] && $_[1] ne '' ? $_[1] : $_[2] }
# Return Prefix.Value if value is defined. Otherwise default.
@ -8422,7 +8512,6 @@ sub HMCCU_DefStr ($;$$)
$p //= '';
$d //= '';
return defined($v) && $v ne '' ? $p.$v : $d;
@ -8446,12 +8535,9 @@ sub HMCCU_IsFltNum ($;$)
my ($value, $flag) = @_;
$flag //= 0;
if ($flag) {
return defined($value) && $value =~ /^[+-]?\d*\.?\d+?$/ ? 1 : 0;
else {
return defined($value) && $value =~ /^[+-]?\d*\.?\d+(?:(?:e|E)\d+)?$/ ? 1 : 0;
return $flag ?
(defined($value) && $value =~ /^[+-]?\d*\.?\d+?$/ ? 1 : 0) :
(defined($value) && $value =~ /^[+-]?\d*\.?\d+(?:(?:e|E)\d+)?$/ ? 1 : 0);
@ -8467,7 +8553,7 @@ sub HMCCU_IsIntNum ($)
# Get device state from maintenance channel 0
# Return values for readings (devState, battery, alive)
# Update corresponding readings.
# Default is unknown for each reading
@ -8817,12 +8903,11 @@ sub HMCCU_CalculateReading ($$)
sub HMCCU_Encrypt ($)
my ($istr) = @_;
my $ostr = '';
my $id = getUniqueId() // '';
return '' if ($id eq '');
my $id = getUniqueId() // return '';
my $key = $id;
my $ostr = '';
foreach my $c (split //, $istr) {
my $k = chop($key);
if ($k eq '') {
@ -8842,13 +8927,12 @@ sub HMCCU_Encrypt ($)
sub HMCCU_Decrypt ($)
my ($istr) = @_;
my $ostr = '';
my $id = getUniqueId() // '';
return '' if ($id eq '');
my $id = getUniqueId() // return '';
my $key = $id;
for my $c (map { pack('C', hex($_)) } ($istr =~ /(..)/g)) {
my $ostr = '';
foreach my $c (map { pack('C', hex($_)) } ($istr =~ /(..)/g)) {
my $k = chop($key);
if ($k eq '') {
$key = $id;
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# $Id: 88_HMCCUCHN.pm 18552 2019-02-10 11:52:28Z zap $
# Version 4.4.031
# Version 4.4.033
# (c) 2020 zap (zap01 <at> t-online <dot> de)
@ -158,11 +158,9 @@ sub HMCCUCHN_InitDevice ($$)
$devHash->{ccutype} = $dt;
$devHash->{ccudevstate} = 'active';
# Initialize user attributes
HMCCU_SetSCAttributes ($ioHash, $devHash);
if ($init_done) {
# Interactive device definition
HMCCU_SetSCAttributes ($ioHash, $devHash);
HMCCU_AddDevice ($ioHash, $di, $da, $devHash->{NAME});
HMCCU_UpdateDevice ($ioHash, $devHash);
HMCCU_UpdateDeviceRoles ($ioHash, $devHash);
@ -219,29 +217,30 @@ sub HMCCUCHN_Rename ($$)
sub HMCCUCHN_Attr ($@)
my ($cmd, $name, $attrname, $attrval) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $clHash = $defs{$name};
my $ioHash = HMCCU_GetHash ($clHash);
if ($cmd eq 'set') {
return 'Missing attribute value' if (!defined($attrval));
if ($attrname eq 'IODev') {
$hash->{IODev} = $defs{$attrval};
$clHash->{IODev} = $defs{$attrval};
elsif ($attrname eq 'statevals') {
return 'Device is read only' if ($hash->{readonly} eq 'yes');
return 'Device is read only' if ($clHash->{readonly} eq 'yes');
elsif ($attrname eq 'statedatapoint') {
return "Datapoint $attrval is not valid" if ($init_done &&
!HMCCU_IsValidDatapoint ($hash, $hash->{ccutype}, $hash->{ccuaddr}, $attrval, 1));
$hash->{hmccu}{state}{dpt} = $attrval;
elsif ($attrname =~ /^(state|control)datapoint$/) {
return "Invalid value $attrval"
if (!HMCCU_SetSCDatapoints ($clHash, $attrname, $attrval));
elsif ($attrname eq 'controldatapoint') {
