diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/37_echodevice.pm b/fhem/FHEM/37_echodevice.pm new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6023703b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/fhem/FHEM/37_echodevice.pm @@ -0,0 +1,5347 @@ +# $Id$ +# +############################################## +# +# 2019.12.22 v0.0.60 +# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A3VRME03NAXFUB ECHO Flex +# Unterstützung AKOAGQTKAS9YB ECHO Connect +# Unterstützung A3NTO4JLV9QWRB Gigaset L800HX +# +# 2019.11.05 v0.0.59 +# - FEATURE: Nachricht an Handy App schicken "set mobilmessage" +# - CHANGE: Hilfetexte erweitert +# +# 2019.10.27 v0.0.58 +# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A30YDR2MK8HMRV ECHO Gen 3 +# +# 2019.10.17 v0.0.57 +# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A3FX4UWTP28V1P ECHO Gen 3 +# +# 2019.10.09 v0.0.56 +# - FEATURE: Hintergrundbild ECHO SHOW ändern "set homescreen" +# +# 2019.09.20 v0.0.55 +# - CHANGE: speak_volume Auswertung Account-Device/Echo-Device +# DEF xxx@xxx.de xxx = NPM Login Modus +# - BUGFIX: presence +# +# 2019.07.22 v0.0.54 +# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A1RABVCI4QCIKC ECHO dot 3 +# +# 2019.02.19 v0.0.53 +# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A4ZP7ZC4PI6TO ECHO 5 +# Unterstützung A1RTAM01W29CUP Alexa App for PC +# Unterstützung A21Z3CGI8UIP0F HEOS +# +# 2019.02.19 v0.0.52 +# - FEATURE: Alarme "_originalDate" als Reading +# - BUGFIX: Readings *_count Wert +# +# 2019.02.18 v0.0.51z +# - BUGFIX: NPM Proxy IP Adresse / Port usw. +# set routine_play - Unterstützung Smart Home Geräte +# set speak - Sonderzeichen " entfernen +# get conversations https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,82631.msg903955.html#msg903955 +# Bluetooth Geräte bereinigen +# - FEATURE: Unterstützung AppRegisterLogin per NPM +# Unterstützung A10L5JEZTKKCZ8 VOBOT +# Unterstützung A1JJ0KFC4ZPNJ3 ECHO Input +# Unterstützung AKPGW064GI9HE Fire TV Stick 4K +# Unterstützung A37SHHQ3NUL7B5 Bose Home Speaker 500 +# Unterstützung AVN2TMX8MU2YM Bose Home Speaker 500 +# set speak_ssml https://docs.aws.amazon.com/polly/latest/dg/supported-ssml.html +# https://developer.amazon.com/de/docs/custom-skills/speech-synthesis-markup-language-ssml-reference.html +# get status - Statusinformationen zum Modul +# Attribut "ignorevoicecommand" https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,82631.msg906424.html#msg906424 +# Alarme "_recurringPattern" als Reading +# - CHANGE: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,82631.msg869460.html#msg869460 +# +# 2018.12.02 v0.0.50 +# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A32DDESGESSHZA Echo Dot Gen3 +# +# 2018.11.13 v0.0.49 +# - BUGFIX: reading voice +# Sonos Beam A3NPD82ABCPIDP +# - FEATURE: reading voice_timestamp +# +# 2018.10.30 v0.0.48i +# - CHANGE: Attribut browser_useragent_random (Standard=0) +# Neuer Status "connected but loginerror" +# - BUGFIX: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,82631.msg850171.html#msg850171 +# CMD_QUEUE leeren wenn loginerror +# set loginwithcaptcha +# - FEATURE: Unterstützung A3R9S4ZZECZ6YL Fire Tab HD 10 +# Unterstützung A3L0T0VL9A921N Fire Tab HD 8 +# Unterstützung A2M4YX06LWP8WI Fire Tab 7 +# Unterstützung A2E0SNTXJVT7WK Fire TV V1 +# Unterstützung A2GFL5ZMWNE0PX Fire TV +# Unterstützung A12GXV8XMS007S Fire TV +# Unterstützung A3HF4YRA2L7XGC Fire TV Cube +# Unterstützung ADVBD696BHNV5 Fire TV Stick V1 +# Unterstützung A2LWARUGJLBYEW Fire TV Stick V2 +# Unterstützung AP1F6KUH00XPV ECHO Stereopaar +# +# 2018.10.25 v0.0.47 +# - FEATURE: Unterstützung neuer Sonos Beam A15ERDAKK5HQQG +# - BUGFIX: browser_language default = de,en-US;q=0.7,en;q=0.3 +# browser_useragent default = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:62.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/62.0 +# +# 2018.10.17 v0.0.46b +# - BUGFIX: Attribut intervalvoice 0=realtime bis 100 Sekunden +# - FEATURE: Reading "bluetooth_MAC-Adresse" zeigt Connected Status an (ECHO Device) +# Readings "config_address_from","config_address_to" und "config_address_between" (Account Device) +# Unterstützung neuer ECHO Show Gen2 AWZZ5CVHX2CD +# Unterstützung neuer ECHO Dot Gen3 A32DOYMUN6DTXA +# +# 2018.10.15 v0.0.45 +# - FEATURE: Attribut intervalvoice 0=realtime bis 100 Sekunden +# +# 2018.10.10 v0.0.44 +# - FEATURE: set alarm_off und alarm_on (Wecker und Musikwecker) +# set alarm_normal und alarm_repeat +# set routine_play (Abspielen und ausführen von Routinen) +# set info (Beliebig_Auf_Wiedersehen,Beliebig_Bestaetigung,Beliebig_Geburtstag,Beliebig_Guten_Morgen,Beliebig_Gute_Nacht,Beliebig_Ich_Bin_Zuhause,Beliebig_Kompliment,Erzaehle_Geschichte,Erzaehle_Was_Neues,Erzaehle_Witz,Kalender_Heute,Kalender_Morgen,Kalender_Naechstes_Ereignis,Nachrichten,Singe_Song,Verkehr,Wetter) +# set config_address_from config_address_to config_address_between (Einstellungen Verkehr) +# get address (Hier kann die Adresse gesucht werden für die set Befehle config_address_from config_address_to config_address_between) +# Unterstützung neuer ECHO Plus 2 A18O6U1UQFJ0XK +# Lautstärke sollte jetzt immer regelbar sein! +# - BUGFIX: Reading "currentTuneInID" +# +# 2018.10.08 v0.0.43a +# - CHANGE: set speak von Multiroom Geräten entfernt +# - BUGFIX: set Account Device +# get conversations +# +# 2018.09.03 v0.0.42 +# - BUGFIX: Login +# - CHANGE: readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged to readingsBulkUpdate +# +# 2018.08.23 v0.0.41 +# - BUGFIX: Login +# +# 2018.08.22 v0.0.40 +# - FEATURE: set speak Natives TTS +# "set loginwithcaptcha" +# - CHANGE: browser_language default = de-DE +# browser_useragent default = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:99.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/99.0 +# Attribut "browser_save_data" wird jetzt auch am ECHO angezeigt +# - BUGFIX: 2FACode Authentifizierung +# "get actions" mit leeren Gerätennamen. Fehler im LOG +# Attribut disable +# Login +# +# 2018.06.08 v0.0.39 +# - BUGFIX: get html_results +# +# 2018.06.07 v0.0.38 +# - FEATURE: Anzeigen der Amazon Login Ergebnisse (get html_results) +# Attribut "browser_save_data" +# +# 2018.05.30 v0.0.37 +# - BUGFIX: ReLogin bei "COOKIE ERROR" +# - FEATURE: Neues Attribut "browser_language" +# +# 2018.05.17 v0.0.36 +# - CHANGE: Accept-Language: de,en-US +# +# 2018.05.17 v0.0.35 +# - BUGFIX: Attribut "cookie" +# +# 2018.05.07 v0.0.34 +# - BUGFIX: Attribut "intervalsettings" +# ReLogin bei "COOKIE ERROR" +# +# 2018.04.09 v0.0.33 +# - CHANGE: get "help" zusätzliche Anleitung MP3 Streamserver & IceCast2 +# TTS_Nachrichten werden mindestens mit der Laustärke von Reading "volume_alarm" abgespielt. +# Zwei Faktor Authentifizierung (set login2FACode) Danke Benutzer JoWiedmann https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,82631.msg787815.html#msg787815 +# Verstecken von Helper "CUSTOMER","COMMSID","COOKIE","DIRECTID","PASSWORD","USER","HTTP_CONNECTION" und "SERIAL" +# Verstecken von Readings "COOKIE","AWS_Access_Key" und "aws_secret_key" +# - FEATURE: Neues Reading "currentTuneInID" +# set "tts_translate" Übersetzung von der Webseite http://www.online-translator.com/ Reading="tts_translate_result" +# Neues Attribut "TTS_Translate_From" +# TTS Translate unterstützt folgende Sprachen:dutch,english,french,german,italian,japanese,korean,portuguese,russian,spanish und turkish +# TTS MP3 Länge ermitteln. Reading = "tts_lenght" +# TTS Nachrichte abspielen wenn schon ein TuneIn Sender läuft. +# - BUGFIX: Log Eintrag bei TTS & Attribut: "TTS_normalize" entfernt +# Name Attribut "TTS_Voice" WelshEnglish_Female_Gwyneth +# get settings +# Verzeichnis "echodevice" wurde nicht automatisch angelegt +# +# 2018.03.20 v0.0.32 +# - FEATURE: Neues Attribut: "TTS_normalize" (only mp3 Outputformat!) +# - BUGFIX: remove sleep 0.5 +# +# 2018-03-19 v0.0.31 +# - BUGFIX: Amazone TTS Nachrichten < 3 Zeichen +# File "cache/pollyspeech.py", line 4, in +# get "devices" https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,82631.msg783487.html#msg783487 +# +# 2018-03-18 v0.0.30 +# - FEATURE: Text2Speech (TTS) inkl. Google und Amazon Stimmen +# Musik aus dem eigenen LAN abspielen +# Neue Attribute: ALLE "TTS_Voice" und "TTS_IgnorPlay" +# Neue Set Befehle: ACCOUNT "AWS_Access_Key","AWS_OutputFormat","AWS_Secret_Key","POM_Filename","POM_IPAddress","POM_TuneIn","TTS_Filename","TTS_IPAddress" und "TTS_TuneIn" +# Neue Set Befehle: Nur ECHO "tts", "playownmusic", "playownplaylist", "deleteownplaylist", und "saveownplaylist" +# - CHANGE: get "help" +# Reihenfolge get settings https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,82631.msg781731.html#msg781731 +# +# v0.0.29 +# - FEATURE: Zwei Faktor Authentifizierung (set login2FACode) Danke Benutzer JoWiedmann https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,82631.msg780848.html#msg780848 +# +# v0.0.28 +# - CHANGE: get "Conversations" auf nonBlocking +# get "tunein" auf nonBlocking & move to Echo Device & play link +# get "tracks" auf nonBlocking +# get "devices" auf nonBlocking +# set "autocreat_devices" auf nonBlocking +# httpversion = "1.1" +# - FEATURE: get "actions" +# get "primeplayeigene_albums" +# get "primeplayeigene_tracks" +# get "primeplayeigene_artists" +# get "primeplayeigeneplaylist" +# get "help" +# Multiroom add get settings & tunein +# - BUGFIX: primeplayeigene +# +# v0.0.27 +# - BUGFIX: Not an ARRAY reference at ./FHEM/37_echodevice.pm line 1610 +# +# v0.0.26 +# - BUGFIX: read readings if amazon device is connected +# +# v0.0.25 +# - BUGFIX: set reminder_normal +# Attribut disable +# no Internet connect +# - FEATURE: Attribut browser_useragent_random (Standard=1) +# Attribut intervallogin (Standard=60) +# +# v0.0.24 +# - BUGFIX: Timer Readings +# +# v0.0.23 +# - BUGFIX: Nested quantifiers in regex +# - CHANGE: Reading version +# +# v0.0.22 +# - FEATURE: Attribut browser_useragent https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#Attribute +# +# v0.0.21 +# - CHANGE: Header +# +# v0.0.20 +# - CHANGE: Cookie erstellen auf nonBlocking +# Cookie erstellen Timeout 10 sekunden +# - BUGFIX: div. +# +# v0.0.19 +# - BUGFIX: Fehlt bei "get" der Punkt "conversations" +# Fehlt bei "set" der Punkt "textmessage" +# +# v0.0.18 +# - FEATURE: autocreate Standard Raum "Amazon" +# - CHANGE: COOKIE wird nicht mehr erneuert! +# +# v0.0.17 +# - FEATURE: refresh ECHO devices (Attribut autocreate_refresh) +# define icon to echo +# - CHANGE: Header +# +# v0.0.16 +# - FEATURE: autocreate ECHO Spot +# +# v0.0.15 +# - CHANGE: deletereading auf FHEM Command umgestellt +# - BUGFIX: MausicAlarm +# +# v0.0.14 +# - FEATURE: autocreate ECHO Multiroom +# autocreate Sonos One +# autocreate Reverb +# - CHANGE: model im Klartext z.B. Echo Dot +# +# v0.0.13 +# - BUGFIX: Cookie +# +# v0.0.12 +# - FEATURE: Support Musicalarm +# +# v0.0.11.2 +# - FEATURE: neue Readings timer_XX, reminder_X und alarm_xx +# neue Readings deviceAddress, timeZoneId +# Zeigt den Status für Mikrofon Reading = microphone +# Zeigt den Status ob der ECHO online ist. Reading = online +# - BUGFIX: Reading voice leer +# Div. Logeinträge wenn Variablen leer sind +# - CHANGE : Reading active entfernt +# +# v0.0.10 +# - BUGFIX: Einkaufsliste und ToDo Liste (Fehler beim hinzufügen und entfernen von Einträgen) +# +# v0.0.9 +# - BUGFIX: ECHO Devices Readings wurden nicht aktualisiert +# +# v0.0.8 +# - FEATURE: Attribut tuneid_default (Hier kann ein Standard TuneIn Sender angegeben werden) +# set notifications_delete (löschen von Erinnerungen, Timer und Wecker) +# autocreate ECHO Show Geräte +# löschen und hinzufügen von Einkauflisten- und Task Einträgen +# +# v0.0.7 +# - FEATURE: Interval Anpassung beim abspielen eines Songs +# - CHANGE: set reminder_normal ohne Datumsangabe (Reminder sofort ausgeführt)) +# +# v0.0.6 +# - CHANGE : Log Einträge reduziert +# Reading "voice" zum Echo Device verschoben +# - BUGFIX: set reminder_normal Text (Reminder sofort ausgeführt)) +# ACCOUNT DEVICE macht jetzt die abfragen für wakeword, volume_alarm, dnd, active, bluetooth +# Standard Interval 60 Sekunden +# +# v0.0.5 +# - CHANGE : set reminder_normal (durch weglassen der Uhrzeit wird der Reminder sofort ausgeführt) +# - FEATURE: Attribut reminder_delay (wird für reminder_normal benötigt. Standardwert = 10 sekunden) +# +# v0.0.4 +# - CHANGE: set reminder vom ACCOUNT DEVICE entfernt +# set reminder zum Echo DEVICE hinzugefügt +# - FEATURE: set reminder_normal +# set reminder_repeat +# +# v0.0.3 +# - BUGFIX: Anzeige set befehle primeplayeigene,primeplayeigeneplaylist,primeplaylist und primeplaysender +# +# v0.0.2 +# - FEATURE: set primeplayeigene +# set primeplayeigeneplaylist +# set primeplaylist +# set primeplaysender +# +# v.0.0.1 +# - BUGFIX: blocking restart fhem +# readings +# +# Copyright by Michael Winkler +# e-mail: michael.winkler at online.de +# +# This file is part of fhem. +# +# Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it andor modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with fhem. If not, see . +# +# https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,82631.0.html +# +############################################################################## + +package main; + +#use strict; +use Time::Local; +use Encode; +use Encode qw/from_to/; +use URI::Escape; +use Data::Dumper; +use JSON; +use utf8; +use Date::Parse; +use Time::Piece; +use lib ('./FHEM/lib', './lib'); +use MP3::Info; + +my $ModulVersion = "0.0.59"; +my $AWSPythonVersion = "0.0.3"; +my $NPMLoginTyp = "unbekannt"; + +############################################################################## +sub echodevice_Initialize($) { + my ($hash) = @_; + my $name = $hash->{NAME}; + + $hash->{DefFn} = "echodevice_Define"; + $hash->{UndefFn} = "echodevice_Undefine"; + $hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = "global"; + $hash->{NotifyFn} = "echodevice_Notify"; + $hash->{GetFn} = "echodevice_Get"; + $hash->{SetFn} = "echodevice_Set"; + $hash->{AttrFn} = "echodevice_Attr"; + $hash->{AttrList} = "disable:0,1 ". + "IODev ". + "TTS_Voice:AustralianEnglish_Female_Nicole,AustralianEnglish_Male_Russell,BrazilianPortuguese_Female_Vitoria,BrazilianPortuguese_Male_Ricardo,BritishEnglish_Female_Amy,BritishEnglish_Female_Emma,BritishEnglish_Male_Brian,CanadianFrench_Female_Chantal,CastilianSpanish_Female_Conchita,CastilianSpanish_Male_Enrique,Danish_Female_Naja,Danish_Male_Mads,Dutch_Female_Lotte,Dutch_Male_Ruben,French_Female_Celine,French_Male_Mathieu,German_Female_Google,German_Female_Marlene,German_Female_Vicki,German_Male_Hans,Icelandic_Female_Dora,Icelandic_Male_Karl,IndianEnglish_Female_Aditi,IndianEnglish_Female_Raveena,Italian_Female_Carla,Italian_Male_Giorgio,Japanese_Female_Mizuki,Japanese_Male_Takumi,Korean_Female_Seoyeon,Norwegian_Female_Liv,Polish_Female_Ewa,Polish_Female_Maja,Polish_Male_Jacek,Polish_Male_Jan,Portuguese_Female_Ines,Portuguese_Male_Cristiano,Romanian_Female_Carmen,Russian_Female_Tatyana,Russian_Male_Maxim,Swedish_Female_Astrid,Turkish_Female_Filiz,USEnglish_Female_Ivy,USEnglish_Female_Joanna,USEnglish_Female_Kendra,USEnglish_Female_Kimberly,USEnglish_Female_Salli,USEnglish_Male_Joey,USEnglish_Male_Justin,USEnglish_Male_Matthew,USSpanish_Female_Penelope,USSpanish_Male_Miguel,WelshEnglish_Female_Gwyneth,WelshEnglish_Male_Geraint ". + "TTS_IgnorPlay:0,1 ". + "TTS_normalize:slider,5,1,40 ". + "TTS_Translate_From:dutch,english,french,german,italian,japanese,korean,portuguese,russian,spanish,turkish ". + "intervalsettings ". + "intervallogin ". + "intervalvoice:slider,0,1,100 ". + "ignorevoicecommand ". + "speak_volume:slider,0,1,100 ". + "server ". + "cookie ". + "reminder_delay ". + "tunein_default ". + "autocreate_refresh:0,1 ". + "browser_useragent ". + "browser_language ". + "browser_save_data:0,1 ". + "browser_useragent_random:0,1 ". + "npm_proxy_port ". + "npm_proxy_ip ". + "npm_proxy_listen_ip ". + "npm_refresh_intervall ". + "npm_bin ". + "npm_bin_node ". + $readingFnAttributes; +} + +sub echodevice_Define($$$) { + my ($hash, $def) = @_; + my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); + my ($found, $dummy); + + return "syntax: define echodevice " if(int(@a) != 4 ); + my $name = $hash->{NAME}; + + $attr{$name}{server} = "layla.amazon.de" if( defined($attr{$name}) && !defined($attr{$name}{server}) ); + + RemoveInternalTimer($hash); + + if($a[2] =~ /crypt/ || $a[2] =~ /@/ || $a[2] =~ /^\+/) { + $hash->{model} = "ACCOUNT"; + + my $user = $a[2]; + my $pass = $a[3]; + + if ($user eq 'xxx@xxx.xx' and $pass eq "xxx") { + # Amazon NPM Login Modus + $hash->{LOGINMODE} = "NPM"; + } + else { + # Amazon normal Login Modus + my $username = echodevice_encrypt($user); + my $password = echodevice_encrypt($pass); + $hash->{DEF} = "$username $password"; + $hash->{helper}{".USER"} = $username; + $hash->{helper}{".PASSWORD"} = $password; + $hash->{LOGINMODE} = "NORMAL"; + } + + $hash->{helper}{TWOFA} = ""; + $hash->{helper}{SERVER} = $attr{$name}{server}; + $hash->{helper}{SERVER} = "layla.amazon.de" if(!defined($hash->{helper}{SERVER})); + $hash->{helper}{RUNLOGIN} = 0; + $hash->{helper}{".LOGINERROR"} = 0; + $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{"account"} = $hash; + + $hash->{STATE} = "INITIALIZED"; + + # set default settings on first define + if ($init_done and $attr{$name}{icon} eq "" and $attr{$name}{room} eq "") { + $attr{$name}{icon} = 'echo'; + $attr{$name}{room} = 'Amazon'; + } + InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 5 , "echodevice_FirstStart" , $hash, 0); + InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 10 , "echodevice_GetSettings", $hash, 0); + } + else { + # Amazon ECHO Device + $hash->{STATE} = "INITIALIZED"; + + $hash->{model} = echodevice_getModel($a[2]);#$a[2]; + + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "model", $hash->{model}, 1); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", "INITIALIZED", 1); + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + + $hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE} = $a[2]; + $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"} = $a[3]; + $hash->{LOGINMODE} = "IODEV"; + + $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$a[3]} = $hash; + + my $account = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{"account"}; + + Log3 $name, 0, "[echodevice] load ECHO Device $name"; + + $hash->{IODev} = $account; + $attr{$name}{IODev} = $account->{NAME} if( !defined($attr{$name}{IODev}) && $account); + + if ($hash->{model} ne "THIRD_PARTY_AVS_MEDIA_DISPLAY") { + InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 1, "echodevice_GetSettings", $hash, 0); + } + + } + + readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "COOKIE_MODE", $hash->{LOGINMODE} ,0); + + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Define] Getting auth URL return"; + return undef; +} + +sub echodevice_Undefine($$) { + my ($hash, $arg) = @_; + my $name = $hash->{NAME}; + RemoveInternalTimer($hash); + delete( $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{"ACCOUNT"} ) if($hash->{model} eq "ACCOUNT"); + delete( $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}} ) if($hash->{model} ne "ACCOUNT"); + return undef; +} + +sub echodevice_Notify($$) { + my ($hash,$dev) = @_; + my $name = $hash->{NAME}; + return if($dev->{NAME} ne "global"); + return if(!grep(m/^INITIALIZED|REREADCFG$/, @{$dev->{CHANGED}})); + + Log3 "echodevice", 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Notify] echodevice: notify reload"; + + return undef; +} + +sub echodevice_Get($@) { + my ($hash, @a) = @_; + shift @a; + my $command = shift @a; + my $parameter = join(' ',@a); + my $name = $hash->{NAME}; + + my $usage = "Unknown argument $command, choose one of "; + + return $usage if ($hash->{model} eq 'unbekannt'); + return $usage if ($hash->{model} eq 'Sonos One'); + return $usage if ($hash->{model} eq 'Sonos Beam'); + + if ($hash->{model} eq "Reverb") { + $usage .= "help:noArg " ; + } + elsif ($hash->{model} eq "ACCOUNT") { + $usage .= "settings:noArg devices:noArg actions:noArg tracks:noArg help:noArg conversations:noArg html_results:noArg address status:noArg "; + } + else { + $usage .= "tunein settings:noArg primeplayeigene_albums primeplayeigene_tracks primeplayeigene_artists primeplayeigeneplaylist:noArg help:noArg html_results:noArg "; + } + + #return "no get" if ($hash->{model} eq "Echo Multiroom"); + return $usage if $command eq '?'; + + if ($command ne "help" || $command ne "help_results" || $command ne "status") { + } + elsif (IsDisabled($name)) { + $hash->{STATE} = "disabled"; + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", "disabled", 1); + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + return "$name is disabled. Aborting..."; + } + else { + } + + my $ConnectState = ""; + if($hash->{model} eq "ACCOUNT") {$ConnectState = $hash->{STATE}} else {$ConnectState = $hash->{IODev}->{STATE}} + + if ($command eq "help") { + + my $return = ''; + $return .= "


"; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + + $return .= "
Dokumentation Modul   
"."Beschreibung"."   https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice
"."Readings"."   https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#Readings
"."Attribute"."   https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#Attribute
"."Set"."   https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#Set
"."Get"."   https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#Get
"."Medieninformationen ermitteln"."   https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#Medieninformationen_ermitteln
"."Cookie_ermitteln"."   https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#Cookie_ermitteln
"."Loginmit Captcha"."   https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#Login_captcha
"."MP3 Playlisten"."   https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#MP3_Playlisten
"."Amazon Stimmen"."   https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#AWS_Konfiguration
Diverse Anleitungen
"."Amazon ECHO TTS/POM"."   https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/sonstiges/amazon-echo-tts-mp3s
"."MPD Streamserver"."   https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/sonstiges/mpd-streamserver
"."MPD Web Frontend"."   https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/sonstiges/mpd-webfrontend
"."IceCast2"."   https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/sonstiges/icecast2
"."NPM Login"."   https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/modul-echodevice-npm
"."Forums Thread"."   https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,82631.0.html
"; + + return $return; + } + + if ($command eq "html_results") { + + my $timestamp ; + my $epoch_timestamp ; + my $return = ''; + $return .= "

Amazon HTML Results:

"; + $return .= ""; + + opendir(DH, $FW_dir . "/echodevice/results"); + my @files = readdir(DH); + closedir(DH); + + my @filessorted = sort @files; + + foreach my $file (@filessorted){ + # skip . and .. + next if($file =~ /^\.$/); + next if($file =~ /^\.\.$/); + + # Datum + $epoch_timestamp = 0 ; + $timestamp = 0 ; + if ((-e $FW_dir . "/echodevice/results/" . $file)) { + $epoch_timestamp = (stat($FW_dir . "/echodevice/results/" . $file))[9]; + $timestamp = localtime($epoch_timestamp); + } + + if ($hash->{model} eq "ACCOUNT" || index($file, $name) == 0 ) { + # $file is the file used on this iteration of the loop + $return .= ""; + } + } + + $return .= ""; + $return .= "
Datum   HTML Result Dateiname
".$timestamp."   " . $file . "
"; + + return $return; + } + + if ($command eq "status") { + + my $return = ''; + + #Allgemeine Informationen + $return .= ''; + $return .= "

Modul Infos:

"; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + #$return .= ""; + + # Attribute auslesen + while ( my ($key, $value) = each %{$attr{$name}} ) { + $return .= ""; + } + + $return .= "
Beschreibung   Bereich   Wert
STATE   Reading" . ReadingsVal( $name, "state", "unbekannt") . "
Version   Reading" . ReadingsVal( $name, "version", "unbekannt") . "
COOKIE_STATE   Reading" . ReadingsVal( $name, "COOKIE_STATE", "unbekannt") . "
COOKIE_TYPE   Reading" . ReadingsVal( $name, "COOKIE_TYPE", "unbekannt") . "
COOKIE_MODE   Reading" . $hash->{LOGINMODE} . "
amazon_refreshtoken   Reading" . ReadingsVal( $name, "amazon_refreshtoken", "unbekannt") . "
.COOKIE   Reading123
" . $key . "   Attribut" . $value . "
"; + + #Allgemeine Cookie Infos + $return .= ''; + $return .= "

Amazon Cookie:

"; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= ""; + $return .= "
Beschreibung   Bereich   Wert
.COOKIE   Reading" . substr(ReadingsVal( $name, ".COOKIE", "unbekannt" ), 0, 20) . "....
COOKIE_STATE   Reading" . ReadingsVal( $name, "COOKIE_STATE", "unbekannt") . "
COOKIE_TYPE   Reading" . ReadingsVal( $name, "COOKIE_TYPE", "unbekannt") . "
amazon_refreshtoken   Reading" . ReadingsVal( $name, "amazon_refreshtoken", "unbekannt") . "
.COOKIE   Helper" . substr($hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"}, 0, 20) . "....
.COMMSID   Helper" . substr($hash->{helper}{".COMMSID"}, 0, 20) . "....
.CSRF   Helper" . substr($hash->{helper}{".CSRF"}, 0, 3) . "....
.DIRECTID   Helper" . substr($hash->{helper}{".DIRECTID"}, 0, 20) . "....
RUNLOGIN   Helper" . $hash->{helper}{RUNLOGIN} . "
RUNNING_REQUEST   Helper" . $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_REQUEST} . "
LOGINERROR   Helper" . $hash->{helper}{".LOGINERROR"} . "
"; + + $return .= ""; + + return $return; + + } + + if ($ConnectState ne "connected") { + return "$name is not connected. Aborting..."; + } + + if ($command eq "settings") { + echodevice_GetSettings($hash); + return "OK" if($hash->{model} ne "ACCOUNT"); + } + + elsif($command eq "actions") { + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"getcards",""); + } + + elsif($command eq "devices") { + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"devices",""); + } + + elsif($command eq "conversations") { + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"conversations",""); + } + + elsif($command eq "tunein") { + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"searchtunein",$parameter); + } + + elsif($command eq "tracks") { + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"searchtracks",$parameter); + } + + elsif($command eq "primeplayeigene_albums") { + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"primeplayeigene_Albums",$parameter); + } + + elsif($command eq "primeplayeigene_tracks") { + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"primeplayeigene_Tracks",$parameter); + } + + elsif($command eq "primeplayeigene_artists") { + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"primeplayeigene_Artists",$parameter); + } + + elsif($command eq "primeplayeigeneplaylist") { + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"getprimeplayeigeneplaylist",""); + } + + elsif($command eq "address") { + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"address",$parameter); + } + + return undef; +} + +sub echodevice_Set($@) { + my ($hash, @a) = @_; + + shift @a; + my $command = shift @a; + my $parameter = join(' ',@a); + my $name = $hash->{NAME}; + my $ShoppingListe = ReadingsVal($name, "list_SHOPPING_ITEM", ""); + my $TaskListe = ReadingsVal($name, "list_TASK", ""); + my $tracks = AttrVal($name, 'tracks', AttrVal(AttrVal($name, 'IODev', $name), 'tracks', undef)); + my $usage = 'Unknown argument $command, choose one of '; + + return $usage if ($hash->{model} eq 'unbekannt'); + + if($hash->{model} eq "ACCOUNT") { + $usage .= 'autocreate_devices:noArg item_shopping_add item_task_add '; + $usage .= 'AWS_Access_Key AWS_Secret_Key TTS_IPAddress TTS_Filename TTS_TuneIn POM_TuneIn POM_IPAddress POM_Filename AWS_OutputFormat:mp3,ogg_vorbis,pcm textmessage ';# if(defined($hash->{helper}{".COMMSID"})); + $usage .= 'config_address_from config_address_to config_address_between mobilmessage '; + $usage .= 'login:noArg loginwithcaptcha login2FACode ' if($hash->{LOGINMODE} eq "NORMAL"); + $usage .= 'NPM_install:noArg NPM_login:new,refresh ' if($hash->{LOGINMODE} eq "NPM"); + + # Einkaufsliste + my $ShoppingListe = ReadingsVal($name, "list_SHOPPING_ITEM", ""); + my $TaskListe = ReadingsVal($name, "list_TASK", ""); + $ShoppingListe =~ s/ / /g; + $TaskListe =~ s/ / /g; + $usage .= ' item_shopping_delete:'.$ShoppingListe; + $usage .= ' item_task_delete:'.$TaskListe; + } + + elsif ($hash->{model} eq "Echo Multiroom" || $hash->{model} eq "Sonos Display" || $hash->{model} eq "Echo Stereopaar") { + $usage .= 'volume:slider,0,1,100 play:noArg pause:noArg next:noArg previous:noArg forward:noArg rewind:noArg shuffle:on,off repeat:on,off '; + $usage .= 'tunein primeplaylist primeplaysender primeplayeigene primeplayeigeneplaylist tts tts_translate:textField-long playownmusic:textField-long saveownplaylist:textField-long '; + + if(defined($tracks)) { + $tracks =~ s/ /_/g; + $tracks =~ s/:/,/g; + $usage .= 'track:'.$tracks.' '; + } + else { + $usage .= 'track '; + } + # startownplaylist + $usage .= echodevice_GetOwnPlaylist($hash); + } + + else { + + if ($hash->{model} eq "Reverb" || $hash->{model} eq "Sonos One" || $hash->{model} eq "Sonos Beam") { + $usage .= 'reminder_normal reminder_repeat '; + } + else { + $usage .= 'volume:slider,0,1,100 play:noArg pause:noArg next:noArg previous:noArg forward:noArg rewind:noArg shuffle:on,off repeat:on,off dnd:on,off volume_alarm:slider,0,1,100 '; + $usage .= 'info:Beliebig_Auf_Wiedersehen,Beliebig_Bestaetigung,Beliebig_Geburtstag,Beliebig_Guten_Morgen,Beliebig_Gute_Nacht,Beliebig_Ich_Bin_Zuhause,Beliebig_Kompliment,Erzaehle_Geschichte,Erzaehle_Was_Neues,Erzaehle_Witz,Kalender_Heute,Kalender_Morgen,Kalender_Naechstes_Ereignis,Nachrichten,Singe_Song,Verkehr,Wetter tunein primeplaylist primeplaysender primeplayeigene primeplayeigeneplaylist alarm_normal alarm_repeat reminder_normal reminder_repeat speak speak_ssml tts tts_translate:textField-long playownmusic:textField-long saveownplaylist:textField-long '; + + $usage .= 'homescreen ' if ($hash->{model} eq "Echo Show 5" || $hash->{model} eq "Echo Show" || $hash->{model} eq "Echo Show Gen2"); + + # startownplaylist + $usage .= echodevice_GetOwnPlaylist($hash); + + if(defined($tracks)) { + $tracks =~ s/ /_/g; + $tracks =~ s/:/,/g; + $usage .= 'track:'.$tracks.' '; + } + else { + $usage .= 'track '; + } + $usage .= 'bluetooth_connect:'.$hash->{helper}{bluetooth}.' bluetooth_disconnect:'.$hash->{helper}{bluetooth}.' ' if(defined($hash->{helper}{bluetooth})); + } + + # Routinen auslesen + my $BehaviorName ; + my @Behaviors = (); + foreach my $BehaviorID (sort keys %{$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{"getbehavior"}}) { + #Log3 $name, 3, "[DEBUG] BehaviorID = " . $BehaviorID; + $BehaviorName = $hash->{IODev}->{helper}{"getbehavior"}{$BehaviorID}{triggers}[0]{payload}{utterance}; + $BehaviorName =~ s/ /_/g; + #Log3 $name, 3, "[DEBUG] Name = " . $BehaviorName; + push @Behaviors, $BehaviorName . "@" . $BehaviorID; + } + + # Reminder/Alarm auslesen + my @ncstrings = (); + my @Alarms = (); + + my $NotifiResult ; + my $NotifiType ; + foreach my $NotifiID (sort keys %{$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{"notifications"}{$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}}}) { + if ($hash->{IODev}->{helper}{"notifications"}{$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}}{$NotifiID} ne "") { + $NotifiResult = $hash->{IODev}->{helper}{"notifications"}{$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}}{$NotifiID} ; + $NotifiType = (split("_",$NotifiResult))[0]; + $NotifiResult =~s/ /_/g; + $NotifiResult =~s/,/_/g; + $NotifiResult =~s/@/_/g; + $NotifiResult .= "@" . $NotifiID ; + if (lc($NotifiType) eq "alarm" || lc($NotifiType) eq "musicalarm") { + push @Alarms, $NotifiResult; + } + push @ncstrings, $NotifiResult; + } + } + + if (@Alarms) { + @Alarms = sort @Alarms; + $usage .= 'alarm_off:' . join(",", @Alarms). ' '; + $usage .= 'alarm_on:' . join(",", @Alarms). ' '; + } + + if (@ncstrings) { + @ncstrings = sort @ncstrings; + $usage .= 'notifications_delete:' . join(",", @ncstrings). ' '; + } + + if (@Behaviors) { + @Behaviors = sort @Behaviors; + $usage .= 'routine_play:' . join(",", @Behaviors). ' '; + } + } + + return $usage if $command eq '?'; + + #return echodevice_Login($hash) if($command eq "login"); + return echodevice_SendLoginCommand($hash,"cookielogin1","") if($command eq "login"); + + if($command eq "NPM_install"){ + return echodevice_NPMInstall($hash); + } + + if($command eq "NPM_login"){ + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) ); + return echodevice_NPMLoginNew($hash) if ($a[0] eq "new") ; + return echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh($hash) if ($a[0] eq "refresh"); + } + + if($command eq "loginwithcaptcha"){ + return echodevice_getHelpText("HTML Result file does exits. Pleas activate the attribut browser_save_data") if ((!-e $FW_dir . "/echodevice/results/". $name . "_cookielogin4.html")); + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) ); + $hash->{helper}{CAPTCHA} = $a[0]; + echodevice_SendLoginCommand($hash,"cookielogin4captcha",""); + return; + } + + if($command eq "login2FACode"){ + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) ); + $hash->{helper}{TWOFA} = $a[0]; + echodevice_SendLoginCommand($hash,"cookielogin4",""); + return; + } + + if(IsDisabled($name)) { + $hash->{STATE} = "disabled"; + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", "disabled", 1); + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + return "$name is disabled. Aborting..."; + } + + my $ConnectState = ""; + if($hash->{model} eq "ACCOUNT") {$ConnectState = $hash->{STATE}} else {$ConnectState = $hash->{IODev}->{STATE}} + + if ($ConnectState ne "connected" && $command ne "login" && $command ne "login2FACode") { + return "$name is not connected. Aborting..."; + } + + # Allgemeine Einstellungen + if($command eq "bluetooth_connect"){ + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) ); + + my @parameters = split("/",$a[0]); + $parameters[0] =~ s/-/:/g; + + my $json = encode_json( { bluetoothDeviceAddress => $parameters[0] } ); + + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"bluetooth_connect",$json); + } + + elsif($command eq "autocreate_devices") { + readingsSingleUpdate ( $hash, "autocreate_devices", "running", 0 ); + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"autocreate_devices",""); + } + + elsif($command eq "bluetooth_disconnect"){ + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) ); + + my @parameters = split("/",$a[0]); + $parameters[0] =~ s/-/:/g; + + my $json = encode_json( { bluetoothDeviceAddress => $parameters[0] } ); + + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"bluetooth_disconnect",$json); + } + + elsif($command eq "dnd"){ + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) ); + + my $json = encode_json( { deviceSerialNumber => $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}, + deviceType => $hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}, + enabled => ($a[0] eq "on")?"true":"false" } ); + + $json =~s/\"true\"/true/g; + $json =~s/\"false\"/false/g; + + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"dnd",$json); + } + + elsif($command eq "volume") { + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined( $a[0] ) ); + + # Voluemeangabe prüfen + if ($a[0] >= 0 && $a[0] <= 100 ) { + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "volume", $a[0], 1); + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"volume",$a[0]); + } + else { + return echodevice_getHelpText("Argument $a[0] does not seem to be a valid integer between 0 and 100"); + } + } + + elsif($command eq "volume_alarm") { + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined( $a[0] ) ); + # Voluemeangabe prüfen + if ($a[0] >= 0 && $a[0] <= 100 ) { + + my $json = encode_json( { deviceSerialNumber => $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}, + deviceType => $hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}, + softwareVersion => $hash->{helper}{VERSION}, + volumeLevel => int($a[0]) } ); + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "volume_alarm", $a[0], 1); + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"volume_alarm",$json); + } + else { + return echodevice_getHelpText("Argument $a[0] does not seem to be a valid integer between 0 and 100"); + } + } + + elsif($command eq "config_address_from" || $command eq "config_address_to" || $command eq "config_address_between") { + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,$command,$parameter); + } + + # Listen + elsif($command eq "item_task_delete" ) { + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($parameter) ); + + my $json = JSON->new->utf8(1)->encode( {'type' => "TASK", + 'text' => decode_utf8($parameter), + 'createdDate' => int(time), + 'itemId' => $hash->{helper}{"ITEMS"}{"TASK"}{"$parameter"}, + 'complete' => "true", + 'deleted' => "true" } ); + + $json =~ s/\"true\"/true/g; + $json =~ s/\"false\"/false/g; + + my @TaskList = split(",",$TaskListe); + my $Result; + foreach my $TaskName (@TaskList) {if ($TaskName ne $parameter) { + if ($Result eq "" ){$Result = $TaskName;} else {$Result .= "," .$TaskName;}} + } + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + + if ($Result eq "") {readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "list_SHOPPING_ITEM", "" , 1);} + else {readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "list_TASK", $Result , 1);} + + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"item_task_delete",$json) + } + + elsif($command eq "item_shopping_delete" ) { + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($parameter) ); + + my $json = JSON->new->utf8(1)->encode( { 'type' => "SHOPPING_ITEM", + 'text' => decode_utf8($parameter), + 'createdDate' => int(time), + 'itemId' => $hash->{helper}{"ITEMS"}{"SHOPPING_ITEM"}{"$parameter"}, + 'complete' => "true", + 'deleted' => "true" } ); + + $json =~ s/\"true\"/true/g; + $json =~ s/\"false\"/false/g; + + my @ShoppList = split(",",$ShoppingListe); + my $Result; + foreach my $ShopName (@ShoppList) { + if ($ShopName ne $parameter) {if ($Result eq "" ){$Result = $ShopName;} else {$Result .= "," .$ShopName;}} + } + + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + + if ($Result eq "") {readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "list_SHOPPING_ITEM", "" , 1);} + else {readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "list_SHOPPING_ITEM", $Result , 1);} + + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"item_shopping_delete",$json) + } + + elsif($command eq "item_task_add" ) { + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) ); + my $json = JSON->new->utf8(1)->encode( { 'type' => "TASK", + 'text' => decode_utf8($parameter), + 'createdDate' => int(time), + 'itemId' => $hash->{helper}{"ITEMS"}{"TASK"}{"$parameter"}, + 'complete' => "false", + 'deleted' => "false" } ); + + $json =~ s/\"true\"/true/g; + $json =~ s/\"false\"/false/g; + + $parameter =~ s/ /_/g; + + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + if ($TaskListe eq "") {readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "list_TASK", $parameter , 1);} + else {readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "list_TASK", $parameter . "," . $TaskListe , 1); } + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"item_task_add",$json) + } + + elsif($command eq "item_shopping_add" ) { + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($parameter) ); + + my $json = JSON->new->utf8(1)->encode( { 'type' => "SHOPPING_ITEM", + 'text' => decode_utf8($parameter), + 'createdDate' => int(time), + 'itemId' => $hash->{helper}{"ITEMS"}{"SHOPPING_ITEM"}{"$parameter"}, + 'complete' => "false", + 'deleted' => "false" } ); + + $json =~ s/\"true\"/true/g; + $json =~ s/\"false\"/false/g; + + $parameter =~ s/ /_/g; + + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + if ($ShoppingListe eq "") {readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "list_SHOPPING_ITEM", $parameter , 1);} + else {readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "list_SHOPPING_ITEM", $parameter . "," . $ShoppingListe , 1); } + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"item_shopping_add",$json) + } + + # Erinnerungen / Timer / Wecker + elsif($command eq "reminder_normal" || $command eq "alarm_normal") { + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) ); + + my $reminder_delay = AttrVal($name, "reminder_delay", 10); + my $ReminderText ; + my $ReminderDate ; + + my $Type; + + $Type = "Reminder" if ($command eq "reminder_normal"); + $Type = "Alarm" if ($command eq "alarm_normal"); + + # Reading festhalten + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, lc($Type) . "_normal", join(' ',@a), 1); + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + + my ($Tsec, $Tmin, $Thour, $Tmday, $Tmon, $Tyear, $Twday, $Tyday, $Tisdst) = localtime(); + + # Prüfen es sich um ein Datum handelt + if (index($a[0], "-") != -1){ + $ReminderDate = str2time($a[0] . " " . $a[1]); + splice @a, 0, 1; + splice @a, 0, 1; + $ReminderText = join(' ',@a); + + } + elsif (index($a[0], ":") != -1){ + $ReminderDate = str2time(sprintf("%04d",$Tyear+1900)."-".sprintf("%02d",$Tmon+1)."-".sprintf("%02d",$Tmday)." ". $a[0]); + splice @a, 0, 1; + $ReminderText = join(' ',@a); + } + else { + $ReminderText = $parameter; + $ReminderDate = time + $reminder_delay; + } + + my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime($ReminderDate); + + my $json = encode_json( { alarmTime => $ReminderDate*1000, + createdDate => int(time)*1000, + deviceSerialNumber => $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}, + deviceType => $hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}, + id => "create".$Type, + isRecurring => "false", + isSaveInFlight => "true", + originalDate => sprintf("%04d",$year+1900)."-".sprintf("%02d",$mon+1)."-".sprintf("%02d",$mday), + originalTime => sprintf("%02d",$hour).":".sprintf("%02d",$min).":".sprintf("%02d",$sec).".000", + reminderLabel => decode_utf8($ReminderText), + status => "ON", + type => $Type}); + + $json =~ s/\"true\"/true/g; + $json =~ s/\"false\"/false/g; + + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"reminderitem",$json); + + } + + elsif($command eq "reminder_repeat" || $command eq "alarm_repeat") { + return echodevice_getHelpText("There are some arguments missing. [Zeitangabe] [Wiederholumgsmode] nachrichtentext ") if ( !defined($a[0]) ); + + my $Type; + + $Type = "Reminder" if ($command eq "reminder_repeat"); + $Type = "Alarm" if ($command eq "alarm_repeat"); + + # Reading festhalten + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, lc($Type)."_repeat", join(' ',@a), 1); + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + + # Vorbereitungen + my @parameters = split(":",$a[0]); + my $ReminderRecc = $a[1]; + splice @a, 0, 1; + splice @a, 0, 1; + my $ReminderText = join(' ',@a); + my $recurringPattern = ""; + + if ($ReminderRecc eq "1") {$recurringPattern = "P1D";} + elsif ($ReminderRecc eq "2") {$recurringPattern = "XXXX-WD";} + elsif ($ReminderRecc eq "3") {$recurringPattern = "XXXX-WE";} + elsif ($ReminderRecc eq "4") {$recurringPattern = "XXXX-WXX-1";} + elsif ($ReminderRecc eq "5") {$recurringPattern = "XXXX-WXX-2";} + elsif ($ReminderRecc eq "6") {$recurringPattern = "XXXX-WXX-3";} + elsif ($ReminderRecc eq "7") {$recurringPattern = "XXXX-WXX-4";} + elsif ($ReminderRecc eq "8") {$recurringPattern = "XXXX-WXX-5";} + elsif ($ReminderRecc eq "9") {$recurringPattern = "XXXX-WXX-6";} + elsif ($ReminderRecc eq "10") {$recurringPattern = "XXXX-WXX-7";} + else {$recurringPattern = "P1D";} + + my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime(); + + my $json = encode_json( { alarmTime => int(time)*1000, + createdDate => int(time)*1000 , + deviceSerialNumber => $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}, + deviceType => $hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}, + id => "create".$Type, + isRecurring => "true", + isSaveInFlight => "true", + recurringPattern => $recurringPattern, + originalDate => sprintf("%04d",$year+1900)."-".sprintf("%02d",$mon+1)."-".sprintf("%02d",$mday), + originalTime => sprintf("%02d",$parameters[0]).":".sprintf("%02d",$parameters[1]).":00.000", + status => "ON", + reminderLabel => decode_utf8($ReminderText), + type => $Type}); + + $json =~ s/\"true\"/true/g; + $json =~ s/\"false\"/false/g; + + Log3( $name, 5, "[$name] set ".lc($Type)."_repeat $parameters[0]:$parameters[1] $ReminderRecc Message = $ReminderText"); + + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"reminderitem",$json); + + } + + elsif($command eq "notifications_delete"){ + + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0])); + + my @parameters = split("@",$parameter); + + # Reminder aus dem hash entfernen + $hash->{IODev}->{helper}{"notifications"}{$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}}{$parameters[1]} = ""; + + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"notifications_delete",$parameters[1]); + } + + elsif($command eq "alarm_off"){ + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0])); + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"alarm_off",$a[0]); + } + + elsif($command eq "alarm_on"){ + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0])); + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"alarm_on",$parameter); + } + + # Routinen + elsif($command eq "routine_play"){ + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0])); + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"routine_play",$parameter); + } + + # Nachrichten + elsif($command eq "textmessage"){ + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) ); + return echodevice_getHelpText("There are some arguments missing. [conversationId] nachrichtentext ") if ( !defined($a[1]) ); + + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,$command,join(' ',@a)); + } + + elsif($command eq "mobilmessage"){ + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) ); + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,$command,join(' ',@a)); + } + + elsif($command eq "message_delete"){ + + #return "No argument given" if ( !defined($a[0])); + + #my @parameters = split("@",$parameter); + + # Reminder aus dem hash entfernen + #$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{"notifications"}{$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}}{$parameters[1]} = ""; + + + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"message_delete",""); + } + + # Medien + elsif($command eq "tunein" || $command eq "ttstunein"){ + + my $tuneinID ; + if ( !defined($a[0]) && AttrVal($name,"tunein_default","none") eq "none" ) { + return echodevice_getHelpText("No argument given. You can set attribut tunein_default!"); + } + elsif (!defined($a[0])) {$tuneinID = AttrVal($name,"tunein_default","none");} + else {$tuneinID = $a[0];} + + # Player aktualisieren + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tunein", $tuneinID, 1); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playStatus", "playing", 1); + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"tunein",$tuneinID); + + InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 10, "echodevice_GetSettings", $hash, 0); + } + + elsif($command eq "primeplaylist"){ + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) ); + + # Reading festhalten + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "primeplaylist", $a[0], 1); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playStatus", "playing", 1); + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + + my $json = encode_json( { asin => $a[0] } ); + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,$command,$json); + + InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 5, "echodevice_GetSettings", $hash, 0); + } + + elsif($command eq "primeplayeigeneplaylist"){ + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) ); + + # Reading festhalten + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "primeplayeigeneplaylist", $a[0], 1); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playStatus", "playing", 1); + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + + my $json = encode_json( { playlistId => $a[0] } ); + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,$command,$json); + + InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 3, "echodevice_GetSettings", $hash, 0); + } + + elsif($command eq "primeplaysender"){ + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) ); + + # Reading festhalten + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "primeplaysender", $a[0], 1); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playStatus", "playing", 1); + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + + my $json = encode_json( { seed => '{"type":"KEY","seedId":"' . $a[0] .'"}' ,stationName => $a[0],seedType => "KEY" } ); + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,$command,$json); + + InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 3, "echodevice_GetSettings", $hash, 0); + } + + elsif($command eq "primeplayeigene"){ + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) ); + + # Reading festhalten + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "primeplayeigene", $a[0], 1); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playStatus", "playing", 1); + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + + my @PlayItem = split (/@/s, $parameter); + my $json = encode_json( { albumArtistName => $PlayItem[0],albumName => $PlayItem[1]} ); + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,$command,$json); + + InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 3, "echodevice_GetSettings", $hash, 0); + } + + elsif($command eq "track"){ + + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) ); + + # Reading festhalten + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "track", $a[0], 1); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playStatus", "playing", 1); + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + + my $json = encode_json( { trackId => $a[0], + playQueuePrime => "false"} ); + + $json =~s/\"true\"/true/g; + $json =~s/\"false\"/false/g; + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,$command,$json); + + InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 3, "echodevice_GetSettings", $hash, 0); + } + + elsif($command eq "AWS_Access_Key" || $command eq "AWS_Secret_Key" ) { + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, lc(".$command"), echodevice_encrypt($parameter), 1); + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + } + + elsif($command eq "TTS_Filename" || $command eq "POM_Filename" || $command eq "TTS_TuneIn" || $command eq "POM_TuneIn" || $command eq "AWS_OutputFormat" || $command eq "TTS_IPAddress" || $command eq "POM_IPAddress" ) { + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, lc($command), $parameter, 1); + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + } + + elsif($command eq "tts") { + + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) ); + + return echodevice_getHelpText("TTS can not play. The ECHO device $name is playing other media.") if (AttrVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME},"TTS_IgnorPlay",1) == 0 && ReadingsVal( $name, "playStatus", "stopped") eq "playing" && ReadingsVal($name , "currentTuneInID", "-") eq "-"); + return echodevice_getHelpText("TTS can not play. The ECHO device $name is playing other media.") if (AttrVal($name,"TTS_IgnorPlay",1) == 0 && ReadingsVal( $name, "playStatus", "stopped") eq "playing" && ReadingsVal($name , "currentTuneInID", "-") eq "-"); + return echodevice_getHelpText("TTS can not play. Please define TTS_IPAdrees at the ECHO ACCOUNT DEVICE " . $hash->{IODev}->{NAME}) if (ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME} , lc("TTS_IPAddress"), "none") eq "none"); + + my $TTS_Voice = AttrVal($name,"TTS_Voice","German_Female_Google"); + + if ($TTS_Voice eq "German_Female_Google") { + echodevice_Google($hash,$parameter,$command); + } + else { + echodevice_Amazon($hash,$parameter,$command); + } + + } + + elsif($command eq "tts_translate") { + + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) ); + + return echodevice_getHelpText("TTS can not play. The ECHO device $name is playing other media.") if (AttrVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME},"TTS_IgnorPlay",1) == 0 && ReadingsVal( $name, "playStatus", "stopped") eq "playing" && ReadingsVal($name , "currentTuneInID", "-") eq "-"); + return echodevice_getHelpText("TTS can not play. The ECHO device $name is playing other media.") if (AttrVal($name,"TTS_IgnorPlay",1) == 0 && ReadingsVal( $name, "playStatus", "stopped") eq "playing" && ReadingsVal($name , "currentTuneInID", "-") eq "-"); + return echodevice_getHelpText("TTS can not play. Please define TTS_IPAdrees at the ECHO ACCOUNT DEVICE " . $hash->{IODev}->{NAME}) if (ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME} , lc("TTS_IPAddress"), "none") eq "none"); + + my $TTS_Voice = AttrVal($name,"TTS_Voice","German_Female_Google"); + my $TTS_Translate_From = AttrVal($name,"TTS_Translate_From","german"); + my $TTS_CodeOutput = "en"; + my $TTS_CodeInput = "de"; + + # Output + if (index(lc($TTS_Voice), 'english') >= 0) { + $TTS_CodeOutput = "en"; + } + elsif (index(lc($TTS_Voice), 'french') >= 0) { + $TTS_CodeOutput = "fr"; + } + elsif (index(lc($TTS_Voice), 'portuguese') >= 0) { + $TTS_CodeOutput = "pt"; + } + elsif (index(lc($TTS_Voice), 'spanish') >= 0) { + $TTS_CodeOutput = "es"; + } + elsif (index(lc($TTS_Voice), 'dutch') >= 0) { + $TTS_CodeOutput = "nl"; + } + elsif (index(lc($TTS_Voice), 'italian') >= 0) { + $TTS_CodeOutput = "it"; + } + elsif (index(lc($TTS_Voice), 'japanese') >= 0) { + $TTS_CodeOutput = "ja"; + } + elsif (index(lc($TTS_Voice), 'korean') >= 0) { + $TTS_CodeOutput = "ko"; + } + elsif (index(lc($TTS_Voice), 'russian') >= 0) { + $TTS_CodeOutput = "ru"; + } + elsif (index(lc($TTS_Voice), 'turkish') >= 0) { + $TTS_CodeOutput = "tr"; + } + elsif (index(lc($TTS_Voice), 'german') >= 0) { + $TTS_CodeOutput = "de"; + } + else { + return "TTS can not play. Please define other TTS_Voice. Language not supported. Supported languages are:dutch,english,french,german,italian,japanese,korean,portuguese,russian,spanish and turkish"; + } + + # Input + if ($TTS_Translate_From eq "dutch") {$TTS_CodeInput = "nl"} + elsif ($TTS_Translate_From eq "english") {$TTS_CodeInput = "en"} + elsif ($TTS_Translate_From eq "french") {$TTS_CodeInput = "fr"} + elsif ($TTS_Translate_From eq "german") {$TTS_CodeInput = "de"} + elsif ($TTS_Translate_From eq "italian") {$TTS_CodeInput = "it"} + elsif ($TTS_Translate_From eq "japanese") {$TTS_CodeInput = "ja"} + elsif ($TTS_Translate_From eq "portuguese") {$TTS_CodeInput = "pl"} + elsif ($TTS_Translate_From eq "russian") {$TTS_CodeInput = "ru"} + elsif ($TTS_Translate_From eq "spanish") {$TTS_CodeInput = "es"} + elsif ($TTS_Translate_From eq "turkish") {$TTS_CodeInput = "tr"} + + if ($TTS_CodeInput eq $TTS_CodeOutput) { + return echodevice_getHelpText("TTS can not play. Please define other TTS_Voice or TTS_Translate_From. Input and output languages are the same!"); + } + + my $json = "{ dirCode:'" . $TTS_CodeInput . "-" . $TTS_CodeOutput . "', template:'General', text:'" .urlEncode($parameter) . "', lang:'de', limit:'3000',useAutoDetect:false, key:'123', ts:'MainSite',tid:'', IsMobile:false}"; + + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,$command,$json); + + } + + elsif($command eq "playownmusic") { + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) ); + return echodevice_getHelpText("POM can not play. Please define POM_IPAdrees at the ECHO ACCOUNT DEVICE ") . $hash->{IODev}->{NAME} if (ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME} , lc("POM_IPAddress"), "none") eq "none"); + echodevice_PlayOwnMP3($hash,$parameter); + } + + elsif($command eq "saveownplaylist") { + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) ); + echodevice_SaveOwnPlaylist($hash,$parameter); + } + + elsif($command eq "playownplaylist") { + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) ); + my $WEBAddress = ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME} , lc("POM_IPAddress"), "none"); + return echodevice_getHelpText("POM can not play. Please define POM_IPAdrees at the ECHO ACCOUNT DEVICE ") . $hash->{IODev}->{NAME} if ($WEBAddress eq "none"); + echodevice_PlayOwnMP3($hash,"http://" . $WEBAddress . "/playlists/" . $parameter); + } + + elsif($command eq "deleteownplaylist") { + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg")if ( !defined($a[0]) ); + # Playliste löschen + if ((-e $FW_dir . "/echodevice/playlists/". $parameter)) {unlink $FW_dir . "/echodevice/playlists/".$parameter} + } + + elsif($command eq "speak"){ + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) ); + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,$command,join(' ',@a)); + } + + elsif($command eq "speak_ssml"){ + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) ); + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,$command,join(' ',@a)); + } + + elsif($command eq "info"){ + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) ); + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,$command,join(' ',@a)); + } + + elsif($command eq "homescreen"){ + return echodevice_getHelpText("no arg") if ( !defined($a[0]) ); + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,$command,join(' ',@a)); + } + + else { + echodevice_SendMessage($hash,$command,$parameter); + # Player aktualisieren + InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 2, "echodevice_GetSettings", $hash, 0); + } + + return ; +} + +######################### +sub echodevice_SendMessage($$$) { + my ($hash,$command,$value) = @_; + my $name = $hash->{NAME}; + + my $json = encode_json( {} ); + + if($command eq "volume") { + $json = encode_json( { type => 'VolumeLevelCommand', + volumeLevel => 0+$value, + contentFocusClientId => undef } ); + } + + elsif ($command eq "play") { + $json = encode_json( { type => 'PlayCommand', + contentFocusClientId => undef } ); + } + + elsif ($command eq "pause") { + $json = encode_json( { type => 'PauseCommand', + contentFocusClientId => undef } ); + } + + elsif ($command eq "next") { + $json = encode_json( { type => 'NextCommand', + contentFocusClientId => undef } ); + } + + elsif ($command eq "previous") { + $json = encode_json( { type => 'PreviousCommand', + contentFocusClientId => undef } ); + } + + elsif ($command eq "forward") { + $json = encode_json( { type => 'ForwardCommand', + contentFocusClientId => undef } ); + } + + elsif ($command eq "rewind") { + $json = encode_json( { type => 'RewindCommand', + contentFocusClientId => undef } ); + } + + elsif ($command eq "shuffle") { + $json = encode_json( { type => 'ShuffleCommand', + shuffle => ($value eq "on"?"true":"false"), + contentFocusClientId => undef } ); + } + + elsif ($command eq "repeat") { + $json = encode_json( { type => 'RepeatCommand', + repeat => ($value eq "on"?"true":"false"), + contentFocusClientId => undef } ); + } + + else { + Log3 ($name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SendMessage] Unknown command $command $value"); + return ; + } + + Log3 ($name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SendMessage] command $command $value"); + + $json =~s/\"true\"/true/g; + $json =~s/\"false\"/false/g; + + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"command",$json); + +} + +sub echodevice_SendCommand($$$) { + my ( $hash, $type, $SendData ) = @_; + my $name = $hash->{NAME}; + my $SendUrl; + my $SendDataL; + + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SendCommand] [$type] START"; + + if($hash->{model} eq "ACCOUNT") { + return undef if(!defined($hash->{helper}{SERVER})); + $SendUrl = "https://".$hash->{helper}{SERVER}; + } + else { + return undef if(!defined($hash->{IODev}->{helper}{SERVER})); + $SendUrl = "https://".$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{SERVER}; + } + + my $SendParam ; + my $SendMetode = "GET" ; + + # Ohne JSON + if ($type eq "bluetoothstate") { + $SendUrl .= "/api/bluetooth?cached=true&_=".int(time); + } + + elsif ($type eq "notifications") { + $SendUrl .= "/api/notifications?cached=true&_=".int(time); + } + + elsif ($type eq "getdnd") { + $SendUrl .= "/api/dnd/device-status-list?_=".int(time); + } + + elsif ($type eq "getbehavior") { + $SendUrl .= "/api/behaviors/automations?limit=100"; + } + + elsif ($type eq "getdevicesettings") { + $SendUrl .= "/api/device-preferences"; + } + + elsif ($type eq "getisonline") { + $SendUrl .= "/api/devices-v2/device?cached=true&_=".int(time); + } + + elsif ($type eq "wakeword") { + $SendUrl .= "/api/wake-word?_=".int(time); + } + + elsif ($type eq "alarmvolume") { + $SendUrl .= "/api/device-notification-state?_=".int(time); + } + + elsif ($type eq "activities") { + if (int(AttrVal($name,"intervalvoice",999999)) != 999999) { + $SendUrl .= "/api/activities?startTime=&size=10&offset=1&_=".int(time); + } + else { + $SendUrl .= "/api/activities?startTime=&size=50&offset=1&_=".int(time); + } + } + + elsif ($type eq "player") { + $SendUrl .= "/api/np/player?deviceSerialNumber=".$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}."&deviceType=".$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}."&screenWidth=1392&_=".int(time); + } + + elsif ($type eq "media") { + $SendUrl .= "/api/media/state?deviceSerialNumber=".$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}."&deviceType=".$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}."&screenWidth=1392&_=".int(time); + } + + elsif ($type eq "reminderitem") { + $SendUrl .= "/api/notifications/createReminder"; + $SendMetode = "PUT"; + } + + elsif ($type eq "command") { + $SendUrl .= "/api/np/command?deviceSerialNumber=".$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}."&deviceType=".$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}; + $SendMetode = "POST"; + } + + elsif ($type eq "tunein" || $type eq "ttstunein" ) { + $SendUrl .= "/api/tunein/queue-and-play?deviceSerialNumber=".$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}."&deviceType=".$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}."&guideId=".$SendData."&contentType=station&callSign=&mediaOwnerCustomerId=".$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"}; + $SendDataL = $SendData ; + $SendData = ""; + $SendMetode = "POST"; + } + + elsif ($type eq "getnotifications" ) { + $SendUrl .= "/api/notifications"; + $SendData = ""; + } + + elsif ($type eq "notifications_delete" ) { + $SendUrl .= "/api/notifications/".$hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}."-".$hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}."-".$SendData; + $SendMetode = "DELETE"; + $SendData = ""; + $SendDataL = $SendData ; + } + + elsif ($type eq "routine_play") { + $SendUrl .= "/api/behaviors/preview"; + $SendMetode = "POST"; + + my @parameters = split("@",$SendData); + my $sequenceJson = encode_json($hash->{IODev}->{helper}{"getbehavior"}{$parameters[1]}{sequence}); + + $sequenceJson =~ s/"/\\"/g; + + #Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [DEBUG] JSONORG=" . $sequenceJsonTest; + #Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [DEBUG] JSONNEW=" . $sequenceJson; + + $SendData = '{"behaviorId":"'.$parameters[1].'","sequenceJson":"'.$sequenceJson.'","status":"'.$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{"getbehavior"}{$parameters[1]}{status}.'"}'; + my $AlexaType = $hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE}; + my $AlexaDSN = $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}; + $SendData =~ s/ALEXA_CURRENT_DEVICE_TYPE/$AlexaType/g; + $SendData =~ s/ALEXA_CURRENT_DSN/$AlexaDSN/g; + $SendDataL = $SendData; + } + + elsif ($type eq "mobilmessage") { + $SendUrl .= "/api/behaviors/preview"; + $SendMetode = "POST"; + my $Messagetext = $SendData; + $Messagetext =~ s/"/'/g; + $SendData = '{"behaviorId":"PREVIEW","sequenceJson":"{\"@type\":\"com.amazon.alexa.behaviors.model.Sequence\",\"startNode\":{\"operationPayload\":{\"notificationMessage\":\"' . $Messagetext .'\",\"alexaUrl\":\"#v2/behaviors\",\"customerId\":\"' . $hash->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"} .'\",\"title\":\"FHEM\"},\"type\":\"Alexa.Notifications.SendMobilePush\",\"@type\":\"com.amazon.alexa.behaviors.model.OpaquePayloadOperationNode\",\"skillId\":\"amzn1.ask.1p.routines.messaging\",\"name\":null},\"sequenceId\":\"amzn1.alexa.sequence.8f5aa289-c6d4-4a6f-a1b9-5b182e23be1e\"}","status":"ENABLED"}'; + $SendDataL = $SendData; + } + + elsif ($type eq "alarm_off" || $type eq "alarm_on" ) { + + my @parameters = split("@",$SendData); 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"\r\nDNT: 1\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nUpgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\r\nCookie:".$hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"}."\r\ncsrf: ".$hash->{helper}{".CSRF"}."\r\nContent-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8";} + else {$AmazonHeader = "User-Agent: ". $UserAgent ."\r\nAccept-Language: " . $HeaderLanguage . "\r\nDNT: 1\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nUpgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\r\nCookie:".$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".COOKIE"}."\r\ncsrf: ".$hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".CSRF"}."\r\nContent-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8";} + + if(not($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_REQUEST}) and @{$hash->{helper}{CMD_QUEUE}}) + { + + my $params = { + url => $param->{url}, + header => $AmazonHeader, + timeout => 10, + noshutdown => 1, + keepalive => 0, + method => $param->{method}, + data => $param->{data}, + CL => $param->{CL}, + hash => $hash, + type => $param->{type}, + httpversion => $param->{httpversion}, + callback => \&echodevice_Parse + }; + + my $request = pop @{$hash->{helper}{CMD_QUEUE}}; + + map {$hash->{helper}{".HTTP_CONNECTION"}{$_} = $params->{$_}} keys %{$params}; + map {$hash->{helper}{".HTTP_CONNECTION"}{$_} = $request->{$_}} keys %{$request}; + + my $type = $hash->{helper}{".HTTP_CONNECTION"}{type}; + + $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_REQUEST} = 1; + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_HandleCmdQueue] [$type] send command=" .echodevice_anonymize($hash, $hash->{helper}{".HTTP_CONNECTION"}{url}). " Data=" . $hash->{helper}{".HTTP_CONNECTION"}{data}; + HttpUtils_NonblockingGet($hash->{helper}{".HTTP_CONNECTION"}); + + } +} + +sub echodevice_SendLoginCommand($$$) { + my ( $hash, $type, $SendData ) = @_; + my $name = $hash->{NAME}; + my $SendUrl; + my $param; + my $HeaderLanguage = AttrVal($name,"browser_language","de,en-US;q=0.7,en;q=0.3"); + + # Überspringen wenn Attr cookie gesetzt ist! + if(AttrVal( $name, "cookie", "none" ) ne "none" && $type ne "cookielogin6") { + Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_SendLoginCommand] echodevice_FirstStart"; + echodevice_FirstStart($hash); + return; + } + + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SendLoginCommand] [$type]"; + + # Browser User Agent + my $UserAgent = AttrVal($name,"browser_useragent","Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:62.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/62.0"); + + if (AttrVal($name,"browser_useragent_random",0) == 1) { + $UserAgent = join('', map{('a'..'z','A'..'Z',0..9)[rand 62]} 0..20); + } + + readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "BrowserUserAgent", $UserAgent ,0); + readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "BrowserLanguage", $HeaderLanguage ,0); + + # COOKIE LOGIN + if ($type eq "cookielogin1" ) { + $param->{url} = "https://".$hash->{helper}{SERVER}."/"; + $param->{method} = "GET"; + $param->{ignoreredirects} = 1; + $param->{header} = "User-Agent: ". $UserAgent ."\r\nAccept-Language: " . $HeaderLanguage . "\r\nDNT: 1\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nUpgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1"; + $param->{callback} = \&echodevice_Parse; + $param->{type} = $type; + $param->{hash} = $hash; + $param->{timeout} = 10; + $param->{httpversion} = "1.1"; + + # Informationen füs Log + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SendLoginCommand] [$type] Accept-Language: $HeaderLanguage"; + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SendLoginCommand] [$type] User-Agent: $UserAgent"; + + #Daten zurücksetzen + $hash->{helper}{".login_postdata"} = ""; + $hash->{helper}{".login_location"} = ""; + $hash->{helper}{".login_sessionid"} = ""; + $hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"} = ""; + + readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, ".COOKIE", "" ,0); + readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "COOKIE_TYPE", "NEW" ,0); + readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "COOKIE_STATE", "START" ,0); + } + + if ($type eq "cookielogin2" ) { + $param->{url} = "https://".$hash->{helper}{SERVER}."/"; + $param->{method} = "GET"; + $param->{header} = "User-Agent: ".$UserAgent."\r\nAccept-Language: " . $HeaderLanguage . "\r\nDNT: 1\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nUpgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1"; + $param->{callback} = \&echodevice_Parse; + $param->{type} = $type; + $param->{hash} = $hash; + $param->{timeout} = 10; + $param->{httpversion} = "1.1"; + } + + if ($type eq "cookielogin3" ) { + + my $location = $hash->{helper}{".login_location"}; + my $cookiestring = $hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"}; + my $postdata = $hash->{helper}{".login_postdata"}; + + #Log3 $name, 3, "cookielogin3: ".$hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"} ; + #Log3 $name, 3, "cookielogin3: ".$hash->{helper}{".login_postdata"} ; + + $param->{url} = "https://www.amazon.de/ap/signin"; + $param->{method} = "POST"; + $param->{header} = "User-Agent: ".$UserAgent."\r\nAccept-Language: " . $HeaderLanguage . "\r\nDNT: 1\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nUpgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\r\nReferer: $location\r\nCookie: $cookiestring"; + $param->{callback} = \&echodevice_Parse; + $param->{data} = $postdata; + $param->{type} = $type; + $param->{hash} = $hash; + #$param->{timeout} = 10; + $param->{httpversion} = "1.0"; + } + + if ($type eq "cookielogin4" ) { + + my $location = $hash->{helper}{".login_location"}; + my $cookiestring = $hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"}; + my $postdata = $hash->{helper}{".login_postdata"}; + my $sessionid = $hash->{helper}{".login_sessionid"}; + + Log3 $name, 4, "cookielogin4: ".$hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"} ; + Log3 $name, 4, "cookielogin4: ".$hash->{helper}{".login_postdata"} ; + + $param->{url} = "https://www.amazon.de/ap/signin"; + $param->{method} = "POST"; + $param->{header} = "User-Agent: ".$UserAgent."\r\nAccept-Language: " . $HeaderLanguage . "\r\nDNT: 1\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nUpgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\r\nReferer: https://www.amazon.de/ap/signin/$sessionid\r\nCookie: $cookiestring"; + $param->{callback} = \&echodevice_Parse; + + + + if ($hash->{helper}{TWOFA} eq "" || substr $hash->{helper}{TWOFA}, 0, 1 eq "n" || substr $hash->{helper}{TWOFA}, 0, 1 eq "u" ) { + readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "2FACode", "not used" ,0); + $param->{data} = $postdata."email=".uri_escape(echodevice_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".USER"}))."&password=".uri_escape(echodevice_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".PASSWORD"}));#."&rememberMe=true"; + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SendLoginCommand] [$type] 2FACode not use"; + #Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SendLoginCommand] [$type] " . $param->{data}; + } + else { + readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "2FACode", "used " .$hash->{helper}{TWOFA} ,0); + my $zweiFA = $hash->{helper}{TWOFA} . "&rememberDevice"; + $param->{data} = $postdata."email=".uri_escape(echodevice_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".USER"}))."&password=".uri_escape(echodevice_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".PASSWORD"})).$zweiFA; + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SendLoginCommand] [$type] 2FACode use " . $hash->{helper}{TWOFA} ; + } + + $param->{ignoreredirects} = 1; + $param->{type} = $type; + $param->{hash} = $hash; + #$param->{timeout} = 10; + $param->{httpversion} = "1.0"; + $hash->{helper}{TWOFA} = ""; + } + + if ($type eq "cookielogin4captcha" ) { + + my $location = $hash->{helper}{".login_location"}; + my $cookiestring = $hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"}; + my $sessionid = $hash->{helper}{".login_sessionid"}; + + $param->{url} = "https://www.amazon.de/ap/signin"; + $param->{method} = "POST"; + $param->{header} = "User-Agent: ".$UserAgent."\r\nAccept-Language: " . $HeaderLanguage . "\r\nDNT: 1\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nUpgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\r\nReferer: https://www.amazon.de/ap/signin/$sessionid\r\nCookie: $cookiestring"; + $param->{callback} = \&echodevice_Parse; + + # Captcha Infos einlesen + my $HTMLFilename = $name . "_cookielogin4.html"; + my $file = $FW_dir . "/echodevice/results/" . $HTMLFilename ; + my $document = do { + local $/ = undef; + open my $fh, "<", $file + or die "could not open $file: $!"; + <$fh>; + }; + + my @formparams = ('create', 'workflowState','appActionToken','appAction','showRmrMe','captchaObfuscationLevel','openid.identity','forceValidateCaptcha','pageId','ces','openid.return_to','prevRID','openid.assoc_handle','openid.mode','prepopulatedLoginId','failedSignInCount','openid.claimed_id','openid.ns','showPasswordChecked','rememberMe','use_image_captcha'); + my $postdata = ""; + foreach my $formparam (@formparams){ + my $value = ($document =~ /type="hidden" name="$formparam" value="(.