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synced 2025-03-14 05:46:35 +00:00
76_SolarForecast: bugfix of version 1.43.3
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@29523 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it
- bugfix: 76_SolarForecast: bugfix of version 1.43.3
- change: 76_SolarForecast: consumption fc calc switch from average to median
- change: 76_SolarForecast: Attr graphicBeam1MaxVal, ctrlAreaFactorUsage are
@ -157,6 +157,7 @@ BEGIN {
# Versions History intern
my %vNotesIntern = (
"1.43.4" => "14.01.2025 batsocslidereg: calculate the SoC as summary over all capacities in Wh, bugfix https://forum.fhem.de/index.php?msg=1330559 ",
"1.43.3" => "13.01.2025 add Wiki icon in graphic header, _calcConsumptionForecast: switch calc from average to median, edit comref ",
"1.43.2" => "12.01.2025 _batChargeRecmd: bugfix calc socwh, Attr graphicBeam1MaxVal, (experimental) ctrlAreaFactorUsage are obsolete ".
"trackFlex now default in DWD Model, replace title Charging recommendation by Charging release ".
@ -487,17 +488,7 @@ my $pPath = '?format=txt';
my $cfile = 'controls_solarforecast.txt'; # Name des Controlfiles
# initiale Hashes für Stunden Consumption Forecast inkl. und exkl. Verbraucher
#my $conhfc = { "01" => 0, "02" => 0, "03" => 0, "04" => 0, "05" => 0, "06" => 0, "07" => 0, "08" => 0,
# "09" => 0, "10" => 0, "11" => 0, "12" => 0, "13" => 0, "14" => 0, "15" => 0, "16" => 0,
# "17" => 0, "18" => 0, "19" => 0, "20" => 0, "21" => 0, "22" => 0, "23" => 0, "24" => 0,
# };
#my $conhfcex = { "01" => 0, "02" => 0, "03" => 0, "04" => 0, "05" => 0, "06" => 0, "07" => 0, "08" => 0,
# "09" => 0, "10" => 0, "11" => 0, "12" => 0, "13" => 0, "14" => 0, "15" => 0, "16" => 0,
# "17" => 0, "18" => 0, "19" => 0, "20" => 0, "21" => 0, "22" => 0, "23" => 0, "24" => 0,
# };
# mögliche Debug-Module
# mögliche Debug-Module
my @dd = qw( aiProcess
@ -9433,6 +9424,7 @@ sub _transferBatteryValues {
my $pbosum = 0;
my $bcapsum = 0;
my $socsum;
my $socwhsum;
delete $data{$name}{current}{batpowerinsum};
delete $data{$name}{current}{batpoweroutsum};
@ -9444,8 +9436,6 @@ sub _transferBatteryValues {
my ($err, $badev, $h) = isDeviceValid ( { name => $name, obj => 'setupBatteryDev'.$bn, method => 'attr' } );
next if($err);
my ($pin,$piunit) = split ":", $h->{pin}; # Readingname/Unit für aktuelle Batterieladung
my ($pou,$pounit) = split ":", $h->{pout}; # Readingname/Unit für aktuelle Batterieentladung
my ($bin,$binunit) = split ":", $h->{intotal} // "-:-"; # Readingname/Unit der total in die Batterie eingespeisten Energie (Zähler)
@ -9592,13 +9582,17 @@ sub _transferBatteryValues {
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'batsoc'.$bn, val => $soc, hour => $nhour } );
$socsum += $soc;
$socsum += $soc;
$socwhsum += BatteryVal ($name, $bn, 'binstcap', 0) * $soc / 100; # Batterie SoC in Wh
$pbisum += $pbi;
$pbosum += $pbo;
if ($num) {
push @{$data{$name}{current}{batsocslidereg}}, $socsum / $num; # Schieberegister average SOC aller Batterien
my $soctotal = sprintf "%.0f", ($socwhsum / $bcapsum * 100) if($bcapsum); # resultierender SoC (%) aller Batterien als "eine"
push @{$data{$name}{current}{batsocslidereg}}, $soctotal; # Schieberegister average SOC aller Batterien
