mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-04 05:16:45 +00:00

implement virtTemp

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@4768 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
martinp876 2014-01-29 07:50:27 +00:00
parent 34cb7843cf
commit 7b60748121
3 changed files with 73 additions and 77 deletions

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@ -3149,42 +3149,58 @@ sub CUL_HM_Set($@) {
my $s2000 = sprintf("%02X", CUL_HM_secSince2000());
elsif($cmd eq "valvePos") { #################################################
return "only number <= 100 or 'off' allowed"
if (!($a[2] eq "off" ||$a[2]+0 ne $a[2] ||$a[2] <=100 ));
if ($a[2] eq "off"){
elsif($cmd =~ m/^(valvePos|virtTemp)$/) { ###################################
my $val = $a[2];
if ($val eq "off"){
$state = "ValveAdjust:stopped";
RemoveInternalTimer("valvePos:$dst$chn");# remove responsePending timer
RemoveInternalTimer("valveTmr:$dst$chn");# remove responsePending timer
else {
my $vp = $a[2];
my @pId = grep !/^$/,split(',',AttrVal($name,"peerIDs",""));
return "virtual TC support one VD only. Correct number of peers"
if (scalar @pId != 1);
my $ph = CUL_HM_id2Hash($pId[0]);
return "peerID $pId[0] is not assigned to a device " if (!$ph);
$hash->{helper}{vd}{id} = substr($pId[0],0,6);
"state:set_$vp %",
"ValveDesired:$vp %");
CUL_HM_UpdtReadSingle($hash,"valvePosTC","$vp %",1);
my %lim = (valvePos =>{min=>0 ,max=>100},
virtTemp =>{min=>-20,max=>50 });
return "level between $lim{$cmd}{min} and $lim{$cmd}{max} or 'off' allowed"
if (!($val+0 ne $val ||
$val <=$lim{$cmd}{max}||$val >=$lim{$cmd}{min} ));
if ($cmd eq "valvePos"){
my @pId = grep !/^$/,split(',',AttrVal($name,"peerIDs",""));
return "virtual TC support one VD only. Correct number of peers"
if (scalar @pId != 1);
my $ph = CUL_HM_id2Hash($pId[0]);
return "peerID $pId[0] is not assigned to a device " if (!$ph);
$hash->{helper}{vd}{typ} = 1; #valvePos
$hash->{helper}{vd}{id} = $pId[0];
$hash->{helper}{vd}{cmd} = "A258$dst".substr($pId[0],0,6);
"state:set_$val %",
"ValveDesired:$val %");
CUL_HM_UpdtReadSingle($hash,"valvePosTC","$val %",1);
$hash->{helper}{vd}{val} = sprintf("%02X",($val * 2.56)%256);
$state = "ValveAdjust:$val %";
$hash->{helper}{vd}{typ} = 2; #virtTemp
$hash->{helper}{vd}{cmd} = "8670$dst"."000000";
$val *=10;
$val -= 0x8000 if ($val < 0);
$hash->{helper}{vd}{val} = sprintf("%04X", $val & 0x7fff);
$hash->{helper}{vd}{idh} = hex(substr($dst,2,2))*20077;
$hash->{helper}{vd}{idl} = hex(substr($dst,4,2))*256;
$hash->{helper}{vd}{msgCnt} = 1 if (!defined $hash->{helper}{vd}{msgCnt});
if (!$hash->{helper}{virtTC}){
$hash->{helper}{vd}{ackT} = "" if (!defined$hash->{helper}{vd}{ackT});
$hash->{helper}{vd}{miss} = 0 if (!defined$hash->{helper}{vd}{miss});
$hash->{helper}{virtTC} = ($cmd eq "valvePos")?"03":"00";
CUL_HM_UpdtReadSingle($hash,"valveCtrl","init",1)if ($cmd eq "valvePos");
$hash->{helper}{vd}{next} = gettimeofday()
if (!defined $hash->{helper}{vd}{next});
$hash->{helper}{virtTC} = "03";
$hash->{helper}{virtTC} = "03";
$state = "ValveAdjust:$vp %";
$hash->{helper}{virtTC} = ($cmd eq "valvePos")?"03":"00";
elsif($cmd eq "matic") { ####################################################
@ -3352,27 +3368,6 @@ sub CUL_HM_Set($@) {
elsif($cmd eq "postWeather") { ##############################################
#add thermal event simulator
my (undef,undef,$temp) = @a;
if ($temp eq "off"){
delete $hash->{postWeather};
delete $hash->{helper}{weather};
return "temp value:$temp outside +-80 degree"
if (($temp !~ m/[+-]?\d+/) || (abs($temp) > 80) );
$hash->{postWeather} = $temp;#show User the Data
$temp *= 10;
$temp -= 0x8000 if ($temp < 0);
$temp = sprintf("%04X", $temp & 0x7fff);
if (!defined $hash->{helper}{weather}){# new entry - start timer
RemoveInternalTimer("weather:$name");# avoid duplicate
$hash->{helper}{weather} = $temp;
elsif($cmd eq "peerChan") { ############################################# reg
#peerChan <btnN> <device> ... [single|dual] [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]
my ($bNo,$peerN,$single,$set,$target) = ($a[2],$a[3],($a[4]?$a[4]:"dual"),
@ -3514,15 +3509,12 @@ sub CUL_HM_valvePosUpdt(@) {#update valve position periodically to please valve
my $hi = ($hash->{helper}{vd}{idh}+$idl*198)&0xff;
my $nextTimer = (($lo+$hi)&0xff)/4 + 120;#original - instable
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $vp = ReadingsVal($name,"valvePosTC","15 %");
$vp =~ s/ %//;
$vp *=2.56;
$vp = 255 if ($vp >255);
my $tn = gettimeofday();
$hash->{helper}{vd}{nextF} = $hash->{helper}{vd}{next} + $nextTimer;
@ -3536,25 +3528,30 @@ sub CUL_HM_valvePosTmr(@) {#calc next vd wakeup
my($in ) = @_;
my(undef,$vId) = split(':',$in);
my $hash = CUL_HM_id2Hash($vId);
my $pn = CUL_HM_id2Name($hash->{helper}{vd}{id});
my $ackTime = ReadingsTimestamp($pn, "ValvePosition", "");
my $vc;
if (!$ackTime || $ackTime eq $hash->{helper}{vd}{ackT} ){
$hash->{helper}{vd}{next} = $hash->{helper}{vd}{nextF};
$vc = (++$hash->{helper}{vd}{miss} > 5)
if ($hash->{helper}{vd}{typ} == 1){
my $pn = CUL_HM_id2Name($hash->{helper}{vd}{id});
my $ackTime = ReadingsTimestamp($pn, "ValvePosition", "");
my $vc;
if (!$ackTime || $ackTime eq $hash->{helper}{vd}{ackT} ){
$hash->{helper}{vd}{next} = $hash->{helper}{vd}{nextF};
$vc = (++$hash->{helper}{vd}{miss} > 5)
Log3 $hash->{NAME},5,"CUL_HM $hash->{NAME} virtualTC use fail-timer";
Log3 $hash->{NAME},5,"CUL_HM $hash->{NAME} virtualTC use fail-timer";
$hash->{helper}{vd}{next} = $hash->{helper}{vd}{nextM};
$vc = "ok";
$hash->{helper}{vd}{miss} = 0;
if(ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME},"valveCtrl","") ne $vc);
$hash->{helper}{vd}{ackT} = $ackTime;
$hash->{helper}{vd}{next} = $hash->{helper}{vd}{nextM};
$vc = "ok";
$hash->{helper}{vd}{miss} = 0;
if(ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME},"valveCtrl","") ne $vc);
$hash->{helper}{vd}{ackT} = $ackTime;
sub CUL_HM_weather(@) {#periodically send weather data
@ -4289,10 +4286,12 @@ sub CUL_HM_ID2PeerList ($$$) {
my $st = AttrVal($dHash->{NAME},"subType","");
if ($st eq "virtual"){
#if any of the peers is an SD we are team master
my ($tMstr,$tcSim) = (0,0);
my ($tMstr,$tcSim,$thSim) = (0,0,0);
foreach (split(",",$peerNames)){
$tMstr = 1 if(AttrVal($_,"subType","") eq "smokeDetector");
$tcSim = 1 if(AttrVal($_,"model","") =~ m /(HM-CC-VD|ROTO_ZEL-STG-RM-FSA)/);
my $pch = (substr(CUL_HM_name2Id($_),6,2));
$thSim = 1 if(AttrVal($_,"model","") =~ m /HM-CC-RT-DN/ && $pch eq "01");
if ($tMstr){
@ -4301,6 +4300,8 @@ sub CUL_HM_ID2PeerList ($$$) {
else {
delete $hash->{helper}{fkt};}
@ -6186,16 +6187,12 @@ sub CUL_HM_complConfig($) {# read config if enabled and not complete
implementation will not specify the duration for long. Only one trigger
will be sent of type "long".
<li><B>postEvent &lt;[0..200]&gt;<a name="CUL_HMpostEvents"></a></B>
simulates an event. A value must be given between 0 and 200.<br>
Alternally a literal ca be given as used by other sensors. enter <br>
postEvent ?<br>
to get options<br>
<li><B>virtTemp &lt;[off -10..50]&gt;<a name="CUL_HMvirtTemp"></a></B>
simulates a thermostat. If peered to a device it periodically sends the
temperature until "off" is given<br>
<li><B>postWeather &lt;[off|-80..80]&gt;<a name="CUL_HMpostWeather"></a></B>
simulates an weather event, i.e. a thermo-sensor. The temperature will
be send regularely. Peered channels may use those.<br>
To stop sending issue an 'off'<br>
<li><B>valvePos &lt;[off 0..100]&gt;<a name="CUL_HMvalvePos"></a></B>
stimulates a VD<br>

