mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 04:36:36 +00:00
added monitoring by snmp, windows monitoring and synology system temperature
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@4402 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- feature: SYSSTAT: allow (remote) monitoring via snmp, support
for monitoring windows systems and synology system temperature
- feature: New module LINDY_HDMI_SWITCH.pm added
- feature: ENIGMA2: improved logging, default attributes for webCmd and devStateIcon
- bugfix: ENIGMA2: support for option channels
@ -5,20 +5,47 @@ package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Sys::Statistics::Linux::LoadAVG;
use Sys::Statistics::Linux::DiskUsage;
use Data::Dumper;
my $SYSSTAT_hasSysStatistics = 1;
my $SYSSTAT_hasSNMP = 1;
my %SYSSTAT_diskTypes = (
"." => 'Other',
"." => 'Ram',
"." => 'VirtualMemory',
"." => 'FixedDisk',
"." => 'RemovableDisk',
"." => 'FloppyDisk',
"." => 'CompactDisk',
"." => 'RamDisk',
"." => 'FlashMemory',
"." => 'NetworkDisk',
my ($hash) = @_;
eval "use Sys::Statistics::Linux::LoadAVG";
$SYSSTAT_hasSysStatistics = 0 if($@);
eval "use Sys::Statistics::Linux::DiskUsage";
$SYSSTAT_hasSysStatistics = 0 if($@);
eval "use Net::SNMP";
$SYSSTAT_hasSNMP = 0 if($@);
$hash->{DefFn} = "SYSSTAT_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "SYSSTAT_Undefine";
$hash->{GetFn} = "SYSSTAT_Get";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "SYSSTAT_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList} = "filesystems raspberrycpufreq:1 raspberrytemperature:0,1,2 showpercent:1 uptime:1,2 useregex:1 ssh_user ".
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:1 raspberrycpufreq:1 raspberrytemperature:0,1,2 synologytemperature:0,1,2 stat:1 uptime:1,2 ssh_user ";
$hash->{AttrList} .= " snmp:1";
$hash->{AttrList} .= " filesystems showpercent";
$hash->{AttrList} .= " useregex:1" if( $SYSSTAT_hasSysStatistics );
$hash->{AttrList} .= " $readingFnAttributes";
@ -46,6 +73,9 @@ SYSSTAT_Define($$)
delete( $hash->{INTERVAL_FS} );
delete( $hash->{HOST} );
$hash->{"HAS_Sys::Statistics"} = $SYSSTAT_hasSysStatistics;
$hash->{"HAS_Net::SNMP"} = $SYSSTAT_hasSNMP;
$hash->{STATE} = "Initialized";
$hash->{INTERVAL} = $interval;
$hash->{INTERVAL_FS} = $interval_fs if( defined( $interval_fs ) );
@ -53,7 +83,8 @@ SYSSTAT_Define($$)
$hash->{HOST} = $host if( defined( $host ) );
$hash->{interval_fs} = $interval_fs;
SYSSTAT_InitSys( $hash );
SYSSTAT_InitSys( $hash ) if( $SYSSTAT_hasSysStatistics );
SYSSTAT_InitSNMP( $hash ) if( $SYSSTAT_hasSNMP );
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "SYSSTAT_GetUpdate", $hash, 0);
@ -65,6 +96,8 @@ SYSSTAT_InitSys($)
my ($hash) = @_;
return if( !$SYSSTAT_hasSysStatistics );
if( defined($hash->{HOST}) ) {
my $cmd = qx(which ssh);
chomp( $cmd );
@ -80,6 +113,35 @@ SYSSTAT_InitSys($)
$hash->{diskusage} = Sys::Statistics::Linux::DiskUsage->new;
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
delete( $hash->{session} );
return if( !$SYSSTAT_hasSNMP );
my $host = "localhost";
my $community = "public";
$host = $hash->{HOST} if( defined($hash->{HOST} ) );
my ( $session, $error ) = Net::SNMP->session(
-hostname => $host,
-community => $community,
-port => 161,
-version => 1
if( $error ) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: $error";
} elsif ( !defined($session) ) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: can't connect to host $host";
} else {
$hash->{session} = $session;
@ -101,18 +163,35 @@ SYSSTAT_Get($@)
my $cmd= $a[1];
if($cmd eq "filesystems") {
my $filesystems = $hash->{diskusage}->get;
my $ret;
$ret .= "<filesystem> <= <mountpoint>\n";
foreach my $filesystem (keys %$filesystems ) {
$ret .= $filesystem ." <= ". $filesystems->{$filesystem}->{mountpoint} ."\n";
if( $hash->{USE_SNMP} && defined($hash->{session}) ) {
my $types = SYSSTAT_readOIDs($hash,".");