*)"/); + $value = $1; + $value =~ /^(.*?)"/; + $postdata .= $formparam."=".$1."&" + } + + $param->{data} = $postdata."email=".uri_escape(echodevice_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".USER"}))."&guess=" .$hash->{helper}{CAPTCHA}."&password=".uri_escape(echodevice_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".PASSWORD"}));#."&rememberMe=true"; + #Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SendLoginCommand] [$type] " . $param->{data}; + + $param->{ignoreredirects} = 1; + $param->{type} = $type; + $param->{hash} = $hash; + $param->{timeout} = 10; + $param->{httpversion} = "1.1"; + $hash->{helper}{TWOFA} = ""; + $hash->{helper}{CAPTCHA} = ""; + } + + if ($type eq "cookielogin5" ) { + + my $cookiestring = $hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"}; + + $param->{url} = "https://".$hash->{helper}{SERVER}."/api/bootstrap?version=0&_=".int(time); + $param->{header} = "User-Agent: ".$UserAgent."\r\nAccept-Language: " . $HeaderLanguage . "\r\nDNT: 1\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nUpgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\r\nReferer: https://".$hash->{helper}{SERVER}."/spa/index.html\r\nOrigin: https://".$hash->{helper}{SERVER}."\r\nCookie: $cookiestring"; + $param->{callback} = \&echodevice_Parse; + $param->{type} = $type; + $param->{hash} = $hash; + $param->{httpversion} = "1.1"; + } + + if ($type eq "cookielogin6" ) { + $param->{url} = "https://".$hash->{helper}{SERVER}."/api/bootstrap"; + $param->{header} = 'Cookie: '.$hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"}; + $param->{callback} = \&echodevice_ParseAuth; + $param->{noshutdown} = 1; + $param->{type} = $type; + $param->{hash} = $hash; + $param->{timeout} = 10; + $param->{httpversion} = "1.1"; + } + + HttpUtils_NonblockingGet($param); + +} + +sub echodevice_Parse($$$) { + my ($param, $err, $data) = @_; + my $hash = $param->{hash}; + my $name = $hash->{NAME}; + my $msgtype = $param->{type}; + + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] "; + Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] DATA Dumper=" . Dumper(echodevice_anonymize($hash, $data)); + + $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_REQUEST} = 0; + + if ($msgtype eq "account") { + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] DATA Dumper=" . Dumper(echodevice_anonymize($hash, $data)); + } + + # HTML Informationen mit schreiben + if (AttrVal($name,"browser_save_data",0) == 1) { + + #Verzeichnis echodevice anlegen + mkdir($FW_dir . "/echodevice", 0777) unless(-d $FW_dir . "/echodevice" ); + mkdir($FW_dir . "/echodevice/results", 0777) unless(-d $FW_dir . "/echodevice/results" ); + + # Eventuell vorhandene Datei löschen + my $HTMLFilename = $name . "_" . $msgtype . ".html"; + my $HeaderFilename = $name . "_" . $msgtype . "_header.html"; + if ((-e $FW_dir . "/echodevice/results/". $HTMLFilename)) {unlink $FW_dir . "/echodevice/results/".$HTMLFilename} + if ((-e $FW_dir . "/echodevice/results/". $HeaderFilename)) {unlink $FW_dir . "/echodevice/results/".$HeaderFilename} + + # Datei anlegen + open(FH, ">$FW_dir/echodevice/results/$HTMLFilename"); + print FH $data; + close(FH); + + # Datei anlegen + open(FH, ">$FW_dir/echodevice/results/$HeaderFilename"); + print FH $param->{httpheader}; + close(FH); + + } + + # COOKIE LOGIN Part + if($msgtype eq "cookielogin1") { + + my $location = $param->{httpheader}; + $location =~ /Location: (.+?)\s/; + $location = $1; + + #$location = "https://www.amazon.de/ap/signin?_encoding=UTF8&accountStatusPolicy=&disableCorpSignUp=&openid.assoc_handle=deflex&openid.claimed_id=http%3A%2F%2Fspecs.openid.net%2Fauth%2F2.0%2Fidentifier_select&openid.identity=http%3A%2F%2Fspecs.openid.net%2Fauth%2F2.0%2Fidentifier_select&openid.mode=checkid_setup&openid.ns=http%3A%2F%2Fspecs.openid.net%2Fauth%2F2.0&openid.ns.pape=http%3A%2F%2Fspecs.openid.net%2Fextensions%2Fpape%2F1.0&openid.pape.max_auth_age=0&openid.return_to=https%3A%2F%2Flayla.amazon.de%2Fgp%2Fyourstore%3Fie%3DUTF8%26action%3Dsign-out%26path%3D%252Fgp%252Fyourstore%26ref_%3Dpd_irl_gw_r%26signIn%3D1%26useRedirectOnSuccess%3D1"; + + $hash->{helper}{".login_location"} = $location; + + #Log3 $name, 3, "Cookie 3 : ".$hash->{helper}{".login_location"} ; + + echodevice_SendLoginCommand($hash,"cookielogin2",""); + return; + } + + if($msgtype eq "cookielogin2") { + + my (@cookies) = ($param->{httpheader} =~ /Set-Cookie: (.*)\s/g); + + my $cookiestring = ""; + my $sessionid = ""; + foreach my $cookie (@cookies){ + next if($cookie =~ /1970/); + $cookie =~ /(.*) (expires=|Version=|Domain)/; + $cookiestring .= $1." "; + + #Session ID + my @SessionID = split("=",$1); + + if (@SessionID[0] eq "session-id") { + $sessionid = @SessionID[1]; + $sessionid =~ s/;//g; + Log3 $name, 4, "Cookie 2 : COO = ".$sessionid ; + $sessionid = $cookie; + } + } + + #my @formparams = ('appActionToken', 'appAction', 'openid.return_to', 'prevRID', 'workflowState', 'showPasswordChecked'); + my @formparams = ('create', 'workflowState','appActionToken', 'appAction', 'showRmrMe', 'openid.return_to', 'prevRID', 'openid.identity', 'openid.assoc_handle', 'openid.mode', 'failedSignInCount', 'openid.claimed_id', 'pageId', 'openid.ns', 'showPasswordChecked'); + my $postdata = ""; + foreach my $formparam (@formparams){ + my $value = ($data =~ /type="hidden" name="$formparam" value="(.*)"/); + $value = $1; + $value =~ /^(.*?)"/; + $postdata .= $formparam."=".$1."&" + } + + $hash->{helper}{".login_postdata"} = $postdata; + $hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"} = $cookiestring; + $hash->{helper}{".login_sessionid"} = $sessionid; + + #Log3 $name, 3, "Cookie 2 : login_postdata = ".$hash->{helper}{".login_postdata"} ; + #Log3 $name, 3, "Cookie 2 : login_cookiestring = ".$hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"} ; + #Log3 $name, 3, "Cookie 2 : login_sessionid = ".$hash->{helper}{".login_sessionid"} ; + + echodevice_SendLoginCommand($hash,"cookielogin3",""); + return; + } + + if($msgtype eq "cookielogin3") { + + #my @formparams = ('appActionToken', 'appAction', 'openid.return_to', 'prevRID', 'workflowState', 'showPasswordChecked'); + my @formparams = ('create', 'workflowState','appActionToken', 'appAction', 'showRmrMe', 'openid.return_to', 'prevRID', 'openid.identity', 'openid.assoc_handle', 'openid.mode', 'failedSignInCount', 'openid.claimed_id', 'pageId', 'openid.ns', 'showPasswordChecked'); + my $postdata = ""; + foreach my $formparam (@formparams){ + my $value = ($data =~ /type="hidden" name="$formparam" value="(.*)"/); + $value = $1; + $value =~ /^(.*?)"/; + $postdata .= $formparam."=".$1."&" + } + + my (@cookies2) = ($param->{httpheader} =~ /Set-Cookie: (.*)\s/g); + + my $sessionid = ""; + my $cookiestring2 = ""; + foreach my $cookie (@cookies2){ + next if($cookie =~ /1970/); + $cookie =~ /(.*) (expires|Version|Domain)/; + $cookiestring2 .= $1." "; + $cookiestring2 =~ /ubid-acbde=(.*);/; + $sessionid = $1; + } + + $hash->{helper}{".login_postdata"} = $postdata; + $hash->{helper}{".login_sessionid"} = $sessionid; + $hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"} = $hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"} . $cookiestring2; + + #Log3 $name, 3, "Cookie 3 : ".$hash->{helper}{".login_postdata"} ; + #Log3 $name, 3, "Cookie 3 : ".$hash->{helper}{".login_sessionid"} ; + #Log3 $name, 3, "Cookie 3 : ".$hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"} ; + + + echodevice_SendLoginCommand($hash,"cookielogin4",""); + return; + } + + if($msgtype eq "cookielogin4" || $msgtype eq "cookielogin4captcha") { + + my (@cookies3) = ($param->{httpheader} =~ /Set-Cookie: (.*)\s/g); + + my $cookiestring3 = ""; + my $cookiestring = $hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"}; + + foreach my $cookie (@cookies3){ + #Log3 $name, 5, "Cookie: ".$cookie; + next if($cookie =~ /1970/); + $cookie =~ s/Version=1; //g; + $cookie =~ /(.*) (expires|Version|Domain)/; + $cookie = $1; + next if($cookiestring =~ /\Q$cookie\E/); + $cookiestring3 .= $cookie." "; + } + #Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [cookiestring3] = $cookiestring3"; + $hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"}.= $cookiestring3; + #Log3 $name, 3, "Cookie 4 : ".$cookiestring3 ; + + #$cookiestring3 =~s/"//g; + #Log3 $name, 3, "Cookie 4 : ".$cookiestring3 ; + + #Log3 $name, 3, "Cookie 4 : ".$hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"} ; + echodevice_SendLoginCommand($hash,"cookielogin5",""); + return; + } + + if($msgtype eq "cookielogin5") { + + my (@cookies4) = ($param->{httpheader} =~ /Set-Cookie: (.*)\s/g); + my $cookiestring4 = ""; + my $cookiestring = $hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"}; + + foreach my $cookie (@cookies4){ + #Log3 $name, 5, "Cookie: ".$cookie; + next if($cookie =~ /1970/); + $cookie =~ s/Version=1; //g; + $cookie =~ /(.*) (expires|Version)/; + $cookie = $1; + next if($cookiestring =~ /\Q$cookie\E/); + $cookiestring4 .= $cookie." "; + } + $cookiestring .= $cookiestring4; + + $hash->{helper}{".login_cookiestring"}.= $cookiestring4; + + if($cookiestring =~ /doctype html/) { + #RemoveInternalTimer($hash); + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] Login failed"; + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", "unauthorized", 1); + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + $hash->{STATE} = "LOGIN ERROR"; + return undef; + } + #Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [cookiestring] = $cookiestring"; + $hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} = $cookiestring; + $hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} =~ /csrf=([-\w]+)[;\s]?(.*)?$/ if(defined($hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"})); + $hash->{helper}{".CSRF"} = $1 if(defined($hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"})); + #Log3 $name, 3, "Cookie 4 : ".$cookiestring ; + + if(defined($hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"})){ + readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, ".COOKIE", $hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} ,0); # Cookie als READING festhalten! + readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "COOKIE_TYPE", "NEW" ,0); + } + echodevice_SendLoginCommand($hash,"cookielogin6",""); + return; + } + + if($msgtype eq "cookielogin6") { + readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "COOKIE_STATE", "OK" ,0); + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"devices",""); + return; + } + + if($msgtype eq "notifications_delete" || $msgtype eq "alarm_on" || $msgtype eq "alarm_off" || $msgtype eq "reminderitem") { + + my $IODev = $hash->{IODev}->{NAME}; + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] sendToFHEM get $IODev settings"; + print (fhem( "get $IODev settings" )) ; + + echodevice_HandleCmdQueue($hash); + return; + } + + if($data =~ /doctype html/ || $data =~ /cookie is missing/){ + #RemoveInternalTimer($hash); + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] Invalid cookie"; + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", "unauthorized", 1); + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + $hash->{STATE} = "COOKIE ERROR"; + echodevice_HandleCmdQueue($hash); + return undef; + } + + if($err){ + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] connection error $msgtype $err"; + echodevice_HandleCmdQueue($hash); + return undef; + } + + if($data =~ /No routes found/){ + + # Spezial set Volume + if ($msgtype eq "command") {} + else { + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] No routes found $msgtype"; + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", "timeout", 1); + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + } + + echodevice_HandleCmdQueue($hash); + return undef; + } + + if($data =~ /UnknownOperationException/){ + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] Unknown Operation"; + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", "unknown", 1); + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + echodevice_HandleCmdQueue($hash); + return undef; + } + + if($msgtype eq "null"){ + echodevice_HandleCmdQueue($hash); + return undef; + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "setting") { + InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 3, "echodevice_GetSettings", $hash, 0); + echodevice_HandleCmdQueue($hash); + return undef; + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "command") { + InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 3, "echodevice_GetSettings", $hash, 0); + echodevice_HandleCmdQueue($hash); + return undef; + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "primeplaylist") { + echodevice_HandleCmdQueue($hash); + return undef; + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "track") { + echodevice_HandleCmdQueue($hash); + return undef; + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "primeplayeigeneplaylist" || $msgtype eq "primeplayeigene" || $msgtype eq "primeplaysender") { + echodevice_HandleCmdQueue($hash); + return undef; + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "textmessage") { + echodevice_HandleCmdQueue($hash); + return undef; + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "volume_alarm") { + echodevice_HandleCmdQueue($hash); + return undef; + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "bluetooth_disconnect") { + echodevice_HandleCmdQueue($hash); + return undef; + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "bluetooth_connect") { + echodevice_HandleCmdQueue($hash); + return undef; + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "dnd") { + echodevice_HandleCmdQueue($hash); + return undef; + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "list") { + echodevice_HandleCmdQueue($hash); + return undef; + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "item_task_delete" || $msgtype eq "item_task_add") { + echodevice_HandleCmdQueue($hash); + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"listitems_task","TASK"); + return undef; + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "item_shopping_delete" || $msgtype eq "item_shopping_add") { + echodevice_HandleCmdQueue($hash); + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"listitems_shopping","SHOPPING_ITEM"); + return undef; + } + + if($@) { + if($data =~ /doctype html/ || $data =~ /cookie is missing/){ + #RemoveInternalTimer($hash); + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] Invalid cookie"; + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", "unauthorized", 1); + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + $hash->{STATE} = "COOKIE ERROR"; + #InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 10, "echodevice_CheckAuth", $hash, 0) if($hash->{model} eq "ACCOUNT"); + echodevice_HandleCmdQueue($hash); + return undef; + } + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", "error", 1); + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] json evaluation error ".$@."\n".Dumper(echodevice_anonymize($hash, $data)); + echodevice_HandleCmdQueue($hash); + return undef; + } + + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "state", "connected", 1); + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + + # Prüfen ob es sich um ein json String handelt! + if (index($data, '{') == -1) {$data = '{"data": "nodata"}';} + + my $json = eval { JSON->new->utf8(0)->decode($data) }; + + if($msgtype eq "activities") { + + if(defined($json->{activities}) && ref($json->{activities}) eq "ARRAY") { + foreach my $card (@{$json->{activities}}) { + # Device ID herausfiltern + my $sourceDeviceIds = ""; + foreach my $cards (@{$card->{sourceDeviceIds}}) { + next if (echodevice_getModel($cards->{deviceType}) eq "Echo Multiroom"); + next if (echodevice_getModel($cards->{deviceType}) eq "Sonos Display"); + next if (echodevice_getModel($cards->{deviceType}) eq "Echo Stereopaar"); + next if (echodevice_getModel($cards->{deviceType}) eq "unbekannt"); + $sourceDeviceIds = $cards->{serialNumber}; + } + + # Informationen in das ECHO Device eintragen + if(defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$sourceDeviceIds})) { + my $echohash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$sourceDeviceIds}; + #my $timestamp = int(time - ReadingsAge($echohash->{NAME},'voice',time))-5; + my $timestamp = int(ReadingsVal($echohash->{NAME},'voice_timestamp',time)); + my $IgnoreVoiceCommand = AttrVal($name,"ignorevoicecommand",""); + #Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [" . $echohash->{NAME} . "] timestamp = $timestamp / " . int($card->{creationTimestamp}); + #Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] echohash = ".$echohash->{NAME}; + + #next if($timestamp eq $card->{creationTimestamp}); + next if($timestamp >= int($card->{creationTimestamp})); + #next if($timestamp >= int($card->{creationTimestamp}/1000)); + next if($card->{description} !~ /firstUtteranceId/); + + #https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,82631.msg906424.html#msg906424 + next if($IgnoreVoiceCommand ne "" && $card->{description} =~ m/$IgnoreVoiceCommand/i); + + + my $textjson = $card->{description}; + $textjson =~ s/\\//g; + my $cardjson = eval { JSON->new->utf8(0)->decode($textjson) }; + + next if($@); + next if(!defined($cardjson->{summary})); + next if($cardjson->{summary} eq ""); + + $echohash->{".updateTimestamp"} = FmtDateTime(int($card->{creationTimestamp}/1000)); + readingsBeginUpdate($echohash); + readingsBulkUpdate($echohash, "voice", $cardjson->{summary}, 1); + readingsBulkUpdate($echohash, "voice_timestamp", $card->{creationTimestamp}, 1); + readingsEndUpdate($echohash,1); + $echohash->{CHANGETIME}[0] = FmtDateTime(int($card->{creationTimestamp}/1000)); + #Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [" . $echohash->{NAME} . "] Alexatext = ".$cardjson->{summary}; + } + } + } + + # Timer für Realtime Check! + my $IntervalVoice = int(AttrVal($name,"intervalvoice",999999)); + + if ($IntervalVoice != 999999 && $hash->{STATE} eq "connected" && AttrVal($name,"disable",0) == 0) { + Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] refresh voice command IntervalVoice=$IntervalVoice "; + $hash->{helper}{echodevice_refreshvoice} = 1; + $hash->{helper}{echodevice_refreshvoice_lastdate} = time(); + RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "echodevice_refreshvoice"); + InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $IntervalVoice , "echodevice_refreshvoice", $hash, 0); + } + else { + $hash->{helper}{echodevice_refreshvoice} = 0; + } + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "account") { + + my $i=1; + if ($data eq '{"data": "nodata"}') { + } + else { + if(ref($json) eq 'ARRAY') { + foreach my $account (@{$json}) { + $hash->{helper}{".COMMSID"} = $account->{commsId} if(defined($account->{commsId})); + $hash->{helper}{".DIRECTID"} = $account->{directedId} if(defined($account->{directedId})); + last if(1<$i++); + } + } + } + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "cards") { + my $timestamp = int(time - ReadingsAge($name,'voice',time)); + return undef if(!defined($json->{cards})); + return undef if(ref($json->{cards}) ne "ARRAY"); + foreach my $card (reverse(@{$json->{cards}})) { + #next if($card->{cardType} ne "TextCard"); + #next if($card->{sourceDevice}{serialNumber} ne $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}); + next if($timestamp >= int($card->{creationTimestamp}/1000)); + next if(!defined($card->{playbackAudioAction}{mainText})); + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + $hash->{".updateTimestamp"} = FmtDateTime(int($card->{creationTimestamp}/1000)); + readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "voice", $card->{playbackAudioAction}{mainText}, 1 ); + $hash->{CHANGETIME}[0] = FmtDateTime(int($card->{creationTimestamp}/1000)); + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + } + return undef; + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "media") { + + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + + if (defined($json->{currentState} )) { + if ($json->{currentState} ne "IDLE") { + #echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"player",""); # Player läuft! Daten abfragen! + } + else { + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "progress", "0", 1); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "progresslen", "0", 1); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "shuffle", $json->{shuffling}?"on":"off", 1) if(defined($json->{shuffling})); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "repeat", $json->{looping}?"on":"off", 1) if(defined($json->{looping})); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "volume", $json->{volume}, 1) if(defined($json->{volume})); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "mute", $json->{muted}?"on":"off", 1) if(defined($json->{muted})); + } + } + + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "player") { + + # Beenden wenn keine Daten vorhanden! + if(defined($json->{playerInfo})){ + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + my $TempTuneInName ; + my $TempTuneInURL ; + + # Play Status + if(!defined($json->{playerInfo}{state}) || $json->{playerInfo}{state} eq "IDLE" ){ + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playStatus", "stopped", 1); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentArtwork", "-", 1); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentTitle", "-", 1); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentArtist", "-", 1); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentAlbum", "-", 1); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentTuneInID", "-", 1); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "channel", "-", 1); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "progress", 0, 1); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "progresslen", 0, 1); + } + else { + + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "playStatus", lc($json->{playerInfo}{state}), 1); + + if(defined($json->{playerInfo}{infoText})) { + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentTitle", $json->{playerInfo}{infoText}{title}, 1) if(defined($json->{playerInfo}{infoText}{title})); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentArtist", $json->{playerInfo}{infoText}{subText1}, 1) if(defined($json->{playerInfo}{infoText}{subText1})); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentAlbum", $json->{playerInfo}{infoText}{subText2}, 1) if(defined($json->{playerInfo}{infoText}{subText2})); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentTitle", "-", 1) if(!defined($json->{playerInfo}{infoText}{title})); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentArtist", "-", 1) if(!defined($json->{playerInfo}{infoText}{subText1})); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentAlbum", "-", 1) if(!defined($json->{playerInfo}{infoText}{subText2})); + } + + if(defined($json->{playerInfo}{provider})) { + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "channel", $json->{playerInfo}{provider}{providerName}, 1) if(defined($json->{playerInfo}{provider}{providerName})); + $TempTuneInName = "TuneIn" if (lc($json->{playerInfo}{provider}{providerName}) eq 'tunein live-radio' || lc($json->{playerInfo}{provider}{providerName}) eq 'tunein-liveradio') ; + } else { + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "channel", "-", 1); + } + + if(defined($json->{playerInfo}{mainArt})) { + if(defined($json->{playerInfo}{mainArt}{url})){ + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentArtwork", $json->{playerInfo}{mainArt}{url}, 1); + $TempTuneInURL = $json->{playerInfo}{mainArt}{url}; + } + else{ + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentArtwork", "-", 1); + } + } + + if (lc($json->{playerInfo}{state}) eq "playing") { + # TuneIn ID festhalten + if ($TempTuneInURL ne "" && $TempTuneInName eq "TuneIn") { + my @TuneInID = split("/",$TempTuneInURL); + if (@TuneInID >= 3) { + $TempTuneInName = @TuneInID[3]; + $TempTuneInName =~ s/(\D+)//; + $TempTuneInName =~ s/(\D+)//; + $TempTuneInName = "s" . $TempTuneInName; + } + else { + $TempTuneInName = "-"; + } + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentTuneInID", $TempTuneInName , 1); + } + else { + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentTuneInID", "-", 1); + } + } + else { + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "currentTuneInID", "-", 1); + } + + if(defined($json->{playerInfo}{progress})) { + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "progress", $json->{playerInfo}{progress}{mediaProgress}, 1) if(defined($json->{playerInfo}{progress}{mediaProgress})); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "progress", 0, 1) if(!defined($json->{playerInfo}{progress}{mediaProgress})); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "progresslen", $json->{playerInfo}{progress}{mediaLength}, 1) if(defined($json->{playerInfo}{progress}{mediaLength})); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "progresslen", 0, 1) if(!defined($json->{playerInfo}{progress}{mediaLength})); + } + + if(defined($json->{playerInfo}{volume})) { + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "volume", $json->{playerInfo}{volume}{volume}, 1) if(defined($json->{playerInfo}{volume}{volume})); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "mute", $json->{playerInfo}{volume}{muted}?"on":"off", 1) if(defined($json->{playerInfo}{volume}{muted})); + } + + if(defined($json->{playerInfo}{transport}{shuffle})) { + if($json->{playerInfo}{transport}{shuffle} eq "SELECTED") {readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "shuffle", "true", 1);} + else{readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "shuffle", "false", 1);} + } + + if(defined($json->{playerInfo}{transport}{repeat})) { + if($json->{playerInfo}{transport}{repeat} eq "SELECTED") {readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "repeat", "true", 1);} + else{readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "repeat", "false", 1);} + } + } + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + } + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "getbehavior") { + $hash->{helper}{"getbehavior"} = (); + + return if (ref($json) ne "ARRAY"); + + foreach my $behavior (@{$json}) { + $hash->{helper}{"getbehavior"}{$behavior->{automationId}} = (); + $hash->{helper}{"getbehavior"}{$behavior->{automationId}}{triggers} = $behavior->{triggers}; + $hash->{helper}{"getbehavior"}{$behavior->{automationId}}{sequence} = $behavior->{sequence}; + $hash->{helper}{"getbehavior"}{$behavior->{automationId}}{status} = $behavior->{status}; + } + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "listitems_task" || $msgtype eq "listitems_shopping" ) { + my $listtype ;#= $param->{listtype}; + my @listitems; + my $Firststart = "1"; + my $Text ; + + $listtype = "TASK" if ($msgtype eq "listitems_task"); + $listtype = "SHOPPING_ITEM" if ($msgtype eq "listitems_shopping"); + + foreach my $item ( @{ $json->{values} } ) { + + if ($Firststart eq "1"){ + $hash->{helper}{"ITEMS"}{$item->{type}} = (); + $Firststart = "0"; + } + + next if ($item->{complete}); + $item->{text} =~ s/,/;/g; + $item->{text} =~ s/ /_/g; + $Text = $item->{text}; + push @listitems, $item->{text}; + + $hash->{helper}{"ITEMS"}{$item->{type}}{$item->{text}} = $item->{itemId}; + + } + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + + if (@listitems) { + readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "list_".$listtype, join(",", @listitems), 1 ); + } else { + readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "list_".$listtype, "", 1 ); + } + + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "getnotifications") { + my @ncstrings; + @ncstrings = (); + $hash->{helper}{"notifications"} = (); + my $RunningID = time(); + my $NotifiCount ; + my $NotifiReTime = 99999999; + my $TimerReTime = 99999999 ; + my $iFrom ; + my $HelperNotifyID ; + + foreach my $device (@{$json->{notifications}}) { + + #next if ($device->{status} eq "OFF" && (lc($device->{type}) ne "reminder" || lc($device->{type}) ne "timer")); + + $HelperNotifyID = $device->{notificationIndex}; + + my $ncstring ; + + if(lc($device->{type}) eq "reminder") { + $ncstring = $device->{type} . "_" . FmtDateTime($device->{alarmTime}/1000) . "_"; + $ncstring .= $device->{recurringPattern} . "_" if (defined($device->{recurringPattern})); + $ncstring .= $device->{reminderLabel} ; + } + elsif(lc($device->{type}) eq "timer") { + $ncstring = $device->{type} . "_" . $device->{remainingTime} + } + else { + $ncstring = $device->{type} . "_" . $device->{originalTime} ; + } + $hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{$device->{notificationIndex}} = $ncstring; + + #Reading anlegen + my $echohash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}; + + if (!defined($hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{"_".$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{"count_" . $device->{type}})) { + $NotifiCount = 1; + } + else { + $NotifiCount = int($hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{"_".$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{"count_" . $device->{type}}) + 1 + } + + next if(!defined($echohash)); + + readingsBeginUpdate($echohash); + if(lc($device->{type}) eq "reminder") { + readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, lc($device->{type}) . "_" . sprintf("%02d",$NotifiCount) . "_alarmtime" , FmtDateTime($device->{alarmTime}/1000), 1 ); + readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, lc($device->{type}) . "_" . sprintf("%02d",$NotifiCount) . "_alarmticks" , $device->{alarmTime}/1000, 1 ); + readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, lc($device->{type}) . "_" . sprintf("%02d",$NotifiCount) . "_id" , $device->{notificationIndex},1); + readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, lc($device->{type}) . "_" . sprintf("%02d",$NotifiCount) . "_recurring" , $device->{recurringPattern},1) if (defined($device->{recurringPattern})); + readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, lc($device->{type}) . "_" . sprintf("%02d",$NotifiCount) . "_recurring" , 0,1) if (!defined($device->{recurringPattern})); + } + elsif(lc($device->{type}) eq "timer") { + readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, lc($device->{type}) . "_" . sprintf("%02d",$NotifiCount) . "_remainingtime" , int($device->{remainingTime} / 1000), 1 ); + readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, lc($device->{type}) . "_" . sprintf("%02d",$NotifiCount) . "_id" , $device->{notificationIndex},1); + + if (int($device->{remainingTime} / 1000) < $TimerReTime) { + $TimerReTime = int($device->{remainingTime} / 1000); + readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, lc($device->{type}) . "_remainingtime" , int($device->{remainingTime} / 1000), 1 ); + readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, lc($device->{type}) . "_id" , $device->{notificationIndex},1); + } + + if ($TimerReTime <$NotifiReTime) {$NotifiReTime = $TimerReTime;} + } + else { + + $hash->{helper}{$device->{type}}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{$HelperNotifyID} = (); + + if ($device->{musicEntity} eq "") { + $hash->{helper}{$device->{type}}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{$HelperNotifyID}{"musicEntity"} = "null"; + } + else { + $hash->{helper}{$device->{type}}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{$HelperNotifyID}{"musicEntity"} = '"'.$device->{musicEntity}.'"'; + } + + if ($device->{musicAlarmId} eq "") { + $hash->{helper}{$device->{type}}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{$HelperNotifyID}{"musicAlarmId"} = "null"; + } + else { + $hash->{helper}{$device->{type}}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{$HelperNotifyID}{"musicAlarmId"} = '"'.$device->{musicAlarmId}.'"'; + } + + if ($device->{recurringPattern} eq "") { + $hash->{helper}{$device->{type}}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{$HelperNotifyID}{"recurringPattern"} = "null"; + } + else { + $hash->{helper}{$device->{type}}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{$HelperNotifyID}{"recurringPattern"} = $device->{recurringPattern}; + } + + if ($device->{provider} eq "") { + $hash->{helper}{$device->{type}}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{$HelperNotifyID}{"provider"} = "null"; + } + else { + $hash->{helper}{$device->{type}}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{$HelperNotifyID}{"provider"} = '"'.$device->{provider}.'"'; + } + + $hash->{helper}{$device->{type}}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{$HelperNotifyID}{"remainingTime"} = $device->{remainingTime}; + $hash->{helper}{$device->{type}}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{$HelperNotifyID}{"alarmTime"} = $device->{alarmTime}; + $hash->{helper}{$device->{type}}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{$HelperNotifyID}{"originalDate"} = $device->{originalDate}; + $hash->{helper}{$device->{type}}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{$HelperNotifyID}{"originalTime"} = $device->{originalTime}; + + readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, lc($device->{type}) . "_" . sprintf("%02d",$NotifiCount) . "_originalTime" , $device->{originalTime}, 1 ); + readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, lc($device->{type}) . "_" . sprintf("%02d",$NotifiCount) . "_originalDate" , $device->{originalDate}, 1 ); + readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, lc($device->{type}) . "_" . sprintf("%02d",$NotifiCount) . "_id" , $device->{notificationIndex},1); + readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, lc($device->{type}) . "_" . sprintf("%02d",$NotifiCount) . "_status" , lc($device->{status}),1); + readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, lc($device->{type}) . "_" . sprintf("%02d",$NotifiCount) . "_recurring" , $device->{recurringPattern},1) if (defined($device->{recurringPattern})); + readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, lc($device->{type}) . "_" . sprintf("%02d",$NotifiCount) . "_recurring" , 0,1) if (!defined($device->{recurringPattern})); + + } + # Infos im Hash hinterlegen + $hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{"_".$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{"count_" . $device->{type}} = $NotifiCount; + $hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{"_".$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}{lc($device->{type})."_aktiv"} = 1; + readingsEndUpdate($echohash,1); + } + + # Notifications Counter setzen + foreach my $DeviceID (sort keys %{$modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}}) { + foreach my $NotifyCounter (sort keys %{$hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{"_".$DeviceID}}) { + if ($NotifyCounter =~ m/count/ ) { + my $echohash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$DeviceID}; + readingsSingleUpdate($echohash, lc((split ("_", $NotifyCounter))[1]). "_count" ,$hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{"_".$DeviceID}{$NotifyCounter} , 1); + } + } + } + + # Timer neu setzen wenn der Timer gleich abläuft + if ($NotifiReTime < 60 && $NotifiReTime > 0) {InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $NotifiReTime , "echodevice_GetSettings", $hash, 0);} + + # Readings bereinigen + my $nextupdate = int(AttrVal($name,"intervalsettings",60)); + + foreach my $DeviceID (sort keys %{$modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}}) { + + next if (echodevice_getModel($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$DeviceID}{model}) eq "Echo Multiroom"); + next if (echodevice_getModel($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$DeviceID}{model}) eq "Sonos Display"); + next if (echodevice_getModel($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$DeviceID}{model}) eq "Echo Stereopaar"); + next if (echodevice_getModel($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$DeviceID}{model}) eq "unbekannt"); + + my $DeviceName = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$DeviceID}{NAME}; + my $echohash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$DeviceID}; + readingsBeginUpdate($echohash); + + # Timer auswerten + my $TimerAktiv = 0; + foreach my $i (1..20) { + my $ReadingAge = int(ReadingsAge($DeviceName, "timer_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_remainingtime", 2000)); + + if ($ReadingAge == 2000){last;} + elsif ($ReadingAge > $nextupdate) { + readingsDelete($echohash, "timer_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_id") ; + readingsDelete($echohash, "timer_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_remainingtime") ; + } + else {$TimerAktiv=1;} + } + + if ($TimerAktiv == 0) { + readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, "timer_count" , 0,1); + readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, "timer_id" , "-",1); + readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, "timer_remainingtime" , 0,1); + } + + # Erinnerungen auswerten + my $ReminderAktiv = 0; + $ReminderAktiv = $hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{"_".$DeviceID}{"reminder_aktiv"} if (defined($hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{"_".$DeviceID}{"reminder_aktiv"})); + + if ($ReminderAktiv eq "0") { + readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, "reminder_count" , 0,1); + } + else { + $hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{"_".$DeviceID}{"reminder_aktiv"} = 0 + } + + $iFrom = int(ReadingsVal($DeviceName, "reminder_count", 0)) +1 ; + + foreach my $i ($iFrom..20) { + + if (ReadingsVal($DeviceName, "reminder_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_alarmticks", "none") ne "none"){ + readingsDelete($echohash, "reminder_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_id") ; + readingsDelete($echohash, "reminder_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_alarmticks") ; + readingsDelete($echohash, "reminder_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_alarmtime") ; + readingsDelete($echohash, "reminder_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_recurring") ; + } + else {last;} + } + + # Alarm auswerten + my $AlarmAktiv = 0; + $AlarmAktiv = $hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{"_".$DeviceID}{"alarm_aktiv"} if (defined($hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{"_".$DeviceID}{"alarm_aktiv"})); + + if ($AlarmAktiv eq "0") { + readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, "alarm_count" , 0,1); + } + else { + $hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{"_".$DeviceID}{"alarm_aktiv"} = 0 + } + + $iFrom = int(ReadingsVal($DeviceName, "alarm_count", 0)) +1 ; + + foreach my $i ($iFrom..20) { + + if (ReadingsVal($DeviceName, "alarm_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_id", "none") ne "none"){ + readingsDelete($echohash, "alarm_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_id") ; + readingsDelete($echohash, "alarm_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_originalTime") ; + readingsDelete($echohash, "alarm_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_originalDate") ; + readingsDelete($echohash, "alarm_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_status") ; + readingsDelete($echohash, "alarm_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_recurring") ; + } + else {last;} + } + + # Musikalarm auswerten + my $MusikAlarmAktiv = 0; + $MusikAlarmAktiv = $hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{"_".$DeviceID}{"musikalarm_aktiv"} if (defined($hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{"_".$DeviceID}{"musicalarm_aktiv"})); + + if ($MusikAlarmAktiv eq "0") { + readingsBulkUpdate( $echohash, "musicalarm_count" , 0,1); + } + else { + $hash->{helper}{"notifications"}{"_".$DeviceID}{"musicalarm_aktiv"} = 0 + } + + $iFrom = int(ReadingsVal($DeviceName, "musicalarm_count", 0)) +1 ; + + foreach my $i ($iFrom..20) { + + if (ReadingsVal($DeviceName, "musicalarm_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_id", "none") ne "none"){ + readingsDelete($echohash, "musicalarm_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_id") ; + readingsDelete($echohash, "musicalarm_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_originalTime") ; + readingsDelete($echohash, "musicalarm_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_originalDate") ; + readingsDelete($echohash, "musicalarm_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_status") ; + readingsDelete($echohash, "musicalarm_" . sprintf("%02d",$i) . "_recurring") ; + } + else {last;} + } + + readingsEndUpdate($echohash,1); + } + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "homegroup") { + $hash->{helper}{HOMEGROUP} = $json->{homeGroupId} if(defined($json->{homeGroupId})); + $hash->{helper}{SIPS} = $json->{aor} if(defined($json->{aor})); + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "bluetoothstate") { + my @btstrings; + my @btdevices; + + my $echohash; + my $ConnectState; + + foreach my $device (@{$json->{bluetoothStates}}) { + @btstrings = (); + if(defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}})) { + foreach my $btdevice (@{$device->{pairedDeviceList}}) { + next if(!defined($btdevice->{friendlyName})); + next if (echodevice_getModel($btdevice->{deviceType}) eq "Reverb"); + next if (echodevice_getModel($btdevice->{deviceType}) eq "unbekannt"); + + $echohash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}; + + $btdevice->{address} =~ s/:/-/g; + $btdevice->{friendlyName} =~ s/ /_/g; + $btdevice->{friendlyName} =~ s/,/./g; + + if (int($btdevice->{connected}) == 0) {$ConnectState = "disconnected";} + elsif (int($btdevice->{connected}) == 1) {$ConnectState = "connected"} + else {$ConnectState = "unknown";} + + readingsSingleUpdate($echohash, "bluetooth_" . $btdevice->{address} ,$ConnectState , 1); + + my $btstring .= $btdevice->{address}."/".$btdevice->{friendlyName}; + push @btstrings, $btstring; + push @btdevices, "bluetooth_" . $btdevice->{address}; + } + $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}->{helper}{bluetooth} = join(",", @btstrings) if (@btstrings); + $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}->{helper}{bluetooth} = "-" if(!defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}->{helper}{bluetooth})); + } + } + # Bluetooth Geräte bereinigen! + my $echohash; + + foreach my $DeviceID (sort keys %{$modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}}) { + $echohash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$DeviceID}; + foreach my $BluetoothDevice (sort keys %{$modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$DeviceID}{READINGS}}) { + if ( grep( /^$BluetoothDevice$/, @btdevices ) ) { + #Log3 $name, 5, "DEBUG $name [bluetoothstate] FOUND Device=" . $DeviceID . " Reading=" . $BluetoothDevice if ($BluetoothDevice =~ m/bluetooth_/ ); + } + else { + readingsDelete($echohash, $BluetoothDevice ) if ($BluetoothDevice =~ m/bluetooth_/ ); + } + } + } + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "getdnd") { + foreach my $device (@{$json->{doNotDisturbDeviceStatusList}}) { + if(defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}})) { + next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "Reverb"); + next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "Echo Multiroom"); + next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "Echo Stereopaar"); + next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "Sonos Display"); + next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "Sonos One"); + next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "Sonos Beam"); + next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "unbekannt"); + my $echohash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}; + readingsBeginUpdate($echohash); + readingsBulkUpdate($echohash, "dnd", $device->{enabled}?"on":"off", 1); + readingsEndUpdate($echohash,1); + } + } + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "alarmvolume") { + foreach my $device (@{$json->{deviceNotificationStates}}) { + if(defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}})) { + next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "Reverb"); + next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "Echo Multiroom"); + next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "Sonos Display"); + next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "Echo Stereopaar"); + next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "unbekannt"); + my $echohash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}; + readingsBeginUpdate($echohash); + readingsBulkUpdate($echohash, "volume_alarm", $device->{volumeLevel}, 1)if(defined($device->{volumeLevel})); + readingsEndUpdate($echohash,1); + } + } + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "dndset") { + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "dnd", $json->{enabled}?"on":"off", 1) if(defined($json->{enabled})); + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "tunein") { + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "ttstunein") { + InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $hash->{helper}{lasttuneindelay} , "echodevice_StartLastMedia" , $hash, 0); + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] Setze echodevice_StartLastMedia Timer in " . $hash->{helper}{lasttuneindelay} . " Sekunden."; + + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "tts_translate") { + + my $TTS_Translate_Result = "ERROR no result!!!!"; + my $TTS_Translate_ResultTags = ""; + + if (defined($json->{d})) { + if (defined($json->{d}{result})) { + $TTS_Translate_Result = $json->{d}{result}; + } + + if (defined($json->{d}{resultNoTags})) { + $TTS_Translate_ResultTags = $json->{d}{resultNoTags}; + } + } + + # Prüfen ob Text erkannt wurde + if (index($TTS_Translate_Result,'=0 && $TTS_Translate_ResultTags ne "" ) { + # Kein Text erkannt! + my @TTS_ResultArray = split("\n",$TTS_Translate_ResultTags); + $TTS_Translate_Result = substr($TTS_ResultArray[1], 5,index($TTS_ResultArray[1],",")-5 ); + } + + # Verzeichnis anlegen + my $filedir = "cache"; + mkdir($filedir, 0777) unless(-d $filedir ); + + # Text in Datei zwischenspeichern + open(FH, ">$filedir/$name.html"); + print FH $TTS_Translate_Result; + close(FH); + + # Reading aktualisieren. + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "tts_translate_result",$TTS_Translate_Result , 1); + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + + # Datei wieder auslesen + open FILE, "$filedir/$name.html" or do { + return; + }; + chomp(my $TTS_Translate_Result = ); + close FILE; + + # TTS Nachricht abspielen + if ($TTS_Translate_Result ne "ERROR no result!!!!") { + echodevice_Amazon($hash,$TTS_Translate_Result,$msgtype); + + } + + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "wakeword") { + foreach my $device (@{$json->{wakeWords}}) { + if(defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}})) { + my $echohash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}; + readingsBeginUpdate($echohash); + #readingsBulkUpdate($echohash, "active", $device->{active}?"true":"false", 1) if(defined($device->{active})); + readingsBulkUpdate($echohash, "wakeword", $device->{wakeWord}, 1) if(defined($device->{wakeWord})); + #readingsBulkUpdate($echohash, "midfield", $device->{midFieldState}, 1) if(defined($device->{midFieldState})); + readingsEndUpdate($echohash,1); + } + } + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "getdevicesettings") { + foreach my $device (@{$json->{devicePreferences}}) { + if(defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}})) { + my $echohash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{deviceSerialNumber}}; + next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "Echo Multiroom"); + next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "Echo Stereopaar"); + next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "unbekannt"); + readingsBeginUpdate($echohash); + readingsBulkUpdate($echohash, "microphone", $device->{notificationEarconEnabled}?"false":"true", 1) if(defined($device->{notificationEarconEnabled})); + readingsBulkUpdate($echohash, "deviceAddress", $device->{deviceAddress}, 1) if(defined($device->{deviceAddress})); + readingsBulkUpdate($echohash, "timeZoneId", $device->{timeZoneId}, 1) if(defined($device->{timeZoneId})); + readingsEndUpdate($echohash,1); + } + } + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "getisonline") { + foreach my $device (@{$json->{devices}}) { + if(defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{serialNumber}})) { + my $echohash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$device->{serialNumber}}; + next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "Echo Multiroom"); + next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "Echo Stereopaar"); + next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "Sonos Display"); + next if (echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType}) eq "unbekannt"); + readingsBeginUpdate($echohash); + readingsBulkUpdate($echohash, "online", $device->{online}?"true":"false", 1) if(defined($device->{online})); + readingsEndUpdate($echohash,1); + } + } + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "conversations") { + + my $return = ''; + $return .= "


