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synced 2025-03-09 20:57:11 +00:00
39_Talk2Fhem.pm: Various bugfixes
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@16337 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- feature: 39_Talk2Fhem: V0.5 Object radiusing
- bugfix: 93_DbLog: V3.8.8, no exit if configuration couldn't be read
- change: 93_DbLog: V3.8.7, no change limits got fron SVG
- bugfix: 88_xs1Dev: new type shutter integrated (Forum #85137)
@ -101,11 +101,13 @@
# 04.03.2018 0.4.6
# Breacket decoding bug fixed
# 04.02.2018 0.5.0
# Feature: Target Radiusing
# Feature: Object radiusing
# 05.02.2018 0.5.1
# Semicolon adding concretized
# Problem with first letter umlaut in type modificator fixed
# Fixed problems Attributes not ready
# Matched/Unmatched corrected
# Else in arraymodifikation expanded
@ -134,11 +136,12 @@ use Encode qw(decode encode);
my %Talk2Fhem_globals;
$Talk2Fhem_globals{EN}{erase} = ['\bplease\b', '\balso\b', '^msgtext:'];
$Talk2Fhem_globals{EN}{numbers} = {
'^one\S*' => 1
'zero' => 0
,'^one\S*' => 1
,'^(two|twice)' => 2
,'^(three|third)' => 3
,'^four\S*' => 4
@ -216,7 +219,8 @@ $Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{erase} = ['\bbitte\b', '\bauch\b','\bkann\b', '\bsoll\b']
# true => '^(ja|1|true|wahr|ein|eins.*|auf.*|öffnen|an.*|rauf.*|hoch.*|laut.*|hell.*)$',
# false => '^(nein|0|false|falsch|aus.*|null|zu.*|schlie\S\S?en|runter.*|ab.*|leise.*|dunk.*)$',
$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numbers} = {
'(ein\S*|erste\S*)' => 1
'null' => 0
,'(ein\S*|erste\S*)' => 1
,'zwei\S*' => 2
,'(drei\S*|dritt\S*)' => 3
,'vier\S*' => 4
@ -231,7 +235,7 @@ $Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numbers} = {
$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre} = join("|", ('\d+', keys %{$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numbers}}));
$Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{pass} = {
true => '\b(ja|1|true|wahr|ein|eins.*|auf.*|öffnen|an.*|rauf.*|hoch.*|laut.*|hell.*|start.*|(ab)?spiele\S?)\b',
true => '\b(ja|1|true|wahr|ein|eins.*|auf.*|\S*ffnen|an.*|rauf.*|hoch.*|laut.*|hell.*|start.*|(ab)?spiele\S?)\b',
false => '\b(nein|0|false|falsch|aus.*|null|zu.*|schlie\S\S?en|runter.*|ab.*|leise.*|dunk.*|stop.*|beende\S?)\b',
numeral => {re=>"($Talk2Fhem_globals{DE}{numberre})",fc=>sub{
return ($_[0]) if $_[0] =~ /\d+/;
@ -356,18 +360,17 @@ sub Talk2Fhem_Define($$)
my $name = shift(@def);
my $dev = shift(@def);
($_ = Talk2Fhem_loadList($hash, "T2F_keywordlist")) && return;
($_ = Talk2Fhem_loadList($hash, "T2F_modwordlist")) && return;
$error = Talk2Fhem_Loadphrase($hash, "phrase", "@def");
T2FL($name, 1, $error) if $error;
# T2FL($name, 5, "T2F Phrasehash:\n".Dumper($Talk2Fhem_phrase{$name})) unless $error;
T2FL($name, 5, "T2F Phrasehash:\n".Dumper($hash->{helper}{phrase})) unless $error;
$hash->{STATE} = "Initialized";
if ($init_done) {
($_ = Talk2Fhem_loadList($hash, "T2F_keywordlist")) && return;
($_ = Talk2Fhem_loadList($hash, "T2F_modwordlist")) && return;
$error = Talk2Fhem_Loadphrase($hash, "phrase", "@def");
T2FL($name, 1, $error) if $error;
