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95_YAAHM.pm: Neue Version mit Bugfix

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@16730 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
phenning 2018-05-11 15:41:14 +00:00
parent ee8a6d2139
commit 7b631e2c66

View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ my $yaahmname;
my $yaahmlinkname = "Profile"; # link text
my $yaahmhiddenroom = "ProfileRoom"; # hidden room
my $yaahmpublicroom = "Unsorted"; # public room
my $yaahmversion = "1.50";
my $yaahmversion = "1.53";
my $firstcall = 1;
my %yaahm_transtable_EN = (
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ my %yaahm_transtable_EN = (
"friday" => ["Freitag","Fr"],
"saturday" => ["Samstag","Sa"],
"sunday" => ["Sonntag","So"],
"spring" => "Frühling",
"summer" => "Sommer",
"fall" => "Herbst",
@ -1148,14 +1148,19 @@ sub YAAHM_time {
my $ma = defined($attr{$name}{"modeAuto"}) && ($attr{$name}{"modeAuto"} == 1);
my $sa = defined($attr{$name}{"stateAuto"}) && ($attr{$name}{"stateAuto"} == 1);
#Log 1,"===================> YAAHM Fehlersuche ma,sa = $ma,$sa exec=$exec";
#-- automatically leave party mode at morning time or when going to bed
# TODO Fehler ! Wird nach party um Mitternacht aufgerufen und sichert das Haus, aber in jeder Zeile ein fehler undefined
if( $currmode eq "party" && $targettime =~ /(morning)|(sleep)/ && $ma ){
$msg = YAAHM_mode($name,"normal",$exec)."\n";
$msg .= YAAHM_state($name,"secured",$exec)."\n"
if( $currstate eq "unsecured" && $targettime eq "sleep" && $sa );
#-- automatically leave absence mode at wakeup time
# Ist das wirklich clever ? Was passiert, wenn der Wecker nicht ausgestellt wurde
}elsif( $currmode eq "absence" && $targettime =~ /(wakeup)/ && $ma ){
$msg = YAAHM_mode($name,"normal",$exec)."\n";
@ -2048,15 +2053,6 @@ sub YAAHM_checkMonthly($$$) {
my $todaylong = "";
my $tomlong = "";
my $twodaylong= "";
#-- hourly call
#if( ($event eq 'hour') || ($event eq '') ){
# my $text;
# $text = fhem("get Muell text modeAlarmOrStart");
# $text = "--" if (!$text);
# $text = "--" if ($text eq "");
# #fhem("set Termin ".$text);
# return $text;
#-- Vorschau täglich oder wenn neu gestartet
if( ($event eq "test") || (($event eq 'event') && ($param eq 'aftermidnight')) ){
@ -2152,6 +2148,7 @@ sub YAAHM_checkMonthly($$$) {
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "todaySpecial",$todaylong );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "tomorrowSpecial",$tomlong);
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "twodaysSpecial",$twodaylong);
@ -2334,11 +2331,12 @@ sub YAAHM_GetDayStatus($) {
my ($ret,$line,$fline,$date);
my (@lines,@chunks,@tday,@eday,@sday,@tmor);
my ($todaydesc,$todaytype,$tomdesc,$tomtype);
my (@lines,@chunks,@tday,@eday,@sday,@tmor,@ttwo);
my ($todaydesc,$todaytype,$tomdesc,$tomtype,$twodesc,$twotype);
my $stoday = strftime('%d.%m.%Y', localtime(time));
my $stom = strftime('%d.%m.%Y', localtime(time+86400));
my $stwo = strftime('%d.%m.%Y', localtime(time+2*86400));
#-- workday has lowest priority
$todaytype = "workday";
@ -2354,6 +2352,13 @@ sub YAAHM_GetDayStatus($) {
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"daytype"} = "workday";
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"desc"} = $yaahm_tt->{"workday"};
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"vacflag"} = 0;
$twotype = "workday";
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"date"} = $stwo;
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"weekday"} = (strftime('%w', localtime(time+2*86400))+6)%7;
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"daytype"} = "workday";
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"desc"} = $yaahm_tt->{"workday"};
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"vacflag"} = 0;
#-- vacation = vacdays has higher priority
my $vacdayDevs = AttrVal( $name, "vacationDevices", "" );
@ -2362,6 +2367,7 @@ sub YAAHM_GetDayStatus($) {
if( IsDevice( $vacdayDev, "holiday" )){
$stoday = strftime('%m-%d', localtime(time));
$stom = strftime('%m-%d', localtime(time+86400));
$stwo = strftime('%m-%d', localtime(time+2*86400));
my $tod = holiday_refresh( $vacdayDev, $stoday );
if ( $tod ne "none" ) {
$todaydesc = $tod;
@ -2374,12 +2380,20 @@ sub YAAHM_GetDayStatus($) {
$tomtype = "vacday";
Log3 $name, 5,"[YAAHM] found tomorrow=vacation \"$tomdesc\" in holiday $vacdayDev";
$tod = holiday_refresh( $vacdayDev, $stwo );
if ( $tod ne "none" ) {
$twodesc = $tod;
$twotype = "vacday";
Log3 $name, 5,"[YAAHM] found twodays=vacation \"$twodesc\" in holiday $vacdayDev";
