diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/30_HUEBridge.pm b/fhem/FHEM/30_HUEBridge.pm
index 312efb65b..31ec76ce3 100644
--- a/fhem/FHEM/30_HUEBridge.pm
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/30_HUEBridge.pm
@@ -1865,8 +1865,8 @@ HUEBridge_Attr($$$)
Create fhem devices for all bridge devices.
Initiate the detection of new ZigBee devices. After aproximately one minute any newly detected
- devices can be listed with get devices
and the corresponding fhem devices
- can be created by set autocreate
+ devices can be listed with get <bridge> devices
and the corresponding fhem devices
+ can be created by set <bridge> autocreate
delete <name>|<id>
Deletes the given device in the bridge and deletes the associated fhem device.
creategroup <name> <lights>
diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/32_mailcheck.pm b/fhem/FHEM/32_mailcheck.pm
index 027d647a3..60550b7eb 100755
--- a/fhem/FHEM/32_mailcheck.pm
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/32_mailcheck.pm
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ mailcheck_Read($)
define <name> mailcheck <host> <user> <password> [<folder>]
- <user> and <password> can be of the form {perl-code}. no spaces are allowed. for both evals $NAME and $HOST is set to the name and host of the mailcheck device and $USER is set to the user in the password eval.
+ <user> and <password> can be of the form {perl-code}. no spaces are allowed. for both evals $NAME and $HOST is set to the name and host of the mailcheck device and $USER is set to the user in the password eval.
Defines a mailcheck device.
diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/33_readingsGroup.pm b/fhem/FHEM/33_readingsGroup.pm
index c705e76bb..b2c7c71a9 100644
--- a/fhem/FHEM/33_readingsGroup.pm
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/33_readingsGroup.pm
@@ -1718,7 +1718,7 @@ readingsGroup_Attr($$$;$)
- <device> can be of the form INTERNAL=VALUE where INTERNAL is the name of an internal value and VALUE is a regex.
- - <device> can be of the form ATTRIBUTE&VALUE where ATTRIBUTE is the name of an attribute and VALUE is a regex.
+ - <device> can be of the form ATTRIBUTE&VALUE where ATTRIBUTE is the name of an attribute and VALUE is a regex.
- <device> can be of the form <STRING> or <{perl}> where STRING or the string returned by perl is
inserted as a line in the readings list. skipped if STRING is undef.
- <device> can be a devspec (see devspec) with at least one FILTER expression.
@@ -1732,7 +1732,7 @@ readingsGroup_Attr($$$;$)
- You can use an i:, r: or a: prefix instead of + and ? analogue to the devspec filtering.
- The suffix :d retrieves the first number.
- The suffix :i retrieves the integer part of the first number.
- - The suffix :r<n> retrieves the first number and rounds it to <n> decimal places. If is missing, then rounds it to one decimal place.
+ - The suffix :r<n> retrieves the first number and rounds it to <n> decimal places. If <n> is missing, then rounds it to one decimal place.
- The suffix :t returns the timestamp (works only for readings).
- The suffix :sec returns the number of seconds since the reading was set. probably not realy usefull with readingsGroups.
@@ -1994,7 +1994,7 @@ readingsGroup_Attr($$$;$)
Sie können anstelle von + und ? ein Präfix i :, r: oder a: verwenden. Analog zur devspec-Filterung.
Der Suffix :d ruft die erste Nummer ab.
Der Suffix :i ruft den ganzzahligen Teil der ersten Zahl ab.
- Der Suffix :r<n> ruft die erste Zahl ab und rundet sie auf <n> Nachkommastellen ab. Wenn fehlt, wird es auf eine Dezimalstelle gerundet.
+ Der Suffix :r<n> ruft die erste Zahl ab und rundet sie auf <n> Nachkommastellen ab. Wenn <n> fehlt, wird es auf eine Dezimalstelle gerundet.
Der Suffix :t gibt den Zeitstempel zurück (funktioniert nur mit Readings).
Der Suffix :sec gibt die Anzahl der Sekunden seit dem das Reading gesetzt wurde zurück. Wahrscheinlich nicht nützlich mit readingsGroups.
diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/33_readingsHistory.pm b/fhem/FHEM/33_readingsHistory.pm
index f57f4d89b..ee3201e13 100644
--- a/fhem/FHEM/33_readingsHistory.pm
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/33_readingsHistory.pm
@@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ readingsHistory_Attr($$$)
- <device> can be of the form INTERNAL=VALUE where INTERNAL is the name of an internal value and VALUE is a regex.