limitArray ($data{$name}{current}{batsocslidereg}, $slidenummax);
$data{$name}{current}{batpowerinsum} = $pbisum; # summarische laufende Batterieladung
@ -11913,7 +11907,7 @@ sub _calcConsumptionForecast {
my $nhday = strftime "%a", localtime($utime); # Wochentagsname des NextHours Key
my $nhhr = sprintf("%02d", (int (strftime "%H", localtime($utime))) + 1); # Stunde des Tages vom NextHours Key (01,02,...24)
my ($conhfc, $conhfcex);
my (@conhfc, @conhfcex);
for my $m (sort{$a<=>$b} keys %{$data{$name}{pvhist}}) {
next if($m eq $day); # next wenn gleicher Tag (Datum) wie heute
@ -11959,16 +11953,16 @@ sub _calcConsumptionForecast {
push @{$conhfcex->{"$nhhr"}}, ($hcon - $consumerco) if($hcon >= $consumerco); # prognostizierter Verbrauch (Median) Ex registrierter Verbraucher
push @{$conhfc->{"$nhhr"}}, $hcon;
push @conhfcex, ($hcon - $consumerco) if($hcon >= $consumerco); # prognostizierter Verbrauch (Median) Ex registrierter Verbraucher
push @conhfc, $hcon;
if ($dnum) {
my $conavgex = sprintf "%.0f", medianArray (\@{$conhfcex->{$nhhr}}) if(scalar @{$conhfcex->{$nhhr}});
my $conavgex = sprintf "%.0f", medianArray (\@conhfcex) if(scalar @conhfcex);
$data{$name}{nexthours}{$k}{confcEx} = $conavgex;
my $conavg = sprintf "%.0f", medianArray (\@{$conhfc->{$nhhr}}) if(scalar @{$conhfc->{$nhhr}});
my $conavg = sprintf "%.0f", medianArray (\@conhfc) if(scalar @conhfc);
$data{$name}{nexthours}{$k}{confc} = $conavg; # prognostizierter Verbrauch (Median) auf Grundlage aller gleicher Wochentage pro Stunde
if (NexthoursVal ($hash, $k, 'today', 0)) { # nur Werte des aktuellen Tag speichern
@ -21231,7 +21225,8 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<li><b>batteryTrigger <1on>=<Value> <1off>=<Value> [<2on>=<Value> <2off>=<Value> ...] </b> <br><br>
Generates triggers when the battery charge exceeds or falls below certain values (SoC in %). <br>
The SoC used is formed as an average of the SoC of all defined battery devices. <br>
The SoC used is formed as the resulting SoC (sum of the current charge of all battery devices in relation to the total installed
total capacity), i.e. all batteries are considered as one cluster. <br>
If the last three SoC measurements exceed a defined <b>Xon-Bedingung</b>, the reading <b>batteryTrigger_X = on</b>
is created/set. <br>
If the last three SoC measurements fall below a defined <b>Xoff-Bedingung</b>, the reading
@ -23692,7 +23687,8 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<li><b>batteryTrigger <1on>=<Wert> <1off>=<Wert> [<2on>=<Wert> <2off>=<Wert> ...] </b> <br><br>
Generiert Trigger bei Über- bzw. Unterschreitung bestimmter Batterieladungswerte (SoC in %). <br>
Der verwendete SoC wird als Durchschnitt des SoC aller definierten Batterie Geräte gebildet. <br>
Der verwendete SoC wird als resultierender SoC (Summe aktuelle Ladung aller Batterie Geräte im Verhältnis zur installierten
Gesamtkapazität) gebildet, d.h. alle Batterien werden als ein Cluster betrachtet. <br>
Überschreiten die letzten drei SoC-Messungen eine definierte <b>Xon-Bedingung</b>, wird das Reading
<b>batteryTrigger_X = on</b> erstellt/gesetzt. <br>
Unterschreiten die letzten drei SoC-Messungen eine definierte <b>Xoff-Bedingung</b>, wird das Reading
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