mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 05:16:45 +00:00
98_HMinfo:minor changes
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@12817 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ sub HMinfo_register ($);
use Blocking;
use HMConfig;
my $doAli = 0;#display alias names as well (filter option 2)
my $tmplDefChange = 0;
my $tmplUsgChange = 0;
sub HMinfo_Initialize($$) {####################################################
my ($hash) = @_;
@ -198,9 +200,10 @@ sub HMinfo_Notify(@){##########################################################
HMinfo_listOfTempTemplates() if (grep /(FILEWRITE.*$cfgFn|INITIALIZED)/,@{$events});
return undef if (grep !/INITIALIZED/,@{$events});
if ( grep /INITIALIZED/,@{$events}
&& substr(AttrVal($ntfy->{NAME}, "autoLoadArchive", 0),0,1) ne 0);
if ( grep (/INITIALIZED/,@{$events})
&& (substr(AttrVal($ntfy->{NAME}, "autoLoadArchive", 0),0,1) ne 0));
#delete $modules{HMinfo}{NotifyFn};
return undef;
@ -1825,7 +1828,6 @@ sub HMinfo_loadConfig($@) {####################################################
my ($filter,$fName)=@_;
$filter = "." if (!$filter);
my $ret;
open(rFile, "$fName") || return("Can't open $fName: $!");
my @el = ();
my @elincmpl = ();
@ -1941,8 +1943,8 @@ sub HMinfo_loadConfig($@) {####################################################
delete $HMConfig::culHmTpl{$tmplCmd[1]};
my $r = HMinfo_templateDef($tmplCmd[1],$tmplCmd[2],$tmplCmd[3],split(" ",$tmplCmd[4]));
$HMConfig::culHmTpl{tmplDefChange} = 0;# all changes are obsolete
$HMConfig::culHmTpl{tmplUsgChange} = 0;# all changes are obsolete
$tmplDefChange = 0;# all changes are obsolete
$tmplUsgChange = 0;# all changes are obsolete
foreach my $tmpN(devspec2array("TYPE=CUL_HM")){
$defs{$tmpN}{helper}{tmplChg} = 0 if(!$defs{$tmpN}{helper}{role}{vrt});
CUL_HM_setTmplDisp($defs{$tmpN});#set readings if desired
@ -2226,7 +2228,7 @@ sub HMinfo_templateChk_Get ($){ ###############################################
sub HMinfo_templateDef(@){#####################################################
my ($name,$param,$desc,@regs) = @_;
return "insufficient parameter, no param" if(!defined $param);
$HMConfig::culHmTpl{tmplDefChange} = 1;# signal we have a change!
$tmplDefChange = 1;# signal we have a change!
if ($param eq "del"){
delete $HMConfig::culHmTpl{$name};
@ -2352,7 +2354,7 @@ sub HMinfo_templateSet(@){#####################################################
sub HMinfo_templateMark(@){####################################################
my ($aHash,$tmplID,@p) = @_;
$aHash->{helper}{tmpl}{$tmplID} = join(" ",@p);
$HMConfig::culHmTpl{tmplUsgChange} = 1; # mark change
$tmplUsgChange = 1; # mark change
$aHash->{helper}{tmplChg} = 1;
CUL_HM_setTmplDisp($aHash);#set readings if desired
@ -2361,7 +2363,7 @@ sub HMinfo_templateDel(@){#####################################################
my ($aName,$tmpl,$pSet) = @_;
return if (!defined $defs{$aName});
delete $defs{$aName}{helper}{tmpl}{"$pSet>$tmpl"};
$HMConfig::culHmTpl{tmplUsgChange} = 1; # mark change
$tmplUsgChange = 1; # mark change
$defs{$aName}{helper}{tmplChg} = 1;
CUL_HM_setTmplDisp($defs{$aName});#set readings if desired
@ -2491,13 +2493,13 @@ sub HMinfo_templateList($){####################################################
sub HMinfo_templateWrite($){###################################################
my $fName = shift;
HMinfo_templateWriteDef($fName) if ($HMConfig::culHmTpl{tmplDefChange});
HMinfo_templateWriteUsg($fName) if ($HMConfig::culHmTpl{tmplUsgChange});
HMinfo_templateWriteDef($fName) if ($tmplDefChange);
HMinfo_templateWriteUsg($fName) if ($tmplUsgChange);
sub HMinfo_templateWriteDef($){################################################
my $fName = shift;
$HMConfig::culHmTpl{tmplDefChange} = 0; # reset changed bits
$tmplDefChange = 0; # reset changed bits
my @tmpl =();
#set templateDef <templateName> <param1[:<param2>...] <description> <reg1>:<val1> [<reg2>:<val2>] ...