#-- device of type calendar
}elsif( IsDevice($vacdayDev, "Calendar" )){
$stoday = strftime('%d.%m.%Y', localtime(time));
$stom = strftime('%d.%m.%Y', localtime(time+86400));
$stoday = strftime('%d.%m.%y', localtime(time));
$stom = strftime('%d.%m.%y', localtime(time+86400));
$stwo = strftime('%d.%m.%y', localtime(time+2*86400));
@tday = split('\.',$stoday);
@tmor = split('\.',$stom);
@ttwo = split('\.',$stwo);
#-- more complicated to check here
@ -2405,6 +2419,13 @@ sub YAAHM_GetDayStatus($) {
$tomtype = "vacation";
Log3 $name, 5,"[YAAHM] found tomorrow=vacation \"$tomdesc\" in calendar $vacdayDev";
$rets = ($sday[2]-$ttwo[2])*365+($sday[1]-$ttwo[1])*31+($sday[0]-$ttwo[0]);
$rete = ($eday[2]-$ttwo[2])*365+($eday[1]-$ttwo[1])*31+($eday[0]-$ttwo[0]);
if( ($rete>=0) && ($rets<=0) ){
$twodesc = $chunks[5];
$twotype = "vacation";
Log3 $name, 5,"[YAAHM] found twodays=vacation \"$twodesc\" in calendar $vacdayDev";
@ -2422,6 +2443,11 @@ sub YAAHM_GetDayStatus($) {
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"desc"} = $tomdesc;
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"vacflag"} = 1;
if( $twotype eq "vacation" ){
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"daytype"} = "vacation";
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"desc"} = $twodesc;
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"vacflag"} = 1;
#-- weekend has higher priority
if( strftime('%u', localtime(time)) > 5){
@ -2443,6 +2469,16 @@ sub YAAHM_GetDayStatus($) {
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"daytype"} = "weekend";
if( strftime('%u', localtime(time+2*86400)) > 5){
$twotype = "weekend";
if( $hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"daytype"} ne "workday" ){
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"desc"} = $yaahm_tt->{"weekend"}.", ".$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"desc"};
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"desc"} = $yaahm_tt->{"weekend"};
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"daytype"} = "weekend";
#-- holidays have the highest priority
my $holidayDevs = AttrVal( $name, "holidayDevices", "" );
@ -2452,23 +2488,31 @@ sub YAAHM_GetDayStatus($) {
if( IsDevice( $holidayDev, "holiday" )){
$stoday = strftime('%m-%d', localtime(time));
$stom = strftime('%m-%d', localtime(time+86400));
$stwo = strftime('%m-%d', localtime(time+2*86400));
my $tod = holiday_refresh( $holidayDev, $stoday );
if ( $tod ne "none" ) {
$todaydesc = $tod;
$todaytype = "holiday";
Log3 $name, 1,"[YAAHM] found today=holiday \"$todaydesc\" in holiday $holidayDev";
Log3 $name, 5,"[YAAHM] found today=holiday \"$todaydesc\" in holiday $holidayDev";
$tod = holiday_refresh( $holidayDev, $stom );
if ( $tod ne "none" ) {
$tomdesc = $tod;
$tomtype = "holiday";
Log3 $name, 1,"[YAAHM] found tomorrow=holiday \"$tomdesc\" in holiday $holidayDev";
Log3 $name, 5,"[YAAHM] found tomorrow=holiday \"$tomdesc\" in holiday $holidayDev";
$tod = holiday_refresh( $holidayDev, $stwo );
if ( $tod ne "none" ) {
$twodesc = $tod;
$twotype = "holiday";
Log3 $name, 5,"[YAAHM] found twodays=holiday \"$twodesc\" in holiday $holidayDev";
#-- device of type calendar
}elsif( IsDevice($holidayDev, "Calendar" )){
$stoday = strftime('%d.%m.%Y', localtime(time));
$stom = strftime('%d.%m.%Y', localtime(time+86400));
$stoday = strftime('%d.%m.%y', localtime(time));
$stom = strftime('%d.%m.%y', localtime(time+86400));
$stwo = strftime('%d.%m.%y', localtime(time+2*86400));
@ -2479,12 +2523,17 @@ sub YAAHM_GetDayStatus($) {
if( $date eq $stoday ){
$todaydesc = substr($line,15);
$todaytype = "holiday";
Log3 $name, 1,"[YAAHM] found today=holiday \"$todaydesc\" in calendar $holidayDev";
Log3 $name, 5,"[YAAHM] found today=holiday \"$todaydesc\" in calendar $holidayDev";
if( $date eq $stom ){
$tomdesc = substr($line,15);
$tomtype = "holiday";
Log3 $name, 1,"[YAAHM] found tomorrow=holiday \"$tomdesc\" in calendar $holidayDev";
Log3 $name, 5,"[YAAHM] found tomorrow=holiday \"$tomdesc\" in calendar $holidayDev";
if( $date eq $stwo ){
$twodesc = substr($line,15);
$twotype = "holiday";
Log3 $name, 5,"[YAAHM] found twodays=holiday \"$twodesc\" in calendar $holidayDev";
@ -2501,7 +2550,7 @@ sub YAAHM_GetDayStatus($) {
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"desc"} = $todaydesc;
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"daytype"} = "holiday";
if( $tomtype eq "holiday" ){
if( $hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"daytype"} ne "workday" ){
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"desc"} = $tomdesc.", ".$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"desc"};
