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synced 2025-03-14 05:46:35 +00:00
76_SolarForecast: show historical battery SoC when displaying the battery in the bar graph
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@29561 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it
- feature: 76_SolarForecast: consumer device may have specified an own alias
- feature: 76_SolarForecast: show historical battery SoC when displaying the
battery in the bar graph
- feature: 73_AutoShuttersControl:
- feature: 76_SolarForecast: add temporary Migrate Getter x_migrate,
@ -159,6 +159,7 @@ BEGIN {
# Versions History intern
my %vNotesIntern = (
"1.44.2" => "23.01.2025 _batChargeRecmd: user storeffdef, show historical battery SoC when displaying the battery in the bar graph ",
"1.44.1" => "20.01.2025 Notification system: minor fixes, integration of controls_solarforecast_messages_test/prod ".
"Define: random start of Timer subs, consumerXX: consumer device may have specified an own alias ",
"1.44.0" => "19.01.2025 _listDataPoolCircular: may select a dedicated hour, add temporary Migrate funktion x_migrate ".
@ -439,6 +440,7 @@ my $leadtime = 3600;
my $lagtime = 1800; # Nachlaufzeit relativ zu Sunset bis Sperrung API Abruf
my $prdef = 1.0; # default Performance Ratio (PR)
my $storeffdef = 0.9; # default Batterie Effizienz (https://www.energie-experten.org/erneuerbare-energien/photovoltaik/stromspeicher/wirkungsgrad)
my $tempcoeffdef = -0.45; # default Temperaturkoeffizient Pmpp (%/°C) lt. Datenblatt Solarzelle
my $tempmodinc = 25; # default Temperaturerhöhung an Solarzellen gegenüber Umgebungstemperatur bei wolkenlosem Himmel
my $tempbasedef = 25; # Temperatur Module bei Nominalleistung
@ -498,7 +500,7 @@ my $cfile = 'controls_solarforecast.txt';
my $msgfiletest = 'controls_solarforecast_messages_test.txt'; # TEST Input-File Notification System
my $msgfileprod = 'controls_solarforecast_messages_prod.txt'; # PRODUKTIVES Input-File Notification System
my $pPath = '?format=txt'; # Download Format
my $gmfilerepeat = 3000; # Wiederholungsuntervall Aholen Message File aus contrib
my $gmfilerepeat = 4600; # Wiederholungsuntervall Aholen Message File aus contrib
my $idxlimit = 900000; # Notification System: Indexe > $idxlimit sind reserviert für Steuerungsaufgaben
my $messagefile = $msgfileprod;
@ -948,7 +950,9 @@ my %htitles = (
socbacur => { EN => qq{SoC current},
DE => qq{SoC aktuell} },
socbatfc => { EN => qq{SoC forecast},
DE => qq{SoC Prognose} },
DE => qq{SoC Prognose} },
socbaths => { EN => qq{SoC at the end of the hour},
DE => qq{SoC am Ende der Stunde} },
bcharrel => { EN => qq{Charging release (activate release for charging the battery if necessary)},
DE => qq{Ladefreigabe (evtl. Freigabe zum Laden der Batterie aktivieren)} },
bncharel => { EN => qq{no Charging release (possibly deactivate release for charging the battery)},
@ -10043,7 +10047,7 @@ sub _batChargeRecmd {
## SOC-Prognose
$socwh += $crel ? $pvfc - $confc : -$confc; # PV Prognose nur einbeziehen wenn Ladefreigabe
$socwh += $crel ? ($pvfc - $confc) * $storeffdef : -$confc / $storeffdef; # PV Prognose nur einbeziehen wenn Ladefreigabe
$socwh = $socwh < $lowSocwh ? $lowSocwh :
$socwh < $batoptsocwh ? $batoptsocwh : # SoC Prognose in Wh
@ -15224,6 +15228,7 @@ sub __batRcmdOnBeam {
my $t = $paref->{t};
my $barcount = $paref->{barcount} // 9999; # Sync Anzahl Balken dieser Ebene mit voriger Ebene
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $hh;
for my $idx (sort keys %{$data{$name}{nexthours}}) {
@ -15252,8 +15257,21 @@ sub __batRcmdOnBeam {
$bn = sprintf "%02d", $bn;
$ds = sprintf "%02d", $ds;
## Einfügen prepared NextHour Werte
$hfcg->{$kdx}{'rcdchargebat'.$bn} = $hh->{$ds}{$ts}{'rcdchargebat'.$bn} if(defined $hh->{$ds}{$ts}{'rcdchargebat'.$bn});
$hfcg->{$kdx}{'soc'.$bn} = $hh->{$ds}{$ts}{'soc'.$bn} if(defined $hh->{$ds}{$ts}{'soc'.$bn});
## Auffüllen mit History Werten (Achtung: Stundenverschieber relativ zu Nexthours)
if (!defined $hh->{$ds}{$ts}{'rcdchargebat'.$bn}) {
my $histsoc = HistoryVal ($hash, $ds, (sprintf "%02d", $ts+1), 'batsoc'.$bn, undef);
if (defined $histsoc) {
$hfcg->{$kdx}{'soc'.$bn} = $histsoc;
$hfcg->{$kdx}{'rcdchargebat'.$bn} = 'hist';
@ -16102,7 +16120,13 @@ sub __substituteIcon {
$bicondef; # nur Farbe angegeben
$color //= $biccolrcddef;
$pretxt = $htitles{onlybatw}{$lang}." $pn: $msg1\n".$htitles{bcharrel}{$lang};
if ($flag eq 'hist') { # erreichter SoC vergangener Stunden
$pretxt = $htitles{onlybatw}{$lang}." $pn: $msg1";
else { # prognostizierte Ladefreigabe
$pretxt = $htitles{onlybatw}{$lang}." $pn: $msg1\n".$htitles{bcharrel}{$lang};
else { # keine Ladefreigabe
($icon, $color) = split '@', $inorcmd;
@ -16144,8 +16168,12 @@ sub __substituteIcon {
$txt = "$pretxt\nStatus: Standby".$soctxt;
else { # zukünftiger Zeitraum (Prognose)
$txt = $pretxt.$soctxt;
else {
if (defined $flag && $flag eq 'hist') { # Text 'SoC am Ende der Stunde'
$soctxt = "\n".$htitles{socbaths}{$lang}.": ".$soc." %";
$txt = $pretxt.$soctxt; # resultierender Text
elsif ($ptyp eq 'producer') { # Icon Producer
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