foreach my $tpl(sort keys%HMConfig::culHmTpl){
@ -2525,7 +2527,7 @@ sub HMinfo_templateWriteDef($){################################################
sub HMinfo_templateWriteUsg($){################################################
my $fName = shift;
$HMConfig::culHmTpl{tmplUsgChange} = 0; # reset changed bits
$tmplUsgChange = 0; # reset changed bits
my @tmpl =();
foreach my $eN(sort (devspec2array("TYPE=CUL_HM"))){
next if($defs{$eN}{helper}{role}{vrt} || !$defs{$eN}{helper}{tmplChg});
@ -2610,72 +2612,6 @@ sub HMinfo_noDup(@) {#return list with no duplicates###########################
# HM overview
# Gives an overview of all CUL_HM devices and their channels
# $p1: regexp to select devicenames
# $p2: list of internals, readings and attributes to be displayed. Comma-separated, case sensitive.
# use vars qw($FW_encoding); #for handover from fhemweb
# sub HMI_overview(@) {
# my ($p1,$paramList)=@_;
# my @dd = @{$p1};
# my @p2l = ("DEF","peerList");
# if (!defined($paramList)){
# @p2l=@{$paramList};
# }
# ######### prepare html
# my $html ='<html><table class="block wide">'."\n"
# .'<style> .HMIdev { border-top:3px solid #555555; width:10%; }'
# .' .HMIchn { width:10%; }'
# .'</style>'
# ."\n"
# .'<tr><th>Device/Channel</th><th>'
# .join('</th><th>',@p2l)
# ."</th></tr>\n";
# ######### loop for output
# my $row=0;
# foreach my $d (sort @dd) {
# $html.=HMI_output($defs{$d},1,$row++,\@p2l);
# foreach my $c (CUL_HM_getAssChnNames($d)) {
# $html.=HMI_output($defs{$c},2,$row++,\@p2l);
# }
# }
# $html.="</table></html>\n";
# return ('text/html; charset=UTF-8',$html);
# } #end sub HMI_overview
# sub HMI_output(@) {
# my ($hash,$lvl,$drow,$l)=@_;
# my @list = @{$l};
# my $n=$hash->{NAME};
# my $class= ($lvl==1)?'HMIdev':'HMIchn';
# ######### device/channel
# my $html.='<tr class = "'
# .(($drow/2==int($drow/2))?"even":"odd")
# ."\"><td class=\"$class\">"
# .($lvl==2?"   ":"")
# ."<a href=\"$FW_ME?detail=$n\">$n<\/a>"
# .'</td>';
# ######### further values
# foreach my $p (@list) {
# $html.="<td class=\"$class\">";
# foreach my $pp (split(',',CUL_HM_Get($defs{$n},$n,"param",$p))) {
# $pp =~ s/(.*)/<a href=\"$FW_ME?detail=$1\">$1<\/a>/ if (defined($defs{$pp}));
# $pp = "" if($pp eq "undefined");
# $html.=$pp.', ' if ($pp !~ /HASH.*/);
# }
# $_ =~ s/(.*), $/$1/;
# $html.='</td>';
# }
# $html.="</tr>\n";
# return $html;
# } #end sub HMI_output
=item command
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