mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 03:06:37 +00:00
55_GDS.pm: remove all conditions code
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@11214 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ my ($bulaList, $cmapList, %rmapList, $fmapList, %bula2bulaShort,
%capCellHash, $sList, $aList, $fList, $fcList, $fcmapList, $tempDir, @weekdays);
my %allForecastData;
my @allConditionsData;
@ -87,7 +86,6 @@ sub GDS_Initialize($) {
@ -312,9 +310,9 @@ sub GDS_Define($$$) {
Log3($name, 4, "GDS $name: tempDir=".$tempDir);
_GDS_addExtension("GDS_CGI","gds","GDS Files");
$hash->{firstrun} = 1;
retrieveData($hash,'conditions') unless (time > 1457996400);
delete $hash->{firstrun};
# $hash->{firstrun} = 1;
# retrieveData($hash,'conditions') unless (time > 1457996400);
# delete $hash->{firstrun};
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', 'active',1);
return undef;
@ -378,7 +376,6 @@ sub GDS_Set($@) {
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $usage = "Unknown argument, choose one of ".
"clear:alerts,conditions,forecasts,all ".
"conditions:$sList ".
"forecasts:$fList ".
"help:noArg ".
"update:noArg "; ;
@ -420,13 +417,6 @@ sub GDS_Set($@) {
return "conditions no longer available after 15.03.2016" if (time > 1457996400);
CommandAttr(undef, "$name gdsSetCond $parameter");
GDS_GetUpdate($hash,'set conditions');
return "Error: Forecasts disabled by attribute." unless AttrVal($name,'gdsUseForecasts',0);
CommandDeleteReading(undef, "$name fc.*") if($parameter ne AttrVal($name,'gdsSetForecast',''));
@ -444,13 +434,11 @@ sub GDS_Get($@) {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $command = lc($a[1]);
my $parameter = $a[2] if(defined($a[2]));
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $usage = "Unknown argument $command, choose one of help:noArg rereadcfg:noArg ".
# "list:stations,capstations,data ".
"list:capstations,data ".
"list:capstations ".
"alerts:".$aList." ".
# "conditions:".$sList." ".
"conditionsmap:".$cmapList." ".
"forecasts:".$fcList." ".
"forecastsmap:".$fmapList." ".
@ -530,13 +518,6 @@ sub GDS_Get($@) {
when("capstations") {
return "Error: Alerts disabled by attribute." unless AttrVal($name,'gdsUseAlerts',0);
$result = getListCapStations($hash,$parameter); }
when("data") { $result = latin1ToUtf8(join("\n",@allConditionsData)); } # new
when("stations") {
return "stations list no longer available after 15.03.2016" if (time > 1457996400);
my @a = map (latin1ToUtf8(substr($_,0,19)), @allConditionsData);
unshift(@a, "Use one of the following stations:", sepLine(40));
$result = join("\n",@a);
default { $usage = "get <name> list <parameter>"; return $usage; }
@ -569,12 +550,6 @@ sub GDS_Get($@) {
return "conditions no longer available after 15.03.2016" if (time > 1457996400);
getConditions($hash, "g", @a);
DoTrigger($name, "REREAD", 1);
$hash->{GDS_REREAD} = int(time());
@ -657,23 +632,6 @@ sub GDS_Attr(@){
my $useUpdate = 0;
unless ($attrValue eq '' || $cmd eq 'del') {
$attr{$name}{$attrName} = $attrValue;
my $diff = time - InternalVal($name,'GDS_CONDITIONS_READ',0);
if ( $diff < 300) {
my @b;
push @b, undef;
push @b, undef;
push @b, $attrValue;
getConditions($hash, "c", @b);
} else {
$useUpdate = 1;
if ($attrValue == 0 || $cmd eq 'del') {
$aList = "disabled_by_attribute";
@ -728,26 +686,12 @@ sub GDS_GetUpdate($;$) {
my $fs = AttrVal($name, "gdsSetForecast", 0);
my $cs = AttrVal($name, "gdsSetCond", 0);
if(IsDisabled($name)) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', 'disabled', 0);
Log3 ($name, 2, "GDS $name is disabled, data update cancelled.");
} else {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', 'active', 0);
if($cs) {
if(time() - InternalVal($name,'GDS_CONDITIONS_READ',0) > ($hash->{helper}{INTERVAL}-10)) {
retrieveData($hash,'conditions') ;
my $next = gettimeofday() + 1;
InternalTimer($next, "GDS_GetUpdate", $hash, 1);
my @a;
push @a, undef;
push @a, undef;
push @a, $cs;
getConditions($hash, "c", @a);
if($fs) {
retrieveData($hash,'forecast') ;
my @a;
@ -877,7 +821,6 @@ sub setHelp(){
return "Use one of the following commands:\n".
"set <name> clear alerts|all\n".
"set <name> conditions <stationName>\n".
"set <name> forecasts <regionName>/<stationName>\n".
"set <name> help\n".
"set <name> rereadcfg\n".
@ -888,10 +831,9 @@ sub getHelp(){
return "Use one of the following commands:\n".