# T2FL($name, 5, "T2F Phrasehash:\n".Dumper($Talk2Fhem_phrase{$name})) unless $error;
T2FL($name, 5, "T2F Phrasehash:\n".Dumper($hash->{helper}{phrase})) unless $error;
$hash->{STATE} = "Ready";
return $error;
@ -565,7 +568,7 @@ sub Talk2Fhem_Set($@)
(return "\"set $name\" needs at least one argument") unless(scalar(@args));
(return "Unknown argument ?, choose one of ! cleartriggers:noArg cleartimers:noArg") if($args[0] eq "?");
if ($hash->{STATE} ne "Initialized") {
if ($hash->{STATE} ne "Ready") {
#Fülle nur cmds array
} elsif ($args[0] eq "cleartimers") {
AnalyzeCommand($hash->{CL}, "delete at_".$name."_.*");
@ -589,7 +592,7 @@ sub Talk2Fhem_Set($@)
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "set", "$txt", 1);
$hash->{STATE} = "Initialized";
$hash->{STATE} = "Ready";
$hash->{STATE} = "Working";
@ -601,7 +604,7 @@ sub Talk2Fhem_Set($@)
if ($res{cmds}) {
for my $h (@{$res{cmds}}) {
my $fhemcmd = ($$h{at}?Talk2Fhem_mkattime($name, $$h{at})." ":"").($$h{cmd} =~ s/;/;;/gr );
my $fhemcmd = ($$h{at}?Talk2Fhem_mkattime($name, $$h{at})." ":"").($$h{at}?($$h{cmd} =~ s/;/;;/gr):$$h{cmd});
unless ($$h{ifs}) { # kein IF
@ -657,7 +660,7 @@ sub Talk2Fhem_Set($@)
$hash->{STATE} = "Initialized";
$hash->{STATE} = "Ready";
@ -902,7 +905,6 @@ my $type = shift;
my $list = (shift || AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, $type, ""));
$list = Talk2Fhem_parseParams($list);
#Log 1, Dumper $list;
return ("Error while parsing Keywordlist.\n$list" ) unless(ref($list) eq "HASH");
delete $hash->{helper}{T2F_andwordlist} if $type eq "T2F_keywordlist";
delete $hash->{helper}{$type};
@ -912,6 +914,7 @@ my $list = (shift || AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, $type, ""));
$hash->{helper}{$type}{s/^\&//r} = Talk2Fhem_parseArray($$list{$_});
# my $modlist = Talk2Fhem_parseParams(AttrVal($name, "T2F_modwordlist", ""));;
# return ("Error while parsing Modwordlist.\n$modlist" ) unless(ref($modlist) eq "HASH");
# foreach (keys %$modlist) {
@ -1006,11 +1009,12 @@ my @regtargets;
for (keys %{$me->{helper}{T2F_andwordlist}}) { push(@regtargets, \@{$me->{helper}{T2F_andwordlist}{$_}}) };
my $reg = '\b'.${art}.'('.join("|",map { @$_ } @regtargets).')\b';
Log 1, $reg;
my @andlockinfo; #my @sets;
for (@regtargets) {
my $regtarget = join("|", @$_);
Log 1, $regtarget;
# d Satzteil x Teilposition y cmds Position
my $d=0; my $x=0; my $y=0; my $prepost; my $prepre;
@ -1313,7 +1317,7 @@ T2FL($myname, 5, "$myname Evaluate search:\n$cmd =~ /$$phr{key}/i") if ref $res;
for my $fphr (@fphrs) {
# if (my @d = ($cmd =~ qr/$fphr/i))
if ($fphr =~ s/^\?//){
my @d = (eval { $cmd =~ /$fphr/i});
my @d = ($cmd =~ /$fphr/i);
my $m = $&;
#Log 1, "A: ".$fphr;
#Log 1, "A: ".Dumper $m;
@ -1335,7 +1339,7 @@ for my $fphr (@fphrs) {
#$cmd =~ s/$m//gi;
} elsif ($fphr =~ /^\!/) {
return if (eval { $cmd =~ /$'/i });
} elsif (my @d = (eval { $cmd =~ /$fphr/i } )){
} elsif (my @d = ($cmd =~ /$fphr/i ) ){
my $m = $&;
$pmatch .= $m;
$punmatch =~ s/$m//gi;
@ -1496,7 +1500,7 @@ my %react;
my $d = ($$spec{dir} and ($clipno) == $mainbracket) ? $$spec{dir} : $dir[$clipno];
T2FL($myname, 4, "Keyword (".($clipno)."): '".Dumper($d)."'");