"; + $return .= ""; + my $conversations_date = ""; + my $conversations_msg = ""; + + if(!defined($json->{conversations})) {} + elsif(ref($json->{conversations}) ne "ARRAY") {} + else{ + foreach my $conversation (@{$json->{conversations}}) { + if(defined($conversation->{lastMessage}{payload}{text})){ + $conversations_date = $conversation->{lastMessage}{time}; + $conversations_msg = substr($conversation->{lastMessage}{payload}{text},0,32); + $conversations_msg =~ s/[\x0A\x0D]//g; + } else { + $conversations_msg = "no previous messages"; + $conversations_date = "no date"; + } + $return .= ""; + } + } + $return .= "
".$conversation->{conversationId}."   ".$conversations_date."   ".$conversations_msg."   
"; + asyncOutput( $param->{CL}, $return ); + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "devices" || $msgtype eq "autocreate_devices") { + + my $autocreated = 0; + my $autocreate = 0; + my $isautocreated = 0; + $autocreate=1 if($msgtype eq "autocreate_devices"); + + my $return = ''; + $return .= "


"; + $return .= ""; + + if(!defined($json->{devices})) {} + elsif (ref($json->{devices}) ne "ARRAY") {} + else { + foreach my $device (@{$json->{devices}}) { + #next if($device->{deviceFamily} eq "UNKNOWN"); + #next if($device->{deviceFamily} eq "FIRE_TV"); + #next if($device->{deviceFamily} =~ /AMAZON/); + $isautocreated = 0; + if($autocreate && ($device->{deviceFamily} eq "UNKNOWN" || $device->{deviceFamily} eq "FIRE_TV" || $device->{deviceFamily} eq "TABLET" || $device->{deviceFamily} eq "ECHO" || $device->{deviceFamily} eq "KNIGHT" || $device->{deviceFamily} eq "THIRD_PARTY_AVS_MEDIA_DISPLAY" || $device->{deviceFamily} eq "WHA" || $device->{deviceFamily} eq "ROOK" )) { + if( defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{"$device->{serialNumber}"}) ) { + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] device '$device->{serialNumber}' already defined"; + if (AttrVal($name, "autocreate_refresh", 0) == 1) { + my $devicehash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{"$device->{serialNumber}"}; + print (fhem( "attr " . $devicehash->{NAME} ." alias " .$device->{accountName} )) if( defined($device->{accountName}) ); + print (fhem( "attr " . $devicehash->{NAME} ." icon echo" ))if (-e "././www/images/fhemSVG/echo.svg"); + } + } + else { + $isautocreated = 1; + my $devname = "ECHO_".$device->{serialNumber}; + my $define= "$devname echodevice ".$device->{deviceType}." ".$device->{serialNumber}; + + Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] create new device '$devname'"; + my $cmdret= CommandDefine(undef,$define); + if($cmdret) { + Log3 $name, 1, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] Autocreate: An error occurred while creating device for serial '$device->{serialNumber}': $cmdret"; + } + else { + $cmdret= CommandAttr(undef,"$devname alias ".$device->{accountName}) if( defined($device->{accountName}) ); + $cmdret= CommandAttr(undef,"$devname icon echo" )if (-e "././www/images/fhemSVG/echo.svg"); + $cmdret= CommandAttr(undef,"$devname IODev $name"); + $cmdret= CommandAttr(undef,"$devname room Amazon"); + $autocreated++; + } + + $hash->{helper}{VERSION} = $device->{softwareVersion} if(!defined($hash->{helper}{VERSION})); + $hash->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"} = $device->{deviceOwnerCustomerId} if(!defined($hash->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"})); + $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"} = $device->{serialNumber} if(!defined($hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"})); + $hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE} = $device->{deviceType} if(!defined($hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE})); + } + + } + elsif($device->{deviceFamily} eq "ECHO") { + $hash->{helper}{VERSION} = $device->{softwareVersion} if(!defined($hash->{helper}{VERSION})); + $hash->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"} = $device->{deviceOwnerCustomerId} if(!defined($hash->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"})); + $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"} = $device->{serialNumber} if(!defined($hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"})); + $hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE} = $device->{deviceType} if(!defined($hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE})); + if( defined($modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{"$device->{serialNumber}"}) ) { + my $devicehash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{"$device->{serialNumber}"}; + } + } + if ($isautocreated == 0) { + $return .= ""; + } + else { + $return .= ""; + } + + } + + foreach my $device (@{$json->{devices}}) { + my $devicehash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{"$device->{serialNumber}"}; + next if( !defined($devicehash) ); + + $devicehash->{model} = echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType});#$device->{deviceType}; + + readingsBeginUpdate($devicehash); + readingsBulkUpdate($devicehash, "model", $devicehash->{model}, 1); + readingsBulkUpdate($devicehash, "presence", ($device->{online}?"present":"absent"), 1); + #readingsBulkUpdate($devicehash, "state", "absent", 1) if(!$device->{online}); + readingsBulkUpdate($devicehash, "version", $device->{softwareVersion}, 1); + readingsEndUpdate($devicehash,1); + $devicehash->{helper}{".SERIAL"} = $device->{serialNumber}; + $devicehash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE} = $device->{deviceType}; + $devicehash->{helper}{NAME} = $device->{accountName}; + $devicehash->{helper}{FAMILY} = $device->{deviceFamily}; + $devicehash->{helper}{VERSION} = $device->{softwareVersion}; + $devicehash->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"} = $device->{deviceOwnerCustomerId}; + + if ($device->{deviceFamily} eq "ECHO" || $device->{deviceFamily} eq "KNIGHT") { + $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"} = $device->{serialNumber}; + $hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE} = $device->{deviceType}; + } + } + + readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "autocreate_devices", "found: ".$autocreated, 0 ) if($msgtype eq "autocreate_devices"); + + $return .= "
".$device->{serialNumber}."   ".$device->{deviceFamily}."   ".$device->{deviceType}."   ".$device->{accountName}."   
*".$device->{serialNumber}."   ".$device->{deviceFamily}."   ".$device->{deviceType}."   ".$device->{accountName}."   
"; + $return .= "