return "Datapoint $attrval is not valid" if ($init_done &&
!HMCCU_IsValidDatapoint ($hash, $hash->{ccutype}, $hash->{ccuaddr}, $attrval, 2));
$hash->{hmccu}{control}{dpt} = $attrval;
elsif ($cmd eq 'del') {
if ($attrname =~ /^(state|control)datapoint$/) {
# Reset value
HMCCU_SetSCDatapoints ($clHash, $attrname);
HMCCU_RefreshReadings ($hash) if ($init_done);
# HMCCU_RefreshReadings ($clHash) if ($init_done);
return undef;
@ -312,6 +311,12 @@ sub HMCCUCHN_Set ($@)
elsif ($lcopt =~ /^(config|values)$/) {
return HMCCU_ExecuteSetParameterCommand ($ioHash, $hash, $lcopt, $a, $h);
elsif ($lcopt =~ 'readingfilter') {
my $filter = shift @$a // return HMCCU_SetError ($hash, "Usage: set $name readingFilter {datapointList}");
$filter =~ s/,/\|/g;
$filter = '^('.$filter.')$';
return CommandAttr (undef, "$name ccureadingfilter $filter");
elsif ($lcopt eq 'defaults') {
my $mode = shift @$a // 'update';
$rc = HMCCU_SetDefaultAttributes ($hash, { mode => $mode, role => undef, ctrlChn => $cc });
@ -326,6 +331,9 @@ sub HMCCUCHN_Set ($@)
my ($a, $c) = split(":", $hash->{ccuaddr});
my $dpCount = HMCCU_GetValidDatapoints ($hash, $hash->{ccutype}, $c, 2);
$retmsg .= ' datapoint' if ($dpCount > 0);
my @dpList = ();
$dpCount = HMCCU_GetValidDatapoints ($hash, $hash->{ccutype}, $c, 5, \@dpList);
$retmsg .= ' readingFilter:multiple-strict,'.join(',', @dpList) if ($dpCount > 0);
$retmsg .= " $cmdList" if ($cmdList ne '');
# return AttrTemplate_Set ($hash, $retmsg, $name, $opt, @$a);
@ -534,6 +542,10 @@ sub HMCCUCHN_Get ($@)
Example: Turn dimmer on for 600 second. Increase light to 100% over 10 seconds<br>
<code>set myswitch pct 100 600 10</code>
<li><b>set <name> readingFilter <datapoint-list></b><br/>
Set attribute ccureadingfilter by selecting a list of datapoints. Parameter <i>datapoint-list</i>
is a comma seperated list of datapoints.
<li><b>set <name> stop</b><br/>
[blind] Set datapoint STOP of a channel to true. This command is only available, if the
channel contains a datapoint STOP.
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# $Id: 88_HMCCUDEV.pm 18552 2019-02-10 11:52:28Z zap $
# Version 4.4.037
# Version 4.4.040
# (c) 2020 zap (zap01 <at> t-online <dot> de)
@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ sub HMCCUDEV_Define ($@)
$hash->{hmccu}{group} = $h->{group} if (exists ($h->{group}));
$hash->{hmccu}{nodefaults} = $init_done ? 0 : 1;
$hash->{hmccu}{semDefaults} = 0;
$hash->{hmccu}{forcedev} = 0;
if (exists($h->{address})) {
return 'Option address not allowed' if ($init_done || $devspec ne 'virtual');
@ -219,20 +220,19 @@ sub HMCCUDEV_InitDevice ($$)
$devHash->{ccutype} = $dt;
$devHash->{hmccu}{channels} = $dc;
# Initialize user attributes
my $detect = HMCCU_DetectDevice ($ioHash, $da, $di);
HMCCU_SetSCAttributes ($ioHash, $devHash, $detect);
# Inform HMCCU device about client device
return 2 if (!HMCCU_AssignIODevice ($devHash, $ioHash->{NAME}));
$devHash->{ccudevstate} = 'active';
if ($init_done) {
# Initialize user attributes
my $detect = HMCCU_DetectDevice ($ioHash, $da, $di);