my $response = SYSSTAT_readOIDs($hash,".");
foreach my $oid ( sort { ($a =~/\.(\d+)$/)[0] <=> ($b =~/\.(\d+)$/)[0]} keys %$response ) {
$ret .= "\n" if( $ret );
my $id = ($oid =~/\.(\d+)$/)[0];
$ret .= $id ." <= ". $response->{$oid} ." (". $SYSSTAT_diskTypes{$types->{".$id"}} .")";
$ret = "<id> => <filesystem>\n$ret" if( $ret );
} elsif(defined($hash->{diskusage})) {
my $filesystems = $hash->{diskusage}->get;
$ret = "<filesystem> <= <mountpoint>";
foreach my $filesystem (keys %$filesystems ) {
$ret .= "\n" if( $ret );
$ret .= $filesystem ." <= ". $filesystems->{$filesystem}->{mountpoint};
return $ret;
} elsif( $cmd eq "update" ) {
$hash->{LOCAL} = 1;
SYSSTAT_GetUpdate( $hash );
delete $hash->{LOCAL};
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of filesystems:noArg";
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of update:noArg filesystems:noArg";
@ -122,9 +201,10 @@ SYSSTAT_Attr($$$)
$attrVal= "" unless defined($attrVal);
my $orig = $attrVal;
$attrVal= "1" if($attrName eq "useregex");
$attrVal= "1" if($attrName eq "showpercent");
$attrVal= "1" if($attrName eq "raspberrycpufreq");
$attrVal = "1" if($attrName eq "snmp");
$attrVal = "1" if($attrName eq "useregex");
$attrVal = "1" if($attrName eq "showpercent");
$attrVal = "1" if($attrName eq "raspberrycpufreq");
if( $attrName eq "filesystems") {
my $hash = $defs{$name};
@ -133,7 +213,14 @@ SYSSTAT_Attr($$$)
} elsif( $attrName eq "ssh_user") {
$attr{$name}{$attrName} = $attrVal;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
SYSSTAT_InitSys( $hash );
SYSSTAT_InitSys( $hash ) if( $SYSSTAT_hasSysStatistics );
} elsif ($attrName eq "snmp" && $SYSSTAT_hasSNMP ) {
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if( $cmd eq "set" && $attrVal ne "0" ) {
$hash->{USE_SNMP} = $attrVal;
} else {
delete $hash->{USE_SNMP};
if( $cmd eq "set" ) {
@ -158,14 +245,17 @@ SYSSTAT_GetUpdate($)
if(!$hash->{LOCAL}) {
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "SYSSTAT_GetUpdate", $hash, 1);
return if( AttrVal($name,"disable", 0) > 0 );
#my $load = $hash->{loadavg}->get;
my $load = SYSSTAT_getLoadAVG( $hash );
my $state = $load->{avg_1} . " " . $load->{avg_5} . " " . $load->{avg_15} if( defined($load->{avg_1}) );
my $state = undef;
$state = $load->{state} if( defined($load->{state}) );
$state = $load->{avg_1} . " " . $load->{avg_5} . " " . $load->{avg_15} if( !$state && defined($load->{avg_1}) );
@ -185,51 +275,102 @@ SYSSTAT_GetUpdate($)
if( $do_diskusage
&& $#{$hash->{filesystems}} >= 0 ) {
my $usage = $hash->{diskusage}->get;
my $type = 'free';
if( AttrVal($name, "showpercent", "") ne "" ) {
$type = 'usageper';
if( AttrVal($name, "useregex", "") eq "" ) {
for my $filesystem (@{$hash->{filesystems}}) {
my $fs = $usage->{$filesystem};
if( $hash->{USE_SNMP} && defined($hash->{session}) ) {
my $showpercent = AttrVal($name, "showpercent", "") ne "";
my @snmpoids = ();
for my $id (@{$hash->{filesystems}}) {
push @snmpoids, sprintf( ".", $id );
push @snmpoids, sprintf( ".", $id ) if( !$showpercent );
push @snmpoids, sprintf( ".", $id );
push @snmpoids, sprintf( ".", $id );
} else {
for my $filesystem (@{$hash->{filesystems}}) {
foreach my $key (keys %$usage) {
if( $key =~ /$filesystem/ ) {
my $fs = $usage->{$key};
my $response = SYSSTAT_readOIDs($hash,\@snmpoids);
for my $id (@{$hash->{filesystems}}) {
my $unit = $response->{sprintf( ".", $id )};
my $free = $response->{sprintf( ".", $id )} - $response->{sprintf( ".", $id )};
if( $showpercent ) {
$free = 100 * $response->{sprintf( ".", $id )} / $response->{sprintf( ".", $id )};
$free = sprintf( "%.1f", $free );
} else {
$free *= $unit;
my $name = $response->{sprintf( ".", $id )};
if( $name =~ m/^([[:alpha:]]:\\)/ ) {
$name = $1
} else {
$name =~ s/ //g;
} elsif( defined($hash->{diskusage} ) ) {
my $usage = $hash->{diskusage}->get;
my $type = 'free';
if( AttrVal($name, "showpercent", "") ne "" ) {
$type = 'usageper';