* ".$autocreated." devices created

" if($msgtype eq "autocreate_devices"); + $return .= ""; + } + + $return =~ s/'/'/g; + asyncOutput( $param->{CL}, $return ); + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "devicesstate") { + if(!defined($json->{devices})) {} + elsif (ref($json->{devices}) ne "ARRAY") {} + else { + foreach my $device (@{$json->{devices}}) { + my $devicehash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{"$device->{serialNumber}"}; + next if( !defined($devicehash) ); + + $devicehash->{model} = echodevice_getModel($device->{deviceType});#$device->{deviceType}; + + readingsBeginUpdate($devicehash); + readingsBulkUpdate($devicehash, "model", $devicehash->{model}, 1); + readingsBulkUpdate($devicehash, "presence", ($device->{online}?"present":"absent"), 1); + #readingsBulkUpdate($devicehash, "state", "absent", 1) if(!$device->{online}); + readingsBulkUpdate($devicehash, "version", $device->{softwareVersion}, 1); + readingsEndUpdate($devicehash,1); + $devicehash->{helper}{".SERIAL"} = $device->{serialNumber}; + $devicehash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE} = $device->{deviceType}; + $devicehash->{helper}{NAME} = $device->{accountName}; + $devicehash->{helper}{FAMILY} = $device->{deviceFamily}; + $devicehash->{helper}{VERSION} = $device->{softwareVersion}; + $devicehash->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"} = $device->{deviceOwnerCustomerId}; + + if ($device->{deviceFamily} eq "ECHO" || $device->{deviceFamily} eq "KNIGHT") { + $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"} = $device->{serialNumber}; + $hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE} = $device->{deviceType}; + } + } + } + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "searchtunein") { + my $tuneincount = 0; + + my $return = ''; + $return .= "


"; + $return .= ""; + + if (!defined($json->{browseList})) {} + elsif (ref($json->{browseList}) ne "ARRAY") {} + else { + # Play on Device + foreach my $result (@{$json->{browseList}}) { + next if(!$result->{available}); + next if($result->{contentType} ne "station"); + $tuneincount ++; + $return .= ""; + } + } + + $return .= "
".$result->{id}."   ".$result->{name}."   
"; + $return .= "

".$tuneincount. " tunein IDs found

"; + $return .= ""; + $return =~ s/'/'/g; + + asyncOutput( $param->{CL}, $return ); + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "searchtracks") { + my $trackcount = 0; + my $return = ''; + my $tracktitle = ""; + $return .= "


"; + $return .= ""; + + if (!defined($json->{playlist}{entryList})) {} + elsif (ref($json->{playlist}{entryList}) ne "ARRAY") {} + else { + foreach my $track (@{$json->{playlist}{entryList}}) { + if(defined($track->{metadata}{title})){$tracktitle = $track->{metadata}{title};} + else {$tracktitle= "unknown title";} + $trackcount ++; + $return .= ""; + } + } + + $return .= "
".$track->{trackId}."   ".$tracktitle."   
"; + $return .= "

".$trackcount." track IDs found

"; + $return .= ""; + $return =~ s/'/'/g; + + asyncOutput( $param->{CL}, $return ); + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "primeplayeigene_Albums" || $msgtype eq "primeplayeigene_Tracks" || $msgtype eq "primeplayeigene_Artists" ) { + my $querytype = substr($msgtype,16); + my $albumcount = 0; + + my $artistcolum = ""; + $artistcolum = "Title   ID   " if ($msgtype eq "primeplayeigene_Tracks" ) ; + + my $return = ''; + $return .= "


"; + $return .= "$artistcolum"; + + if (!defined($json->{selectItemList})) {} + elsif (ref($json->{selectItemList}) ne "ARRAY") {} + else { + # Play on Device + foreach my $result (@{$json->{selectItemList}}) { + #next if(!$result->{available}); + #next if($result->{contentType} ne "station"); + $albumcount ++; + if ($msgtype eq "primeplayeigene_Tracks" ) { + $return .= ""; + } + else { + $return .= ""; + } + } + } + + $return .= "
Artist   Albumname   Tracks   Start
".$result->{metadata}{albumArtistName}."   ".$result->{metadata}{albumName}."   ".$result->{metadata}{title}."   ".$result->{metadata}{objectId}."   1   
".$result->{metadata}{albumArtistName}."   ".$result->{metadata}{albumName}."   ".$result->{numTracks}."   {metadata}{albumName}).'>play   ' . "
"; + $return .= "

".$albumcount. " ". lc($querytype) ." IDs found

"; + $return .= ""; + $return =~ s/'/'/g; + + asyncOutput( $param->{CL}, $return ); + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "getprimeplayeigeneplaylist" ) { + + my $playlistcount = 0; + + my $return = ''; + $return .= "


"; + $return .= ""; + if (!defined($json->{playlists})) {} + elsif (ref($json->{playlists}) ne "HASH") {} + else { + foreach my $result (sort keys %{$json->{playlists}}) { + $playlistcount ++; + $return .= ""; + } + } + + $return .= "
Name   ID   Tracks   Start
".$result."   ".$json->{playlists}{"$result"}[0]{playlistId}."   ".$json->{playlists}{"$result"}[0]{trackCount}."   play   ' . "
"; + $return .= "

".$playlistcount. " playlist IDs found

"; + $return .= ""; + $return =~ s/'/'/g; + + asyncOutput( $param->{CL}, $return ); + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "getcards") { + + my $return = ''; + + $return .= "


"; + $return .= ""; + + if (!defined($json->{cards})) {} + elsif (ref($json->{cards}) ne "ARRAY") {} + else { + foreach my $cards (@{$json->{cards}}) { + my $devicehash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{"$cards->{sourceDevice}{serialNumber}"}; + my $devicename = $devicehash->{NAME}; + my $VoiceText = $cards->{playbackAudioAction}{mainText}; + $VoiceText = "No voice command detected. Action was started by the Alexa app." if ($VoiceText eq ""); + + if ($devicename ne ""){ + if (AttrVal( $devicename, "alias", "none" ) ne "none") {$devicename = AttrVal( $devicename, "alias", "none" );} + $return .= ""; + } + } + } + + $return .= "
".$cards->{title}."   ".$cards->{subtitle}."   ".$VoiceText."   ".$devicename."   
"; + $return .= ""; + $return =~ s/'/'/g; + + asyncOutput( $param->{CL}, $return ); + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "getsettingstraffic") { + + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + $hash->{helper}{"getsettingstraffic"} = (); + + if ((!defined($json->{origin}{label}))) { + $hash->{helper}{"getsettingstraffic"}{from} = ""; + readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "config_address_from", "-", 1); + } + else{ + $hash->{helper}{"getsettingstraffic"}{from} = encode_utf8($json->{origin}{label}); + readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "config_address_from", $json->{origin}{label}, 1); + } + + if ((!defined($json->{destination}{label}))) { + $hash->{helper}{"getsettingstraffic"}{to} = ""; + readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "config_address_to", "-", 1); + } + else{ + $hash->{helper}{"getsettingstraffic"}{to} = encode_utf8($json->{destination}{label}); + readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "config_address_to", $json->{destination}{label}, 1); + } + + if (ref($json->{waypoints}) ne "ARRAY") { + $hash->{helper}{"getsettingstraffic"}{between} = ""; + readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "config_address_between", "-", 1); + } + else{ + if ($json->{waypoints}[0]{label} eq "") { + $hash->{helper}{"getsettingstraffic"}{between} = ""; + readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "config_address_between", "-", 1); + } + else { + $hash->{helper}{"getsettingstraffic"}{between} = encode_utf8($json->{waypoints}[0]{label}); + readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "config_address_between", $json->{waypoints}[0]{label}, 1); + } + } + readingsEndUpdate ($hash,1); + } + + elsif($msgtype eq "address") { + + my $addresscount = 0; + + my $return = ''; + $return .= "


"; + $return .= ""; + + if (!defined($json->{suggestionList})) {} + elsif (ref($json->{suggestionList}) ne "ARRAY") {} + else { + # Play on Device + foreach my $result (@{$json->{suggestionList}}) { + #next if(!$result->{available}); + #next if($result->{contentType} ne "station"); + $addresscount ++; + $return .= ""; + } + } + + $return .= "
Adresse   Start   Z.-Ziel   Ziel
"; + $return .= "

".$addresscount. " Adressen gefunden

"; + $return .= ""; + $return =~ s/'/'/g; + + if ($addresscount == 0) { + asyncOutput( $param->{CL}, "Die Adresse konnte nicht gefunden werden!" ); + } + else { + asyncOutput( $param->{CL}, $return ); + } + } + + else { + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_Parse] [$msgtype] json for unknown message \n".Dumper(echodevice_anonymize($hash, $json)); + } + + echodevice_HandleCmdQueue($hash); + + return undef; +} + +########################## +sub echodevice_GetSettings($) { + + my ($hash) = @_; + my $name = $hash->{NAME}; + my $nextupdate = int(AttrVal($name,"intervalsettings",60)); + my $ConnectState = ""; + + return if($hash->{model} eq "unbekannt"); + + # ECHO Device disable + if (AttrVal($name,"disable",0) == 1) { + RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "echodevice_GetSettings"); + InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $nextupdate, "echodevice_GetSettings", $hash, 0); + return; + } + + # ECHO am Account registrierern + if($hash->{model} ne "ACCOUNT") { + $hash->{IODev}->{helper}{"DEVICETYPE"} = $hash->{helper}{"DEVICETYPE"} ; + $hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".SERIAL"} = $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}; + $hash->{IODev}->{helper}{"VERSION"} = $hash->{helper}{"VERSION"}; + } + + if($hash->{model} eq "ACCOUNT") {$ConnectState = $hash->{STATE}} else {$ConnectState = $hash->{IODev}->{STATE}} + + Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] [echodevice_GetSettings] start refresh settings" ; + + if ($ConnectState eq "connected") { + + if($hash->{model} eq "ACCOUNT") { + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"getnotifications",""); + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"alarmvolume",""); + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"bluetoothstate",""); + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"getdnd",""); + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"wakeword",""); + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"listitems_task","TASK"); + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"listitems_shopping","SHOPPING_ITEM"); + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"getdevicesettings",""); + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"getisonline",""); + + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"devices","") if ($hash->{helper}{VERSION} eq ""); + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"devicesstate",""); + + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"account","") if ($hash->{helper}{".COMMSID"} eq ""); + echodevice_SendLoginCommand($hash,"cookielogin6",""); + + # Voice Reading + my $IntervalVoice = int(AttrVal($name,"intervalvoice",999999)); + $hash->{helper}{echodevice_refreshvoice} = 0 if ($hash->{helper}{echodevice_refreshvoice} eq ""); + $hash->{helper}{echodevice_refreshvoice_lastdate} = time() if ($hash->{helper}{echodevice_refreshvoice_lastdate} eq ""); + + if ($hash->{helper}{echodevice_refreshvoice} == 0 && $IntervalVoice != 999999) { + Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] [echodevice_GetSettings] refresh voice command IntervalVoice=$IntervalVoice "; + $hash->{helper}{echodevice_refreshvoice} = 1; + InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $IntervalVoice , "echodevice_refreshvoice", $hash, 0); + } + + elsif ($hash->{helper}{echodevice_refreshvoice} == 1 && time() - $hash->{helper}{echodevice_refreshvoice_lastdate} >= $IntervalVoice + 20 ){ + Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] [echodevice_GetSettings] restart refresh voice command IntervalVoice=$IntervalVoice DIFF " . (time() - $hash->{helper}{echodevice_refreshvoice_lastdate}) . ">=" . ($IntervalVoice + 20) ; + RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "echodevice_refreshvoice"); + InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $IntervalVoice , "echodevice_refreshvoice", $hash, 0); + } + + else { + Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] [echodevice_GetSettings] refresh voice command"; + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"activities",""); + } + + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"getbehavior",""); + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"getsettingstraffic",""); + } + else { + + if ($hash->{model} eq "Reverb" || $hash->{model} eq "Sonos One" || $hash->{model} eq "Sonos Beam") { + if ($hash->{IODev}{STATE} eq "connected") { + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", $hash->{IODev}{STATE}, 1); + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + } + else {$nextupdate = 10;} + } + else + { + if (ReadingsVal($name, "playStatus", "off") ne "paused") { + my $CalcInterval = int(ReadingsVal($name, "progresslen", 0)) - (int(ReadingsVal($name, "progress", 0)) + $nextupdate); + if ($CalcInterval < 0) {} + elsif ($CalcInterval < ($nextupdate -1) ){$nextupdate = $CalcInterval + 4;} + + Log3( $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_GetSettings] Timer CINTERVAL = " . $CalcInterval); + } + if ($hash->{IODev}{STATE} eq "connected") { + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"player",""); + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"media",""); + } + else { + $nextupdate = 10; + } + } + + # Readings löschen + readingsDelete($hash, "COOKIE_STATE") ; + readingsDelete($hash, "COOKIE_TYPE") ; + readingsDelete($hash, "2FACode") ; + readingsDelete($hash, "BrowserUserAgent") ; + } + + # Readings Bereinigung + readingsDelete($hash, "active") if (ReadingsVal($name , "active", "none") ne "none"); + + Log3( $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_GetSettings] Timer INTERVAL = " . $nextupdate); + } + else { + Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] [echodevice_GetSettings] unknown state / state = $ConnectState" ; + } + + RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "echodevice_GetSettings"); + InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $nextupdate, "echodevice_GetSettings", $hash, 0); + return; +} + +########################## +sub echodevice_FirstStart($) { + + my ($hash) = @_; + my $name = $hash->{NAME}; + my $CookieDevice = ""; + + readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "version", $ModulVersion ,0); + readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "autocreate_devices", "stop", 0 ); + + # Migration NPM von Version älter 0.0.55 + if ((ReadingsVal($name, "COOKIE_TYPE", "unbekannt") eq "READING_NPM" || ReadingsVal($name, "COOKIE_TYPE", "unbekannt") eq "NPM_Login" ) && ReadingsVal($name, "amazon_refreshtoken", "unbekannt") eq "vorhanden" && $hash->{DEF} ne "xxx\@xxx.xx xxx") { + $hash->{DEF} = "xxx\@xxx.xx xxx"; + $hash->{LOGINMODE} = "NPM"; + } + + if(AttrVal( $name, "cookie", "none" ) ne "none") { + readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "COOKIE_TYPE", "ATTRIBUTE" ,0); + $hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} = AttrVal( $name, "cookie", "none" ); + $hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} =~ s/Cookie: //g; + $hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} =~ /csrf=([-\w]+)[;\s]?(.*)?$/; + $hash->{helper}{".CSRF"} = $1; + readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, ".COOKIE", $hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} ,0); # Cookie als READING festhalten! + } + elsif (ReadingsVal( $name, ".COOKIE", "none" ) ne "none") { + + $hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} = ReadingsVal( $name, ".COOKIE", "none" ); + + # Prüfen ob es sich um ein NPM Login handelt + if (index($hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"}, "{") != -1) { + # NPM Login erkannt + readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "COOKIE_TYPE", "READING_NPM" ,0); + $hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} =~ /"localCookie":".*session-id=(.*)","?/; + $hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} = "session-id=" . $1; + $hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} =~ /csrf=([-\w]+)[;\s]?(.*)?$/ if(defined($hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"})); + $hash->{helper}{".CSRF"} = $1 if(defined($hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"})); + } + else { + # OLD Style + readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "COOKIE_TYPE", "READING" ,0); + $hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} =~ s/Cookie: //g; + $hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} =~ /csrf=([-\w]+)[;\s]?(.*)?$/; + $hash->{helper}{".CSRF"} = $1; + } + } + else { + readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "COOKIE_TYPE", "NEW" ,0); + } + + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_FirstStart] COOKIE = " . $hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"}; + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_FirstStart] COOKIE_TYPE = " . ReadingsVal( $name, "COOKIE_TYPE", "none" ); + + $hash->{STATE} = "INITIALIZED"; + echodevice_CheckAuth($hash); + + if(defined($hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"})) { + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"devices",""); + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"account",""); + } + + # Alte Readingsbereinigen + readingsDelete($hash, "COOKIE"); + + # Migration aws_secret_key & aws_access_key + if (ReadingsVal($name , "aws_access_key", "none") ne "none") { + readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, ".aws_access_key", ReadingsVal($name , lc("AWS_Access_Key"), "none") ,0); + readingsDelete($hash, "aws_access_key"); + } + if (ReadingsVal($name , lc("aws_secret_key"), "none") ne "none") { + readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, ".aws_secret_key", ReadingsVal($name , lc("aws_secret_key"), "none") ,0); + readingsDelete($hash, "aws_secret_key"); + } + + # Login Timer setzen + RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "echodevice_LoginStart"); + InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 10, "echodevice_LoginStart", $hash, 0); +} + +sub echodevice_LoginStart($) { + my ($hash) = @_; + my $name = $hash->{NAME}; + my $nextupdate = int(AttrVal($name,"intervallogin",60)); + my $npm_refresh_intervall = int(AttrVal($name,"npm_refresh_intervall",6000)); + my $DeviceState = ""; + + # Bestehenden Timer löschen + RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "echodevice_LoginStart"); + + # ECHO Device disable + if (AttrVal($name,"disable",0) == 1) { + echodevice_setState($hash,"disable"); + $DeviceState = "disable"; + } + else { + $DeviceState = "enable"; + if ($hash->{STATE} ne "connected" && $hash->{STATE} ne "connected but loginerror") { + if ($hash->{STATE} eq "disable") { + echodevice_setState($hash,"connected"); + } + else { + if (index(ReadingsVal($name , ".COOKIE", "0"), "{") != -1) { + echodevice_SendLoginCommand($hash,"cookielogin6","");# if($hash->{LOGINMODE} eq "NORMAL"); + } + else { + if($hash->{LOGINMODE} eq "NORMAL") { + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_LoginStart] start login"; + $hash->{helper}{RUNLOGIN} = 0; + echodevice_SendLoginCommand($hash,"cookielogin1","") if(!defined($attr{$name}{cookie})); + } + } + } + } + elsif ($hash->{STATE} eq "connected but loginerror") { + Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_LoginStart] connected but loginerror"; + echodevice_SendLoginCommand($hash,"cookielogin6","");# if($hash->{LOGINMODE} eq "NORMAL"); + } + else { + if (index(ReadingsVal($name , ".COOKIE", "0"), "{") != -1) { + # Refresh COOKIE + if (ReadingsAge($name,'.COOKIE',0) > $npm_refresh_intervall) { + Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_LoginStart] Alter COOKIE=" . ReadingsAge($name,'.COOKIE',0) ."/$npm_refresh_intervall Refresh Cookie!"; + echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh($hash); + } + else { + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_LoginStart] Alter COOKIE=" . ReadingsAge($name,'.COOKIE',0) . "/$npm_refresh_intervall"; + } + } + } + } + + InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $nextupdate, "echodevice_LoginStart", $hash, 0); + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_LoginStart] [$DeviceState] set next internal timer start in $nextupdate seconds."; +} + +sub echodevice_CheckAuth($) { + my ($hash) = @_; + my $name = $hash->{NAME}; + return undef if($hash->{model} ne "ACCOUNT"); + + # Erneut Login ausführen wenn Cookie nicht gesetzt wurde! + if(!defined($hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"})) { + echodevice_SendLoginCommand($hash,"cookielogin1","") if($hash->{LOGINMODE} eq "NORMAL"); + } + else { + echodevice_SendLoginCommand($hash,"cookielogin6",""); + } + + return undef; +} + +sub echodevice_ParseAuth($$$) { + my ($param, $err, $data) = @_; + my $hash = $param->{hash}; + my $name = $hash->{NAME}; + my $msgtype = $param->{type}; + + my $nextupdate = int(AttrVal($name,"intervallogin",60)); + + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseAuth] [$msgtype] "; + Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseAuth] [$msgtype] DATA Dumper=" . Dumper(echodevice_anonymize($hash, $data)); + + # HTML Informationen mit schreiben + if (AttrVal($name,"browser_save_data",0) == 1) { + #Verzeichnis echodevice anlegen + mkdir($FW_dir . "/echodevice", 0777) unless(-d $FW_dir . "/echodevice" ); + mkdir($FW_dir . "/echodevice/results", 0777) unless(-d $FW_dir . "/echodevice/results" ); + + # Eventuell vorhandene Datei löschen + my $HTMLFilename = $name . "_" . $msgtype . ".html"; + my $HeaderFilename = $name . "_" . $msgtype . "_header.html"; + if ((-e $FW_dir . "/echodevice/results/". $HTMLFilename)) {unlink $FW_dir . "/echodevice/results/".$HTMLFilename} + if ((-e $FW_dir . "/echodevice/results/". $HeaderFilename)) {unlink $FW_dir . "/echodevice/results/".$HeaderFilename} + + # Datei anlegen + open(FH, ">$FW_dir/echodevice/results/$HTMLFilename"); + print FH $data; + close(FH); + + # Datei anlegen + open(FH, ">$FW_dir/echodevice/results/$HeaderFilename"); + print FH $param->{httpheader}; + close(FH); + } + + if($err){ + echodevice_LostConnect($hash,"connection error = $err"); + return undef; + } + + if($data =~ /cookie is missing/) { + echodevice_LostConnect($hash,"connection error = cookie is missing"); + return undef; + } + + my $json = eval { JSON->new->utf8(0)->decode($data) }; + if($@) { + echodevice_LostConnect($hash,"JSON error = no content"); + return undef; + } + + if($json->{authentication}{authenticated}){ + + if ($hash->{helper}{".LOGINERROR"} >= 1) { + Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseAuth] reset loginerror from " . $hash->{helper}{".LOGINERROR"} . " to 0" ; + $hash->{helper}{".LOGINERROR"} = 0; + } + + echodevice_setState($hash,"connected"); + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", "connected", 1); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "COOKIE_STATE", "OK", 1); + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + $hash->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"} = $json->{authentication}{customerId}; + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseAuth] JSON OK = {authentication}{authenticated}"; + } + + elsif($json->{authentication}) { + echodevice_LostConnect($hash,"JSON error = {authentication}"); + } + return undef; +} + +sub echodevice_LostConnect($$){ + my ($hash,$State) = @_; + my $name = $hash->{NAME}; + + $hash->{helper}{CMD_QUEUE} = (); # Query zurücksetzen + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_LostConnect] clear CMD_QUEUE" ; + + if ($hash->{helper}{".LOGINERROR"} >= 5) { + $hash->{helper}{".LOGINERROR"} = 0; + Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_LostConnect] $State / Generate new COOKIE! / set loginerror to 0" ; + echodevice_setState($hash,"disconnected"); + } + else { + $hash->{helper}{".LOGINERROR"} = $hash->{helper}{".LOGINERROR"} + 1; + Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_LostConnect] $State / set loginerror to " . $hash->{helper}{".LOGINERROR"}; + echodevice_setState($hash,"connected but loginerror"); + } +} + +########################## +# HELPER +########################## +sub echodevice_getModel($){ + my ($ModelNumber) = @_; + + if ($ModelNumber eq "AB72C64C86AW2" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo") {return "Echo";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "A3S5BH2HU6VAYF" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Dot") {return "Echo Dot";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "A32DOYMUN6DTXA" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Dot") {return "Echo Dot Gen3";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "A32DDESGESSHZA" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Dot") {return "Echo Dot Gen3";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "A1RABVCI4QCIKC" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Dot") {return "Echo Dot Gen3";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "A10A33FOX2NUBK" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Spot") {return "Echo Spot";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "A1NL4BVLQ4L3N3" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Show") {return "Echo Show";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "AWZZ5CVHX2CD" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Show") {return "Echo Show Gen2";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "A4ZP7ZC4PI6TO" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Show 5") {return "Echo Show 5";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "A2M35JJZWCQOMZ" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Plus") {return "Echo Plus";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "A1JJ0KFC4ZPNJ3" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Input") {return "Echo Input";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "A18O6U1UQFJ0XK" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Plus 2") {return "Echo Plus 2";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "A3VRME03NAXFUB" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Flex") {return "Echo Flex";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "A3FX4UWTP28V1P" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo") {return "Echo Gen3";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "A30YDR2MK8HMRV" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo") {return "Echo Gen3";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "AILBSA2LNTOYL" || $ModelNumber eq "Reverb") {return "Reverb";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "A15ERDAKK5HQQG" || $ModelNumber eq "Sonos Display") {return "Sonos Display";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "A2OSP3UA4VC85F" || $ModelNumber eq "Sonos One") {return "Sonos One";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "A3NPD82ABCPIDP" || $ModelNumber eq "Sonos Beam") {return "Sonos Beam";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "A7WXQPH584YP" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Gen2") {return "Echo Gen2";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "A3C9PE6TNYLTCH" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Multiroom") {return "Echo Multiroom";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "AP1F6KUH00XPV" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Stereopaar") {return "Echo Stereopaar";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "A3R9S4ZZECZ6YL" || $ModelNumber eq "Fire Tab HD 10") {return "Fire Tab HD 10";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "A3L0T0VL9A921N" || $ModelNumber eq "Fire Tab HD 8") {return "Fire Tab HD 8";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "A2M4YX06LWP8WI" || $ModelNumber eq "Fire Tab 7") {return "Fire Tab 7";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "A2E0SNTXJVT7WK" || $ModelNumber eq "Fire TV V1") {return "Fire TV V1";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "A2GFL5ZMWNE0PX" || $ModelNumber eq "Fire TV") {return "Fire TV";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "A12GXV8XMS007S" || $ModelNumber eq "Fire TV") {return "Fire TV";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "A3HF4YRA2L7XGC" || $ModelNumber eq "Fire TV Cube") {return "Fire TV Cube";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "ADVBD696BHNV5" || $ModelNumber eq "Fire TV Stick V1") {return "Fire TV Stick V1";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "A2LWARUGJLBYEW" || $ModelNumber eq "Fire TV Stick V2") {return "Fire TV Stick V2";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "AKPGW064GI9HE" || $ModelNumber eq "Fire TV Stick 4K") {return "Fire TV Stick 4K";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "A10L5JEZTKKCZ8" || $ModelNumber eq "VOBOT") {return "VOBOT";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "A37SHHQ3NUL7B5" || $ModelNumber eq "Bose Home Speaker 500") {return "Bose Home Speaker 500";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "AVN2TMX8MU2YM" || $ModelNumber eq "Bose Home Speaker 500") {return "Bose Home Speaker 500";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "A1RTAM01W29CUP" || $ModelNumber eq "Alexa App for PC") {return "Alexa App for PC";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "A21Z3CGI8UIP0F" || $ModelNumber eq "HEOS") {return "HEOS";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "AKOAGQTKAS9YB" || $ModelNumber eq "Echo Connect") {return "Echo Connect";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "A3NTO4JLV9QWRB" || $ModelNumber eq "Gigaset L800HX") {return "Gigaset L800HX";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "") {return "";} + elsif($ModelNumber eq "ACCOUNT") {return "ACCOUNT";} + else {return "unbekannt";} + +} + +sub echodevice_getHelpText($){ + my ($HelpTextType) = @_; + my $ReturnHelpText = "