"get <name> alerts <region>\n".
"get <name> conditions <stationName>\n".
"get <name> forecasts <regionName>\n".
"get <name> help\n".
"get <name> list capstations|stations|data\n".
"get <name> list capstations|data\n".
"get <name> rereadcfg\n".
"get <name> warnings <region>\n";
@ -940,95 +882,6 @@ sub gds_calctz($@) {
# Data retrieval (internal)
sub getConditions($$@){
my ($hash, $prefix, @a) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
(my $myStation = utf8ToLatin1($a[2])) =~ s/_/ /g; # replace underscore in stationName by space
my $searchLen = length($myStation);
return unless $searchLen;
my ($line, $item, %pos, %alignment, %wx, %cread, $k, $v);
foreach my $l (@allConditionsData) {
$line = $l; # save line for further use
if ($l =~ /Station/) { # Header line... find out data positions
@a = split(/\s+/, $l);
foreach $item (@a) {
$pos{$item} = index($line, $item);
if (index(substr(lc($line),0,$searchLen), substr(lc($myStation),0,$searchLen)) != -1) { last; }
%alignment = ("Station" => "l", "H\xF6he" => "r", "Luftd." => "r", "TT" => "r", "Tn12" => "r", "Tx12" => "r",
"Tmin" => "r", "Tmax" => "r", "Tg24" => "r", "Tn24" => "r", "Tm24" => "r", "Tx24" => "r", "SSS24" => "r", "SGLB24" => "r",
"RR1" => "r", "RR12" => "r", "RR24" => "r", "RR30" => "r", "SSS" => "r", "DD" => "r",
"FF" => "r", "FX" => "r", "Wetter/Wolken" => "l", "B\xF6en" => "l");
foreach $item (@a) {
Log3($hash, 4, "conditions item: $item");
$wx{$item} = &_readItem($line, $pos{$item}, $alignment{$item}, $item);
%cread = ();
$cread{"_dataSource"} = "Quelle: Deutscher Wetterdienst";
$cread{$prefix."_stationName"} = utf8ToLatin1($wx{"Station"});
$cread{$prefix."_altitude"} = $wx{"H\xF6he"};
$cread{$prefix."_pressure-nn"} = $wx{"Luftd."};
$cread{$prefix."_temperature"} = $wx{"TT"};
$cread{$prefix."_tMinAir12"} = $wx{"Tn12"};
$cread{$prefix."_tMaxAir12"} = $wx{"Tx12"};
$cread{$prefix."_tMinGrnd24"} = $wx{"Tg24"};
$cread{$prefix."_tMinAir24"} = $wx{"Tn24"};
$cread{$prefix."_tAvgAir24"} = $wx{"Tm24"};
$cread{$prefix."_tMaxAir24"} = $wx{"Tx24"};
$cread{$prefix."_tempMin"} = $wx{"Tmin"};
$cread{$prefix."_tempMax"} = $wx{"Tmax"};
$cread{$prefix."_rain1h"} = $wx{"RR1"};
$cread{$prefix."_rain12h"} = $wx{"RR12"};
$cread{$prefix."_rain24h"} = $wx{"RR24"};
$cread{$prefix."_snow"} = $wx{"SSS"};
$cread{$prefix."_sunshine"} = $wx{"SSS24"};
$cread{$prefix."_solar"} = $wx{"SGLB24"};
$cread{$prefix."_windDir"} = $wx{"DD"};
$cread{$prefix."_windSpeed"} = $wx{"FF"};
$cread{$prefix."_windPeak"} = $wx{"FX"};
$cread{$prefix."_weather"} = utf8ToLatin1($wx{"Wetter\/Wolken"});
$cread{$prefix."_windGust"} = $wx{"B\xF6en"};
} else {
$cread{$prefix."_stationName"} = "unknown: $myStation";
while (($k, $v) = each %cread) {
# skip update if no valid data is available
unless(defined($v)) {delete($defs{$name}{READINGS}{$k}); next;}
if($v =~ m/^--/) {delete($defs{$name}{READINGS}{$k}); next;};
unless(length(trim($v))) {delete($defs{$name}{READINGS}{$k}); next;};
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $k, latin1ToUtf8($v));
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
return ;
sub _readItem {
my ($line, $pos, $align, $item) = @_;
my $x;
if ($align eq "l") {
$x = substr($line, $pos);
$x =~ s/ .+$//g; # after two spaces => next field
if ($align eq "r") {
$pos += length($item);
$x = substr($line, 0, $pos);
$x =~ s/^.+ //g; # remove all before the item
return $x;
sub getListCapStations($$){
my ($hash, $command) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
@ -1300,95 +1153,6 @@ sub _abortedFILE {
my ($hash) = shift;
# Conditions
sub _retrieveCONDITIONS {
my ($hash) = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $user = getKeyValue($name."_user");
my $pass = getKeyValue($name."_pass");
my $host = getKeyValue($name."_host");
my $proxyName = AttrVal($name, "gdsProxyName", "");
my $proxyType = AttrVal($name, "gdsProxyType", "");
my $passive = AttrVal($name, "gdsPassiveFtp", 1);
my $dir = "gds/specials/observations/tables/germany/";
my $ret;
eval {
my $ftp = Net::FTP->new( $host,
Debug => 0,
Timeout => 10,
Passive => $passive,
FirewallType => $proxyType,
Firewall => $proxyName);
Log3($name, 4, "GDS $name: ftp connection established.");
$ftp->login($user, $pass);
my @files = $ftp->ls();