if( AttrVal($name, "useregex", "") eq "" ) {
for my $filesystem (@{$hash->{filesystems}}) {
my $fs = $usage->{$filesystem};
} else {
for my $filesystem (@{$hash->{filesystems}}) {
foreach my $key (keys %$usage) {
if( $key =~ /$filesystem/ ) {
my $fs = $usage->{$key};
if( AttrVal($name, "raspberrytemperature", "0") > 0 ) {
if( AttrVal($name, "raspberrytemperature", 0) > 0 ) {
my $temp = SYSSTAT_getPiTemp($hash);
if( $temp > 0 && $temp < 200 ) {
if( AttrVal($name, "raspberrytemperature", "0") eq 2 ) {
if( AttrVal($name, "raspberrytemperature", 0) eq 2 ) {
$temp = sprintf( "%.1f", (3 * ReadingsVal($name,"temperature",$temp) + $temp ) / 4 );
} elsif( AttrVal($name, "synologytemperature", 0) > 0 ) {
my $temp = SYSSTAT_getSynoTemp($hash);
if( $temp > 0 && $temp < 200 ) {
if( AttrVal($name, "raspberrytemperature", 0) eq 2 ) {
$temp = sprintf( "%.1f", (3 * ReadingsVal($name,"temperature",$temp) + $temp ) / 4 );
if( AttrVal($name, "raspberrycpufreq", "0") > 0 ) {
if( AttrVal($name, "raspberrycpufreq", 0) > 0 ) {
my $freq = SYSSTAT_getPiFreq($hash);
if( AttrVal($name, "uptime", "0") > 0 ) {
if( AttrVal($name, "stat", 0) > 0 ) {
my @percent = SYSSTAT_getStat($hash);
if( @percent ) {
#my($user,$nice,$system,$idle,$iowait,$irq,$softirq,$steal,$guest,$guest_nice) = @percent;
readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"user", $percent[0]);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"system", $percent[2]);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"idle", $percent[3]);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"iowait", $percent[4]);
if( AttrVal($name, "uptime", 0) > 0 ) {
my $uptime = SYSSTAT_getUptime($hash);
readingsEndUpdate($hash,defined($hash->{LOCAL} ? 0 : 1));
@ -237,6 +378,35 @@ sub
SYSSTAT_getLoadAVG($ )
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if( $hash->{USE_SNMP} && defined($hash->{session}) ) {
my @snmpoids = ( ".", ".", "." );
my $response = SYSSTAT_readOIDs($hash,\@snmpoids);
if( !$response ) {
my $response = SYSSTAT_readOIDs($hash,".");
my $avg = "";
my %lavg = ();
my $load = 0;
foreach my $key (keys %$response) {
$avg .= "," if( $avg ne "" );
$avg .= $response->{$key};
$load += $response->{$key} / 100;
$lavg{avg_1} = $load if( $avg ne "" );
$lavg{state} = $avg if( $avg ne "" );
return \%lavg;
my %lavg = ();
$lavg{avg_1} = $response->{"."};
$lavg{avg_5} = $response->{"."};
$lavg{avg_15} = $response->{"."};
return \%lavg;
return undef if( !defined($hash->{loadavg}) );
if( defined($hash->{HOST}) ) {
no strict;
@ -271,6 +441,37 @@ SYSSTAT_getLoadAVG($ )
return $hash->{loadavg}->get;
my ($hash,$snmpoids) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return undef if( !defined($hash->{session}) );
my $response;
if( ref($snmpoids) eq "ARRAY" ) {
$response = $hash->{session}->get_request( @{$snmpoids} );
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: got empty result from snmp query" if( !$response );
} else {
$response = $hash->{session}->get_next_request($snmpoids);
my @snmpoids = ();
my @nextid = keys %$response;
while ( $nextid[0] =~ m/^$snmpoids/ ) {
push( @snmpoids, $nextid[0] );
$response = $hash->{session}->get_next_request( $nextid[0] );
@nextid = keys %$response;
$response = $hash->{session}->get_request( @snmpoids )
return $response;
@ -337,6 +538,22 @@ SYSSTAT_getPiTemp($)
return $temp / 1000;
my ($hash) = @_;
my $temp = -1;
if( $hash->{USE_SNMP} && defined($hash->{session}) ) {
my @snmpoids = ( "." );
my $response = SYSSTAT_readOIDs($hash,\@snmpoids);
$temp = $response->{"."};
return $temp;
@ -354,26 +571,89 @@ SYSSTAT_getUptime($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if( $hash->{USE_SNMP} && defined($hash->{session}) ) {
my @snmpoids = ( "." );
my $response = SYSSTAT_readOIDs($hash,\@snmpoids);
my $uptime = $response->{"."};
if( AttrVal($name, "uptime", 0) == 2 ) {