"; + + if ($HelpTextType eq "no arg") { + $ReturnHelpText .= "No argument given."; + } + else { + $ReturnHelpText .= $HelpTextType; + } + + #Allgemeine Infos + $ReturnHelpText .= "

More informations: https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/#Set"; + + return $ReturnHelpText; +} + +sub echodevice_Attr($$$) { + + my ($cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrVal) = @_; + my $hash = $defs{$name}; + + if( $attrName eq "cookie" ) { + #my $hash = $defs{$name}; + if( $cmd eq "set" ) { + $attrVal =~ s/Cookie: //g; + $hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} = $attrVal; + $hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} =~ /csrf=([-\w]+)[;\s]?(.*)?$/; + $hash->{helper}{".CSRF"} = $1; + $hash->{STATE} = "INITIALIZED"; + } + } + + if ( $attrName eq "server" ) { + #my $hash = $defs{$name}; + if( $cmd eq "set" ) { + $hash->{helper}{SERVER} = $attrVal; + } + } + + $attr{$name}{$attrName} = $attrVal; + + return; +} + +sub echodevice_anonymize($$) { + my ($hash, $string) = @_; + my $s1 = $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"}; + my $s2 = $hash->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"}; + my $s3 = $hash->{helper}{HOMEGROUP}; + my $s4 = $hash->{helper}{".COMMSID"}; + my $s5; + $s5 = echodevice_decrypt($hash->{helper}{".USER"}) if(defined($hash->{helper}{".USER"})); + $s5 = echodevice_decrypt($hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".USER"}) if(defined($hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".USER"}));; + $s1 = "SERIAL" if(!defined($s1)); + $s2 = "CUSTOMER" if(!defined($s2)); + $s3 = "HOMEGROUP" if(!defined($s3)); + $s4 = "COMMSID" if(!defined($s4)); + $s5 = "USER" if(!defined($s5)); + $string =~ s/$s1/SERIAL/g; + $string =~ s/$s2/CUSTOMER/g; + $string =~ s/$s3/HOMEGROUP/g; + $string =~ s/$s4/COMMSID/g; + $string =~ s%$s5%USER%g; + return $string; +} + +sub echodevice_encrypt($) { + my ($decoded) = @_; + my $key = getUniqueId(); + my $encoded; + + return $decoded if( $decoded =~ /\Qcrypt:\E/ ); + + for my $char (split //, $decoded) { + my $encode = chop($key); + $encoded .= sprintf("%.2x",ord($char)^ord($encode)); + $key = $encode.$key; + } + + return 'crypt:'.$encoded; +} + +sub echodevice_decrypt($) { + my ($encoded) = @_; + my $key = getUniqueId(); + my $decoded; + + return $encoded if( $encoded !~ /crypt:/ ); + + $encoded = $1 if( $encoded =~ /crypt:(.*)/ ); + + for my $char (map { pack('C', hex($_)) } ($encoded =~ /(..)/g)) { + my $decode = chop($key); + $decoded .= chr(ord($char)^ord($decode)); + $key = $decode.$key; + } + + return $decoded; +} + +sub echodevice_setState($$) { + my ($hash,$State) = @_; + my $name = $hash->{NAME}; + + Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_setState] to $State" if($hash->{STATE} ne $State) ; + + foreach my $DeviceID (sort keys %{$modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}}) { + my $echohash = $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{defptr}{$DeviceID}; + readingsBeginUpdate($echohash); + readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $echohash, "state" , $State,1); + readingsEndUpdate($echohash,1); + } + + readingsBeginUpdate($hash); + readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash, "state", $State, 1); + readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); + + return; +} + +sub echodevice_getsequenceJson($$$) { + my ($hash,$Bereich,$Parameter) = @_; + my $ResultString ; + my $BereichString; + my $BereichValue = ""; + my $Optionals = ""; + + if (lc($Bereich) eq "kalender_heute") { + $BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Calendar.PlayToday\"'; + } + + elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "kalender_morgen") { + $BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Calendar.PlayTomorrow\"'; + } + + elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "kalender_naechstes_ereignis") { + $BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Calendar.PlayNext\"' + } + + elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "nachrichten") { + $BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.FlashBriefing.Play\"'; + } + + elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "verkehr") { + $BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Traffic.Play\"'; + } + + elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "wetter") { + $BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Weather.Play\"'; + } + + elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "volume") { + $BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.DeviceControls.Volume\"'; + $BereichValue = '\"value\":\"'.$Parameter.'\",'; + } + + elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "speak") { + $BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Speak\"'; + $BereichValue = '\"textToSpeak\":\"'.$Parameter.'\",'; + } + + elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "erzaehle_geschichte") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.TellStory.Play\"';} + elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "erzaehle_witz") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.Joke.Play\"';} + elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "erzaehle_was_neues") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.GoodMorning.Play\"';} + elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "singe_song") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.SingASong.Play\"';} + elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "beliebig_auf_wiedersehen") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.CannedTts.Speak\"';$BereichValue = '\"cannedTtsStringId\":\"alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-category-goodbye/alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-random\",';} + elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "beliebig_bestaetigung") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.CannedTts.Speak\"';$BereichValue = '\"cannedTtsStringId\":\"alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-category-confirmations/alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-random\",';} + elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "beliebig_geburtstag") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.CannedTts.Speak\"';$BereichValue = '\"cannedTtsStringId\":\"alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-category-birthday/alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-random\",';} + elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "beliebig_gute_nacht") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.CannedTts.Speak\"';$BereichValue = '\"cannedTtsStringId\":\"alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-category-goodnight/alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-random\",';} + elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "beliebig_guten_morgen") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.CannedTts.Speak\"';$BereichValue = '\"cannedTtsStringId\":\"alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-category-goodmorning/alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-random\",';} + elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "beliebig_ich_bin_zuhause") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.CannedTts.Speak\"';$BereichValue = '\"cannedTtsStringId\":\"alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-category-iamhome/alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-random\",';} + elsif(lc($Bereich) eq "beliebig_kompliment") {$BereichString = '\"type\":\"Alexa.CannedTts.Speak\"';$BereichValue = '\"cannedTtsStringId\":\"alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-category-compliments/alexa.cannedtts.speak.curatedtts-random\",';} + + $ResultString = '{"behaviorId":"PREVIEW","sequenceJson":"{\"@type\":\"com.amazon.alexa.behaviors.model.Sequence\",\"startNode\":{\"@type\":\"com.amazon.alexa.behaviors.model.OpaquePayloadOperationNode\",' . $BereichString . ',\"operationPayload\":{\"deviceType\":\"' . $hash->{helper}{DEVICETYPE} . '\",\"deviceSerialNumber\":\"' . $hash->{helper}{".SERIAL"} . '\",'.$BereichValue .'\"locale\":\"de-DE\",\"customerId\":\"' . $hash->{IODev}->{helper}{".CUSTOMER"} .'\"}}}","status":"ENABLED"}'; + + return $ResultString; +} + +sub echodevice_refreshvoice($) { + my ($hash) = @_; + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"activities",""); +} + +########################## +# NPM HELPER +########################## +sub echodevice_NPMInstall($){ + + my ($hash) = @_; + my $name = $hash->{NAME}; + + my $InstallResult = '


'; + my $npm_bin = AttrVal($name,"npm_bin","/usr/bin/npm"); + + # Prüfen ob npm installiert ist + if (!(-e $npm_bin)) { + $InstallResult .= '

Das Bin ' . $npm_bin . ' wurde nicht gefunden. Bitte zuerst das Linux Paket NPM installieren. Folgenden Befehl koennt Ihr hier verwenden:

'; + $InstallResult .= '

sudo apt-get install npm

'; + $InstallResult .= '

Sollte das Linux Paket NPM schon installiert sein, muesst Ihr ggf. das Attribut "npm_bin" entsprechend anpassen. Standard=/usr/bin/npm

'; + $InstallResult .= '
'; + $InstallResult .= ""; + $InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g; + Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMInstall] " . $npm_bin . " not found" ; + return $InstallResult; + } + + # Verzeichnis anlegen + mkdir("cache", 0777) unless(-d "cache" ); + mkdir("cache/alexa-cookie", 0777) unless(-d "cache/alexa-cookie" ); + mkdir("cache/alexa-cookie/node_modules", 0777) unless(-d "cache/alexa-cookie/node_modules" ); + + # Prüfen ob schon eine Installation vorhanden ist ggf. Modul löschen + if (-e "cache/alexa-cookie/node_modules/alexa-cookie2/alexa-cookie.js") { + $InstallResult .= "Vorhandene Installation wird aktualisiert
"; + unlink "cache/alexa-cookie/node_modules/alexa-cookie2/alexa-cookie.js"; + } + else {$InstallResult .= "Installation wird angestartet
";} + + open CMD,'-|','sudo ' . $npm_bin . ' install --prefix ./cache/alexa-cookie alexa-cookie2' or die $@; + my $line; + while (defined($line=)) {$InstallResult .= $line. "
";} + close CMD; + + # Prüfen ob das alexa-cookie Modul vorhanden ist + if (-e "cache/alexa-cookie/node_modules/alexa-cookie2/alexa-cookie.js") {$InstallResult .= '

Installation erfolgreich durchgefuehrt

';} + else {$InstallResult .= '

!!Installation fehlgeschlagen!!

';} + + # Zurückbutton + $InstallResult .= '
'; + $InstallResult .= ""; + $InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g; + + return $InstallResult; +} + +sub echodevice_NPMLoginNew($){ + my ($hash) = @_; + my $name = $hash->{NAME}; + my $number = $hash->{NR}; + my $InstallResult = '

Login Ergebnis

'; + my $npm_bin_node = AttrVal($name,"npm_bin_node","/usr/bin/node"); + $NPMLoginTyp = "NPM Login New " . localtime(); + + # Prüfen ob node installiert ist + if (!(-e $npm_bin_node)) { + $InstallResult .= '

Das Bin ' . $npm_bin_node . ' wurde nicht gefunden. Bitte zuerst das Linux Paket NPM installieren. Folgenden Befehl koennt Ihr hier verwenden:

'; + $InstallResult .= '

sudo apt-get install npm

'; + $InstallResult .= '

Sollte das Linux Paket NPM schon installiert sein, muesst Ihr ggf. das Attribut "npm_bin_node" entsprechend anpassen. Standard=/usr/bin/node

'; + $InstallResult .= '
'; + $InstallResult .= ""; + $InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g; + Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] " . $npm_bin_node . " not found" ; + return $InstallResult; + } + + # Node Version prüfen + close NODEVER; + open NODEVER,'-|', 'node -v' or die $@; + my $NodeResult; + my $NodeLoop = "2"; + do { + $NodeResult=; + $NodeResult =~ s/v//g; + + #Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Node Version $NodeResult"; + if (version->declare($NodeResult)->numify < version->declare('8.10')->numify ) { + + $InstallResult .= '

Die installierte Node Version ' . $NodeResult . ' ist zu alt. Bitte zuerst die Node Version auf Minimum 8.12 aktualisieren. Folgende Befehle koennt Ihr hier verwenden:

'; + $InstallResult .= '

sudo apt-get install curl

'; + $InstallResult .= '

curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_8.x | sudo -E bash -

'; + $InstallResult .= '

sudo apt-get update

'; + $InstallResult .= '

sudo apt-get install nodejs

'; + $InstallResult .= '
'; + $InstallResult .= ""; + $InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g; + Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Node Version " . $NodeResult . " is to old! Pleas make an update"; + return $InstallResult; + + } + else {Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Node Version " . $NodeResult;} + + + + } while ($NodeLoop eq "1"); + + # Prüfen ob das alexa-cookie Mdoul vorhanden ist + if (!(-e "cache/alexa-cookie/node_modules/alexa-cookie2/alexa-cookie.js")) { + $InstallResult .= '

Das alexa-cookie Modul wurde nicht gefunden. Bitte fuehrt am Amazon Account Device einen set "NPM_install" durch

'; + $InstallResult .= '
'; + $InstallResult .= ""; + $InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g; + Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] alexa-cookie modul not found" ; + return $InstallResult; + } + + my $ProxyPort = AttrVal($name,"npm_proxy_port","3002"); + my $OwnIP = ""; + + # Eigene IP-Adresse ermitteln + my $cmdLine = 'ip -o addr show | awk \'/inet/ {print $2, $3, $4}\''; + my @ips = `$cmdLine`; + + foreach my $ipLine (@ips) { + my ($interface, undef, $ipParts) = split(' ', $ipLine); + my ($ip) = split('/', $ipParts); + if ($interface ne 'lo') { + $OwnIP = $ip if (!(index($ip, ":") != -1)); + } + } + + my $ProxyIP = AttrVal($name,"npm_proxy_ip",$OwnIP); + + if ($ProxyIP eq "") { + $InstallResult .= '

Die Ermittlung der IP-Adresse ' . $ProxyIP . ' des FHEM Servers hat nicht funktioniert, bitte das Attribut "npm_proxy_ip" entsprechend anpassen.

'; + $InstallResult .= '
'; + $InstallResult .= ""; + $InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g; + Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] wrong IP-Address" ; + return $InstallResult; + } + + # Proxy Listen IP + my $ProxyListenIP = AttrVal($name,"npm_proxy_listen_ip",$OwnIP); + + # Prüfen ob der Port belegt ist + my $PORTLoop = "1"; + my $NetstatFound = "1"; + close PORT; + open PORT,'-|', 'netstat -a' or do {$NetstatFound= "0"}; + + if ($NetstatFound eq "1") { + my $PORTResult; + do { + $PORTResult=; + + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result Proxy Port $PORTResult" if ($PORTResult ne ""); + + if (index($PORTResult, ":" . $ProxyPort . " " ) != -1) { + $PORTLoop = "2"; + Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result Proxy Port $PORTResult"; + } + + $PORTLoop = "3" if ($PORTResult eq ""); + + } while ($PORTLoop eq "1"); + + close PORT; + } + + if ($PORTLoop eq "2") { + $InstallResult .= '

Der angegebene Proxy Port ' . $ProxyPort . ' ist in Benutzung, bitte das Attribut "npm_proxy_port" entsprechend anpassen.

'; + $InstallResult .= '
'; + $InstallResult .= ""; + $InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g; + Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Proxy Port $ProxyPort is in use" ; + return $InstallResult; + } + elsif ($PORTLoop eq "1") { + $InstallResult .= '

Die Pruefung des angegebenen Proxy Ports ' . $ProxyPort . ' hat nicht funktioniert. Zum Pruefen des Proxy Ports wird die Anwendung "netstat" benoetigt. Folgende Befehle koennt Ihr hier verwenden:

'; + $InstallResult .= '

sudo apt-get update

'; + $InstallResult .= '

sudo apt-get install net-tools

'; + $InstallResult .= '
'; + $InstallResult .= ""; + $InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g; + Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Proxy Port netstat not found" ; + return $InstallResult; + } + else { + Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Proxy Port $ProxyPort is free"; + } + + Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Proxy IP $ProxyIP"; + + my $SkriptContent = "alexaCookie = require('alexa-cookie2');" . "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "fs = require('fs');" . "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "" . "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "const config = {" . "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= " logger: console.log," . "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= " setupProxy: true," . "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= " proxyOwnIp: '$ProxyIP'," . "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= " proxyPort: $ProxyPort," . "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= " proxyListenBind: '$ProxyListenIP'," . "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= " proxyLogLevel: 'info'" . "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "};" . "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "" . "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "alexaCookie.generateAlexaCookie('LoginFHEM', 'xxxx', config, (err, result) => {" . "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= " console.log('RESULT: ' + err + ' / ' + JSON.stringify(result));" . "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= " fs.writeFileSync('./cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "result.json', JSON.stringify(result) , 'utf-8'); " . "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= " if (result && result.csrf) {" . "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= " alexaCookie.stopProxyServer();" . "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= " }" . "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "});" . "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "" . "\n"; + + my $filename = "cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "create-cookie.js"; + + # Altes Skript löschen + if ((-e $filename)) {unlink $filename}; + + # Neues Skript anlegen + open(FH, ">$filename"); + print FH $SkriptContent; + close(FH); + + # Prüfen ob das alexa-cookie Mdoul vorhanden ist + if (!(-e $filename)) { + $InstallResult .= '

Das Skript zum Amazon Login konnte nicht gefunden werden!

'; + $InstallResult .= '
'; + $InstallResult .= ""; + $InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g; + Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] create-cookie.js not found" ; + return $InstallResult; + } + + my $CreatCookie; + + # Infos festhalten + readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "amazon_refreshtoken", "wird erzeugt",1 ); + + # Skript ausführen + close CMD; + open CMD,'-|', $npm_bin_node . ' ./' . $filename or die $@; + my $line; + my $Loop = "1"; + my $LoopCount = 0; + do { + $line=; + $CreatCookie .= $line. "
"; + + if ($line ne "") {Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] Result $line"} + else {$LoopCount +=1;} + + $Loop = "2" if (index($line, "Please check credentials") != -1) ; + $Loop = "3" if (index($line, "Final Registraton Result") != -1) ; + $Loop = "4" if ($line eq "" && $LoopCount > 100); + + } while ($Loop eq "1"); + + if ($Loop eq "2") { + $InstallResult .= 'Bitte den Link anklicken und die Amazonanmeldung durchfuehren.
'; + $InstallResult .= '
http://' . $ProxyIP . ':' . $ProxyPort . '
'; + $InstallResult .= '
'; + $InstallResult .= ""; + $InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g; + InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 3 , "echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie" , $hash, 0); + return $InstallResult; + } + elsif($Loop eq "3") { + $InstallResult .= '

Refreshtoken wurde erfolgreich erstellt

'; + $InstallResult .= '
'; + $InstallResult .= ""; + $InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g; + return $InstallResult; + } + elsif($Loop eq "4") { + $InstallResult .= '

Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten!! Bitte das FHEM Log pruefen.

'; + $InstallResult .= '
'; + $InstallResult .= ""; + $InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g; + return $InstallResult; + } + else { + return $InstallResult; + } + +} + +sub echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh($){ + my ($hash) = @_; + my $name = $hash->{NAME}; + my $number = $hash->{NR}; + my $RefreshCookie = ReadingsVal($name , ".COOKIE", "0"); + + my $InstallResult = '

Login Ergebnis

'; + my $npm_bin_node = AttrVal($name,"npm_bin_node","/usr/bin/node"); + + $NPMLoginTyp = "NPM Login Refresh " . localtime(); + + # Prüfen ob npm installiert ist + if (!(-e $npm_bin_node)) { + $InstallResult .= '

Das Bin ' . $npm_bin_node . ' wurde nicht gefunden. Bitte zuerst das Linux Paket NPM installieren. Folgenden Befehl koennt Ihr hier verwenden:

'; + $InstallResult .= '

sudo apt-get install npm

'; + $InstallResult .= '

Sollte das Linux Paket NPM schon installiert sein, muesst Ihr ggf. das Attribut "npm_bin_node" entsprechend anpassen. Standard=/usr/bin/node

'; + $InstallResult .= '
'; + $InstallResult .= ""; + $InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g; + Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh] " . $npm_bin_node . " not found" ; + return $InstallResult; + } + + # Prüfen ob das alexa-cookie Mdoul vorhanden ist + if (!(-e "cache/alexa-cookie/node_modules/alexa-cookie2/alexa-cookie.js")) { + $InstallResult .= '

Das alexa-cookie Modul wurde nicht gefunden. Bitte fuehrt am Amazon Account Device einen set "NPM_install" durch

'; + $InstallResult .= '
'; + $InstallResult .= ""; + $InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g; + Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh] alexa-cookie modul not found" ; + return $InstallResult; + } + + # Prüfen ob das Refresh Cookie gültig ist! + if (substr($RefreshCookie,0,1) ne "{") { + $InstallResult .= '

Das angegebene Refreshtoken Cookie ist ungeueltig! Refreshtoken="' . $RefreshCookie . '"

'; + $InstallResult .= '
'; + $InstallResult .= ""; + $InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g; + Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh] refreshtoken unkown!! refreshtoken=" . $RefreshCookie; + return $InstallResult; + } + + my $SkriptContent = "alexaCookie = require('alexa-cookie2');" . "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "fs = require('fs');" . "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "" . "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "const config = {" . "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= " logger: console.log," . "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= " formerRegistrationData: " . $RefreshCookie . "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "};" . "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "" . "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "alexaCookie.refreshAlexaCookie(config, (err, result) => {" . "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= " console.log('RESULT: ' + err + ' / ' + JSON.stringify(result));" . "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= " fs.writeFileSync('./cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "result.json', JSON.stringify(result) , 'utf-8'); " . "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "});" . "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "" . "\n"; + + my $filename = "cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "refresh-cookie.js"; + #$InstallResult .= '

'; + + # Altes Skript löschen + if ((-e $filename)) {unlink $filename}; + + # Neues Skript anlegen + open(FH, ">$filename"); + print FH $SkriptContent; + close(FH); + + # Prüfen ob das alexa-cookie Mdoul vorhanden ist + if (!(-e $filename)) { + $InstallResult .= '

Das Skript zum Amazon Login konnte nicht gefunden werden!