T2FL($myname, 4, "Keyword (".($clipno)."): '$d'");
# Wort übersetzen
if (ref($hash) eq "HASH") {
@ -1590,20 +1594,29 @@ my %react;
T2FL($myname, 5, "ARRAY evaluation: else: $else empty: $empty\narray: @$hash");
# if (($d =~ qr/${$Talk2Fhem{pass}}{empty}/) and defined($d)) {
my $intd = $d;
foreach ( keys %{$Talk2Fhem_globals{Talk2Fhem_language($myname)}{numbers}} ) {
my $tmp = Talk2Fhem_escapeumlauts($_, $disu);
if ($d =~ /$tmp/i) {
$intd = $Talk2Fhem_globals{Talk2Fhem_language($myname)}{numbers}{$_};
T2FL($myname, 5, "Numeral word found. '$d' converted to; $intd");
if (($d =~ qr/${$Talk2Fhem{pass}}{empty}/) or ! defined($d)) {
T2FL($myname, 5, "Empty word replace with! $empty");
$do =~ s/###/$empty/;
} elsif (IsInt($d)) {
unless ($$hash[$d]) {
my $err = T2FL($myname, 3, "Field #$d doesn't exist in Array!");
} elsif (IsInt($intd)) {
unless ($$hash[$intd]) {
my $err = T2FL($myname, 3, "Field #$intd doesn't exist in Array!");
if ($else eq "") {
Talk2Fhem_err($myname, $err, $res,1);
} else {
T2FL($myname, 5, "Integer ($d) used for array selection! $$hash[$d]");
$do =~ s/###/$$hash[$d]/ if $$hash[$d];
T2FL($myname, 5, "Integer ($intd) used for array selection! $$hash[$intd]");
$do =~ s/###/$$hash[$intd]/ if $$hash[$intd];
} elsif ($d) {
my @keywords;
@ -1640,14 +1653,35 @@ my %react;
(my $clip = $cs[($clipno)]) =~ s/^\(|\)$//g;
#T2FL($myname, 5, "clip: ".Dumper $clip);
# push(@keywords, split('\|', $clip) extract_bracketed($clip, '()'));
@keywords = map { /^\(/ ? $_ : split('\|', $_=~s/^\||\|$//gr) } extract_multiple($clip, [sub { extract_bracketed($_[0], '()') }]);
my @extract;
for (extract_multiple($clip, [sub { extract_bracketed($_[0], '()') }])) {
#T2FL($myname, 5, "EM: ".Dumper $_);
if ($_ =~ /^\(/) {
push (@extract, "") if ($#extract eq -1);
$extract[$#extract] .= $_;
if (s/^\|// or /^[^(]/) {
if ($_ ne "") {
push(@extract, split('\|', $_));
} else {
push(@extract, "");
} else {
push (@extract, "") if ($#extract eq -1);
$extract[$#extract] .= $_;
#T2FL($myname, 5, "A: ".Dumper @extract);
#@keywords = map { /^\(/ ? $_ : split('\|', $_=~s/^\||\|$//gr) } extract_multiple($clip, [sub { extract_bracketed($_[0], '()') }]);
@keywords = @extract;
#T2FL($myname, 5, "keywords: ".Dumper @keywords);
# @keywords = split('\|',);
#Log 1, Dumper @keywords;
#wenn keine Liste in Klammer ist
if ($#keywords == -1) {
Talk2Fhem_err($myname, T2FL($myname, 1, "Clipnumber $clipno includes no array or integer in '$$phr{key}!"),$res,1);
my $err = T2FL($myname, 1, "Clipnumber $clipno includes no array or integer in '$$phr{key}!");
if ($#keywords == -1 and $else eq "") {
Talk2Fhem_err($myname, $err,$res,1);
} else {
@ -1655,7 +1689,7 @@ my %react;
# T2FL($myname, 4, "Searching position of $d in @keywords");
@keywords = map { Talk2Fhem_escapeumlauts($_, $disu) } @keywords;
T2FL($myname, 4, "Searching position of $d in @keywords");
T2FL($myname, 4, "Searching position of '$d' in '@keywords'");
my $i=0;
foreach (@keywords) {
# if ($d =~ /^\Q$_\E$/i) {
@ -1667,6 +1701,7 @@ my %react;
} else {
T2FL($myname, 5, "Found '$d' at position $i");
$do =~ s/###/$$hash[$i]/;
Reference in New Issue
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