@ -2510,6 +2559,14 @@ sub YAAHM_GetDayStatus($) {
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"daytype"} = "holiday";
if( $twotype eq "holiday" ){
if( $hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"daytype"} ne "workday" ){
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"desc"} = $twodesc.", ".$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"desc"};
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"desc"} = $twodesc;
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"daytype"} = "holiday";
#-- sunrise, sunset and the offsets
@ -2557,6 +2614,7 @@ sub YAAHM_GetDayStatus($) {
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "todayDesc",$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"desc"} )
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "tomorrowType",$tomtype );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "tr_tomorrowType",$yaahm_tt->{$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"daytype"}} );
if( $tomtype eq "workday"){
@ -2569,6 +2627,18 @@ sub YAAHM_GetDayStatus($) {
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "tomorrowDesc",$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"desc"} )
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "twodaysType",$tomtype );
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "tr_twodaysType",$yaahm_tt->{$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"daytype"}} );
if( $tomtype eq "workday"){
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "twodaysDesc","--" )
}elsif( $tomtype eq "vacation"){
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "twodaysDesc",$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"desc"} )
}elsif( $tomtype eq "weekend"){
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "twodaysDesc","--" )
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "twodaysDesc",$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"desc"} )
@ -2588,12 +2658,13 @@ sub YAAHM_sun($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#-- sunrise and sunset today and tomorrow
my ($sttoday,$sttom);
#-- sunrise and sunset today and tomorrow and in two days
my ($sttoday,$sttom,$sttwo);
my $count = 0;
my $strise0 = "";
my $strise1 = "";
my ($msg,$stset0,$stseas0,$stset1,$stseas1);
my $strise2 = "";
my ($msg,$stset0,$stseas0,$stset1,$stseas1,$stset2,$stseas2);
$sttoday = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', localtime(time));
@ -2641,6 +2712,30 @@ sub YAAHM_sun($) {
$stseas1 = Astro_Get($hash,"dummy","text", "ObsSeasonN",$sttom);
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"season"} = $seasons[$stseas1];
$sttwo = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', localtime(time+2*86400));
$count = 0;
$msg = "";
#-- since the Astro module sometimes gives us strange results, we need to do this more than once
while( $strise2 !~ /^\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/ && $count < 5){
$strise2 = Astro_Get($hash,"dummy","text", "SunRise",$sttwo).":00";
if( $count == 5 ){
$msg = "Error, no proper sunrise twodays return from Astro module in 5 attempts";
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_sun] ".$msg;
$strise2 = "06:00:00";
($hour,$min) = split(":",$strise2);
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"sunrise"} = sprintf("%02d:%02d",$hour,$min);
$stset2 = Astro_Get($hash,"dummy","text", "SunSet",$sttom).":00";
($hour,$min) = split(":",$stset2);
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"sunset"} = sprintf("%02d:%02d",$hour,$min);
$stseas2 = Astro_Get($hash,"dummy","text", "ObsSeasonN",$sttwo);
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[2]{"season"} = $seasons[$stseas2];
@ -3108,7 +3203,7 @@ sub YAAHM_timewidget($){
FW_pO '<path d="M 0 0 '.$x_morning.' '.$y_morning.' A '.$radius.' '.$radius.' 0 0 1 '.$x_evening.' '.$y_evening.' Z" fill="url(#grad1)"/>';
#-- evening to sunset sector
$dir = ( $ss < $ev ) ? 1 : 0;
$dir = ( $ss > $ev ) ? 1 : 0;
FW_pO '<path d="M 0 0 '.$x_evening.' '.$y_evening.' A '.$radius.' '.$radius.' 0 0 '.$dir.' '.$x_sunset.' '.$y_sunset.' Z" fill="url(#grad2)"/>';
#-- midnight line
@ -3669,12 +3764,12 @@ sub YAAHM_Longtable($){
<code>define &lt;name&gt; YAAHM</code>
<br />Defines the YAAHM system. </p>
<a name="YAAHMset"></a>
Notes: <ul>
<li>This module uses the global attribute <code>language</code> to determine its output data<br/>
(default: EN=english). For German output set <code>attr global language DE</code>.</li>
<li>This module needs the JSON package</li>
<a name="YAAHMset"></a>
<li><a name="yaahm_time">