- If regex is a comma separatet list it will be used as an enumeration of allowed readings.
- - if no device/reading argument is given only lines with 'set add ...' are displayed.
+ - if no device/reading argument is given only lines with 'set <device> add ...' are displayed.
diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/33_readingsProxy.pm b/fhem/FHEM/33_readingsProxy.pm
index 0dbdc6307..a6fe890aa 100644
--- a/fhem/FHEM/33_readingsProxy.pm
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/33_readingsProxy.pm
@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ readingsProxy_Attr($$$;$)
has access to $DEVICE, $READING, $CMD and $ARGS.
undef -> do nothing
"" -> pass through
- (,1) -> directly return , don't call parent getFn
+ (<value>,1) -> directly return <value>, don't call parent getFn
everything else -> use this instead
perl expresion that will return the set command forwarded to the parent device.
diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/37_harmony.pm b/fhem/FHEM/37_harmony.pm
index 3f737771d..1dbe7c151 100644
--- a/fhem/FHEM/37_harmony.pm
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/37_harmony.pm
@@ -1865,11 +1865,11 @@ harmony_decrypt($)
- - activity <id>|<name> [<channel>]
+ - activity <id>|<name> [<channel>]
switch to this activit and optionally switch to <channel>
- channel <channel>
switch to <channel> in the current activity
- - command [<id>|<name>] <command> [duration=<duration>]
+ - command [<id>|<name>] <command> [duration=<duration>]
send the given ir command for the current activity or for the given device
- getConfig
request the configuration from the hub
@@ -1885,7 +1885,7 @@ harmony_decrypt($)
default -> 60 minutes
syncs the hub to the myHarmony config
- hidDevice [<id>|<name>]
+ hidDevice [<id>|<name>]
sets the target device for keyboard commands, if no device is given -> set the target to the
default device for the current activity.
text <text>
@@ -1894,7 +1894,7 @@ harmony_decrypt($)
moves the cursor by bluetooth/smart keaboard dongle. <direction> can be one of: up, down, left, right, pageUp, pageDown, home, end.
special <key>
sends special key by bluetooth/smart keaboard dongle. <key> can be one of: previousTrack, nextTrack, stop, playPause, volumeUp, volumeDown, mute.
- autocreate [<id>|<name>]
+ autocreate [<id>|<name>]
creates a fhem device for a single/all device(s) in the harmony hub. if activities are startet the state
of these devices will be updatet with the power state defined in these activites.
@@ -1909,7 +1909,7 @@ harmony_decrypt($)
activates the current device (see inactive).
- The command, hidDevice, text, cursor and special commmands are also available for the autocreated devices. The <id>|<name> paramter hast to be omitted.
+ The command, hidDevice, text, cursor and special commmands are also available for the autocreated devices. The <id>|<name> paramter hast to be omitted.
@@ -1919,19 +1919,19 @@ harmony_decrypt($)
parm = power -> list power state for each device in activity
devices [<param>]
lists all devices
- commands [<id>|<name>]
+ commands [<id>|<name>]
lists the commands for the specified activity or for all activities
- deviceCommands [<id>|<name>]
+ deviceCommands [<id>|<name>]
lists the commands for the specified device or for all devices
- activityDetail [<id>|<name>]
- deviceDetail [<id>|<name>]
+ activityDetail [<id>|<name>]
+ deviceDetail [<id>|<name>]
returns the current activity name
display obfuscated user and password in cleartext
- The commands commmand is also available for the autocreated devices. The <id>|<name> paramter hast to be omitted.
+ The commands commmand is also available for the autocreated devices. The <id>|<name> paramter hast to be omitted.
diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/39_alexa.pm b/fhem/FHEM/39_alexa.pm
index 2e5aa869a..a5e3742e4 100644
--- a/fhem/FHEM/39_alexa.pm
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/39_alexa.pm
@@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ alexa_Attr($$$)
- reload [name]
- Reloads the device name or all devices in alexa-fhem. Subsequently you have to start a device discovery
+ Reloads the device name
or all devices in alexa-fhem. Subsequently you have to start a device discovery
for the home automation skill in the amazon alexa app.
diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/98_copy.pm b/fhem/FHEM/98_copy.pm
index 6d84653c2..fa39f844f 100644
--- a/fhem/FHEM/98_copy.pm
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/98_copy.pm
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ CommandCopy($$)
=item command
=item summary copy a fhem device
-=item summary_DE kopiert ein FHEM Ger&aauml;t
+=item summary_DE kopiert ein FHEM Gerät
=begin html
diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/98_logProxy.pm b/fhem/FHEM/98_logProxy.pm
index aa4cd3def..8a8d4cbab 100644
--- a/fhem/FHEM/98_logProxy.pm
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/98_logProxy.pm
@@ -1335,7 +1335,7 @@ logProxy_Get($@)
- Will draw a vertical line (or point) at <time> between <y> to <y2>.