return "Specify option 'force' for HMCCUDEV or use HMCCUCHN instead (recommended). Command: define $name HMCCUCHN $detect->{defAdd}"
if (defined($detect) && $detect->{defMod} eq 'HMCCUCHN' && $devHash->{hmccu}{forcedev} == 0);
# Interactive device definition
HMCCU_SetSCAttributes ($ioHash, $devHash, $detect);
HMCCU_AddDevice ($ioHash, $di, $da, $devHash->{NAME});
HMCCU_UpdateDevice ($ioHash, $devHash);
HMCCU_UpdateDeviceRoles ($ioHash, $devHash);
@ -352,43 +352,46 @@ sub HMCCUDEV_Rename ($$)
sub HMCCUDEV_Attr ($@)
my ($cmd, $name, $attrname, $attrval) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $clHash = $defs{$name};
my $ioHash = HMCCU_GetHash ($clHash);
if ($cmd eq 'set') {
return "Missing value of attribute $attrname" if (!defined($attrval));
if ($attrname eq 'IODev') {
$hash->{IODev} = $defs{$attrval};
$clHash->{IODev} = $defs{$attrval};
elsif ($attrname eq 'statevals') {
return "Device is read only" if ($hash->{readonly} eq 'yes');
return "Device is read only" if ($clHash->{readonly} eq 'yes');
elsif ($attrname eq 'statechannel') {
$hash->{hmccu}{state}{chn} = $attrval;
elsif ($attrname eq 'statedatapoint') {
if ($attrval =~ /^([0-9]{1,2})\.(.+)/) {
$hash->{hmccu}{state}{chn} = $1;
$hash->{hmccu}{state}{dpt} = $2;
else {
$hash->{hmccu}{state}{dpt} = $attrval;
elsif ($attrname eq 'controlchannel') {
$hash->{hmccu}{control}{chn} = $attrval;
elsif ($attrname eq 'controldatapoint') {
if ($attrval =~ /^([0-9]{1,2})\.(.+)/) {
$hash->{hmccu}{control}{chn} = $1;
$hash->{hmccu}{control}{dpt} = $2;
else {
$hash->{hmccu}{control}{dpt} = $attrval;
elsif ($attrname =~ /^(state|control)(channel|datapoint)$/) {
return "Invalid value $attrval"
if (!HMCCU_SetSCDatapoints ($clHash, $attrname, $attrval));
if ($init_done && exists($clHash->{hmccu}{control}{chn}) && $clHash->{hmccu}{control}{chn} ne '') {
HMCCU_UpdateRoleCommands ($ioHash, $clHash, $clHash->{hmccu}{control}{chn});
HMCCU_UpdateAdditionalCommands ($ioHash, $clHash, $clHash->{hmccu}{control}{chn}, $clHash->{hmccu}{control}{dpt})
if (exists($clHash->{hmccu}{control}{dpt}) && $clHash->{hmccu}{control}{dpt} ne '');
elsif ($cmd eq 'del') {
if ($attrname =~ /^(state|control)(channel|datapoint)$/) {
# Reset value
HMCCU_SetSCDatapoints ($clHash, $attrname);
delete $clHash->{hmccu}{roleCmds}
if (exists($clHash->{hmccu}{roleCmds}) &&
(!exists($clHash->{hmccu}{control}{chn}) || $clHash->{hmccu}{control}{chn} eq ''));
HMCCU_RefreshReadings ($hash) if ($init_done);
# if ($init_done && $attrname =~ /^(statechannel|controlchannel|statedatapoint|controldatapoint)$/) {
# my ($sc, $sd, $cc, $cd, $sdCnt, $cdCnt) = HMCCU_GetSCDatapoints ($ioHash);
# if ($cdCnt < 2) {
# HMCCU_UpdateRoleCommands ($ioHash, $clHash, $cc);
# HMCCU_UpdateAdditionalCommands ($ioHash, $clHash, $cc, $cd);
# }
# }
# HMCCU_RefreshReadings ($clHash) if ($init_done);
@ -460,6 +463,11 @@ sub HMCCUDEV_Set ($@)
elsif ($lcopt =~ /^(config|values)$/) {
return HMCCU_ExecuteSetParameterCommand ($ioHash, $hash, $opt, $a, $h);
elsif ($lcopt =~ 'readingfilter') {
my $filter = shift @$a // return HMCCU_SetError ($hash, "Usage: set $name readingFilter {datapointList}");