if( $uptime && $uptime =~ m/(\d+)\s\D+,\s(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/ ) {
my $days = $1?$1:0;
my $hours = $2;
my $minutes = $3;
my $seconds = $4;
$uptime = $days * 24;
$uptime += $hours;
$uptime *= 60;
$uptime += $minutes;
$uptime *= 60;
$uptime += $seconds;
return $uptime;
my $uptime = SYSSTAT_readCmd($hash,"uptime",0);
$uptime = $1 if( $uptime =~ m/up\s+(((\d+)\D+,\s+)?(\d+):(\d+))/ );
$uptime = "0 days, $uptime" if( !$2);
$uptime = $1 if( $uptime && $uptime =~ m/[[:alpha:]]{2}\s+(((\d+)\D+,?\s+)?(\d+):(\d+))/ );
$uptime = "0 days, $uptime" if( $uptime && !$2);
if( AttrVal($name, "uptime", "0") == 2 ) {
if( AttrVal($name, "uptime", 0) == 2 ) {
my $days = $3?$3:0;
my $hours = $4;
my $minutes = $5;
$uptime = $days * 24;
my $hours = $4;
my $minutes = $5;
$uptime = $days * 24;
$uptime += $hours;
$uptime *= 60;
$uptime *= 60;
$uptime += $minutes;
$uptime *= 60;
$uptime *= 60;
return $uptime;
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if( $hash->{USE_SNMP} && defined($hash->{session}) ) {
my @snmpoids = ( ".", ".", "." );
my $response = SYSSTAT_readOIDs($hash,\@snmpoids);
my @percent = ( $response->{"."}, # user
$response->{"."}, # system
$response->{"."} ); # idle
return @percent;
my $line = SYSSTAT_readFile($hash,"/proc/stat","");
#my($user,$nice,$system,$idle,$iowait,$irq,$softirq,$steal,$guest,$guest_nice) = split( " ", $Line );
my($dummy,@values) = split( " ", $line );
if( !defined($hash->{values}) ) {
$hash->{values} = \@values;
return undef;
} else {
my @diff = map { $values[$_] - $hash->{values}->[$_] } 0 .. $#values;
$hash->{values} = \@values;
my $sum = 0;
$sum += $_ for @diff;
my @percent = map { int($diff[$_]*1000 / $sum)/10 } 0 .. $#values;
return @percent;
@ -387,11 +667,12 @@ SYSSTAT_getUptime($)
<li>currently only Linux is supported.</li>
<li>This module needs <code>Sys::Statistics::Linux</code> on Linux.<br>
It can be installed with '<code>cpan install Sys::Statistics::Linux</code>'<br>
or on debian with '<code>apt-get install libsys-statistics-linux-perl</code>'</li>
<li>To monitor a target by snmp <code>Net::SNMP</code> hast to be installed.<br></li>
<li>To plot the load values the following code can be used:
define sysstatlog FileLog /usr/local/FHEM/var/log/sysstat-%Y-%m.log sysstat
@ -431,9 +712,11 @@ SYSSTAT_getUptime($)
the 1 minute load average</li>
the 1 minute load average (for windows targets monitored by snmp aproximated value</li>
the 1, 5 and 15 minute load averages</li>
the 1, 5 and 15 minute load averages (or windows targets monitored by snmp the per cpu utilization)</li>
respective percentage of systemutilization (linux targets only)</li>
free bytes for <mountpoint></li>
@ -448,22 +731,31 @@ SYSSTAT_getUptime($)
Lists the filesystems that can be monitored.</li>
<a name="SYSSTAT_Attr"></a>
keep timers running but disable collection of statistics.</li>
List of comma separated filesystems (not mountpoints) that should be monitored.<br>
<code>attr sysstat filesystems /dev/md0,/dev/md2</code><br>
<code>attr sysstat filesystems /dev/.*</code><br>
<code>attr sysstat filesystems 1,3,5</code><br>
If set the usage is shown in percent. If not set the remaining free space in bytes is shown.</li>
1 -> use snmp to monitor load, uptime and filesystems (including physical and virtual memory)</li>
1 -> monitor user,system,idle and iowait percentage of system utilization (available only for linux targets)</li>
If set and > 0 the raspberry pi on chip termal sensor is read.<br>
If set to 2 a geometric average over the last 4 values is created.</li>
If set and > 0 the main temperaure of a synology diskstation is read. requires snmp.<br>
If set to 2 a geometric average over the last 4 values is created.</li>
If set and > 0 the raspberry pi on chip termal sensor is read.<br>
If set to 2 a geometric average over the last 4 values is created.</li>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user