+ Will draw a vertical line (or point) at <time> between <y> to <y2>.
Everything after the : is evaluated as a perl expression that hast to return one time string and one or two y values.
@@ -1345,8 +1345,8 @@ logProxy_Get($@)
#logProxy ConstX:logProxy_shiftTime($from,60*60*2),$data{min1},$data{max1}
- ConstY:<value>[,<from>[,<to>]]
- Will draw a horizontal line at <value>, optional only between the from and to times.
+ ConstY:<value>[,<from>[,<to>]]
+ Will draw a horizontal line at <value>, optional only between the from and to times.
Everything after the : is evaluated as a perl expression that hast to return one value and optionaly one or two time strings.
@@ -1357,12 +1357,12 @@ logProxy_Get($@)
#logProxy ConstY:$data{avg2},logProxy_shiftTime($from,60*60*12),logProxy_shiftTime($from,-60*60*12)
- Polar:[<options>]:<values>
+ Polar:[<options>]:<values>
Will draw a polar/spiderweb diagram with the given values. <values> has to evaluate to a perl array.
If <values> contains numbers these values are plottet and the last value will be connected to the first.
If <values> contains strings these strings are used as labels for the segments.
The axis are drawn automaticaly if the values are strings or if no values are given but the segments option is set.
- The corrosponding SVG device should have the plotsize attribute set (eg: attr plotsize 340,300) and the used gplot file has to contain xrange and yrange entries and the x- and y-axis labes should be switched off with xtics, ytics and y2tics entries.
+ The corrosponding SVG device should have the plotsize attribute set (eg: attr <mySvg> plotsize 340,300) and the used gplot file has to contain xrange and yrange entries and the x- and y-axis labes should be switched off with xtics, ytics and y2tics entries.
The following example will plot the temperature and desiredTemperature values of all devices named MAX.*:
set xtics ()
@@ -1377,10 +1377,10 @@ logProxy_Get($@)
#logProxy Polar::{[map{ReadingsVal($_,"temperature",0)}devspec2array("MAX.*")]}
#logProxy Polar::{[devspec2array("MAX.*")]}
- plot "" using 1:2 axes x1y1 title 'Ist' ls l0 lw 1 with lines,\
- plot "" using 1:2 axes x1y1 title 'Soll' ls l1fill lw 1 with lines,\
- plot "" using 1:2 axes x1y1 notitle ls l0 lw 1 with points,\
- plot "" using 1:2 axes x1y1 notitle ls l2 lw 1 with lines,\
+ plot "<IN>" using 1:2 axes x1y1 title 'Ist' ls l0 lw 1 with lines,\
+ plot "<IN>" using 1:2 axes x1y1 title 'Soll' ls l1fill lw 1 with lines,\
+ plot "<IN>" using 1:2 axes x1y1 notitle ls l0 lw 1 with points,\
+ plot "<IN>" using 1:2 axes x1y1 notitle ls l2 lw 1 with lines,\
options is a comma separated list of zero or more of:
@@ -1397,7 +1397,7 @@ logProxy_Get($@)
- Func:<perl expression>
+ Func:<perl expression>
Specifies a perl expression that returns the data to be plotted and its min, max and last value. It can not contain
space or : characters. The data has to be
one string of newline separated entries of the form: yyyy-mm-dd_hh:mm:ss value
@@ -1446,8 +1446,8 @@ logProxy_Get($@)
#FileLog 4:<SPEC1>:consumption\x3a::
will become:
#logProxy DbLog:<myDb>:<myDevice>:<myReading>
- #logProxy FileLog:FileLog_<SPEC1>:4:.power\x3a::
- #logProxy FileLog:FileLog_<SPEC1>:4:.consumption\x3a::
+ #logProxy FileLog:FileLog_<SPEC1>:4:<SPEC1>.power\x3a::
+ #logProxy FileLog:FileLog_<SPEC1>:4:<SPEC1>.consumption\x3a::