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@ -1064,6 +1064,7 @@ sub HMinfo_status($){##########################################################
$rssiMin{$eName} = 0;
foreach (keys %{$ehash->{helper}{rssi}}){
next if($_ !~ m /at_.*$ehash->{IODev}->{NAME}/ );#ignore unused IODev
$rssiMin{$eName} = $ehash->{helper}{rssi}{$_}{min}
if ($rssiMin{$eName} > $ehash->{helper}{rssi}{$_}{min});

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@ -1129,9 +1129,7 @@ $culHmRegChan{"ROTO_ZEL-STG-RM-FWT03"}= $culHmRegType{"HM-CC-TC03"};
THSensor =>{ peerChan =>" 0 <actChn> ... single [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]"},
virtual =>{ peerChan =>"<btnNumber> <actChn> ... [single|dual] [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]"
,press =>"[long|short]..."
,postEvent =>"<condition>"
,postWeather =>"<off| -80..80 degree>"
,postEvent =>"<condition>"},
smokeDetector =>{ peerChan =>"<btnNumber> <actChn> ... single [set|unset] actor"},
winMatic =>{ matic =>"<btn>"
,keydef =>"<btn> <txt1> <txt2>"
@ -1274,8 +1272,8 @@ $culHmChanSets{"ROTO_ZEL-STG-RM-FWT02"} = $culHmChanSets{"HM-CC-TC02"};
,alarmOff =>""
,teamCall =>""
vdCtrl =>{ valvePos =>"<position>"
vdCtrl =>{ valvePos =>"<position>"},
virtThSens =>{ virtTh =>"<temp>"}