$filter = join(';', map { (my $f = $_) =~ s/\.(.+)/\.\^$1\$/; $f } split(',', $filter));
return CommandAttr (undef, "$name ccureadingfilter $filter");
elsif ($lcopt eq 'defaults') {
my $mode = shift @$a // 'update';
$rc = HMCCU_SetDefaultAttributes ($hash, { mode => $mode, role => undef, ctrlChn => $cc });
@ -474,6 +482,9 @@ sub HMCCUDEV_Set ($@)
$retmsg .= ' config';
my $dpCount = HMCCU_GetValidDatapoints ($hash, $hash->{ccutype}, -1, 2);
$retmsg .= ' datapoint' if ($dpCount > 0);
my @dpList = ();
$dpCount = HMCCU_GetValidDatapoints ($hash, $hash->{ccutype}, -1, 5, \@dpList);
$retmsg .= ' readingFilter:multiple-strict,'.join(',', @dpList) if ($dpCount > 0);
$retmsg .= " $cmdList" if ($cmdList ne '');
# return AttrTemplate_Set ($hash, $retmsg, $name, $opt, @$a);
@ -692,6 +703,11 @@ sub HMCCUDEV_Get ($@)
<li><b>set <name> pct <value;> [<ontime> [<ramptime>]]</b><br/>
<a href="#HMCCUCHNset">see HMCCUCHN</a>
<li><b>set <name> readingFilter <datapoint-list></b><br/>
Set attribute ccureadingfilter by selecting a list of datapoints. Parameter <i>datapoint-list</i>
is a comma seperated list of datapoints. The datapoints must be specifed in format
<li><b>set <name> <statevalue></b><br/>
State datapoint of a CCU device channel is set to 'statevalue'. State channel and state
datapoint must be defined as attribute 'statedatapoint'. Values for <i>statevalue</i>
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# $Id: HMCCUConf.pm 18552 2019-02-10 11:52:28Z zap $
# Version 4.8.016
# Version 4.8.017
# Configuration parameters for HomeMatic devices.
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ use vars qw(%HMCCU_CHN_DEFAULTS);
use vars qw(%HMCCU_DEV_DEFAULTS);
use vars qw(%HMCCU_SCRIPTS);
# Map subtype to default role. Subtype is only available for HMIP
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ $HMCCU_CONFIG_VERSION = '4.8.016';
@ -93,6 +94,9 @@ $HMCCU_CONFIG_VERSION = '4.8.016';
'SWITCH' => {
F => 3, S => 'STATE', C => 'STATE', V => 'on:true,off:false', P => 2
F => 3, S => 'STATE', C => '', V => '', P => 1
F => 3, S => 'STATE', C => 'STATE', V => 'on:true,off:false', P => 2
@ -418,6 +422,9 @@ $HMCCU_CONFIG_VERSION = '4.8.016';
'SWITCH' => {
'STATE' => { '0' => 'off', 'false' => 'off', '1' => 'on', 'true' => 'on', 'off' => '0', 'on' => '1' },
'STATE' => { '0' => 'off', 'false' => 'off', '1' => 'on', 'true' => 'on', 'off' => '0', 'on' => '1' },
'STATE' => { '0' => 'off', 'false' => 'off', '1' => 'on', 'true' => 'on', 'off' => '0', 'on' => '1' },
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
UPD 2020-12-30_19:07:35 102657 FHEM/88_HMCCURPCPROC.pm
UPD 2021-01-03_16:38:44 78201 FHEM/HMCCUConf.pm
UPD 2020-12-30_18:47:18 41583 FHEM/88_HMCCUCHN.pm
UPD 2020-12-30_18:47:01 320619 FHEM/88_HMCCU.pm
UPD 2020-12-30_18:47:10 32244 FHEM/88_HMCCUDEV.pm
UPD 2021-01-17_13:14:22 78455 FHEM/HMCCUConf.pm
UPD 2021-01-17_13:14:07 42113 FHEM/88_HMCCUCHN.pm
UPD 2021-01-17_13:13:53 323775 FHEM/88_HMCCU.pm
UPD 2021-01-17_13:14:00 33721 FHEM/88_HMCCUDEV.pm
Reference in New Issue
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