if(@files) {
Log3($name, 4, "GDS $name: filelist found.");
@files = sort(@files);
my $datafile = $files[-2];
Log3($name, 5, "GDS $name: retrieving $datafile");
my ($file_content,$file_handle);
open($file_handle, '>', \$file_content);
# $file_content = latin1ToUtf8($file_content);
$file_content //= "";
$file_content =~ s/\r\n/\$/g;
$ret = "$datafile;;;$file_content";
return "$name;;;$ret" if $ret;
return "$name";
sub _finishedCONDITIONS {
my ($name,$file_name,$file_content) = split(/;;;/,shift);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
return _abortedCONDITIONS($hash) unless $file_content;
@allConditionsData = split(/\$/,$file_content);
# fill dropdown list
my @a = map (trim(substr($_,0,19)), @allConditionsData);
@a = map (latin1ToUtf8($_), @a);
# delete header lines
splice(@a, 0, 6);
# delete legend
splice(@a, __first_index("Höhe",@a)-1);
@a = sort(@a);
$sList = join(",", @a);
$sList =~ s/\s+,/,/g; # replace multiple spaces followed by comma with comma
$sList =~ s/\s/_/g; # replace spaces in stationName with underscore for list in frontende
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "_dF_conditions",$file_name,0) if(AttrVal($name, "gdsDebug", 0));
$hash->{GDS_CONDITIONS_READ} = int(time());
my $cf = AttrVal($name,'gdsSetCond',0);
return unless $cf;
my @b;
push @b, undef;
push @b, undef;
push @b, $cf;
getConditions($hash, "c", @b);
sub __first_index ($@) {
my ($reg,@a) = @_;
my $i = 0;
foreach my $l (@a) {
return $i if ($l =~ m/$reg/);
return -1;
sub _abortedCONDITIONS {
my ($hash) = shift;
delete $hash->{GDS_CONDITIONS_READ};
$hash->{GDS_CONDITIONS_ABORTED} = localtime(time());
# CapData
sub _retrieveCAPDATA {
my ($hash) = shift;
@ -1973,6 +1737,8 @@ sub getListForecastStations($) {
# 2016-03-29 changed remove all conditions code
# 2016-01-27 changed use setKeyValue/getKeyValue for username and password
# 2016-01-01 fixed use txt file instead html for conditions (adopt DWD changes)
@ -2219,11 +1985,6 @@ sub getListForecastStations($) {
<code>set <name> conditions <stationName></code>
<ul>Retrieve current conditions at selected station. Data will be updated periodically.</ul>
<code>set <name> forecasts <region>/<stationName></code>
<ul>Retrieve forecasts for today and the following 3 days for selected station.<br/>
@ -2258,11 +2019,6 @@ sub getListForecastStations($) {
<ul>Retrieve alert message for selected region from previously read alert file (see rereadcfg)</ul>
<code>get <name> conditions <stationName></code>
<ul>Retrieve current conditions at selected station</ul>
<code>get <name> conditionsmap <region></code>
<ul>Retrieve map (imagefile) showing current conditions at selected station</ul>
@ -2289,13 +2045,11 @@ sub getListForecastStations($) {
<ul>Show a help text with available commands</ul>
<code>get <name> list capstations|data|stations</code>
<code>get <name> list capstations</code>
<li><b>capstations:</b> Retrieve list showing all defined warning regions.
You can find your WARNCELLID with this list.</li>
<li><b>data:</b> List current conditions for all available stations in one single table</li>
<li><b>stations:</b> List all available stations that provide conditions data</li>
@ -2340,7 +2094,6 @@ sub getListForecastStations($) {
<li><b>disable</b> - if set, gds will not try to connect to internet</li>
<li><b>gdsAll</b> - defines filter for "all data" from alert message</li>
<li><b>gdsDebug</b> - defines filter for debug informations</li>
<li><b>gdsSetCond</b> - defines conditions area to be used after system restart</li>
<li><b>gdsSetForecast</b> - defines forecasts region/station to be used after system restart</li>
<li><b>gdsLong</b> - show long text fields "description" and "instruction" from alert message in readings</li>
<li><b>gdsPolygon</b> - show polygon data from alert message in a reading</li>
@ -2392,7 +2145,6 @@ sub getListForecastStations($) {
<li><b>REREAD</b> - start of rereadcfg</li>
<li><b>REREADFILE</b> - end of file read</li>
<li><b>REREADCONDITIONS</b> - end of condition read and analyzing</li>
<li><b>REREADALERTS</b> - end of alerts read and analyzing</li>
<li><b>REREADFORECAST</b> - end of forecast read and analyzing</li>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user