is optional (atm only "Weather" or "PROPLANTA" type devices are supported).
A Twilight device periodically calculates the times of different twilight phases throughout the day.
It calculates a virtual "light" element, that gives an indicator about the amount of the current daylight.
@@ -1257,7 +1260,7 @@ Example:
Hinweis 1: Eventuelle Angaben im useExtWeather-Attribut überschreiben die Angaben im define.
- Hinweis 2: Bei bekannten Wetter-Device-Typen (im Moment ausschließlich: Weather) ist die Angabe des Readings optional.
+ Hinweis 2: Bei bekannten Wetter-Device-Typen (im Moment ausschließlich: Weather oder PROPLANTA) ist die Angabe des Readings optional.
Ein Twilight-Device berechnet periodisch die Dämmerungszeiten und -phasen während des Tages.
@@ -1289,7 +1292,7 @@ Wissenswert dazu ist, dass die Sonne, abhägnig vom Breitengrad, bestimmte E
- define myTwilight Twilight 49.962529 10.324845 4.5 MeinWetter_cloudCover
+ define myTwilight Twilight 49.962529 10.324845 4.5 MeinWetter:cloudCover
diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/ b/fhem/FHEM/
index 7afddbdb2..eb13ebd84 100644
--- a/fhem/FHEM/
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/
@@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ __END__
- define <name> RandomTimer <timespec_start> <device> <timespec_stop> <timeToSwitch>
+ define <name> RandomTimer <timespec_start> <device> <timespec_stop> <timeToSwitch> [<[VAR_DURATION][:VAR_START]>]
Defines a device, that imitates the random switch functionality of a timer clock, like a FS20 ZSU. The idea to create it, came from the problem, that is was always a little bit tricky to install a timer clock before holiday: finding the manual, testing it the days before and three different timer clocks with three different manuals - a horror.
@@ -796,11 +796,11 @@ __END__
The optional parameters variations will modify timeToSwitch and/or timespec_start, syntax is [VAR_DURATION][:VAR_START].
- VAR_DURATION will turn timeToSwitch to a minimum value with some random seconds between zero and VAR_DURATION will be added.
- - VAR_START will modify timespec_start by adding some random seconds between zero and VAR_START.
+ - VAR_START will modify timespec_start by adding some random number of seconds (between zero and VAR_START).
Add something between 0 and 10 minutes to timeToSwitch:
defmod Zufall1 RandomTimer *06:00 MYSENSOR_98 22:00:00 3600 600
- Randomize day's first check by half an hour:
+ Randomize day's first check by up to half an hour:
defmod Zufall1 RandomTimer *06:00 MYSENSOR_98 22:00:00 3600 :1800
Do both:
defmod Zufall1 RandomTimer *06:00 MYSENSOR_98 22:00:00 3600 600:1800
@@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ __END__
define ZufallsTimerTisch RandomTimer *{sunset_abs()} StehlampeTisch +03:00:00 500
- defines a timer that starts at sunset an ends 3 hous later. The timer trys to switch every 500 seconds(+-10%).
+ defines a timer that starts at sunset an ends 3 hous later. Every 500 seconds(+-10%), the timer will perform an evaluation of the parameters to decide whether the device has to be switched or not.