'; + $InstallResult .= '
'; + $InstallResult .= ""; + $InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g; + Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginNew] refresh-cookie.js not found" ; + return $InstallResult; + } + + + # Skript ausführen + close CMD; + #Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh] start" ; + open CMD,'-|',$npm_bin_node . ' ./' . $filename . ' &' or die $@; + + #system("node ./cache/alexa-cookie/refresh-cookie.js &"); + + my $line; + my $Loop = "1"; + do { + #Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh] started" ; + $Loop = "2"; + } while ($Loop eq "1"); + + #Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMLoginRefresh] stop" ; + + if ($Loop eq "2") { + InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 1 , "echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie" , $hash, 0); + } + + #close CMD; + + #$InstallResult .= ""; + #$InstallResult =~ s/'/'/g; + + return ;#$InstallResult; + +} + +sub echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie($){ + my ($hash) = @_; + my $name = $hash->{NAME}; + my $number = $hash->{NR}; + my $filename = "cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "result.json"; + my $CanDelete = 0; + my $ExistSkript = "false"; + + if ($NPMLoginTyp =~ m/Refresh/) { + $ExistSkript = $number . "refresh-cookie.js = true" if (-e "cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "refresh-cookie.js"); + } + else { + $ExistSkript = $number . "create-cookie.js = true" if (-e "cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "create-cookie.js"); + } + + if (-e $filename) { + # Informationen eintragen + open(MAILDAT, "<$filename") || die "Datei wurde nicht gefunden\n"; + while(){ + if (index($_, "{") != -1) { + Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie] [$NPMLoginTyp] write new refreshtoken"; + readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "amazon_refreshtoken", "vorhanden",1 ); + readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, ".COOKIE", $_,1 ); + readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "COOKIE_TYPE", "NPM_Login",1 ); + + $hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} = $_; + $hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} =~ /"localCookie":".*session-id=(.*)","?/; + $hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} = "session-id=" . $1; + $hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"} =~ /csrf=([-\w]+)[;\s]?(.*)?$/ if(defined($hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"})); + $hash->{helper}{".CSRF"} = $1 if(defined($hash->{helper}{".COOKIE"})); + + # result.json & Skripte löschen + if (-e $filename) {unlink $filename;} + if (-e "cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "create-cookie.js") {unlink "cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "create-cookie.js";} + if (-e "cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "refresh-cookie.js") {unlink "cache/alexa-cookie/" . $number . "refresh-cookie.js";} + + echodevice_setState($hash,"connected"); + } + else { + readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "amazon_refreshtoken", "wait for refreshtoken",1 ); + Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie] [$NPMLoginTyp] wait for refreshtoken / refreshtoken unkown!! refreshtoken=" . $_ . " EXIST " . $ExistSkript; + InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 1 , "echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie" , $hash, 0); + } + } + close(MAILDAT); + } + else { + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie] [$NPMLoginTyp] wait for refreshtoken exist " . $ExistSkript ; + InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 1 , "echodevice_NPMWaitForCookie" , $hash, 0); + } +} + +########################## +# TTS/POM +########################## +sub echodevice_AWSPython($$) { + my ($hash,$Skriptfile) = @_; + my $name = $hash->{NAME}; + + #Verzeichnis anlegen + my $filedir ="cache"; + mkdir($filedir, 0777) unless(-d $filedir ); + + my $filename = $filedir ."/". $Skriptfile; + + # Prüfen ob die Datei erstezt werden muss + if ($AWSPythonVersion eq ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME} , lc("AWS_PythonVersion"), "0") && (-e $filename)) { + Log3 "echodevice", 4, "[$name] [echodevice_AWSPython] file $filename exist"; + return; + } + + Log3 "echodevice", 3, "[$name] [echodevice_AWSPython] file $filename not exist or to old"; + + readingsBeginUpdate($hash->{IODev}); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash->{IODev}, lc("AWS_PythonVersion"), $AWSPythonVersion, 1); + readingsEndUpdate($hash->{IODev},1); + + #altes Skript löschen + if ((-e $filename)) {unlink $filename}; + + #Skript Inhalt + my $SkriptContent = "# IAM API (CreateUser) adapted to Polly service\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "import sys, os, base64, datetime, hashlib, hmac, urllib\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "sys.path.append('../')\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "# Parameter\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "MessageText = sys.argv[1]\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "MessageVoice = sys.argv[2]\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "access_key = sys.argv[3]\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "secret_key = sys.argv[4]\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "OutputFormat = sys.argv[7]\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "# DEFs\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "def sign(key, msg):\n"; + $SkriptContent .= " return hmac.new(key, msg.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).digest()\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "def getSignatureKey(key, dateStamp, regionName, serviceName):\n"; + $SkriptContent .= " kDate = sign(('AWS4' + key).encode('utf-8'), dateStamp)\n"; + $SkriptContent .= " kRegion = sign(kDate, regionName)\n"; + $SkriptContent .= " kService = sign(kRegion, serviceName)\n"; + $SkriptContent .= " kSigning = sign(kService, 'aws4_request')\n"; + $SkriptContent .= " return kSigning\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "# ************* REQUEST VALUES *************\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "method = 'POST'\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "service = 'polly'\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "region = 'eu-west-1'\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "host = service+'.'+region+'.amazonaws.com'\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "api = '/v1/speech'\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "endpoint = 'https://'+host+api\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "content_type = 'application/json'\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "# ************* REQUEST CONTENT ************\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "request_parameters = '{'\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "request_parameters += '" . '"' . "OutputFormat" . '"' . ": " . '"' . "' + OutputFormat + '" . '"' . ",'\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "request_parameters += '" . '"' . "Text" . '"' . ": " . '"' . "' + MessageText + '" . '"' . ",'\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "request_parameters += '" . '"' . "TextType" . '"' . ": " . '"' . "text" . '"' . ",'\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "request_parameters += '" . '"' . "VoiceId" . '"' . ": " . '"' . "' + MessageVoice + '" . '"' . "'\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "request_parameters += '}'\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "# Create a date for headers and the credential string\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "t = datetime.datetime.utcnow()\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "amz_date = t.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ')\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "date_stamp = t.strftime('%Y%m%d')\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "# ************* TASK 1: CREATE A CANONICAL REQUEST *************\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "canonical_uri = api\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "canonical_querystring = ''\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "canonical_headers = 'content-type:' + content_type + '\\n' + 'host:' + host + '\\n' + 'x-amz-date:' + amz_date + '\\n'\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "signed_headers = 'content-type;host;x-amz-date'\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "payload_hash = hashlib.sha256(request_parameters).hexdigest()\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "canonical_request = method + '\\n' + canonical_uri + '\\n' + canonical_querystring + '\\n' + canonical_headers + '\\n' + signed_headers + '\\n' + payload_hash\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "# ************* TASK 2: CREATE THE STRING TO SIGN*************\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "algorithm = 'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256'\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "credential_scope = date_stamp + '/' + region + '/' + service + '/' + 'aws4_request'\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "string_to_sign = algorithm + '\\n' + amz_date + '\\n' + credential_scope + '\\n' + hashlib.sha256(canonical_request).hexdigest()\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "# ************* TASK 3: CALCULATE THE SIGNATURE *************\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "signing_key = getSignatureKey(secret_key, date_stamp, region, service)\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "signature = hmac.new(signing_key, (string_to_sign).encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "# ************* TASK 4: ADD SIGNING INFORMATION TO THE REQUEST *************\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "authorization_header = algorithm + ' ' + 'Credential=' + access_key + '/' + credential_scope + ', ' + 'SignedHeaders=' + signed_headers + ', ' + 'Signature=' + signature\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "# ************* TASK 5: ADD SIGNING INFORMATION TO FHEM *************\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "f=open(sys.argv[5],'wb')\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "f.write(amz_date)\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "f.close()\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "f=open(sys.argv[6],'wb')\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "f.write(authorization_header)\n"; + $SkriptContent .= "f.close()\n"; + + open(FH, ">$filename"); + print FH $SkriptContent; + close(FH); + +} + +sub echodevice_Amazon($$$) { + my ($hash,$parameter,$type) = @_; + my $name = $hash->{NAME}; + + my $AWS_Access_Key = ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME} , lc(".AWS_Access_Key"), "none"); + my $AWS_Secret_Key = ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME} , lc(".AWS_Secret_Key"), "none"); + + if ( $AWS_Access_Key eq "none" ) { + readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "tts_error", "No AWS_Access_Key Value",1 ); + return "No AWS_Access_Key Value" ; + } + if ( $AWS_Secret_Key eq "none" ){ + readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "tts_error", "No AWS_Secret_Key Value",1 ); + return "No AWS_Secret_Key Value"; + } + + #Defaults + my $TTS_Voice = AttrVal($name,"TTS_Voice","German_Female_Marlene"); + my $AWS_Format = ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME} , lc("AWS_OutputFormat"), "mp3"); + my @VoiceName = split("_",$TTS_Voice); + + #Verzeichnis anlegen + my $filedir = "cache"; + mkdir($filedir, 0777) unless(-d $filedir ); + + #Temp Dateien + my $AWS_File_AMZDate = $filedir . "/amzdate"; + my $AWS_File_Header = $filedir . "/header"; + + if ((-e "$AWS_File_AMZDate")) {unlink "$AWS_File_AMZDate"} + if ((-e "$AWS_File_Header")) {unlink "$AWS_File_Header"} + + # Länge der Nachricht prüfen. Bei kleiner 3 wird noch ein " ," angehängt! + $parameter .= " ," if (length($parameter) < 3) ; + + # Python Skript ausführen + echodevice_AWSPython($hash,"pollyspeech.py"); + my $ret = system('python ' . $filedir . '/pollyspeech.py "' . $parameter .'" ' . @VoiceName[2] .' '. echodevice_decrypt($AWS_Access_Key) . " " . echodevice_decrypt($AWS_Secret_Key) . " " . $AWS_File_AMZDate . " " . $AWS_File_Header . " " . $AWS_Format); + + # Infos auswerten + my $AWSDate; + open FILE, $AWS_File_AMZDate or do { + Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_Amazon] Could not read from $AWS_File_AMZDate"; + readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "tts_error", "Could not read from $AWS_File_AMZDate",1 ); + return; + }; + chomp(my $AWSDate = ); + close FILE; + + my $AWSHeader; + open FILE, $AWS_File_Header or do { + Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_Amazon] Could not read from $AWS_File_Header"; + readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "tts_error", "Could not read from $AWS_File_Header",1 ); + return; + }; + chomp(my $AWSHeader = ); + close FILE; + + # MP3 Download starten + my $params = { + url => "https://polly.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/v1/speech", + header => "Authorization: ".$AWSHeader."\r\nX-Amz-Date: ".$AWSDate."\r\nContent-Type: application/json", + method => "POST", + data => '{"OutputFormat": "' . $AWS_Format . '","Text": "' . $parameter .'","TextType": "text","VoiceId": "' . @VoiceName[2] . '"}', + hash => $hash, + type => $type, + callback => \&echodevice_ParseTTSMP3 + }; + + HttpUtils_NonblockingGet($params); + +} + +sub echodevice_Google($$$) { + my ($hash,$parameter,$type) = @_; + my $name = $hash->{NAME}; + + # ersetze Sonderzeichen die Google nicht auflösen kann + my $MessageText = decode_utf8($parameter); + $MessageText =~ s/ä/ae/g; + $MessageText =~ s/ö/oe/g; + $MessageText =~ s/ü/ue/g; + $MessageText =~ s/Ä/Ae/g; + $MessageText =~ s/Ö/Oe/g; + $MessageText =~ s/Ü/Ue/g; + $MessageText =~ s/ß/ss/g; + + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] TTS Message length=" . length($MessageText) ; + + if (length($MessageText) > 200) { + Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] TTS Message to long!"; + readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "tts_error", "TTS Message to long",1 ); + $MessageText = substr($MessageText,0,202) + } + + # MP3 Download starten + my $params = { + url => "http://translate.google.com/translate_tts?tl=de&client=tw-ob&q=" . uri_escape($MessageText), + method => "GET", + hash => $hash, + type => $type, + callback => \&echodevice_ParseTTSMP3 + }; + + HttpUtils_NonblockingGet($params); +} + +sub echodevice_ParseTTSMP3($) { + my ($param, $err, $data) = @_; + my $hash = $param->{hash}; + my $name = $hash->{NAME}; + my $type = $param->{type}; + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] [$type] URL = " . $param->{url}; + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] [$type] DATA = " . $param->{data}; + Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] [$type] HEADER = " . $param->{header}; + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] [$type] ERROR = " . $err if ($err); + Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] [$type] DATA = " . $data; + + #ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME} , lc("TTS_Filename"), "") + my $MP3Filename = $name . ".mp3"; + my $M3UFilename = ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME} , lc("TTS_Filename"), "live18-hq.aac.m3u"); + + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] [$type] MP3File = " . $MP3Filename; + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] [$type] M3UFile = " . $M3UFilename; + + if ($data eq "") { + Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] [$type] no data received"; + readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "tts_error", "no data received",1 ); + return; + } + + #Verzeichnis echodevice anlegen + mkdir($FW_dir . "/echodevice", 0777) unless(-d $FW_dir . "/echodevice" ); + + # MP3/M3U Datei löschen + if ((-e $FW_dir . "/echodevice/". $MP3Filename)) {unlink $FW_dir . "/echodevice/". $MP3Filename} + if ((-e $FW_dir . "/echodevice/". $M3UFilename)) {unlink $FW_dir . "/echodevice/".$M3UFilename} + + # MP3 Datei anlegen + open(FH, ">$FW_dir/echodevice/$MP3Filename"); + print FH $data; + close(FH); + + # MP3 TTS_normalize + my $TTS_normalize_value = 200; + $TTS_normalize_value = AttrVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME}, "TTS_normalize", 100) if (AttrVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME}, "TTS_normalize", 100) != 100 ) ; + $TTS_normalize_value = AttrVal($name, "TTS_normalize", 100) if (AttrVal($name, "TTS_normalize", 100) != 100 ) ; + + if ($TTS_normalize_value != 200 ) { + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] [$type] MP3 dBFS = " . $TTS_normalize_value ; + system("normalize-mp3 -a " . $TTS_normalize_value . "dBFS " . $FW_dir . "/echodevice/" . $MP3Filename . " > /dev/null 2>&1"); + if (!-e "/usr/bin/normalize-mp3") {Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] [$type] Missing /usr/bin/normalize-mp3";} + if (!-e "/usr/bin/mpg123") {Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] [$type] Missing /usr/bin/mpg123";} + if (!-e "/usr/bin/lame") {Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] [$type] Missing /usr/bin/lame";} + + } + + # M3U Datei erzeugen + open(FH, ">$FW_dir/echodevice/$M3UFilename"); + print FH "http://" . ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME} , lc("TTS_IPAddress"), "live18-hq.aac.m3u") . "/" . $MP3Filename; + close(FH); + + # Länge feststellen + my $MP3_Info = get_mp3info("$FW_dir/echodevice/$MP3Filename"); + my $MP3_Time; + if ($MP3_Info && defined($MP3_Info->{SECS})) { + $MP3_Time = int($MP3_Info->{SECS}+1); + readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "tts_lenght", $MP3_Time ,1 ); + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] [$type] MP3 len = $MP3_Time Sekunden."; + } + + $hash->{helper}{lasttuneindelay} = $MP3_Time; + $hash->{helper}{lastvolume} = ReadingsVal($name , "volume", 50); + $hash->{helper}{lasttuneinid} = ReadingsVal($name , "currentTuneInID", "-"); + $hash->{helper}{lasttype} = $type; + + if(ReadingsVal($name , "volume", 50) < ReadingsVal($name , "volume_alarm", 50)) { + echodevice_SendMessage($hash,"pause",""); + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"volume",ReadingsVal($name , "volume_alarm", 50)); + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] [$type] set volume to " . ReadingsVal($name , "volume_alarm", 50); + } + + InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 1.5 , "echodevice_StartTTSMessage" , $hash, 0); + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_ParseTTSMP3] Setze echodevice_StartTTSMessage Timer"; + +} + +sub echodevice_PlayOwnMP3($$) { + my ($hash,$M3UContent) = @_; + my $name = $hash->{NAME}; + + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_PlayOwnMP3] M3UContent = " . $M3UContent; + + #ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME} , lc("TTS_Filename"), "") + my $M3UFilename = ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME} , lc("POM_Filename"), "stream.m3u"); + + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_PlayOwnMP3] M3UFile= " . $M3UFilename; + + if ($M3UContent eq "") { + Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_PlayOwnMP3] no data received"; + return; + } + + # M3U Datei löschen + if ((-e $FW_dir . "/echodevice/". $M3UFilename)) {unlink $FW_dir . "/echodevice/".$M3UFilename} + + # Content zusammenbauen + my $M3UContentWR; + my @M3UConntentArray = split /\n+/, $M3UContent; + foreach (@M3UConntentArray) { + if (lc(substr($_,0,4)) eq 'http') { + $M3UContentWR .= $_ . "\n"; + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SaveOwnMP3] " . $_; + } + } + + # M3U Datei erzeugen + open(FH, ">$FW_dir/echodevice/$M3UFilename"); + print FH $M3UContentWR; + close(FH); + + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"tunein",ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME} , "POM_TuneIn", "s167655")); +} + +sub echodevice_SaveOwnPlaylist($$) { + my ($hash,$M3UContent) = @_; + my $name = $hash->{NAME}; + my $M3UFilename; + my $M3UContentWR; + + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SaveOwnMP3] M3UContent = " . $M3UContent; + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SaveOwnMP3] M3UFile = " . $M3UFilename; + + if ($M3UContent eq "") { + Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] [echodevice_SaveOwnMP3] no content received"; + return; + } + + # Playlist Name auslesen + my @M3UConntentArray = split /\n+/, $M3UContent; + $M3UFilename = @M3UConntentArray[0]; + + # Div. Zeichen ersetzen + $M3UFilename =~ s/\s+/_/g; + $M3UFilename =~ s/\W/_/g; + $M3UFilename .= ".m3u"; + + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SaveOwnMP3] M3UFile = " . $M3UFilename; + + # Content zusammenbauen + foreach (@M3UConntentArray) { + if (lc(substr($_,0,4)) eq 'http') { + $M3UContentWR .= $_ . "\n"; + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_SaveOwnMP3] " . $_; + } + } + + #Verzeichnis echodevice anlegen + mkdir($FW_dir . "/echodevice", 0777) unless(-d $FW_dir . "/echodevice" ); + + #Verzeichnis playlists anlegen + mkdir($FW_dir . "/echodevice/playlists", 0755) unless(-d $FW_dir . "/echodevice/playlists" ); + + # M3U Datei löschen + if ((-e $FW_dir . "/echodevice/playlists/". $M3UFilename)) {unlink $FW_dir . "/echodevice/playlists/".$M3UFilename} + + # M3U Datei erzeugen + open(FH, ">$FW_dir/echodevice/playlists/$M3UFilename"); + print FH $M3UContentWR; + close(FH); + +} + +sub echodevice_GetOwnPlaylist($) { + my ($hash) = @_; + my $name = $hash->{NAME}; + + # startownplaylist + if (-d $FW_dir . "/echodevice/playlists") { + + my $M3UFiles; + + opendir(DH, $FW_dir . "/echodevice/playlists"); + my @files = readdir(DH); + closedir(DH); + + foreach my $file (@files){ + # skip . and .. + next if($file =~ /^\.$/); + next if($file =~ /^\.\.$/); + Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] [echodevice_GetOwnPlaylist] found filename = $file"; + if ($M3UFiles eq "") { + $M3UFiles = $file; + } + else { + $M3UFiles .= ",".$file; + } + } + Log3 $name, 5, "[$name] [echodevice_GetOwnPlaylist] return = " . "playownplaylist:" . $M3UFiles ." "; + if ($M3UFiles ne "") { + return "playownplaylist:" . $M3UFiles ." " . "deleteownplaylist:" . $M3UFiles ." "; + } + else { + return ; + } + } + + else { + return; + } + +} + +sub echodevice_StartLastMedia($) { + my ($hash) = @_; + my $name = $hash->{NAME}; + my $type = $hash->{helper}{lasttype}; + + if($hash->{helper}{lastvolume} < ReadingsVal($name , "volume_alarm", 50)) { + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"volume",$hash->{helper}{lastvolume}); + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_StartLastMedia] [$type] set volume to " . $hash->{helper}{lastvolume}; + } + + if ($hash->{helper}{lasttuneinid} ne "-" && $hash->{helper}{lasttuneinid} ne "s237481" && $hash->{helper}{lasttuneinid} ne "s204188") { + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"tunein",$hash->{helper}{lasttuneinid}) ; + Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] [echodevice_StartLastMedia] [$type] starte TuneIN ID " . $hash->{helper}{lasttuneinid}; + } + + # Settings erneut einlesen + InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 5, "echodevice_GetSettings", $hash, 0); + +} + +sub echodevice_StartTTSMessage($) { + my ($hash) = @_; + my $name = $hash->{NAME}; + + # TTS starten + echodevice_SendCommand($hash,"ttstunein",ReadingsVal($hash->{IODev}->{NAME} , "TTS_TuneIn", "s237481")); +} + +1; + +=pod +=item device +=item summary Amazon Echo remote control +=item summary_DE Amazon Echo remote control +=begin html + + +


    + Basic remote control for Amazon Echo devices. You can find the complete documentation here. +

    https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/ + +

    + Define +
      + define <name> echodevice <DeviceID> [DeviceType] +
      + Example: define <Name> echodevice <Amazon account> <Amazon Kennwort> +
      + Example: define <Name> echodevice +
    + Set +
    • ... +
      + ... +

    • +
    + Get +
    • settings +
      + Manually reload setings (dnd, bluetooth, wakeword) +

    • +
    • devices +
      + Displays a list of Amazon devices connected to your account +
    • +
    + Readings +
    • ... +
      + ... +

    • +
    + Attributes +
    • interval +
      + Poll interval in seconds (300) +

    • +
    • cookie +
      + Amazon access cookie, has to be entered for the module to work +

    • +
    • server +
      + Amazon server used for controlling the Echo +

    • +
+ +=end html + +=begin html_DE + + +


    + Basic remote control fuer Amazon Echo devices. Die komplette Dokumentation findet Ihr hier. +

    https://mwinkler.jimdo.com/smarthome/eigene-module/echodevice/ + +

    + Define +
      + define <name> echodevice <DeviceID> [DeviceType] +
      + Example: define <Name> echodevice <Amazon account> <Amazon Kennwort> +
      + Example: define <Name> echodevice +
    + Set +
    • ... +
      + ... +

    • +
    + Get +
    • settings +
      + Manually reload setings (dnd, bluetooth, wakeword) +

    • +
    • devices +
      + Displays a list of Amazon devices connected to your account +
    • +
    + Readings +
    • ... +
      + ... +

    • +
    + Attributes +
    • interval +
      + Poll interval in seconds (300) +

    • +
    • cookie +
      + Amazon access cookie, has to be entered for the module to work +

    • +
    • server +
      + Amazon server used for controlling the Echo +

    • +
+ +=end html_DE + +=cut \ No newline at end of file